CLASSIFIED AOVERTISEMEIJTS'Tlre ikh linen, or let-s. & i cd's lor three t)ons or 50 r ente per month WANTED HKS'I rAyi I RIi'K FA 10 FDh uliuls !! 1 ' 1 1 r iiir-ii iltn-heil Folk '..nli Bouldnn. ;i. VMllif, Oregon. -t tO ''.KTTK oflli e T vnTE MO fcUBsi'lilbKHSsTOTfiE i;ETtE am Weiky Oreiionian a - - 50 pi year. FOR SALE I "AVE 15 OR 20 TONS OF NO. 1 v h hay for sale. Wiite 'to J E 1 hunpson, Corvallis. R. F. D. 2; or I O- Thompson, Monklm il. Op. 12 19 A fi' OD TE VM, 6 AND 7 YEARS OLD jo'mJ harness and new wagoD. One T?0-ege incubator and brooder. J- A. D.wson. Ind'p phone 35 Co vallie 15 SH T ON PfcRUN'A BUT LONO nn Prunm. Italian Prunes. 50 lb. bosei. 1.50. Con e quirk. F L. Millkr. TH. ROTJOHRRK'' BARRED PLYM ' h Rock Odd- . !t for nhIo cheap at 00. J I Ttnr, at C & E. croup- Bm:Y CARRIAGE FOR PALE AL- t. dp c!omlirfin carrias?" and an- rr with silk pHmml aid rubber lues -ale at a 1'H'gniii. Enquire at thia i.'Hi'e. Fi : SALE OE FULL-FLOOD JER- v bull. snljC to ri-yi-'e" from first-; .' a milK (.to, k. A'foress, ji. o "'ndceck. CorvalUs Or. REGlSTFREH OXFORD DOWN K ins ariri four half-hreei's. Peter itaker. INV LID'S CHAIR. GO-uART STYLE, li-bt-built and livht-rnnnins, for pale . p. Ak BLACKLiDGE about it. LOST. EN AMELED GOLD PIN, WITH INI t; -is "P. R. C." Please leave at the G izette Office. MUSIC. mQ INSTRUCTION .'IVK'J IN :' prrle of advancement A'"" , OP tOlie-t Mill rppi-irwl in fi'St-HaSK : -tier. Ind phone No. 405. If. A v . ite. ' - - EXPRESSMEN. nr.! .T.l WELL! HERFPJOHN LEN- vi-. Known him 22 veara Still car- (TTnp.le Sam and baaease. John is aceom.iiodatine marl nd always -; m be found at his poet Allen's Drug f- re, or phone zot AUCTIONEER A KT.TNK LIVE STOCK AUCTION- .r. Corvallia, Or. Office t Huston's t i. -.Huoro store. P' (). fcddrFSB Box 11 " Ifnvs higliest prices for ail kinds of H; e mock: Twenty years'; experience, Satisfaction guaranteed! STAGE LINE. PHILOMATH A?JD. ALSEA STACE fa ire leaves Alsea 6:30 a. m. ; annves t Plrilematb. at 12 m ; leaves Philo math 1 p. m., arrives at Alsea :30 p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west ean be accomodated at ny time. Fare to Alsea $1.00 Round trip same day $2.uu. M. S. XtlCKABD. ATTORNEYS' W. E. YATES, THE LAWYER, ! Both Phones. CORVALLIS, OR, E. R. ERYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Poet Office Building, Corval- iis, Oregon. JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary. Titles. Convevanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14. Bank Baud' ing. Office Hours: 10 to 12a.m., 2 to 4 d. in. Residence: cor. 6th and Ad ' ana 8ts. Telephone at office and res idence. - . uorvams, uregon. C H. KEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on Slain street, rhiiomatn, uregon. MISS DEETTA JONES, A GRADUATE none of Portland Sanitarium six years' experience. Private patients. Independent phoneNo. 334. Post of fice box 2d i - 12tf DENTISTS C U TA"VTYD TYTi'.WrTHT PATW. less extraction.' In Zierolf building Dm TViot. ClfRna llnmllla. Dmumti. Corvallis Gazette A iwict-a-t iiew.'p.