REVOLT IS AT HAND Strike Spreads to Every Industry In Russian Capital. DEATH MEETS PLEA. ANGRY HOBS PARADE STREETS Alarm Is Greater Than Over News or Defeat in Far Eastern War Czar Is Guarded. St. Petersburg, Jan. 21. With riot us strikers to the number of hundreds of thousands parading the streets of the capital city, and the continual spread of the feeling of unrest through out the empire, the Russian govern ment is in a terrible predicament Even worse than the news of the disas ters in the Far East is the alarm felt in official quarters over the domestic Bit nation. Troops are guarding the pal ace and all public buildings, but it is not deemed wise to call upon them to suppress me disorder, eiraui i" ex treme cases. Late Friday evening an organized mob attacked the Marcus cardboard factory and attempted to throw the manager from the window, and it was reported that the strike fever had ex tended to the Alexandrovsk machine works, where 7,000 men are employed; the Baltic cartridge factory, owned by the government, and Baron Streglitz' cloth factory, the latter employing 3,000 people of both sexes ; the state distillery and the Kaller and Beckman distilleries. The employes of the , Russo-American rubber company, the "Youkoff hoop factory, and a new cotton spinning establishment were the latest acquisitions to the tied-up industries At the latter works the police were un able to control the mob of strikers and the military were ordered to their assistance. It was learned-late Friday night that the employes of the State Playing Card factory, the Vagounine paper mills, employing 1,000 t hands, the Atlas machine works, the Wolff Ma printing works and numerous other large plants had joined m the Btrike The city is almost in darkness, owing to the strike of electric light employes, and it is stated that newspaper publica "tion will be suspended. .- The situation grows hourly darker, -and the prospects for a settlement of the difficulties vanished when the min ister of finance refused to receive a del egation of workingmen. Russian Soldiers Shoot the Workmen Who Would Appeal to Czar. St. Petersburg, Jan. 23. Yesterday was a day of unspeakable horror in St. Petersburg. The strikers of Saturday, goaded to desperation by a day of vio lence, fury and bloodshed, are in a state of open insurrection against the government. A condition almost bor dering on civil war exists in the terror stricken Russian capital. . The city is under martial law, with Price Vasilchikoff as commader of over 50,000 of the emperor's crack guards Troops bivouacked in the streets last night and at various places on the Nevsky Prospect, the main thorough' fare of the city. On the island of Vassili Ostroff and in the out sections infuriated men have thrown up barri cades, which they are holding. The empress dowager has hastily sought SOCIAL WAR IS ON! Great Strike at St. Petersburg Is Involving Thousands. STAND BY CHINA. WORK ON WARSHIPS IS STOPPED About 58,000 Ironworkers and 50,- 000 Cotton Mill Operatives May Join in Strike. St. Petersburg. Jan. 20. The strike situation is becoming very grave. TO' night there are 58,000 men out on strike, and the movement is spreading to the big cotton mills, which employ Hay Answers Note of Russia's Com- plaining Against China. Washington, Jan. 19 Count Cas- sini, the Russian ambassador, was this afternoon handed Secretary-Hay's reply to Russia's complaint that China is violating neutrality. At the same time the note was dispatched to the Russian ambassador, copies were transmitted to all the European powers which en dorsed the agreement for a limitation of the zone of hostilities in the lTar East.'-. '- ' - - - Secretary Hay's noteTis plain and sharp, although framed in the most polite diplomatic language. Faith ' is expressed in the declaration that China has not committed any breach of neu trality, but has done all possible to maintain a correct attitude towards both belligerents. Russia is urged to abide by the agreement confining the war to definite limits. At the same time Secretary Hay for warded a note to the Chinese govern ment, through Minister Conger at over 50,000 operatives.. Meetings have safety at Tsarskoe-Selo, where Emperor been called for tomorrow, at which So-1 Pekin, in which China is asked to con- Nicholas II is living. cial Democratic leaders will use their tinue the strict enforcement of neutral- Minitr r.f the Interior Sviatonolk- tmar.t n,Wvm-H tn nonvert the strike lly 80 tnal neitner Kussia nor japan Mirsky presented to his majesty Satur- into ' a vast political demonstration, day night the invitation of the work- which