Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 20, 1905, Image 7

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    Get Rid
of Scrofula
Bunches, eruptions, inflammations, sore
ness of the eyelids and ears, diseases of the
bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting,
are only some of the troubles it causes.
It is a very active evil, making havoc ot
the whole system.
Eradicates it, cures all its manifestations,
and builds up the whole system.
Accept no substitute.
Those of Greenland's East Coast Again
in Tsncn with Civilization.
The Eskimos of the east coast of
Greenland hare been reunited to the
m orld, after having forgotten, perhaps
for many years, the little they ever
know of it, says th9 Philadelphia Pub
lic Ledger. The Danish supply steam
ship Godthaab has returned to Copen
hagen from a visit to Angmagsalik, a
station established by the government
for the purpose of improving the con
dition of the Greenland natives and
developing a trade with them. It Is an
Interesting enterprise, because Den
mark's dealings with aboriginals are
humanizing and philanthropic, and the
material it had to deal with here was
In its natural condition.
As far as is known, the natives of
Greenland's east ceast had never come
Into contact with the white race until
twenty years ago, when they were dis
covered by Capt Holm, a Danish ex
plorer. It was six years later before
anything store than fragmentary infor
mation about them was given out, and
then Denmark published a sumptuous
work in three volumes devoted to the
people and their habitat Probably no
other book so exhaustive and costly
has orer been printed about a handful
of primitive people. They numbered
only MS when they were discovered.
The supply steamship reports at
Copenhagen that the East Greenland
station Is In thriving condition. It has
simply transformed the life of the na
tives. They have knives, timber, metal
points for their harpoons and a hun
dred comforts and conveniences they
never knew before. The Danish gov
ernment buys their oils, furs, skins
and feathers. The station takes every
thing they have to sell In exchange for
the commodities they require.
A way has been found around the
glaciers jutting out into the sea which
se long barred attempts to travel
around the south end of Greenland. A
few parties have made sledge jour
neys to the Eskimo settlements of the
west coast, and seme of them have set
tled there. They have never beard of
spirituous liquors.
They are pure-blood Eskimos,' the
only unmixed natives in Greenland, ex
cepting In the Smith sound region; but
their features are thinner and longer
than those of other Eskimos, and they
a HttlA Ta11i than thn At tho
west coast They have the dimmest
tradition that their fathers came from
the north, and considerable evidence
has accumulated pointing to the prob
ability that they are the descendants
of natives who reached northwest
Greenland from the archipelago north
of our continent and then 6klrted the
, north and east coasts of Greenland to
their present abode.
Two Ways.
Magistrate You are charged, sir, with
trying 10 commit suicide.
Prisoner I was driven to it, your
li n n nr i! t-iti tn it t.v a wam.
Magistrate H'm! Did she refuse
you, or marry you?
To curb his wife's extravagant habits,
a carpenter in Budapest keeps her locked
In the bouse on week days, but kindly
lets her out on Sundays, when the stores
are closed.
In July, 1883, I began to break out with
Eczema on my head, legs and arms, and
began treatment with local doctors, but
did not get much relief. They said the dis
ease hadbecome chronic. I then quit them
and tried various ointments and soaps for
anoiner two Tears, cat as soon as cold
weather came I was as bad off as ever, so I
finally decided to let medicine alone, and
for twelve or thirteen years did nothing
towards curing the Eczema, except batli
. fng. Thi3 seemed to do about as much
good as anything I had tried.
During the time I lost about one-half of
my hair. I began S. S. S. doubtful of a
cure, because the disease had run so long,
but soon discovered your medicine was
doing me good, and continued to take it
I used seven bottles, when I was com
pletely cured, not having a single spot on
my body, which before was almost com
pletely covered. F. C. Norfolk.
1017 Hackberrr St, Ottumwa, la.
The head, feet and hands are usually
the parts affected, though the disease ap
pears on other parts of the body. While ex
ternal applications allay the itching and
burning temporarily, it is the acids thrown
off by the blood that cause the irritation
and eruptions upon the skin. The acids
must be neutralized and the system cleans
ed of all humors and poisons before the
cure is permanent.
c. S. fc. 13 guaran
teed entirely - free
. of Potash, Arsenic
and other miner
als. Book on the
skin and its dis
eases sent free.
Medical advice
furnished free.
Ha Swift Specific. CoBiaoy, Atlanta, 6a.
IV l
I I Beat Conch Syrup. Tiimaiot UH f
C 1 to time. Sold by dragytrte.
Lights the Fire on Time.
