LOCAL AND PERSON L Tomorrow is a legal holiday. Fir wood wanted on subscription at this office. Miss Marie Olernan went to Airlie, Friday, to visit with friends for a few days. George Visko arrived from Salem, Saturday, to visit friends and at tend the "hop" at the Armory. Mrs. Georgia Booth, of Salem, arrived Saturday for a visit with the Misses McBee and Miss Alice Wickluod. George and Martha Washington will greet you at the M. E church tomorrow evening at any time after 5 o'clock. Students of OAC are consider ing the advisability of changing the Barometer, which is now a monthly publication, to a weekly MrS. Nirez Francisco arrived home the latter part of last week from Portlind, having been the cuest of her brother for some time in the metropolis. Mr. and Mr. Sprague, mission aries for the National Spiritual ists' Association of the United States . and Canada, will lecture and eive platform tests in Barrett Lyceum next Sunday evening, Feb. 21, at 7:30. A cordial invitation to every one. No collection or door fee. All is free. Mftmhflrs nf t.ha United TCvanofll- ical church and friends of Rev. Deck will give a chicken pie ' Bupper this, Tuesday, evening in his honor. It is to be in the nature of b farewell party and will occur at the Marshal Miller hall. A charge of. 25c will made for the supper, and diners will be served from 5 to 8 o'clock. At 6:30 toasts will be given and Rev. Reeves will act as toast master. - . .'. i - ''.' The local lodge of Knigits of Pythias will entertain .. in grand style tomorrow evening. . Every thing will be in readiness for the reception of the large number cf delegates who are expected to as semble in Corvallis on this occasion, it being a convention of the fourth . district of Oregon . Knights of Pythias. As stated in a former issue, it is thought that an all night session will be held. A potato horse is rather an un- exhibition in this city. It is a work of art and Clem Hodes is the creator in this instance. Clem nearly always has an attractive window at his father's grocery store, but this is thought to be a trifle better than usual. The horse is made cf potatoes fastened over a skeleton of sticks and its ears and tail are represented by whist brooms. The animal looks as though it might be dangerous to ride. The date of the literary enter tainment of the senior elocution class of Miss Helen Crawford at OAC is now definitely known it is Friday evening, March 10. -' A good program of recitations, dialogues and vocal and instrumental music will be rendered, but it is proposed to make a feature of a light drama tization of "Cinderilla." This will be given in four scenes and six characters will be represented. It is sincerely hoped that our people will show their appreciation of the purpose of this entertainment, as the proceeds are to be given the Village Improvement Society. Horace Locke was in Corvallis last week making arrangements to ship his household, effects to Al bany. Mr. Locke recently gave up his position with the Dodd im plement company at Portland to accept a situation in Albany, where .arrangements have been perfected for his wife to engage in the millinery business . . On Thursday Mr. Locke and wife left Portland, the former coming to this city, the latter stopping off in Albany. Mr. Locke's effects were shipped to. Al bany Saturday. Mr. and Mrs . Locke have many friends in this- city, who wish them success in their new home. A. H, Grigsby, - representing the Unitype Co., of San Francisco, had occasion to pay this city - a business trip last week. Just be fore he departed he asked if this was the home of . Harry Rogers, a printer who served in the Philip pines during the war? It ttanspires that Harry,-' after breaking down his health in field service was given a position in the government print' ing office., at Cavite. : Mr, Grigsby was in charge of this office at the time Harry worked there and had much to say of the latter. Harry Rogers was the son of Mrs. G Hodes, of this city, and was one of the Corvallis boys who died in the Philippines. The remains were brought home for interrment and ' are now resting in Crystal Lake cemetery. This latter fact was un known to Mr. Grigsby, ,. Boy about 16 years of age want ed at this office to learn the print er's trade. ' F, L.' Miller is having a stair way constructed leading from the second to the third floor of " his residence. - The young son of Mr.: and Mrs. Charlie Beach was stricken down a few days ago with an attack of pneumonia. . After an attack of la grippe ' that confined him to his room nearly a week, ClerK Moses was ab!e to be in his office yesterday morning. James Lewis, who was shot in the leg with a gopher