m l MLUS GAZETTE SMoIisfied GAZETTi SaSaMiptioi: Knot ii l ?sdays and Fridays by bmshing Company. To Tub Public. ; Arrangements have been made for "the cert monies -of Grand Army Day at tha Lewis and ! The undersigni-il have purchased the Clark Fair, to Le held June 23 on mtere8' jf Levi Henkie in the City Drav the Fair grou reat "iuS. year, in advance, $1.50. nice, per year, $2.00. f'adj Iy Signature. lieutet. ' "liat he , fes and 1 feet of years ago srixsrendei i&e Sout a?ed, It if ' i. T 1.4. 3 Pelh' ifd two light rjiana-j t0 jrs on the hands and jke.er,s erson Davis ..rty cause Davis did not hen the capital of n confederacy was when his principal smuiss sUi ndered, and it was craierstoc. is admitted in Davis' liooks. tha it was his intention lotiyto t. cape across the Missis sippi,, so Jvxt -he could join the army in i;at section and con tinue the war. Aa a further reason, C. A. Dana, Assistant Secretary r' War, directed Gen- j birds an 4ra? MiW in a snpfial order to Then phee the obstructions mentioned n Davis t . render his imprison- 111 Gen. Miles i episi c latter s from A. Wis., recent.1 it' tion )ic t: 1 came w -nication city anrt .- . Heie i- - li-. ,'-Sii P which IK! : Japam. Ha- to the a'' ov , , the fo )(. nj son uiirit r ri nusual thing for - ' e a letter and for: eir name, but it ient of such an -., t-specirillv if ti e i v dollars slipping t'.-k of a signature, 'i, of Burlineton, t-r ot fancy bantams, td a cofnmunica- ih'-- city. to which no -i.ed. "The cornmu iddressed at this . i.h.- date of Jan. 23 Mr. Ft-nn received: ie find stamp for f your' circular of a ms, and price of s. no name attached Mr. Fenri addressed t Postmasttr John- e of Tan. 28, also Company. The terms of the transaction includes the good will of the business Mr Hp kin, having re'ired from the firm Thatkina the publii; for past pat ronage and soliciting a continuance of the business of all old pat'ons, and of such new ones as may see fir. to favor us we a e, Ke.ectfnlly, Robixson '& Fuller. Hfail)iiartef8 for the firm at Wellaher & Gray'elstore. Independent phone 126. 12-18 HOW IS THIS? - An offer to make you come up stairs and see us. New Mainspring (none better), $1.00. Cleaning (ordinary watch), $1.00. Cannot be done better at any price. MATTHEWS, The Jeweler. Room 12, over First National Bank. The BEST PROPOSITION r c n id iroin this citv . ; "We wo the enclosed let ter, tii ! d thiough vour P. O.. ,, , , encl siri o er for pantams that adds that ne was in receipt of i. .... , , ' ... .. . Ai, . , , : ljv. 1 1 - 1 naify notie . ; ot plots to ettect tne . ? j. leseue 01 i. avis, wnn uirecuons t fcr? ,. . ( lotaseev ry precaution to Pre-,wich.d(. s , . bear the writer's Tent them from being carried 's!gnatui-. It there is any way that ci-.sk Uou can 'lucate tie party who il t 1 1 ! wrote to i.i fnui, please notify Ife Constitution of the State hi 111 to 'hat'tff ct. ' It he cannot ef Oregon, which was wisely en-:3 c'f fl Pease destroV lhe ed by our forefathers, eMrl Johnson tartxed the inch has carried us safely along etter fvtr toJ ,Gene Sim fsarniore than half a century, is;hopirjK t,,a, he lnight be ab!e to good enough for some of oururnavel ,ne uiystery, but the lat leffelators. Every attempt in-jter amid not guess the riddle, aetly has been practiced to) Now, h t whoever wants Japanese jm i.rti..j j 4. .:4.i. T . i.u 4.i-: i i tinpt on that subject for twenty; -jemrs. A bill is now pending be foze the legislature to raise the salaries above ; the constitutional Eoe by increasing the amounts wer the limit prescribed by that instrument. No wonder there are $& many who disobey the law wfesn a body of men under solemn esth to obey an instrument so sacred as the constitution of the stfste will continually introduce tiSs to overstep its provisions. While there are so many compet- i "While spending the past season in cat men seeking those positions Calitornia with several large and ex- t , . , , perlenced Dee-keepers I was taught sev- Ifcanakes one curious to learn the , eral valuable lessons. One was the mak ause from whence comes the' ing of a bee-brush that is, in my opinion, &m'K4i f cm Hia ofofo Kir onf. i the acm of perfection. Take 20 inches . ing: a law to increase salaries un- -derthe constitution, when there are scores of vable men anxious 3 fill the offices under the pres- v.eat conditons. 