10CAL AND PERSONAL De John Dav, of this city, is quite ill at bis home. He is threatened with pneumonia. Attornpy E. R. Brysoi) arrived tome, Saturday, fr m 8 business trip to Lincoln courity. Amy Cameron Hrrived home last Thursday frou. Portland, where he bad Keen for several dys attending to matters of business. Titus Ranney cm me in from his place of business, Summit, yester day, and returns today. His was a business trip. W. L. Shedd, E Woodward and W. N. Newton have been appoint ed appraisers in the estate of Sey mour Chipman, deceased. Last Wednesday ounty court convened and adjourned on the same dav. making, we believe, a rec- VtH for the shortest terra or tne f county court yet held in this coun From what we can learn, quite a number cf our citizens aie plan a triD to Portland next Satur day that they may attend the Pachmam concert. Teddy Irvine, a younger brother cf Roy Irvine, of this city, came up from his home in Independence, Saturday, to visit nis reuuvu. jh returned home vesterday. It mav be of interest to our ath letes that H. L. Keeler, of Ohio Wesleyan University, has been en gaged to coach the Willamette Uni versity's track team this season Miss Heln Steiwer, of Jefferson arrived in Corvallis, Friday, tor brief visit with her brother, Karl who is attending school at OAC and the many friends she has in this city. The Lower House of the Alabama Legislature today passed the Senate bill forcing persons giving ground for action in divorce cases to ran ain single for three years, the other parties to remain single one year. How would this work in Oregon? Miss Grace Huff, of this city, who recntlv submitted to an oper ation for appendicitis, is so much im proved, in nealtb. tbat sne is now able to sit up. bae had a very close call, her life at one time being despaired of. but she is now oa the road to rapid recovery. China "New Year'' is now on. Last Friday evening was the dawn proper of ttos holiday tune of the Ihild of the "Flowery Kingdom." It generally celebrated with the sppmg oi nr? cracaers ana evi- fenceB of enthusiasm are controlled ay tne condition or tne ,cnroK s pocketbook. China New Year is of about thirty days duration At a special mef ting of the ath letic council, U. of 0., held Satur day afternoon! Fred Steiwer was ' elected manager for the University of . Oregon football team for the looming season . Fred is a gradu ate of OA.O and was a very popu mr student while here. From the Jibove it appears that be is no less ""popular with the student body at r a. i II .E uie u. oi v. We are in receipt of an invita tion to be present at the mid-winter commencement exercises to be held February 4th to 7tb, at the state normal school at Monmouth, Or I he class sermon was delivered at 10:30 a., m. Sunday, . by Dr. Hill. cf Portland. There were . fourteen in the graduating class. The Eugene Guard has assumed its former size, oi-e half the size ' of Recent date. They unnesitatingly declare that they have been losing money ot late by publishing a pa per twice the size required by Eu gene, as iouows: "We have no ap pology to make for this change, we nave steadily been losing money nave 1 lost considerabl through publishing a paper donble tne size required by the town. Bug' mess necessity required the change." Ben Woldt, who - was in -. Port land last w.eek for a business leca tion, succeeded in securing someth log to his liking. He has leased a saloon on the corner of Second and Morrison streets for a terth-of three years, and returned to the metropo lis yesterday to assume charee. Mr. Woldt's family will remain in Corvallis for a time on account pf the health of his daughter, Miss Minnie Woldt. . The convention of the fourth district of Oregon, Knights Pythias, is to convene in this city on the 22nd of this month. Local ; Knights will in the meantime busy themselves with preparations give theirfguests a royal", welcome. Just what oar boys will do to their visitors is not yet determined, but we'll wager, it will- be. the proper thing. There are twelve districts . of the order in .the ' state and the fourth comprises ' the ' 1 counties tf Marion, Folk,' Benton and Linn T .e Ladies Coffee Club enter tained a number of friends Thurs day evening. A general good time resulted. - ; From the cool weather last week it i cafe to guess tbat the tail of the co'd gn;p rfcently experienced in the E ist touched us ligntly. Geo. A. Robinson tins had fix-. apart meiit on the He phi!l corner remodVled and suita'lf arranged as a reai estate office f r himsilf. This is a g.wd location f r him and his business. , A week ago Burnett began tnX-F. Monday oliKfd $1,5-24 yecterd.. Sheriff th cH-c'ion ft , the fir-. -day. h 'id o ii e n-irtg t b- books laft Siit'irdav 1 1 " 1 coeci- ed 'hhBum of $4 238. Thi-. is mi bad f r the first k Rev. H. A Deck and wifn are soon to start Ei with their little son, who is afflcted with tuber culosis of the spine. Pennsylvania is their destination, and they are seeking treatment for the child The health of Miss Emma B. Thompson, who has ben confined to' her bed for some time, is some what improved, but she is yet far from well. She is now out of bed Hereafter the O. C. T. Co's. boats will leave Corvallis for Portland on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. At present the Jre- gonia makes the trip up only as tar as Albany. N. F.Gillespie, until'r'cently at Kline s, is at present in Independ eiice, wnere ne nas in view a spien did position. If everything is t' his satisfaction he wiil take up his residence iu that city. - . General T. J. . Thorp returned Friday, from a business trip East. While in the JLast ne visited in Baltimore and .at the national capital. He has been absent for a matter of six weeks. Mrs. Thorp who has been visiting in Portland for several weeks, returned hoiue with the General The vocal recital given at the College Chapel, Friday evening, by puplis of Mrs. Green, was well at tended. . In fact, from accounts ppears there was no room to spare. uite an, extended program was re. dered by the pupils in an ac ceptdble manner and the efforts the various singers were well re ceived. Mrs. Green was accompan ist. . ' Yesterday, W. G this citv, ohiprnd Wade, of Ol-x, Or., . Ii Pl uiou h R k c ick tic M . EmfV rcHv, d figur-', but i' i i bird't'iat, Mr. W i ii 1 T - eel ve. Dr. Harsh a has ..tira..: aru rowds tT ev'ry ine t iii ha eld 80 fir. . T ie. Oprn H -.ii-e yr f eked ht both hi ra t Su--. i:-y afiernoon and cv Hi a, " nl he ppears t") have aw.ikeiiKl r-n sid-r- hle interest id h8 n ..f tor t is Stated thftt Dr. Harha wi 1 continue in this ci y .fur inn-iU' i week. Friday evening , the following Uorvaihsites went over to Albany to be present at the initiation of some recruits into the " orderv of Woodmen: O. A. Gerhard, Jas Githins, Jas. Waggoner, Carl Ppr ter, Floyd Lane and Frank Fran cisco. They did not ariive home until about 3:30 Saturday morning but report that they got thei money's worth. " Isaac Harris came up from Port land, Friday for a visit with old time friends in his boyhood home With the exception of passing through Corvallis on one or two ex cursions from Portland, this is M Harris first visit here in about fifteen years. He is a son of H E. Harris, at one time a well- known business man of this city, but who at present has his resi dence in Portland. The chicken pie dinner given in Marshal Miller's hall last Saturaday evening, by the Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church, was a great success in every way. The ladies realized about $67 on their dinr er, $50 of which sum they intend to expend in improvement on the church parsonage. There was very large - crowd for dinner on this occasion all told, ' somewhere in the neighborhood of 260 or 270 persons ate chicken. The ladies 'eel grateful fur the patronage they received. " n , at u i , iiit- nrepnr- Physicxl Director Tri has ahout forty youg ng for p aces on the tr k leam. On Feb. 22,- sp'i'iteis repi esenti i each class at OAC will c .i p te k i cross-count rv r-ce Th will tart at theath'etic gmuiid.at-th coilege and . run to i giv-n nin tear the Catholic Oeinefi-ry ind urn, altogeiher a dints' ce of ihr-- or four miles . ioh.cvhi-s s wi i award medals 'ainone tbe'ir.fe'v- About three weekxylr t -r h-re wi te another rnc' .f a siiiii'-- character; the d-taHs of whic w appear later rhe fratiit- is airmd up f r piacing the' canVHs o-r tl) Hthleitc track and u is thorgf. h it the cover w;L be in place t - dy. Everything looks p easi gardlng the prospectx hr a good tra-k team this year at t'i coiiegM. Pnf. Mordaunt God mi "tigbt wh. arrivtd. here bnura y to, atten. some matt rs ( f business, retrjrnid to Poit and yes-Wda ;. He wi I give a piano rec tl wth hi- pupiV ht the Western Academv of Music, Feb. 15. Alpha Murray, of this city, is on the program for a piano number and will go to the metro' Dilis nextSaturda to remain until bf er ihe recital, also to attend th concert of thegr- at Polish pianist, De Pachmann. who appears at the Marquam Grand theure Feb. U We are author zed to s.nte that, yielding to the solicitn tion f many former pupils, also those who sire to study with bkn, that begu ing Feb. 18, Prof. Goodnougn wn make regular trips t this 'city every Saturday to give instruction His ability is well known here and no mention of his worth