gun set in the Bicknell house about two weeks ago, is said to be getting along niceiy. Norton AdamB began prepara tions, yesterday, for the construc tion of a dwelling and a large woodshed on his property in Jobs Addition. Claud Hale, a graduate of OAC, arrived in Corvallis, Saturday, for a visit with relatives and .friends. He is now empl-yed in Salem, to which place he intends returning today. Bert Lacy is just recovering from an attack of la grippe tbat was so severe that he was compelled to re main in bed for a few da.s. Quite a number have been subject to this malady recently. - Rev. Deck and wife will leave with their invalid son for Portland, tomorrow. A few days later tbev will depart for Pennsylvai.ia -to secure the best of treatment for their child, who suffers ; with a spinal affliction.' ; Last Friday being the 52nd anniversary or Lr. is. A. uatney s birthday, a dozen or more friends gathered at his home in the even ina and made merry with him. A v?ry pleasant evening was passed by all with music and conversation. Miss .Winnie Miller, who . has been the gueet of Mrs. John Smith during the past three weeks, return ed, yesterday, to her ... home in Eugene. Her father, Consul H. B. Miller, was at one time presi dent of the OAC and it naturally follows that Miss Miller has many friends here. Under date of Feb, 12th, Geo. L. Haner, of Cecilville; Siskiyou Co., Calif., writes to the county clerk for information concerning the whereabouts of some of his relatives of that name who were in this coun ty several yeai s ago. Clerk Moses has not yet succeeded in learning anything about them. The dance at the Armory Satur day night, given by OAC students, was a highly enjoyable affair. A large crowd attended and tripped the "light fantastic with delirious abandon until the last moment; Nearly all the yalley towns had representatives at the . dance and each find all voted the . affair a success.." Mrs. Luse, of Oregon City, was in Corvallis last week visiting mends and seeing about securing quarters for her son, Fred, who in tends entering OAC next fall. She reports that if suitable arrange ments can be made that next year will . see a large contingent here from her home city. While here Ms. Luse was the guest of Mrs. Bareinger, on College Hill. Corvallis is the home town of another boy who is making a name for himself through his own efforts and native ability. Mordaunt lioodnough is the gentleman re ferred to and our assertion iB sub-; stantiated by the following write up in the Sunday Oregonian of the piano recital -recently given by Prof. - Goodnough and his pupils: "The programme consisted of diffi cult pieces from the great masters, and the excellent manner in which each pupil rendered the numbers was an eloquent testimonial to ; the effectiveness of Mr. Goodnough's instruction.". . . Mr. Goodnough delighted the audience with his rendition of Rubinstein's . Yalse Caprice in E-flat, giving as an encore Nevin.s 'Love Song.'" The game of basket hall to be played between the girls of OAC and Albany, in the latter city next b riday night, is of unusual signif icance. In the first place, it is a re turn game; -we ' have defeated the Albany girls by a narrow margin in the game ot last Thursday. .put Albany claims, ana with some reason, too, that the game being on their own held, assisted OAU to vic tory on this occasion. It is the hope of Albany to defeat our girls next t! riday night. It is under stood that in case the OAC girls are defeated the tie is to be played on on a neutral Held and Multno mah is talked of as the scene of the npai game. t nowever, mould our girls again triumph,, as we hope thjy will,: next, Friday, night, the matter will be settled and the OAC team will be the undisputed ohamn i . . . , . r I onB. , c. . . ' Wednesday being a holidav there will be no schooL - Remember the local teachers' institute in this city next Satur day. ' . -.; .' ; - E. L. Moore and family, who have resided in th'8 cily for some thing like a year, departed, Friday, for Iown. 1 ' Mcpsrs. DeVarnev and Lowe, of the Independent telephone j line, were in Tangent last wek install ing new phones. Mr. Bates, bookkeeper at the Corvallis Flouring Mills, . has 34 hens and during the past twenty d-.ya they laid 23 dozer and 10 eggs, This is hard to beat. For some unaecountaDle reason possible on account of walking the vaudeville people advertised to ap pear at the Opera House last Fri day evening did not show up. Misses Florence Maxfield and Josephine Fulerton are each absent from duty at the public school on account of severe attacks of la grippe, aud Misses Ada Finley and Grace Nichols are teaching in ther places. . " ' - ' " : The