There are not many inventions of
foreigners patented, at the United
States Patent Office, but occasionally
a good one, generally out of the or
dinary, is sent there and a patent ap
plied for. In the illustration below
will be found an appartus, the inven
tion of an Australian, which contains
several good features. It Is called a
time fire lighter, and the mechanism
is so constructed that by placing it
under a fire the latter can be auto-
mattcally lighted at a predetermined
time. Its uses are varied, net only for
domestic, but for manufacturing pur
poses as well. The clock Is set similar
to setting an alarm clock, with an at
tachment for regulating and project
ing a trigger at the time determined.
A match is Inserted In a slot designed
for that purpose, and when the right
moment has arrived the trigger is re
leased, which projects a bolt in eon
tact with the match. The surface of
the bolt Is rough, so that the friction
which is caused by coming In contact
with the head of the match ignites the
Emil M. G. Coiman, of Melbourne,'
Victoria, Australia, is the patentee.
Delivery Chute.
Many of the numerous Inventions
patented contain novelties more theo
retical than practical, and for this rea
son never get on the market The
ideas are generally good, but when it
comes to putting them in use it Is
often impossible to do so. A delivery
chute, which is exceedingly novel, in
Its features. Is shown in the illustra
tion, and it is a device that could read
ily be used fox a groat many purposes.
It is a common sight to see several
men- delivering barrels and storing
them in the cellar of a building, the
usual method being to allow the barrel
to gradually slip down a pair of ropes.
Of course, the barrel could not be al
lowed to roll down the steps or chute,
for the " velocity attained would be
sure to cause damage or possible in
jury to anybody that happened to be
in the way This seems to be a cum
bersome method in comparison to the
one . shown here. This inclined chute
is . constructed similar to ordinary
chutes, with side extensions to guide
the course of the barrel or package.
Vivid Word Picture of a Clear Night
in the Focono Mountains
Wonderfully clear and distinct the
myriad s tiers appeared. South of the
zenith a planet blazed.' Like a broad
band overhead stretched the milky
way with familiar constellations on
each side. Almost in the center was
Casseopia's chair. Near by gleamed
Andromeda and the stars of Perseus.
Just above the northern horizon lay
the big dipper, and In the east Alde
baran was rising, with the stars in
the belt of Orion twinkling near. A
faint streak which lasted but an In
stant showed where a meteor's career
had been burned to dust There was
no moon to dim the light of the lesser
stars, and everywhere around the
brighter ones they, crowded, leaving
no spot of this rare autumn sky with
out its sparkling points of light
Out of a dusty corner of memory
came a thought which youthful fancy
had conceived; that the stars were tiny
holes in heaven, used by the angels to
peep through to see if people were
good or bad, and the light of the stars
was the glory of the . (Treat white
throne shining through the peepholes.
- To senses steeped in the quiet of
this brooding scene came like a shock
the realization that in the north, close
to the summit of a dimly outlined
mountain spur, a faint phosphorescent
light was glowing in the sky. A long
pale finger , crept silently , upward to
ward, the senitn. men anotner ana
another, until. Its weird beauty thrill
ing the heart, there flamed . in the
northern heavens the. mysterious lum
inous arch of the magnetic pole, the
first aurora borealls of the autumn and
On one side the extension is divided
into suitable sections, each section
controlled by a brake operated by
means of a lever placed opposite the
entrance of the chute. By operating
the lever the lower end of the exten
sion is pulled across the surface of the
chute toward the opposite side. When
the barrel has been started on Its jour
ney down the chute it naturally gains
momentum, but by application of the
brake of the first section its speed is
diminished, or it can be stopped en
tirely. As it passes through eacn sec
tion the necessary brake Is applied, so
that it can be brought gradually to a
standstill at the bottom.
Charles W. Weld, of Southbridge,
Mass., is the patentee.
ADDaratus for Firemen.
Few persons, except the small boy
who is going to' be one when he gets
old enough, realize the, many dangers
firemen face every day of their lives,
but statistics prove that only a very
small number die a natural death a
falling wall or other part of a bum
mg building generally carrying death
to some brave fire fighter after he has
spent the greater part of his life on
duty. Just think, how often a fire
man Is called upon to enter a build
ing full of dense smoke, to rescue
some person who has already been
overcome, and the wonder Is that he
is not supplied with some protection
for his own life. There does not seem
to- be any reason why he should not
for Instance, wear an apparatus like
the one shown In the illustration. He
could then with absolute safety to
himself enter any burning building,
with an added chance, of saving any
lives that might be endangered. The
upper portion is made In the form of
a hoed or mask of air-tight and fire
proof fabric, to be placed over the
head of the wearer, with glass clos
ures for openings for the eyes. There
is also a dtp opposite the month, which
closes against air from without but
opens fer the discharge of exhaled air
which has been breathed. Reservoirs
which contain compressed air or oxy.
