Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 21, 1905, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazkttk Publishing Company:'
Sabscription per year, in advance, $1.50.
if not in advance, per year, $2.00.
There should be a remedy
adopted regarding the introduc
tion of bills in our legislature so
that each item of appropriation
. shall stand on its merits regard-
less of other items in the bill. It
seems that tne liovernor nowiuuc was u luc lu"mai-luc
feels it his duty to veto certain'
bills appropriating necessary
money to carry on departments
of the state government, while
the merits of other items "in the
bill are contrary to his views of !
The Governor feels obliged to
veto the whole bill, including the
portion he deems proper as we'll
as that he deems improper. Our
state government was .formed
upon the plan of having distincjt
departments, including the exec
utive, judicial and legislative,
including two branches of the
legislature This co-ordinate sys
tem of government is intended
so that if the legislative body
shall pass a law not conductive
to the public good that the .Gov
ernor mav veto the same, and if
he should also malce a mistake,
thereafter, the courts may passi
upon the law.
It has become a practice "for
legislatures to endeavorto circum
vent the Governor from exercis
ing his privileges by combining
two or more measures in one bill,
so as tq make the meritorious part
: thereof carry the obnoxious one
through, thinking that the Gov
ernor would prefer to let the
whole become a law. rather than
. veto the belter provisions in the
bilb; This practice of nullifying
the powers of the executive occurs
occasionally in 'the congress of
t lie United States,' as well as ;our
state legislature- A practice sub'
verting ,the powers of free gov
- eminent.
Mr.Mulhall, of the Royal Socie
ty of. London, in his "Balance
Sheet of the World," says: "It
would be impossible to find in
history a parallel to the progress
of the United States in the last
ten years. - .
"Every day that the sun rises
upon the American people it sees
an addition of two and a half
million dollars to the accumula
tion of wealth of the Republic,
which is equal to one-third of the
daily accumulation of all man
kind outside of the United
States. -" 1 '"
Prince Bismarck, of Germany,
said: "The success of the Unit
ed States in material ; develop
ment is the most illustrious of
.modern times, ; The American
nation has not only successfully
borne and suppressed : the most
gig?ntic war of all history, buj;
immediately afterwards disband
ed its army, found work for all
its soldiers and marines, paid off
most of its debts, give labor
and homes to all thcumenployed
of Europe as fast as they could
arrive in the territory, and still
by a system of taxation so indi
rect as not to be preceived, much
less felt. Because of its delibr
erate judgment that the pros
perity of America is mainly
due to its system of protec
tive laws, I urge that' Germany
has now reached thatrpoint where
it is necessary to imitate, the
tariff; system "of the , United
states." ,. , .:
So we find thatihe great men
of other nations approve the pro
tective tariff system of the Unit
ed States and desire to place the
affairs of their own country on
the same basis.
Another Blaze.
v Shortly after 6 o'clock Sunday
evening pur citizens were apprised
of the danger of fire by the sound
of the bell. The department re-i
sponded in short order and ascer
tained that the . scene " of action
was-at the b6me. of John Smith,
just west f the Opera House.
I', Just back; of Mr, Smith's resi-
idence stands a little building that
j was originally intended for a fruit
; house. Of Jate it has been oc-
cupied bv an OAC student who
was doing chores morning and
evening for Mr. and Mrs. . Smith
in return for his board while at
tending ' college. Tust how the
fire originated, is not known but
it is supposed that a lamp which
was burning in the .single room
of the little house,' exploded. No
as it was the supper hour.,
; Residents' at the home of Vic
tor Moses were perhaps the first to
discover the fire, and their, cries
were instantly echoed by some
one who came out of Mr. Smith's
residence. 1 That i was a hot lit
tle blaze ior a time is attested by
many, v, The fire was under con
trol before it could burn: through
to the outside of the house.
Everything in the room was
licked up. by the flames and the
student, Cecil Bartlett, lost every
thing he had clothes, books,
etc. all gone. It was a" hard
blow to the young man and will
also cause Mr. Smith some outlay
of monev. :
"Stories of Old Oregon.'
The above is the title of a book
just published by Geo. A. Wag-
goner, . ot tnis city. It is irom
Statesman Publishing Co-s' press,
of Salem. ' It is very attractively
bound and .contains 2QV pages.
There are about twenty illusl ra
tions and they are exquisite; the
first is a view of Mt. Hood and
the last is a sunset on the Pacific
ocean. 'All of the others are
most actractive and give support
to the subject matter. V ,
s There are four chapters of
"Adventures in the Mines," and
to one who has experienced the
trials and adventures of a miner
they present' scenes in a way that
read like personal experiences, so
familiar is it all.V In this vein
Mr. Waggoner is ferfecty at home,
as he himself bas lived through
it all and knows of the hopes and
fears which beset the .miner;
knows only too well the hard
ships and disappointments that
he who would wrest treasure from
the bosom of - "Mother Earth"
innst endure; and he also knows
the hear t-ache and bitterness that
he . who has had "hard luck"
must suffer., All this is made
exceedingly plain. .
