Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 20, 1905, Image 3

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Livestock Association Has Civil
War and Cattlemen Secede.
Admission or Packers and Railroad
the Issue Sheepgrowers Stay
With Old Association.
Denver, Jaff. " 16. The National
Livestock association -was rent in twain
today by the adoption of a new constir
tution which admitted the packers to
membership and provided an open
'door through which the railroads of the
-country might at any time become fact
ors in the control of the organization.
The cattlemen, horse and swine grow
ers, together with representatives of
some of the affiliated industries, re
fused to agree to the new constitution,
withdrew when they considered its
Adoption probable, and this afternoon
formed a new organization under the
name of the American Stockgrowers'
association, whose aim it will be "to
wield a dominating influence in the in
terest of the cattlegrower.
Roughly speaking, the sheepgrowers,
commission men and stockyards inter
ests remained with the Nationa Live
stock association, and the actual grow-
era of all other animals for the market
have gone with the new association.
The cattlemen have from the first
strongly .opposed the admission into
- their organization of the packers and
especially of the railroads. They main
tained that these two influences would
ultimately dominate the cattlegrowing
industry of the country to the detri
ment of the individual grower, and
they refused to remain in an organiza
tion.which included their representa
tives among the members of its con
trolling body.
-British Government May Call Election
About End of March.
London, Jan. 16. King Edward, at
today's meeting of the Privy council,
signed a proclamation convening parli
ament for February 14. The session
will be opened by the king personally,
Trith full state ceremonies. The nnus-
ual lateness of the date of the opening-
is interpreted to mean that the govern
ment does not propose to press any re
distribution bill, but to give the aliens
"bill, which Premier Balfour had defi
nitely promised, the first place in its
legislative program.
Recent speeches of ministers confirm
the belief in an early dissolution of
Parliament, and it seems likely that
unless previonlsy defeated, possibly
through the intentional absentation of
the Chamberlainites, the government
will find pretext for volutarily dissolv
ing parliament towards the end of
March and hand over to the opposition
the seemingly thankless task of formu
lating the budget.
Rebuild Brooklyn Bridge.
- New York, Jan. 16. Fearful lest the
atrain to which the Brooklyn bridge is
being subjected will weaken it to serv
ice to the extent that a great catastrophe
might be possible, engineers of the De
partment of Bridges are reported to
have determined that the structure
must be almost completely rebuilt.
"To do this it will require at least two
years, and meanwhile- traffic between
New York and Brooklyn will have to
be diverted to the Williamsburg bridge,
the new Manhattan bridge and 'to the
Brooklyn subway tunnel now in course
of construction. ,
Locating the Wrecks.
Tokio, Jan. 16. Commander Thaka,
of the Japanese naval staff, detailed to
examine the 'Russian war vessels at
' Port Arthur, reports the condition of
the unprotected cruisers Djidjid, Raz
"boynik .and Zabiaka, hitherto unac-
-counted for. The Djidjid. is at the
mouth of a small inlet east of the tor
pedo storehouse and inside the west
harbor. Evidently she was sunk. The
Kazboynik is ' sunk near the lighthouse
at the entrance of the harbor. The
Zabiaka is about 300 yards east of the
bend in the Tigers Tail peninsula.
Combes May Retire.
Paris, Jan. 16. Consideration is be
ing given in the highest quarters to the
eventuality of the retirement of the
cabinet, as the result of the election of
M. Doumeras -president of the chamber
of deputies. It is expected that M
Millerand -or M. Rouvier will form a
cabinet in the event of the retirement
of the present ministry. M, Doumer
assumed the presidency of the chamber
this afternoon, amid disorder which
threatened to precipitate a crisis.
Lower Rates of Docking.
Washington, Jan. 16. On recom
mendation of Representative Humphrey
. the Navy department has reduced the
charge for docking commercial vessels
at Bremerton dry dock from 10 to 5
cents per ton in order to permit Puget
Sound shipyards to compete with yards
1 in British Columbia-.
