Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 10, 1905, Image 2

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OaieU PuNtlhlng Co.
In a
Condensed Form for
Busy Readers.
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
The Btrike has spread to Transcau-
The reign of terror continues in
Another Russian squadron ia to sail
for the Far East in May.
German mine ownprs have rejected
overtures from the strikers.
Heavy rains in Southern California
have washed out railway tracks.
A n agreement has been made for a
parcels post and quick mail service
with Britain and France.
All the smaller harbors of the New
England coast are frozen over and oth
ers are blocked with ice floes.
A storm of snow and sleet has swept
over the South, stopping communica
tion and killing cattle and fruit.
" Soisalon Soininen, procurator general
of Finland, has been assassinated by an
unknown emissary of the terrorists.
Another great storm is raging in New
York state and cold weather is predict
ed for the entire section east ot the
Rocky mountains.
Henry B. Miller, consul general at
Niuchwang, China, will be promoted
to one of the best Oriental posts on ac-
count of his good work during the Jap
anese-Russian war.
An insurrection has broken out in
Taft recommends a revision of the
Philippine tariff.
The weather has greatly moderated
in the middle states.
Atlantic coast ports are blocked with
ice and navigation is stopped.
The crews of the Russian Black sea
fleet are on the verge of mutiny.
It now seems certain that Smoot will
be able to retain his seat in the senate.
Fire in 'Birmingham, Alabama, de
stroyed property worth not less than
The governor and a committee of
Massachusetts solons will visit the
Lewis and Clark fair.
Governor Mead, of Washintgon, has
broken ground for a state building at
the Lewis and Clark fair.
Many Poles acre fleeing from Russia
into Germany. The entire working
population of Poland is on strike.
The terrible weather in Manchuria
has forced a truce. As soon as it mod
erates the Russians will be confronted
with the alternative of withdrawing in
order to avoid being intercepted by a
Japanese column or of undertaking a
. general advance.
General Grippenberg has been forced
to resign his command' in Manchuria
And General Mylofi will succeed him.
One death and four cases of illness
, in one Chicago family have been
caused by supposed, ptomaines in
canned goods.
So much money from the interior has
been pouring into the New York banks
that the clerks cannot count it as fast
aa it arrives, and some banks have to
rent outside vaults to store it.
The Japanese are reported to have
forced a breach in the Russian center,
The dispatch has been received at St,
Petersburg ana papers have been re-
, fsed permission to mention it.
The Interstate Commerce commission
finds the Santa Fe road guilty of wil
fully violating the law by granting the
1 1 ir. 1 p T
freight rates than other companies pay.
Joseph Racicut, a wealthy Califor
nian, who is said to have had $100,000
on his person, went out into the coun
try near sauit ste. Marie, Mich., a
few days ago, and has not returned,
and is supposed to have been mur
.News of riots in .Russia is causing
disaffection in K.uropatkin s army.
The new Excelsior Roller mills at
Marys vi lie, Kan., were destroyed by
hre. Loss $150,000.
. Professor H. Cole, of Chicago, has
discovered what is believed to be the
largest spot on the sun. Itcovers one
tenth of the sun's surface, is egg-shaped,
and can be seen through smoked glass.
Fire in the Cramp shipbuilding plant
at Chester, Pa.,, destroyed valuable
blueprints, models and charts, includ
ing plans of the battleships Idaho and
Mississippi, and the cruiser Tennessee,
but work on these ships is not much
The New York chamber of commerce
has asked the legislature to spend
$100,000 on the Lewis and Clark fair.
. The bursting of a large water tank on
the roof of the Denver dry goods store,
a large department store, caused dam
age to stock estimated at over $50,000.
A number of senators are opposing
the Malheur irrigation bill.' -
The Japanese have raptured another
vesselb onnd for Vladivostok with con
. traband of war. . '
Tuesday, January 31.
The senate today continued the con
sideration of the joint statehood bill
with Nelson as the principal speaker.
A number of bills were passed, includ
ing one largely increasing the fees, for
stock companies in the Ditsrict of Co
lumbia. ' In the house the senate amendments
to the army appropriation bill were
disagreed to and the bill was sent to
conference. Williams, (Dem., Miss.)
started a lengthy debate by bringing up
the treatment by General Miles cf
Jefferson Davis, president of the Con
federacy, when he was a prisoner at
Fortress Monroe. The postoffice ap
propriation bill was debated for an
Wednesday, February I.
