Jill Humors Are impure matters which the skin, liver, kidneys and other organs can not take care of without help, there if uch an accumulation of them. They litter the whole system. nmples, boils, eczema ana other eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of indigos- tion. dull headaches and many other fannhiM r t trmm: ! Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove all humors, overcome all their effects, strengthen, tone and Invigorate the whole system. ' "I had salt rbenm on my hands so that I eoold not work. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and it drove ont the bnmor. I continued Its use till the sores disappeared." Mbs. Iba O. Brown, Kumford Falls, Me. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. Arsenic and Corpulence. A curious story is reported concern ing a barque which' arrived recently in port having in her cargo three hundred casks of arsenic. The crew slept very near the large array of barrels contain-1 Knicker So the Newriches are get lng the drug, which gave off constantly mg culture? Bocker Yes, they have an indescribable odor. They soon all learned to speak of a house beautiful noticed the same thing, and several of mstead of a Deautiful house. New tne tars Decame aware mat tney were Becoming aonormaiiy stout, une man gained twenty-five pounds. The aggre gate extra ' weight put on by the en tire crew was little less than four hun dred pounds. This was attributed to vapor generated by the action of the sun on the cask and inhaled by the sea men while they slept TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All drusr frtsts refund the. money If it tails to cure. E. W. j rove's signature is on each box. 25c. One Man's Theory. Mrs. Newkid You talk about the joys of single blessedness, but, according to statistics, more bachelors commit suicide than married men, Mr. Oldbach Yes, that's true. Mrs. Newkid Oh, you admit it do yon? Then, I suppose you can explain why it is so? Mr. Oldbach Certainly. They are driven to desperation by other people's babies. 10,000 Plants for 16c. This is a remarkable offer the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., makes. Salzer Seeds have a national reputation as the earliest, finest, choicest the earth produces. They will send you their, big plant and seed catalog, together with enough seed to grow 1,000 fine, solid Cabbages, 2,000 rich, juicy Turnips, 2,000 blanching, nntty Celery, 2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1,000 splendid Onions, 1,000 rare, luscious Radishes, 1,000 gloriously, brilliant Flrrvrers. This great offer is made in order to in duce you to try their warranted seeds for when you once plant them you will grow no others, and ALL FOB BUT IGO POSTAGE, providing you will return this notice, and if you will send them 26c in postage, they will add to the above a big package of the earliest Sweet Corn on earth -Salzer's Fourth of July fully 10 days earlier than Cory, Peep o' Day, etc., etc. PP. U. L.i In order ,to keep some people's friend ship it is necessary to keep them. The financial plank in th women's platform is pin money. The first successful flour mill was erected is London in 1764. In fifty years suicide has increased in Great Britain by 200 per cent A dog. will butt in on mighty little provocation. Newport News, Va., July 22, 1903. Iast summer while recoverine from ill ness of fever, I had a severe attack of inuammarory ievmiausaiintlae JfJiees, uuauic iu leave my room for several months. I was treated by two doctors and also tried different lunds of linaments and medicines which seemed to relieve me from pain for awhile, but at the same- time I was not any nearer getting well. One day while reading a paper I saw an" advertisement of S. S. S. for Rheumatism. I decided investigation, that thirty-two out of ev to give it a trial, which I did at once. ' ery hundred criminals in the country Alter 1 naataten tnree bottles I felt a great deal better, nd I still continued i.?, f te iVa3f entirel7 cured. I now feel better than for years, and I cheerfully recommend S. S. S. to any one snCering from Rheumatism. 613 32d St Chas. E. GrrjERSiiE3v8i Rheumatism is caused by uric acid or some other acid poison in the blood, . 