CLASSlFltD ADVtRFIStMEHTS Five In; es. or less, 25 cents for three insertion!- or 50 cents per month. WANTED THE AGE LIMIT OF THE 2o00 IS NOW 15 to 4t t ars. 15-19 "WOOD CHOPPERS WANTED AT once. 2'0 fords ot fir v,ixi to cut. P. O Kldjb, Oorvallis, Oregon. 15-19 HluH KKt OASH PRICE PAID FOR all kiixls .t Poultry also dressed Pork. Smith A Bonlden, Corvallis, Oregon, next to " kktt office. WAiSTE fii'O SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at $2.50 per year. FOR SALE FOR SALE, AN I. O, C REGISTERED boar, one mile north of Corvallis : W. G. Davis 1522 ttavtc ir ,Tt 20 TONS OF NO, 1 vetch liay for sale. Write to J. E. Thompson, Corvallis. R. F. D. 2 or I. O Thornr-aon, Monkland, Ore. 12 19 The Freshman Party. The 'o8s gave their first class party in the spacious rooms of the Agricultural Hall on Friday evening, February io, from 7.30 to 11. The rooms were tastefully decorated with festoons of blue and white, the class colors, and the corners were filled with potted plants. The following program was greatly enjoved by those present, Mises Colvig and Gates receiv ing hearty encores:' Vocal solo. Miss Gertrude MeBt-e; piano solo, Miss Inez Colvig; recitation, Miss Lulu Wright; vocal solo, Miss Bertha Williams; violin solo, Miss Winnifred Gates. After the rendition of the pro gram, various i teresting games were indulged in by the happy hearted freshmen. The lights 'blinked" just as they finished partaking of the dainty refresh ments, thus bringing the festive occasion to a close. Proud over the success' of their first partv, they look forward with beaming faces to the many happy times in store lor toem, A GOOD TE MI, 6 AND 7 YEARS OLD good harness and new wason. One 150-pkh incubator and brooder. J. A. Daweon. Ind'p phone 35, Corvallis 15 SHOBT ON on Primps, boxes, $1.50. PERTJNA BUT Italian Prunes. Come quick. LONG 50 lb. F. L. Miller. THOROUGHBRED BARREL! PLYM outh R' W Cockerels for sa1 cheap at $2.00. J. I. Tailor, at C & E. cross ing. BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE AL most iip combination carriasrt" and go- cart with silk parasol and rubber tires for sale at a bargain. Enquire at this office. FOR SALE ONE FULL-BLOOD JER' sev bull, snbi'pct to register from first- class milk stock. Address, M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Or. TWO REGISTERED OXFORD DOWN Rains and four half-breeds. Peter Whitaker. In Memoriam. Ptratiag Foley- Honey muA Tar Foley & Co., of Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popnla. itv of Foley's Honey and Tar many iruitatiois are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse aiy substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative' It contains no opiate end is safest for children an(4 dclii ai-irf4f,ns. To The Public. The undersigned have purchased the interest, if Levi Hm kle in the City Dray Company. The t mix of the transaction, includes the goo-1 ill of the business Mr. Henkle. Iiavinii retired from . the firm. Tbabkin- 1 he public for past pat ronage and so iciting a continuance of the business of all "Id patrons, and of such new ones a may see fit to favor us we are, Respectfully, Robinson & Fuller. Headqnarters for the firm at "Wellsher & Gray'8.Btore Independent phone 126. 12-18 Notice to Creditors. Poisons la Food. Perhaps yon don't realize that many pain poisons originate in your food, but some day you may feel a t inge of dys pepsia that will convince your Dr. King's New Life Pilltr are guaranteed to cure all eicKnesa due to poisons of undigested fond or money back. 25 cents at Allen & Wood ward drug store. Try them. SEVERAL QUALITIES OF HAY FOR sale by M. S.' Woodcock. LOST. ESTRAYED, ONE BLACK JERSEY cow, dehernad and has some white on , bellv- A liberal reward for rectjvery. Address. S..H. Moses, Philomath, Or. ... . . 15tf. Resolutions adopted by the Ex periment Station Council ol the Oregon Agricultural Cojlege on the death af the Hon. J.- M. Church: Whereas, We are called up on at this time to mourn the death of a most excellent citizen, a gen erous friend, sound counselor and efficient regent of this institution, therefore be it RESOLVED, By this body that, in the, death of Hon. J. M. Church, iudustrial education in Oregon loses a firm and influen tial advocate; that this College in particu'ar suffers severe loss in the withdrawal of his wise and conservative counsel from its de liberations; , that his kindly good will and many high personal qualities have so endeared him to this institution that his name will always be linked with its progress and substantial erowtb durinsr the trvin? times of its vouth: that as evidence of our admira tion for his many worthy quali ties as a man and citizen; and as an expression ot our griet at his demise we hereby cause to be spread upon the minutes of this body the foregoing preamble and resolutions; and further, that a copy be sent to the press, and members of his family. ENAMELED GOLD PIN, WITH INI tials "P. R. C." Please leave at the Gazette Office. . MUSIC. PIANO INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN any grade of advancement. . Also pianos tuned and repaired in fiist-class manner. lnd. phone jno. wo. a. White. ' EXPRESSMEN. ' yELL 1 WELL! HERE'S JOHN LEN- : ger.