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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1905)
Vol. XLH. Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon Friday, March 3, 1905. No. SO THE WATER PROPOSiriON A Brief Summary of the Pro visions of Senator Averys Bill Empowering Corvallis to Buiid Waterworks. That the City of Corvallis will have its own waterworks is now practically assured. All obstacles have been removed save one, and that is the consent ot the , voters of the city. That the supply of water will come from the moun tains is certain, should the plan receive popular sanction at the polls, and the cost of bringing it is not too excessive. Corvallis now has a modern sewer system, and though some opposition was expressed, the benefits derived have been such as to remove that objection. True in some instances, the construe tion of sewers has worked hard ships, but these have been ex ceptions, and what is true of sewers is true of nearly all city improvements. With this sewer system, Corvallis needs a thor oughly modern water system, one that will supply wholesome water and afford adequate fire protection. When such a water system is installed, Corvallis will have iust cause to feeL Droud of her municioal imorovements. State Superintendent of Pub That our town mav have such lie Institution T. H. Ackerman a system is made possible by was in our city during the week Senator Averv's bill authorizing and made a visit to the schools. . the City to co'nstruct waterworks. Wednesday, he visited OAC and And the advantages to be derived made a very pleasing address to are so manifest that the probability to the student body in chapel. of the plan not receiving the ap- bupt. Ackerman in the course nroval of the neoole. is too re- ot his remarks, laid great stress who does not pay taxes on$i,ooo is eligible to a position on the committee or commission. The bill did not contain an emergency clause ana lor taat reason will not become a law for 90 days after its approval. The subject of mountain water has been agitated more or less for the past ten years, but it has been deemed impracticable. Two years ago, Portland parties were before the council asking a fran chise, but for some reason they abandoned the idea. Engineers have gone over the ground and each time their reports must have proven discouraging, for nothing has been done nor attempted. The present water company has made the city several pro positions, but more or less ob jection has been found to each, the principal being because muni cipal aid was asked. But with the plan outlined in the legis lative act, though a city indebt edness is incurred, the payment of the same comes off of the consumers of water, and that this rate shall be no more than is absolutely necessary for the purpose in nana, is guaranteea by the terms of the law. Valuable When Practical. COLLEGE J0UINGS. Items of Interest la and Around the O. A. C stone seat which was on the campus by the The erected class ot '03 ana whicn has en countered many vicissitudes, and has seemingly been a special ob ject of vandalism in the past, has once more been repaired. N Miss Reva Buell, of Sheridan, has been an OAC- visitor this week. Much interest is manifest in the coming basket ball game with Dallas, which is to be played in the Armory this Friday evening. Although the OAC team was de feated at Dallas a few weeks ago, toe students nave much con fidence that the home team will win. Missjuanita Rosendorfis fill ing the place of Prof. Helen Holgate. who is absent from school on account of illness Prof. Berch told has been absent from his classes the past few days on account of sickness. Alter a year and a half spent visiting mends and relatives in the East, Miss Ellen Chamber lain arrived in Salem last week mote to be regarded seriously. The legislative' act limits the amount of indebtedness that may be incurred for this purpose to $75,000, and should it be found, after survey and estimate '.. has been made, that a plant can not :JboutvwitJipirMxujittmgir6m on things that were practical. He was pleased to note the practica bility of the general, coruse ofj study at the OAC. ' In order to bring close to the student mind the value of a practical education ne ; recited tne experience, or a '' FormerC'A(5 student' who, when Marv's Peak, within" the fieure he began farming in Southern named, the Question of securing Oregon noticed that his alfalfa mountain water may have to be field was spotted and, thanks to abandoned. his course of study here, he The cost of a mountain water brought into use his knowledge svstem. taking the sutjdIv from 01 tne cnemicais 01 me son ana Rock Creek, near Mary's Peak, was thereby enabled to pur has been estimed at all the way sue a course whicn ultimately in born Sdo.000 to but sured a good crop. those claiming to have investi- The gentleman in question is eated the matter, state that they do wise opposed to a higher, 0 .... .. . I i : 1 1 .. 