Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 07, 1905, Image 1

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    Ctownff Clark
ConvAi.Lis;V Bkntojs Coitivtv, Oiiegon, Tuesday, February T,
- o.
A Brief Summary of Our Condi
tion Ten Years Ago And
tne Present.
1 1 some
apace, and
aral utili , aid fwrtr ahead gei
erally. vvati h and you will see.
Something About Taxes.
For many years . previous to
1903 taxpayers were allowed an
exemption of $300 on personal
property in Oiegon. During the
regular session of the legislatute
in 1903 amct was passed annul
ling the former section and
allowing no exemption whatever
on property, either real or personal.-
' At a special sessidn of the
Oregon legislature "which con
vened in December, 1903, the
matter . of exemption from taxes
was again considered and
last act ., regulating assessments
repealed,, placing the matter
back where it was orginally,, or
in other words, allowing a : $30
exemption" on personal propettv.
the - assessment of-1004
districts affiirs go
this is one of them.
On all hands we see indications
of progress, and as progress is
the result of ambition ia a de
gree, we may be said to be an
ambitious people. People who
reside continuously in a given
place are not prone to realize the
changes that are taking place.
These changes are gradual, and
in a sense, common-place, but
as a general thing they are im
provements. Some ten or twelve, years' ago
Corvallis was favored by the in
stal ation of her first telephone.
This, at the time, was thought to
be great, and so it was. At . this
time we had incoming but two:Duiing
; 1 A . . A -
The reason that. we weie content
ed is that we were as well sup-
pnen as tne average town tne size
of Corvallis and experienced no
particular need of anything bet
ter. 1 " .-- -;:v;V
But through the ( ever-working
process of evolution our condi
tion was changed, -and our re
quirements necessitated sorbe
tnitiK better; consequently, every
ood citizen did his part toward
all proposed innovation': that bid
,fair to better conditions." Final-ly-we
secured a Sunday train over
the' West Side. In effecting this
some opposition was experienced
from some unexpected sources,
butwas happily, overcome, and
now it is doubtful if the opppsi
: tion would change back; to thc
riA rrvn Air inn r offiirc
day we have incoming five mails
daily and the same number of
outgoing mans, uur man se.riee
is iar oeuer man it was ana we
ttian ever in the past. We ap
' peal " to Postmaster Johnson to
confirm our statement.
We now have two systems of, teU
ephone and gossiping is $ greater
luxury than ever, and business lsiemption is a'lowed
also taclitated. The independent property: therelore, it
hne is already installed in many
country homes throughout almost
the entire county . This is ' a
Book From the Pen
Nash Information of
. Qreat Value, '. '
:- v"-',-,'--.v:--ji
of Wall5s
ho exemption was v allowed, j.. but
when the -tEssesment for 1905 is
made an exemption :f $300 on
personal property will again' b
alli-w.d." . Trie .following clau-e
will g ve an idea pi trie exemp
jtion allowed " when the
assessment is made.
'".The following property, ' f
owned by a householder and in
We are in receipt of a copy 6i
'The Settler's Handbook to Oref
gon," edited by -Wallis : Nasli
and published bv. The T. K. GiS
I Go., of Portland, Or. Mr. Nash
jesided for many years in Cori
valhs and is well known ' berl
and recognized as .a very prcf
lound gentleman. Thorough
ness is one of Mr. Nash's chief
characteristics, . and the .'work
just at hand is : rroof of this fact,:
then There are 192 1 pages of. con
densed information. I he : statue
is given by districts, six in all,
and the industries of each .dis
trict are given careful attention
The priceof and iiwvvarioiii
parts of the state ps given, as ' ii
1 he price stock,' buildings, wages
paid for ldbor, etc The prices f
trm produce and manufactured
articles aie also noted What
follows are excerpts from the
volume under consideration, and
next i relate entirely to Benton county
or sometnmg anecung ner oes
tn.v. " . - )
On the west side of :'the-"WiV
samette bounded by Polk county
actual use. or- keot-for.use. b
and for his family; - houseliold'" lbe north, . Lincoln , on the
eoods, iuruiture aud utenil; t'est and Lane on the south, , is
two cows, ten sheep, -five i'swi'ne. i B. nton county. Has very little
and the tools, implements,"" ai
wild . or uncultivated land it
pratus,' team, venicle, harness Oi 1 C -mpimon
liDrary necessary
person to carry
with pother ; valley
The coil is fertile
on hi traHf 1','ousihout, ranging:- from the
to enable auv 1 counties
hopyardsvof tb'e Willamette and
L .111 1 wn bottom lands,' to tWe
hut pas ufes. grain : and stock
tsrms vofiheweStand ' northbf
irticles to be selected by smh k1 countyO, Ctvanisthe counly
loueho der. f?:o- ' -owe'' - ' 'at, a.wett,y town of 220dpeort;
occupation or profession by which
such person, earns, his or. (nr.