at the present crisis might have men to appear at the winter palace and most 8erioua developments. The au- ly u get rid of it Is by forking th ground over carefully and picking It out piece by piece. Even the smallest bit left In the ground will start Id' growth. receive ineir pewuon. thorities are adopting every precaution ror's advisers had taken a decision to f J r . tho to avoid an outbreak, but tne bociai BUUW Ok U1U1 nUVA IVDVluuu Avuvf I emperor's answer to the 100,000 work- Democrats are spurring on the strikers, men trying to make their way to tne an(j there is great danger of a collision palace square yesterday was a solid ... trnnnH whih wollid be ai. arrav ot troons. wno met mem wim rifle, bayonet and saber, troops, most- sure to be followed by red flag can find any cause for complaint. An inquiry is also made as to the allega tion put forward by Russia that China has been guilty of many" violations of neutrality. Secretary Hay already knows what the reply' will be, and the question is asked for the sole purpose of affording an opportunity to deny the Russian charge. China is afraid to answer Russia through her own representative at St. Petersburg, but is anxious that Hay Unloading: Rig. Here Is a plan for unloading hay with horse fork In barn or on stack which I find Is very convenient and Is cheaper than any set of haying tools and I believe Just -as good. We have used It for two years and realize Its value. Fasten pulley blocks at a ana c In cone of barn. Then with an open ring fasten another pulley to ring In hay fork. Then tie one end of rope to open ring, after it has been closed, and then through the pulley at c, then flow n through pulley at b, which Is on fork, then through pulley at a, then through a pulley at d, which Is down on barn floor. All that is necessary to change the fork so as to drop hay in either mow is to untie rope from fork and tie opposite end there. This meth- The priest, Gopon, the leader and demonstrations, accompanied by great tUg be done th'h Secretary Hay. idol of the men? in" his golden vest ments, holding aloft the cross and marching at the head of thousands of workmen, through the INarva gate, mi raculously escaped a volley which laid low half a hundred persons. The fig ures of the total number killed or wounded here, at the Moscow gate, at the various bridges and islands, and at the winter palace vary.- The best esti mate is 500, although there are exag gerated figures placing the number as hieh as 5,000. Many men were ac companied by their wives and children, and in the confusion, which left . no time for discrimination, the latter shared the fate of the men. The troops, with the exception ot a single regiment, which is reported to hare thrown down its arms, remained loyal and obeyed orders . But the blood which crimsoned the snow has fired the brains and passions of the strikers and turned women, as well as men, into wild beasts, and the cry of the infuriat ed populace is for vengeance. The sympathy of the middle classes is with the workmen. TRAIN HELD UP. PROVIDE FOR ALASKA NATIVES. President Endorses Emmons' Report on Effects of Immigration. - Washington, Jan. 23. In jMfiajjsmit ting to the -senate today a rejgrt by Lieutenant G. T. Emmons, of the navy, on the condition of the natives of Alsaska, the president sent a message saving: Passengers on O. R. & N. Robbed in City Limits of Portland Portland, Jan. 23. While the "Spo kane Flyer" was rushing ' through the darkness between East Portland station and Thirty-fourth street, shortly before 7 o clock Saturday night, four masked bandits entered the rear door of the Walla Walla sleeper, the last car of the train, and at the point of a pistol com peleld the occupants to deliver their valuables. The robbers -then stopped the train by pulling the air cord, sprang off into the night and disappeared. They fired several shots as the train bloodshed. The community is full of sensational rumors and rioting is gen erally expected. - , In conjunction with the Epiphany celebration, which will occur tomrrow, the meetings of strikers will make the day a critical one for the police. Thus far, however, the strike has preserved a purely economic aspect. The great industrial quarter of St. Petersburg presents the appearance of' an armed camp. The idle lactones are surround ed by cordons of police and patrols of infantry march about the snow-covered Wains., The strikers are led by a priest named Gopon, who is idolized by , the workmen and who represents them negotiations with the emplyers. This is the first great strike in North ern JKussia. , Hitherto