Clark (Mont.,) Dillingham and Teller
today continued (he discussion of the
joint statehood bill. Proctor reported
the agricultural appropriation bill and
gave notice that he would ask to have
it considered. Bills were passed grant
ing certain lands to the Oklahoma Ag
ricultural college; amending the land
laws so as to permit settlers on public
lands to make transfers for public uses
before completing title ; amending ex
isting laws so as to require captains of
passenger vessels to supply information
regarding the age and sex of immi
The postomce appropriation bill oc
cupied the house the major portion of
today. With an understanding that
the discussion of the question should
be continued tomorrow, the bill -was
laid aside and other matters taken up.
The conference report on the fortifica-
tions bill was adopted. The bill car
ries $6,747,893.
Senator Ankeny will endeavor to
have a provision made in the naval ap
propriation bill for the allowance of a
differential of 4 per cent to Pacific coast
shipyards competing on government
warships contracts.
With Nation in Rebellion Reserves
Cannot Be Sent to Cope with
Those Sent by Japan.
Two Indictments Said To Be in Order
for J. N. Williamson.
Portland. Feb. 7. The last week of
Grand DUkeS Admit Inability tO the present Federal grand jury is at
rrnp with lanan g Benes investlga-
LuJIC Mill uayaiU . tion8 which have been taking the time
of the jury for the past two months is
drawing to a close and will end on Sat-
TOO MUCH TROUBLE AT HOME Hay' if the PlanS of the government
attorneys carry.
The present week will be a busy one,
for it will bring to light some of the
entanglements of those high in the
confidence of the state and the nation
and will show still further the extent
and scope of the land frauds which
have been carried on in many cases to
completion and in others practically to
that stage during the past lew years.
During the week it was rumored that
Representatirve J. N. Williamson will
come under the notice of the Federal
grand jury, not once, but twice. It is
said that the next few days will see the
junior representative of the state in
dicted for his alleged connection with
various land deals in the vicinity of
his home at Prineville and also for
fraudulent transactions in the Blue
Mountain reserve.
Just what the complaints are is a
senate committee on ways and
means, nnri i.hflirmnn V Qa-for rf tha
Salem, Jan. 31. A bill was intro- I mrresnnnHin. ,. ;f't .
ducedinthe senate today to suppress thev will nHavn, i,i,i i 'a.
poolselhng and poolrooms. Eleven beiow $2,000,000. Bills are about all
introduced, and next Tuesday is the
London, Feb. 7. The highest
thority is claimed by the St. Petersburg
correspondent of the London Daily
Chronicle for the statement that the
grand ducal party has suddenly decided
that Russia must sue for peace.
The correspondent states that the
grand dukes and their supporters have
held frequent conferences of late at
which they discussed the Far Eastern
war and came to the conclusion that
the country could not afford to con
tinue the war under the present condi
tions. The immediate cause for this
change of mind on the part of the very
men who have richt alone stood in the
way of peace is said to' have been the mystery which the government officials
Thursday, February 2.
The postoffice appropriation bill was
the main topic of discussion in the
house today and its consideration was
not completed. During the day bills
were passed as follows : Amending the
law so as to reduce the amount of
bond required of agents acting for con
signees on imported goods ; providing
for the construction of irrigation and
reclamation works in certain lakes and
rivers in Oregon and California ; grant
ing certain lands within the Flathead
Indian reservation, Montana, to certain
Catholic societies for religious purposes.
The senate spent much of today diS'
cussing the distribution ot ordinary
farm and garden seeds by the Agricul
tural department. When adjournment
was taken consideration of the bill had
not been completed. A further con
ference was ordered on the fortifications
appropriation bill.
Friday, February 3.
The house today passed the
postomce appropriation bill, carrying
$180,787,415. ;
In the senate today Judge Swayne
made formal response to the articles of
impeachment against him. The an
swer was a formidable document in
point of size. In every case the charge
was admitted, but explained from
udge Swayne's point of view, they
were not ot a character to justify pro
ceedings for impeachment. The senate
issued an order requiring the house to
file its reply by next Monday, and di
rected that all pleadings shall be in by
February 9, that the trial may proceed
on February 10. The senate sitting as
a court, then adjourned and resumed
legislative consideration of the joint
statehood bill. That topic occupied
the rest of the day.
