CORVALLIS GAZETTE Gazette Publishing Co. CORVALLIS. .OREGON NEWS OF THE WP DOINGS IN CONGRESS. ! ARE BEATEN BACK Russian Advance Ends in Dis astrous Defeat. In a Condensed Form for' Our Busy Readers. A resume of the Less Important but . Not Less Interesting Events of the Past Week. Wednesday, January 25. r ' ' Tt house today passed the restrict of Columbia and military ncademy ap propriation bills: The proceedings were almigt entirely dev-3- of interest. The hous passed tUe kill extending the presidential Fccession act so as to in clude ;be secretaries of agriculture and commiase and labor in the order named. The army appropriation bill was the caiwa of a lengthy discussion in the ISWKIII M rrrHINIi lit Mil llll-KN i m.. , - , 11II1VU VU1IUUHU VI VUUIllUV Miles to service in charge of the Mas sachusetts state militia being the main point of controversy. A number of cre dentials of newly elected senators were presented. The hour of meeting to morrow was postpond until 1 o clock, to allow many invited senators to at tend a wedding. The provincial council as warned the ezar to grant freedom or lose his crown. Russians accuse British of inciting the riots and Great Britain has asked for an explanation. A canvass of the Denver vote in the Colorado contest shows one-third of the ballots fraudulent. The thermometer in Manchuria where the fighting is now in progress registers 20 degrees below zero. The residence of Governor Trepoff, of St. Petersburg, was almost demol ished by a bomb. The governor was absent. It is believed that Kuropatkin re ceived orders from St. Petersburg to as sume the offensive or else he would not have moved against the Japanese at present. ' Twenty members of the Chicago Commercial cslub have gone to Cuba, where they will devote two weeks to studying the commercial possibilities of the island. Edwin Stone, of Albany, manager of the Corvallis & Eastern raliroad, was assaulted and the room in which he was asleep set on hre. The names were not discovered until, with the injuries received from the assailant, they proved fatal. There is no clew to the mur derer. The naval appropriation bill provides over $100,000,000. The Russian strike has spread in Poland and Baltic cities. The Prussian government has ap- pointed a commission to investigate the coal strike. Chile has refused to sell war vessels to an American firm, presumably for . one of the nations now at war in the Far East. Secretary Taft wants a reduction of tariff on Philippine products and de clares the islands will ultimately be given their independence. Sympathizers with the Russian strik ers marched through the streets of Boston with a red nag, but they were not not allowed to make speeches. The president has issued an order, effective March 1, taking into the com petitive classified service all customs service positions in Alaska, except thoift restricted a navigation season only, ?Beple fleeing from St. Petersburg lor safety say the present half-calm is only a period of preparation for greater resistance to the government and that active smuggling of arms and dynamite is going on across the Austrian frontier. A plot against the life'of the czar has been frustrated. Peabody declares he -will onitnue the contest for governor to the end. The new cruiser Maryland exceeded speed requirements on her trial trip. - ' Officials in charge of the canal zone are employing drastic measures to stamp out yellow fever. The cabinet has discussed the advisa bility of teaching iiu-iitsu in the mili tary and naval academies. Labor Commissioner Wright says he believes both sides were to blame in the Colorado labor trouble. Battle Carried On in Blizzard by Jap anese When Forced to Fight to Save Position. Thursday, January 26. The agricultural appropriation bill was considered in the house today, but the debate turned principally upon the topic of restricting railroads in the matter of freight rates. The house adopted a joint resolution appropriat ing $40,000 to defray the expenses of the senate in conducting the trial of Judge Swayne. The senate passed the army appro priation bill after modifying the provis ion concerning the assignment of retired army officers to active service with mil itia organizations. This will relieve General Miles from its application. The bill transferring the control of forest reservations from the interior to the agricultural department was passed. "Workmen in Russia are returning to work, the government forcing conces sions from their - employers in St Petersburg and Moscow. President Roosevelt has signed the bill providing for the construction and maintenance of roads and schools and the care if insane persons in Alaska. Father Gopon, th priest leader of the strikers, is in the hospital recovering from wounds. As soon as well he will be court martialed and if found guilty will be hanged. A great battle has begun on the