Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 24, 1905, Image 5

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Fir wcodVanted on subscription
at this office.
Bert Yates and Mike Baur went
out to Philomath yesterday to at
tend some matters of business.
Mrs. J. Mason arrived home dur
ing the first of the week from sev
eral days' visit with relatives at
The First Spiritual Union of
Corvallis will hold services in Bar
rett Lyceum on Sunday, at 3 p. ca.
A cordial invitation is extended to
everyone. "
Among the K. of P. boys who at
tended the convention held here
Feb. 22, were: T. L. Danger, Wardy
Shelton, A. L. Shelton and Mr
Shaster, all of Scio.
Merwin McMaines, of this city,
has just received word frooi his
people in Illinois to the effect that
they are shortly to leave that state
v with the intention of settling in
We are requested by "one who is
interested" to state that theri is
strong reason to be! ieve that a dice
game is running at Summit. This
does not seem possible, but the
party said to "look out!",
Presbyterian church, Rev. M. S.
Bush, bible school 10 a. m., Com
munion and reception of new mem
bers 11 a. m., U. JJj. meeting at
6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30,
subiect: "What Every Man Must
Answer." .
Quite a number of farmers from
the vicinity of Scio were in Corval
lis last Tuesday investigating tbr
Independent Telephone system. The
delegation represented a large num
ber of farmers who contemplate
putting in the new system.
In older "to accommodate those
who may desire to attend the bas
ketball game between the girls of
1 O. A. C. and Albany, and those who
desire to attend the big Woodmen
"blow out," a special train will run
from Corvallis to Albany Saturday
evening leaving Corvallis at 6:60.
It is a - matter of conjecture
whether the average sheriff, in ad-
zmniBtaring forty lashes to the back
of a wife-beater would, or would no
be influenced by feelings of a paiti
san nature. If a fellow up before
the sheriff for a little "tanning"
should have been a political op
ponent of. this worthy official we
are of the opinion "something would
be doing.
I. Pettier and family arrived
, from Weatherford, Oklahoma, this
week and will make their home in
Dallas. Mr. Stettler, is an old
time friend of Al Haideman, of this
city, and was at one time engaged
in the butcher bnsmess in Corvallis.
Polk County Observer. Mr.
' Stettler will be remembered in Cor
' yallis. He went East along about
Word reached Corvallis during
the first of the week to the effect
that Miss Sophia Elgin was very
- seriously ill with appendicitis, in
Baser City, and it was thought an
operation would be necessary. Her
sister, Miss Melvina Elgin, of this
city at once hastened to the bedside
- of her sister. It has been reported
that the patient withstood the op
peration very well and is on the
road to recovery. Until recently
Miss Sophia Elgin, made Corvallis
her home and there was naturally
considerable anxiety felt on her ac
Dana Huffman came up from Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
Portlar d, Monday, for a few days' J WilliamJGirrard, of Wren, and MUb
visit with relatives. Sophia West, of Kings valley,
Mr. Jm H.ll m- nn frnm were united in wedlock, at the home
Wells, Tuesday, for a few davs'
visit with ber son, Harley, and hiB
Alpha Murray, who had been to
ortland to play at the piano re
cital of Prof. Mordaunt Goodnough,
last week,, arrived home luesday
Ralston Cox, of Portland, has
been in Corvallis on business a
couple of days this week. Mr. Cox
was at one time in business in this
city. .
Word has reaehed this city to
the effect that J. H. Reid, of Los
Angeles, Calif , recently went into
bankruptcy. Mr. Reid is said to
have creditors in this city.
Mrs. Taylor Peter has been the
victim of an unusually severe at
tack of la grippe during the past
week. It appears to us that la
grippe is about as contagious as
the measles.
Rev. L. A. Douglas, of Albany,
of T. T. Vincent, the latter officiar
At the Congregation church, Rev.
Jlidwm tureen, pastor. ounany : rtral ffl f fu. taa-
I :hnat -a n I r
thought that they will provea
great thing.