1 i- 1 . . i . which wuen ucpositea 111 xne muscles and joints, produce the sharp, cutting pains and the stiffness and soreness pe- cuhar to this disease. S. S. S. goes di rectly into the circulation, all irrita ting substances are neutralized and filtered out of the system, the blood is made pure and the general health is built up tinder the purifying and tonic enectsot the vege- ,remed7 M-1T FnpAm ci Write for our 6te - ttTtZ entfree. Ourohv aidant will advise without charge all 1 wno- will write ua about their .case. - , The Swift Sqecffio Cpmptgy, "Atlahta. Ga. iidcs. yiuiac Jtu ssL-tr Beat Cough tijrap. Tastes Qood. Ota i In time. Bold by drogytsttw nagM'iMsisUgiaqsp Ky kz xzs Binks Are you going to get a new suit? Jinks No, my tailor says he can't afford it -Cincinnati Tribune, A Compromise: Miranda No, Fred, 1 'won't take the armchair; you take it Fred Er suppose we both take it? Life. "Young Dr. Swift calls every day on the little widow." "Dear me! Is she as ill as all that?" "No, but she is as pretty as all that" Ex. Foodie My dear girl, I have a little more sense than you give me credit for. Mrs. Foodie I am glad of that for your sake! Illustrated Bits. "De only thing dat some people gits out of education," said Uncle Eben, "is de ability to talk so's people can't un derstand "em." Washington Star. Binks Skinnem tells me he is going Into Catchem's law office as a partner, i Jinks Doesn't he mean as an accom plice? Cinnatl Commercial-Tribune. She Is skin grafting a very late dis covery? He No, it is only a new branch of a very old art; all grafting Is a skin process. Detroit Free Press. York Sun Broker No more margin to put up? Why, when the account was opened you told me you were well off. Lamb- ley So I was, but I didn't know it. Town Topics. She Did you ever take your automo bile apart to see how it worked? He Well, not exactly. I have taken it apart to see how it didn't work. Yon- kers Statesman. Mayme What a gossip Mrs. Gadby is! Edith Yes, indeed. I never tell her anything without finding out that she has already told It herself. Phil adelphia Bulletin. Mr. Jones My daughter is only 18. You had better wait until she is older. The Lover Well, I've waited two years for her to get older, but she still stays at 18. Judge. After the Wake: Mrs. Cassidy Twas very natural he looked. Mrs. Casey Aye! shure he looked fur all the wurld loike a loive man layin' there dead. Illustrated Bits. Giles So you've got a place in that banking house? I suppose it was be cause you knew the president? Har ris Partly that, and partly because he didn't know me.-r Boston Tran script . Aunt Hannah Have you told any one of your engagement to Mr. Sweet er? Edith No; I haven't told a soul except Bessie Miller, who thought he was going to ask her. Boston Tran script Johnny Geehaw Paw, what's the law of gravitation? Farmer Geehaw I dunno. I hain't got time to keep up with all the fool statoots the durn legislatur' passes. Louisville Courier Journal. Highwayman How much money have you got? Heldup I couldn't guess. Highwayman You can't guess the amount? Heldup No. Highway man Then give it up. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Neighbors I heard your dog howling last night If he howls three nights in succession it's a sure sign -of death. Nextdoor Indeed! And who do you think will 'die? Neighbors The dog. Chicago News. Seedy Stranger Excuse me, sir, but can you change a dollar for me? Hu manitarianWhy, yes. Seedy Stranger Thanks. And now will kindly tell me where I can get the dollar? Cleve land Plain Dealer. "That Mrs. Snaggs is too much of a aristycrat fur me to mingle wid." "How's that?" "She was knocked down by a push cart and she had it put into de paper dat she was hit by an auter mobile." Detroit Free Press. Tommy Smokln' cigarettes is dead DiirA to hnrt vr .Timmv fi'rm! Whftrn md yer git dat notion? "From pop.1 . , i - !t Rtrjn;n v ijj0 aw. ne wuz jist stringin yer. rso, he wasn 1 strlngln me; he wuz strap- pin' me. Dat's how I knows it hurts." Catholic Standard and Times. v "How do you account for the fact,' asked the doctor, "as shown by actual are left-handed?" "That's easily ac- COUI1ted for," said the professor; "the other sixty-eight are right handed."- T . ' r)f, London Tit"Bits- I "Say," said the girl's dear little brother, "are you a baseball player?" "No," replied young M. Slowton, "what mude you ask that?" "Oh, nothing, only when ma was askin' sis, the other day, whether you was evei - goin to come to bat, she said it looked to her as though you .was playin' for your release. ix. Mrs. Tittle Wasn't it'. disgraceful the way these "women talkedduring the play last , night? Mrs. Tattle Well, I should say so.