Hun river, Manchuria. Troops from European Russia are un willing to fight and Kuropatkin advises peace. Several more cases of yellow fever have been reported from the Panama canal zone. - A number of Moscow employers- are saving their factories by paying wages to the strikers. The Russian strike is extending rap idly, but without disorder, though new trouble is feared. V 11 1 It is believed that Judge Swayne will not be convicted of the charges now pending against him in the senate; Governor Trepoff, of St. Petersburg says he will curb the, agitators, main tain order and make no concessions Fire in New York among a lot of ' rookeries caused the fire department desperate battle and destroyed $100,000 worth of property. The Russian strike -has spread to nearly every town of importance in the empire. . , , . , , Friday, January 27. The Swayne impeachment case was brought up in the senate today and af ter several preliminaries had been ar ranged the time for the real trial was set for February 13. The rest of the day was spent in considering the joint statehood bill. Gallinger addressed the senate in support of his amend ment prohibiting the sale of intoxicat ing liquors to Indians. The house today passed the agricul tural appropriationl bill without ma terial amendment. The usual discus sion on the free seed distribution was indulged in. The house committee on naval affairs today decided that the bill should provide for two battle ships of 16,000 tons each. Three were asked for. The bill carries approximately $100,070,000. - Saturday, Jan. 28. Eulogies upon the departure of the late Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, particularly engrossed the attention of the senate today. There were 16 speeches by as many senators. After the conclusion of the memorial serv ices the senate adjourned out of respect to the dead senator s memory. In a Eession of less than' two hours today the house passed 373 pension bills and received for the calendar the naval and diplomatic appropriation bills. The session was devoted to leg' illation entirely devoid of discussion. Monday, January 30. The senate today agreed to vote on the joint statehood bill before adjourn ment on Tuesday, February 7, the amendments to be considered on that date under the ten-minute rule. The larger part of the day was occupied in general debate on the statehood bill. Fulton offered amendments to the In dian appropriation bill referring to the court of claims of Chinook and Cath- lamet Indians ; also conveying title to persons who have purchased grazing lands from the Umatilla Indians. After a protracted debate the house adopted the conference report on the executive, legislatve and jodicial appro priation bill. As agreed to the bill carries $29,132,242. A bill was passed dividing the state of Washington into two judicial districts, the Eastern and Western. The bill extending to the Philippines-the provisions of the revis ed statutes concerning the extradition of fugitives from justice was passed. To Check Injunction Evil. Washington, Jan. 27. An import ant measure, which is the result of conferences held during the past two months among President .Roosevelt, At torney General Moody, Commissioner of Corporations Garfield and representa tives of labor organizations and cor porate interests, has been introduced in the house of representatives. It provides that in labor disputes an in junction shall not be issued until an opportunity shall have been afforded the adverse party to the proceedings to be heard by the court. . ' Ladrones ni the province are in a state of revolt. ' of Cavite Tokio, Jan. 31. The troops which twice captured Port Arthur, once from the Chinese and then again from the Russians, have administered a defeat to General Kuropatkin' s army from which it cannot possibly recover during the winter; Field Marshal Oyama has sent a dispatch to the imperial headquar ters indicating that the conquerors of Port Arthur were sent by him to meet the enemy in the bloody battle just de cided, owing to their long practice un der arms and their tried ability to withstand the hardships of the awful Manchurian winter. The result of the struggle so far has proved thewis dom of his course. Every dispatch received from the front tells of winter horrors such as no other battling army ever had to contend with. Many inches of snow cover the country as far as the eye can see. The ridges are snow-capped. Avalanche upon avalanche has tumbled into the trenchs, inflicting untold suffering upon the soldiers therein. Field Marshal Oyama's dispatches have convinced the military authori ties here that he was by no means anx ious to engage in the battle, and, in fact, permitted the Russians to take several positions in his vicinity to save the troops from the unspeakable strain of fighting in the storm. But the Rus- sian advance was made withh such en