-tuei containing 72 ToliimuH ea-l week of the iwr nt news of Beniuii Cona. Semi- Weekly All the liM'tti e'A8 a'l of the ti've, with a IflTgp amonnt oi miscellaueoaa mitet. Splendid Serials An intere-ting eeri-iil sfory running every week iin the Gazette. Notloe to Creditors. Notice is herefby given that the undersifrned was nominated m the lastiwill and testament of Seymnar Chipman, aa the Exeeutrix thereof, and that she has been appointed' as sueh Executrix by the County Court of Benton -county, Oregon, and all persons having claims against the estate of the said Seyicmir Chipman, deceased, will -present the same duly veri fied to her it the residence of F. L. Miller. Corvallis, Ore witl-iiLsix months 'from date. ratJiDENeE CHIPMAN, Executrix Estate Seymour Chipman, Deceased W. E. Yates, Attorney if or state. 12-20 Notice for PttMication. .. United States land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, November 25, 1904. Notice is hereby eiven Uiat in oowpliance with the proeisiona of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale at timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Xerritory," as extended to sill the Public Land 8tates by act of August 4, 1802, IVAH SHERWOOD PATTY, of Corvallis. county of Benton, state at Oregon, has this da; filed in this office her sworn statement No 6627, for ttie purchase of the SJ of Si of Sec 26, in Township 10, BOW, and wiH offer proof to show that tiie land sought is more valuable fcr its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Reg ister and Receiver of this office at Oregaot City, Ore gon, on Thursday, the 16ih day of February, J4M5. She nuns as witnesses: Willard L. Pnoe of Kinirs Valley, Or; Taylor Miller of Surer, Or., Brace Miller, of Kings Valley, Or., John Chambers, of Kings Valley, Oretroa. . Any and all persons claiming adversely the abo re deacribed lands are requested to file their claims in Ooa office on or before said 16th day of Feb, 1905. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Pneumonia fellow La Qrlppo -but never followe the eoe ef FOlEY'SUfrS It stop, the Coufh and heala the lmifa Prtranta Pnaumo&la and Conntmptton Ha.aTAona.atirrOcood St. Cktoaie, Wttttst "KrwIfahUUcrlmaadttUaaM vita my kad araca mm aw laags wUtl l"0Lrt Ham am Zaa rand aMavtoMK Siammutis. In the Circuit Court of the btate of Otvf?'ii fur Uvxy J. 11 Whitby, naintiff, Job't Stifke. M. Ttten. him LRh I 'itvn, AlM7o K- rU. y flip-Ha Firmer. lett;iKlan-t Tft liwti i l'HrtlH. Alive Kflu&nt. ituz " fja ds, ieliea Karmcr the above-n:itntd feutiuiitti: iti the name of the state f 'r"e'n; Yn are ht.rrr r-quwei tr aufeir and n.wer the uci.ii ll-.ut-i tie above tiaui'tt p'a;-iiff nt tiie above . nt.t d ciiru. i w in filt w ith the clprfc of Hd e -urr. With ti six b from thenar; of tli- tirL nitft lita. ion r tliis jjii i moiiri. And vmi rn hr. h' .o'irit-il that H u to ai -ear mimI av'tr -.-'li triiu'a'iit hriii riirf, the olHmtiff i;i -p 1 ty i thr eiirt for t.'-e lehff Tyed tor v -niilatiit t-wr; . Toe f ift-c 'ure u -ertiti .:nif-(re uinne exenuteu bv Kottrt K. E - rrts. AuspiMti "Jftakr - .1-titi M'ak ti A .it.ifT .fi ti.e th nay of Jnuar , 190. to secure the u-v--iih"'. of a ct-Ftui'i roiiiHsjy i ote of Kohe t. i' (lwj,ri, AuuitJi 8trake. and 4"liu Sttake foi StOM'O payali tie v'HHrs after date, with iot-iet thereo'i nt the rtt oi ee- itr i-ent tier' amium. "itre-t itavable atmuttlty : aid which 8-tia morrgtuv , c -tivevtd u'tt tai tiff the following djwribtat. itat roueit. itu;it(i in biitrn county. Orutfo i. i- i wit: 'Ides A i-f the N t; ; the N K of . W i; t e 8 -. f of t..e N W J; arul the N W of ihe b J i e ( T,i 14S, HS of the Will Mr i mi a furtti;i tl. uree barrinjr and forec or-ii ! iaid de'e'i'tuutH. ko-c-e K. ltd wards. A'ler! Kd I wpid, -.UKUnitt .t.mke, J obi Str-ak. MP Totten. nd ' Leah J. 1'ott-n. AiutiZ- Elw;ird-. Uish Fam er of And from h!1 rjhfc title or' intt"e-!t in anit'. real pr. erty and evt-ry art tbei t.of. 