Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 17, 1905, Image 5

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March 8th - is Ash Wednesday
and marks the beginning of the
Lenten season.
Fir wood wanted on subscription
at this office. ; . . , :
Miss Grace . Huff was on the
streets, Tuesday, for the first time
since her recent attack of appendi
citis. Miss Loretta Sheasgreen left,
Tuesday, for a visit with friends in
Monroe and Eugene. Sbe expects
to arrive home today.
Everything is moving nicely in
the way of preparations for tbe
Knights of Pythias district conven
tion, which will convene in this city
next Wednesday.
Circuit court will convene in Cor-
yallis, for Benton county, March 28.
There ar nineteen cases on the
docket at present, none of which
are of importance.
Presbyterian church, Rev. M. S.
Bush. Bible school at 10 a. ru.
preaching 11 a. m., subject "A Gra
cious Invitation." C. E. at 6:30 p,
m.; evening service at -7:30, sufj ct
"A Christian at Satan's MiU."
The St. Valentine dance given by
the Ladies' Coffee Club, Monda
night, in the Firemen's ball, is re
ported to have been a very enjoy a-
ble affair. Fechter's orchestra, of
Albany, furiishsd the music.
Last Monday. W. G. EmMV re
ceived a very fin- Barred Plymouth
Bock cockerel direct from the raiser
in Sai ta Cruz, Calif. Chicken fan
ciers who have seen the cock ere
pronounce him a very fine bird. ,
,'. Postmastsr Johnson . reports that
"something was doing" in Coryallis
on St. Valentine s day. In fact
there was an, unusual business in
Valentines this year and the duties
of our postmaster were, in conse
quence, augtnente . ' -: .
I Most of our people got tired of
the cool weather and bursting of
water pipes that accompanied it,
Cold 'weather in the , Willamette
Valley is not the best for the coun
try, but fortunately it does not get
very co id nor very often.
George Guier, who is suffering
with appendicitis, was removed on
. a stretcher, Tuesday evening, from
the home of William Spencer on
South Main street to the lodging
house just east of the court house.
He submitted to an operation Wed
nesday. A party consisting of J. C. Lowe,
Chester Taylor, Merwin Mc aines
and Harry Miller, weut to Monroe
to attend the St. Valentine dance
given there Tuesday night. They
report a jolly time and aver that
Monroe people know how to enter
tain royally, too.
Through Track Manager Wil
lard Wirtz, Pacific University has
completed negotiations whereby
"Dad" Moulton.will- have charge.of
the university track squad during
the coming season . "Dad" Moul
ton is from Stanford University and
is said to be one of the best known
trainers on the coast." '"i .
1 Dr. W. S. Holt; came up from
Portland, Tuesday, to attend tha
union meetings that have been held
in this city during the pst two
weeks: He was under the impres
sion that these meetings would con
tinue a day 0 two longer, and only
arrived in season to attend the last
meeting. Rev. Holt is the synodi-
' cat missionary of thj Presbyterian.
church of Oregon.
Louis N. Edwards, who has been
a member of the federal grand jury
in sessiou in Portland during the
past two months, arrived home in
Benton, Tuesday. This iury has
become- almost famous for the many
indictments against persons of high
and low degree thought to be impli
cated in the plot to defraud the gov
ernment of public lands . The j ury
was excused and will be assembled
. again early in April.
The Baptist church will hold all
its usual services next Sunday, A-
hearty welcome for all who can at
Rev. P. A. Moses will preach at
the M E. church, South, next Sab
bath at 11 a. m. A cordial invita
tion to all.
The First Spiritual Union of
Corvallis will hold services in Bar
rett Lvceum on Sunday at 3 p. m.
A cordial invitation is extended to
The local teacher's institute has
been postponed, an as now pched
nled will occur in this city Feb. 25,
in the school building of this citv.
On account of low water the
steamer Pomona has been taken off
the Corv His run, but will resume
he usual run as soon as the water
will permit.
Mrs: E. R. Lake and Mrs. C. E.
Hout, loft,. Wednesday, for Cottage
Grove; where tby are representing
the local Circle in the district con
vention now in session there.
Yesterday, at the residence of tbe
ofntatirig clergyman, T. T Vincent
the marriage of W. L. Bnh and
Mia Effie Frantz, both of Kings
Vnlle t, was solemnized.