ergy and determination by large bodies of troops occupying miles of ground that Oyama finally decided to accept the challenge. A large portion of General Nogi's army, both his regulars and his re serves, were placed in the vanguard Among them were thousands of veterans of the Chino-Japanese war, who, hav ing done service in Manchuria in the winter, were able to make progress and use their arms where less seasoned troops would have been paralzyed The victory gained over the Russian right army is considered here even a greater fea"t than was the capture of Port Arthur, for, while the battle raged, there were no trenches to seek protection in and ,every shot of the enemy was made more deadly by the indescribable cold. For this reason" the news from the front that Field Mar shal Oyama is now following up his advantage with relentless energy has been received With amazement. BURTON TO GO UP. Will Probably Be Head of New Ap propriations Committee. Washington, Jan. 81. Never before in all the time he has been chairman of the committee on rivers and harbors has Representative Burton held out so strongly against unworthy projects for waterway improvements as he has dune this session. Burton has. from the first, fought projects which had no merit, but he has heretofore been com pelled to consent to the incorporation in river and harbor bills of many items which he did not personally approve. This year, however, he has been firmer, and has carried his point. He has succeeded in keeping out of the river and harbor bill every item that was of a '-'log rolling" nature. He con sented to no appropriations except for projects that have been indorsed by the war department. There appears to be method in Mr. Burton's course. When the next con gress organizes, Speaker Cannon will have to select a chairman for the com mittee on appropriations. This chair man ought to be a man of discrimina tion, a man of force and a man of high est integrity. He must be the "watch dog of the treasury." He must be a man who can dominate his committee and hold out against all appropriations which are not necessary. He must be able to withstand the personal appeals of members. There is not a single member of that committee today competent to become its chairman. And from the speaker's viewpoint, there is not a member in the house better equipped for that place than Mr. Burton. Perhaps the chairman of the river and harbor com mittee had the future in view when he took the radical course he did in dic tating the terms of the present river and harbor bill. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST ALASKA HAS A POOR SHOW. CITY OF BLOOD. Battle Rages in Warsaw Streets with No Respect to Age or Sex. . Warsaw, Jan. 31. Another day and half a night of horrors have passed. As this dispatch is sent, the city is ruled by savage mobs and more savage soldiers. Both are intent upon killing. No official statements are obtainable at this hour, but when the cost in human lives comes to be counted there will be found dead by the hundreds men, women and children. Everybody young and old, men, women and children was attacked by the Boldiers and ruthlessly shot down. One soldier aimed a sabre blow at a woman. In self defense she drew a re volver and fired a shot, which went wild. A second later a volley was di- rected at her, and she fell dead, riddled by a score of bullets. This is but one of a hundred instances. For the moat part the soldiers who rode and tramped through the streets during the late afternoon of Monday were drunk, They seemed to take a particular delight in attacking harmless persons,' They killed tor tne mere sake of killing. Senators Pay Little Attention to In terests of Big Territory. " Washington, Jan. 31. The deter mination of the senate to dispose of the bwayne impeachment case means, according to senate leaders, that most of the time between now and March 4 will be taken up in court duty, to the exclusion of legislative matters, save only the necessary supply bills. All legislation which encounters objec tion will have to go over. This means not only the defeat of the ship subsidy, interstate commerce and statehood bills, but the defeat of ail legislation relating to Alaska. It had been hoped that several Alaskan meas ures might be passed before adjourn ment, but that hope has been dispelled Plans had already been laid for bring ing forward the Alaska delegate bill, passed by the house last session. But Alaska will get no delegate by the grace of the 58th congress. Neither will Alaska get much else, save what is pro vided in the regular appropriation bills. Alaska is weak in tne senate tor two reasons: All Alaskan legislation en counters-opposition from a few men, but what is more significant, few sen ators have any real interest in the great district, and not more than half a dozen men make any effort whatever to push through