living to the amount . of three-
hundred (sUoo) dollars, ttie
that when the assessed valuation
of the personal property above
enumerated shall amount to. less
than three hundred ($300) dol
lars, then only,' such amount as
the total of such property herein
enumerated shall be exempt from
taxation." "v ;
.' By way of explaining the latter
part of the above,; No ex-
on real
a person
owned but-$200 worth of per
sonal i property and,' say $500
worth of real property, he would
great convenience for farmers, asjonly be: ijovveo an exemption
they can do business of various! from taxation on $200, the valu
character without wasting time
to travel several miles for a five
minute business talk. Right here,
we may state that now and then
a man who has reasons
look good to him" for
SKepticat about paonrs. .tor in
stance, one of our best-known
farmers, Henry Dii!in: on being
questioned some time back about
the installation of phones in coun
try homes, opposed the proposi
tion, and when pressed for a rea
son said: "When I talk busi
' ness to a man I want to see how
he bats his eyes." v -
... While tnis is somewnat amus
ing, there is nevertheless an ele
ment of truth in what Mr. Dunn
savs, and all kind of business can
not be trusted to a phone. But
the great bulk of it, can be, and
safely, too. ,
In the way ot treignts we are
well provided. Aside from the
regular train from Portland, three
times a week, we now have a
special freight train over the
same route about as often as the
regular. And in the season that
the Willamette river is at a boat
ing stage we have river steamers
carrying both passengers ;. and
freight. So ir is apparent that
in the way of passenger, mail
and . freight service Corvallis, is
extremely fortunate.
In many untold and unknown
Cays we have made greatadvance
. tnent during the past ten: years.
An advancement that , we who
have continually resided Jiere do
not realize until our attention is
called to it We are still to pro
grees and expand pessimistic
- views to the . contrary,
standing and build more bricks;
inaugurate more systems of gen
ation : of nis personal property.
He would be allowed no exemp
tion on his real property under
any circumstances, only on per
sonal prop rty under, or up to,
a -valuation of $300. This is the
law that will govern our next
Friends Attend Funeral.
The funeral of the late Edwin
Stone, held in Albany, Sunday
atternoon, was one of the largest
ever 1ield in that city." Special
trains were run from both ends of
the Corvallis & Eastern line,
carrying a great many friend.
and emploves of the deceased to
the funeraL -The regular south
bound train from Portland carried
a large delegation of friends and
railroad men to be present at the
final honors to the dead. The
Elks Lodge, of Salem, attended
in a body and members of the
oraerom otner towns were in
attendance. : :
.The funeral services were held
in the Masonic Temple, and not
more than "half of those f presd t
could gain an entrance to the
large hall. ; ' The funeral service
at the Temple w:re conducted by
Revk Chalmers, of the Episco
pal church, of Portland, and the
remains were interred in the ; Ma sonic
cemetery. A large number
of. people from this city 'attended
the funeral. . .