tne workmen have been unorganized, , and previous strikes in St. Petersburg have not in volved more than 10,000 men. The strike leaders claim to have funds enough to hold out for a month, but this is doubted, and the lack of money and the privations of winter and per haps government interference are ex pected to make the strike short and sharp.. The strikers, who at first' declined an offer of financial support, are re,xrted to have accepted a contribution- from Moscow. The strike has an important bearing on the war in the Far East, as every day s delay in completing the govern ment contracts with the iron works means the loss of precious time in the starting of the third Pacific squadron MAY FLOAT FOUR SHIPS. GOOD HAT bigoino. Japanese Find Wrecks in Port Arthur Are Not Hopeless. London, Jan. 19. The Times corre spondent at Port Arthur, detailing the damage to the Russian fleet, says the battleships Peresvjet and Poltava can easily be floated, but that the former's constructure is greatly damaged and that the battleship Pallada and the armored cruiser Bayan apparently are not seriously damaged and can be re floated. The four vessels, the corre spondent says, may be saved after great expense, but 'the difficulties will be great, as there is no dockjn Japan for battleships. The battleships Retvizan and Pobie- da seem to be hopelessly damaged. As regards armament, the turret guns were all destroyed before the surrender. Some of the guns of the secondary arm ament are intact, but most of the small guns were removed to the forts. Three days before the surrender tne ships were set on fire with kerosene and mines were exploded alongside. Russians state that the fleet was unfit for service after the engagement of August 15. Coal was abundant and it was used to protect the decks of the war vessels against howitzer shells od saves one the cost of track and car, and will pull almost directly straight upwards until the fork full of hny gets pretty well up. then will travel over mow. Those who have hay-to stack can use this plan by using two tall posts, or one if stack is near a tree which can be used to fasten one pulley to. Set post tar enough away so you can drive load of hay between post and stack. This rigging will not take any mora rope than a track and car. and Is very convenient In small barns. C, O. Bosworth in Ohio Farmer. To Get Kicgs in Winter. A successful poultry raiser was once asked how to successfully get eggs during the winter season and his reply was, "hatch winter chickens from winter-laid eggs." While this is by no means the only thing to do. It Is, be yond question, tbo foundation of the whole matter. It Is impossible to have pullets that will lay eggs during the winter season, in profitable quantities. when these pullets are hatched from late spring or early summer-laid eggs. Notice we say "in profitable quanti ties," for the late-hatched pullet will lay some during the winter, but Its ten dency is toward laying at the same sea son as the egg was laid from which she was hatched. Here, then, is the start for those who seek winter eggs, and if the reader is out for this sort of business he should plan for an incu bator to be set at work In early Feb ruary. Then it must be remembered that the early-hatched bird, especially In the colder sections of the North. will require unusually good care, so that comfortable brooding houses must be provided, with room for txerclse, and in places where there will be no danger of the chicks getting damp or wet If the brooder room is cool it will do no harm, for the chicks will have the brooder to go to for warmth; but the room must not be damp or wet. Chicks raised in this manner and given a good range during the following sum mer will go into winter quarters in fine shape and produce eggs at a profit in the winter. CALL FOR STO.OOO. AGREE ON RAILROAD RATES ''Lieutenant Emmons had for many pursuit. xne robbers obtained a draft for s.750, slowed down and thus frightened awav Leaders of House and Senate Agree to jSpeedily Pass Bill. Washington, Jan. 20. It-is asserted today that an agreement is making be tween the leaders of the senate and the house in accordance with which rail road rate legislation will be enacted at the present session of congress. The basis of the legislation will be the measure drawn by Colonel Hepburn, chairman of the interstate and foreien commerce committee of the house. That bill already has been considered by the president, Attorney General Moody, Secretary Taft and Secretary Morton, and bv members of hnth tho t J:.:.. . ai x xi - - 3i I ... . ' . . . -I. - - , ,..... 