- arah Smookina was trying to tell. me the fuss in the - .. . - , w a. clatter rconldn-'t hear more than nal' she said-r Boston Tran- script j-iJ "Yon are an hour late this morning, Sam." "Yes, sah, I know it sah." "Well, what excuse have you?" "1 was kicked by a mule on my way here, sah." . "That ought not to have de tained you an hour, Sam." "Well, yon see, boss, it wouldn't have If he'd only have kicked me in dis direction, but he kicked me de other way!" Yonkerg Statesman MISSIONS OF CALIFORNIA. Historic Piles Almost - Onr Tonus Country's Only Ruins. The century-old missions of Califor nia, builded by Franciscan monk and Indian neophyte, might well be likened to "the temples of silence," writes J. Torrcy Connor in the Four-Track News. Upon the crumbling adobe walls the wild mustard hoists its yel low banners; in the roofless arcades, where tread of priestly feet Is heard no more, sunshine and rain have wrought their will; lizards crawl over the black ened shrine, and bats cling to the raft ers of the sanctuary, beating the air with noiseless wings at the approach of a footstep. j These historic piles, almost the only ruins of which our young country can boast are accounted one of the sights by all latter-day pilgrims to the Gold en State; but as a rule, only the more accessible of the missions are visited, the inconsequent tourist sandwiching them between flying trips to the ocean, the mountains, the giant trees, the gem-like , lakes, the golden-fruited groves and the smiling valleys of the land where it is always summer. . The tinkle of the vesper bell, echoing across wide stretches or pasture, is mingled, now, with the harsh clang of the street car gong; and on the very thresholds of the missions may be found the paper lunch box and the jmpty sardine can of the globe-trotter. The religious processions, . halting jefore wayside shrines, and the sandal sd. brown-robed padres, Journeying from south to north, are gone from the highway. The alcalde, who ruled the pueblos with iron hand, the dark-visaged Indians, the stern-faced Spanish 3oldiers where are they? Gone; and gone, too, the caballero, or Spanish gal lant, with his tinkling guitar and his love songs, and, likewise, the soft-eyed senorita with her mantilla, telling her beads beside the quaint old confes- sional we see here to-day. For the Spanish caballero of our time has sub stituted the ugly dress of the gringo for the velvet jacket and broad-brimmed sombrero; and senorita, soft-eyed and coquettish as was her grandmoth er before her, has laid aside the man tilla, and aspires to a Paris hat. The Santa Barbara Mission, besides SANTA BARBARA MISSION. being the most Important of the mis-!ofteil take to 8trangers; Yon Mr8. slons, has another distinction it is the Gippur is real nice, don't yon, Agnes? home of one of the most photographed I Agnes You said she was' a cat, mam individuals in the United States, ma; but she doesn't look bit like one. Where, in the Santa Barbara Mission or its grounds, has not this strong faced monk appeared, photographical ly? The interior of the church, in which generations of the followers of the cross have worshiped, is1 decorated with many pictures executed" by the Spanish masters, and by sacred im ages that are older than the church itself. Queerly Procured Evidence. Many years ago a ship was chased at sea on the suspicion that she was a slaver. During the pursuit her cap tain dropped something overboard. When overhauled the old tub was tak en to Port Royal for trial. There was nothing on board to sustain the charge 1 of slave dealing, and there seemed ev ery likelihood of its owner recovering damages for illegal seizure and deten tion. But another ship had passed in the night in the wake of the others. She had witnessed the chase and flight, but had stopped to catch a shark by the way. In the stomach of the shark the sailors found a tin box. In the box were the papers of the fugitive vessel. These proved her to be a slaver of the most unequivocal character, and upon their evidence she was condemned and confiscated. Machinery Tories. Engineers judge of the condition of their machinery by the tjone it. gives out while running. Every engine. whether stationary ornocomotlve." has . a particular tone of its own. The en- ; gineer becomes accustomed ; to that and any departure from it at once ex- , cites a suspicion that all is not right j The engineer may not know what is the