CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Five ll as. or less, 25 cent for three insertions or 50 cents per month. WANTED THE AGE LIMIT OF THE 2'jOO IS NOW 15 to 45 ears. ' 15-19 WOOD I HOPPEKS WANTED AT one. 2i:0 cords of fir mood to cut. P. O. Kline, Oorvallie, Oregon. 15-19 Hl iHKS! CASH PRICE PAID FOR til kii ls of Poultry also dressed Pork. 6nith Boulden. Uorvams, Oregon, rext to azette omce. WAtfTE 5(10 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at $2 50 ;pr year. FOR SALE TOE, SALE. AN I. O, C. REGISTERED boar, one mile north of Corvallis W. G. Davis 1522 T HAVE 15 OR 20 TONS OF NO. 1 vetch hay for sslev Write to J. E : Thompson, Corvallis. R. F. D. 2; or I. O Thompson, Monkland, Ore. 12-19 A GOOD TE M, 6 AND 7 YEARS OLD good harness and new wagon. One 150-ege incubator and brooder. J. A. Dawson. Ind'p phone 35, Corvallis 15 SHORT ON PERUNA BUT LONG on Prunes. Italian Prunes. on Prunes. 50 lb. boxes, $ .50. -! :i. T-i r r THOROUGHBRED BARRED PLYM outh Rofk Cockerels for sale cheap at $2 00. J. I. Taylor, at C & E. cross ing. RABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE AL- mosr ppw combination carriage and go cart with silk parasol and rubber tires for sale at a bargain. Enquire at this office. FOR SALE ONE FULL-BLOOD JER sey bull, snbject to register from first claps milk stock. Address, M. S. Woodcork, Corvallis, Or. TWO REGISTERED OXFORD DOWN Rfujip snd four half-breeds. Peter Whitaker. SEVERAL QUALITIES OF HAY FOR sale by M. S. Woodcock. LOST. ENAMELED GOLD PIN, WITH Ini tials "P. R. C." Please leave at the Gazette Office. . MUSIC. PIANO INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN any srade of advancement. Also pianos tuned and repaired in first-class manner. Ind. phone No. 405. F. A. White. . EXPRESSMEN. yELLl WELL! HERE'S JOHN LEN ger. Known him 22 years Still car ries Uncle Sam and baggage. John is an aeeom aiodating man and always can be found at his post Allen's Drug j Store, or phone 251. . " - AUCTIONEER P A KLIIfE, LIVE STOCK ATJCTION- eer, Corvallis, Or. Office at Hustoii'B hardware store. P. O. address Box 11. - Pays hiebest prices for all kinds of live stock. Twenty years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. . STAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a. m. : arrives t Pliilemath at 12 m; leaves PhilO' math 1 p. m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 . p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1.00 Bound trip same day $2.00, ; M. S. Kickabd. " ATTORNEYS W. E. YATES, THE LAWYER, " Both Phones. . OEVALLIS, OR. E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Post Office Building, Corval iis, Oregon.; ... , -. JOSEPH H. WILSON ATTORNEY- , at-Law. Notary, Titles, r Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. .Office in Burnett Building. DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. PAIN lesa extrection. In Zierolf building Opp. Poat Office, CorralliB, Oregvn. . To Take School Census. Under date of February 15th Supt. G. W. Denman seut to the clerks of the various public school districts blanks for census taking all children of school age forj the year 1905. At tb- aurual meet ing in Tune,' ibo5, this census must be submitted to the board 0: scbdol direc tors for correction, if any error be found. Anv and all correcting must be done at this time and by ; the board. 1 he clerk is instructed to send with his annual repoit in June a copy of this correctea census , report duly certified by himself, a blank to bfe supplied later for this pur pose. The clerk must keep the original census blank in his of nee. Supt. Denman offers to clerks the following suggestions in the belief that, they will find them of value in doing the work they have in hand : . . The residence of a child is the actual bona fide residence of its parents or guardian. Bona fide residence ot a parent or guardian is his actual home, his voting place, and the com munity in wnich he omciates as a citizes. ' A temporary residence in anothei district for the time being, or winter, in order to edu cate his child in the public School is not a bona fide residence. " A child residing in a district temporarily is a visitor or boarder. Where his parent lives in an other district, or where the child is residing temporarily in a home in your district, the child cannot be considered a bona fide resident and must not be included in the" census. - A child whose actual 'residence is in your district, but who is temporarily absent from the same, must be included in your census. Every child must be over1 four and under twenty years of age. All deaf, .dumb, and blind chil dren must be reported to the county school . superintendent. The clerk must visit personal y .each home, or habitation, and by observation and questioning enumerate the children of the district. - A child claimed : by two dis tricts will be allowed the district establishing the best claim of res idence. Said residence must be established by evidence submitted to the county school superintend ent v the clerk or the child will not be "considered by the superin tendent in revising the census o the county. Any district not fur nishing evidence to establish resi dence will, forfeit said child in enumeration. N - The census shall contain the names and ages 01 all children actually residing in the district who