Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 24, 1905, Image 2

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    (HE ti: MlllS GftZEiTt
many becoming .tramps, crimi
nals and vandals."1 A busy brain
promotes peace, happiness, pros
perity and usefulness.
A merchant fleet is a nation-
It has b
Jdj Individ')
publicly, tha
ion county -i
duction of
School Sup
County Jutl.
-the offices .
.and County
al necessity, in order to furnish
eolri inndvi-snV-lv the reserve transports and sup-
.Is, and
republicans of Ben
; 'e opposing the re
salaries" of County
rintendent and of
otherwise , blLlva uecueu 111 tIlc wai w
supplement tne navy, ana secona
to furnish the reserve seamen re
quired to put the country on a
war footing at sea, in a similar
3 and consolidating 1 that the natlonal fi?raot
tne states can put tne country on
a war footing on shore. The
transportation of our ocean mails
County Recorder
Clerk, proposed by
J. H. Warner, f Gotta g? Grove,
arrived S'urdAv frrm. Albany,
wber be attended the poultry show.
Mr. Warner io.quit-i n extensive
poultry fancier.aim raises tb Hani
burg breed cf chickens. He ia l.ok
ing for some new sNK-k for hie flock
but as nothing found to his
liking in Albany, be came over ar.d
in vested in eoiue Corvallis prize
ik 6 IT Sit
ioT7afrT Av.-w ' This is fltTllS-ifc
iake, or at least does not tell thejj3 a Public service which should
whole storv, as we understand be "trusted, as far as practical,
the matter: It is claimed that to American steamers.
ithe reduction and consolidation
is proposed in behalf of economy . During eight years of Republi
and reduction of the expense of can control of Congress and the
ihe county. To economize for executive departments American
the county is a laudable under- shipping and ship building have
taking. Much discussion among ' developed rapidly under legisla-
cur citizens has been indulged tion beneficial to the interests of
aince the subject became known ship builders, the owners of
o them, which turned upon the ships, and seamen and to the
question, of how is the best 'general welfare of the country;
method to economize for the coun- jyet, American ships still carry a
tj and reduce expenses in an j diminishing proportion of our ex-
quitable way to the greatest ex- ports and imports,
tent. The discussion ran along
An offer to make you come
stairs, and see us.
New Mainspring (none better),
$i oo.
Cleaning (ordinary watch),
Sr.oo. Cannot be done better at
any price.
MATTHEWS, The Jeweler.
Room 12, over First National
up Prlpl
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St.
at one time had her beauty spoiled with
skin trouble. Shb writes : ' I had Salt I
Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing I
would cure it until I used Bncklen'e Ar
nica Salve." A quick and sure healer for
cuts, burns and sores. . At 25c at Allen &
Woodwards drug store.
The Gazette has made a
special arrangement with
the publishers of a .number
oi the leading magazines
and newspapers of the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
Corvallis Chickens at Albany.
theiine that the proposed change
..BovULy did a partial job; that if the
salaries of the county officers j The Albany poultry show open--were
high that they were all'ed last Thursday, witlr a large
Jbigh in about the same propor
tion; hence it was suggested that
&$ the proposed change cut off
the salaries of school superin--teadent
and county judge about
20 per cent; that the cut be ex
tern! ed to apply the" same ratio of
Teduction on all salaries of coun
ty officers, leaving the county
recorder's office still in existence;
-while the cut on the school sup
erintendent and county judge
-wsrnld only save the county six
"tiundred dollars, if the cut is ex
pended to all the county officers
the reduction and saving to the
ounty thereby will amount to
one thousand seven hundred and
jforty dollar per year, and upon'
iurther .discuss n as it seemed
like all county officers were paid
in about the same proportion as
to the value of service rendered,
this plan was thought best and
communicated to Messrs. Avery
and Carter at Salem. We under
stand that republicans and many
democrats are in favor of the re
, duction named on all county of
ifkes, serving all the same, and
3iot opposing the measure as has
jbeen reported.
number or coryalns prize win
ning chickens entered. '
Corvallis poultrymen are mak
ing a high reputation throughout
the Northwest, with their blood
ed fowls, which carry off prizes
wherever they are entered.
The following are the entries
that took awards at Albany;
White Wyandoktes: Dr. Bowen
Lester-ist cock, ist and 4th
hens, 3rd and 5th cockrel, ' 3rd
and 4th pullet.