Representative Hepburn Has Freight
Rate BUI Ready for Congress.
Washington, Jan, 17. President
Rtxwevelt lal conference today with
Swretary Tftft and lioprewentative Hep
burn, ot Iowa, chairman of the inter
state ami foreign commerce committee
of the houtie, regarding railroad freight
rate legislation. At the conclusion of
the conference Mr. Hepburn said he
had prepared a bill on the subject of
freight rates which embodied the re
commendations of the president so far
as they went.
Mr. Hepburn added that in a few
days a conference would be held, prob
ably at the White House, for the - con
sideration of the measure he had pre
pared. The president, Secretary Taft,
Attorney General Moody, "and others,"
said Mr. Hepburn, "who are especially
interested in the legislation will partic
ipate in the conference."
"Do you think rate legislation will
be enacted at the present session?",
"I do most certainly," replied Mr.
Hepburn. "I believe the house will
pass a measure before the end of this
month, and there is no reason why it
should not be crystallized into law be
fore the session ends."
There were some informal confer
ences among senators on the question of
railroad legislation after the senate ad
journed today. The general opinion
expressed was that there is not suffi
cient time left to accomplish anything
in that line during the presnt session
of congress.
If Russia Violates Neutrality of China
So Will She.
Washington, Jan. 17. Mr. Takahira,
the Japanese minister, had a long talk
with Mr. Loomis, acting secretary of
state today, about the Chinese neutral
ity and Russia's circular note to the
powers on the subjects So far as the
press dispatches show, there are no
alleged instances specified in the latest
Russian note of violation by China of
neutrality that have not been men
tioned m previous notes on the subjeet,
and replied to by Japan. Whether
the Japanese government will see fit
further to reply probably will not be
The official text of the note has be
come generally known. It can be stat
ed that the attitude of Japan regarding
China's neutrality remains unchanged
The Japanese government was quick to
respond to Secretary Hay's note to the
powers urging the respecting of the
neutrality and " "administrative entity
of China," and it is believed that
Japan will be opposed to the suspen
sion of ' the agreement of the belliger
ents to limit the zone of operations in
the effort to adhere to Secretary Hay s
request. In the event, however, that
Russia determines to withdraw her
adherence to this principle, it will be
necessary for Japan, as the other bel
ligerent, ;to follow suit, and she will
probably do it quickly if Russia reaches
this decision.
Russian Officer Says Booty of Port
Arthur is Worthless.
Chefoo, Jan. 17. Midshipman Klis-
orich, the Russian ; officer who com
manded a launch which reached here
from Port Arthur January 3, in com
menting today on General Nogi's re
port of January 12, giving details of
the Russian property which had been
transferred to the Japanese after the
surrender of the fortress, said that the
2,266,800 rounds of rifle ammunition
mentioned as among the booty, were
unloaded shells, relics of the Chinese
occupation of Port Arthur and not
fitted for use in Russian rifles. The
82,670 large shells mentioned by Gen
eral Nogi, the midshipman said, were
also Chinese and were of no use to the
Russian artillery. Midshipman Kliso
rich further says that the locks of the
35,252 rifles turned over to the Japan
ese were broken before the fortress
To Help Jewish Refugees.
Chicago, Jan. 17. Jewish citizens
of Chicago are taking steps to give aid
to and find homes for the hundreds of
Jews who have fled from Russia to es
cape service in the army and are now
flocking .to Chicago. The Jewish Agri
culturists Aid society has been formed,
and has undertaken on a large scale a
scheme of colonization of these refugees
on the fertile lands of the middle west
ern states. Adolph Loeb is president
of the society. Out of its loan fund
it has advanced money to Jews willing
to establish themselves as farmers.
Object to Barrett's Scheme.