0. C. S T. STEAMERS Steamer Pomona, leaves Cor vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays and Eridays, for Portland arid all way points. For rates, etc., call on Q. L. BUCKINGHAM, Agent. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. A HEMP BEE BRUSH. Discovered in California by an East- era Man and Considered the , Acme of Perfection. of one-inch hemp rope; double together, .1 ."Like a pardon that comes too late to save the life of a condemn tdman. is theJCzar's readiness to grant many of the demands of j the strikers in various parts of j Iris empire. If it was just andj isroper for him to make these Hicessions, why did he not do ss before the riots began? Had an ideal beh brush. le done the proper thing by his and' bind with stray threads of hemp or sabiects.it is not likelv that such toundation-wire to the length of four ' (f 41 a destruction of property would fcave occurred as has recently, and many lives would have been saved. For the present' inter al disturbances in Russia the Czar is to blame he and his ministers. ' - inches, for a hnadle; then fray out the ends of yifur rope and soak it half an hour in water, and you have a brush that will neither disable a bee nor mar in the least the cappings. When dirty, or daubed with honey, you can wash and wring dry, like any cloth. I have used ' both whisk and 'hemp brushes in the j management of 500 colonies of bees, and I would not use any other but the home-, made article. By the pressure of your thumb you can regulate the width, of your brush so as to cover a Langstrota frame at one stroke. You can credit Mr. C I. Graham, of California, with the above method, for he is the gentleman who taught me. George HeTrlck, in Bee Gleanings. ." ' " Low round trip rales have been placed n enect between 1'ortland and Wtllam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold . SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate to or From Corvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co'a Agents f-r particulars. Prise The Gazette has made a special arrangement with the publishers of a number of the leading magazines and newspapers of the Unit ed States, 'whereby we are offered cut rates on these publications. rhe suprema.-y f HAWZS $3 HATin it- wile fieid -ind striking information in tr:e a a r.l of Ki-t t'rw To tld MHdl 1 h K.,..,i, Jury at the St. Loui-t Expoiii. n. This award of the WoH.i'h Fair ,Ji.lK.. will fi.,,1 wi. popular a.entHiu ,n authoritative endorsement of awvll dM.rrvl, Ion tai.!w'il an-1 rao.d y broad-, ening reputation for hirHt Mlina a Ml in Which is founded nt.on nnd..' methods havin the s..lid basis ,,( qnaliiy BUd a eptability that fuilv iuiifv the exceptional. ' "Guarantee that HA WES $3 HAT iil give better ali around hat "satisfaction than i-om-s witli hats olTered at nany t ice the price." Our aaente oppreciate the 8trm t-elling value of that guarantee, and they know the guarantee could n ,t oe profit il.ly maintained year afte. year, and with a rapidl y creasing selling, unle the hats themselves "tnade good" the claims made fn them. . Now we could charge you the full price for these and re- srve the difference between the regular price and their special price to us, as our commission, but as the Ga zette is a home paper for home people, it will be sat isfied by receiving you as a new subscriber, or, if you are now a subscriber, then by receiving your renewal for a year in advance. This special rate may not last Jong, so take advantage of it NOW while the chance is yours. ' A Great 53,053 34,475 " - In poited Black Percheron wil be in CorvalHa, for service, after January 1. For2 further informa- T- K Fawcett, Belliountain, Or. lipn address, Plumbing and . Heating! Cornice, "Roofing, Guttering, and all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. F. A. Hencye In connection with J. H. SIMPSON'S HARDWARE STORE. S Offer: iL'XJliia 3!IM Ytfi Graham & Wells Pharmacy THAT'S THE PLACE Woman's Home Companion Frank Leslie's Monthly Modern PriseSHa and Corvallis Gazette All five one year $3. 