Saturday, February 4. -
Long occupied most of the time given
by the senate today to the statehood
bill with a speech in support ot the bill
as it stands. There was an extended
debate on a provision in the agricul-
tural appropriation bill relating to for
est reservations.' . ,
The house today passed the diplo
matic and consular appropriation bill'
carrying $2,107,047, which is an in
crease of $78,713 over the concurrent
appropriation. A number of minor
bills were disposed of by unanimous
recent disaster to the Russian arms
the Hun river.
Coupled with the news of this defeat
has come to the grand dukes the reali
zation that they cannot compete with
Japan's ability to throw army after
army into Manchuria, especially in
view of the internal situation, which
may render further mobilization of
reservist troops almost impossible
The correspondent states that, ac
cordingly, the Russian embassy at
Pans has been asked to gain the good
will of Great Britain with a view to
mitigating the terms which Japan is
likely to impose.
Portland Wreck Causes One Death
and Thirty-one Injuries.
Portland, Jheb. 7. One man was
killed and 31 persons injured, some of
them fatally, by the wrecking of a car
of the Portland Consolidated railway
company on the M mtavilla line, at
the corner of East Twenty-eiehth and
East Glisan streets, at 7:20 o'clock yes
terday morning. The-accident oc
curred on a sharp curve at the base of
a steep incline. The. car s momentum
was so great that it was unable to make
the turn and was overturned. There
were 66 passengers on the car at the
time of the accident, the majority be-
ing business men and employes on their
way to work in the heart of the city.
It is a question whether the motor-
man lost control ot the car or wnetner
he did not use the usual precautions
until it was too late. Five blocks from
the scene of the accident the car was
running at a speed greatly in excess of
the rate specified in the city ordinances
governing street car traffic. One pas
senger, who stood on the front platform
of the car beside the motorman, de
clares that no effort was made to gov
ern the speed ot the car until it was
almost rounding the curve. The street
car company says the brakes had been
set as shown by the fact that the wheels
were worn smooth by sliding.
Monday, February 6. '
Following weeks of hearings and con
sideraton by the committee on inter
state and foreign commerce, the house
today began debating the proposed leg
islation looking to the regulation
freight rates.
Deoate on the joint statehood bill
closed in the senate today.
Many Killed at Riga.
St. Petersburg , Feb. 3. The latest
reports received by Consul General
Watts, from the American consuls in
Russia, indicate a cessation of th&
trouble in most of the industrial cen
ters. The consul at Riga reports that
the rioting at that place was precipitat
ed by students and rowdies, who .fired
on the police. The police and trooi
returned the hre, and 63 persons were
killed and 150 , wounded. ' At Reval
the soldiers were obliged to defend
factory on . Saturday against a mob
Three strikers were killed. x
Sold Mining Stock on Routes.
Washington, Feb. 3. Postmaster
General Wynne today removed three
letter carriers in' the Toledo, O., post
office, ordered a fourth man to show
cause why he should ' not be removed
and suspended 30- other carriers, all of
the Tolt-do office, for 30 days on the
charge of selling mining stock and of
collecting the assessments thereon. Jit
is charged that the men sold this min
ing stork while on duty as carriers, as
well as when off duty.
alone would be able, at this time, to
tell. They have nothing to say. But
in spite of this reticence, it is made
known from various sources that the
end of the week will see more persons
implicated in the land frauds than have
as yet hinted at or thought of. .
In addition to the names of Mr.
Williamson are mentioned those of
various of the former special agents of
the government, and several of the ex-
special agents who have been sent to
this territory to look into the alleged
irregularities of the land department
Beyond a rumor that several- of the
special agents are under the eye of the
grand jury, nothing definite can be
learned. However, it can be stated
with a reasonable degree of certainty
that former employes of the Interior de
partment in Oregon will be brouht to
book for irregular work done by them
during their terms of office. It is
further safe to predict that Saturday
will see the adjournment of the jury
Until the March term calls the men
once more to the task of probing into
the irregularities of the land transac
tions of Oregon.
I the
other new measures were introduced.
Nine bills were passed, one of them
appropriating $15,000 for fish hatcher
ies. This bill has already passed the
The senate bill authorizing the Lewis
and Clark fair corporation to condemn
private property was passed by the
Ten new bills were introduced in the
house, one of them being the anti
cigarette bill, identical with that intro
duced in the senate.
