r ive lines, or lees, 25 cents for three rtirtionB, or 50 cents per month, r One Night Corvallis WANTED i tl! F.S'f . AH I'RICE PAID FOR !1 kiwis oi l'oultrv alt-o dieMsed Pork. Smit & Boulden. (,'oivaliis, OregOD, ext to iziittk oHlce. Gazette WAITED SCO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Wetk'y Oregonian at $2.00 per year. i WANTED, SEVERAL CORDS O wood on subscription at the (Jazett office. ' FOR SALE HUORT ON PERUNA BUT LONG on Prunes. Italian Primes. 50 lb. I oxes, J1.50. Come quick Return of the Favorites MAHAR A'S MINSTRELS Special Scenic First Part, Bi La !v Cho' iis, Opera, Burlesque, Vaudeville and Ma istitlcv. F. L. Miller. THOROUGHBRED BARRED PLYM uth Rock Cnckerel9 for sale cheap at :J.00. J. I. Taylor, at C & E. crossing. BVBY CARRIAGE FOR SALE AL moRt new conization c-arriasw and no - art with silk i.rasol and rnhher tires 'r pale at a bargain. Enquire at this office. FOR SALE OVE FULL-BLOOD JER aoy hull, stirijfd to register from first class milk ptock. Address, M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis. Or. A twice-a-week newspaper containing 72 columas each week of the current news of Benton County. Semi- Weekly vo REGISTERED OXFORD DOWN Rams and four half-breeds. Peter A'hitaker. ! N'VALID'S CHAIR, GO-CART STYLE, light-built and light-running, for sale cheap. Ask BLACKL EDGE about it. G ARNET SET RING WITH INITIALS T. C. F. and G. M. Finder please re turn to Mrs. Flett and receive reward. A i-HRINE PIN. RETURN TO S. N Wilkins Corvallis, aDd receive reward. p. AMELED GLD PIT', WITH INI t'ials "P. R. C." P ease leave at the Gazette Office. . AH the local news all of the time, with a large amount of niNceilaneous martet. ? "-JJEM Graad OHo Second Pirt of Blea-i;ig Specialties. The Best - Singing Company on the road. SEE THE BIG -PARADE AT ICES, 75, SO and 28 Cents. MUSIC. J-ANO INSTRUCTION 'I'EN IN nv prade of advancement.. Also uiaoos timed and repaired in flist-j;lass manner. Ind phone No. 405.. F. A. White. Splendid ierials -EXPRESSMEN. ELL! WELL! HERE'S JOHN LEN ger. Known him 22 years Still car ries Uncle Sam and baggage. John is an accom Jiodating man nd alwaye can be found at hi post Allen's Drug Store, or phone 251 AUCTIONEER r A KLINE. LIVE STOCK AUCTION - eer, Corvallis, Or Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O. address Box 11. J Pays highest prices for all kinds of live stock.. Twenty years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. . STAGE LINE. I HILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a. m. ; arrives t- Philematb at 12 m ; leaves "tnlo math 1 p. m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. AH persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can he accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1.00 Round trip same day $2.00. M. S. Rickabd. ATTORNEYS Au interesting (serial s'ory luuniri ' everv week in the Gazette. , Reduction in Fare. Commencing Nov. ' 7, rate? between Corvallis and Puftlan.it, via C. & , E , Albany, and S P. will be reduced to $2 60, tame as West Side' rite. Ti k'etF on sale by C & E. aent atsci all oihcet in Portland. Mre Adams, knuwn to tl' Indies who f req'.l-nt-NrvvpO't. a- - t -"('tier ; f einbro'ii"! v. v 1 r i' - d tn n-otnp, t-x. tloor imrl ti tfc I h I. j ""' Lske'n, wtiern fh i-i;s m aswr $;,,. njKllt of hiifnp, ckiiv.if st rid de-iigiJ no' found in hi y ftsire in th-' m d Saturdavs. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, November 8fi, TOM. Notice is hereby iriven that in rronwlnwv with the provisions of the net of Conprre- J mtfc 6, 1878, en titled "An act for the sate oi tiuiber lands in the States f California, Orejron, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to ail the Pulil.c Land States by act of august 4, 1892, IVAU StlERWOOU PATTY, of Corvallis. county of Benton, sate of Oieg n, has this da- filed in thU office her iworn statement No 6527. for the purchase of the of of Sec 26, in Township ID, K 6 W, and will offer proof to show that the land fought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land bclore the Kt g ittrr and Kfeceiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore gon, on Thursday, the 16th day of Ffhrury, 1905. She nam "is as witnenses: Witiard L. Pine of Kings Valley. Or; Taylor Miller of Suver. Or , Bruce Miller, of Kings Valley, Or., John Chaml-err, of Kings Valley, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in tms omce on or beiore earn I6tn day of r eo, 1905. Register. 