20 i CORV ALUS GAZETTE Gazette Publishing Co. CORVALLIS. ..OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK Id a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. A Resume of the Less Important but Not Less Interesting Events of the Past Week. Fire destroyed two steamers at Boston. piers and two Utah" will spend $30,000 at the Lewis and Clark fair. The Cody, Wyoming, bank robbers have been caught in Utah. Pennsylvania oil men will build a large refining plant in Kansas. All Panama canal commissioners took fees as Panama railroad directors. Russian university students have de manded reforms and suspended study The president promises a thorough investigation of the Standard Oil com pany. Threatening letters sent to the czar have caused, martial law to be pro claimed at Tsarakoe-Selo.' " The Indian appropriation bill, as re ported to the senate, will contain no provision for chureh shcools. Russian cavalry made a raid around the flank and rear of the Japanese army and drove in all small parties Four men were killed and 14 others injured by an exploding boiler at the Provident Coal company, St. Clairs- ville, Ohio. - The Oregon land fraud trials are to be postponed until June. Attorney ' Henev expects more indictments when the grand jury recovenes in April. Nan Patterson is seriously ill with tonsilitis. The powers have refused to allow Greece to annex Crete A report from Colon says that city is now free from yellow fever. Three minor Russian officials have been murdered or assaulted by terror ists. Russian terrorists have threatened the lives of nearly all of the imperial family. The government has just contracted for 60,000 tons of coal to be delivered at Cavite, Philippine islands New York society women intend to build the Colony club on Madison ave nue, New York, for women exclusively. The United States Cotton Duck cor poration in 1904 made a surplus of ? lbb.Uso, alter paying interest on bonds. Two members of the Panama canal commission are on their way home to make recommendations to the canal committee of congress for changes the plans. Special Attorney Heney has arrived in "Washington and will make a report on the Oregon land fraud cases and as sist in the Hyde-Dimond land fraud cases in California before the supreme court of the United States. The czar is said to have decided to offer peace. Japan will not agree to peace it is enduring. The secdnd trial of Nan Patterson has been set for March 6. West Virfginia senators accuse Gov ernor White of boodling. North Dakota has appropriated .money for the Lewis and Clark afir. . A bill will be passed this session al lowing Alaska a delegate-in congress. France will build a.warship of the largest type to take the place of the one recently wrecked. Women of Moscow have petitioned the czarina to ask the czar to make peace with Japan. - The parcels post treaty with Great Britain has been signed by the officials of both countries and will take effect April 1. Governor Hoch, of Kansas, has ap proved the oil refinery bill and recom mends other laws against the Standard Oil company. The president has asked congress to increase the naval appropriation bill. One woman was burned to death and 15 men and women narrowly escaped in a fire which damaged the Winton hotel, New York. 1 ' Jay Cooke, dead. . the great financier, is General Lew Wallace, author of "Ben Hur," is dead. He was 78 years.old. The trains roads. annual weighing of mails on is . now in progress on all rail- The New York board of aldermen has raised the fine for carrying concealed weapons from $20 to $720. It is now conceded that J. Edward Addicks., of Delaware, cannot be elected United States senator. It is probable that a decisive battle will be fought by the two great armies in Manchuria before a thaw comes. The president has appointed Governor Brodie, of Arizona, to bo assistant chief of the Record and Pension office DOINGS IN CONGRESS. . Tuesday February 14. . . . Tfie usual three Hours were given by the senate today td the Swayne.' im peachment' tria. .Only two .witnesses were examined. ; i r,l ;The senate. today'-passed' the agricul- ' tural appropriation bill and. took': up Hil. Ti:.iii'l .1..n.t,;. anvnm-iiiinn bill. The sundry civil appropriation bill was reported to the house and immedi ately thereafter the naval appropriation bill was taken- up, 5 with - the under- itanding that eight hours shall be de voted to general debate and that the house shall convene at 11 a. m. each day while the bill is under considera tion. Wednesday, February 15. - The senate today continued but could not conclude, consideration ottne ftin making appropriations for the support of the government of the District of Columbia. J In the Swayne trial a number of wit- i i nesses were examined