sen for sustaining life are attached
to. the back of the wearer by straps,
and connected by a tube to the back of
the hood, with valves for regulating
the supply. The compressed air can
thus be readily supplied from the res
ervoirs to the interior of the hood, to
be breathed by the wearer. After en-
tering a building filled with smoke
fireman using this apparatus could re
main for some time, while his hands
and arms would be free.
Charles E. Chapin, of Berkeley, Cal.,
is the patentee.
The fingers of fleeting light contin
ually changed their position and form,
but so mysteriously that the eye could
not follow. They broadened and deep
ened, narrowed and glowed, faded un
til almost invisible, appeared again,
died down into the evanescent cloud
at the horizon, stretched upward once
more, one ray going almost to the pole
star, another piercing the cup of the
dipper hovering, shimmering, all
keeping close to, that source of mag
netic power, the point to which swings
the quivering needle of the compass.
Book News.
y Straggling with the Language.
A story Is told of a German teacher
at an American girls' college who was
not thoroughly acquainted with the
English language and the college slang
had not helped her In solving the puz
zle. She had heard the girls talk about
going off on larks. Returning one day
from a picnic she said to some of the
girls, "Oh, I have been on such a ca
nary." She startled her class one day
by complaining against some of the
cold days of September, saying: "Why,
it was so cold one day I had to stay In
my room all the morning and sit with
my feet over the transom trying to
keep warm."
' Bad to Have It.
"Tou "married me for my money!"
she exclaimed angrily. , .
"Oh, well," he replied soothingly,
"don't blame me. I couldn't get It
any other way, yon know."
An equal suffragist on a farm is as
rare as a churn in town. , There seems
to be something, about' the easier life
in town that makes women discontented,
Pa, what's capital punishment?"
It's the six months' sentence a man
gets for stealing a million dollars."
Chicago Record-Herald.
She My,' but Mr. Flaxyman is
stingy. He I should say so. 'Why,
be wouldn't laugh at a joke unless it
was at somebody else's expense. Ex.
Clara Did you lose your presence
of mind when he attempted to kiss
you? Maud Yes, for a moment Why,
nearly told him to stop. New-Tork-
Chauffeur Is there an ordinance
limiting the speed of antos in this
town? Native No, they can't get
through too quickly to suit us. Brook
lyn Life.
Foreigner1 What is the significance
of the eagle that Is stamped on Ameri
can money? United States Citizen It
is the emblem of its swift fight De
troit Free Press.
My sakes! How well your hus
band is trained. How did you ever do
it?" "I didn't He was a widower
when I got him. It saves a lot of
trouble. "-Chicago Record-Herald.
Margie If you don't quit teasing
me I'll tell mamma and she'll tell papa,
then papa will whip you. Harry
Then I'll cry and grandma will give
me some candy, and I won't give you
any. Ex.
"Did you notice how I moved the
audience last night?" asked the ama
teur elocutionist. "Moved isn't the
proper name for it." rejoined his critl
cal friend. "It was little short of 8
Little Willie Say, pa, is the pen
mightier than the sword? Pa So
some people claim, my son. Little
Willie Then why don't the Russians
arm themselves with fountain pens?
Minneapolis Times.
I'm sure I saw a cat over in that
corner," said Tommy, sitting up in
bed. "No, dear; go to sleep," said his
mother; "it was just imagination.'
Has a. imagination got shiny eyea?"
Philadelphia Ledger.
Mr. Skinflint The paper says skirts
are to be worn longer than ever. Mrs,
Skinflint Well, you needn't be Agger-
in on me wearin' mine any longer.
I've worn It five years this comln
fall!" Harper's Bazar. '
Passenger This .train is nearly one
hour bebl-d time, is it not? Guard
Yes; but uiaf a all right We'll get In
the usual time. Passenger What time
Is that? Guard Two hours late.
Glasgow Evening Times.
I thought Smeargie was a friend
of yours?" "He was until lately.
had to drop him. He was always
wanting to borrow money. "Refused
him sharply, did you?" "No, I lent
him some." Chicago Tribune.
. "She's a lovely girl, and so simple
in her tastes. I told her that I hadn'
much of an Income yet but that
hoped I could provide for her every
want" "And what did she say?"