The house rejected the senate con
current resolution for a joint assemblv
tomorrow to consider a constitutional
convention". This stops any further
possibilities of a constitutional conven-tion.
Electric bells at railroad crossings is
the object of a bill introduced in the
house today. They are to be of suffi-
cient weight and sound to be heard 100
yards and are to be placed at every
crossing where a public road crosses a
railway track where the view is ob
structed either way.
The house committee on mining fa
vors the passage of the bill relieving
such mining companies of the annual
license tax as have an annual output
of less than $1,000
A new bill in the house provides that
all sheep driven into the state for pas
turage shall be taxed 20 cents a head
and 5 censt a head shall be paid for
each county through which the sheep
are driven
The Cascade county bill will appear
in the senate tomorrow or Thursday.
last day allowed for oresentation of
new measures, if the legislature is to
adjourn February 17.
Senator Miller's bill to abolish all
normal schools but one and leave the-
selection of this one to the state board
of education, was today reported ad
versely by the senate committee on
ways and means, though there was a
minority report recommending that the
bill be considered on its merits by the
senate. The bill was made a special
order for Wednesday next at 10 a. m.
A bill to amend the initiative and
referendum law, introduced by Senator
Howe at the request of W. S. TJ'Ren,
was today killed in the senate by in
definite postponement. The bill con
tained some features recommended bv
Secretary of State Dunbar, for the pur
pose of simplifying the procedure, but
ontained other features not satisfac
tory to the judiciary committee.
The bill to amend the local option
law was reported in the house today
and will come up for passage next
Other important bills yet to be con
sidered are: Those to make gambling
a felony and to punish , licensing of
gambling by municipal authorities ; to
tax gross earnings of telephone, tele
graph and express companies ; to con
solidate normal schools ; to create the-
office of state examiner; to create a
state board of control, and to establish
a mining bureau.
Both houses today adjourned until
Warlike Talk of High British Official
Causes Kaiser to Anger.
Berlin, Feb. 7. At the foreign office
it was said this afternoon that Ger
many would ask England for an ex
planation of the provocative anti-Ger
man speech made at East Leigh, Feb
ruary 2, by Arthur H. Lee, civil lord of
the admiralty, in which he said that
Britain would smash an unnamed en
emy in the North sea before that enemy
had time to realize that war had been
declared. The foreign office said :
"We hope that nothing will result
from Lee's speech . We prefer to be
lieve he spoke more as a naval expert
than as a statesman or cabinet officer
Yet it is impossible not to put a polit
ical construction upon his utterances
We shall, of course, take up the mat
Will Fight Near Sandepas.
St. Petersburg, Feb 7. Military
operations in Manchuria continue at a
standstill. No importance is attached
by the war office to the Japanese move
ments on the Russian center and left,
which are regarded as merely demon
strations. tieneral Heisman, a war
critic, expresses the opinion ' that the
Russians are not likely to surrender the
positions captured northeast of Sande
pas, and that 'a series of encounters
there will probably continue until the
weather is favorable for a general ad
vance. .;
Large Allotment from Army Post Fund
Likely To Be Secured.
Washington, Feb. 7. The army ap
propriation bill, recently passed by con
gress, carries a large appropriation tor
the improvement of army posts, v This
money is distributed by the secretary
of war, he approving allotments which
are made up by the quartermaster gen
eral. Senator Ankeny and Representa
tive Jones have arranged to call upon
the secretary of war and ask for a lib
eral slice of that lump sum for making
much-needed improvements at Vancou
ver barracks.
Reports which have been submitted by
the officers at Vancouver show the urg
ent necessity for many new buildings
to replace, .the antiquated and dilapi
dated structures now standing. Of
course they ask for more money than
can be had, something over $1,000,000
in all. Nevertheless, an attempt will
be made to get a liberal portion of this
me largest item recommended is
$350,000 for erecting a new building
for headquarters offices, a building of
brick, with stone trimmings, large
enough to accomodate all the officecrs
assigned to headquarters, together with
the clerical force of the post. "It is also
asked that four additional double in
fantry barracks be erected at a cost of
$230,000, and in additionl quarters for
59 officers as follows: One commanding
officer s residence, six field officers
quarters, nine captains' double quarters
and nine lieutenants' double quarters.