'I his .-uiHmoiw ii. ptihi-Khed y order of the Uoj) V-rgii ! . Matters, Ju ife f (he o lmt oi iiennii ' ytit.e of i ir. k k;, nmdat chan.bett- in Cora lis j Ttti, ueiiux-r z iyiJ4, anti the onte of Mit- frt publicatioii f this i-nnnnoiis is lecen br 30 i 4. VaTK-n & y Tl h Attorney a for PIainii&- Pins s In Food. terha w too do:i'i realize that n a'iv pain ri-oim 'iriu nnt. in yoim, l it wm-'iUv ymi M-a iWI a twinge nl i!v ieps a thai willl ronvi .-e yon. Dr. Ki ia' New Life Pill-, art giuirnte"il to i-nre a I sii'RneHM due t (inis inn of u uli.'e-'e l l'o..d or money ba'-k. 25 i-eiita at Allen k Woodward drug alore. Try t lie:i . Notice t Creditors. ' Nntire is hPreby piven that the undersigned was Hiipoiutf-d i xecurix of the lat wiM a id tt-ytiimont of C. E Moor. i eea ed, and all p r soiih having claims ng iinst siiid esmtr are re qniii .1 to iire.stMit samv, with prnfer vnucheis, lo me at my home or to W. E Yaif nt hi orticeim CorvaUis. within six mo--tbs fr, m itis d;'t. PKBSI3 J. UNDEKMAN. Dated Jauunry lti, liKio. Executrix. Pneumo'ttia and LiGrippa. Pneumonia ft-n fol oh I m- iim 'ini never follows tl.i- nf ' Uoiit-. and .far. It i-urea lajiippe ronjjhs and oreveiHM imeiitniin a ami ooniini(itton. Ask IV'r Fole,si. Hum y aiirl Tir.ind rp fnse hiiv KiiVwiinite' orlnreil Mr. (i. W-i-he. of Cnit:tro, writes: : ; Mv v if- IihiI a severe iwe ol laaripiie tlnee years azo ami it lft her wi:li h territile -nnirli She tried a hot.t e of Foley's Honey mid lar and it gave imi"di -tf rt-lief. A fiO-cnt bottle cured her emmh entirely." For stale by Virajiaui & Woiliatn. wevv Phofcgraph Studss. lam no' ready to do photographic work lor ihe puliiio, Jlv simii,, in ui .-.tairs in my nw en put hi'ii-tiim. Crfl and see me, ou will lie welcome. 12-18 " : 15. R. THOMPSON'. '1 MBS. CECELIA ST0WE, Orator, Entre Nous Club. 176 Warren Avenue, Chicago, III., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four years 1 suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only -way to petywefl. 1, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With ia eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures- that sick ness and brings health and happi ness again. Do not go on suffer ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a f 1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. .. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL.. Mrs. Julia Nixon. Proprietress Best Up-to-date Hotel in Corvallis. Renovated and Newly Furnished. Modern Conveniences and Service. Special Attention Notions for February. 1 H t J . K- IV. I i O iVr-h til tl M Z T . AZETTK I 4 ivifll.r No A 1 rr v' v .rk l ift t fii . : t J Iv. 1 r-1 . i- t i J K. K-r' y Mir tin- rix-'ii at J K. 1) . . ..t !-' !.'f rn 1 I w I'. : Z . It' (ift y ilir c 'ii l .'!. K il U ifiif-ri nl (tTh inn it V ( i . i -i.-.l O irk ',, v- f . - t at, P. M ZiHn.T. Si k am I w i, i i' n I- h . .. i-m t at Curvalliu S . n.ii LiHi,i- iln . Zlri, f d. 8-tn) vonr I , r. ciirt,Hti. fn fur Aallis 8 "mo Lmi"ir . Putroiiiz-" h su" iiitlustrv ('.ir ValllS Stejiin Ti'Ml- ilr . S"nn-i'i A ruilnr sltintr'-'-j for $15' Ji'-r housiiinl Ht tr-.- Cv:il li- Siw Ml.- 10 i.r. S. c.r.cj u fir Itl'lili. r. !iiOBt any liiiiHi.ssiuti. f r i,nl S(?. 