Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 27, 1905, Image 5

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J. W. Hobbs was in the city from
Eugene, Wednesday.
J W. Wrietman was in town
Tueedav, rn business from Wells.
' : ITT J J iL.' --
M. P. Rycraft, of Alsea register- weanesuay in mis ciiy.
ed at the Occidental, Tuesday. R. E. Mason was in
Mark Adams, of -Alsea, was a
Corvallis visitor Tuesday. '.'';"
C. M. Collins was a visitor in
Corv.-dlis Tuesday.
C. E Rice was in townWidnes
day from Kings Valley.
Otis Tavlor, of Halsey, spent
Miss Florence Adams was an
Albany visitor, Tuesday .
Chas.' McHenry returned bome
Monday frm Astoria and Port
land. Mrs. Ward Wisecarver, of Mc
Minnville is visiting at the horn
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
M. Gilbeit in this city.
In last Tuesday's paper we said
John Gray had been appointed road
supervisor of Dist. No. 17.. It
should have been Doke Gray. '
Miss Alverta Meats, who has
been visiting at the home of Mrs
Elmer Bt-thers, returned to her
home in Newberg, Wednesday.
Miss Thella -Rickard leaves for
Portland, this week, where she has
accepte 1 . a position in a . large
mill. nery establishment.
The many friends of Miss Minnie
Woldt wilt be-glad to learu that
she is slowly recovering from her
, recent illness.
Mrs A. D. Bajker, of Albany,
is in the city, the gueet of Mrs. P.
A. Mcses, and while here, she iB
also visiting other iriends.
Thirteen hundred shares Great
Eastern Mining company stock fur
sale at 10 cents per share. Address
lock box 62, Corvallis, Ore. 10-13
W. E Yates having resigned as
city attorney, at the meeting of the
city council last Monday night, J .
F. YatJs was elected to fill the
Dallas is undergoing a siege of
scarlet fever. - On account of so
many cases in, the town it has be
come necessary to close the public
schools to .prevent the spread of the
Rev. Ray Palmer will preach at
the Baptist church Sunday 'morn
ing and evening. Great interest is
manifest in the evangelistic meet
ings. - You will be heartily wel
The Youths' Companion, pub
lished in Boston, is authority for
the statment that "Oregon apples
are selling in the fruit stores of
Boston at a higher price , than
Hotel Occidental opened at Cor
vallis, Oregon, by an experienced
landlady. House recently cleaned
and renovated throughput. . Home
cooking stvle. General hotel busi
ness conducted, and special atten
tion to make comfortable all guests.
Mrs. Julia Nixon, proprietress.
Ambler & Watters this week
negotiated the sale of , 45 acres of
farm property just west of Philo
math. The property was owned by
C. Dexter, and A. Woods, of Philo
math, was tne purchaser, paying
$2250 ior the place. Mr. Woods
takes possession March 1.
Byron Taylor arrived in Corvallis
Wednesday from Spokane, ' Wash
He reports his father as being much
improved in health, and his parents
like the Spokane country. Byron
came home to study for the civil
service examinations for railway
mail service which' he will take in
about two months.
The Corvallis Grange will meet
Saturday, Jan. 28, at 1 o'clock
p. m. The officers for the coming
year will be .installed by the Wil
lamette Grange, and. a good time is
guaranteed. All Graneers are re
quested to be present and take part
in the work.
D. E. McAdams and family ai
rived the first of the week, and are
now occupying the Miller house
just back of Ber man's store. Mr.
MftAdoma aril! mnira nnk t.n t.lnm linn
yard recently purchased from Mr".
Lilly by D. B. Taylor, early in the
Onwnit A .ABIanAa Will AMAt
ed on the place, and Mr. McAdams
is to be manager of the yard.
, The Western Union Telegraph
company is arranging to establish
electric clocks in several Corvallis
business houses. The clocks are to
be connected with Portland and
the correct time is to be sent out at
noon each day, so that the time
will be absolutely reliable. The
clocks are to be famished by the
company for which a rental of $1
per month is to be charged. .