"She said that would be all she could
ask." London Tit-Bits.
Caller Kitty, is that your parrot?
Little Girl No, indeed, ma'am. The
folks next door left him with us when
they went away on their vacation.
'Fore he begins to talk I want to tell
you that he doesn't belong to our
church.- Chicago Tribune.
Wife John, don't you think that
our house is altogether too small for
our present needs? Husband Yes;
I've been thinking seriously of putting
an addition to it. Wife Something in
the shape of a wing? Husband No;
something in the shape of a mortgage.
I shot a rabbit the other day. Some
kind of a warden came out of the
bushes and objected." "That was a
game warden." "No, It wasn't" "Why
not?" "Because there was nothing
game about him. He ran when I point
ed my gun at him." Baltimore Her
ald. "Yes," remarked the party who
sometimes lets an audible thought es
cape, "it's a sure sign- a man is get
ting old. "What's a sure sign?"
queried the youth with the rubber hab
it. "When he goes around telling peo
ple that he feels just as young as he
ever did," explained the noisy thinker.
"You know how father insists upon
talking all the time whenever Skates
comes to call on me " "Yes." 'Well,
we fixed him up last night We got
him to read the Russian and Japa
nese names in the war dispatches, and
his jaw was soon so sore that he could
not talk above a whisper." London
Jennie That spiteful Mrs. Chatter-J
ton, said your husband was old and
ugly and that you only married him
for his money. Nettie And what did
you say, dear? Jennie I said I was
sure you didn't do anything -ef the
sort Nettle Did you ever meet my
husband? Jennie No'; I never had
that pleasure. Nettie I thought 'so.
Some Very Long Names
A directory Issued In Honolulu con
tains what is believed to be the long
est name appearing in any such publi
cation. It is that of Miss Annie K.
Ceohoanaakalainhu eakaweloaikanaka,
which means substantially "Jack and
the Bean Stalk." . Pauline Nabuchodo
Dosowlazowna, a resident of Milwau
kee, Is probably champion ot America,
though Salvatore Schlianoditonnariello
of Providence, B, I, and Bernard O.
Ahrenhoersterbaumer of St Louis may
be regarded as entitled to honorable
mention. 7
. Dent apologize to a worthless loafer
because you favor the Peace and De
A Happy Horse.
Said the man whose equine acquaint
ances outnumber the humans he knows
Intimately, and who seems glad of it:
"There Is a wise old horse belong
ing to a grocer in Wentworth avenue,
and he might appropriately be called
the children's friend. The store is
close to a schoolhouse, and this horse 1
friend of mine spends much of his
time standing in front of the store
when his wagon is not in commis
sion. . J
'He has a habit of standing with
his forefeet en the sidewalk gazing
into the store. At such times the chil
dren fairly swarm on him. They jump
into the wagon and hold the reins;
they climb on top of and walk under-'
neath the kindly animal, and he looks
benlgnantly down upon them, and is
often rewarded for his good nature
with bits of sugar and candy and oth
er things that horses like.
"There are few happier faces In
town, if you know how to read horse
faces, than this of my four-legged
friend. May he" jive long and always
be as happy." Chicago Inter Ocean.
For forty year's Plso's Cure for Con
Sumption has cured coughs and colds.
druggists, .race 20 cents.
The Hillcreesz Phllospher.
The man who can dress in the latest
style and still be a genius surely is
a genius, or. else he gets money from
Reformers seldom succeed, because
they are too pure-minded to be politi
cians and too narrow-minded to be
If I thought an elastic currency
would help me ' stretch my credit I
sbeul certainly pull for it
Politicians usually vote as they prey.
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drug
gists refund the money if it tails to cure. . W
Grove's signature, is on each box. 25c.
Feminine Diplomacy.
Husband Why is it, my dear, that I
never hear you ask any one if your hat
is on straight as I so often hear other
women d?
Wife Well, if you must know, it is
because I leve you so much.
Husband But I fail to see what your
love for me has to do with it
Wife Why, just think how it wonid
disgrace and humiliate yeu if I were to
call any one's attention to the only hat
I have had in three years.
N. B. And it came to pass that on
the fallowing Sunday she appeared in
the very latest creation of the milliner's
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Her Only Wish.
"Ton told me that when we were mar
ried you would see that my every wish
was gratified," remarked the bride of a
few weeks.
"Well?" replied her husband, rather
"Well, I wish I was single again."