delegates representing the granges of the county will meet in Sup't. Denm .n's office on the first Monday in March to elect delegates to the State Grange and for the transaction of any other business that can be legally undertaken. It is not boasting when we state that. without- doubt Corvallis is bettc r provided f r in the way of telephone service, than anv other city of her size. Nor is this all; the R. F. D. rout s that run out of this city and cover the various sections of the county are proving their , worth every day When it comes to telephone service and R. F. D,; routes we can't be beaten. Last week ' Ambler & Watters negotiated the following real estate sales: Two lots in Philomath, J. W. Berry man to Mrs. Lo imis, $350: lots in Wilkms Addition, Wm. add to R. N. White, $75; 3 lots n Wilkins Addition, Wm. Ladd to E. E. White, $75; 6 lots Wi'kins Addition, Wm. Ladd to T. T. Vincent, $150; 120 acres near Bell- fountain, D. , E. Bowen to Wm. Hull, $250. . - : ' Miss Katherine Tiedemann, a well-known Corvailis girl, and James Hewitt, formerly of Portland, were married on Sunday in this city. The wedding took place at o'clock, Rev. W. . Uilbert officiating. The wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's brother, Henry Tiedemann, 635 Fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt took the 8:30 train for Harrisburg, their future, home. Sunday Oregonian. '' - Uentleman, it behooves you, one and all, to- cease whipping your wives. There is a special law against it and you will be lashed forty times with a cat-o'-ninea in the hands of the sheriff if you fail to heed the warning. Should the "house" become divided on any matter, do not allow your wives to draw you into anything that savors of "ring tactics." It is wiser to al low your wives the last word than to have your nervous system dis turbed.. . .... , Rev. T. P. Conner died at his home in Philomath last Saturday. He was aged 63 years . and death was caused by pulmonary affection. The deceased served as a soldier in an Ohio regiment in the Union Army during the Civil War. , After the war he engaged for several years in the ministry of the Ore- eon Conference ot the United Brethren , in Christ, of which de nomination he remained a member until his death. A . wife, three daughters and one son survive him Prof. Carrol Cummings, a popu lar teacher, in the public schools, of this city, was wedded to Jsiiss uara Linderen. last Saturday at . the home of the bride's mother in Roseland, Or. The bride is no stranger here, - having at one time besn a student at OAC, where., Sfie made a host of friends. The young couple arrived, in .this . city yester day morning and .will taKe .up tneir residence- in a cottage in Jobs Addition. Prof. -Holmes, as sures us that rice was. cheap. at J,he school house yesterday . The, young couple Jbaye many friends nere wno wish them every joy, You Are Invited." Neit Wednesday night, the ladies of the First Methodist 5hurch4are to give a Martha Washington" tea at the church. An excellent lunch will be served in the church parlors from 5 to 8: price, 15 cts." Prom 8. to 9, an interesting' program will be eiven free of charge in the audi torium of the church. ; Red and " white", clover. " timothy orchard and -other glasses, at Zierolf 's Lumber Yard Fired. - Shortly after 12 o'clock Thurs day night the fire bell clanged and our citizens were aroused to the sense- oi impending danger. The bell sounded out vigorously, long and loudly, and firemen and others responded quickly. It was soon ascertained that lumber in the sawmill yard of E. W. Strong wa on fire. , Fire had been set in two differ ent places in the-yard, and at one place in the mill. The fire in the mill was readily extinguished, as was one of , the fires in the yard, which latter had , been -set among a lot of damp green shingles not far from a shed of dry lumber. The fire which had been started in the northwest corner of the yard was the one that did the damage. This was hardwood lumber, mostly maple and ash, and thou sands of feet of it was destroyed despite the efforts of the fire boys and others who assisted in check ing the flames. The fire got so well under headway that it was difficult to handle and it was early morning belore it was extinguished. Mr. Strong estimates his loss at $i,ooo. It was what people term a "close call," but compared with what it might easily have been it was a very fortunate escape, not only for Mr. Strong, but the town, as a fairly good breeze was blowing from the north. The fires were started . while the night watchman at the mill. F. A. Pierce, was partaking of his mid-night lunch. That it was the work of an incendiary