65 Failed. A bill is before the legislature to appropriate $1,000 to each of the widows of the prison guards Vho were killed by Tracy and Merrill at the time of the out break at the penitentiary, three! -wars as-o. A similar bill was passed a few years ago in favor ": , ' - '. . . , , - it - t ,4. ,. j AH efforts have failed to find a better f a Liinn county woman, ana1 , . . ,, . t d ijniii ' remedy for coughs, rolds and lung trou- Governor Lord vetoed tne bill oe- ble than FoeyB H0ney and Tar. it cause it was contrary, to the pro-; stops the cough, heals the lungs and pre visions of Section 24 Of article & vents serious results from a eold, ,f J. N. Patterson, Nashua, Iowa, writes: "Lsta winter I had a bad cold-on my lungs and tried at least half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any ben egt. A fi iend - recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two-thirds of a bot tle tured me. 1 .consider, it the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world. For sale by Graham Sc Wortham . : cf" the State Constitution. I Representative Steiwer has in troduced a bill m the legislature .to make the Counties and Munic iipalities "liable for 'fifty- per kent of the value of live stock Hailed, which bill it is said will kely be reported favorably upon tby the House committee, to whom -Im. Tvfll was rpferred. The obiect ,, j .n . ed by Bncklens Arnica Salve.. B. Riv- 4f the bill it is said is to prevent M y write8s., burn ;tne raiQS upon, aiiu nmmg ux stock. . , tnl P. MORRISl Practical Horse Shoer . . and Blacksmith . . Slakes a specialty of draft horses and track shoeing. Two years with reg- ular army in Philippines as Gov ernment Shoer. ' Interfering corrected and work.gaff anteed. . Philomath Oreg. Agonizitig Burns. are instantly relieved and perfectly heal- fbr chllOrvnt uafm, curw. Mo mptat t burnt m j knee dreadfully that it blistered all .over, ttuciuen s .Arnica eatve stoppea the pain and healed it without a sear." Also heals all wounda . and fores. At Allen & Woodward. . ' , . ; , ,; SIGNS OF FAILING VISION. ' When your eyes tire in reading, when t&a. frown or partly close the eyes when looking at an object; when things "swim" or become dim after being looked at for some time; when the eyes ache, smart," ofr water ; or when you have pain in the eyeball, , orbit, temples or forehead. . All 4-tiA civMdItinifA 'an CttralSle bv nrno- er glasses, such as we will furnish you alter a acteimnc examination. , MATTHEWS, The Optician, - - Room 12, over First National Bank C ASTOR I A g-For In&nts and Children, Tlia Kind Yoii ;Hav8 Always Bought Will Interest the Men: Weekly Oregonian San Francisco Examiner Corvallis Gazette Ail three one year $3m 55 Patent. B M eaicines And Proprietary Remedies. Every one that's adve?tised, and some that are not, can be obtained at our store. We have a complete drug store don't sell hardware, dry goods or groceries but everything in the drug line . . . . . . r. We want to merit your patronage j m THAT'S THE PLACE Graham & Wells Pharmacy Yet Another Offer: Cosmopolitan Magazine , . or.Leslies, : .. Housekeeper :: or McCall's.. . ( Corvallis 'Gazette Any three . one year 2m so Repairing ana Job Work of any kind promptly, and correctly done. GSessos Fitted at prices that are reasonable and eyes tested free of all charge. PRA TT, the JL WELER Open Day and Night Rooms Single op EnSuitem J. C. HAMMEL, Prop. One of the Finest Equiped Hotels in the Valley Both Phones ' Bus Meets all Trains Tfw'lpSmmllp 1 tfntyW jfrU wjfri W4WwW Add ress ' Gazette Pub. Co Corvallis, Ore HOME SEEKER! If yon are looking for some real good Bargains In Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for oar special i list, or come and see us. - We will take pleasure in giving you reliaole Informa tion; also showing you over the county AMBLER & WAITERS, REAL ESTATE, LOANS. INSURANCE VIRGIL C, WATTERS, CORVALLIS. .' HENRY AMBLER, PHILOMATH. Brjng your Job Work to the ; Gazette Office. , T Bears tne , Signature of