'.' "'" 1 1
S. Bush, pastor. Bible school 10
a. m-., preaching 11 a, m. A anion
evangelistic mass meeting will be
held in this church at 3 p. dj. Rev
Ray Palmer will deliver the address
and also nreach the sermon at the
service in the evening at 7:30. : An
overflow meeting has been arranged
and all who come will be accommo
dated. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all.
from Albany, Wednesday.
Frank Woodward ame
fiom Albany, Wednesday
short visit. -
the city
for a
S. W. Tracy, of Fairfield, Wash.,
was in Uorvallis, Wednesday on
business.' -
N. Clem, of Bellfountain, was a
visitor in this city, Wednesday and
: Judge Watters has been confined
to his bed this week with an attack
of ia grippe and biliousness.
Thomaa Casey, a prdminent farm
er of Wren, was a visitor in this
city yesterday.
The Occidental expect to put on
the bus and meet all trains about
the first of next month, notwith
standing reports to the contrary.
ool. w. 1. rsurgnardt came
down yesterday noou from Cor
vallis and left on the afternoon train
for Salem. Albany Herald.
B. F. Pilkington, of Oakland;
Ore., was in Corvallis, yesterday,
Visiting his son, Bert, the big foot
ball captain of OAC.
Miss Mary boutherhn went, to
Shedds Wedietday, to attend the
wedding of her friend, Miss Lena
McCormick to Mr. Frank. Thrift,
She returned home Saturday.
Miss Grace Huff who recently
underwent a surgical operation . for
the drainage of an abcess resulting
from appendicitis, ia improving and
will soon be able to be out.
Regents W. E.Yates and B. F.
Irvme of OAC, went to Salem, Wed
nesday in. response to a telephone
message from J. K. Weatherford,
on business connected with the
college. ' ' "
Miss Nellie Barnhart gave a most
enjoyable birthday party at her,
home last evening, celebrating her
sixteenth birthday.- A large num
ber of her schoolmates ware in at
tendance and all had a jolly good
time. - .
- Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Geer, of
Salem, were in the city yesterday
on their way home from Corvallis,
where thuy spent a few days at the
stock farm of Mr. Geer, conducted
by their son, C. C. Geer. Albany
The wedding of Miss .. Lena
Mavourneen McCormick, of this
city, and Edward J. Thrift,.: of
McCloud, California, took place
Wednesday evening, Jan. 25, ;at
8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William "McCormick," at
Shedd, Oregon. A number of
friends witnessed the ceremony;"
Miss Anna Yantis, of Albany,
was: bridesmaid, and carried a
bouquet of brides roses. . Frank
Thrilt, brother of the groom was
best man. The flower girls were
Bertha and Leola McCormick,
nieces of the; bride, and Fay
Couey. Kenneth McCume was
ring bearer. -
The ceremony took place under
a beautiful arch of smilax, fern
and bows of tulle, tastefully in
terwoven, and the bride . wore a
pure white silk dress, trimmed
with. costly . lace, -and, carried a
bouquet of : carnations. - The
groom wore black.
Miss Anna Thrift played the
wedding march, and Miss Laura
Chambers, of Albany, caught
the brides' bouquet. ,
. Mrs. Thrift is a graduate of
Albany College with the class of
1895 and has resided in Corvallis
lor the past four years, where she
has been a teacher in the public
schools. . , Mr. Thrift is a -civil
engineer of McCloud, Calif.,
where he and his bride will make
their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Thrift have many
friends in this city who wish them
a long and happy life together.
.Mrs. John "'Allen . entertained
sixteen lady friends at her bonne
Wednesday afternoon. IWhist was
the amusement of -the -afternoon,
two prizes were awarded Mrs . E.
J. Andrews winning first and Miss
Pauline Kline the booby. - Light
refreshments were served and a
most enjoyable afternoon passed;-'';
. Bellfountain.
Mrand Mrs. F-L. Watkine returned
home the last of the week from visitinir
friends near Philomath
The three-year-old boo of Mrs. Lna
Howard is seriounly ill and is reported
that, be has strong symptoms of tTphbid
fever.- It is unfortunate for the commun
ity as well as the family, as Mrs. Howard
has been teaching but baa had to slop on
account of the boy's illness.
Mrs. J. H. Edwarda has returned from
a visit with relatives in Cottage Grove. '.