1 4. :j are satisfied me svstem can De tiaaaitai cuuumuu. uui saiu built at about 6q. 000. the time spent m acquiring clas The act as passed does not con- sicai lore is wasted witnout tne fine the city to any particular student is peculiarly situated in system, but provides for a con- me, ana possesses a mina panic The senior girls are to enter tain the boys of their class to morrow evening in true Colonial style. Special features of the evening will be music by the Senior Orchestra and a minuet. The young ladies are making every effort to have the affair a perfect success. ! for :, their .home in Baker City, alter a - biief visit with relatives here. Mrs. G. W. Gofl left Saturday, for Hal- sey, Linn county, where phe goes to visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Shoel. P. Kar8tein Bold nine of his dairy cows to a Seattle buyer and delivered the same to" the stock yard in Albany, Friday ; price $250. Born, . to the wife of Paul Johnston, a daughter, Friday, Feb. 25, 1905. A Rood many of oar people made it their business to be in Albany, so as to see the large gathering or the Woodmen of (the World, which was well represent ed'from all parts of the district. f. B. Williamson sold a fine spaa of 6- y ear-old Clyde re ares for $350 to Mr. Cooper, of Independence. - He bought them to wont in his hop yad. Fred Pernot returned last week from Portland, where he went some time ago fof medical treatment. 'Saturday evening, March 4tb, a basket social will be Riven at the Grange hall at Fairmount. The proceeds ' will be used tow arda furnishing ' a library for the school. ' Tho Oak Grove Lyceum is generally well attended. Last Saturday night standing room seemed to be' at a pre mium. The question discussed was : "Resolved. that there is more happiness in Pursuit than Possession." The judges passed their decision in favor of the negative. . The orchardists have been very busy since the warm weather began spraying their orchards ; and it will not be long u the warm weather continues until our beautiful little valley will be a vale of flowers. -Mutton sheep seem to be in demand. The buyers keep scouring the conntry picking np what they can find, though they only get a few at a place as farmers don't vant to sell the ewes at this time of the year. The prices range from $3 to $4 per head, according to grade. The Corvallis Gazette struction committee ot ten per sons: and it is left to them to de cide on the kind of plant and the source ot water. 1 he com- mitte consists of E. Woodward, M. S. Woodcock, R. H. Huston, Tfaos. Xeese, B. P. Irvine, F. President Gatch made the an nouncement in chapel yesterday morning that H. C. Darby had been chosen Valedictorian and iJiceoneSj Salutatorian. - This only afforded another opportunity to make manifest the high esteem with which these students are re garded. .There exists between college societies a WvairV for such honors as these and therefore the Feronians and their brothers, the Philadelphians,are highly pleased on account of the selections. Students to act as Valedictorian and Salutatorian are selected at a special meeting of the faculty for the purpose, and scholarship has much weight in determining the choice. marly adapted to such a course. Moreover, said student must have use for this class of learning and be capable of using it, or the time spent in acquiring it has been wasted. To make his posi tion plain, Supt. Ackerman re- Improvements are Promised. . BE AVE K CKEEK. large crowd attended the William' sop sale, but bidders were scarce. jr Ai1 Winters ,. is 'at present engaged in making a new garden fence.' ' Frank Ecker will start for Oklahoma in a few days. Miss Maggie Daniels has of late been engaged in doctoring an aching tooth Geo. Manning is still suffering trom severe attack ot rheumatism. . Ed Davis has been quite sick, owing to an attack of la grippe.' Ora and Noma Ireland are bed-fast, owing to a severe attack of la grippe. "Geo. Winters. Terry Butler and John Daniels were Philomath visitors last week. Geo. Armstrong is at present visiting his mother and brother. Grandpa Butler is reported to be about the same. 1.4 " m a Miller, S. I Kline, P. Avery cited a story ot a young lady who and W. S MpPadrlen. and it is was studying latin, which was understood to be the unanimous opinion of these eentlemen that Corvallis should have a new water system and that the water should come from the mountains. When the Committee has the plant completed, they then elect a Commission of four resident tax-payers who continue the management of the system. A new member of this commission is elected annually by the Com mittee and for this purpose the "Greek" to her because she had no faculty for acquiring it and lit tle likelihood of ever using it. While here the superintendent called on the public school and was quite pleased and interested in the work being done. County Court. County court convened tn re gular session last Wednesday morning for the transaction ot such business as legally comes bill provides tor the continuance before it. The usual grist of bills oi the commission. were allowed. The session was That the city may have funds unusually brief, court adjourning to carry out the work, provision the same day. early in the after is made for the issuance of bonds noon. The following special in denominations of from.Jpioo to business was attended: $1,000 that bear interest at a rate In the matter of the petition not to exceed 5 per cent The of S. F. Frazier et al for a road bonds run for 40 years but the I way running north from Cor- city has the right to pay them vallis across lands of Wm. Cress off in 10 years. et al, board of road viewers were Water rates are to be fixed by ordered to meet in this city March the committee and the rate is 24 and proceed . to make survey based on the securing of a neces- and report at April term of court, sary fund during the ensuing After considering various bids year to pay for the maintenance for the contract of furnishing of the plant and one year's in- wood for use at the court house, .11 . AT. t .m mm m teresr. on tne ponos. Alter ten the lollowing contracts were years an additional fund shall be awarded: P. Avery;"2S cords raised equalling three per cent of old growth body red fir at $3. 