to cost in all about $500,000. In ad
dition $10,000 is asked for a new mail
sewer, $8,000 for cement sidewalks,
$2,000 for extending the electric light
ing system, $o,UU0 for water mains,
,$45,000 for grading and filling, $15,000
for improving the parade grounds and
$70,000 for two new artillery stables,
Rivers and HarborsNext Week
Washington, Feb. 7. Although the
river and harbor bill was reported to
the house today, it will probably not
be considered before next week. The
naval appropriation bill is ahead of it
and will be called up Thursday, when
the railroad bill is disposed of
Foreign Mine-s Shut Out.
Tokio, Feb. 7. After the most heat
ed debate which has yet taken place in
the Japanese house of representatives,
the amendments to the mining lan pro
hibiting foreigners to work Japanese
mines was passed during Monday's ses-
jn. The bill was fought bitterly by
the foreign residents having mining in
terests in Japan, and the government
has been severely censured for advocat
ing a measure which must needs antag
onize certain influential interests whos
good will, it is believed by many, to be
important and necessary at this time.
Salem, J?eb. 1. Twelve bills were
passed by the senate today and 15 by
the house. Five new bills were intro
duced in the senate and seven in the
Two bills were killed in the senate
today: For a constitutional cor.7ention
and to permit corporations to act as ad
The house this afternoon voted down
the bill for the appointment of a board
of internal commerce comrmesioners
and appropriating $25,000 . for the
opening of the Willamette river from
Portland to Eugene.
A bill of Representative Steiner's
fixing the terms of circuit court begin
ninfg on the second Monday in May
and the third Monday in October,
passed the house this morning.
To permit district attorneys and
their deputies to bid in for counties,
lands sold for delinquent taxes, a bill
of Representative West's passed the
house today. Under the present law
the county judge is required to do that
function, but sometimes is not prseent.
A bill to empower juries to fix pun
ishment in criminal trials was indefi
nitely postponed by the house this
morning. The bill came from Smuth,
of Josephine.
Salem, Feb. 2. The senate today
passed the house bill appropriating
$1,000 for the widows of the prison
guards who were killed by Tracy and
Merrill at the time of the outbreak
three years ago.
The senate bill appropriating $25,000
for maintaining the portage railway
was passed by the house.
The bill to exempt from annual cor
poration tax mininfg companies whose
annual output is less than $1,000 was
also passed by the house.
The senate committees on counties
has practically decided to report favor
ably on the house bill for the creation
of Cascade county and the probabilities
are that the bill will pass the senate.
Abolition of the Drain normal school
will be recommended tomorrow by the
house committee.
From five to 20 years' imprisonment
in the penitetniary is the punishment
allowed under the senate bill to prevent
train holdups passed by the house.
The house sanctioned two appropria
tions of $1,500 each for district fairs in
Eastern Oregon.
The senate amended the flat salary
bill today by striking out the items for
justices of the supreme court and the
provision that the law shall not go
into effect as to the secretary of state
and state treasurer until June 1, 1907.
It is probable the bill will pass.
' Japanese Colony in Texas
San aAntonio, Texas, Feb.' 7. In an
interview today B. F. Yoakum gave out
the following details concerning the re
cent visit to Texas of a number of com
The missioners from the Japanese govern
naval bill will remain under considera- ment: .As a result of this visit
tion three or four davs. shovini? the a great Japanese colony will be
river and harbor bill over- until next planted in Southwestern Texas for the
Tuesday or . Wednesday. Probably it
will be passed about Feb. '15:
Salem, Feb. 6. Two bills
over the governor's veto in the senate
today were made a special order in the
house for tomorrow. One of the bills
was that appropriating $5,000 for a,
plant at the state university for testing
timber and stone; the other was the
bill authorizing the Lewis and Clark
fair corporation to condemn lands for
the exposition.
No irrigation code will pass at this
session, but an act will be passed grant
ing to the United States the power to
condemn any water right that may be
necessary in the prosecution of its re
clamation work and an appropriation of
$5,000 to $10,000 a year will be made
for hydrographic survey work.
That" the legislature will adjourn
February 17 without day was indicated
tonight at a conference of the leaders of
both houses.
