Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 10, 1905, Image 4

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
Subscription per year, in advance, $1.50.
If not in advance, per year, $2.00.
have known him for a genera
tion, .recognize above all. other
things that Mr. Avery makes up
his mind in a positive way on al
most every question and sticks
to them with a tenacity uncom
mon to most men. Though his
companions may regard him in
1 error, it is a hard fraught under
taking to change his views.
While he is discreet, mild and
Tint: flpmrvnsrmrivA ir: ovnroooi'TKir
Col. Philips elsewhere in this is-;hig t he knowg how he
Replying to the criticism of
sue, the GAZETTE is very sorry
that it cannot please Col. Philips.
The Gazette knows that he is
very conscientious about what he
writes and of his opinions ad
vanced; so is the Gazette. The
Gazette would not have referred
to his article heretofore except
that a statement made as to the
attitude of the Gazette was
wrong and it felt it a duty to cor
rect it. The Gazette does not
invite patrons to express their
opinions and give them the space,
assuming the expense of putting
their articles in type for nothing,
and then fall out with them and
enter into continuous discussion
with them. But when a corres
pondent makes a mistake in de
fining the position of the Ga
zette, either as to the past or
present, the Gazette will cer
tainly make the correction.
While there is no great differ
ence in the views of the Gazette
and Col. Philips on the question
. of controlling .inter-state rail
roads, except on the point of gov
ernment ownership, the Gazette
sees a vast difference between
government control and regula
tion thereof and government
ownership. The method of con
trol and regulation that Presi
dent Roosevelt advocates is a
system opposed to government
ownership, and such system of
regulation excludes the idea of
government ownership,
The Gazette cannot go into
newspaper discussion with Col
Philips on' these questions he
mentions because of its limited
space, which cannot be occupied
with prolonged controversy upon
one question. The Gazette has
stated its position several times
upon these questions to the effect i
that it is heartily in favor of reg
ulating and controlling, in aid of
the public good, corporations as
advocated by President Roose
velt and as endorsed by the re
publican party, and that it is not
in favor of government owner
ship of one railroad or any other
number of roads.
Our government will eventu
ally regulate and control the rail
roads by proper laws and decis
. ions of the court. This paper
does not accept as its undisputed
guide the "GlobeD-emoirat," the
"Chicago Inter-Ocean," or any
other paper. It feels able to
think and act independently of
any other source when it obtains
the facts. For the information
of those who wish tb take the
trouble to investigate, it invites
their attention to the fact that
government bonds are bought,
' . sold and speculated upon, in the
stock exchange of New York in
a similar way that are all other
' bonds and securities. The only,
difference being that U.S. bonds,
being of more permanent value
renders them of a less fluctuat
ing nature in price. -
will vote, while the other fellow,
from Mr. Avery's expressions,
may feel that he is not quite sure
about it. The correspondent for
the Journal certainly is not a
judge of human nature, especial
jy of Mr. Avery's make-up-
Has More to Say.
menagerie of fools" could not be
collected for congress.
Now, I never wilfully mis-sfate
the position of an opponent in an
argument, and am not willing he
should mis-state mine even inad
vertantly. It you wish to discuss
with me, in a friendly manner,
measures for the control ot these
corporations, I am willing to en
ter upoa a limited discussion.
At all events a number of yonf
subscribers would like your an
swer to these questions: Do you
favor absolute control of these
corporations by the government
in the interests of the people?
Have you formulated a measure
of control, not yet tried, certain
ly constitutional and not tenta
tive? If you have- please spread
it before your readers.
J. K. Philips.
m Great
it causes one to smile m a
broad and hilarious way upon
reading the comment of the Ore
gon Journal correspondent at Sa
lem upon the attitude of the dif
ferent senators on the Jayne bill,
and amendments thereto, involv
ing the questions of prohibition
and local option now before the
, legislature. He characterizes
Senator Avery of Benton county
as "not being in a positive frame
of mind about It." He says,
''Avery, , especially, is regarded
as lacking in stamina." One ac
quainted with Mr. Avery natur
ally becomes funny and devoted
to large smiles on considering
Mr. Avery's mental condition as
viewed by this critic.
Mr. Avery's neighbors, who
Mr. Editor:
1 oeg to express my surprise
that you devote so much space
defining the attitude of the Ga
ZETTE concerning government
ownership and the connection I
have had with the columns of
your paper and none whatever to
the subject requiring discussion
intelligent, dispassionate, cour
agous discussion of measures for
controlling the great inter-state
You are certainly quite forget
ful or else disingenious when
you state my connection as a
writer for the Gazette.
You should know that for a
continuous period I wrote, with
but very few exceptions, the ed
itorials in the Gazette, and that
during that time not only "some"
but with one exception all of my
articles "appeared in the paper
as editorial matter." The ex
ception was an article on pen
sions. The article to which you
refer as advocating government
ownership, was, as I remember
it, on "The trend to Socialism."
In none of these articles did I en
dorse government ownership. In
rov contribution of the 31st ult. I
distinctly say: "Republicans do
not favor government oTrnersHp,
but many of them brieve a lim
ited ownership may become nec
essary in order to control the in-
lev-scate carriers, and to prevent
a mad, popular rush to social
ism." This necessity for control
is admitted, practically, by evert
one. uar ab.est editors, writers,
aud statesmen "ay of these corpor
ations "they must ba contsoUed
or there wiil be a mad rush t i-o
cialism." Such papers as the
Globe-Democrat, the Chicago Inter-Ocean
and the Oregoniin
pointed to ihe almost certainty of
"a mad rush to socialism," un
less these corporations wt re
brought under control. They
must be controlled. When we
admit the necessity for control
we do not think of any specific
measure for control, but control
by whatever means necessary.
