10CAL AND PERSONU Mr. and Mrs Taylor Porter were in Al"a y attending business the Next Sunday is the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birthday. Tuesday,' Al W.tham started for Mt. Verm-n, Wash., on a tour of in spection. Mrs. E. M. Simnson is again in her old place at F. L. Miler's after an indisposition if a few days, the result of a bad ci Id. J Al Moore came over from Scio, Wednesday, for the express pur pose of purchasing a set of harness from J. E. Winegar. This speaks well for Mr. Wiuegar. Latt Tuesday, rW . Geo. Coote, of OAC, took out. his final papers of citizenship. Prof. Coote made ' aDDlication for citizenship July 25. 1881. but took no further interest in the matter until recently. E. O. and C. A. Fianlz, of Hoe kins, Kings Valley, recently pur chased a fine Percheron sta lion from the Hardman stable of Col umbia, Ohio. They went to A bany the first of the week to receive the animal. I A few days ago "Grandma" Feese, mother "of Rev. G. H. Feese. of this city, started for the state vt Washington, for a visit with rela- tives. The old lady's health has been poor for some time and it is thought the change will do her good . On receipt of the news of the death of a brother, W. Li3adbetter, of this city, departed a few days ago for London, Canada. He goes to assist in settling up the es tate of the deceased and it is fl expected that he will arrive home in less than a month. Neil Newhouse of Corvallis re turned the latter part of last week and is again directing operations in G. L. Gray's sawmill. The mill now has a tood supply of logs but one more heavy, long-drawn out rain is needed to bring the re mainder into tidewater. Toledo Re porter. A uutnbe of our citizens have in terested themselves during theja'st few days scrutinizing the Fun through smoked glatf. On last Monday one large dark spot was discerimble on old ' Sol," while on the following day he exhibited two spots This indicates a "hot time" over there. Albany will have a big rally of the Woodmen of the World, Feb. 25, and nearly all valley towns from Salem to Eugene will have a dele-, gation present. Corvallis wiil be represented and it is expected that arrangements wili be made for the OAC band to accompany the home v.- contingent when it visits Albany. At the regular meeting of the firemen, last Monday- evening, Harold Woodcock suggested that tie boys of the fire company start a band. The idea was favorably received and a committee was ap pointed to look into the matter and report later. There is no reason why the town should not have a band and a fairly acceptable organ ization, too, at that, as we have many capable, performers. "Toot your horns" and make the move ment succeed. . Rev. Frank E. Jones arrived in this city, Saturday, from Selma, Calif. For a few weeks, or longer if satisfactory arrangements can be made, he will occupy the pulpit of the Christian church. "Possibly Rev. Jones will be , retained here permanently and in that event will at once arrange to move his family from Selma to this city. This is not the reverend gentleman's first experience in Oregou, as he occupied a pulpit nere some four teen years ago. A runaway street car in Port land, Monday morning, overturned and one perscn was killed outright, while thirty-one others were in jured, more or less seriously. The car was running down a heavy grade on East Glisan and Twenty eight street and got beyond the motorman's control. It was quite early in the morning and the sup position is that the tracks being icy accounts for the car getting be yond control. The motorman was . an experienced man and considered very reliable. Corvallis is a "dry town' un usually "dry" for this season of the year. Now and then, on ac count of a "bad cold," some of our most substantial citizens swallow a few drops of the ''ardent," but only in sense of duty to the inner man. A young man about town called on an intimate friend also arxrat town the other day, and giving him the wink, took him to a secluded spot and produced a bottle, the content of which to ill appear ance was "Bad Cold Exterminator.?' He of the bad cold-from inclination only-swallowed about half the con tents of the bottle before he could latch his epiglotis. The bottle con tained cold tea. Ed. Smith, with J. R. Smith & Co., tells the story. first of the week Tne First Spirtual Union of Cor va l'S will hold services in Barrett Lvctuni on Sund&y at 3 p. m. - A cordial invita ion to eyeryone. Miss Lulu Spangler, who has been in Oregon City for some time, the guet-t of her sister, Mrs. L. L. Porttr, is expected to arrive home this evening. . The total receipts of the chicken pie dinner