County fruit inspectors are provided
for in a bill passed by the house late-.
this afternoon. On petition of 25 fruit
growers the county court shall appoint
such an inspector.
The house -passed a Dill providing--
that a tax amounting to 10 cents for
each child of school age in counties
having less than 100,000 inhabitants
shall be levied for the benefit of school
The house passed the bill appropriat
ing IfbUU tor Jackson and Josepmne
counties for district fairs, $1,800 is ap
propriated for other Southern Oregon
counties and a new appropriation of
$600 is made for the fairs in Lake and
Klamath counties.
The bill providing for one board of
regents instead of four for state normal
schools was passed by the house.
It is thought the modified Jayne bill
for the amendment of the local option
bill will pass the house tomorrow or
the next day by a narrow majority.
Foes of Cascade county have so-
marshaled themselves that the bill to-
cut Wasco county up now seems doomed
to failure m the senate.
Nineteen bills were passed by the
house today and four by the senate.
Eleven new bills were introduced in the
senate and two in the house. Ten bills
were today filed by the governor with,
the secretary of state.
Salem, Feb. 3. Nineteen bills were
introduced in the house today and four
in the senate.
Appropriations asked of the Oregon
leg.slature at this session aggregate
$2,340,000, but Chairman Farrar, of
f :
Laboratory Apparatus Arrives.
Willamette University, Salem The
science department of the university
has received a large shipment of new
apparatus and material for use in the
chemical and physical laboratories,
among ' which is a small quantity of
radium, the newly discovered element,
and also a wireless telegraph outfit, an
X-ray machine, a wireless telephone
outfit and a new stereopticon for use in
illustrating class lectures. There are
also many less important instruments,
which bring the college laboratcies
thoroughly up to date. -
Creamery for Eugene.
Eugene K. C. Eldridge, owner of
the well known Eldridge creameries at
Independence, Dayton and Jefferson,
has been in Eugene the last few days,
completing, arrangements for establish
ing a big creamery here. He has signed
a lease for a portion of a two-story-brick
building to be erected at once by
F. L. Chambers, banker and hardware
merchant. The new building will be
45x80 feet in dimensions, and will be
located on Willamette street between
Sixth and Seventh. "The creamery will
occupy the lower floor.
lone to Have Water Works.
lone The lone city council haa
signed a contract with Charles M.
Robinson, of Portland, for the construc
tion of a complete water works system
The price for the work is $9,737, and:
extra work will run the cost to $10,000.
The contract price includes ample pow'
er to pump the water for the city, and'
also for an electric light plant to be
put in by the city the coming summer.
Work on the city reservoir will be be
gun next week.
Russia Wants More Money.
London, Feb. 7. It is stated in well
informed financial circles in London
that negotiations have been completed
for floating . a ' new Russian loan of
$200,000,000 in Paris. , Tfee loan will
Show, Grand Ronde Products.
growing and manufacture of silk. AJ Grande The exhibit hall which
splendid tract of land has been becuredfl was erected by the La Grande commer
and upon each five acres of this will ( c;ai -ih and rit.ize.nH of the Grnd
be settled a Japanese family.'
Reservists Are in Arrest.
London, Feb. 7. The London Daily
Chronicle prints a dispatch from its St.
Petersburg correspondent stating that
bear interest at. the rate .of 5 per cent 6,000 reservists at Peterhof have mu
per annum. The date of the issue has t-inied and are under arrest in their
not yet been fixed. - . , barracks.
Ronde is completed, and on February 9
it will be opened to' the public. This
building cost nearly $1,000, and will
contain exhibits of all fruits, grains
and grasses grown in the Grand Rond-.
A cash premium of $100 will be award
ed by MrlvCausey for the best main
tained fruits and vegetables for a cer
tain period. " ' "
Wheat Walla Walla, 86c; blue
stem, 91c; valley, 87c per bushel.
Oats No.l white, $1.351.40; gray,.
$1 .401. 45 percental. .
Hav Timothy, 1 $1416 per ton?
clover, $1112; cheat, $1213.
P tatoes Oregon fancy, 7080cf
common, 6065c. " . . . ' i
Apples 4-tier Baldwins, . $1.25 1
Spitzenbergn, $1.752.; . - : . ' '; "
Eggs Oregon ranch, Z7. . ...
Butter--2530c. ; ,
Hops Choice, 2728c per pound.