ior xne purpose of ascertaining if the judge was in the habit of traveling on passes. The question of what the policy of the government should be with respect to the upbuilding of the navy was again threshed out in the house today. At the time of. adjournment the navy ap propriation bill was still under consid eration. Thursday, February 16. ' Aside from two hours spent in rou tine business the senate today gave its entire attention to the Swayne impeach ment trial. : Two and a half hours of the time given to that case was spent behind closed doors. Before taking up the naval bill, which occupied the greater part of its time, the house today entered an em phatic protest against the action of the senate in amending the agricultural bill. After considering the naval bill for the most of the day it was laid aside and several bills of minor importance were passed Friday, February 17. The house today rejected all changes in the original statehood bill by send ing it to conference without taking any action on it. The senate today passed a bill appro priating $9,940,000 for the District of Columbia, and the diplomatic and con sular appropriation bill carrying $2,- 156,000. Only one hour was spent today on the Swayne impeachment trial. Saturday, February 18. After an hour spent as a court of im peachment the senate today took up the appointment of a conference committee on the statehood bill. The matter was finally postponed until Monday, when the special order of the day, the eu logies upon the character of the late Sentaor Quay, was entered upon. The house passed the pension appro priation bill, carrying $138,285,200 The District of Columbia appropriation bill was sent to conference, a bill was passed to prohibit interstate transpor tation of insect pests, carrying with it a fine and imprisonment. Monday, February 20. The House passed - the naval appro priation bill carrying a total of $99,- 914,359. The provision for two battle ships as reported by the committee on naval affairs was retained. . Whether the senate conferees on the statehood bill shall represent the party that defeated joint statehood for Ari zona and New Mexico or the party that fought for the retention of that provis ion was debated at length today, but no decision was reached. s The Swayne trial was taken up at 2 0 clock. Two witnesses were exam ined. After the provisions of the Flor ida statutes relating to suits of eject ment or disqualification of judges had been read it was announced that the b of the house managers was con cluded. , The preliminary statement for Swayne was not finished when the court adjourned for the day. Will Have Action on Rates. - Washington, Feb. 17. Representa tive Townsend, of Michigan, one of the authors of the Esch-Townsend freight rate bill, had a talk with the president today regarding the prospects for the enactment of the measure into law. Townsend expressed the opinion that there was a chance for the passage of the bill. After his talk with the presi dent, Mr. Townsend said that in the event no legislation on the rate ques tion was enacted at this session, an extra session of congress would be called by the president? Mexicans Palmed Off as Indians. El Paso, Feb, 17. H. B. Pears, agent for the United States Indian Bureau, is here investigating the report that Mexican children have been sent to the government Indian school from various parts of the country on false affidavits that they were of one-fourth Indian blood. It is claimed that hundreds of children have been rejected recently from the Oklahoma school for this rea son, while others, it is said, are to be found in all the Indian schools. Castro Defies Uncle Sam. Paris, Feb. 17. A semi-official dis patch from Caracas, Venezuela, says that under the pressure of President Castro, the court has ordered the se questration of the landed property of the American Asphalt company. The decision in the case has caused excite ment among Americans at Caracas. Japanese Have School for Spies. ' . Mukden, Feb. 17. Seventeen Chi nese have been arrested here, charged with being Japanese spies. . Documents were found in their possession showing they were . trained in a school estab lished by the Japanese to qualify them as spies. They will be tried by court- martial. MANY MINERS D! in Over One Honored Enjobghn Alabama Mine. 1 v EXPLOSION OF DUST THE CAUSE Details of Cause of Explosion Will Likely Never Be known Relief- -1 . - Hurried to Scene." Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 21. By am explosion in the Virginia mine, about 18 miles southwest of Birmingham, , at 4 o'clock this afternoon, between 110 and 135 union miners are entombed and it is believed the entire number suffered an awful death. Scores of vigorous rescuers are at work - digging into the-mine to relieve thei,r friends and comrades in the inside,. The explosion .is believed' to have been caused, by ;an accumulation of dust, although the mine has beretofore been noted for being entirely free from dust. It is also believeed that, as the entire quota has probably been killed, the details of the cause of the disaster will never be known. . The camp is almost isolated from the jest of the world, there is no telephone station at Virginia, and the only a running to the place is a dispatcher's wire of the Birmingham Mineral rail way, on which Virginia is located. Details of the disaster were slow to come in. The class of "miners employed was the best m the district, and all be longed to the United Mineworkers of America. Since the strike has been on in the Birmingham district, many of the most industrious and thrifty miners of Pratt City and other important min ing points have removed to the Vir ginia mines, so thatjthe mines were being worked to their full capacity by the most skilled miners in the commu nity. Relief trains with surgeons and workmen were dispatched from both Birmingham and Bessemer as, soon as the .news of the disaster was . learned. They began the work of succor in earn est and at midnight had not dug half way through the mass of debris. It is thought it will be 10 o'clock tomor row before the interior of the stope is reached. The stopes are well arranged and there "has never been the least trouble in the mines before. They are owned by the Alabama Steel & Wire company, but are leased and operated by Reid & Co. EXTRA SESSION ON RATE LAW. Will Be Called in October, Earlier Action Being Impossible. Washington,.. Feb. ;i21. President Roosevelt, who for weeks has been hopeful that some definite action might be taken at the present session of con gress on the railroad rate question, practially has relinquished the idea of securing legislation on the subject this winter. It is reasonably certain that he will not call an extraordinary ses sion of congress to meet in the spring, but unless he changes his mind, he will call congress together, probably next October, Representatives Esch and Townsend, joint authors of the rate bill which passed the house, had a talk with- the president today. They outlined the rate situation and conditions as they found it. They agreed with him that the prospect for the enactment of rate legislation at this session was remote. They indicated that if no action was taken at this session, the subject would be considered ; thoroughly 'during . the Coming summer with the idea of pre senting a measure at the next session which, very likely, 'would contain some additional features. " Will Confer on Irrigation. Washington, Feb. 21. A conference of reclamation engineers has been called to meet at Klamath Falls, Arpil 1, to consider plans and estimates for the Klamath irrigation project. At that meeting it is hoped final plans may he made for buying out owners of the small canals, including the rights of the Klamath Canal company. The government is willing to pay this com pany $150,000 to get out of the The company demands-more, but way. it is this believed will eventually accept figure. v ' Will Issue Philippine Bonds. Washington, Feb. 21. After consul tation by cable with Governor- General Wright, at Manila, Secretary Taft has decided to avail himself immediately of the provision of the Cooper bill au thorizing the issue of bonds to defray the cost of public works in the Philip pines. It is the purpose to issue $2.- 500,000 of these bonds bearing four per cent interest and they are to run for 30 years with the option of redemp tion at the end of ten years. Can't Compel Judge to Act. v Washington, Feb. 21. The case of the Caledonian Coal company vs. Ben jamin F. Baker, judge of the Supreme court ot New Mexico, to, compel him to take cognizance of an action against the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe rail road was decided by the Supreme court of the United States today against the company. JflAY LOSE HIS CROWN. i., Czar is threatened by-the 'Autocracy ;g "- Mis Qwn fcmpire...:, ; .vj5erlin,eh. 2lf." It is : a significant fact that 'despite 'the news:from St. Petersburg' about the probability of the reviyaliOf the Ze'msky Sobor as a popu lar .legislative assembly diplomatic cir cles in Berlin insist that the assassina tion of Grand Duke Sergiua will rather have the effect of strengthening the au- tucruuc puny man 10 weaxen us lnnu ence at court. Statements to this effect have been made within the past 24 hours by per sons who are' close both to the German emperor's advisors and to the Russian representatives in Berlin, and it. would be unwise to treat their : views lightly It is pointed out in this connection