. Will Fechter, accompanied by "
pianist, came over from Albany to
play for the practice dance given by
the students in the Armorv Satur-
notwith-idav afternoon. A good time is re
ported. Mr. Fechter was at one
time a resident of this city. .
icg bids fair to raise these figures
.-everai nunarea, j is Known dv
the location thereof the Oregon
Agricultural; College its Experi
mental Sution and farm. The
college - proper ias now about
550 .students,, recruited from
every county in the state, and a
few . from 1 a greater distance.
Fuller information on this head
wiil be iound - in the chapter on
Education.: Benton county has
A large number of well-improved
and valuable farms. On the
slopes of the west side of the
county is much oak and grab
land, dotted oyer with many oak
trees of large size and value.
When cleared . it is often found
that the value of the grub oak
as cord wood pays the cost of
clearing. , Benton has already
received a considerable iminigra
tion ot pastern tarmers wno are
bringing Eastern " 'methods -of
cultivation and habits of life into
the Willamette valley. But there
is room for many more. Many
large young orchards, of both
apples and prunes, have, in this
county, supplauted . the moss
burg trefcs so often surrounding
the homes of the older settlers.
Under the head of "Schools"
we find the following ; The State
Agricultural College of Oregon
it peculiarly the farmers' college
It touches their life at so many
points. It gives their children a
practical, technical, and yet
liberal education, at a nominal
cost. By its bulletins freely dis
tributed it spreads the knowledge
of its experiments ind discover
ies among the farm . homes xi
Oregon. By the extending series
of farmers'. ; institutes it now
reai hes in turn every county in
he state, even . the most remote.
By its model farms ' at Corvallis
and Union county it demonstrates
to every visitor the farming meth
bds best adapted to our state, the
best crops to raise,' the iibest
animals to keep. : In its Veter
inarv and Bacteriological depart.
men is it iniorms on animal and
plant diseases, v evident and
.nicroscopic. In the Chemical
department it analyses ; for , the
farmer his soils or wafer anri
demonstrates .the percentage o
chemical or commerical products
ot the farm
The State ' of Oregon ' has, an
iuvestmet t at Corvallis of not
less than $250,060 in value and
surely it pays thestate excellently
Well. -." '
The President, Dr. Thos. ,M.
Gatch, is one of the earliest and
most widely known educators in
the state. The faculty are thor
oughly .qualified and earnest
people." A word .may be per
mitted on the feminine side ot
the college, probably as beneficial
to Oregon as the other, certainly
advancing, ia importance and in
general appreciation every year
since its establishment ' fourteen
years ago under the same presid
ing genius. Miss M. C. Snell,
M. . D., . whose widely felt in
fluence how reaches and .benefits
almost all the counties of Oregon.
The Experiment Station-has
for head D-.' James Withycembe.
He; and the other members of
the Station Council hold the
farmers' institutes, and ' in that
and in other ways are in direct
contact with farming, stock and
orchard interests of the state.
Always accessible, ready to re
ceive aud answer written or oral
questions, no one can appraise
the worth to Oregon of the
Station and its staff.
The bovs here, as in all. other
State Agricultural Colleges, sre
under military discipline. D'ill
ed by aU. S officer almost every
day, the c.lege regiment, now
over 460 stio ig, shows well ou
all public occasions, the boys be
ing an exceptionally healthy and
well grown set of young- felk ws.
That their spirit was right was
shown when the call came to
Oregon for" soldiers . for the
Philippines. I think 32 of the
Agricultiaral - College students
responded to the summons. The
college . buildings "and their
equipment are second to none on
. T- ""-f.' -.--Vie- TVS-
tne rapine tiooe. N
The above from the pes of
Mr. Nash is only a brief synopsis
of a conditio a of affairs that re
fer directly to "oar county - He
has written exceedingly well
ot not only Benton, but the
entire state, and the work is
well worthy a place on any book
shelf in Oregon. -
' Reduction in Fare.
Items-of Interest in
. the O. .