6u w " ui mo uummp uieu. it us jjeiveveu i uouse anii-ine -senate, xx uoes" mtmeet hil Kiueu on ana me innn Hiinmv ni i that, whan tha tm aiAitrui xv,,. nnHnni i 1. v A : j rr-j I "v " ""w oxvww ixvnxx "'W I wx7 auitiuvm ui an wiiu Uttve CAamuicu xnaians rapiaiy exnausteo ; mat lumped on and ran forward before the it. hut it is helieved tn ha a mvu, faimri. VlOV flro 1 i Vci itpnitm.nn aIiiMhah 1 1 i l , i . , . . I , . ... ... vi t r wui crew uau unie mi get ouisiue ano anon lor a measure wnicn proDaoiy can years peculiar facilities for ascertaining the facts about the natives of Alaska, and has recently concluded an mvesti gation made on the ground by. my special direction. 1 very earnestly ask the attention of the congress to the facts set forth in this report as to the needs of the native people of Alaska It seems to me that our honor as a na lion is involved , in seeing tnat tnese needs are met. I earnestly hope that legislation along the general lines advo cated by Lieutenant Emmons can be In his report Lieutenant Emmons says that the inrush of white men .into Alaska has caused a complete change in several watches and about 150 in cash. As soon as the robbery became known at police headquarters officers were no tified to be on the alert, and a posse of policemen, detectives and railway ofE-1 cers left on an engine for the scene of the ' robbery. Officers guarded the bridges and the Vancouver ferry. The posse spent the night lroking for evi dence at the scene of the robbery and m searching throughout the neighbor ing country, but nothing was found. Two men were arrested at The Dalles when the train reached there. Thev were found on the "blind baggage" and answered a general description of the new conditions, and that it tantiaL for them at an early date to o be enacted. The probability is that the Hepburn bill will be passed by the house before February 1. New California Bill for 1905 Exhibit Makes Total of $90,000. Sacramento, Cal. Jan. 19. Action toward providing an appropriation to insure a creditable representation of California at the Lewis and Clark in ternational exposition at Portland this year was taken today, when Assembly man isliss, ot Alameda, introduced in the lower house a bill appropriating $70,000 in addition to the sum of $20, 000 set aside by the last legislature for the purpose. This makes a total of $90,000, and is deemed sufficient by proper handling to make a first class display, with what aid the various counties will give by supplying ma terial. . The bill passed by the last legislat ure names Governor Pardee as commis- sinoer to the exposition, and gives him direction of the expenditure of the $20,000. The one presented by As semblyman Bliss today makes no . pro vision ior commissioners, mere is a plan to amend the bill in committee, so that it will provide for two honorary commissioners. ' - It is not thought the chief executive will have any trouble in securing nonsalaried commissioners to serve the state. . Troubles of Horses. In the winter season of the year, when most farm horses have rather an easy time of life, there is likely to be more or less liver and kidney trouble among them, due, to some extent, to the liberal feeding and the Inactive life. Oftentimes these troubles develop In an attack of acute indigestion, fre quently mistaken for colic. -The first thing to do with a horse that Is not eating well is to give a dose of nux vomica three times daily until it re covers Its appetite. The dose is twen ty, drops of the tincture given on the tongue; just before eating. The oats given the animal should be ground and In the grain giveh in the morning should be placed a half ounce of pow dered nitrate of potash. Then prepare the following general condition pow der, which acts well on both kidneys and liver, and give the animal a heap ing tablespoonful once a day, prefera bly at noon. In two pounds of ground flaxseed mix four ounces of powdered gentian, five ounces of ginger, three ounces , of powdered sulphate of iron and two ounces of powdered charcoal. See that all the Ingredients are mixed thoroughly. This powder will tone up the system of the horse generally. A Wagon . Tongue. It is not always possible to have a two-horse wagon sufficiently light for long distance driving where it is best to use two horses. - The Illustration shows a tongue which may be easily made by a local blacksmith at small expense, for use on a light one-horse wagon. " The Illustration needs little description, the main points being to hare the pole made of tough lumber Change Sheep Paatnrea. The sheep pasture must sometimes havo