that the, granting of concessions by the czar at ,thia time would not be con strued by ,the liberal and radical ele ments as ; voluntary acts, but as the re sult of fear that other members of the imperial family may share the fate of jSergius, hastened by the admission that the terrorists 'must be reckoned with A dark hint is contained in state ments . by the pessimists in diplomatic circles which indicate an entirely differ ent reason why the czar, though per haps personally inclined to do so, will under no circumstances grant any of the more' far-reaching demands beyond i'those- as outlined in his manifesto of last December. These persons say that tlte grand ducal coterie will stop short of nothing to preserve autocracy in its full power, and that if the present czar is-not willing to look out for his crown, a regency will see to it that the infant czarevitch is not deprived of it unless it is taken from him by force. - Plainly this means that the men who have murdered by their counsel and methods thousands of the workmen and peasants in the many years of their rule, will not shrink from having put out of the way the ruler who, it is strongly asserted they reverence in public, while they hold his lack of de cision, his desire -to placate all of the factions and his evident leanings to ward the moderate liberals in private contempt. ' RESERVES BREAK UP A CROWD. Russian Revolutionists were Blocking Streets in New York. New York, Feb. 21. Police reserves were... called out tonight to disperse a crowd said to be sympathizers with the Russian revolutionary party. Eight men were arrested, charged with parad ing witnout a permit, collecting a crowd and holding an unlawful meet ing. The trouble started when two police men came upon a crowd cheering and applauding a speech made by one of their number. The police were unsuc cessful in dispersing the people, and called for the reserves: It was said that a red flag was being waved and later a sergeant of police, who assisted in the raid, made the statement that on one of the men arrested was "in flammatory and revolutionary litera ture." This man's name was Albert Argentier, and the police found on him a suDscription list lor tne .Russian rev olutionists, said to have been issued by the pro-revolution committee for Rus sia. All the men arrested said they were tailors and protested against being taken into custody. ANOTHER CABLE IN ATLANTIC, Clarence Mackay Announces That Bids Have Been Made for Laying. New York, Feb. 21. Another Atlan tic cable is to be laid and .bids . for its laying have alreadv been made. It is expected the new cable will be in oper ation during the coming summer Clarence Mackay said today that no new stock would b issued on this ca ble, but that the cost has been met by the Mackay company, .because of a de sire to keep the reserve fund of the Commercial Cable company intact. Mr. Mackay added that the first re port of the Mackay company to the shareholders would be adopted within the next fortnight. The new cable will embody the latest discoveries in this branch of electricity. . Investigators Complete Report. Sacramento, Feb. 21. After deliber ating from 8 o'clock until nearly mid night the committee appointed to in vestigate the bribery charges involving State Senators Simmons, . French, Wright and Bunkers completed their report, wnicn will De nied at tomor row's meeting of the senate. While the members of the 'committee would not give answers as to whether the report will recommend the expulsion of the accused men, Senator Simpson said : The report will recommend that ac tion be taken in the bribery cases." Strike Results in Better Wages. Warsaw, Feb. 21 . The chemists' as sistants here have struck, demanding shorter hours arid one free day each week. A majority of the other strikers have resumed noi, the only important branch still out being the ironworkers. The strike has resulted in a considera ble general improvement in . the condi tion of the men. They have secured higher wages and shorter hours. In the tanning districts the men secured the first increase in "wages in 40 years. Blockade-Runner Captured. Tokio, Feb. 21. The navy depart ment, announces the seizure of the British- steamer 'Silvania, bound for Vladivostok with Cardiff coal. The place where the seizure was made is not stated. b OREGON STATEITPNTEREST THE LEGISLATURE. Salem, Feb. 14. Settlemier's bill authorizing the attorney general to assess property which has escaped assessment in the past and to bring suits to collect the taxes due upon such assessments passed the house to day. " ' . ...'