The clocks will be found at the
following places. At A. J. Metz
ger and E. P. Greffoz's jewelry
stores, at Hotel Corvallis and the
Occidental, the Postoffice, and the
ai iu . m.; unrist a Ti. , -f.
service and sernon t 11 a. n ., sub
ject, "Missing tar Mark;" evening
service at 7 :3U, subject, "Ought
Business Man to be a Christian?"
Service at Plymouth at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon. . '
The postal department at Wash
ington, U. V., AfS.f for bids tor cu
rving the mail six days in the week
from Inavale to Corvallis, a dis
tance of ten or eieveti miles, ai-d
back, on the following schedule:
Leave Inavale at 7:30 e. m. and ar
rive at Corvallis by 10:30 a. ui.:
leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. and ai-
rive at Inavale by 5 p. in. There
will be no Sunday service. A bond
of $1,2&0 is required by the govern
ment and the bids fur tap new route
must be received at Washington,
D. C., by March 14. Bids are
asked for the period from April I,
will preach at the Baptist church,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 19Q5 tQ June 30 1906 For furI
of next week, at 7:30 p. m The tuer particular8 ilqUire Df Post-
usual services on tne uom s uay. ma8te- B w John80n, this city
All invited.
The Martha Washington ta
An Hour With Milton.
Washington's Birthday was ob
served as a legal holiday by many
of our citizens. From public
given at tbe M. ti. cnurcn Wed
nesday evening was a most delight
ful affair in every way. There was
A very ' nice souvenir pro
gamme of "An Hour With Mil
ton" has rtached us from the
Corvallis Reading Club. The
most enjoyable hour was passed,
on this occasion, in the parlors
ot Prof, and Mrs. J. B. Horner
last Tuesday evening: The Club
holds monthly meetings eight
in the course of a year, beginning
with tbe month of October and
continuing until the following
May. During tbe series of meet
ings many works of the most
famous writers for all time are
Last Tuesday evening was de
voted to the works of Milton.
Mrs J Minnie Lee was to have
read a biographical paper on
Milton, but was absent and her
paper was delivered by Miss
Pin lino u Imp 41 Koroiicp 1 ncf7
was read by Prof. F. Berchtold
in tbe absence of his wife. A
i ;-i t; a 1 i n a. l
ouuaings me nawona. colors noajea 8 x Ending room and all was " "I "urr" "Kl
to the breaze in honor of the L 0i nr. ,i paper on "Current Events" bear-
Father of his Country."
The game of basket ball in Al
bany tommorrow eve between the
girls' teams of OAC and Albany
bids fair to be an exciting affair.
tj-i.... ttii : j r I ine on me iamous auinor ana
and Martha Washington and aie nls worlcs was read Dy Mrs. j
oaid to hav bn trim to Kf . All F. Yates, and a1 vocal solo was
who in any way assisted were contributed by Mrs. M. S. Wood
costumed appropriately. A pro-1 cock. Mr. Woodcock and others
The championship is on the "teeter" gram consisting of 13 numbers was made remarks appropriate to' the
now, but we hope it will fall to us,
A letter, was received in this city
a day .or two ago from General
Thorp. He is now in . Chicago in
consultation with some patent
lawyers relative to one or nis in
ventions on which he desires to
secure letters patent.
Last Saturday evening the farm
ers adjacent Uakville, in Liinn
county, about seven miles from
this city, held a meeting and de
cided to run a farmers' telephone
line from that section to Corvallis,
J J I II 5 J T
reuuereu anu wen received, - m i occasion.
tact, in every way the anair was A delicious luncheon was serv.
. r i t .i i 1
mosi .successiui ana e wno edandmost hi h, appreciated.
nhunhu worn vue reuipiriiw w . . , hostess nn this
much d raise. A boat S40 was . ... ...
