FIGHTING IS BEGUN Kuropatkin Claims to Have Won Decided Victory. DRIVES BACK JAPANESE FRONT Amid Bitter Cold Weather Hostilities Are Resumed with Vigoi Sev eral Villages Captured St. Petersburg, Jan. 28. Additional dispatches were received by the general staff from Kuropatkin, commanding the Russian army south of Mukden. They supplement the earlier advices of Russian successes on the right of the Russian army, . and seem to indicate that the movement now in progress along the Hun river . is extending in area and assuming considerable propor tions. The text of Kuropatkin's mes sage, which is dated January 27, is as follows: "In the capture of Chaun Lutotzo Khailotosa), Tutaike and Cheigutai (Kheigoutaya), we took about 100 pris oners. We have also occupied Tchitaitse on the Hun river after a stubborn fight, which resulted in a loss of 50 men to us. Our positions near Sandepu (Sandy Pass) were attacked today by Japanese columns moving from the south and southeast, but they were repulsed. Our cavalry partook in the maneuvering against the Japanese left flank, attack ing the enemy from the rear. Our troops then continued the attack on 4he Japanese position near Sandepu. After a desperate fight, which lasted "until 7 o'clock ' Thursday evening, we entered Sandepu, which is a large vil lage and was strongly entrenched." Military experts here, while not at taching too much importance to the reported successful movements of the Russian right, express the opinion that a determined effort will be made in the near future by General Kuropatkin to deprive the Japanese of several villages which are serving as winter quarters. The operations of Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday are no doubt the begin nmg ol tne program, but opinion is divided as to whether it marks the com mencement oi tne Mancnurian cam paign of 1905. Many believe that weather conditions will not permit of prolonged operations and that the orig inal plan of waiting for warmer weather before precipitating decisive engage ments will be adhered to by both ar mies. NO CHANCE FOR SHIP SUBSIDY. Report of the Commission Has Fallen Flat in Congress Washington, Jan. 28. It is scarcely probable that any attempt will be made at this session of congress to pass the ship subsidy bill. It will die on March 4, along with hundreds of other less important measures.' The object of the bill probably has been accomplished in showing that this congresss at least is not m favor of a subsidy measure. In fact, nothing has fallen so flat as this production of the merchant marine commission. The most earnest advo cates of the bill soon realized after the report of the commission was present ed that it was useless to atempt to pass it. This was not because a filibuster in the senate would cause its defeat, but it had been plainly shown that there was not a majority in either house or senate for the bill. The re port of the commission was a great dis appointment. That it should result in bringing about a subsidy measure when subisdies were so unpopular during the time that they were pushed by Manna, was a surprise, and straight way the men who have charge of affairs in congress set about to defeat it. Of course- the-- advocates - of the scheme will trv to make it appear that the reason why the bill was so unpop ular at this session of congress was be cause the leaders did not want to in- vicrac auuiuuiittwona ai a nine wnen rigid economy such is not the was necessary, fact. But To Demonstrate in New York. New York, Jan. 28. If the plans of Russian Socialists in this city are not interfered with by the police, Madison Square garden will be the scene to night of a great demonstration by sym pathizers with the Russian revolution ists. It was decided to turn the mas querade ball of an East Side association into a meeting. Beveral of the most eloquent speakers among the Russians of this city will make addresses. Small red flags will be distributed to those in line, and to the music of patriotic airs a march will begin. Give Coeur d'Alene an Agent. Washington, Jan. 28. Senator Hey- burn has prepared and will offer an amendment to the Indian appropria tion bill segregating the Ceour d'Alene Indians in Idaho from the Colville agency in Washington. At present 500 Ceour d'Alenes are under the con trol of the Indian "agent at Colville, "but their affairs are not satisfactorily managed. Senator Heyburn proposes to give tne Uoeur d Alenes a superin tendent of their own. Ladrones-Want Money. , Manila, Jan. 28. The leaders of the "band of lad rones which recently at tacked the town of San Francisco - de Malabon and captured the wife and two children of ex-Govrenor Trias, now de mand a ransom for the release of their captives. FIRE IN OMAHA. It Eats Up $700,000 Worth of Prop erty in wholesale Houses. Omaha, Jan. 30. A fire which de stroyed property estimated at approxi mately $700,000 started at 10:30 o'clock last night from what is believed to have been an overheated stove in the great commission house of C. H. Mul len & Co., at Eleventh and Howard Jlrzr ment, at once turned in a general alarm, which brought the entire de partment of the city to the scene, not, however, until the flames had gotten quite beyond control. Five commission houses were located in the building where the flames start ed, and all of these were enveloped in a very short time. In the four stories above and covering a quarter of a block was located the stock of a wholesale dry goods concern, which furnished the flames