Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 14, 1905, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Ga.ettk Publishing Company'.
burdens to jjvtat .to bear would
follow the organization of the
state, because of the limited pop
illation and the small values of
taxable property; hence the con-
Subscription per year, in advance, $1.50. Istitiitional convention which iram-
If not in advance, per year, J2.00.
The question, "What is neces
sary to make a town or commu
nity thrive?" is of vital import
ance and one often in the minds
of the thinking citizens. Many
things acrue to the benefit of a
people. The most essential thing
is a good pay roll. Without this
there is no life, and of course
without life the town is dead, so
to srjeak. But how to sec ore a
pay roll? ' y
It is patent that the poor man
the laborer cannot be expect
ed to create a pay roll. So we
must look to the rich or fairly
well-to-do man for thisj creation.
But there is the sticking point.
Such a man is already independ
ent in a sense" and is generally
discreet enough to try and "make
sure" before he invests in any
business that will provide means
of sustenance for any number of
people. He must exercise good
judgment in determining what is
a proper business in which to en
gage. Must consider the coun
try, its products, and community
Having determined all this, he
next gives attention to the tem
per of his fellow men. Here his
heart mav fail him, for few, if
any, will "patronize home indus-
.., :r u 1
- 1.1 y IX LUC 11U111C All a LI UldLLUlCU
, article can be secured for a tew
1 1 1
r.urthermore, large corpora
tions will flood the community
wherein is situated this local in
dustry with the wares of his man
ufacture placed at so low a figure
that he will in. all probability be
ruined. But no sooner will he be
- -driven from the field than this
"Same corporation will raise the
price to a much higher figure
than the small manufacturer de
manded. An i lustration of this
is fiirnishad everv. dav in some
part of the Union at present in
- Kansas in the fight between that
state and Mr. Rockefeller. :
This sort ot thing is what is
retarding the growth of Oregon,
and of all, small towns, Corvallis
among the rest. , And the people
are .to blame. Never a week pass
es that orders do not go from this
city to some other place for some
thing that could have been secur
ed here. In purchasing at home
you may pay out a tew cents
more for a given thing, but your
money is here. Its presence is
necessaay to the lite of the place
in which you reside. You look
to your home town to supply you
a living. ' The debt is not all on
the side of the town you owe it
something. In a degree the pos
sibility of creating a pay roll is
in your own hands, be you rich
or poor. v:
ed the constitution limited the
salaries to be paid to the officers
of the state so as to confine future
generations within certain
amounts in order not to involve
the small number of people then
in the state with expenses too great
for them to meet. The constitu
tion has carried us along within
safe, conservative lines, and dur
ing all of the time there has been
abundant official material offered
and seeking state positions. Yet
for over thirty years many of the
tax-eaters have viewed with con
tempt the sacred provisions of the
constitution and sought every op
portunity to overstep its conserva
tive financial provisions. If the
governor does not veto the bill,
suit should be brought to sustain
and protect the constitution from
An offer to make you come up
stairs and see us.
New Mainspring (none better),
r.oo. ,
Cleaning (ordinary watch),
$100. Cannot be done better at
any price.
MATTHEWS, The Jaweler.
Room 12, over First National
A Great
Steamer Pomona, . leaves Cor
vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays
and Eridays, for Portland and all
way points. For rates, etc. ,
call on
Boats leave for Portland and
way stations at 6 a. m.
A dispatch from St. Peters
burg, Russia, beui'ng date of
Feb. 10, indicates that Russia
must have peace at any cost.
Notwithstanding the fact that
she is the party suing for peace,
Russia proceeds to outline terms
that would be agreeable to her,
as follows:
"There is a greater probability
of peace now than at any pre
vious time. The ter ms of peace
acceotable to Russia would, be
the recession to China cf Man
churia Xiao Tung peninsula and
Port Arthur, with permission
from China to lease these territor
ies to Japan for 99 years. Russia
to evacuate Manchuria but to re
tain the island of Saghallen,
Vladivostok and the province of
Ussuri. No indemnity to be
Now, : what do yoa think of
that! It seems possible, that the
Mikado will 'have a voice in
this matter, at least, everything
points that way just now. The
present willingness (?)of Russia to
give up Port Arthur r the in
dication of such a possibilityis
ridiculous. No indemnity, Eh !
Wait and see. This being the
second time Japan has reduced
Port Arthur it is quite reasonable
to suppose she will retain posses
ion. - :-.."." -
0. c. & t. steamers!
, ine (jAzette has made a
special - arrangement with
the publishers of a number
of the leading magazines
and newspapers of the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
A quantity of Remnants have accumulated during
our late clearance sale which will be sold at nomi
nal prices. There are Remnants of Black and
Colored Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Satins, Linings,
Table' Linens, Towelings, Flannelettes, Outing Flan
nels, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, Skirtings, Waist
ings, RibbonSj Laces, Embroideries, White GoSds, ,-'
etc. Broken Lines of Shoes. Hats, Underwear,
Men's" and Boy's Suits, Odd Pants, Muslin Under- ,
wear. Black Sateen Petticoats, Corsets, etc. All at
SPECIAL All our Novelty Dress Patterns at Rummage Prices. .
All Remnants and Udd Lots must be closed out in a few dav
Just received, a choice selection of plain and fancy
Silks for Shirt Waist Suits. Ask to see them.
