Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, February 03, 1905, Image 4

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Tuesdays and Fridays,
In the last issue of the Gazette
'the letter of our esteemed frienll,
Iol. Philips, referring to inter
state corporations,' says: "These
corporations must be controlled
ly whatever means necessary
even though it .involve govern
ment ownership." And he fur
ther says 'The Gazette took
this position three years ago, and
today the republican party lines
up to it." The Gazette takes
issue with the gentleman, and
Ty way of explanation, says the
-republican party has never ad
"vocated the doctrine of govern
ment ownership; that is purely
the doctrine of the socialist
'party. By way of explanation,
the Gazette has to say that Col.
.'Philips has, for considerable
time, often contributed valuable
articles to the Gazette and part
sof that time some of his contri
butions have appeared in 'the pa
"per as editorial matter; such
articles were good and generally
such as the Gazette could en
dorse. It is well remembered
it he time, three, years ago, when
. ithe. article went in that Col
j Philips refers to in which he
r. threw into it a few words endors
s ing government ownership. iThe
; same was not noticed by the
: manager in charge of the paper
- until the paper was in print. The
:: next issue, . however, the paper
v editorially corrected that mistake
so far as the paper was concern
ed; disavowed all connection with
advocating government . owner
step, leaving that to rest as the
..views of Col. Philips alone.
.The Gazette now resists iany
"attempt of any one to crowd it
t)tftof the republican party and
: .into advocating the socialistic
..proposition of government own-
-fership. When the republican
party so declares, it will be time
"then for the Gazette to decide
and not for Col. Philips to say
what the Gazette shall do or
"what position the paper shall
vThe Gazette feels fsure that
Xol. Philips misconstrues , the
meaning that President Roosevelt
intended by his message. We do
-aot read the President's message
as favorinar government owner
ship of railroads in any sense, or
any railroad, but on the contrary
lis message favors regulation in
strong terms, repelling the idea
of government ownership. The
;idea of advocating government
ownership in order to prevent a
"".popular rush to socialism"
shows the weakness of such argu
ment. The principles of the re
publican party are based ipon
solid grounds, and therefore it is
jnot necessary to "throw scp" to
-socialistic ideas to sustain its pc
Vsition. God has planted in man
- the principle of individuality and
- put him here on earth to exercise
: it.
. 'The republican party believes
r .vin not going contrary to the laws
-of our Great Creator. The so
cialistic idea of government own
ership is contrary to that princi
ple, reducing all individuality to
a common" level, and therefore
. .-cannot succeed. . The President
'.of the United States well knows
this fact. He has not declared!
.for government ownership, " but
has declared for regulation of the
corporations by adequate laws,
and through the courts when nec--essary.
Anyone who before
doubted his position, certainly
;must be convinced if he will read
khe President's speech delivered
-on January 30th before the Union
;League at Philadelphia. He urges
regulating thegreat interstate
corporations by law, and if nec
essary the constitution of the
Uuited States must be amended.
He also advises moderation, calm
consideration, so as to get to a
iMOTer supervision and control.
JSs advises 'against any form of
ill-advised interference. In fact
everything he says points to the
fact that he does not advise "gov
ernment ownership. So peculiar
: t -l. i l i if
it is tuat any suroniy entrencnea
republican should make a mad
rush to (Socialism because lawyers
differ, make a bluff and bluster
to scare away the- ghosts, when
welearn that for all time lawyers
have difred and raised what
seemed to be formidable ques
tions to a non-professional. If
lawyers had not differed, such a
thing as a court for hundreds of
years would not have been nec
essary. '
What seems to 'be different
opinions among lawyers, coupled
with a belligerent, contentious
client, is what makes law-suits.
Again Col. Philips undertakes to
instruct the public mind on gov
ernment bonds to the effect that
four per cent bonds might sell
for a little below par and possi
bly might bring a small premi
um," when in fact U. S- Govern
ment two per cent bonds sell on
the market for par and four per
cents premium. But it does not
alter the fact that if the govern
ment should build a railroad,
money would be required to build
and pay for it. For the govern
ment to get the mony it would
have to issue bonds to obtain it,
nd the bonds would finally have
to be paid by the people, but Col.