with inflammable material and added to their fury. Before the firemen were organized the entire building, covering a quarter of a block, was a mass of flames. Adjoining buildings occupied by other concerns of consider able importance were in the path of the fire, and were soon ablaze. Across the alley to the north a five-story build ing, occupied by a large manufacturing i and jobbing shoe concern, caught in the upper stories, and the fire soon spread to the lower floors and the entire stock was destoryed. NEW COMMERCIAL TREATIES Germany Does Not Give America Ben efit, bu Wants Reciprocity. Berlin, Jan. 30. The government this evening published an abstract of the new commercial treaties with Austro-Hungary, Russia, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Roumania and Servia, which are expected to deeply affect Ger many's foreign trade for the next ten years, the term for which the treaties run. The new tariff, which is not yet in force, will go into effect on the same date as the treaties, in 1906. The treaties affect the United States adversely only in case they are defined by Germany as not coming under the most favored nation clause. The gov ernment is determined not to raise the question of the most favored nation clause until the treaties go into effect, and the correspondent's inference is that the German - government is reluct ant to give the United States the bene fit of these bargains. The German government would glad ly negotiate a reciprocal treaty with the United States. . Germany has collected expressions ot American government officials on the- Cuban-American recip rocal treaties that make, the govern ment thinks, a strong argument against admitting the United States to the ben efits of the new treaties. RIVER AND HARBOR SURVEYS Bill Provides for Work in Northwest Ankeny's Amendments. wasnington, Jan. au. xne rivers and harbors committee has adopted an additional section to its bill authoriz ing surveys of proposed improvements, to determine their merits and estimat ed cost. Such surveys are always made before appropriations can be allowed. Among the surveys authorized are the following: Columbia river and tributaries above Celilo, Columbia between Wenatchee and Kettle Falls, Astoria harbor, Clats kanie river, Everett, Olympia and II- waco harbors, inner Grays harbor South Bend to Raymond, Swamish river, Swinomish slough, and Clear water river, witn a view to opening it to barge navigation. Senator Ankeny has prepared and will offer two amendments to the river and harbor bill, one appropriating $50,000 for improving the Columbia river between the mouth of the Okan ogan ana settle fans, anotner appro priating $25,000 for improving Olympia harbor. Can't Get Enough Vessels. - Washington, Jan. 30. The" navy de partment is having much trouble in the transportation of coal to the Asiatic station on account of the statute which reanires such shipments tn he marie in .' im..;,n t.ttma t u;i Manney, chief of the bureau of equip- ment, has again recommended that au thority be given for making such ship ments in foreign bottoms until the sup ply of fuel in storage at'Cavite shall be sufficient to justify the delay caused by the difficulty in obtaining American bottoms at reasonable rates. May Cut Off Supplies. Pans, Jan. 30. Japanese officials have remarked to members of the dip lomatic corps that the Russian strikes might have an important influence on the war in interruption of communica tion over the Siberian railway. It is said, if the strike spreads, it will in volve the railroad workers, making the strikers more effective in cutting off General Kuropatkin's communications and supplies than the Chinese bandits have been. ;- . Italians Send Funds to Strikers. Rome, Jan. 30. Manifestations of sympathy with the strikers in Russia are going on throughout Italy, and funds are being collected for them. The Roman Socialists have decided to hold a procession, notwithstanding the prouimuun oi me ponce, ana tne gov- ernment has taken extraordinary meas- ura vo maintain oraer. xne garrison nas Deeu reiniorcea Dy i,zuu men i o Aia naiiroaa to the Yukon. ITT t T nn n . naeuineum, Jan. 3U. Senator Diet- rich has introduced a bill providing government aid for the construction of a railway and telegraph line , from Val oez te tagie jity, Alaska. FOR THE NORTHWEST Liberal Treatment Received in Rivers and Harbors Bill. HARD FIGHT FOR CELILO CANAL Oregon and Washington Improve ments Have a Grand Total of $1,345,000. Washington, Jan. 26. In view of the unprecedented paring down of river and harbor appropriations this year, and in face of the efforts of Republican leaders in congress to enforce the most rigid economy, the Columbia river has been exceptionally well cared for in the river and harbor bill just com pleted by the house committee. While the appropriations are not as large as asked for, they average up well along side those made for other sections of the country ; in fact, Chairman Burton ad mitted today that he thought the Pa cific northwest had received more lib eral treatment than any other part of the country. t The appropriation which is most gratifying to friends of the Columbia river is that which insures the build ing of The Dalles-Celilo canal. Mr. Burton, backed by almost the entire committee, stood out against this pro ject more persistently than against any other proposition ' brought before him, and it was only under intense pressure that he yielded. It was the hope and intent of the friends of