is necessary, WITH THE BEEKEEPERS. There is a rumor .in circulation to the' effect -that Edwin Stone's death was not v occasioned by a murderous assault. This theory is that in retiring Mr. Stone hung his coat in such a manner' at the head of the bed that it caught fire after he had fallen asleep. Then the bed clothes were ignited and Mr. Stone was burned quite badly before he awakened . Struggling and half suffocated, he fell out of bed, injuring himself still further and overturning the burning lamp. This .may be true, but it scarcely explains some rambling talk that he is credited "with during a half lucid interval. Still, this may be the correct theory. ' ? Mahara's minstrels appeared at the Opera House, Saturday even ing, : to a full nouse. After the band had rendered a piece or two on the street in the afternoon, it became, a lore gone ' conclusion that ' they would be1' greeted by a i I i il.'LL.l' mi . laijjo ouuicuuo iu iiiie evening, i. ne band is far better , than is usually carried by 1 cooipanies? ''of "this character. A .good, orchestra of seven. pieces llsubpqrtSedlUhe per formers -on the stage. The hoop rolling by English t wa especially fine, as was the muafcal tarn . In fact, the company gave a perform ance fully up to the standard set by "burnt cork" artiste, and the verdict is that Mahara's minstrels have improved since their ' previous visit nere. ', 1 Strong colonies - protect themselves against robbers and bee-moths. .. . In rendering beeswax, use a tin, brass or copper vessel. An iron one will darken It -In making candy to feed bees be careful not to burn it. Burnt candy will kill them. ' In France, according to government figures, for the ten years ending with 1901, the average , number of colonies was 1.60M12; honey per colony 10 pounds, 11 ounces; wax per colony three pounds... - . : , Rainwater ia the right thing to use in melting wax. Well water, especially that where yellow clay or red sand abounds in the soil, contains iron, and this browns the wax. no matter how carefully the melting be done. ' Dr. C. C. Miller says in ;' Glean ings that heretofore the largest yield he ever got from on colony was 192 sections, but last year he got 300 sec tions Irom one colony, with a number of other colonies' yielding nearly as well. He credits these large yields to the selection of the best stores to breed from, and to the phenomenal flolr of white clover, which the bees stored un til nearly mid-October. , t .. Death of O. A. C. Regent. Yesterday the news of tlis death of J. M. Church . reached this city. His connection with , the Agricultural College, being a E u- y. of : member of the' board of regents i . fri r nan I at the time of his death, made i-ifT.i him more or less ajiamilliar fig, Tt'5 I ure in Corvallis, On learning of U. a I U;Q Aanr flia rmf Virt"l'tl"oc! Q f C A O had the flag placed at half-mast. Last? Thursday morninsr Mr. Church,' while walking from his hotel ' to the depot in Salem, where he was attending business, slipped and fell on a trestle. In falling his jawbone was brok- 11' 1 en ana ne received, internal in- juries He was at once removed to St. Vincent's Hospital for treatment, and for a time it. was thought he would soon recover, but internal complications arose and he died at 8:30 Sunday morn ing. Mr. Church was aged 74 years at the time of his death and was widely known in Oregon, having been an active business man -for many years. He was reputed to be a shrewd politician, but never held office. He was an adherent of republican principles, He was born at Hunter, oh the Hudson, N. Y., in November, s1830. In 1855"he went to California, and came to Oregon in 1860. Since then he has been a permanent resident of the state and engag ed in business in various parts of Eastern Oregon. He engaged in mining opera tions immediately after coming to this state, but went into the mer cantile business in 1881, becom- a member of Bear, Church & Co., at Island City, near LaGrande. Later he extended his operations to Enterprise, Waillowa county. Mr- Church made LaGrand his home- and the funeral wil occur there today. His only suryiving relative, aside from sister who resides in Dover. Tenn., is a son, W- J- Chu.ch who was with his father at the time of his death. Thus, Ore gon loses another of her rugged pioneers a man 'of value to his community and the state gener ally. OAC will also " feel the loss of a loyal friend as Mr. Church was always '. an earnest supporter of the college. He was on two committees at OAC the college and state committees, being chairman of the latter. Extraordinary . . ... AiiiioisiiceineM This announcement, U m mercantile house in the Wil -a . terest to everv .nian, woman i-l t ini inr a"T evu m ide by tte vall.