-i:J j ; i j I occasion am tuc nunuis in a
had not Tnn . littlA Bhnrt nf t.a truly hospitable style, and the
and cake the receipts would have former was voted the joker of the
been greater. I evening, which is no joke. Those
, r-t jl- present were:
ja. j. vioujout, ui tut? put) mi uc- Kr 'S . T T-:
n.. J ; u t 1 i'1"
H -J? aik.,n1i Pt A Pauline Kline: Miss Weller
j . ' I ! Ti:1.1 TlTJ TTT A
master Johnson's efforts in t.h r""fcicy; iviwuauiw vv. v.
matter of R. F. D. service in the Wells, Rose belling, John bimp-
They desire to have it working southern part of the county. Tues son amd Dr. Margart Snell: Rev,
within a week. ' day Inspector Clement. accouiDanied and Mrs. M. S. Bush, Rev. and
The Union Services continue at by Mr. Johnson, made a trip lover Mrs. Edwin Green, Dr. and Mrs,
the M. E. church, South . There the proposed route and found every- Cathev and daughters. Mr. and
have been some conversions and thing as represented. Mr. Clement Mrs. Tohn Simpson, Mr. and
the interest deepens each evening, was so pleased with the proposition Mrs M g Woodcock and son,
mht n. n .1 nnna rvr i Dnonnr ib i uuau uo nui uuuuuuiruiv icuuui'
doing the preaching, to the edifica- mend the route as outlined by Mr.
tion of all. All nastora will hold Johnson. If this matter comes to
the regular services Sunday in their a successful termination- thtupeople
. a I I AI A. J." 1 T-t a w
respective cnurcnes. , , UI '"m secuon win nave aiji tne
. .,. ,, I privileges tney at present enjoy and
t i -. , ... . tx i ouuio auuiuuuu uutn u well. . iuid
fcV ,V"" v? u' . l t ie certainly expediting matters and
Ed. Caldwell nl. t.h t-nl ", postmaster is entitled to much
' i iirrajii. -in i.iin i i mra h. m
Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Yates,
Prof, and Mrs. J. B. Horner and
daughters. ,
John W. Wright.
approximately from 90 to ,95 fami
lies to be served by the proposed
route. ' '.vc;v. q -;
Another Innovation.
Tangent, and runs north two miles
to the Albany road, thence west to
Corvallis. It is now in first-class
talking order and those fortunate
enough to possess phones are mak
ing up for lost time. ,
The chicken pie supper given in
honor of Rev. H. A. Deck, Tues
day eveninc. hv - mamhArn and
friends of his church, was exceed- A couple of gentlemen ; are at
ingly well patronized and those present at work in tnis city in
who managed the affair report to stalling Western Uhion time
have rerhzed about $80 on tbe sup- pieces. These clocks resemble
per., They feel very grateful to the regulator in the average iewel
John W. Wright died at a.
m. yesterday morning at his home
. - i- "
aoouc a mne norta oi mis city,
aged 03 years, ilis death was
caused by what is known as gout
of the foot and his extreme old
age. hastened his end.
Johny Wright made Benton
county his home tor about 50
years and had the respect and
canfidence of all who knew him.
He was never married and the
nearest relative he has is a brother
who lives in Pomeroy, Wash.
He also has relatives in the East.
22 acres
about a mile north of this. city.
His remains will be interred this
this morning at 10 o'clock in the
Odd Fellows cemeterv.
The Ladies' Missionary Society of
the First Presbyterian church gave
a most delightful Missionary .Tea
on Wednesday afternoon, at the
home of Mrs. J. B. Horner. About
seventy ladies were present and
enjoyed a fine program that was
rendered, after which they resolved
themselves into a social go-as-you-please,
and everyone present had
a grand good time, after which they
were served with refreshments in a
style peculiar to Mrs. Horner alone,
to tbe entire satisfaction of all. At
the close of the meeting a satisfac
tory collection was taken. The tea
was a grand success and enjoyed by.
all present.