this project to have it made a continuing contract. Could this have been done, the canal would have passed beyond the jurisdiction of the river and harbor committee and would have received an annual appropriation in the sundry civil bill, in amounts suffi cient to pay for work as it progressed until completed. But on this point Mr. Burton was unyielding. Never theless the final action of the commit tee is in the nature of a compromise, for while an immediate appropriation of $50,000 is made, the army engineers are authorized to make contracts for $250,000, which is equivalent to an ap propriation of $300,000. The $250,000 not carried by this bill will be incor porated in the sundry civil bill next session, in plenty of time, according to the enginers, to meet payments. There is strong hope that by the time this money is expended congress will be willing to make the Celilo canal a con tinuing contract, so that it need not again be considered in the river and harbor bill. " . Three other Columbia - river appro priations are split up like for the Celilo canal . Three hundred thousand dol lars is made immediately available for the mouth of the Columbia, and the engineers are authorized to make con tracts for $300,000 additional, this last sum to be carried in the next sundry civil bill. Likewise, for improving the channel from Portland to the sea $100,000 is appropriated in the river and harbor bill, and $125,000 addi tional will be carried in the next sun dry civil bill. For dredging a 20-foot channel between Vancouver and the mouth of the Willamette $30,000 cash s appropriated, and another $30,000 will be provided next year in the i dry civil bill. The following amounts are all wed or Washington: Tacoma, harbor, dredging Puyallup waterwav. $40,000 cash; - $20,000 in sundry civil bill. Lakes Union and Washington canal, $125,000 for dredging at Ballard and authorization of new survev to deter mine whether a one-lock canal can be sudbstituted for the two-lock project Grays Harbor, $30,000. Inner Grays Harbor, $300,00. Cowlitz and Lewis rivers, $10,000 Puget sound and tributaries, $30,000. Snohomish slough, $5,000. Okanogan and Pend d'Oreille, $15, 000. Stretches riffle, $65,000. Bellingham bay, $35,000. Everett harbor, new survey. Condemns the Massacre. St. Petersburg, Jan. 26. At today's session of the municipal council a reso lution was moved strongly protesting against the firing by troops upon de fenseless workmen on January 22 and declaring that the council revolted against such ruthlessness, which under- mire the pillars of civil order, and considered it to be its duty to vote $1, 250 to the victims' families. The pres ident prohibited discussion of, the reso lution, but an amendment voting the money without question was permittd and adopted. Strikers Gain Concessions. Reval, Jan. 26. A crowd of strikers today marched in procession to the gov ernor s residence. The governor ad dressed them in a few words and allayed their excitement. The strikers then chose a deputation to present their de mands to their emplovers. who were trathereed in the governor's rooms The demands include eight hours day's work and an increase of wages It is reported that the results of the in terview were satisfactory. SnizA Austrian-Steamer, Tnfein .Tan. 2B The .Tananese seized the Ansti-ian steamer Rnrnii off Hok "I ' -T kaido island at ft o'clock last nieht She had a cartro of 4.000 tons of Cardiff - roul m hoard anrl was honnrl for Vlad- i ivostok WILL DIG CANAL. Battle for Open River Between Celilo and The Dalles is Won. Washington, Jan. 25. The govern ment will build the Dalles-Celilo canal. This decision was reached by the rivers and harbors committee tonight after several hours spent in final con sideration of the project. The rivers and harbors bill, which will probably be reported to the house tomorrow, will appropriate $50,000 cash for immediate use on the canal and will authorize the expenditure of $200,000 additional, this money to be carried in the sundry civil bill, probably at the next session. Today's action of the committee com mits the government to the canal pro ject and- insures the ultimate construc tion of this waterway by the govern ment at an aggregate cost of $3,800,000. The fight to secure adoption of this project is one of the hardest that the friends of the of the Columbia river have ever Jaeen called upon to make. In some ways it was harder' than that in behalf of the Lewis and Clark bill last session, for on that measure the dele gation had the active support of Presi dent Roosevelt. This fight was made without such aid. Senator Fulton, Representative Wil liamson and Representative Jones have been working unitedly and unremitting ly on behalf of the Celilo canal project ever since the rivers and harbors com mittee commenced framing its bill. Representative Jones, by reason of his membership of the committte, has been able to render and has rendered most valuable service. IN CZAR'S PLACE. Reformers Will Create a Provisional Government' in Russia. St. Petersburg, Jan. 25. Russian officials today stand aghast before the possibility of a provisional government being established by a number of Lib erals and moderate Socialists who, it is stated, are men of wealth and position The authorities lost no time when this report became known in arresting M Annesky, one of the few leaders of this latest movement whose names are known to the public, and it is stated that Maxim Gorky, the novelist, also identified with the political