matter; he may have no ear tor music, bnt the change- in the tone of J his machine will be at once perceptible I r r and, being instantly recognized, will cause him to start on an Immediate in vestigation. ... Thin rs Won a .Rem-naberiTJff. Do not forget that it-Isn't necessary to be disagreeable, in order to disagree with the other man. If we took as great pains to say kind things as we do to think unkind xii um glorious mira oi uie ireo me politician seems to be a necessary evil. Aye rs Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how it heals inflamed lungs. " I had a rery bad cough for three years. Then 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. My sore lungs were soon healed and my oough dropped away." Mas. Tbaxl Hyds, Quthrie Centre, Is. Me.. 50c.. (11.00. All dnigfritts. J. C. ATBR CO., Trowel 1. Mass. for Old Coughs One Ayer's Pill at bedtime insures a natural action next morning. The British Museum contains over two million volumes of printed books and manuscripts, which are stored upon forty miles of shelving. P1TQ Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness ll 10 after firstday'suseof Dr.KUne'sGreatNerve Eestorer. Send forFree2 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. K. H. Kline, Ltd.,831 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Being born great carries no assurance with it that a man will be great at the finish. For bronchial troumes try Fiso's Cure for Consumption. It is a pood cough medicine. At druggists, price 25 cents. jnapiosB jnoqii.ii oatAJas jo sjcai uaj XJ3A9 joj 00$ pus iBpem po3 B aiiaoej aemj3) ui sjeouiSua aAijotnoooj atjx Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. An Incident of History. . . Julia Ward Howe had just written "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," and was reading it to Elizabeth Cady Stanton. . "Well, Lizzie," she asked when she had finished, "what do yon think of it?" "Great!" was the reply. "But you are boosting man again in defiance of our glorious principles. Sit down new and write another to be ca.'led 'The Battle Her of the Republic " New York Telegram. The Great Nonesuch Remedy , di The old monk cure, strong, I straight, sure, has for a large part of a century battled with V JK m and conquered JACUIS AchesabdPaihs OIL A Candid Child. Lady Visitor Yonr little girl seems to be very much taken with me, Mrs. StepswelL Boston Transcript. -AVkgetable Preparaiionfor As similating the Food andBeguIa ling ttieStoinachs andBowels of Promotes Digetion.CheerFul nessandRestContains neither Opium,Morplune nor Mineral. KOTAtlCOTIC. Jbope ofOMJ)rSM!UELPITCHER KetiMU SUtt- hin Soul - A perfect Remedy forConstipa Tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of : XEW YORK. HIT , EXACT COPY Of WRAEEER. , Goto mo'm row brfohf! mhiS fmtm llllllliiiluiiitiiiiiiitiiiiliiiiiiniii.inimiiminimiirauMtiinmummiimnni'Uni'- morally rll ci al io ouarantoed fff ffirt iNWrwfrwvAs. Amk dtarif r we Writ for Imam booklot how to dya, blaach and mix co or. MO It ROE DRUG Motherly Advice. "Johnny," said the Cleveland moth er, "I want you to quit using such lan guage as that" "Why, mother," replied Johnny, "Shakespeare said "what I just said." "Then you must quit associating with him," rejoined the cautious wom an. "He's not a tit companion for you." How's This? - We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. : F.J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. I We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their firm. . West & Xbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. , Waldinq, Kimnan & Mabvin, Wholesale Drug gists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act. Ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- . faces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. bold dt ail Druggists, testimonials tree. Hall's Family Pills are the best Answered. Indignant American Why is it, sir. that in Russia there is such prejudice against the Hebrews? Cultivated Russian Because the He brews are a q-iiet, inoffensive people, who attend strictly to their own affairs, and do excellent work for fair wages, just as the Chinese do in this country. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching Blind, Bleeding ot Protruding Piles Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINT MKNT taus to cure you in ti to 14 days. oOc Having sung a requiem into a phono graph, a Schleswig doctor has left in structions in his will that the music shall be reproduced at his funeral. You Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen S. Olmsted, Le Eoy,N. Y., for a free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures sweating, hot swollen, aching feet.. It makes aew or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for corns, lnerowinenails and bunions. Alldroe- gists sell it. 25c. Don't accept any substitute. It matters little whether a man be mathematically or philosophically, or aristocratically cultivated, so he be but cultivated. Goethe. MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS Fastest, lightest and strongest Stump Puller on the market. 119 Horse power on the sweep with two horses. Write tor descriptive catalog and prices. - REIERSON MACHINERY CO. Foot of Morrison Street Portland. Oregon LAND SCRIP FOR SALE Forest reserve script for securing title in any quantity to farming, grazing, desert or timber land without residence or improvement for saleatlowestmark et prices. H. M. HAMILTON, The Portland, Portland, Or. the world over, and 50c. Price 25c. A Contrary Opinion. "There are few great actors left", said the man who takes a melancholy view of things. "On the contrary," answered Mr. Storinington Barnes, with a touch of asperity, "great actors are, to my per sonal knowledge, getting left every season." Washington Star. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Sign coto thmn mry other cjre. Of 10o iture I Aw W$ Use For Over THSMmsun wsmw. m vom ottt. - , He who knows not what it is to labor, knows not what it is to enjoy. Joy. Kyou want to get the .',, yon can't afford o plant anything bat I the standard after 49 years' test. They always produce Uie largest ana surest crops. All dealers sell them. Our 105 fl teeed Annual jfx&-- free on request. FfftB D. M. Ferry & Oo.V DETROIT, MICH. WHY CET SOAKED WHEN us OILED eLOTHIHt WILL KKPYdU DRY IN THE DLKK M TCLLUtV HAR5MT STCJSB! L0OK.KW UOYETOAPE MARK KWARf Of IKITATIONi L' CAT tLOGUES FREE SHOWING PULL UNE OF GARMENTS AND HATS. A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO .LTD., TORONTO. CANADA. 60,000 Plants f37l6s. e K"irut?;ir) sua laiiun his iia.iii7u 'AmnrinL Tli Am i reason for this. KiuzAr's seeua TJian u v vtuer iu Pe own over 6.000 acres for the pro duction or our wa.rra.niea Keeas order to induce you to cry tnera, we mace you me louowug uujn i foi-13 Cents Postpaid rfdHnnfl oner: lltOOKnrlv. Mtdhim and Li C abbaffW I20O0 Fine Juley Timlpt, zuuu hi men in veiery, SOOO Kiel. Butty Jtteet 1000 Splewlltl Onion, lOOO Karfe Lonclon Karflinen, f lllftA filorlnnal. Ur(irl,.ni K-LawsW-aU AKnvA cnrn rnslra iroK nnntain amfTl ar) dent seed to rrow 10.000 plants, fur- nishlng bnhel or nriiiiuns sowers ana tots ana iocsoi chum vegetables, together with our great catalog1 , telling' all about Flowers, Eoses, Small Fruits, etc., all for 16c in stamps and this notice mg uu-page catalog aioue, to. JOHN A. SALZER SEED C0 r-.oj, ua wrosse, wis. ALWAYS CALL FOR A CIGAR BY ITS NAME MEANS' MORE THAN ANY OTHER NAME BROWS BAHDS GOOD FOR PRESENTS "Largot seller in tin World." Dr. G. Gee Wo Wcnftrful Koxb Treatment This wonderful Chi nese doctor is called great because he cures people without opera tion that are given up to die. He cures with those wonderful Chi nese herbs, roots, buds, barks and veeei ables that are entirely un known to medical sci ence in this country. Through the use of those harmless remedies this famous doctor knows the action of over 500 different remedies which be successfully uses in different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kid neys, etc; has hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. Patients out of the city write for blanks and circulars. Send stamp. CONSULTATION FftEE. ADDRESS The C. Gea Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 251-253 ALDER ST PORTLAND, OREGON Mention naner V . To Convince You THAT THE CHATHAM 'is the BEST INCUBATOR on -- the market, I will semi you one, freight prepaid, and wait for my pay until October 1, 1905.". " It was given the highest award at the Oregon State Fair, held at Salem last f ill. - Write fi r our ' Descriptive Catalogue of Incuba- : tors and Brooders and oar time proposit'o 1. .GEO. W. FOOTT. DcpL 12 Portland, Oregon P, N. U. No. 61905 TTTHEN writln g to Kdvertisers pleaa 1 V menuom iou ppr. pmcktoircolo mtttkp woo mnd cot on mrlll and tromtpald 10o paoki.O' CO., UnliavLla, MlaaourL Brpis) AMMm Ems! rrt il : I