Philadelphia Press. '
Soft wood is now- artificially hardened
and toughened by a process of vulcaniz
ing. .
rijn Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness
rl 10 afterfirstday'suseofDr.Kline'sUreatiierve
Restorer. Send for Free t2 trial bottle and treatise.
Sr. K. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Fa.
i -JPinal
Leap-Year Effort.
Have you a sister?" asked Miss Will- !
ing of her brother's college chum. i
"Alas! no," he replied. "But I have
often longed for the soothing influence
of a sister's love."
' "How sad," she sighed. "But fortu
nately you may be able to secure a sat
isfactory substitute."- ' .
"And what is that?" queried the young
"Why, the love of some other fel
low's sister," answered the artful maid..
One of Her Habits.
Sentimental He Hy dear, you actu
ally look sweet enough to eat
Practical She Of course; and that's
just what I do three or four times daily.
"Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothine
Syrup the best remedy to use for their children
during the teething period. .
How It Happened.
Geraldine Did you hear about Miss
Elderleigh's elopement?
Esmeralda Elopement!
Geraldine Yes. Her horse ran away
with her yesterday.
Itching Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINT
MENT fails -to cure you in 6 to 14 days. 5Uc
Heroism in Animals. -Animals
are capable of what we
should call heroism in man. In one
field was a donkey, in another a horse.
Through the first went a mastiff and
made for the ass, seized him by the
throat pulled him down, and that so
suddenly that the donkey looked like
ly to be killed. The horse in the next
field leaped the hedge dividing the-two
pastures, collared the dog with his
teeth, swung him on the fall ball
teeth, swung him and like a baseball
player caught him on tne fall with
his heels. The mastiff was whisked
over the hedjge which the horse had
just crossed, and the donkey was left
In peace to recover from his Wounds.
& High Grade
sis Machinery
Write for Catalogue and Prices
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats, hack
ing coughs, pain in the lungs.
It relieves congestion, sub-
dues inflammation. It heals,
strengthens. Your doctor wilf
explain this to you. He knows
all about this cough medicine.
"We hTO used Ayer Cherry Pectoral in
ear family tut 25 yean tor throat and lung
troubles, and we think no medicine equals it.
Mas. A. Pomkbot, Appleton. Minn.
Twell. Mass.
Weak Throats
Ayer's Pills greatly aid recovery.
Purely vegetable, gently laxative.
What's ibe Matter.
In a certain town In the North ol
Ireland there is a fishing-tackle shop,
the sign whereof is a brazen trout
hanging at the end of a fishing-rod of .'
massive proportions. Late one night
townsman who had been dining "not
wisely but too well" happened to see
this fish. He looked at it then went
cautiously to the door and knocked
"Who's there?" demanded the shop,
keeper from an upper window.
"Sh-h! Don't make a noise, but
come down as quickly as you can,'
was the reply.
Thinking something serious was the
matter the man arose and stole down
"Now. what's the matter?" he in
"Pull your line in quick; you hav
got a bite," roared the tipsy one as he
erratically turned a corner.
Dakar, a French port in Senegal, West
Africa, is' being connected with France
by a direct cable. The connecting point
on the French side will be Brest
During twelve hours an average of 60,
750 foot passengers passed over Black
friars Bridge, 95,330 over London Bridge
and 24,920 over South'wark Bridge.
Forest reserve script for seenring title
in any quantity to farming, grazing,
desert or timber land without residence
or Improvement for sale at lowest mark
et prices. H. M. HAMILTON,
Tha Portland, Portland, Ore.
If you want to get the Tf(5.
biggest returns for ffjUSlit
. your labor and fiAhfwlb
your ground. itfJPf'fS
you can't afford
plant anything bat
the standard after 49 years' '
test. - They always produce
the largest and surest
CTOD8. All dealers mil
mfr'asj them. Our 1903 fTm
j" Seed Annual g0 wssaV"
f J free on request, f J
JO. M. FERRY & 06"..
"Ail Signs Fail in a Dry Time'?-.
In ordering Tower's Slickers,
a customer writes: "I know
they will be all right if they
have the 'Fish' on them."
This confidence is the out
growth of sixty-nine years of
careful manufacturing.
A. J. TOWER CO. The sign ortmrwi
Boston, U. S. A. ffCNvERS
Tower Canadian Co. ;i
Toronto, Canada JSH B8P
llakert of Warranted Wet Weather Clothing
For the Study of
is important. We
can shpw results,
. for every . one of
our graduates are
Write fofour Catalogue
No. 31905
WHEN writing to advertisers please I
mention this paper. I
The A. H. Averill Machinerv Co. PM'
cency PoQejr. . .. '