60 the par value of. the bonds. per cord; A. R. Norwood 2 Provision is made for holding cords snlit manle at c: Frank an election to vote on the bond- Francisco, 25 cords oak grub at mg question, and no person who I-?. 50. All to be delivered at As a result of the meeting be tween officials of the Southern racrac and C &. a. companies and pur city authorities, last Monday evening, Seventh street will be put in first-class condition so soon as the ground is in con dition to work. This street crosses property of both the Southern facihc and u. (Sc. a,, companies and each will do their part to wards the contemplated improve ments. j ust as soon as tne weather is settled definitely and the ground is in condition to work. Chief I Line will have a force of men and teams at the task of grading, and the railroad companies will undertake to do the graveling act. The matter of a sewer across the Southern Pacific prop erty is a problem that is incubat ing in the minds of the officials of this road and it is hard to fore tell what they will conclude to do. While in the city the S. P. offi cials visited tbe State Agricul tural College and were shown about the premises, where many interesting features attracted their attention. Thev expressed them selves as both surprised and pleas ed with what thev saw at the college. We have in stock all the stand ard line of wheels mad bv the Popi Manufacturing Co., at prices ta suit all. D. & A. - A twice-a-week newspaper containing 72 columns each week of the current news of Benton County. Semi- Weekly Reduction in Fare. Commencing Nov. 7, rates between Corvallis and Portland, via C. & K, Alban ', and 8. P. will be reduced to f2.60, arre as West Side rate. Tickets -in suie by C- & . aent aiid all offices n Portland. NOTICE. The sale of mens' and boys' suits and overcoats is still on at S. L. Kline's It will pay you to bny tbiemonth. W omen's Kidneys. Women are more ften affected ' with kidney disorders than men but attribute tb.e symptoms to diseases peculiar to heir sex, while in reality the kid ueys are deranged. Nervousness, head ache puffy or dark circles under the eyes, pain in tbe back, are signs ot kidney trouble that must not be ignored.or a mal ady will result. Foley's Kidney cure has restored tbe health of thouaands of weak nervous, broken down women. It stops irregularities and strengthens the uriuary organs, it purifies the biood and benefits the whole system. Sold by Graham and Wortham, All the local news all of the time, with a large amount of miscellaneous martet. For Sale. Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels at $1.00 each. Call on F. E. Barnes at Granger, South of Station or address Corvallis E. F. D. No. 1. Strikes Hidden Rock when your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of consumption, pneumon ia, etc., yon are lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. J. W. Mt binaon, of Tal ladega Springs, Ala, writes: '"I had been very ill with pneumonia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Dis covery, the first dose gave relief, and one bottle cured me."Surecure far soar throat bronchitis, coughs and colds. . Guar anteed at Allen & Woodwad's drug store, price 50c und $1.00. Trial bottle free. 4 Splendid Serials An interesting serial story running every week in the Gazette. A complete line of Bicvcle 6un: dries and Cutlery on hand all the time. D. & A. SIGNS OF FAILING VISION. When your eyes tire in reading, when you frown or partly close the eyes when looking at an object; when things "swim" or become dim after being looked at for some time ; when the eyes ache, smart, or water;, or when you have pain in the eyeball, orbit, temples or forehead. All the conditions are curable by prop er (classes, such as we will furnish you after a scientific examination. MATTHEWS, The Optician, Room 12, over First National'Bank New Photograph Studio. I am now ready to do photographic work for tbe public, My studio is np stairs in my nw cement buildine- Cat and see me, you will be welcome. 12-18 B. R. THOMPbON. is not a 'resident of the city ox ' the court house. COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE. Oak Grove Chips. ' James Simmons, who has been qmte ill, is getting so as to be around azain. Will Morris was doing business in Cor vallis Saturday. Mrs. Ingle and daughter left, Tuesday, And save money. House-cleaning is at hand and we are prepared to furnish everything needed in the home, at prices that defy honorable competition. Our new Spring Stock of Go-carts is here. They are the latest styles iold ing and reclining and above all, cheap. In Wall Paper we have some nice, new patterns. A glance at our racks will convince you that our stock is large and complete a fair quality for 5 cents and 10 cents per double roll , You Will Want ! carpets, too. We can sell you a at 30 cents per yard, sewed and laid without extra cost. good quality (not the best) Come and see. Tfflhfos, -VatiBes,: Washers, Wringers and tE&QND-HAND GOODS j