given last week by the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church, amounted to $72, and the ladies are very well pleased indeed. Lart Tuesday night the bank at Lebanon, Or., was robbed. The safe waa cracked and something like $9,000 stolen. So far as known tbere is no clue to the identity of the safe crackers. Tuesday the state senators passed a resolution to adjourn sine die not later than 6 o'clock p. m. Friday nieht. February 17. They also gave a vote of thanks to, and ex pressed confidence in United States Senator John H. Mitchell. ! The drill hour at OAC has been changed back to the old hour, just after chapel, at noon. Kecently tne regiment drilled at 4 o,clock in ths afternoon, but this was unsatisfac tory and the time of drill was changed back in conformity with the former schedule. Wednesday, Mies Kate Teideman, of this city, went to i ortland, and it is understood that she will reside there ptrmanently. Miss Teide man is a niece of Mrs. Philip Phile and has resided with her aunt in this citv for many years. She is an estimable young ldy and many friinds wish her well in her new home. "Wanted Four or five dozen tame pigeons by next Tuesday. Smith & Boulden. How It Will be Done. Supt. G. W. Denman is holding a teachers' examination this week There are twenty-five applicants for papers; two for state papers aod twenty-three for county. Prof. 0. V. White, of Philomath and Prof. N. Tartar, of this city, are assisting Supt. Den-jnan in the work of ex amination. "Exams" will be con cluded, tomorrow. J. W. Ingle, i f this city, expects to depart for San Francisco some time next week, for the purpose of transacting some business1. Before he departs, however, he intends to start workmen at the task of re modeling the Free Reading Room building on Main street. . A short time back Mr. Ingle purchased this property and is now going to have it fitted up for bis harness business. Yesterday, Bert Yates, of this city, went to Buena vista, in re sponse to a request that he play baritone there with the band last night. Bert was not informed posi tively regarding the occasion of the band concert, but thought it hkelv to be in some manner connect d with a big dance. He expects to go to Independence today to transact some business and will return home tomorrow. - - " About a week ago one of M. Ek's horses was kicked by its mate and had a leg broken. Mr. Ek sum moned a veterinary surgeon from Al bany and had the animal's leg set and placed in a plaster paris cast. The horse seemed to be doing all right for a day Or two and then in some manner the leg got out of the cast and it was found necessary to shoot the animal last Monday. It was an animal of considerable value. Mies Emma C. Logan, of Kings Valley, is visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. Will Horning, this week. While here she is taking the state teachers' examination, although she is a teacher of experience, holding diplomas which she earned in the East. She is at present a teacher in Kings Valley, but under the OrF egon law, must take tne state ex amination before she is allowed to teach under other than a special permit. Misses Bessie Dilley and Hattie Van Housen left, Tuesday, for Mon mouth to take a teacher's course at the normal sccool. Daring for a dance which they in- tend giving their friends on the 13th inst, in the Firemen's ha".1 It is a St Valentine affair 'and Will Fechter, of Albany, is to provide the music. A good time is prophesied. News comes from Salem, to the effect that Senator W. M. Pierce, of Umatilla and Union counties, was appointed a rogent at OAC, Feb. 8. This action was occasion ed by the death of J. M. Church a few days ago. Senator Fierce s term will expire in 1912. This county is to have a splendid exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Ex position. The matter is in the hands ot the county court and H. L. French is to have charge of the exhibit, aa we understand the matter. Mr. French is already taking active measures toward making , a good record for Benton county. R. C. Wills has been appointed carper ter at OAC and was expect ed to report for duty yesterday. Mr. Wills is the father of Elmer Wills, who at one time was attend ing OAC and who was bandmaster at the time. Mr. Wills, who is now connected with the coll ge, was living in this city at the time of the great cloud burst at Heppner, Or., a few years ago, and was a heavy loser in the .disaster. H. B. Miller, at one time presi dent' of OAC, but lately Consul General at Niuchwang, China, is at present in Washington, D. C, and a few days ago was presented to President Roosevelt by Senator Fulton. The President