Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 17, 1905, Image 7

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    Hood's Sarsaparilla
Has won success far beyond the elfcct
of advertising only.
The secret of its wonderful popular
ity is explained by its unapproachable
Merit.. ' ' '
eared people considered incurable. '
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Unites the best-known vegetable rem- b
I m
edies, by such a combination; proper-
tton and 'process as to nave, curauve
power peculiar to itself.
Its cures of scrofula, eczema, psori
asis, and every kind of humor, as well
as catarrh and rheumatism prove
Hood's Sarsaparilla
th htt blood nnrifier ever oroduced.
Its oures of dyspepsia, loss of appe
tite aud that tired feeling make it the
greatest stomach tonic and strength
restorer the world has ever known.
r9 I
ttOOCL S tiarSapurilia
Ts a tWomrhlve-ood medicine. Beiria
to take it TODAY. Get HOOD'S.
1'rool" Knonscb
Victim You sold me that as a
"burglarproof" safe.
Dealer Well?
VletbB Well, this morning I found
it cracked open and rifled of its con
tents. Dealer What more do you want?
Isn't that proof that burglars ' have
been at it? Philadelphia Ledger.
Creating Great Interest Aniens Irri-
gationists and Hydraulic Miners.
What promises to be a priceless boon
to' the hundreds interested in irrigating
and hydraulic mining projects is an
invention which has recently betn
brought to a state of commercial per
fection by W. K. Phillips, a practical
hydraulic engineer ef Portland. It is
a hydraulic rami that will utilise any
fall ef water from three feet up for the
purpose ef raising a portion of it to
any desired level. It is a perfect sub
stitute for the water-wheel and pump
combined, with greater efficiency. It
requires no attention and involves no
cost of operation.
. , For hydraulic miners it will convert
the volume of water into pressure. It
enables them to dispense with long
and costly pipe lines. It will make
available gravel beds heretofore un
touched by the hydraulic giant. It is
of unquestioned superiority in its ap
plication to hydraulic gravel and
water elevators. It is thought it will
fill the demand of the hydraulic miner
for some suitable means of exploiting
gravel beds inaccessible to the high
beads of water demanded by the hy
draulie giant. Recent reports show
vast areas of such unexplored gravel
beds to exist in the Pacific Northwest.
.' In an interview with - Mr. Phillips.
from whom the above information was
btained, we were told that the license
to manufacture the ram was sold to the
Colusabia Engineering Works, ef Port
Wllliae- te Qait
rinet Faker Player1 I say we quit
Die game, new we're even.
Second Peker Flayer Uvea!
do you make that out?
First Poker Player Why, yon bad
all ef my money a while ago and now
"I've get all of yours! Kansas City
TITO PsTBMaesair Cane. KsStasr
lllO aAsrStstSaT'aiiMorDr.KlUa'aGnstKerTe
TlMIMlf Hnri tmr V M M.I krl1 . . .1
Br.K.H.KiB-,uiL,a Ajoastt., f aiixtrisnj p,,
IMsqalettna; Suspicion.
, . "Do yen enjoy your wife's teas and
"No," answered Mr. Cumrox, "to be
candid. I do not I can't help harbor
ing a suspicion that if I didn't happen
to he her husband. Mrs. Cumrox
wouldn't consider me of sufficient so
cial consequence to be invited."
Washington Star.
for Infanta and Children.
Tub Kind Yea Ha.8 Always Bought
- When ene starts out to de the great
est good to the greatust number. No. 1
is usually "it"
Take, cold easily? Throat
tender? Lungs weak? Any
relatives have consumption?
Then a cough means a great
deal to you. Follow your
doctor's advice and take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It
heals, strengthens, prevents.
"Tsr al year I have asseaaat ea Ayara
uasrrv rstMrai iar ssngsa ana saias.
kasw it greatly Mrentrtaena weak lasei.'
MBS. r. a. J
. Aoaiassx, kails, Miaa.
All Tmt'U.
3. c. avsaeo j
lwen. Mata.
Ayer's Pills increase the activity of
ttim Hvsr. and thus aid recovery.
Conquest iiE Great
American Desert
Pat and to the Point.