7. E. YATES, THE LAWYER, 3-oth Phones. CORVALLIS, OR. . R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval iis, Oregon. , , SEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building.. DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR. DENTIST. PATN ' less extraction. In Zierolf building Opp. Post Office, Corvallis, Oregon. PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Kooma 14, Bank Baild ing. Office. Hours : 10 to 12 a. m.t 2 to iD.m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad- ame Bta. Telephone at office and res- tdence. ' uorraixia, uregon. z.iX H. KEWTH, M. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on .: Main street Philomath, Oregon. Sumtn us In the Circuit Court of ine fatate of Oregon for Uenton county, Mar.v J. H. Whitby, Plaintiff, vs. t yoscfte K Kdwards, Alice Kiiw ad. Anjnista Kt'ake, John Strake. M. ' Tott-en. and Leah 1 Totten, Aionzo Efiwards. ""plia Fr:ner. lefeiulants. To Roscoe K. Kt!AVi.nJs, Alice d"aniy. . Aionzo -dwaids, 'elistu runner, the above-named d-j- feudants: In Che name of the State of 'rtyon: Vou are heiebv rtiquire-i to aopear and nnawer the coai utot tie aHji-e named piauiiiiT in the uhove ent:t!td CDurr,, i.,.wvn hie with the cleik of said cmrt, with n six w. ks from the oate of tiie firt lui.iiciion cf t)ii.i summons. And you are hereby tioii&'d that if you ia.ii to ap)ea,r und answer said 0 inpiaitit as h-rein m-juirti, thn p'ru'ntiff willap 1 iy to. tli cjn;j",fir t.he re 'iff nn.Vfd for in said I i-.'-v.f la-.i-l- ri"vh: T';e f rt-oi-Mn-e u. cuit-.in inr u t iiu-.'-u : s -x'L-r.tei l' !i(.b-rt iv. ikhU A::tr:i.-t i a.ni jiji .Stiabt; t antiti ti t.. e h ijy ( J-- U:in, i'M):. to LeurL' tlie p:i-i!t-'r. oi a uM"ii.s.-or- lot,--; of hobe i. K Wit.. .liyur,M ,.ia!e. ailth .l"bn iSr'akd I-.r tu pavabtti hi e -sirs aiity '.btTe, with i.it.-ic.-t thereon t-t t-J.e late oi sce. - t ttr-t per annum iiit.-.et pavah'e ioiuar'S", a.tt wirth si n:orruy t C"i -eytd unto plai-ififf t.i.e foi -win; dsi. 1 na! val ey. . Weiinesdays. J burs-lays j wir: Ti.es W4f theN a ii Ws k i of the S W J; t,e S KJ of ti.e N V ; f-.J the :. W 34 of the S i, $ uf Sec a Tp 14 S, K 8 -V of ttio V ill Mer Arni for a furtiier di-eree bairinif and force v..-ii j said ceteiutaiits, Ro.-tce t-owardn, AUce KU vards, Aig-uta Straive, 8rHk. M P Tow en, and Leah J. Totteh, Aionzo EC (wards. Nieii.-i-a Fanner, of and from all riaht titie or interest in and to said real property and every wxrt thereof. This feuminon is published i y ortlt-r of the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, Juijre oi ihe Co Court of Benton Co,, State of Oregon, made at chambers in Corva.iij, Oregon, December 29, 1DU4, and the date of the first publication oi thia summons is December 3D. 19 4. YATt:s YTKS, Attortiovsior Hanliff-j WEAKNESS 82 1-2 Congress 8t. Pobtland, Maine, Oct. 17, 1902. I consider Wine of Cardui. superior to an doctor's medicine I ever used and I know whereof I speak. 1 raf tered for nine months with suppressed menstruation which completely proa tratad me.- Pains would shoot through my back and sides and 1 would have blinding headaches. My limbs would swell u and I would feel so weak I could not stand up. I naturally felt discouraged for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Wine of Cardui came as a God-send to me. I felt a change for the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment 1 menstruated without suffering the agonies 1 usually did and soon became regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and 1 wish that all suffering women knew of its good qualities. Treasurer, Portland Economic League The Kind You Ilavo Alwavg Bouglit, and -which has been ia um for ovci JO years, aas borne the sijniatnjre of" aiid has been ma!e under his per Bonal supervision since its infancy.. - ' " ' '"-w, Allow no one to deceire you in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good ' are butr HxpcrlmeiitH tluit v. ifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR! A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Irops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ALWAYS CASTORS A LTgagai ' The Kind You Have Always BouM In I ft TTA laid ill w lis For Over 30 Years. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I I A ' ram- Trade Marks Designs Copyrights ic. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communlca. . tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, 3 a year ; four months, tl. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,B'o'h"- New York Branch Office. SB F SU Washington, D. C. LA WXM Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every .twenty cases of irregular menses, bearing down pains or any female weakness.- If you are discouraged and doctors have failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now. ,. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wiae of (Jardui today. U. S. Government endorses it Woijidn't you be glad if you could get a responsible Fire Insurance Company to insure your buildings for-$3.00 per year? That is jnt-t what you do when you buy one of those bandy fire fighters. artopted by the U. S. Government and the World's Fair. 12 fib TJ Fir :itnfiiisiiar It is a tin tul e containing 3J4 a rl'V powder, like sand. Throw hanmnl on H,hre, atid it puts wo seconds. It is the cheapest tbiDg in the way of Fire Insurance pvh invented. -Call and se one at the C rvallis Gazette office. it out in bmt3 res tgfli t i .vy. I Hi 11 Our Clubbing Uis. 'Suoscribcrs to the CORVALLIS GA.F.TTB can obtain the following papers in cinbinatiin sub 1 siiritioiw with the GAZETTE, at the very low : tiricetf cjtut'i below; cash in au ance alway- v a..' ! an pany the order. Those wishing two or mtrt ; publications named with the GAZMTr:. will plea.se i t-.i'ivdpond with this office and we will quote vu the combinati u price. We can save you uiouoy on nearly all publications you desire. The abbreviations below are explained as follmvs: W, Joi weekly; S W for semi-weekly; T W, lor tn wetkly; II, for monthly; S M, for semi-n onthly. The first price represents the subscription rate of the publication alone, and the second the rate for the publication ottered in conjunction with the senn-weekly GAZKTTK. Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port-, land. Or., S.W., 40 cents; 81.80. Oregonian, Portland, Or., W., $1.60; 2.55. Rural Spirit, Portland, Or., Contains a live-stock market report, W., $2.00; 2.55. Pacific Christian Advocate Por and. Or., W. $2.00. S.05. The Thrice-a-Week World, New York, T. w., $1 00; 2.20. Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa, A thorough" stock and farm journal, W.. $1.00; 2.30." The Kepublic, St. Louis, Mo S. W.', $1.00; 2.05. The American Farmer, Indianapolis, -Ind., Live stock, farm and poultry journal, m., do cents; l.otx ' Boston Cooking tichcol Magazine, Bi-M., 60 cents; 1.80. Young reople's Wil". I!rtc, 111., V.. 60 cen C ncinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W., S1.C0; 2.05. The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , 111., M., SO cente; 1 75. Farm, Field snd Fireside. Chicago, 111., W., $1.00; 2.1 . Farm and Fireside, 50 cents; L.75. Women's Home Companion, $1.00; 2.15. Lippincott'8 Magazine, Philadelphia, Pa., $2.60; 3.25. A . Ev'rv Month (Music, Song and Irtnce), New York M., $1.00; x&lik The Century'Ma(iaiine, New York, M., $4.00; 6.06 Springfield, Ohio, S. W., Springfield, Ohio, M Pneumonia follows La Qrlppo . but never follows the use of FOLEY'S It stops the Cough and heals the lungs. Prevents Pneumonia and Coniumptlon, Hb. CK VAona, s( m Osgood St., Chicaga, WriUst "My wife had la gripp and it left hu with a very bad sough en ha longs whisk f o&n'i Herat an Tab sand oBltteIr . t OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Mrs. Julia Nixon, Proprietress Best up-to-date Hotel in Corvallis. Renovated and Newly Furnished. Modern Conveniences and Service. Special Attention to Commercial Men Oh y 3 ft o en" 3 c.c 2 ft to 3. S 0Z P"tJ B n 3 n 3 ft ?S 2 ft Ef5 t 3 crq n. H U. Open Day and Nighl. Rooms Single op EnSezitem J. G. HAKWIEL, Prop. One of the Finest Etjuifsed Hotels in the Valley Both Phones Bus Meets all Trains HOME SEEKERS Ii vou are looking for some real good Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or cime and see us. We will take pleasure in giving you reliaole informa tion : also showing you oyer the county AMBLER & WAITERS, - REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE VIRGIL B. WAITERS, CORVALLIS. . HENRY AMBLER, PHILOMATH. Bring your Job Work to th,J Gazette Office.