- Known him 22 years Still car ; ': ries Uncle Sam and baggage. John is i'an accom Jiodatine man and ' always can be found at bis poet Allen'B Drug . Store, or phone 251. ' . AUCTIONEER P A KLINE. LIVE STOCK AUCTION eer, Corvallis, Or. Office at Huston's . hardware store. P. O. address Box 11. v Pays highest prices for all kinds of live stock. Twenty years' experience. - Satisfaction guaranteed. STAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a.m.; arrives nt Philemath at 12 m ; leaves Philo- ' math 1 p.m.. arrives at Alsea 6:30 : p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea ana points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Ataea$1.00 Round trip same day $2.00. M.. b. JMCKABD. ATTORNEYS W. E.YATES, '..v. v . THE LAWYER, Both Phones. CORVALLIS, OR, E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Poet Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. JOSEPH H. WILSON,'. ATTORNEY- .- mb-LAW. notary, Titles, conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was nominated in thi last will and tetmeiit of Seymour Chipman, as the l . cutii thereof, and that she has bjen appointed as men Executrix hy the County Court of Bentn county, Oregon, and all persons having claims against the estate ol the paid faeyn our Chipman, deceased wi 1 pn sent the same duly veri fied to her 't the of F L. Miller. Corvallis. Ore witldii six monr.ha f-om date. : V UDKNOE CHIPMAM, Executrix Estate Hfc mour Chipman, Deceased W. E. Yates, Attorney for Estate. 12-20 Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was appointed rxecrtrrix of the last will aud tt Htament of C, E Moor, "t-cea-ed, and all per sons having claims againnt said estate are re quired to present same, with proper voucheis, to me at my home or to W Yates at his office in Corvallis, within six months from th's date. PERSI8 J. LINDERMAN, Dated January lu, 19U5. Executrix. Pneumonia and LaGrippe. Pneumonia often follows lagrippe but never follows the use ol Foley's Honey aud Tar. It cures lagrippe coughs and prevents pneumon a and consumption. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and re fuse any substitute ofierer). Mr. G. Va line, of Cniuago, writes: "My wife had a severe case of lagrippe three years ago and it left her with a terrible cough. She tried a bottle ot Foley's Honey and tar and it gave Immediate relief. A 50-cent bottle cured her cough entirely." For sale by Graham & Wortham, New Photograph Studio. I am now ready to do photographic work for the public, My studio is up stairs in my n w -enent buil.ting. Oal and ace rue, you will be welcome. 12-18 B. R. THOMPSON. Kotlce tr Publication. f Tinted States Land Office, t Oregon City Oregt n, Novem(,or 25, 1904.' IJbtiee is hereby g:ven that in compliance with thf provisions of the art of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States .if California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of nus: n-t 4, 1892, ti -. 1VAH SHERWOOD PATTY, . . 4. of Corvallis coun? of l- eri n, state of Oregon, has this da filed in thi - - -ffice her sworn statement No 6S27, for the pnrcha-e of the Si of SJ of Sec 26, in Township W. B 6 W and will offer proof to show that the fatd sought is more valuable fcr its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Reg ister and Receiver of this offict at Oregon City, Ore gon, on Thursday, th 16ih day r f F- bruary, 1905.- She nam?s as witnesses: Willard L. Prire ef Kings Valley, Or; Taylor Mdler of Suver, Or., Bruce Miller, of King" Va'dey, Or., John Chambers, of Kings Valley, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 16th day of Feb, 1906. . ALGERNON Si. DRESSER, . Keguiter. Coming. Mr. Dayton, the. eye specialist, will open bia office at the Hotel Corvallis, next Monday morning If you are having trouble with your eyes or if you need glasses, it will pay you to see him. Eyes ex amined free. : : '. ' w4CrfJ SO YEARS' 1 T EXPERIENCE Failed. All efforts have failed to find a better remedy for coughs, colds and lung trou ble than Foleys Honey and Tar. It stops the coagh, heals the lungs and pre vents Berious results from a cold. J. N. Patterson. Nashua, Iowa, writes : "Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least half a dozen advertised coueh medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any ben- egt. A fiiend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two-thirds of a bot tle cured me. I consider if the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world. For sale by Graham & Wortham.' Trade Marks rft Copyrights &c Anyone sendiM a sketch and description may qnlckly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mnnn ft Co. receive special not icl, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, tl. Sold by all newsdealers. MM & Co.3618" New York . Branch Offioe. 