Paul Thieman, whoever he may
Vay" metbill ,taw rectnt ?
TtanvAn nanan whlAh la no T and tn TFIA
polnt w- hwwltn produce the first
Ifew paragraphs of his article:
When one- beholds the complacent
failure to comprehend the nature and
condition ef Far Western Irrigation, it
Is maddening. I have seen one man.
Into' wild tears of rage over the ever-
recurring evidences tnat tne people at
large, the people right here, the na
tional government, the State govern
ments, do not appreciate national irri
gation, and that the public informa
mj 1 it - . J r J 1 1 J
the subject at this time are strangely
dense. The public is fed constantly
with lovely articles about the grand
national irrigation works under way,
while the fact is that all the great
values mentioned concerning reclama
tion of the arid region are the result of
private initiative and enterprise and
Few people understand that the na
tional irrigation fund Is nothing but a
bulk of capital which may be advanced
to build reservoirs and ditches, upon a
guarantee that the owners of the lands
to be irrigated will repay the cost to
the fund. The national fund is not to
be depleted, but must be replenished
by the payment back of the cost of the
work, as assessed by the government
engineers; and if signatures to such
pledges can't be secured, - the works
proposed will not be built
Knowing that all government work
costs vastly more than if done by pri
vate capital, and the United States
failing to guarantee the limit of the
cost, lots of landowners won't sign.
and there you -are. Meantime the gov
eminent officials knock private enter
prises and warn the people against
them, when, as the situation stands.
u is oniy private enterprise, In pro
moting irrigation district bonds, in Col
orado, at least, that is really doing any
Excavator for Irrigation Canals.
A thousand men toiling with shovels
and wheelbarrows from sunrise to sun
set could not accomplish as much work
as the great steam excavator shown in
the illustration performs in eight
hours. The burning sun or rain in tor
rents has no terrors for this mammoth
earth-devouring monster. The scene
I la from a photograph of the consfruc-
tion work on the Irrigation canal in
Colusa County, California. The arti
ficial river thus created is six miles
long, 100 feet wide, and 35 feet to the
top of its banks.- The Sacramento riv
er furnishes the water which makes
fertile 156,000 acres of fruit ranches.
The excavator travels on its own
railway tracks on each side - of the
canal, and as the work proceeds the
track is taken up and relald ahead
of the machine. t
The steel buckets, which have sharp.
cutting edges, move constantly by
means of endless chains, and empty
their load of earth first on one side,
then on the other. Wide endless belts
carried on rollers carry the earth to
the sides of the ditch.
All these movements of the machine
As may be seen from the cut.
in any way contribute to the successful maintenance of such a cuisine as
should properly be furnished the chief citizen of such a country as the
: United States. There is no unnecessary elaboration of the premises, and that
makes it easier for everything to be kept immaculately neat Official enter
taining has become such a feature at the White House that it requires a
decided genius to conduct the culinary
re controlled by one lerernwn, who I
may be seen In the. cut standing on '
the platform on the left of the bucket,
He has control of five separate levers,
one for raising and lowering the buck
et chain, one for moving the car to
the right, and another for moving the
car to the left and another for moving I
it forward on the side track, and the
fifth controls the engine. The rapidi
ty and facility with which all these
movements are made Is surprising, es
pecially considering the momentum
and immense weight of the car and
bridge and the excavator's machinery,
which is about 300 tons.
Milk River Irrigation Project.
The Great Falls (Mont) land office
has received instruction to withdraw
from all forms of entry 276,480 acres'
of land, in connection with the Milk,
river irrigation project Part of the
tract withdrawn lies, northwest of
Havre, extending irregularly from the
line of the Great Northern to the inter
national boundary, comprising part of
the chain of lakes, reservoir sites and
lands lying along Milk river and Sage
Another portion of the tract lies west
of the Montana Central, between the
Big Sandy and Box Elder creeks, and
is presumably withdrawn in connec
tion with the Marias Diversion canal
portion of the Milk river prejuct
Discover a Water Supply.