Usual services at tbe Congreza
tional church. Evening subject,
"Can a Business Man be a Chris
tian?" You are invitd. Services
at P'yrnouth at 3 p. m.
Hon. J.K. Weatberford. of Al
bany, was in Cnrval'is yesterday
apcomrianied hv Messra. Hndricks
and Wright, of New York C'ty, who,
were looking into the intrests of the
C. & E., we are informed.
- The Gazette is a splendid adver
tising medium, because its circula
tion is greater at present ' than at
any similar time of its history.
It is interesting to note the dif
ference in the amount of tax mc ev
paid to Sheriff Burnett this year
and last year on the same date.
On Feb 15, 1904, 214 tax-payers vla lnavale to Bellfountain will,
Vinrl nuiA in S7 DftR 17- nn t.ha unm '
... -r . . , .
dn'e this year the sheriff had co -
ected ? 10,248.39, and this sum ws
contributt-d by 285 tax-payers. On
the corresponding dates we find a
gain of 71 persons more who pid'
this year ' than last vear, and we
fi id that up to above dates $3,182.-
22 more was paid this year than
last year.
V Mrs. Burns, who, with her son
has occurred quarters in the old
Reading Room building, departed
yesterday for Los Angelps, Cal'f.,
where she expects to remain witp
ber husband, until pome time in
Mav. : -
The 2.000-aallnn water tank of
the Bntn County Prune Co. was
brought up from the big orchard
Wednesdav for the purpose of hav
ing J. R. Smith Co. put a newbnt
torn in it.
Frank E Jones, of Selma. Calif,,
will preach next Sunday at the
Christian church, his morning sub
ject being "How Much Lovest.
Thou."' In the evening, "The
Creed that Needs no Revision." All
Last Tuesday morning one of E
W. : Strone's young sons, while
pkating on a rond iust- across the
Wil'amette, broke through tbe ice
and but for the fact that Bert Van
horn threw the lad a board the
latter would undoubtedly have
drowned. -
Gen i Lew Wallace expired, Wed
nesday evening, at his home in
Orawfordsv'He, Ind., at the age pf
78 years. This ends the career of a
man famous as" a soldier, statesman,
and author. The writer of. "Ben
Hur" is no more. ' ,. H was engaged
at writing his own biography when
he died.
Dr. Harsh a concluded . his work
in this city last Tuesday evening
and is at present conducting union
rnepting$ in' Brownsville. When
he leaves the latter place he will
proceed to Texas. Just now tbe
ministers. of this city are continu
mg tne union meetings ana are
holding them in the . M. E. church,
so doing another route is estab
lished and many people west and
south of Monroe are served with
daily mail. Heretofore these peo
ple have had no daily mail at all.
It is a case ot the "greatest good
for the greatest number." The
carrier heretofore making the trip
after March ist. when the new
contract is let. only proceed as
fair south as lnavale.
Anent Y. M. C. A.
In Appreciation,
We are in receipt of the follow
ing from tne legislative body in
which that body voices its appre
ciation ot the courtesy shown
them on their recent visit at OAC:
Whereas, The members of
the legislature of the state of Or-
gon, and their families, and
friends are desirous ot expressing
their gratitude to the Southern
Pacific Company, the Corvallis
& Eastern Railway Company,
the faculty and ladies of the Or
egon Agricultural College and
the citizens of Newpor; for their
courtesies and hospitality extend
ed them on their trip to Newp rt
on Saturday, February ' nth.
1905, therefore be it
Resolved, That the mem
bers and families and friends of
the said legislature of the state
of Oregon do hereby extend to
said Southern Pacific Railway
Company, the ' Corvallis & East
ern Railway Company, the facul
ty and ladies of the Oregon Ag
ricultural College, and the citi
zens ot Newport, a vote of thanks
for their kindness and the courte
sy shown.
The matter of the proposed
students' building rs now before
thq citizens of Corvallis. Since
the Young Men's Christian As
sociation has taken the leadership
in the eaterprise, it is naturally
more or less prominent in the
public eye, and is perhaps being
closely scrutinized.
Although the association fig
ures conspicuously in the build
ing movement, it Dy no means
follows that the building is to be
a religious affair to the exclusion
of other lines of activity. ' Of
the twenty or more rooms in the
entire structure, only three are to
be-used distinctly tor Y. M. C A
work. Rooms for athletic and
physical development, social re
lations, literary society work, ora
torical and debating associations.
glee club and college proper, and
for leisure and tor reading, are
all provided.