are four and under, twenty years ot age. Each child of school age and who was, on the 25th of Febru ary, 1905, actually residing "in your district, must be taken. School age means children who are over four and under, twenty years of age. Basket Ball at Armory. The basket ball at OAC was kept bobbing about pretty lively last week. .'On Thursday even ing the girls of OAC defeated the Albany girls in perhaps the hardest fought game of the sea son. The -final score was 4 to 3 in favor of OAC Albany was supported by about 100 home rooters and they rooted as if their lives depended on it OAC also rooted. - ': : ' The game was thoroughly clean and fair no disagreeable bicker ing occurred to detract from the enjoyment of the large crowd present. -' , One basket was thrown irom the field for Albany'by , Gertrude Buzzard. . Albany also got-one foul. OAC had a. basket thrown from the field by Myrtle Harring ton, and also received two fouls. ' Albany took her defeat grace fully and is' no doubt hopeful of PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours:10 to 12 a. m., 2 to . 4 p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad- ams Sts. Telephone at office and rea idence. . . Corvallis, Oregon. a H. KEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN , and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. ' MISS DEETTA JONES, A GRADUATE nnrse of Portland Sanitarium six ' yearB' experience. . Private patients. independent phonelNo. 334, Post of fice box 247 ' " J2tf reversing the score in the return game tovbe played between these teams in Albanv next Fnoay. On Friday night two games were played in the Armory, s one between the girls 01 Willamette University and the OAC girls, and between the boys' teams of the same institutions. - Both were witnessed bv a large crowd, quite a number of Salem people being present . . ' ' lit thf trial between the girls Ruby Corvellt and Miss Belknap each threw & basket from the field for Salem and thev got one on foul, making SaUm a total of 5 points. Una Stewart threw three field baskets for OAC and Edna Smith threw one. One foul was thrown by Myrtle Harrington, making OAC a total of Q. A very clean game. The game between the boys ol Salem and OAC was fast in the first half in fact so fast that our reporter lost track of things. The second half was not so swift. The final score was 22 to 3 in favor of OAC. The Willamette boys p'ayed good ball, but are a trifle too heavv. consequently a little slow. Claud Swarm, of OAC, was the star plaver of this game We understand that there is to be return games at Salem. All kinds of grass seed at P. M. Zierolf's. Home Savings Bank. The First National Bank of Corvallis, Oregon, has been in possession for the last ten years of the small home savings banks , the same as advertised through oat the Willamette Valley. The cnsU mere of this bank can obtain these banks, and take them home at any time, by call ing for them. ,Whon a system of savings is adopted satisfactory and successful to the custom er, the officers of the First National Bank will be pleased to inform yon how you can readily own your own Dome, ana proceed along lines of financial prospe'ri ty. finally gaining a competency for the future. ! i - Reduction in Fare. Commencing Nov. 7, rates between Corvallis' and Portland, via C. & E , Albany, ' and 8. P. will be reduced to $2.60, same as West Side rate. Tickets on sale by C & E. agent and all offices in Portland. . ' . ' NOTICE, , The sale of mens' and boys' suits and overcoats is still on at S. L. Kline's It will pay you to buy thiemonth. ' . ..... Fal'ed. All efforts have failed to find a better remedy for coughs, colds and lung trou ble than Foleys Honev and Tar. It slops the cough, heals the lungs and pre vents serious results from a cold. - J. N. Patterson. Nashua, Iowa, writes: "Last winter I had a bad cold "on my lungs and tried at least half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting .any ben-, egt. A fiiend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two-thirds of a bot tle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough, and lung medicine in the world. For sale by Graham & Wortham. Agonizing Burns, are instantly relieved and perfectly heal ed by Bucklens Arnica Salve.: BT Riv enback, Norfolk," Va. writes : ''I burnt mj knee dreadfully ; that it blistered all over. . Bucklen's Arnica Salve stopped the pain and healed it without a scar.." Also heals all. wounds and tores. At Allen & Woodward. v " New Photograph Studio. I am . now ready to do photographic wora tor, me-. puDiic, My studio js up stairs in my new cement building. . Cal' and see me, you will be welcome. . " 12-18 ' . B. R. THOMPSON. Pneumonia follows La Orlppa but never follow the use of Honey Tar It stopi the Cough and heals the longi, PrevanU Pneumonia and Conaumption. lb. O. Taohd, mt in Oss-ood Bk, CUeant writ 1 "Hj wif had la cripp and it laft hu with' a Try had aon(h aa har luaaa wMaa toLMl't Horn MX Xax auiad aaaplatalr. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . Signature of 1 ;ukkity ana To Thk Public; The undersigned have purchased the interest, of Levi Henkle in the City Drav Company. The terme of the transaction, includes the good of the business Mr ,'; Her kle, having rired from the firm. Thatikinz the public for past pat ron a-e and soiK-ituiK a continuance 01 the business of all Md patrons, and of such 't"n ones as d- fit to favor ns wea' . ' Ii-Hrectfully, . .. ..." Rubicon & Fiu.eb. Heurlqnarters for ti.