Washington, Jan. 17. Panamans are
opposed to the recommendation of Mr
Rarrett, American representative to
the isthmus, that the offices of minister
and governor of the canal zone be
merged into the office of governor-min
ister. This news comes in a cablegram
from the minister of foreign affairs to
the Panaman minister at Washington
M. Obaldia, who called at the state de
partment today to inform the officials of
the fact.
Wounded Suffered Terribly.
Chefoo, 'Jan. 17. Japanese who vis
ited Port Arthur January 10 say that
the Russian wounded were in a terrible
state, owing to neglect which could not
be avoided when the Japanese entered
Port Arthur. Everything possible.
they say, is now being done for their
Chairman Barton Is Opposed to
Dalles-Celilo Canal.
Williamson Makes Vigorous Answer,
Saying Portage Road is Only
Temporary Makeshift. t
Washington, Jan. 13. It is going to
require all the influence that the com
bined delegations fer Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho can bring to bear to
secure provision in the river and harbor
bill for carrying on work on the Dalles
Celilo canal. Chairman Burton, who
has heretofore been regarded as friend
ly to this project, is now decidedly an
tagonistic, and, if his present views
prevail, no appropriation will be made
for the canal. In a letter which he
sent to Representative Williamson to
day he said:
'I am strongly disposed to think we
shall have to omit any appropriation
for the Dalles-Celilo canal. The total
cost of the plan would be $3,800,000,
and it is useless to begin with a partial
Again, there are numerous other
projects in Oregon, notably the mouth
of the Columbia, which will require
large appropriations. Would it not
be well to try for the time the portage
railway that can be completed at com
paratively small expense and would
indicate whether traffic from below the
falls would develop in sufficient amount
to make it desirable to canalize the
river for 12 miles , at and near The
Dalles?" ,-
To this letter Representative Wil
liamson tonight made reply, stating
that the people of Oregon, Washington
and Idaho are not asking for a full ap
propriation at this time to complete
the canal,- but only- enough to start
work, not over $500,000- "
Congressmen Jones and French are
co-operating with Mr. Williamson in
the effort to convince Chairman Burton
that the government should at this
time make provision for the Dalles-
Celilo cana. If the effort ultimately
fails in the house and the river and
harbor bill should pass that body a re
newed effort will be made by the north
western senators to have an amendment
attached to the bill in the senate, pro
viding for commencing work on this
canal. -
Canvas of House Shows Nine-Tenths
of Republicans so Inclined."
Washington, Jan. 13. A prominent
member of the ways and means com
mittee of the house said to the Associ
ated Press today that the poll which
the' leaders of the house had conducted
of the Republican members on the
question of tariff revision showed that
90 per cent of the members who had
been approached were against revision.
All of the leaders of the house except
Representative Payne, chairman of the
ways and means committee, who is laid
up with rheumatism, and Representa
tive Tawney, are against revision. The
work of crystallizing sentiment against
revision . is being done by Represent
atives Dalzell, of Pennsylvania, and
Grosvenor, of Ohio.
Japan's Cruisers Believed to Be Near
, Baltic Fleet Commander.
London, Jan. 13. Japanese corres
pondents of the Morning Post consider
it not incredible that Japanese men-of-
war have reached Diego Garcia (Chagos
Archipelago), and point out that, al
though Admiral Togo is at Tokio, other
admirals are not idle.
Vice Admrial Uriu, it is stated, has
been cruising in the vicinity of the
equator for some time past. The num
ber of vessels he has at his command is
kept secret, but doubtless he is ready
to do battle with the Russian 'Baltic
squadron whenever it appears east of
the 70th meridian.
Great Flood at Phoenix.
Phoenix, Aril.,- Jan. 13. Light rain
has continued to fall at intervals today,
adding to the already flooded condition
of the country. Last night an area five
miles square, northwest of Phoenix,
was under water from six inches to two
feet in depth. Considerable damage
has been done to farm crops and ditches
through broken banks. One end of the
flood crossed the west side of Phoenix,
surrounding many houses with water,
but doing little damage, excepting to a
colony of invalidawho lived in tents in
the suburbs.