' Silver Pencilled Wyandottes: J
M. Porter ist pullet, ist cock
rel, 2d puliei.
Silver Laced Wvandottes. Mrs,
J. H. Linderman ist cockrel,
1 ist Dulleu
Buff Leghorns: Sirnoson &
Fisher ist 2d, and 5th hens.
ist 3d and 4th cock ist, 3d and
4th cockrel. 2d, 3d and 5th -pul
let, ist pen. -
S. C. Brown Leghorns: S. E,
Beal ist cock, 3d and 4th hen,
S. S. Hainburgs; J. M. Porter
2nd and 4th hen, 2d pullet,
2d cockrel, 3d cock.
S. C. Buff Orpingtons: F. L
MUler ist 2d, 3d, 4th 'and 5th
cockrel, ist, 2d and 3d hens.
Barred Plymouth Rocks, James
Horning ist cockrel, 3d cock,
2d and 5th hen.
Notice to Creditors.
was appointed executrix of the last will and the regular price
it'Bllimeiit w j, rj. Minn, Mrut:ii,eu, auu till ptrr I
sons having claims against said estate are re- I crjecial Tjrice to
quired to present tame, with proper voucheis, '
to me at my nome or to w. i,. Yates at his Unmmnn Vnf a
otflce in Corvallis. within six months from this l.yiIlXIUo&iUH, UUU XO
Dated.January 10, 1905. Executrix.
Leave Corvallis, - Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 6 . w.
For rates, etc., call up Main 21.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette .
Valley Points.
Now we could charge you the .
full, price for these and re
serve the difference between .
and their
us, as - our
cpmmission, out as tne ga
zette is a home paper for
home people, it will be, sat
isfied by receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, if you
are now a subscriber, ' then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special rate may' not last
long, so take advantage of It
NOW while the chance is
Our Great Sale.
The at'endaripe for the first two weeks of onr "Great Sale" demon
ftratea beyond any question the m surpassed interest. tht has been
awakened by this great sule, and we can assure onr customers that we
shall do our part to furnish gratifying hargai ns "b all who visit our store
to take advantage of this sale during the balance of the month.
Every Article in Stock Reduced;
except W. L. Douglas Shoes. .
Here are a few hints of the vabt number of bargains in this sale:
Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at Clearance Prices.
Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Hats at Clearance Prices.
All Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets at Clearance Prices.
Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets and Furs Half Price.
Laces, Embroideries and Ribbons at Clearance Prices.
Shirt Waif-ts and Separate Skirts at Clearance Prices.
Mnalin Underwear and Corsets at Clearance Prices. -
Lace Curtains, Rugs and Portieres at Clearance Prices..
Table Linens, Towels and Sheetings at Clearance Prices.
Men's, Boys' and Women's Shoes at Clearance Prices
Blankets, Comforters and Table Covers at Clearance Prices.
Eiderdown Sacques and Robes at Clearance frices. '
Sheets, Pillows and Pillow Cases at Reduced PrWs.
Fascinators and Circular Shawls at Clearance Prices.
Every Article in Stock Reduced.
- -" . i
Our new Spring Stock will arrive early in February. We must have
room to receive it. Our show windows are-our silent salesmen.
Low round trip rates have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will he sold
and limited to return on or before the I
following Monday. i
Rate to ok From Corvalt.Is, $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co'a Agents
for particulars.
A Great
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money!
"The way the twig is bent. so
the tree is inclined," was a com
znon saying our fathers and
forefathers generally remarked
when speaking of training young
children. In those days the child
was taught by parent and im
pressed on the youthful mind the
portance of being polite, to
equals and elders, attentive and
considerate to 6th ers, industri
ous in and out of school, and last
ifeut not least the importance of
ijeing gentlemen and ladies at all
times. At the present time and
:f or years past the important les
ion expressed in regard to the
twig and tree is never heard,
while many children hello ; and
suse unseenly, impolite and rude
language to elders and superiors
on the streets, many of them
pursue destructive habits to
wards the property and belong
ings of others, so much so that
vandalism- is common every
where. Few parents ever think
that the habits which they per
aait their children to indulge, in
roaming the streets, instead; of
finding employment for them at
home or elsewhere, ' often leads
Jfcbev young to vandalism and of t
itimes to malicious mischief. The
"State for years has supplied most
-excellent facilities in the way of
schools, but the more important
'thing is to adopt some system by
whictf the young shall be profit;
ably and innocently engaged dur
ing the time they are . not in
shocil, adopting a I system 'by
which the youth will grow up to
Road Supervisors for 1905.