legislation which Alaska seeks There is more opposition to the dele gate bill than to any other Alaska bill now pending, and this opposition will be able to put a quietus on the Cush- man bill, in the present session. Amounts Will Now Build. Sacramento, Jan. 27. The Lewis and Clark appropriation bill, which passed the senate on Monday by a unanimous vote, today passed tne assembly. It will be signed by the gov ernor as soon as it can be engrossed. The money appropriated by this bill, with the appropriation of two years ago, $90,000 in all, will be immediately available, under the direction of Gov ernor Pardee, who is authorized to act in his own discretion. Illinois Will Exhibit. Springfield, 111., Jan. 27. With the sanction and official approval of gov ernor Deneen, a bilLwill be introduced in both branches of the general assem bly next Monday providing tor an, ap propriation of $35,000 for an Illinois building at the Lewis and Clark cen tennial exposition which will open next June at Portland, Oregon. Along with the bill will be presented a special mes sage from Govenor Deneen. All Agree with Hay. Berlin, Jan. 31. The Russian gov ernment's reply to China's declaration that she has not infringed neutrality, nor permitted Japan to do so, is a reas- sertion that she has done so. The Rus sian note is such, that it is inferred that Russia is not likely to carry the discussion much further. It is learned here that Russia found that all the powers, particularly Germany, held views identical with those of the united states on limiting tne zone of war and the keeping China out . of iL . I Run Down by Cavalry. .'London, Jan. 31. The foreign office has received a telegram from Consul Gneral Murray, at Warsaw, reporting that himself and V ice Consul Mucu- kain were charged by Russianl cavalry men engaged in clearing the streets of Warsaw. It appears that Mr. Murray is partially deaf, and when he endeav ored to make known his personality, it was without avail. Ambassador Hard inge has been ordered to make urgent protest at St. Petersburg. Burning the Factories. London, Jan. 27. A dispatch from St. Petersburg late tonight to a news agency here reports that Pahl's factory and a large cotton mill have been set on fire and are burning fiercly. Beef 'Trust a Monopoly. Washington, Jan. 31. The supreme court of the United States today decid ed the, United States vs. Swift & Co, knownas the beef trust case, charging conspiracy among the packers to fix prices on fresh meaj3 and like products The opinion was handed down by Justice Holmes and affirmed the de cision of the court below, which against the packers. FOR BREMERTON NAVY YARD in Naval Bill. Appro- Provided pnation Washington, Jan. 31.- The naval ap propriation bill as reported to the house carries $233,500 for the Puget sound navy yard. Following are the items Extension of' construction plant, $20,000 ; sewer system, $500 ; gradning, $20,000; fire protection system, $10, 000; electric light plant, $10,000; tel ephone system, $1,500; railroad and equipment, $6,000 ; boat shop for con struction and repair, $20,000; water system, $3,000; heating system, $3, 000 ; locomotive and crane track about dry dock, $30,000; dredging, $10,000; quay wall, $25,000; roads and walks, $5,000; joiner shop for construction and repair, $5,000; machinery for yards and docks, $2,000: additional piers, $50,000. IN THE LEGISLATURE. Salem, Jan. 24. Of the 24 bills passed by the hosue today only one en countered opposition that for the cre ation of a state library commission. The secretary of this commission is to receive $1,200 a year and traveling ex penses. The bill creating the Eighth (Baker county) and Tenth (Union and Wallowa) judicial districts were amonz those passed. The senate held only a very short session today, adjourning at 11 :15 until tomorrow at 10. Besides disposing of all the senate business on hand, the senate received a few house bills and referred from that branch to the vari ous committees. The senators spent the afternoon on committee work. Half a dozen bills have been intro duced at this session for the creation of a mining bureau, but it is doubtful whether any of them will become laws. The creation of a Lewis and Clark county is a new proposal before the legislature. The new county is to be the northern half of Grant, except a narrow strip along the eastern side, and make Long Creek the county seat. The intention is to eventually take, in a strip of taker also. Salem, Jan. 25. A score of bills dealing with the salaries of state and county officers have been introduced in the house, and more are to follow. The most important of all is the bill for flat salaries for state officers. Speaker Mills was absent today and Bailey, of Multnomah, was' elected speaker for the day. Thirteen bills were passed by the house, of which eight related to charter amendments or