Boy Wal z was pleasantly surprised
Monday evening by thirty of his friends
dropping in to spend the evening with
him, as it was bis birthday. - Aftef- en
joying interesting games and music the
guests were served to liht refreshments
before leaving for the night. f
' At last, one cayote lias been killel, but
others are reported and both bounds and
men are still oh the look out for fresh
tracks. ' - .
Another Good Man Gone Wrong .
He neglerted to take Foley's Kidney
Cure at the 6rst signs of kidney trouble,
hoping it would wear away, and he was
soon a victim 01 Bright'e disease. There
is danger in delay, but if Foley's Kidney
Cure is taken at once the symptoms will
disappear, the kidneys are strengthened
and you are soon sound and well. A. B.
Bass bad to get up ten or twelve times
in the night and had a severe backache
and pains in the kiilneys and was cured
of Foley's . Kidney Cura. 1 For sale by
Graham & Wortham. -
for Infants and Children. -
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears f he
Signature of
One Night
of the Favorites
Special Scenic . First Pai t, Big' Lady Chorus, Opera, Burlesque,
Vaudevil'e and Ministrrlcv." "- '
Graad Olio Second Part cf Pleasing Specialties.
Singing Company on the road.
The Best
PRICES, 75, 50 and 25 Cents.
Rev. Bush having called atten-
nn trt M.fiM.flr tr ITlaronr nf
. J " fcjj
orvallis," at a public assembly,
and made the assertion that
"Spirits do not walk on earth to
day" brings forth an answer trom
the resident speaker of the Fiist
Spirtual Union of Corvallis.
Congregational Church--Sunday
School and class for young men at
10 a. m.; service at 11 a. m. and
7.30 p. m.; Christian Endeavor at
6.30 p. m. Vesper service 7:30
p. . m. Evening sermon, "Every
Tub stands on its own bottom."
Preaching oy Rev. Daniel StaVer.
- The Corvallis saw - mill had to
be shut down Wednesday afternoon
to repair the carriage track.- It had
gotten out oi line so that the car
riage would not carry the eawlog in
a straight line to the saws, and the
w'lole plant except the planers, had
to be stopped until repairs were
made. . . ' ':;
O. A. Dearing, wbo has been
with the Gazette Jfor the past year
and a half, leaves tomorrow for his
old stamping ground, San Francisco
for an indefinite stay. Mr. Dear
ing has been connected with the
printing and foundry business for
about 40 years and has decided
that he has earned a much-needed
vacation and rest, and intends to
enjoy himself for a while.
E. W. Strong, manager of the
Corvallis saw mill, has completed a
new office and expects to move in
to it some time next week. .The
new cfSce ia located on the east
side of the street just opposite the
present office. Mr. Strong is ship
ping considerable lumber nowa
days, shipping choice lumber even
as far as San Francisco. A car
load was billed to that place Tues
day . He says there is quite an
outside demand for lumbar from
this section of the country. 3 -
The people of Oregon both of the
eastern and western parts of the
state are pleased to learn that the
long fight for the Celilo Canal just
above The Dalles, baa been won.
The House committee on rivers and
arbors, responding to enormous
pressure in the way of public sen
timent from all over Oregon, has
decided to make an appropriation
of $50,000 at this time to get the
work started, and will authorize the
expenditure of $20,C00 additional.
Ia doing this the . government has
kept faith with the state, and it is
now assured that the canal will be
en's Overcoats,
Raincoats and Suits
NOT a line of
the ..Yery best
Goods bought up
goods, made by
for this sale
the famous
only, but consists of our regular
tailors, Hart, Shaffner & Marx.:
Copyright 1904 by
: Hart Schaffner 6 Marx
"', ' vs -:.:-' ,: ''' '' -
$ 5.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats $ 3.94
7.50 Men's Suits and Overcoats 5.98
9.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats 7.20
10.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats 8-00:
12.50 Men's Suits and Overcoats 9.98
13.50 Men's Suits and Overcoats' 10.60
15.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats 12.15
16.50 Men's Suits and Overcoats 13.25
18.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats 14.40
20.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats 15.95
Copyright i
Hart Schaffner
904 by
fcf Marx
Mail Orders Promptly Filled at Sale Prices.
Corvallis, Ore.