greeted Uonsul Miller very kindly and praised him for his efficient service. It is possible that President Roose velt may act on Senator Fulton's suggestion and find something better for Cftosul Miller. Invitations are out for the wed ding of Miss Dora Lingren and Mr, Walter Cummings, the event to oc cur at the home of the bride's mother, Feb. 18, at Roseland, Or egon. Miss Lingren, during her attendance at OAC became deserv edly popular and won many friends. Later she oecame a stenographer in ?he establishment of S. L. Kline. Mr. Cummings is a well-known ed ucator who is at present teaching the 8th grade in the public school, where he has been very successful. The Knights of Pythias of this city are making arrangements for the entertainment of visiting Knights on the occasion of tlu district convention which is to be ", held iu this itv Feb. 22. The of the Maccabees have very kindly Dlaced the Odd Fel lows' hall at the disposal of the Knights of Pythias on this occa sion, it beme reeular merit for w O the Maccabees ' to occupy their hall. By this arrangement the K,. of P. boys will have two halls at their disposal. At 8 o'clock in the evening a public entertain ment will be given in the Odd Fellows' hall to all Knights and their invited friends. This will last for an hour or two, after which the hall will be cleared preparatory to competitive team work between the various lodges of the district It is expected that this work will take until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. In the meantime preparations will be made in the K. of P. ball for a grand banquet which will be given at the con clusion of the team work. Al together, the session, entertain ment, team work, and banquet, will occupy the entire night it is thought. Prizes will be given to those who lead in all competitive work and will consist in jewels, swords, gravels, etc. The strongest team in competitive drill will have the honor ot representing this dis trict at the meeting of the Grand L,odge held in Portland during the Lewis and Clark Exposition. On account of occupying the post of host, the local lodge is barred from participating for any nonors, out our boys have won ufficient laurels in the past to forego any desire to achieve dis tinction on this occasion. Prepa rations will be . made to enter tain about 200 Knights. Extraordinary.. . ... Announcement This announcement, the most important ever made by ary mercantile bouse in the Willamette valley, will be of vast in terest to every man, woman and child in this city and vicinity. Our 35th Clearance Sale closed Jan. 31st, and in giving thanks for your generous patroi -age, I make the following extraordinary announcement: I will ' refund the money on all cash purchases made on a certain day of the month of February, the day selected to be announced in the Gazette of March 3. The Lucky Day will be selected by lot. No Matter What, You Purchase for cash at retail rates, be it a five-cent or $100 purchase, if your duplicate checks bear the date of the LUCKY DAY, your money will be cheerfully refunded. Save Your Duplicate Checks secured with cash purchases as no money will be refunded ex cept on presentation of duplicate cash checks. Buy something every day and you are bound to Be one of Lhe Lucky Ones - ' My popular low prices will preyail during this month. All goods marked in plain figures. Mail orders accompanied by cash will participate in this oner. Legislators to Come. Regulator of Low Prices Corvallis, Ore. Mass Meeting Tonight. Presbyterian church Rev. M, S. Bush, pastor Bible school 10 a. m., preaching 11 a. no. by Rev. Dr. Harsha, subject, ''Seeing the Invisible." C. E. meeting at 6 p. m. The Union Evangelistic services will be held in the Opera House at 3 and 7:30 p. m. Rev. Harsha will speak, theme, 3 p. m., "God's Call to the Unsatisfied;" theme, 7:30 p. in., "Foe . and Friend." There will be a large cboir and special music for both services. You are invited. Corvallis ia now assured a second bakery. The firm of W. T. & C. E. Small are arranging to start a bakery in this city in the course of a couple of weeks.. They have the brick on the ground and are al ready at the task of building the oven. The bakery will be located in the confectionery establishment of this firm and Charlie Small will be the baker. This" is not "our Charlie," but a distant relative of his.