there is no room ' for doubt. Moreover, the fires were undoubt edly set by the same contemptible creature who fired E. R. Bryson and E. P. GrefToz's woodsheds at intervals during the past fall and wiflter. In proof of this assertion is the fact that there was a strong odor of kerosene in the air when citizens first arrived at the scene of the conflagration, and the regulation empty bottles well scented with kerosene were found on the scene of the fires. It behooves everybody to be very careful and look into the actions ot any party who may be dis covered acting suspiciously under the cover of darkness. Dr. Geo. W. Payne During the engagement of Miss Marguerite Foy which will come to the Corvallis theatre next week commencing Thursday, Feb. 23d, for three nights, Dr. Payne will make plain the problem of how Psychic suggestion is induced, and by presenting facts and principles that are as free from predjudice and partiality as his personal factor of basis will ; per mit, together with numerous scientificjtests ' he will not only accomplish this, but will demon strate in snch a manner its won derful range of application in hu man life that no small amount of owledge of its use can be ob tained. Until Friday. If you are troubled with head aches, tired eyes, etc., see . Dr. Dayton. Office at Hotel Cor- vallis. We do not advise wear ing glasses unless it is absolutely necessary. " 7" ,r Now is the time -all kinds to buy your grass seed- at Zierolf s. Grave Trouble Foreseen. It need but little foresight, to tell that when the stomach and liver, are badly effected, grave trouble is ahead, unless you , take the proper medicine for your disease, as Mrs.; John A. Young, of Clay, flew York., did. She pays : "I bad neu ralgia of liver and stomach,' my heart was weakened, and I could not eat, I was very - bad lor a long time, but in Electric Bitters I found just vhat I need ed, for they quickly relieved and cured me." Best medicine for weak womem Sold under guarantee by Allen2& Wood, ward, druggist, at 50c a bottle. ' v Poisons In Food. Perhaps you don't realize that many pain poisons originate in your foodi but some day you may feel a twinge of dys pepsia that will convince you, Dr. King's New Life Fills are guaranteed to cure all sickness due to poisons of undigested food or money backl - 25 cents at Allen &. Wood ward drugstore. ' Trythem.' . FQtey'JSKIdney Cure maket kidneys wad bladder right You Can Mot Afford Wot to Buy a Suit or Overcoat Nov! " Every suit, overcoat, and pair of trowsers, men's, boys, and ltttle fellows,' has been markey down to such a figure that ia simply a waste of money for you not to take advantage of this, our inal clearance of winter snd medium weigh t clothiDg Note th J below, and come in aud look at the values offered : Copyright 1904 by Hart Schaffner fcf Marx Regulator of Low Prices 3 Our Great Annual Stock-taking Immense reductions in every department. Short ends odd sizes, broken lines and remnants by hundreds. Dress goods, Silks, Readymade wear, L,ices, Ribbons, Draperies, L,ace curtains, Sheets, Pillow cases, etc. Prices in many cases duced by half. Our Spring early., goods j-i IV 1 H 11111131 M Ml I r f i I I Great Shoe Sale The largest assortment of Shoes offered on , ; Special Sale in Philomath. Comprises about -- 1,000 pair of Men's, Women's, Misses', Boy's V and Children's Shoes will be on sale during the month of February. This reduction will . be made for Cash only. Immediate attention will be given to Mail Orders. There, are . - Special Prices on Men's, Women's, Boy's and Children's Rubber Boots and Oil Coats. ,. We also call your attention to our large Stock - : ; of Millinery Goods which are on Special Sale. J. E. HENKLEj PHILOMATH, $ 5 00 Suit or Overcoat now $ 3 QQ 7 50 " " 598 9 00 ' 7 2Q 1000 " " 800 12 50 ' " 9 98 13 50 " ".. 1060 15.00 " " " 1215 16 50 " " " 13 25 18 00 " " 14 40 20 00 " 1595 BOYS' SUITS , $ 2 50 Suits or Overcoat now $ 1 99 3 00 " " ; " 2 40 4 00 " " 321 6 00 " " " 395 6 00 " " " 483 REMEMBER I will refund the money on all cash ' purchases made on a certain day of February, the day to be selected by some disinterested party, bv lot, on March 1st. No matter what you pur chase for cash at retail rates, be it a five cent or a hundred dollar purchase If your duplicate checks bear the date of the "Lucky Day'' your money will be cheerfully refunded. Save your Duplicate Cash Checks for EVERY CHECK bearing the date of the ''Lucky Day" is as good as gold My popular prices will prevail just the same and the Bargain Counter is loaded with useful articles at prices, well, you can't call them prices ; they are Bargains. CsnraHiS, Ore. re- will arrive ra FEBRUARY OREGON