incorporation acts. Twenty-eight new measures were pro posed. In the senate eighteen bills were passed, a large majority, relating to municipalities. One appropriates $45,000 for Indian war veterans. Eight new bills where introduced. The house papsed a concurrent reso lution asking an investigation of the methods by which the Northern Pacific railway secured 400,000 acres of Ore gon timber lands. The house will pass a bill to grant each county a prosecuting attorney and do away with district attorneys. Representative Sterner, of Lake, has a bill intended to end range wars. It forces the county in which the damage is committed to pay' one-half of the value of the stock injured or destroyed The senate went on record today against making tramrobbery punish able by death. A bill fixing imprison ment at not less than 10 nor more than 40 years was favorably reported. were passed by- Waved the Red Flag. . Kansas City, Jan. 31. Two hundred men and women members of socialistic societies rose to their feet and cheered a red flag at a mass meeting held here tonight. The meeting was called for the purpose of raising a fund for the aid of - the working classes of Russia. The czar and aristocratic class of Rus sia were condemned in the strongest terms at command. One speaker com pared the czar to ex-Governor Peabody, of Colorado. Resolutions were passed expressing smypathy with the op pressed and denouncing the. czar. . Bombs in Barracks. Vienna, Jan. 31. A telegram from Czentschow, Poland, reports that a bomb was thrown, in the cavalry bar racks there today and that many sol diers were wounded. The act is sup posed to have been in revenge for bru tality in dispersing a workman's meet ing. Other dynamite outrages are re ported to have occurred in the neigh borhood of Lodz. A gendarme is re ported to have been killed and a num ber wounded. Ky.-1, , , ;f Salem, Jan. 26. That the legisla ture will not adjourn short -of a 40 days session was indicated today when the house voted down the resolution for final adjournment February 10. A large number of bills were favor ably reported to the house by the vari ous committees to which they had been assigned. Twelve new bills were intro duced. Three house bills were passed, as follows: To extend time lor Cottage Grove to give notice of tax levy; to authorize Clatsop county to erect a court house ; for deficiency and legis lative appropriations. The senate con- cured in the adoption of the house con current resolution to investigate North ern Pacific land transactions. Fifteen senate bills were passed by the senate among them being: Increasing the penalty for train robbery to imprison ment for 10 to 40 years; to create juve nile courts and provide for control of neglected children; to apppropriate $25,000 for the operation of the port age road at Ceulo; to appropriate $45, 000 for the Indian war veterans. Eleven new bills were introduced in the senaie. , At the close of today's session 179 bills had been introduced in the senate and 281 in the house. Kay's flat salary bill passed the house today with only two opposing votes. The yearly sal aries proposed by this measure are Governor $5,000 ; secretary of state $4, 500; state treasurer $4,500 ; supreme judge $4,500 ; attorney general $3,600 Salem, Jan. 27. Nineteen bills were passed by the senate today. Twelve new bills were introduced. ''The house passed 21 of its measures. A bill has made its appearance in the senate intended to regulate the frater nal insurance orders in the state. The Coe measure raising the age of consent has been unfavorably reported by the committee and a substitute re ported favorably. It is thought the new bill will pass. The bill providing for agricultural institutes and carriyng a $2,500 appro priation passed the house with votes to-spare. Salem, Jan. 30. Sixteen new bills were introduced in the senate today. One prohibits the sale of cigarettes to- minors and makes the use of them Kir person under 16 years a iuvenile de linquency which may be dealt with under the juvenile law. Another is to approppriate $50,000 annually for nor mal scnoois. Nine bills were passed bv the senate. One of these is the bill raising the sal ary of the assistant warden of the peni tentiary irom ?9UU to $1,200 a year. Another raises the salary of the. clerk of the state land board from $1,800 to $2,400 a year. In the house the bill creatine a state tax commission looking to a revision of the tax code was passed. The bill cre ating Cascade county was passed. Hood River is given as the countv seat. If the new countv is cret.l it. will be in the judicial "district with Multnomah and joint legislative dis trict with Wasco. Strong opposition will develop in the senate, where the Wasco people have centered thiV forces. Nine other measures the house. Th Jayne local option bill will be amended by eliminating the emergency clause and the