a rest from the sheep on account of the deposit of the eggs of intestinal worms of sheep. In some old pastures these rggs are spread by the millions. This is particularly dangerous ground to be fed over by young lambs. The man who has more than one pasture will find himself in an advantageous position in case of "trodble with Intes tinal worms. He can simply change his sheep run from one pasture to the other. Such a change is not necessary ' unless there are signs of the worms among the sheep. A "Winter Wheelbarrow. A very convenient and useful wheel barrow sled may be constructed as fol lows: From a piece of 2-lnch plank cut a runner, a. Then make two rear run- r - - ' " . ' ' ' ", May Tie Up Big Railroad. Philadelphia, Jan. 23. Though -it. J . n i -. . Smallpox Rages at Billings. Billings, Mont., Jan. 20. According to the records of the city officials there are at present 67 cases of smallpox Position of the Armies. Tokio, Jan. 23. In' well informed quarters here it is said that the Russian army at Mukden was recently reinforced by four divisions. Its present strength is estimated at nine army corps, or 300.000 men of nil nrma Rcnonl leld anything, developments today in Kuropatkin's headquarters are at Fons here, all of which "are strictlv snarded He controversy between the Pennsvl3 mountain, in olosp. tcmoh wit.Ti t.ViP f n lr- I Tn rHffo-rnr rtaH-a rf trio Wn ViAia ova ama ranroaa company and the Uro- den-Fushun line. At present two and 37 houses under niiarantin. Sin ernpoa oi .trainmen indicated that I a. half Hiviainna anfginriaiiiii nw, I tv, tv,.i, i, a; t. a l , .... w.w .ug uviiviMi vxu, I viic uuvMtMK ii cue uiscaDC,- UilUUtll V 1. ftmiPAhle Hpttlemant ti ha x - v-t -. i , , . .. ' J 1 - volute twu uurun re ueiore urenerai xvoozu. mere nave Deen nve deaths. A new jr uc ciic;w;u Buoruy. ine cnance and the greater streneth of these corns a strike was temporarily averted bv confronts G . U.HUU xcxwjwi i-V I uic Ulttll 111 ill CO. nil rrvrvon consultation with the railwav offi- als in the hope of a settlement. May Flee From Yellow Fever. Washington, Jan. 23. Unofficial ad vices received here from representatives of the government m the Panama canal zone dated at the end of the first week in January, are to the effect that while the current reports of the prevalence of pest house has been erected outside the city limits for the care of patients. Everything possible is being done to stamp out the disease, and it is believ ed the health authorities have the situ ation under control. Will Save Five Vessels. .London, Jan. zu. According to a dispatch received from Port Arthur five of the vessels sunk by the Russians and he took yesterday and by the shells of the Japanese in ' jihe Russia Reiterates Her Protest. Washington, Jan. 23. Count Cas- l. 'r.iit. KiiHHinn am naooaiin. . ri-n UaA fr V,n C.-i- ,1 . 1 x-J 1 ti . . ' v fcjw.G ucuiuiuiciiv tuuav i venow ifiver on T.n lsT.nmna ara a-vnr X-J X- 3 x : TT a , - . . . .. . . . I " f yiracureu w oecreiary nay ine an- sera ted. the pest does exist thr or, A l Viar y,ac w oi x?;., ,., ui xvuaaiau government wj me some apprehension is expressed that, if dred and forty guns on the forts and . -r - vuuuiiuoi xu Duicau, uitsic wni ue a warsiuus nave Deen iouna to lie in wholesale exodus of the canal builders from the isthmus Wiil Combine Forces. St. Petersburg, Jan. 19. The admir alty here denies the report published by the Matin, of Paris, to the effect that the Russian authorities are in re ceipt of a dispatch from Admiral Ro jestvensky saying -that he .is leaving Madagascar without waitmsr the divi sion commanded by Rear Admiral Bo trovsky. There is every indication that the Russian second Pacific squad ron intends to cruise in the Indian ocean for some time, probably until the arrival of the division now ..being made ready at Libau.. " - , Looks Dark for Canal. ; Washington, Jan. 19. Nothing de veloped in the river and harbor com mittee today to indicate that there had been a change of sentiment with regard to the Celilo canal . Chairman Burton . so far as known, adheres to the position has not been II i . A "i WAGON TONGUE. - I - : : - V" n, it is said, consists of a repetition the matters of complaint set forth in circular note to the powers, but in s case they are supported by argu- ntative statements. Minnesota's Great Exhibit. iinnaoTwtiifl ia i . . . I " - ed that the Minnesota educational Producing VeryJ-ittle Coal. Dortmund, Jan. 23. About 80 per cent of the coal operatives are stnkine. and the mines are producing very little coal. The Dortmuder iron works are partly shut down. Excellent order prevails good condition and -easily repaired. In addition to theset "the prizes cap tured by the Japanese -include eight locomotives and 3,000 - railroad cars. moved by further pleas of Representa tives Williamson and Jones. It con tinues to look very dark for the canal project at the present session of con-gress.