- The baker arrived in this city some two or three weeks aeo from Marion county and is at presJ ent superintending the ; work of constructing the oven. . A mass meeting of all citizens is called for tonight by the stu dents of OAC. The meeting will be held at the court' bouse and will be called to order at 7:30 o'clock. This is a demonstra tion of the earnestness of the stu dents in their endeavor to erect a Christian Association building adjacent the college. The meeting is called that our cit'zens may be given an oppor tunity to express themselves on the subject, make contributions, or suggest ways and means for raising funds. , "What assists the college benefits the town, ' ' is an old and true saying, and if we can secure a prqper environment we may expect even a greater number of students than OAC at present has enrolled. This will help the town. Our business men are sagacious and wise enough to see the matter in its true light and will, beyond doubt, do the proper and liberal thing. Many business men of the city have already signified their.- will ingness to assist in a substantial manner, and many, prominent members of OAC's faculty are co-operating heartily with the students in what they have un dertaken. Something like $8, 000 have already been subscribed and the building is how an assur ed thing. Beyond doubt the ed ifice will be erected this summer. That . this meeting will be an enjoyable one is evidenced by the fact that the musical and orator ical forces now under control of those in charge of the' union meetings in progress at the Pres byterian church-will attend v and contribute to the enjoyment of the evening. Be sare to attend. Word has reached this city to the effect that members of the legisla ture will visit Goryallis and OAC tomorrow. Details at the time of going to press were meager, but it is undei stood that our legislators will arrive sometime in the middle of the forenoon by special train and proceed at once to the eo'lege, where preparations will be made 10 receive ! them. On this occasion a special session of school will be held and evry : studei t will be, found in his or her ' classroom when the legislat ors visit the college.. Work will be in prog ress in afl mechanical departments, ; in the labratories, blacksmith shop,' etc., in fact, the usual daily routine work will be carried on. The sen ators and representatives will only be here about two hours, but dur ing that time the college and everything in town shall be at their disposal. . . They will be banqueted at OAC, after which it is understood they will proceed by special train to the coast, how long to remain is not known. We bid the legislative body a hearty welcome and let all unite to make them feel our sinceri ty in to doing. Our Great Annual Stock-taking Immense reductions in every department. Short ends .odd sizes, broken lines and remnants' by hundreds. Dress goods, Silks, Readymade wear, Laces, Ribbons, Draperies, Lace curtains, Sheets, Pillow cases, etc. Prices in many cases re duced by half. Our .new Spring goods will arrive early. Fa Cory ail s Make it Realistic. Pirating Foley's Honey , and Tar. Foley & Co., of Chicago, originated Honey, and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. Fred R. Drew has conceived an idea which he thinks, will, it carried out, draw attention to the Lewis & Clark Exposition. We adopt his plan, but pro pose some amendments. The following paragraph - will give somefaeaof what' he ad vacates: "Fred R". Drew . writes to the Exposition management from New York City that he is engag ed in an attempt to reach and or ganize the better element in the East who look forward to going West, and he proposes a unique and original method in promot ing a semi-fraternal - organization to be known as "Westward Ho Crusaders." Two divisions will be formed of Atlantic and Pacific Coast people, and a part of the plan is to drive a prairie schooner to this Coast from the liast, tol lowing the route covered by Lew' is and Clark 100 years ago." . This is all very well, but why not make it realistic? Suppose that arrangements be made where by a horde of Apaches could swoop down with a whoop and a dash upon the little band ot "trailers" and secure a few scalps. If all details were given careful attention, as per- amendment, we think that in the way of adver tising the Exposition nothing more could be desired. fil Sill., II DURING FEBRUARY Great Shoe Sale The largest assortment of Shoes offered on Special Sale in Philomath. Comprises about 1,000 pair of Men's, Women's, Misses', Boy's and Children's Shoes will be on sale during the month of February. This reduction will be made for Cash only. Immediate attention will be given to Mail Orders. There are Special Prices on Men's, Women's, Boy's and Children's Rubber Boots and Oil ' Coats. We also call your attention to our large Stock of Millinery Goods which are on Special Sale. J. E. HENKLE, PHILOMATH, OREGON