Philips relies upon, the wisdom of
Congress not to build the road,
because, he suggests, that "Such
a menagerie of fools as this would
require could not be collected in
the country." Then why should
he suggest that the government
build a railroad? It would have
to build pursuant to action by
At the reuu!ar meeting of theWornans'
Kalitf Corps, January i.7th, five new
inembean were added to our raoks, after
which a supper whs served in honor of
the new members
Just imagine our surprise and foreboding
if yon' can
When there caine into our dining room
on Jon man.
We wondered, if we had been breaking
the peace.
When e saw he wore the badge of the
of Oief of Police.
Then tried to prove to him that oar
Corps ib all right;
That we dii not meet to quarrel to naek-
bile or to fiyht,
But as a hacd of women both loyal and
lrue ;
A friend to the soldier wbo marched with
Me Red, White and Blue.
An offer to make you come up
stairs and see us.
New Mainspring (none better),
$i oo.
Cleaning (ordinary wafch),
fi oo. Cannot be done better at
any price.
MATTHEWS, Thff Jeweler.
Room 12, over First National
k Great
Notice to- Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the tindfersignetf
wasaiilKHuwu txecMinx 8i me last win atia
testament of C. E Mooi. 4-rpftp1. and' all npr-
sons having claims gninNt said estate-are re
quired to present same, wi proper voseheis,
to me at my home or to- W. E Yates at hi
office in Corvallis, within six months fnmttii$
ante. t-EKSls J', L,m DEK.ilJH,
Dated January IU, laud. Executrix.
Leave Corrallia, "Monday, Toepdaj,
Ttl J - 1 f-t 1 if
mureaay arm siurciay at t a. a
For rates, etc., call up Main 21..
The Supreme Court of the
United States has- decided that
the great beef trust of Chicago
was doing interstate commerce?
business and therefore subject.
to the laws of the United States
forbidding monopolies and un
lawful combinations exercised in
restraint of trade and. tHe rais
ing and depressing the price o
commodities at pleasure This
was the "National Packing Comn
pany," of New Jersey, formed
March, 1803, with a capital of.
$15,000,000. Under tha control
of this organization was. operat
ed "Armour & Co. " of Chicago,
with capital of $20)00,000;,
"Swift & Co.," of Chicago, with
$35,000,000 of stock and $5,000,
000 of bonds and five or six. more
smaller companies with. $6,000,
000, or $7,000,000." This col
lossal beef trust raised and low
ered the price of live stock, at
pleasrue, raised the price of their
cured and dressed product,, where
they could require the helpless
consumer to pay more, and they
lowered the price of the same
product where they found a small
competitor in a field who. would
not submit to aid their schemes
until they crushed hs business
operations, when they would
raise the prices to the consumer.
They arrange a scale of discrim
inating rates withthe railroads
and force the roads to. comply
with their wishes, thereby put
ting all competition out of the I
way. They sent lists out all over
the country quoting high prices:
of live stock until the local buy
ers in remote sections bought ex
tensively of stock, until the buy
er had his stock on the railroads.
bound to market, when the beef
trust would suddenly lower the
price of stock, causing great loss
to the shipper. ,.
Every person in the stock busi
ness will recognize the extreme
low nrice of heef for the last
three years and they can thank
the beef trust for it. They may
also thank the Supreme Court of
the United States for its legal
wisdom exercised5 in dissolving
the unlawful combination.