Youth is seldom discreet. Last
Tuesday evening a large number of
-school boys undertook to charivari
a newly married couple in this city.
As is usual in such matters, they
carried the joke too far and Chief
Lane was summoned to quell the
disturbance. J By. way of subju
gating the youngsters, the' chief
fired eight shots skyward from a
revolver. In this way he succcc led
in rounding up sixteen noisy artis s
(7) and marched them down town
to be dealt with by Judge Greffoz.
His honor be 1 'i.' hearing for
yesterday morning and dismissed
them. They were a very uneasy
lot of young Amjricans until they I
were let go witn a reprimand yes
terday. . There were a number of
amusing sidelights in connection
with the affair, but there was also a
'eerious side.
the people who patronized them so er's store, with the exception that D"naf his llfe txme he aal.u"ed ?
AlUeXaAlT. . I i T 4. T . 3 j I ULLX IttliU UI 44 )lkUM.U
A-jent Farmer, of the S. P. as- They have only minute and hour
surcs us ibat on one Ireigat last hands.
week there were six carloads of The Western Union TpVcrranh
merchandise consigned to Corvallis Company installs them and those
dealers. Think of it-3ix carloads who hav4 a clock placed in their
of nmOBllsnp -caa tnninhandisn tji .... 1
mil into this nlaca on ob freight! establisnments, or houses, pay
r : a
This is ft snlfindid nhnwinor for A
nlace of this size. Th total of tha some idea of this master time
varicus freioht bills nmr.nnt.ed tr keeoin? device mav be leiven we 18 1905 Wm- Berger, Arthur Racon,
Scmethinir mnrn than !SnO. ' Mr. will hrieflv outline the nlan Mrs- BerBhawl, Bert H. Cooper, Mrs,
Farmer iiforma ns that during the wherehv the onrreor time rearhe Maggie Davie, Serrie Davis, Mrs. Fox,
rc.ent nast freight traffio. has been or t,,. Fred L. Johnsen, Mrs. Elizabeth Kelsay,
nnusnallv irnrl nn tha Wnat. Side. t i" i-.i. Mrs. McAllister, J. F. McKinney, H.
somewhat recent past
You Can Wot Afford Wot
to Buy a Suit or Overcoat How!
Every suit, overcoat, and pair of trewsers, Tmen's, boys, and ltttle fellows,'
has been markey down to each a figure that is simply a waste of money for you
not to take advantage of this, our final clearance of winter and medium weigh
clothing. Note the itnwg below, and come in and look at the values offered : t
5 00 Suit or Overcoat now $ 3 BO
7 20
& OO
9 98
10 60
12 15
14 49
15 95
2 50 Suits or Overcoat now $ f 99
2 40
4 83
Copyright 19 04 b y
Hart Schaffner & Marx
I will refund the money on all cash
purchases made on a certain day of
February, the day to be selected by
some disinterested party, bv lot, on
March 1st. No matter what you par
chase for cash at retail rates,, be it a
five cent or a hundred dollar pur-base
If your duplicate checks' bear the date
of the "Lucky Day" your money will
be cheerfully refunded. Save your
Duplloato Oaah Ohook fof
EVERY OHEOK bearing the date
of the ''Lucky Day'' is as good aa gold
My popular prices will prevail just
the same and the Bargain Counter is
loaded with useful articles at prices,
well, you can't call them prices ; they
are Bargains.
Regulator of Low Prices Corvallis, Ore.
Our Great Annual Stock-taking
Immense reductions in every department. Short ends
odd sizes, broken lines and remnants by hundreds. '
Dress goods, Silks, Readymade wear, Laces, Ribbons,
Draperies, L,ace curtains, Sheets, Pillow cases, etc.;
Prices in many
duced by half.
Spring goods
cases re-
Our new
will r arrive
if. La Eamssp,
Letter List.