reduction of the number of voters required on a petition for a prohibition election from 40 to 30 per cent of the electors of a precinct. comparatively few salary bills have been introduced in the senate thus far, but it is known that others will be in troduced later. As a rule these bills being local, they pass without question upon the recommendation of the dele gation from the counties affected. Talk New Railroad. Tillamook Another railroad propo sition has been made to the citizens by Mr. isimmons, who says he is backed by Portland capital, to give Tillamook county railroad connections. He made a proposition to build a standard guage railroad from either Forest Grove or North Yamhill, and have it constructed within one year, provided the citizens could get a 100-foot right of way, give $35,000 subsidy and a suitable site for a depot in this city. Itis the inten tion to extend the line, provided it is built to this city, to Netarts bay. Six Towns Represented. Marshfield At a meeting of the Coos bay chamber of commerce it was decided to turn over the management of the Coos county exhibit at the Lewis and Clark fair to a central organization composed of seven members, one to be named by each of the boards of trade of Coquille, Bandon, Myrtle Point, Marsh field, Empire and North Bend and a. chairman from the members of the county court. The plans for the pa vilion, 50x60 feet, will be turned over to this organization. No Fisn for Five Months. Oregon City At a conference of Clackamas county fishermen in this city, a resolution addressed to the legis lature was adopted asking that the state fishing laws be so amended as to pro vide for a closed season of five months in the year, June 1 to November 1 . This arrangement will do away with the closed season extending from March 1 to April 15, and is in harmony with the position that has been taken by the Multnomah and Clackamas county delegations at Salem. Arrests by the Hundred. London, Jan. 31. A dispatch to the Daily Graphic" from Sevastopol says: '.'In consequence of the gravity of' the situation here, ' the , government . has invested the naval and military com manders with full powers to repress disorders. Over 900 arrests have been made." '; Will Abandon Contests. '- Ajax Few of the score-odd contests instituted against Gilliam county set tlers in the vicinity at the instance of William Twilley, of Devil's butte, will probably be carried to trial, most of the contestors having realized that sen timent in this community and in the, county generally is against them. In the past six weeks 22 homesteads in the Ajax section have . been , contested. Three or four were heard at The Dalles and the rest were set for hearing before the Gilliam county clerk at Condon. Feeling isbitter against Twilley. Not Much Snow in the Hills. Pendleton The melting snows and falling rains of the past few days has filled the streams of the county. Water is now o plentiful enough to run all mills that have heretofore suffered by the dryness of the fall. Irrigationists are fearing that1 ihere will not be a artfTinipnt. ' nnontitw wf unnw : in t.ViA mountains to insure a flow of water through the summer. Usually there is from five to six feet at Kamela, but ' now there is but a few inches.; Church Colony for Oregon. Spokane The People's United church, at the head of which is Bishop David N. Mclnturff, is to be disrupted in Spokane and a colony formed in Ore gon or the Big Bend. Bishop Mcln turff has made arrangements to pur chase 5,000 acres of land in one of the places named, and every member of the church will move to the new colony after turning over all his worldly pos sessions to the church. . The church has now $50,000 or $60,000. Little Wheat is Left Over. Pendleton E. W. McComis, agent for the Puget Sound Warehouse com pany in this city, says that there is only between 150,000 and 200,000 bush els of wheat left in the county out of the 5,000,000 grown in Umatilla county last year. Nearly every farmer keeps a supply of seed on hand, even for fall sowing, in case 01 tne gram ireezing out. This seed is included in the amount left in the county unsold. . Union County's Hog. La Grande The big Union county hog which is being fattened by Kiddle Bros, at Island City for the-Lewis and Clark fair, which weighed 900 pounds a few months ago when- purchased from Sam Brooks, now weighs 1,000 pounds, . nnd continues to grow fatter." .It is in tended to make it weigh more than the prize' St. Louis fair hog. . ; . N . PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 83c; blue stem, 88c; valley, 87c. Oats No. 1 white, $1.S22.35, gray, $1.351.40 per cental. Hay Timothy, $1416 per ton; clover, $1112; grain, $1112; cheat, $1213. Potatoes Oregon fancy, 85 90c; common, 6075c. ;''' Apples Baldwins, $1.25; Spitzen bergs, $1.752 per box. Eggs Oregon ranch, 27 28c. Butter Fancy creamery, 2530c.