625 V SU Washington. D. C. Pneumonia follows La Grlppa but never follows, the use of FOLEY JQ Honey 0 and Tar It stops the Cough and heals the lnnga, Prevents Pneumonia and Conicmptloo, PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Kooms 14, Bank Hand ing. Office Honrs : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to lp.m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad ams rite. . Telephone at office and res idence. Corvallis. Oregon. 0. H. KEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon,' Office, and Residence, on Main street, Philoaaath, Oregon. ' ,. MISS DEETTA JONES, A GRADUATE nurse of Portland Sanitarium six years' experience. Private patients. Independent phoneNo. 334. Post of fice box 247. 12tf "I find Thedford's Black-Draught a good medicine for li- er disease. It cured my on after he had spent $100 with doctors. It is all the med icine I take." MBS. CAROLINE MARTIN, Parkersburg, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your iruo;giBt and secure a package of Thedford's Black-Draught and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and ca'ises a healthy secretion or one. - ; Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid neys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result in iBright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cent Backage of Thedford's Black- . 'raught should always be kept in the house. "I used Thedford's Black- Draught for liver and kidney com plaints and found nothing to excel It." WILLIAM COFFMAN, Mar blehead, 111. . - THEDFORD'S BLACK- iUGHT NOTICE. The sale of mens' and boys' suits and overcoats is still on at S. L. Kline's, It will pay you to buy thismonth. Ha. O. Vaohsb, of 1S7 Osgood St., Chlcatfa, writes i "My wife had la gripps and It left hal with very bad eonsh on her Innn whioa Voux' Horn amd Tab our ad completely." . . I Allen & Woodward, Agonizing Burns. , are instantly relieved and perfectly heal ed by Bncklens Arnica Salve.. B. Riv- enback, Norfolk, Va. writes: "I burnt mv knee dreadfully; that it blistered all oven Bucklen's -Arnica Salve stopped the pain and healed it without a scar. I Also heals all wounds and' tores. At " S . lb SB iium ii iitui wHUTiiii 1 1 ill WTWHMWWWtiUltilllimuMIIUIIUllWllUtlUitMlltHIIHI' n iti i m U iii a irtrii n 1 1 1 hi ii i u i ui mn miuiut tw i mwun un n m i ; ihw i i i i-i iiih i uinu Agetable Preparationfor As similating the Food andBegula ting theStDineute andBowels of Promotes Dige3tion.Cheerfur ncssandRcst.Contains neither .Morphine norKineraL OTHARCOTIC. JaK afOUJjfSAMUELHTCHKR IktkMi Smflt A perfect Remedy For Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YOHK. ni For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought J Bears the Signature W hi EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years THB CCfmuia COMPANY. HCW VORK CITV. .lorn Made DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. - PAIN-, less extraction. ' In Zierolf ' building Qpp. Post OfE. Corvallis, Oregon.. Notice Por Publication. - United States LandTOfflce', Oregon City, OreKon.-Cebruary 11, 190S. ! "Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his infr'"- i ire Anal proof in support of his claim, n$ thai Bald ft iof will be made before the County i..c.k ot 4bnton Go., at CoivaUis, Oregon, on March 28, 19U6, viz: JOHN QEINCY KENFR0,' H. E. No. 12573 for the SWi of sec.4,T. U S. R.7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence, upen and .cultivation 6f said land, viz:- Cyrus R. James, of Blodgett, Oregon; Harre Herron, of Blodgett, Oregon; William A. Oel latly, of Wren, Oregon; Alfred,B Ouncan, of Sum mit, Oregon. . - A j, 16-zS , - ALGERNON S. DKESSEE,- Begister Have your cake muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco--nomicaily, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins; with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. ! ; V'Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL BAKHM POAVOER CONEW YORKr . . Job Printin When you pay out good money for printing, be sure and get good print ing for the money I Do not send out printed mat - ter to your customers that is . a disgrace to your business , . a disgrace to your town and a disgrace to the printer who v puts it out. Good Work costs you no more than the bad. Good printing is correct in spelling correct in gram- mar correct in punctuatioa on good stock printed with good ink and some . ," . . thing that it is a pleasure to. .... .,' ", ' . look at. . . . i That is the kind v the Gazette turns out. Prices for good printing are' based on the cost of good ': material,, and the labor and, . taste employed in doing the work. To this every printer adds a percentage for profit.. . . The cheap printer charges, ' the same profit as the good. ' printer the difference in cost to you comes out of the valueof the material used v .in fact you pay for. allyous get. Skill, taste and ex I perience are ne 4 I cessary factors in producing GOOD firntinSv -. Examine your work,? and :, don't pay ' for -itr until you know it is. all right.' .It is your own fault if - you pay good money for rotten eggs