Cheap Sunday Rates- Between
Portland and Wlllotttette
Valley Points
The Gazette has made a
special arrangement with
the publishers of a number
of the leading magazines
and newspapers of the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Shoes, Hats Notions,
and Fine Fancy Goods
Perfect Store-keepSig our Aim
Ij every act we try to approach the perfect in store-keeping. Wi lie no Louce
cti hope to reach this goal at a piturle hound, we make it our daily enoeavor to
progress towards thi-ideal which e have tet as a standard. We 'brli.-ve that
q mlity and liberal olicy are the superstructure of perfwt tore-keepintr. and that
low prices is but thesuperatruction because low prices have little or no significance
if quality is lacking; and a liberal policy that insures an exchange of merchandise
or your money t ack if you are li-atiified, lends an air of freedi m and independ
ence in shopping that robs it of ohjectional features. Our liberal polity has done
more toward making shopping a pleasure than any merchantile innovation ever in-
augurated because we live up to it by making the first law of the store to satisfy
our patrons
Our new spring stock is now arriving and when complete will be the larger,.
and most up-to-date weihave ever shown. i
Now we could charge you the
full price for these astd re
S3rve the difference between
the regular price and their
special prica to us, as our
commission;,, but as the' Ga.-
zette is a home paper1 for
home people it will be sat
isfied by receiving you ase a
sew subscriber, or, if :' you
are now a subscriber, then,
by receiving your renewal.
for a year in: advanee. This-
special rate may not last
long; 30 take5 advantage of. it.
NOW whiles the chance. Ilk
yours. '
low rouiwj trip rates have been- pt'aced
n-efiWrt between Portland audi Willam
ette vultey points, in either direction.
Tfluketa- will be- sold
ami' limited to return on or-before-the
folfcwint; Moiwhay.
Rlvro i or From Corvallh.
Gall on Southern Pacific CV Agents
far particulars.
FA 01
Bmported' Biaek Pere3wrwk wil
Ve rn Grvailli for ei-wice. f ter
JantMwv 1. For farther informa
tion address, T. K Ktwtrm,
Bellftkwtaio, Or. d.
A Great
Woman's Heme Companion
Frank Leslie's Monthly?
Modern Priscilla and
Corvallis Gazette -
All five
, one year
Cornice, Roofing, Gutterine,.
and all kinds-of Hheet Metal
F. A. Heitcye
In connection with H.
Interest the
Weekly Qregoniarc
San Francisco Examiner
Coxvaliis Gazette
iood Goods Only, Qualify Considered.
Our Prices Always the Lowest.
Graham & Wells Pharmacy
And Proprietary Remedies.
Every one that's advertised, and some
that are not, can be obtained at our store.
We have a complete drug store don't
sell hardware, dry goods or groceries
but everything in the drug line ........
We want to merit your patronage
IHAl'b lHb rLALic HiSs
Graham & Wells Pharmacy
Mira b i ii ii i r tg
All three
one year
Practical Horse Soner
.. and Elacksmlta
Makes a specialty of draft tawses and
. track shoeimg. Two yeais with reg-
: ular army in Philippines aa Gov-
" ernment Skoer.
Interfering corrected and work guar
anteed. . . '
Philomath . ' : . . m Oreg.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the'
Signature of
When your eyes tire in reading, when
you frown or partly close the eyes when
looking at an object; when things
"swim" or become dim after being
looked at for some time ; when the eyes
ache, smart, or water ; or when yon have
pain in the eyeball, orbit, temples or
forehead. .
All tlie conditions are curable by prop
er classes, Bach as we will furnish you
after a scientific examination.
MATTHEWS, The Optician,
Boom 12, oyer First National Bank
Repairing anil Job Work
of any kind promptly
and correctly done.
Glasses Fitted
at prices that are reasonable and
eyes tested free of all charge.
Cosmopolitan Magazine
or Leslies,
or McCall's. ; .
Corvallis Gazette
Any three
one1 year
,m AddreSS m.m
Gaze tte Pub. Ca
Corvallis, Ore.
Open Day and Night Rooms Single or EnSuite
J. C. HAM MEL, Prop.
One of the finest Equined Hotels in the Valley
Both Phones
Bus Meets all Trains
Ii you are looking for some real good
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or come and see us. We win take
pleasure in giving you reliaole informa
tion; also showing you oyer the county
Bring your Job Work to the
Gazette Office.