Letters uncalled for week ending Feb. I
Minnie Bob-1
mi . . . .... . . a 1 . 1 I Hrmrl a .1 H KArter Mra
i nere is notning mat more plainly tim me(J to h rprunn(.a hv th(k T " Z 7. A!"" V"
indicates the eenerallv condition of " C'J I . .7 ' . ineit,DnauerB vo., j. v vegar,, row-
r g.
things in our county than the fact
above, recited six carloads of
A couple of Corvallis' young bache
lors have struck a lead that may re
sult in something. For some time
b . Li. Miller has been handling a
sort of small pasteboard crat3 that
sun, out at present tne various ra Taylor. Margarette A. Wilson, Mrs.
observatories make their calcula- H. B. Williamson, Albert Wyatt, Albert!
tions from a star. When the star Wilt, Lola Whitney, P. L. Witherow,
observed passes a given point ' it John Wright (Foreign) 2
is twelve o'clock noon. On this
coast time is reckoned from the
observatory at Mare Island and
the instant it is noon it is flashed
B. W. Johnson, Postmaster.
Card of Thanks.
is manufacture i for. the express by electricity to the various towns
purpose of shipping a setting of and cities onj the coast. In the
eggs. These boxes are made , by Western Union -Telegraph office
,IrleITL3 this city is placed what is term.
r:r,:::nr:rlJr.lvtti w.8 ed a "master-clock" and at noon
vjiv uw uuio uamua OI EiriS
and their addresses. The eirls evi
dently work in the factory and had
themselve3 written their names on
V-i3 boxe3. The girls are Misses
Mamme and Edith York, and
cially inlcrcslcl when he learned of
these young ladle;, was purchasing
25 cents worth of "Bachelor But
tons." This looks a little like fate
AM 1 J T J '
mo unuu ui rroviaence ana we
The children and relatives of Mrs.
Jane Michael wish to express their
heart-felt thanks for the many acts of
kindness shown during the sickness and
death of their mother and relative.
Mra. Emma Fruit,
Mrs. E. J. McGee.
Independent Phone 148
Robinson & Stevenson
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
Corvallis, Ore.
every , day tne coirect tame is
communicated to it from Mare
This local master clock controls
the other clocks that are Installed
should any bachelor care to. enter in our city and not only commu
ine race aireaay start? it is proper nicates, by means of electricity,
W q a la aadres? 1011 the noon hour, but every hour of kindness and help received during our
UU,DUU' ina; the 24. These clocks that are stay in Corvallis.
u w ur juoiura wuo sccrae i espe- ;ef11 hf
a small battery placed at the top
of them and the function of these
batteries' is, to wind the clocks.
are justified in looking for the uu- ing and absolutely independent w "& 'hl
vuyu. , 101 any caie wuKTer. xc is' o.m.,Hi ann Rmm... e..
Grave Trouble Foreseen.
Card of Thanks.
To the members and friends of the
United Evangelical Church we hereby
desire to express our gratitude for the
. Now , is the time to buy your
grass seed all kinds at Zierolf's.
It need but little foresight, to tell that
when the stomach and liver are badly
effected, grave trouble is ahead, unless
you tike the proper medicine for your
disease, as Mrs. John A. Y' ' c. of Clay,
Kew York., did. She say : "I bad neu
ralgia of liver and stomach, my heart
was weakened, and I could not eat. I
was very bad lor a long time, but in
Electric Bitters I found just vhat I need
ed; for they quickly relieved and cured
me." Best medicine for weak womem
Sold under guarantee by Allen & Wood,
ward, druggist, at 50c a bottlo,
4 OO
j Tradc Marks
Copyriohts Ac
.-O Designs
mi' .
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
aalcklr ascertain oar opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly conndenttal. HANDBOOK on Patent
aent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents t&ken through Mann A Co. reoelTfl
. tpeeial notice, without charge. In the
scientific nitiertcam
A handsomely illnstrated weekly.
Ianrest df-
Terms, a a
Miladnn in. w4it.tfift Innnuu.
year : lonr montns, i. oom nyau dbwiuwio...