But this may involve govern
ment ownership. This, you say,
is socialism. I submit that it is
not. I aver it is sound republican
teaching, held by the president,
by the leaders of the party, and
endorsed by the rank and file.
The destruction of slavery was
not in the contemplation of the
republican party; but it became
necessary to preserve the Union
Dy wnatever means. J. nis in
volved the destruction of slavery
and it was destroyed. The par
ty will just as surely control the
railwavs bv whatever .means. If
it do not a party will arise which
You say the bluff and bluster
of lawyers raises what seems to
be formidable questions to
a non-professional. It may be
so, but please permit me to say
that years of close and systematic
study tqok me authoritively out
of the non-professional class,
taught me that no really good
lawyer resorts to bluff and bluster,
and that no couragous man is in
the least intimidated by bluff and
bluster. My reference to U, S.
bonds was a hypothetical case to
show that the fixed and uniform
value of government bonds ren
dered stock gambling in them im
possible. I had no purpose
whatever of quoting the . market
for U. S. securities. v
Yeu say I rely on "the wisdom
of congress not to build the
road," meaning this one suggest
ed trans-continental road. I
clearly spoke of general govern
ment ownership of railroads eith
er through buying or building
them and averred that "such a
An offer to make you come up
stairs and see us.
New Mainspring (none better),
Cleaning (ordinary watch),
1.00. Cannot be done better at
any price.
MATTHEWS, The Jeweler.
Room 12, over First National
. Steamer Pomona, leaves Cor-
vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays
and Bridays, for Portland and all
way points. or rates, etc.,
call on
The Gazette has made a
special arrangement with
the publishers of a number
of the leading magazines
and newspapers of the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
Now we could charge you the
full price for these and re
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to us, as our
commission, but as the GA
ZETTE is a home paper for
home people, it will be sat
isfied by receiving you as; a
new subscriber, or, if you
are now a subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special rate may not last
long, so take advantage of it
NOW while the chance is
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low rouinl trip rales have been placed
n effort between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will lie sold
and braiteii ti return on or liefore the
followinn Monday.
Rate to' or From Cokvalus, $3.00.
Call on Southern Paiftu Co's Agents
for particulars. .. "
A quantity of Remnants have accumulated during
our late clearance sale which will be sold at nomi.
nal prices. There are Remnants of Black and
Colored Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Satins, Linings,
Table Linens, Towelings, Flannelettes, Outing Flan
nels, Mr-shns, Prints, Ginghams, Skirtings, Waist
ings, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, White Goods
etc. Broken Lines of Shoes. Hats, Underwear!
, Men's and Boy's Suits, Odd Pants, Muslin Under
wear, Black Sateen Petticoats, Corsets, ete. AU at
SPECIAL All our Novelty Dress Patterns at Rummage Prices
All Remnants and Odd Lots must be closed out in a few days".
Graham & Wells Pharma
In pntt-d Biack Percheron wil
be in CorvalHs, tor service, sfter
January 1. ForjJ furih-r it. forma
tion address, T. K Fawcett,
B Hf uutaiu, Or.
Wsmsii's Home Cosnpanfost
Frank: LasJit's Monthly
Modern PriscUIa and:
CorvalHs Gazette
Alt five
one year
Cornire, Roofing, Guttering,
and all kinds of Sheet M.etal
F. A. Hencye
In connection with J. H.
Practical Horse Shoer
. . and Blacksmith . .
Makes a specialty of draft horses and
track shoeing. Two years with reg
ular army in Philippines as, Gov
ernment Shoer.
Interfering corrected and work guar
anteed. Philomath . - Oreg.
Interest the
Weekly Oregonian
San Francisco Examiner
Corvallis Gazette
All three
one year
And Proprietary Remedies.
Every one thai's adve tised, and some
that are not, can be obtained at our store.
We have a complete drug store don't
sell hardware, dry goods or groceries
but everything in the drug line . . . . . . . .
We want to merit your patronage
Graham & Wells Pharma
cv II
n M,
When your eyes tire in reading, when
you frown or partly close the eyes when
looking at an object; when things
"Bwim" or 'become dim after being
looked at for some time ; when the eyes
ache, smart, or water; or when yon have
pain in the eyeball, orbit, , temples or
All the conditions are curable by prop
er (classes, such as we will furnish yon
after scientific examination. . . .
MATTHEWS, The Optician,
Room 12, over First National Bank
Cures Cold.i PrcvMrU Pneumonia
Cosmopolitan Magazine
or Leslies,
Corvallis Gazette
Any three
one year
AddreSS mm
Gazette Pub Co
Corvallis, Ore.
Grave Trouble Foreseen.
It need but little foresight, to tell that
when the stomach ' and liver are badly
effected, grave trouble is ahead, unless
you take the proper medicine for your
disease, as Mrs. John. A. Young, of Clay,
flew York., did. She says : "I had neu
ralgia of liver and stomach, my heart
was weakened and I could not eat. I
was very bad tor a long time, but in
Electric Bitters I found just what I need
ed, for they quickly relieved and cured
me." Best medicine for weak womem
Sold under guarantee by Allen & Wood,
ward, druggist, at 50c a bottle.
Repairing ana Job Work
of any kind promptly
and correctly done.
Glasses Fitted
at prices that are reasonable and
eyes tested free of all charge.
Open Day and Night. Rooms Single on EnSuite.
. C. HAMMEL, Prop.
One of the Finest Equined Hotels in the Valley.
Both Phones.
Bus Meets all Trains.
If yon are looking for some real good
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or come and see us. We will take
Sleasure in giving you rellaole inform a
on; also showing you over the county
Bring your Job Work to the
Gazette Office.