revolt, has received warning to withdraw from act ive participation if he values his lib erty. Others are also stated to have been taken into custody; but their names will not be divulged at present by the officials. At this hour it would seem as though the government had succeeded in im pressing the strikers with the useless ness of mob resistance to the guns of the troops. The general opinion is, therefore, that clashes will become less frequent, and that those who consider violence the only fitting replv to the government's course will resort to bombs. One incident of this character, at least,, has already occurred, but the at tempt was frustrated. The crowds, it is thought, may now scatter. . Their places will then, according to the So cialist leaders, be taken by small groups of two or three, who will make their wav to the government buildings and palaces, and, by placing bombs, in flict more damage and loss of life than would be in the power of the full force of strikers. STATE OF SIEGE. Will Be Proclaimed in Russian Capital With Trepoff as Governor. St. Petersburg, Jan. 25. St. Peters burg will be declared in a state of siege tomorrow. General Trepoff, until re cently chief of police of Moscow, has been apopinted governor general of St, Petersburg, and has taken up quarters in the. winter palace. Strangely enough, the only precedent is the case of General Trepoff s father during the reign of Nihilistic terrorism under Alexander II, and it is also a strange coincidence that unsuccessful attempts were made on the lives of both. Gen eral Trepoff is a man of great energy, but the measures he adopted at Moscow for the suppression of the student dem onstrations in December last provoked much resentment, and the revolution ists recently condemned him to death Anarchists Busy in London. London, Jan. .25 . A number of anar chists are known to be here who at tended an international anarchist meet ing in London on January 20, The police siy several minor gatherings have been held in these quarters since the reception of the news from St f etersburg and that a big meeting is called for- January 29? in a . notorious hall in the East End for the an nounced purpose of expressing in dignation at what the circulars term as the "St. Peterbsurg massa cre." Hails the Rising with Joy.- Tokio, Jan. 25. The Japanese are keenly watching the developments at St. Petersburg. . The newspapers pub lish extras with the. accounts of the riots, which are eagerly read. : The people were shocked at the d sath roll A member of a foreign legation said "The war is over unless the Russian people are crushed with an iron heel It has brought about 1 a crisis . . The Japanese army is now fighting the bat tle of the Russian people. Bad for Kuropatkin. St. retersburg, Jan.. zo. A new grave danger has arisen in the inter ruption of dispatch of supplies to the front as a result of the strike. Unless some means can be found to secure the provisions and other munitions of war which were to be started from St. Pe tersburg on January 30, General Kuro patkin's army may find itself in a most serious predicament. Wj&- Hi ' Exercise fjr Sheep. Sheep will stand considerable steady cold, but shiver under wind and are particularly susceptible to dampness. The plan of cooping sheep up in c'"' warm quarters with little or no ven tilation is not a eood one. See that their quarters are comfortabe by all means, have them dry and fairly warm, but have them well ventilated without drafts. Then provide a shed. have it attached to the pens If pos sible, open on one end except for what fencing Is necessary to keep them in, and let them run under this cover dally. If they are not inclined to take the exercise make them do it, and see that they are provided with some clean roughage to munch while in the shed. Be careful and not give them so much that they will spend their time eating instead of moving about. Water should be supplied abundantly. Try and locate the shed so that the sheep will be protected from the wind and at the same time get all the sun shine there is. The plan of winter PROTECTED BUN FOB SHEEP. care will make sheep healtny ana strong. The illustration shows an Ideal sheep shed and one which can be readily attached to the barn where the sheep have, their regular quarters. Built in the manner indicated, the sloping front greatly protects the sheep from the wind and the low por tion of the shed makes an excellent place for the feeding racks. Indianap olis News. Raising Pigs for Market. Those who have experimented have found that there is much more profit in raising pigs from the surplus milk from the dairy than in selling that milk to factories where different arti cles are manufactured from by-prod ucts. For a number of years past there has been an ever-increasing de mand for pigs of light weight, those weighing from 100 to 125 pounds being preferred, and such pigs can be raised on the surplus milk product with a lit tle added grain at very small cost If one will figure this cost, deduct it from the price received for the pig and put this computation against the re ceipts from the by-product of milk sold to factories they will readily see the profit in the pig. If one is located near large markets there is much more profit In raising light weight pigs than heavy hogs; the cost of feeding is not great, while the price per pound received Is much more. This question is well worth looking into particularly if one has a dairy. Leveler for Fields. Some improvement In