Residents of the Pecos valley in New
Mexico are excited by the discovery
that underlying more than 600,000
acres of desert land is apparently an
Inexhaustible supply of water. ,The
fame of the region has spread through
out the country, and even to portions
of Europe. The water gushes from
the ground wherever borings are made
and pours over a thirsty land, trans
forming It into a garden of almost re
markable fertility.
When to Kxero ee.
When to exercise is an important
consideration. If the morning only is
available, the exercise should be light
Particularly is this the case 'if one is
engaged in any work. The supply of
energy must not be drawn from at the
beginning of the day. The afternoon
is perhaps the best time for exercise,
when one has gained strength from
the absorption of the morning and
noon meals. Those who exercise vig
orously at night should eat a mid
day dinner. Exercise should always
precede bathing, and not, as a rule, fol
low it In this respect the ancient
Greeks showed great wisdom. Exer
cise and bathing they called the two
pillars of strength. Exercise was Her
cules ana bathing Apollo. Both were
regarded with equal importance, and
neither was complete without the
Grasped the Opportunity.
Teas Mr. Saphead gave you a earn
era for your birthday, didn't he?
Jess Yes, and we took it with us
on our stroll through the country yes
terday. Oh, what do you think? He
proposed to me actually flopped down
on his, knees and l
Tegs What did you say?
J ees Why,. I said, "Look pleasant
please, and I do hope the picture will
turn out well. Stray Stories.
Was Bis Own Dentist.
An old resident of Parkhurst, Me., of
the Spartan type, recently had some
teeth that pained him. He does not
believe in doctors . or dentists, so he
made a hook out of an old pall bail
and extracted the two teeth himself.
principal kitchen ef the executive
end of it
Knitting flop Health.
Knitting , Is declared by specialists
in the treatment of rheumatism to be
most, helpful exercise for hands lia
ble to become stiff from the painful
complaint and it Is being prescribed
by physicians because of its efficacy. .
For persons liable to cramps, par
alysis, or any other affection of the
fingers of that character, knitting is
regarded as a most beneficial exercise.
Besides, the simple work is said to be
a most excellent diversion for the
nerves, and is recommended to women
who suffer from insomnia and depres
sion. - . . .
Haearont Wheat.
Saber's strain ef this Wheat is the kind
which laughs at droughts and the ele
ments and positively mocks Black Rust,
that terrible scorch f
-It's sure of yielding 80 bushels of finest
Wheat the mn shines on per acre on good
ill., la., Mich., Wis., O., Pa., Mo., Neb.
lands and 10 to 60 bushels on arid lands!
No rust, no insects, no failure. Catalog
veua au sdoui 11,
to the John A. Salzer Seed Co.. rVna
Wis., and they will send you free a sample
of this Wheat and other farm seeds, to-
seiner wiin tneir great catalog, worth
flOO.00 to any wide-awake farmer. P. C. L.
Spaniards as Gamblers,
In Europe and the New World the
most inveterate gamblers are the Span-
lards and their descendants. Among
African tribes the Haussas run the
Chinese very close; and there are some
Kanaka tribes in the South seas who
push the hazard' of gambling beyond
the grave.
Take UiaUva Brains Quinine Tablets. All drne
(lata refund the moniy ir it Mia to can. s. W
eiortfa signature la on each sex. He.
Painfully Frank.
An individual recently went into s
drug store and asked for morphine.
The druggist objected to dispensing it
without a prescription.
'Why? asked the customer. "Do
look like a man who would kill him
"I don't know," replied the druggist.
If I looked like you I should be
How's This?
Wa offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fox
any eaas of Cct&rrH that cannot be. cured fey
all's Catarrh cure.
T. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Wa. the underainad. have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 16 yaara, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all bnalneai traniao
tions and financially able to carry out any ob
ligations maae dt weir arm.
Wkst A Tboax. V
KtfT b Tboax, wholesale Drurrists, Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kihnax & Maxtln
4 (Tlu. S
i. wnoiesaie Airug-
Hall's Caiarrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Price 7sa. per bottia.
Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Uall. Vamfl Pill. ,M tti, Kast
Asking the Impossible.
Servant There's no coal, and the fires
are going out
Mistress Dear me! Why didn't yen
tell me before?
Servant I couldn't tell yea there was
no coal, mum, whea there was coal.