-v kv'A of vat hild it f. - Hii lvicii- Our 35th CIearance Sale closed Jan. 31st, and in giving thanks for voar gner u pifr m agc, I make the following extraordinary ann mncement: I will refund the money on all cash purchases mde on a certain d ty of the month of February, the day selected to be announced in the GAZETTE of March 3. The Lucky Day will be selected b lot. . ' No Matter What You Purchase ! i for cash at retail rates, be it a five-cent or $100 purchase, if jj your duplicate checks bear the date of the LUCKY DAY,' your 3 money will be cheerfully refunded. i Save Your Duplicate Checks secured with cash purchases as no monty will be refunded ex cept on presentation of duplicate cash cht cks. Buy something every day and you are bound to Be ome cf uhe Lucky Ones My popular low prices will prevail during goods marked in plain figures Mail orders cash will. participate in this offer. this month. All accompanied b Regulator of Low Prices Corvallis, Ore. Our Great Annual Stpck-taking 7 Famous Hop Suit. A Menaace to Health. Kidney trouble ia an Insidious Banger end maey people are of a Beri'oud malady 1 beford the symptoms a:e recognized. Foley's Kidney cure corrects 1reaulari- ties and strengthens' and builds up the kidnies, and it should be taken aUth first fiidicatioa of kidney trouble, p$ it is impossibh to have good' "health" ii1 Ke kidneys are deranged-. For sale by Gu ham & Wpftham.5 2 JY3 ' Ye-terday morning, j$darhs 'Bros began the construction of - an addi tion to the barn of Dr. Cathey. . Frand Exposed.' A few counterfeflerg have lately been makipg and trying to sell imitations of Dr. Kings New Discovery for consump tion Coughs and Colds, and other medi cines, thereby defrauding the public. This is to warn you to beware of such people, who seek to profit, though steal ing the reputation of remedies which hive, been successfully curing disease, for over 35 years. ; A sure protection, to you, is our name on the wrapper. Look for it on all Dr. TjingS or ' Bucklen's remedies as all others are mere imita tationt. ; H.'E.Bnckien & Co. Chicago, 111. and Windsor, cauada. , For Bale by Allen & Woodward. - i Kola Neis, of Albany, a few days ago filed with j the clerk of this county an appeal to the supreme court in the hop cas'e pt Kola Neis vs. John Whitaker & Son: The latter reside about ten miles south ot this citv. The snit is for the recovery of alleged damage of $5000 to. Mr. Neis in the violation 01 a hop' contract. According to understanding, it appears tnat Messrs. VVnitaker ! and son contracted their hops to Mr. Neis for a term of years at eight cents ' per pound, but in 1903 a verbal contract was given by Mr. Neis, in which he agreed to allow Whitaker & Son 10 cents, and a percent above 10 cents if the price . of hops was appreciablyiadvanced' Mr. Neis is feaid to hayfe reduced this verbal contract to writing," arid to have kept it, but Cthat Tyeaf fie only paid $50 as percentage . above the to cents agreed upon' on thej 1 entire Crop." : ? A i Last fall Whitaker & Son re fused, to deTiVer more hops to Mr. Nxis t asserting- :that , the latter, -in standing by the verbal i-uunaci 01 a year previous, naa himself broken the. original con tract and in so doing had releas ed them. Mr. Neis took the 'matter : in to the courts last . fall uoon the refusal of Whitaker & Son to deliver to him some : 20.000 pounds of hops. And was de feated. This case was consider ably discussed last fall and is likely to again attract lively interest. ' : Immense reductions in every-department. Short ends odd sizes, broken lines and remnants by hundreds. Dress goods, Silks, Readymade wear, Laces, Ribbons, Draperies, Lace curtains, Sheets, Pillow cases, etc. Prices in many cases re duced by half . Our new Spring goods will arrive early. IFa Ln MfJSMfS Corvallis - u . ..' DURING FEBRUARY Great Shoe Sale Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right FOLEYSnOIJETrAR CorerColdsi Prevents Pneumonia 1 i us ' Jj-rfi, Dili's-. . The largest assortment of Shoes offered on . Special Sale in Philomath; ; Comprises about 1,000 pair of Men's,. Women's, Misses', Boy's and Children's ShoesSfvill be on sale during the month of February. This reduction will be made for Cash only. Immediate attention will be given to Mail Orders. There are - - Special Prices on Men's, Women's, Boy's and ' Children's Rubber. Boots and Oil .. Coats. We almcall your attention to our large Stock a. of Millinery "Goods which are on Special Sale. .3 (l - ( - . - . . ! : i v.: Is: r .HENKLE, PHlLdMAtH, 'I Si' Jt.?:). ,4 ' OREGON :' ,itffHis! tin i Ki'i . 10 "5 f .'Ii