..' The house committee on salaries and mileage reported this morning. Smith, of Josephine, protested against some of the items, but failed to get any support. Supporters of the normal schools are endeavoring to have the cut made in the appropriation by the house restored by the senate when the bill comes up in that body tomorrow. Governor Chamberlain has also declared himself in favor of consolidation of the schools and threatens to veto the measure when it comes to him. The appropriation for the normal schools is coupled with those for the asylum, penitentiary, re form school, deaf mute shcool, blind school, state university and agricul tural college, so it would be necessary to veto all in order to reach the normal appropriation The ways and means committee of the house introduced a bill in the house today appropriating $70,000 for new buildings for the deaf mute school. Four other appropriation bills were in trpouced Dy tne committee carrying a total of $113,542.13. The senate committee will not at tempt to please either side in regard to the Jayne local option bill. The bill will be reported without recommenda tion. . Several votes are lacking of enough to pass the Cascade county bill. Many sorts of influences are being brought to bear to secure the necessary number. Salem, Feb. 15. The Cascade coun ty bill is only a memory. The com mittee having it in charge in the senate reported favorably is thmorning and a vote was called for. The result was 18 against and 11 for. Employes of state institutions will be paid monthly hereafter if the gov ernor does not veto the bill passed by the senate. The house bill providing for a com mission to examine the subject of assessment, taxation and collection ot taxes was passed by the senate. Wife beaters, are to receive punish ment up to 20 lashes according to the senate bill passed by the house County and city boards of health are created by a bill which has passed both houses The committee having the Jayne lo cal option M in hand is still wrest ling with the measure and does not ex pect to report before Friday. It appears probable that the bill ap propriating $70,000 for a new deaf mute school building, passed by the house this afternoon, will go through the senate, as many in that body favor it According to joint resolution the leg islature will adjourn Friday without day. The work will be well cleared off by that time, say President Kuyken dall and Speaker Mills. No official netice will be taken of the develop ments in the case of Senator Mitchell and - an adjourned session will not be held next winter nor the present session prolonged unless something unforeseen should happen in the next two days. Forty-eight bills were passed by the house today and eight failed. In the senate 16 bills were passed, besides 15 charter bills, and seven were indefi nitely postponed. The governor today signed 14 bills Salem, Feb 16. The bill exempting mining corporations producing less than $1,000 a year from the corporation tax was passed by the senate today. A bill was passed tonight creating the office of state engineer, to be ap pointed by the governor. Commence ment of suits are authorized to condemn property where the government may wish to begin const-ruction of irrigation systems. An appropriation of $5,000 is also made by the bill. Two hours' work are in sight in the house for tomorrow, but 70 bills are before the senate, besides the Jayne local option bill, which 'will require considerable time. The bill taxing sheep driven in from other states has been passed by both houses. The yearly pasturage tax is placed at 20 cents per head, and when sheep are driven through the state the tax is 5 cents per head for each county traversed. The bill prohibiting the sale of liquor to females under 21 years, and forbid ding proprietors of saloons to permit Lane County Teachers' Results. Eugene Out of a class of 85 appli cants for teachers' certificates at the recent examinations conducted by County Superintendent Dillard, 61 were granted the papers, the superin tendent and assistants having just com pleted marking and grading the papers. Of those who passed the examination, 13 were granted first-grade certificates, 26 second-grade, 46 third-grade and one primary certificate. Eleven per sons took the examination for state cer tificates, and the papers have been sent to State Superintendent Ackerman. ; Broom Factory to Resume. : Roseburg The Roseburg broom fac tory, destroyed by fire last month, will resume business. R. S. Barker, man ager of the company, has purchased the old Great Central Headquarters build ing, and the factor will be operated there. Necessary machinery has been ordered and several carloads of broom corn are already on their way to this city from Oklahoma. : As soon as the machinery arrives the factory will start on a larger scale than before. .. IN such 'females in their establishments. has passed both houses;5. Both houses held sessions tonight-. In the house 39 bills were passed.. and six were indefinitely postponed The senate passed 22. Salem, Feb. 17. At 8 o'clock to night the 23d bienial session of the Oregon legislature ended and" the" law makers were adjourned without dav after 40 days' labor. The punishment of wife-beaters bv , whipping was authorized ; . small , min-, ing corporations were exempted from the corporation tax; railroads are com pelled to make connections with each other and transfer cars at reasonable rates, and several fishing laws were enacted for the purpose of guarding against the taking of fish on spawning grounds. The total appropriations of the legis lature aggregate something over $2.