Mothers will And Mrs. WlnsloWs Soo thine
Byrup the best remedy to use for their eaildrea
aunng sns iseuunc perioa. ,
Spaaka 400 Liaag-naffee.
Alfredo Trembetti of Bologna enjoys
an international reputation 'as the
world's greatest linguist He speaks
400 different languages and dialects
ana is still aaOing to his knowledge ef
strange tongues. Ever since he was
14 years of age he has been master
ing the various languages of the world.
and he Intends shortly to come . to
America to complete his knowledge of
the dialects of the Indians ef the
In the fall of 1895 Icontracted that fear
ful disease, Blood Poison. It gained such
headway that I was forced to resign my
position and seek relief at Hot Springs.
After spending all the means I had I went
to Memphis. In less than three weeks I
was in a hospital, and after nine weeks of
suffering I was discharged as cured. In
less than a month every bone in my body
seemed to be affected and felt as if they
would break at the least exertion. Again
I was compelled to resign, and I returned
to' the hospital for a seven weeks stay.
When I came out I was advised to try
farming. When I first went on the farm I
prevailed on the only firm who bandied
drugs to get me one dozen bottles of 8. S.
S. At. that time both of my hands were
broken out with blisters and I was covered
with boils and sores. In the meantime my
druggist had gotten two dozen bottles of
S. S. S. for me and I began its use, and
after taking the thirteenth bottle not a
sore or boil was visible. R. B. PowEU
East 9th St, Little Rock, Ark.
Of all human diseases, Contagious Blood
Poison is the most hideous and hateful
The victim is tortured with eating ulcers,
sores end abscesses, unsightly blotches,
eruptions and other symptoms of the mis
erable disease. S. S. S.-has been nsed
successfully for nearly - fifty years for
Contagious mood
Poison. It con
tains no mercury,
potash or other
mineral. Our home
treatment' book
gives all the symp
toms of this dis
ease. Medical ad
vice free. '
Tbt Swift Speclflo Company, Atlanta, fia,
lllit f HEM All ILSI lalle.
Bast Co oca Syrap. Tastes Good. JDi
Ima. Sole by drnggl.ta. ' t
Welf foe- (mmet bookie how to (fray
Intense Gold Breeds Catarrfj.
Severe Weather.
February is a month of severe storms
and intense cold.
Even in the South where the prevail
ing temperature is much above wintry
latitudes, February brings sudden
changes of temperature.
Mercury sometimes drops 20 degrees
in a single night.
Therefore, the following health hints
are applicable to the whole of North
The sleeping rooms should be well
ventliated, but so as to avoid direct
currents of air.
Those in vigorous health should take
a cold water towel bath every morning
before breakfast. Those in feeble
health should take a brisk dry-towel-rub
every morning.
The diet should be a generous one,
including meat, and occasionally-fresh
The nights being long and the days
short, as much sunshine as possible
should be let into the house during the
The head should be kept cool at all
times. The feet should be kept waim
and dry, day and night.
When unavoidably exposed to cold
or wet, a few dose of Peruna will avert
bad consequences.
- When seized with a chill, er even
slight chilliness, a dose of Peruna
should be taken at once.
Always In tbe Market.
Jinks Why de these millionaires dress
so shabbily?
Winks So folks will take pity en 'em
and hay their watered stocks.
Itehlse; Bnsd, Blecalsc mr PratTsdlsc nies
TouAraaxist will refund mssey If PAZO OINT
UXT fsua ts cars job Is cm 14 oars. ttte.
Kadinjt at Discussion.
Mr. Grnmpps (hotly) You must be
crazy. "
Mrs. Grmnpps (icily) Just what ev
ery body said when I married you.
For coughs and eolds there is no better
medicine than Pisa's Cure for Consump
tion. Price 26 cents.
Money a ldttle Scarce.
Hustler I want to advertise for capi
tal; partner wanted, yon know. Here it
is. Get it in to-morrow.
Advertising Clerk Yes, sir. Twe
dollars and a half, please.