All classes are to be benefitted,
regardless of profession or belief.
Membership privileges in the
building are to be based on moral
grounds rather- than on church
membership, creed or nationality.
From the expressed sentiment of
many, it is evident that the move
ment w' 11 be generously support
ed by the business men.
Burned Out.
Extraordinary. . .
The Utopians Entertain.
This announcement, the most important ever made by any
mercantile house in the Willamette valley, will be of vast in
terest to every man, woman and child in this city and vicinity.
Our 35th Clearance Sale
closed Jan. 31st, and in giving thanks for your generous patron
age, I make the following extraordinary announcement: I will
refund the money on all cash purchases made on a certain day
of the' month of February, the day selected to be announced in
the Gazette of March 3. The Lucky Day will be selected by
lot. .. " ' ; -
No Matter What You Purchase
for cash at retail rates, be it a five-cent or $100 purchase, if .
your duplicate checks bear the date of the LUCKY DAY, your
money will be cheerfully refunded. . , " .
Save Your Duplicate Checks
secured with cash purchases as no money will be refunded ex
cept on presentation of duplicate cash checks. Buy something
every day and you are bound to
Be one of the Lucky Ones V
My popular low prices will , preyail during this month. All
goods marked in plain figures. : Mail orders accompanied by
cash will participate in this offer.
0n the farm belonging to Mrs.
Sam Wyatt, Lear Boonville, some
five miles south of this city, oc
cured quite a disastrous fire yes
terday forenoon about 10 o'clock.
Walt Smith has the place leased,:
and for the past . few months the
family of L V. Baker has occu
pied the house. The house is
some distance from the road-
The fire was seen by T. B. Cain
and John Rickard, as they drove
along the highway enroute to
Corvallis, and tney at once pro
ceeded to the scene of the con
flagration. They found no one at tome.
but went to work to save what
they could. A smoke-house
stood about thirtv feet from the
house and the ' meat in the
;smoker" together with a' few
effects of .small value was all
that they were able to save.
It seems that Mr. .baker was
on anotner place about three
miles distant grubbing stumps for
Walt Smith at the time of the
fire and had his family with him,
Whether there was any insurance
oh the house or Mr. Baker's ef
fects we could not learn, nor
could we get definite information
regarding the origin of the fire.
Mr. Baker arrived in town with
his family last evening.
The result of the recent teachers'
examination held in this city is as
follows: There were nve success
ful applicants for third grade cer
tificates, three f-r second grade,
and eight for first grade. There
mfiva (nn. ' onnliiMnfn frkl. ofafa
-wr- -.. .uuuojr papers but tneir paperB were
ror oaiem, irom wnicn place lie in- forWarded to the office of the Sup
tends to proceed to Portland and erintendent of Public Instruction,
,r , ir ottu r niiiK1Bl!o. at Sa1em, to be p lS8ed Upon.
'In the latter city he will transact
some business and will then proceed After an illness of some duration,
to Moffat Creek, Northern Calif. Mrs Jane Michael died at the home
His father, E. J. Garrow, and cth- of her daughter, Mrs. M. P. Fruit,
' ers have a mill and a large tract in this city, last Wednesday. Mrs.
of timber land on Moffat Creek and Michael was of an advanced age,
Joe goes to superintend operations being in her 78th year when death
there during the present year. overtook her . The funeral services
t v' i j .vli Wu . occurred yesterday at the residence
w a T T of M- P--Fruit, Rev. Reeves officiat-
7 J aB 8 m d i"g- The remains were taken to
F5L fnQph0t?w "S Brownsville, where they will be in-
H.TYl or IT rnfMnria - na Trior Invinrv rha . '
time ne hasTe;Q in pla terred ia the family cemetery today.