Tne practice
afteiiioon was enj
atrended it. It be'j
day afternoon, ther
crowd of students r
al. The music, h V
a violinist and a, 5 v
bany, was good.
- Miss Winnie L"
s'udent at OAC,
from Seattle, Was
she has been wit
the past six mont' '
Tne Washing : 1
danre is to be on f
February 18th.
The Zetagatheai
tain the Feroniau
evening, February 1
The delegates
from the Freshman
more classes, to at e
Oratorical Contest !
Newberg, March 10
Next Saturday '
Feronian girls ar
the Atnicitians.
The Eutopian gr.
a valentine enterfai-
. round
1 rger
C usu
: e and
n Al-
t -rmer
t 11 vdere
- s for
H tiday
- ' g of
. nter
t Piiday
e hosen
e d in
ti the
1 e give
ii! H ! OOU.
Passed Beyond.
Commencing Nov. . 7 rates between'
Corvallis and Portland, via C. & E.
Albany, and S P. will be reduced to
$2.60, same as West Side rate. Tickets
on sale by C. & E. agent and all offices
in Portland.
From an exchange ve i arn of
the death of L. N Jv . tt, at
one time a citizen S H .1 coun
ty. He died at. .ir-. 1 -t . , ur.,
January 30, of heau ; i. utr, and
was aged. 51 years. I us is J,e-
ander Liggett, son t Josep i Lig
gett, who, some th r. 1 ears ago
was proprietor of o'd -'Ci y
Hotel." To digns- -i 1 rifle' it
may here te stat m the
pioneer darirthe-Mo--Hteod
on tne corner wnere in,', first
National Bank is now doing bus
ness. . . -' :
About 18 years ago Leander
Liggett moved to Cr ok county,
where he taught schooi tor a num
ber of years, and ultimately be
came prominently identified with
the business interests of that sec
tion. He finally entered the
field of "newspaperdom," acquir
ing the Prineville Review, which
he conducted for six years' After
disposing of his paper, Mr. Lig
gett became deputy sheriff of
Crook . county, which office he
filled at the time of his death.
Th. .
Ti rigi
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com t h '
tha? ;.t .s no
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groi p g and
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The sale of mens' and boys' suits and
overcoats is still on at S. L. Kline's. ' It
wiil pay yon to buy thismonth.
Ben Woldt and C. 0. Chipman
are two Corvallisit s wiio h:'ve been
seeking business loci'i ms in Port
land the past week.
prefi -:i-t.. But tit
is d none ot I t-
men can be st t
Th' law is m..Vt mij
cor po ralfed'5tie?a1
Tuat taw pr-. 1 s h -1 : 45 per-",
cent" of the tio es ij.Miting oa .
streeis in a preciuci -;).uld be
residences betoie tiic ' precinct
should be held 10 be a residence
precinct and the piiou applica
ble, is stricken out. :
The enrollmein it pup ! at the
public school let .Fr.dny. tie iact
dav of h first wk of i he second
term, was 490. The lrtjeft en
rfll ..-ot this y wis in . tbm
neighborhood of 550. Everything K
is moving uiwlk. t tb Hh'"Ol, l
though one or two rooms are some
what crowded at refft. . TkV9
is 8'xtv-two pupils .In n Towm, :
but Prof. Holmes ' heriuily assur
ed ub ihat rass will soon be good-vi
Snrl cai it rf t Viitu on . . Ka Tili".nliJ..'1L:
Don't Miss the
To call at our Furniture Store and let us show you some nice Art Squares
that We are offering, until closed out, at greatly reduced prices.
In Passing Our Way
Just look at those ' Malleable Iron Beds we have been" telling you about.
A They are cheaper than any other because they will last longer. Remember
-they are warranted for 25 "years. It is to your interest (
To Sfcop a Bit
- and get our. prices on Granite and 'Tinware. We have just received a large
invoice of these goods. Whether . you are going to house-keeping or just
furnishing one or , more rooms, let us figure on your bills. Everybody
, welcome to come in 1
'A-H& Examine Our Goods;