Hustler Oh. that's all right I'll pay
for the advertisement when I get the
Growers aad Importers of All Kinds of
Orass and Pleid Seeds
Dry ground, deep-rooting grass seeds thst
we will ruaxaatce to grow on groan d that will
not produce cereals or any other kind of grass.
Will make crop of hay and pasture all seasons
of the year. Address M. J. Shields Co., Mos
cow, Idaho. ,
, most careful farmers C
faad gardeners everywhere
1 y place confidence in Ferry's I
J Seeds the kind that never fait
"a baTOfc
I Hold
haTC been the standard for 49 yean. .
, uBjr wo nob an experiment. j
. ooia Dy an aeaiers. leos Seed ,
asraai free for the asking.
r ineasKing. AkV I
fa CO.. N
0. M. FERRY t
Detroit, Mich.
, National Oafs
Greatest oat nf tha cwnl.nrT.
931. In TAn 2TJL .nf In W Tkalrnu.
ViaMlMt In Hhln IffT In Ul.1i
oiu ona. per acre.
x ou cut seat xan rsoora in na
For 10c and this notice
. we mall you free lots of farm seed
samples ana oar Dig catalog, tell. ,
ingaji aooui una oat wooaer ana
tnoosends of other seeds.
,CVM crease.
-F? A D E U E
blmmoh avid aw.'x te ars. HSOARJB ORUB
r,- rrr -i - WPTTC5 SCAT
v r The
Sudden Changes Creed CatarMaV
Rest -
As much sleep as possible should be
obtained in the forepart of the night.
Catarrh of Head.
Mr. Frank Cobb, 175 Summit Street.
Deering, Me., writes: .
"I was troubled with catarrh in my
head. I wrote to Dr. Hartman for'
advice and he prescribed Peruna.
"I took it and am happy to say H
helped me at once. I feel better than
I have lor years."
Bronchial Trouble.
Mr. J. Ed. O'Brien, Pres. American.
Pilot Ass'n, Peneacola, Fla., writes:
"I heartily give my endorsement to '
Peruna as an effective cure for catarrh
and bronchial trouble."
Throat and Lungs.
Frank Battle, Jr., Ill N. Market St.,
Narhville, Tenn., writes:
"Peruna has cured me ef cbrenie
"It is the -grandest discovery ef the
age for throat and lungs.'"
Mr. A. C. Danforth, St. Joseph,
Mich., writes:
"I contracted a severe eold which
settled on my lungs. I was threatened
with pneumonia.
"Peruna gave me relief within a
couple of days. Three bottles saved me
a large- doctor bill and a great deal ef
Thousands of Testimonials.
We have on file thousands ef tes
timonials like the above. We can
give our readers only a slight glimpse
of the vast array of unsolicited endorse
ments Dr. Hartman is constantly re
ceiving. Address Dr. S. B. Hartman, Presi
dent of The Hartman Sanitarium, Co
lumbus, O.
WIIITCII RAtE8MT.N toeanrass amongst wis
nnnlr.ll farmers and dealers selling Fire,
Water aad Burglar irorf Bates. Prices ark
within reach ef everyone. Good money mak
er. Have agents new making S10.e ar day.
Specialty selling cd.
"1 have tried all kinds of waterproof
clothing and have never found anything
at any price to compare with your Fish
Brand for protection from all kinds of
(The name and address of the .
writer ef this unsolicited letter
aaqr be had upon appiieasonj
A. J. TOWER CO. TheSigoof AeFsh
Boston. U.S. A C$VVER3
Tareoto. Canada 1 SHtS
Maim of Warranted Wtt Weather Clothina
Clean Your Grain
MUX, with Sacking attachment,
will dean and grade alt kinds of
Grain and Seeds. The only
that has screens and riddles made
especially for cleaning grain on the
Coast. To convince you that thb
Grain Cleaner is as represented I will
send yoa one on 30 days free trial
and will pay the freight.
Write me for our Descriptive Cat
alogue and "on time proposition
it will interest yot.
Dept. 11
Portland, Oregon
r. N. U.
No. 7-1905
IEN wrlttnar to ad vertlaars pluses
i Bflnuna assss paper. .
S 3 D V E S
CO., tMleMrhZlMJmnmrL "moMBm'
' !" !.. as