agricultural machinery is patented every week and yet no two inventions are de signed for similar purposes. An Ohio man has Invented a new idea in leve ing machines, an illustration of which is shown here. A supporting frame is suspended upon two runners, these runners being similar to runners in a snow sled, the whole apparatus being constructed of either wood or iron. A leveler, in the shape of a triangle, ha the apex in a line with the rear end of the runners,' the open ends- be ing fastened to the front of the run ners. A lever, in reach of the driver LEVELS THE GROUND. on the seat, controls an attachment for raising or lowering the rear end of the leveler to adjust the latter in its relation ' to the" surface of the ground. A cross bar connects the two runners in front In use the dirt Is leveled to the center of the machine, insuring an equal distribution over the field being leveled. Jacob W. Laf- ferty, near Mechaciceburg, is the pat entee. " When to Market Hogs. A" well established fact in connec tion with feeding hogs and that ap- plies with equal fprce to cattle and sheep is that a young animal makes better use of Its food than does a mature one. 'In other words, the soon er a hog Is made ready for market up to six or eight months of age the cheaper the pork can be produced. This has been demonstrated time and again. and still many people will persist in continuing to feed long after the most profitable feeding period has passed. Oregon Experiment Station. New Type of Horse. It is gratifying to know that at last some experiment stations are begin ning to be conscious of the fact that they ought to do something toward de- eloping strictly American types of liorsi s other than racers. The Colorado station has inaugurated the work of developing a carriage horse that will come nearer filling the requirements of that class of horses in this country than any now known. The trotter is to be the starting point, and by care ful and intelligent selection and mat ing 8 somewhat heavier and more sym metrical horse is expected to evolve and at the -same time retain the stay ing qualities of the trotter and as much of his speed as Is desirable in a good, utility carriage horse. This is a work of years, of course, but is cer tain of final success if the work Is well done. Past success in creating new types of cattle; hogs and sheep shows what may be done with horses. Milk Adulteration. While the ordinary methods of milk adulterations are easily detected by expert examiners, It is reported that a French chemist. Dr. Quesneville, has made some experiments that point to the probability that for some time there has been practiced a form of deception In milk adulteration which has escaped the attention of health officers. In a paragraph In the Bir mingham Daily Mail it is explained that the deficiency of fats, whether due to' the poverty of the milk or the extraction of fats, has been covered by the addition of foreign greasy mat ter. Dr. Quesneville found that "ben zine would dissolve foreign fats with out affecting the natural fats in milk," and thus by examining samples which have passed the ordinary test he dis covered such substances as pork drip ping and cocoanut butter. Tce-Honse and Dairy Combined" My ice house is built above ground with a good cement floor, which slopes to the center with a fall of 6 inches. The waste water Is conducted by a lead pipe, c, to the dairy room, where in tank, a, are placed the cans of milk. I use deep cans, holding about 4 gallons each. The dairy room is ICE HOUSE. 8x16 feet and the trough, a, -2 feet wide, 16 feet long and 16 inches deep. This as well as the floor is made of concrete. The waste water is led out side through pipe, b. The ice house Is 16x20 feet in size, with 14 foot studs. It will hold about 100 tons of ice, which gives about 30 tons for family use and the balance to supply the dairy through the season. There is always cool, waste water to keep the temperature in the tank from 45 to 50 degrees and it Is never neces sary to put In ice. Franklin Rogers, in Farm and Home. Poultry Pickings. In keeping hens for layers discard all over two years old. Excessive fatness leads to a sus pension of egg production. Breeding stock should be fed so aa to keep in robust health. The smaller the air bubble in the large, end the fresher the egg. A fat hen is a poor layer, and her eggs will usually prove infertile. Excessive fat in the male or femaie is antagonistic fo procreation and fec undity. A fresh egg. has a somewhat rough shell, while a stale egg is smooth of shell. Bone is an absolute necessity .in some form to fowls confined in small yards. Bones are valuable for poultry, chiefly for the phosphate of lime they contain. Roosts should always be on the same level, as the birds will crowd to the highest one. Eggs Immersed in water a day or two before the chickens are due will be greater benefited. There is no half-way house in keep ing "fancy poultry," and one must have the best or none. ' To have good layers, breed from good laying - stock and cultivate this quality as fully as possible., In feeding grain to young fowls it Is important to give as good a variety as possible. The shells of eggs are porous, and ' pungent filth may penetrate and spoil the flavor. When fowls have the advantage ot good range there is little necessity for artificial preparations. There is not much risk in raising poultry; It is not subject to extremes, and there Is little danger of overpro duction. - J "I . . v.