' For Promotion of Commerce.
Washington, Jan. 13. Provision is
made for the investigation of trade con
ditions at home and abroad in amend
ment to the executive, legislative and
judicial appropriation bill reported td
the senate today from the committee on
appropriations. Agitation of this ques
tion was started soon after the creation
of the Department of Commerce ' and
Labor, and bills were prepared by- sev
eral members of congress providing for
such mvestiagtion.
Deep Snow in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma City, Jan. 13. The bliz
zard that began yesterday in Oklahoma
continued today, the fall of snow and
sleet being the heaviest in years. Street
car and railroad traffic were interupted
and wires were broken by the weight
of the sleet. ,
Japan Warns Her Not to Sell War-!
ships to Russia.
Paris, Jan. 12. Japan has informed
Chile that further sale of vessels to
Russia will be followed by summary
punitive measures. This information
comes directly from the foreign office,
but has not yet been published in
According to an official of the office.
Japan is greatly irritated over the mat
ter, and has even gone so far as to hint
broadly that the Chilean coast would
make a fine target for Japanese war
At the same time a similar protest
was made to the Argentine Republic,
in spite of the fact that such a threat
might be considered an offense against
the Monroe doctrine. The source of
this information leaves no doubt as to
its correctness.
Dr. Motono, the Japanese minister
here, says he has no knowledge of any
such communication on the part of his
government. At the same time he
took occasion to criticize the two re
publics. A member of the Japanese
legation said that, if the United States
should take no measures to prevent any
further action of this sort, it would not
be fair to invoke the Monroe doctrine
against Japan. "
Speaking unofficially, members of
government circles say this incident
shows that Japan has grown so self
complacent over her victories that she
can run the risk of losing the good will
of even the United States.
Fulton Puts Spoke in Wheel of Kla
math Irrigation Company.
Washington, Jan. 12. The chief of
engineers, at the request of . Senator
Fulton, today decided to grant no
authority to the Klamath irrigation
company to divert water from Klamath
lake for irrigation " purposes. x This
company, with purely speculative in
tent, has begun the construction of an
irrigation canal lying within the pro
posed government irrigation project, its
purpose being to sell out to the govern
ment at a large profit.
Fortunately for the government, . it
proposes utilizing the water of a navi
gable stream, and this cannot be done
except by authority of congress. The
company had applied for - permission
from the War department, contending
that Klamath lake and Link river are
not navigable. Senator Fulton showed
that both bodies are navigable and
While the government will probably
recompense the Klamath irrigation
company for the work which it may ac
quire, it will only pay a fair price. It
will not be held up and robbed.
Government will Carry Out Palouse
Project if O. R. & N. Helps.
Washington, Jan. 12. The Wash
ington delegation had a conference this
morning with officials of the reclama
tion service, during which T. A. Noble,
in charge of examinations in Washing
ton, explained the progress of work in
that state. In brief, he showed that
government irrigation is not practicable
on the Okanogan river, and intimated
that the whole Okanogan project would
be abandoned. .Because ot numerous
vested interests in the Yakima valley,
the government has not yet found an
attractive project m that vicinity.
The Big Bend project, which contem
plates the reclamation of 1,000,000
acres or more at a cost of $30,000,000,
is too gigantic to be considered serious
ly at this time, but there is a strong
probability that the government will
next year begin work on the Palouse
project, which contemplates the recla
mation of 80,000 acres, mostly in
Franklin county, at a cost of $5 per
aCre. This project has been found en-'
tirely feasible. All 'preliminary sur
veys are completed, and it only waits
for the O. R. & N. Co. to consent to
remove its tracks from Washtucna
coulee, which it is proposed to convert
into a storage reservoir. This consent
is expected to be given, negotiations to
that end being now under way,
Needs of Oklahoma.