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Now we could charge you the
Cheap Sunday Rates Between foil price for these and re
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to us, as our
commission, but as the Ga
zeste is a home paper for
home people, it will be sat
isfied by receiving you as a.
new subscriber, or, if you
are now a subscriber, then ;
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
speeial rate may, not last
long:, so take advantage of it
NOW while the- chance Jis;
Low round trip rales have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before tbe
following Monday.
Rate to or From Cokvallib. $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents
for particulars.
Imported B ack ' Percheron wil
be'in Corvallis, tor service, after
January 1. ForJ further informa-
tion address. T. K Fawcett. i
Bellfttuntain, Or. jl f
and "
F. A. Hencye
, Our' governor is a trained and
skillful lawyer. - During his ad
ministration he has vetoed num
erous measures for infringing up
on the legislative construction of
of the constitution of our . state;
His action will be looked to with
much interest , in relation-to his
views concerning this bill which
recently passed both houses of
the legislature providing large in
creased flat salaries to state offi
cers over the limit prescribed by
the constitution. ; There cannot
beany doubt regarding the pror
er construction to be given to the
constitution upon., this subject
, When Oregon was admitted as a
' state we bad . scarcely population
enough to make a respectable
sized county. There was much
opposition and fear that financial
The papers . of Washington
county, the home of Dr. James
Withycombe, are all in favor of
Dr. y Withycombe for governor
says the " Albany Herald, copy
ing the following from the Forest
Grove Times: "The politicians
at Salem and Portland are all
talking about the next republi
can candidate for governor and
mentioning several of their as
sociates, as if they were the peo
ple and they had a cinch on the
places to be given out. But they
should not forget tbat the new
primary law is now in force aad
that we country people are going
to have something, to say about
who is to be the nominee. And
when the farmers and plain , peo
pie make a choice it is more like'
ly to be r: Withycombe, of the
State Agricultural Station, than
any politician who has vet been
mentioned. J ust remember that. '
Cornire, Roofing, Gutterin?,
and all kinds of Sheet Metal I
- Work. -
Woman's Home Companion
Frank Leslie's Monthly
Modern Priscilla and
Corvallis Gazette
In connection with J. H.
All five
one year
Practical Horse Sheer
. . and Blacksmith .
Makes a specialty of draft horses and
track shoeing. 1 wo years with reg
ular army in Philippines as Gov
ernment Shoer. y
Interfering corrected and workguar-
. anteed. 1 . v
Philomath m - Oneg.l
Interest the
Weekly Gregorian
San Francisco Examiner
Corvallis Gazette
Ail three
one year
When vour eyes tire in reading, when
you frown or Tartly close the eyes when
looking at an object; when things
swinv' or become dim after being
looked at for some time ; when the eyes
ache, smart, or watery or when you have
pain in. the eyeball, orbit, temples or
forehead. . -
All the conditions are cnrahle tiv Min
er glasses, such as we will furnish yott
alter a wivnmiw ea. uiiuaitu u,
MATTHEWS, The Optician,
Room 12, over First National Bank
Grave Trouble Foreseen.
Fraud Exposed.
A few counterfeiters have lately been
making and trying to sell imitations of
Dr. Kings New Discovery for consnmp'
tion, Cqnghs and Golds, and other medi
cines, thereby defrauding the public.
This is to warn you to beware of such
people, who seek to profit, though steal
ing the reputation of remedies which
hive been successfully caring disease,
for over 35 years. A sure protection, to
yon, is our name on the wrapper. Look
for it on all Dr. 'ings Or - Bucklen's
remedies as all others are mere iinita
tationt. H. . Bnckien & Co., Chicago,
111. and Windsor, Canada. For sale by
Allen & Woodward. '
Cosmopolitan Magazine
or Leslies, ;
or McCall's,
Corvallis Gazette
: It need but little foresight, to tell tbat
when the stomach and liver are badly
effected, grave trouble is ahead, unless
you take the proper medicine for your
disease, as Mrs. John A. Young of Clay, I Zl M V tit f ft
I raltrift of liver ' and stnmanh. mv Vioarl. I L
was weakened, and I could not eat. I
was very bad tor a long time, but in
Electric Bitters I found just vhat I need
ed for they quickly relieved and. cured
me." Best medicine for weak womem
Sold under guarantee by Allen & Wood.
ward, druggist, at 50c a bottle.
Graham & Wells Pharmacy
Patent... 1
. And Proprietary Remedies.
Every one that's advertised, and some
that are not, can be obtainedat our store..
We have a complete drug store don't
sell hardware, dry goods or groceries
but everything in the drug line . . ... .
We want to merit your patronage
Graham & Wells Pharmacy
Repairing ana Job Work
of any kind promptly
and correctly done.
Glasses Fitted
at prices that are reasonable and
eyes tested free of all charge.
6 ores woidsi ire vents rneomoiin
Gazette Pub. Co
Corvallis, Or em
Often Day and NighU Rooms Single or EnSuite
J. C. HAMMEL, Prop.
One of the finest Eauined Hotels In the Valleym
Both Phones.
Bus Meets all Trains
Ii yon are looting for some real good
Bargains in 8tock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for oar special
list, or e me and gee ns. We will take
pleasure in giving yon reliaole informa-
IaaaBaaa uon: auo snowing yon orer we county
Bring your Job Work to the
Gazette Office.