- 000,000, of which $500,000 is for the state insane asylum. After six weeks.'of turmoil the Jayne local option bill was indefinitely post poned Dy tne senate. Other measures defeated were to.- make gambling -a felony; to abolish ri parian rights; to amend census law so as to make it more applicable to pres ent needs, and to create a mining? bu reau. Thirteen bills were on third reading in the senate at the time of ad journment and received no attention from the upper house. Governor Chamberlain will be kept busy for the next four or five days scan ning tne many bills which were passed at the close of the session. A compromise was effected by the governor and the legislature whereby the emergency clause was left off the general appropriation bill and it was? signed by the chief executive. He had already written the veto when the change was made. The senate today passed 49 bills and disposed of 19 otherwise. In the house- four bills were passed and five killed or indefinitely postponed. ' HEAVY DAMAGE TO FALL WHEAT" Many Farmers Expect to Reseed the Frozen Fields. Pendleton Farmers coming ill from the north and northwestern part of the county believe that the fall sown wheat will be a total loss, as the snow has been blown from the hills and piled in the hollows and has left the fields bare. Some are so sure of the freeze that they are in the city buying drills to reseed their fields as soon as the weather per mits. In the northwestern part of the coun ty, west of Adams and north of Echo,, in the low lands where the soil is light very little snow fell and as the ground was exceedingly dry the freeze will be more severe. In the vicinity of Athena and Weston, where the snow was deep er and did not blow off, the wheat is considered safe and will not have to be reseeded. Union Exhibit on Display. La Grande The display pavilion for- the exhibition of cereals, fruits, vegeta bles and the products of the grist and woolen mills jof Union and Wallowa counties, as well as for specimens of the various minerals, stone, marble and brick produced, is now ready, and M. L. Causey, president of the Eastern Oregon Coloniaztion company, has on exhibition a beautiful assortment of cereals and grasses grown here, all ar ranged in attractive and artistic man ner. He has also a very fine and elab orate assortment of yarious . fruits in. jars that he will place ' .on exhibition,. and when others bring their exhibits and they are properly arranged La Grande will have a display that will be an honor to the state. e Lost Mail Sack Found. Grants Pass After remaining in the mud and water at the bottom of Wil liams creek for almost a year, a mail pouch that was swept from the Grants? Pass-Williams valley stage, during a trip of the freshet of 11 months ago, has been recovered. The pouch con tained letters and parcels of the first class, and has been forwarded by Post master Harmon, of this city, to the superintendent of the Pacific coast mail service at San Francisco. The pouch was still in good condition when, uncovered. Work for the Fair. La Grande Much interest is being taken in this section of the county in the Lewis and Clark fair to be held in, Portland this summer, and everybody from Grande Ronde and Wallowa coun ties that can by hook or crook attend will be there, as the people ot this sec tion of Oregon have the keenest desire that both Oregon and Washington should do their best to advertise their respective states and show outsiders here what lies west of the Rockie3. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 87c; blue stem, 94c; valley, 87c per bushel.- Oats No. 1 white, $1.35 1.40; gray, $1.401.45 percental. Hay Timothy, ,$1416 per ton; clover, $1112; grain, $ll12; cheat, $1213. ' Eggs Oregon ranch, 2222c per dozen. ' Butter Fancy creamery V!&&$2c Potatoes Oregon fancy, .75 85c; common, 6065c.; " " Apples 4-tier Baldwins, $1.25; Spitzenbergs, $1.252. Hops Choice, 2526c per pound. Wool Valley, 199 20c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 17c; mohair, 25 26c per pound for-choice. . - -"