-- -'' -w - --w-. Put in Line of Succession. Washington, Jan. 20. The house committee on election of -nrAsidont. in mi . . . , . i I . i "" . XVWX Uttl b ui tne I he large mines of the Gel- conference today favorably reported the town, which was densely populated . Hundreds Buried Alive. . London, Jan. 19. A dispatch from St. Petersburg from a news agency re ports that an earthquake at Shemakha, 76 miles northwest of BakUj buried hundreds of persons' in the ruins of buildings in the lower part of . the .... . i o v uw wuivivuiD umav lavuiuuiv ikihiilmi c . Tnt. 7 k. T mTk f i oel,K1":,1n company, located at Marten, bill adding the secretary of agriculture despite the decision, after the earth si' jxrais iair, oe sent to tne iwia near Dortmund, have only 15 per cent and the secrntjirv nf Clark exposition at Portland.- .- Inf thoir num A1.vtn. , , ; : ,: "1? . " umm, iw more . - .xx, iiuv ui presidential succession. houses should be built there. and about tio Inches square at the small end and three and one-half Inches square at the large end. The circle should be made of two-Inch wagon felloes. Bolt the shaft couplings to the circle, the double-tree resting on the tongue where the circle is bolted to the tongue. This wagon pole is quick ly attached and is very light, hence not a burden on the horses, and the ex pense" of making it is small. Indian apolis News. : -'- ' .- - Witch Grass. This is a terrible weed to eradicate either from the field or the garden. It spreads . by means of underground stems called root stocks, says Ameri can Cultivator. These ran along below the reach of the mowing machine or of grazing animals and often too deep to be disturbed by surface cultivation. Tjiey produce buds at their numerous scaly nodes, and these buds develop In new plants in exactly the same man ner as branches 'are produced above ground. The root stocks of couch grass will sometimes grow to a' length of ten to fifteen feet 'in one season, fur bishing this weed-with a means of rapid distribution and propagation, a character making it most pernicious in cultivated land. The only way entlre- . i "' r . jUD BABROW. ners, b, of brac?"M wooden j? on felloes. Frame tll "BgetKer and attach to ftront runSler by" the bed pieces, c, which are 2 Inches wide, 1 Inch thick, 3 feet long. Put in the rocking pin, e, as long as the width of the bed. Attach it to the bed pieces, c, by a piece of hard wood, d. This should fit tightly through the upright part of the runner, a. Farm and Home. . . . Poultry Pickings. All the non-sitting breeds lay white eggs. The roosts should be low, especially for heavy fowls. Unusually large eggs denote that the hens are too fat. Give one feed of good, sound grain dally. Whole wheat is good. The greatest layers make poor "Bit ters and indifferent table fowls. s Never inbreed; change cocks every year and always use pure-bred birds. Old geese are best for hatching and young geese gILf9jr .the best price. For young clilctenslt isa g"55cl plan to mix the soft food with milk, not making it sloppy. While the guinea Is a noisy creature, its noise frightens away many enemies of the poultry yard. In putting salt in the food, the quan tity should not exceed the amount used in food for the table. The farm offers the advantage of a wide range and fowls thus favored, have more beautiful plumage. If any chickens arc to be hatched late they should be of varieties that feather quickly and. mature early. To secure uniform chicks and have the majority females, the fowls them selves should possess uniformity as re gards color, plumage and age, as well as size and marking. Agricultural Atoms. Animal manures are most economic ally used when applied to the soil as fast as collected. Tflkimr care of the tnnli nnrl imni. ments is one of the best methods of CWUUUIlAlUg VU Ul La L UI, The feed is an important factor in stock raising. The breed adapted to the. object sought wilr.glve better re sults and at a lower cost proportionate-ly.- ':" :: --ur TTsiiallv when manv want to soil f a good time to buy, and when many want to buy is a good time to sell, for many sellers make low prices, follow- j-wl In il uu exMoxn I117 email .flllllln n n .1 good prices, and many buyers make - good prices, followed In due season by large supply and low prices.