business in this city he has had a Last night after going to press
dozen or fifteen photos stolen alto- the football game between' the Al
gether. They have disappeared bany and OAC young ladies was to
one or two at a time at various in- have been played. The game .was
lervais. ne says mat, ne nas oeen to nave taxen place this evening,
lying low aoout the matter think-1 according to nrst arrangements,
ing that by so doing he could get a (but for some reason the schedule
clue to the identity of the guilty was changed. This evening our
party. He now suggests that peo- girls are io play the Willamette
pie who have had work done at his University team. Both games are
gaueryxeepan eye open tor tneir to occur m the Armory. Tomor
photographs and if they learn of row night the students are to have
any it will be an easy matter to re- their Washington's Birthday dance,
member if they were given out by Will Fechter, of Albany will furn-
the owner,
This may lead to
isn a six-piece
orchestra for the o&
One of the most memorable
and happy events of the college
year was the reception tendered
the members of the Jeffersonian
Society by the Utopian girls,
last Saturday evening, February
ii. The library was gaily dec
orated with a color scheme of red
and white, suggestive of Cupid's
inflicted wounds. Red and
white bunting was draped in a
very artistic manner, and from
among its folds, numerous, red
and white hearts peeped.
, Novel features of the evening's
entertainment were a Cupid's
Post Office and Roll Call. Each
gentleman and each lady present
ed his or her object of admira
tion with a valentine, some of
them being comic and others of a
more serious nature. Roll was
called by . Miss Alicia Hill, play
ing the part of stern professor.
All present responded with quaVr
enng voices to phrases, . the im
port of which was : unknown
A spicy program and dainty, light
refreshments were immensely en
joyed. -Each person present
carried home a unique souvenir
stamped with the Utopian seal.
A Top-Notcher."
Postoffice Gone.
There will be something doing
at the Opera House tonight, and
in order to get a good idea you
will have to attend. A collection
of first-class vaudeville artists will
appear on a sort of trial trip, and
if the patronage warrants will
make the circuit abeut twice a
month. Every performer is an
artist in his line, and the very es
sence of high-class entertainment
is what you will find. These
artists are selected from the vari
ous vaudeville circuits and their
acts are all "hummers." The
price is ridiculously low, for two
and a half hour's fun. In metro
politan places these bills only last
from one half hour to an hour,
so you see we are to be given a
great deal extra. The program
as furnished us shows the follow
ing startling features: dancing-
s i nginghorizontalbartrapezeactsf-
arcessketchesi ugglingslackwi r e a
ndotheracts the cream of vaude
ville. ' ; ' ' ' ' ' - -' ".
Regulator of Low Prices Corvallis, Ore.
Our Great Annual Stock-taking
Immense reductions in every department. Short ends
odd sizes, broken lines and remnants by hundreds.
Dress goods, Silks, Really made wear, Laces, Ribbons,
Draperies, Lace curtains, Sheets, Tillow cases; etc.
Prices in
duced by
many cases re
half. Our new
s will arrive-
Last Wednesday night the post-
office at Bellfountain went out of
business. People of that section
will now receive their mail over
the R. F. D. route No. i from
Monroe. N. O. Dodge, who was
in Corvallis a ouple of days ago.
informs us that people who live
in -the immediate neignoornooa
of Bellfountain are not greatly
pleased with the change, as it
throws some mail a day late.
As it has been, mail leaving
Portland.- for instance, in the
-a 14 f
morning would reacn iseiiioun
tain that evenrhg. As now ar
ranged, instead of coming to Cor
vallis, mail destined to Monroe
will be sent to Junction City for
distribution that is, the greater
part of it. Mail sent from Port
land to Bellfountain in the morn
ing, via Junction City, will ar
rive at Juncridnthat afternoon and
remain there over night, to be
handed over to the carrier on the
R. F. D. route No i early the
following morning.
Should Bellfountain mail be
carried via Corvallis it would
reach Monroe and go out the same
time it would if taken by way of
function Citv. Ot course, by this
j arrangement it throws some mail hOwy'S KtUtiey T CtlTQ
a day late at tfemountain, doi m maxes kidneys ana bladder right
You Are Inyited. .
Next Wednesday night, the ladies
of the First Methodist church are to
give a Martha Washington tea at
the church. An excellent lunch
will be served in the church parlors
from 5 to 8; price, 15 cts. From
8 to 9, an interesting program will
be given free of charge in the audi
torium of the church.
Great Shoe Sale
The largest assortment of , Shoes offered on
Special Sale in Philomath. Comprises about
1,000 pair of Men's, Women's, Misses', Boy's
and Children's Shoes will be on sale during
the month of February. ; This reduction will ,
be made for Cash only. Immediate attention
will be given to Mail Orders. There are
. Special Prices on Men's, Women's, Boy's and
Children's ; Rubber Boots and Oil Coats. '
We also call your attention to our large Stock
of Millinery Goods which are on Special Sale.
; -