Following are the road super
visors appointed by the county
court Saturday, for the year 1905.
District No 1 A R LOcke
District No 2 H M Flemming
District No 3 Paul Schmidt
District No 4 H L, Hall
District No 5 P F Altermatt
District No 6 E M Dodle
District No 7 John Price
District No 8 W M Clark
District No 9 A Cadwalader
. District No 10 W P McGee
DistrictNo 11 JR. Fehler
District No 12 A Buchanan
District No 13 J E Banton
District No 14 E N Starr
District No 15 D B Farley
District No 16 J M Herron ,
District No 17 John Gray
District No 18 S-RStrow
District No 19 Henry Hector
!" District No 20 B W Harris
District No 21 J O Wilson
. District No 22 M V Leeper
District No 23 A M Gray
A Correction.
In the issue of the Corvallis
Times of. Janaary-18, i in regard
to the Spaulding land case, it
was said; that , "the Mast; resource
of' the Spautdings for holding
the title to section 24., townshio
J3," was gone.!'. Wey'desire 'to
correct: this, ,5tateme:u,t by . saying
that the case is now before the
secretary of the interior and we
have 60 days to carry' it up.'
L. E. Spaulding. ,
),'.. C. W. Spaulding.,' --.
. J . Cl A. Spaulding.3
- E. - A. Spaulding. "
'.When Tour eyes tire in reading, when
vou frown or partly close the eves when
looking at an object; when things
'swim" or become dim ... after being I
looked at for some time ; when the eyes
ache, smart, or water ; or when you have
pain in the eyeball, orbit,", temples or
forehead. ; 1 .
All the teonditlons are cnratila tiv roll
er classes, snch as we "will furnish you
aiter a ocieniiiic examination
MATTHEWS, The Optician,
Rc om 12, over First National Bank I
Woman's Home Companion
Frank Leslie's Monthly
Modern Prlscilla and
, Corvallis Gazette '
All five
one year
Do not send out printed mat
ter to yr' . customers that is
a disj i.-fif ) 3 1 1 business
adisufeSa o your town and
a disgr to the printer who
puts it out.
I mpo7t?d Btack Percheron wil
be in Corvallisi for service, after
January 1. For furl her informa
tion address, 'T. K Fawcett,
. sBellfountain, Or.
. . and '.
Heating !
Cornice, Hoofing, Guttering,
and all kinds of Sheet Metal
F. A. Heticye
J. Mi Cameron reauefita -all those
lddebted 'td him ' to1 Calf af the
harness shon of Mr. . Wineear. who
occupation instead of sol has his accounts and settle at once.
In connection with J. H.
Practical Horse Shoer
; . . and Blacksmith . .
Makes a specialty of draft horses and
track shoeing. Two years with reg-
ular army in Philippines as Gov
ernment Shoer. - ,'
Interfering corrected and work guar
- Oneg.
The Original.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey
and Tar as a throat and long remedy,
and oh account of the great merit of
Foley's. Honey, and .Tar- many, imitations
are offered for the 1 genuine. , Aok for
Foley's Honey j and Tar and refuse any
substitute offered as no other prepara
tion will give the same satisfaction. It
ia mildly laxative!'" ; It contains no opiates
ana is satest lor cbUdren. and delicate
persons. Graham & Wortham have it
for sale. '. '. -
Interest the
Weekly Oregonlan
San Francisco Examiner
Corvallis Gazette
Good Work costs
you no more than
the bad.
AH three
one year
Cosmopolitan Magazine
. or Leslies,
Housekeeper r
or McCall's. '
Corvallis Gazette
Any three
V; vv one year
m Address
Gazette Pub. Co
Corvallis, Orcm
Good printing is correct in
spelling correct in gram
marcorrect in punctuation
on good stock printed
with good ink and some
thing that it is a pleasure to
look at.
That is the kind
the Gazette turns
Prices for good printing are
based on the cost of good
material, and the labor and
taste employed in doing the
work. To this every printer
adds a percentage for profit.
The cheap printer charges
the same profit as the good
printer the difference in
cost to you comes out of the ,
value of the material used
in fact you pay for all you
Skill, taste and ex
perience are ne
cessary factors in
producing GOOD
Examine your'l I work, and
: don't pay ; for it until you
m know it ' is all right. It is
lyourown faultllif you pay
"good money forgotten eggs.