-' m at Wetlsher & Grav's store. InnVtvndent phone 126. V.-: ' . - 12-ik" Notice t;i -l!Trs. Vntlro In hprphv irivt D al the undersigned was appoiuted txcciitrij of the last will and tfstnmeiit of C. E Moor, "ca-ed, and all per sons having clainiH agninvt snid esi ate are re quire lo present bam;, wuo proper voucntMH, I to present bam.:, with proper voucheis, I Ciwi to me ai office in d.ite. . PERSIS J. UNDERMAN Dated January 1U, luoii. - Jixeeutrix. Notice For Publication. United Statea Land Office, N Oregon City. Oretjon, February 11, 1905. Notice ife hereby given vi 1 e i ''v r fir-named settler has filed notice of h ' - :'al proof in support of his c m, and that Said pr ! will be made before the Co - at Corvallis, Oregon, on S'ulvu ;0 i viz. JOHN KtJiFKO,' ' H. E. No. 12573 for the SW$ of sec. 4.T. 11 S. R. 7 W He names the following witnessua to prove his contiiiuoua residence nj-on and cultivation of t;aid land, viz: Cyrus K James, "of Blotlgett, Ore?m; Harye Herron, of Blodr;. tt- rn on; VViiliam A. el latly, of Wren, Oregon; V)i;.-u ii. Duncan, of Sum mit, Oregon. -1U 20 . - - ' . ALGEHNON S. DRESSER, ". - Registe Notice to Creditors. .. .. Notice is hereby ivit t;i..i. the undersigned was nominated m Ih-i aii-i vetanieitt of Se3anour I Chipuian, as the bxeutn. tbiut, and that she hob I been a..iH)iQted as .uck !-...cutrtx by the Count) Goui t of Benton coTiri.y. .leon, and all persona I bavins claims against iiivti.e ot the said seyiLOUt Chipman. deceasea .rt:-Tj t -he KUiie duly ven tied to her t the rrMdtsce F .L'Mider. Corvallis ure witt.ii' six montii f .r.itr iate i. Ul)t.:vi r.lf MAN, Executrix . . Lstaie So motir Chipniim, Deceased W. E -Yates, Attoinm icr . ;'Mite:. VI -Ai I '222 South Peoria St. " Chicago, III., Oct. 7, 1902. - Eight months ago I was so ill : that I was compelled to lie or sit down nearly all the time.. My stomach was so weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it : and I vomited frequently. 1; could not urinate without great " pain and I coughed so much that ' my throat and lungs were raw and sore." The doctors pro- , nounced it Bright's disease and' ' others said it was consumption. . It mattered little to me what : they called it and I had no de sire to live. A sister visited me from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardni. ' I told her I had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my life. I believe many women could save much suffer ing if they but knew of its value. Don't you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make on? ;, rce, effort to " be well-.- To:. need to be a weak, helpk.. u:erer. You can have a woman's health and do a woman's work in lif e. Why j. -not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to day? ; - . 3 KI.M PKH ' HEALTH is the Most Important The manufacturers of Royal Baking Powder have -had 40 years of scientific experience. Every method of bread-and-cake raising has been exhaus tively studied in this country and abroad. The result is a perfect prod uct in . Royal Baking Powder. I here is no substitute tor, it. The -purity and efficiency of Royal Baking Powder . have been commended by the highest authorities of the world. r These facts mean two impor tant things to all housekeepers : First: that Royal Baking: Powder is healthful and makes wholesome food. Second : that Royal Bab ing Powder makes food good to taste. TPrWAT BAKING MJ I JtLf POWDER absolutely; . pure , . W IAS 1 Three nights Thursday, Feb. , , ,, , talk of the country. A bee her unfold the mysteries Wonder and Assisted by Dr. George W. Payne Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents Eeservt d Seat Tickets on sale at Usnal Place. ,' The Kind You Have Always , In use for ovei 30 years, and ffl-f J?f. ' sonal All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trine with and endanger the health of Infants and CMldren Experience against Experiment. ; at is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Itr contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotift ; substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms , and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation x and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Sowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENU IN E C ASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears the In Use For TTIE CEMT.UR COK1PWNT, Tt V7 Job Printing When you pay out good money for printing, be sure' and get good print ing for the money! Good Work costs you no more than the bad. That is the kind the Gazette turns 'out. .. commencing 3d 'ystto Marvel . posetive sensation everywhere. of the mind in Somnolency. Amazement! Bought, aiid which has been. nas- borne the signature of has been made under his per superrision since its infancy Signature of Over 30 Years. MURRAY STRZCT, NCW VOBX CITY. Do not send out printed mat ter to your- customers that is a' disgrace to your business a disgrace to your town and a disgrace to the printer who puts it out. Good printing is correct in spelling correct in gram marcorrect in punctuation ron good stock printed with good ink and some thing that it is a'pleasure to look at. . - -