But there is another side to the
book; the-' love of home and
friends is ,v portrayed and proves
the author 4o be very apprecia
tive of the ' comforts arid enjoy
ments of domestic life. ' To make
this clear we ;will presently
quote from one of the tales entitl
ed, "How Captain Dobbins was
Promoted. 3 After reciting the fact
that he went to the mines buoyed
by , the thought of the money he
would make, the author proceeds
to make clear why he was so
eager for money. , He wanted ; to
purchase a certain farm; he.; had
long east his eye upon. The fol
lowing proves his appreciation of
home life: ,
"My'designs on this farm were
kept strictly private. Only once,
before leaving home, had they
been told ins.a burst of confidence
to ; one.' whom I' trusted would
sympathize with my hopes and
encourage my daring ambition.
I did notv mistake her as it seem
ed an easy thing to her for me to
dig a little gold, from the ground,
return, buy as much land . as we
wanted, and make all, improve
ments we might think necessary.
Her " trusting nature could not
think it possible for me to fail in
any undertaking, and she imme
diately began to straighten up the
little farm herself. - Her first work
was to pull down a crooked fence
and burn the rickety woodshed.
It was wonderful how much bet
ter everything looked after . she
had talked five minutes." v';
And so on with many tales of
life interest-!-all absorbing and
demanding close attention. -; Mr.
Waggoner has a right to feel
proud of his book, ."and the fact
that there is an advance sale of
500 copies is sufficient guarantee
that the author has many friends
and acquaintances who have felt
sure of a good book even before
it was born. We congratulate Mr.
Waggoner and rejoice in his suc
cess.'.- '" , ,
An offer to make you come up
stairs and see us. ..
New Mainspring (none better),
$1.00. ' .
Cleaning (ordinary watch),
$1.00. Cannot be done better at
any price.
MATTHEWS, The Jeweler.
Room 12, over First National
Bank. . '
. Steamer Pomona, leaves Cor
vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays
and Eridays, for Portland and all
way points. For rates, etc. ,
call on ... ; '
' Boats leave for Portland and
way stations at 6 a. m.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low round trip rates have been placed
. n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the-f"
following Monday.
Rate to or From Corvallis, $3.00.
- Call on Southern Pacific Co' 8 Agents
tor particulars.
. I oaport ed B ack Percheron ' wi 1
be in Corvallis, for service, after
January 1 . For further informa
tion address, T. K Fawcett,
, Bellfountain, Or
Heating !
Cornice. Roofing, Gutterin?,
and all kinds of Sheet Metal
F. A. Heiicye
.In connection with J. H.
Practical Horse Shoer
. . and Blacksmith
Makes a specialty of draft horses and
. track shoeing. Two years with reg
ular army in Philippines' as Gov-
einment Shoer.
Interfering corrected and work guar
anteed.1 . " :. .
Or eg.
.; When your eyes tire in reading, when
you frown or partly close the eyes when
looking at an object; when things
"swim" or become dim.- after being
looked at for some time ; when the eyes
ache,-smart, or water; or when you have
pain in the 'eyeball, orbit, temples or
toreheacu : . ;. v ..
All the conditions are curable bv croc
er alasses, such as we will furnish you
aiter a Bcjeuimc examination. ... . ,
MATTHEWS, The Optician,
: :, Roo m 12, over First National Bank
Plratluff Foley' Honey ' and Tar
. Fojey & Co., "Of 'Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on account of. he 'great
merit and populaiity ofi Foley's 'Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey
and. Tar and refuse any substitute offered
as no other preparation will give the
same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative.
It contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons. ' '. .
" Cares Goldsi Prevents Pneumonia
A Great
The GAZETTE has made a
special arrangement with
: the publishers of a number
of : the' "lpfldino- Tnaorainoa I
and newspapers of the Unit-
ed btates, whereby we are
offered cut rates! on these
Now we could charge you the
full price for these and re
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to us, as our
commission, but as the Ga
zette is a home paper for
home people, it will be sat
isfied by receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, it you '
are now a subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. . This
special rate may not last
long, so take advantage of it
NOW, while the chance .fis
A Great
Woman's Home Companion
Frank Leslie's Monthly
. Modern Prlscilla and
Corvallis Gazette
AN five
. one year
$3 1
Interest the
Weekly Oregonian
San Francisco Examiner
CorvaEHs Gazette
Ail three
one year
Cosmopolitan Magazine
or Leslies, r
. Housekeeper
. ; , J or McCall's,
Corvallis, Gazette '
Any three
one year
A J 13 S3
Gazette Pub Co
Ctsrvallis, Orem
Plain and fancy silks for Shirt Waist, Suits
New Wool Dress Goods ; -New
Wash Fabrics N
New White Goods
Dress Trimmings. Laces and .Embroideries
New Muslin Underwear
New Table Linens and Napkins ,
New Percales and Ginghams
- New Waistings; new Dress
New Neck-wear; new Separate Skirts.
Graham & Wells Pharmacy
And Proprietary Remedies.
Every one that's advertised, and some
that are not, can be obtained at our store.
We have a complete drug store don't
selj hardware, dry goods or groceries
but everything in the drug line5. . ....
We want to merit your patronage
Graham & Wells Pharmacy
Repairing and nJGSs wWOti
of any kiiid promptly
, and correctly done.
Glasses Fitted
at prices that are reasonable and
eyes tested free of all charge.
Open Day and Nighim
J. C. HAMMEL, Prop.
One of the Finest Equined Hotels in the Valley
Both Phonesm
BBaBaaa uon; aiso snowing you over me uoiuii.,
Bring your Job Work to the
Gazette Office.
Rooms Single op EnSuite
Bus Meets all Trains
If you are looking for some real good
Bargains In Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or oome and see us. We will take
pleasure in giving you reliaDle informa