50 per ''h'M-hihI I'm t x (ir ailw Saw! M il . 10 if. JUST 'ARRIVED Our Spiing stock of wiill paper in her . We have ivr 100 new patterns to a-le.-r irom. Prices from 5 cents to 30 centsipsr roll. 12-14 . , H.,n-,i er.. Oadv. 'ti.s. i y ... . ,f . .... ,. I i'" wh.. .. O. . . Vj-i.-.i'V, TliirVfi, TiUiil'nJ S'i"si flrwwt rCMi-r!i M-iiiiij co.-npai y -t'trk fir -aii-Ht 10 i'-it- r m nr. . Ad dress Bwx 62, Corvnl is, Ort-ef'. 11-15 Reduction in Fare. Commencing Nov. 7, rates between Corvallis and Portland, via C. & E , Albany, and S P. will be reduced to $2 60, fame as West Side rxtn. Tii-kets ou sale by C. & E. agent and all offices in Portland. NOTICE. The sale of mens' and boys' suits and overcoats ia still on at S. L. Kline's It will pay you to buy thismon th. To The Public The undersigned have purchased the interest, of Levi Henkle in the City Dray Company. The terms of the transaction, includes the good will of the business Mr. Henkle, having retired from the firm. Thanking Ihe public for past pat ronage and soliciting a continuance of the business of all old patrons, and of such new ones as may see fit to favor us we are, Kespectfully, Robinson & Fuller. Headquarters for the firm at Wellsher & Gray Vstore. Independent phone 126. . ' 12-18 Agonizing Burns. are instantly relieved and perfectly heal ed by Bncklens Arnica Salve.. B. Riv enback, Norfolk, Va. writes : "I burnt my knee dreadfully; that it blistered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve stopped the pain and healed it without a scar." Also heals all wounds and sores. At Allen & Woodward. to Commercial Men AVfcgetable Pre jjatationror As similating tricFoodandBcgula ling the Stomaciis and Bowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness and Rest. Con tains neither Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral. NOTHARCOTIC. jkopc ofoujysiMvaptrwER flmiAm Sad jflx.$auuL iDpenmte BiOntjnamSoa Ctatifted Sugar ViuiUryrmm Harm: Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverisn ness and Loss of Sleep. FacStmile Signature oF NEW YORK. I" 14, 1 I . EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. MO SjH I iH ' tl y&f Ha Job Pri When you pay out good money for printing, be sure and get good print ing for the money! Good Work costs you no more than the bad. That is the kind the Gazette turns out. Skill, taste and ex perience are ne cessary factors in producing GOOD .printing. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haye Alvays Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years THS CEKTAUK COMMHT. HCW NU OITT. nting Do not send out printed mas ter to your customers that is. a disgrace to your business a disgrace to your town and a disgrace to the printer wha puts it out. Good printing is correct in spelling- correct in gram marcorrect in punctuation on good stock printed with good ink and some thing that it is a pleasure to look at. ' Prices for good printing are based on the cost of good material, and the labor and taste employed in doing the work. To this every printer adds a percentage for profit. The cheap printer charges the same profit as the good -printer the difference in cost to you comes out of the value of the material used in fact you pay for all you get. Examine I your work.jand don't pay for itfuntUjyou know' it is all right. It"is your . own fault ;if you pay good money f or.rotten . eggs. Bears the