Guthrie, Okla. T., Jan. 12. That
Oklahoma should begin the purifica
tion of politics by punishment of the
professional "lobbyist,'? who he con
tends is striking a vital blow at the
government by the people ; that Okla
homa is deserving of, and should be
given, statehood by congress, and that
a crusade should be inaugurated for
good roads in the territory, are the
points of most general interest men
tioned by Governor T. B. Ferguson ' in
his message to the Eighth legislature,
now in session.
Sea Sown with Mines. .
Tokio, Jan. 12. The 1 navy depart
ment says that the district covered
with submarine mines had a radius of
40 miles outside of Port Arthur. It
reports the destruction and explosion
of 696 of these mines to date. Ten ad
ditional survivors of the third expedi
tion of the Japanese to blockade the
entrance of Port Arthur have been
discovered in Russian hostipals. They
have been transferred to the Japanese
- To Open Mineral Lands.
Washington, Jan. 12. A provision
was inserted in the Indian appropria
tion bill that all mineral lands within
Indian reservations shall be declared
open, subject to location, develompent
and entry under the mineral land law.
This provision will apply to all reser
vations where it has been enforced
without infringing on the rights of Indians.
Ravage of the Brown-Tail Moth.
The ravages of the brown-tall moth
have become so great In different parts
of the country that some concerted ef
fort should be made to exterminate the
pest The eggs of the female are laid
on the leaves of the tree, and are
hatched In midsummer, and. the pest
of the moth In the caterpillar state be
gins its ravages on the tender foliage.
On the approach of winter the cater
pillars construct heavy webs, la which
they live until spring, when they come
out to feast on the buds, blossoms and
leaves. It is at this season of the
year, and later, while the trees are de
void of foliage that the main work to
exterminate them must be done.
While the moth is in winter quar
ters he and she can be readily reached.
Obtain a pruning shears mounted oh a
long handle and operated by a wire In
the hands, go through the trees of the
orchard and anywhere on the grounds
and cut off the twigs on which the
mass of web hangs. Lay them in piles
carefully, then gather them, and, after
taking them out of the orchard, burn
them. Only In this way can one be
certain of their destruction. The plan
of fastening a bunch of cotton waste
to a pole, setting fire to it and holding
the lighted torch to the web until it is
consumed is also a good one. Better
get at this work during the winter and
do it thoroughly.
The illustration will give the reader
some Idea of this pest The female
moth is shown, as well as the cater
pillar, and also a twig of a tree show
ing the web attached. As this latter
has been accurately drawn it will not
be difficult to Identify the web of the
brown-tail moth. Indianapolis News.
Practical Poultry Hons Idea.
The cut shows the result of mature
experience In housing fowls. This
house has a small roosting and laying
room and one very small window. This
Insures a warm roosting place In win
ter (a slat outside door can be used in
summer) and a dark place for laying,
which gives an Ideal condition. In
stead ef an open shed scratching room
(which will fill with snow in a North
era climate), a large room with two
large sliding windows Is provided.
Wire netting can be placed over these
to keep the fowls in and the windows
can be opened to any width, permitted
by the prevailing weather conditions.
This gives the benefits of the open
scratching shed plan without Its de
cided disadvantages. The nests should
have closed (hinged) fronts and should
be entered from the rear, which will
keep them very dark. For a farm poultry-house,
this design leaves nothing
to be desired.
Cowpeaa for the Soil.
The plan of sowing cowpeas to oc
cupy the soil after harvesting fall
wheat or oats Is as good now as ever.
says Rural New Yorker. With a fa
vorable season the eowpeas .make a
large growth and can be .plowed under
in time for another crop of grain or
grass seeding. The soil is left in much
better shape than It would be if left in
stubble and weeds. : The trouble about
the plan this year Is the difficulty in
obtaining cowpea seed. There seems
to be little If any left in the country,
We are thinking of using white beans
In place of the peas. '
Clearing Up Brush Land.
The use of Angora goats in clear
ing up the cut over lands in northern
Michigan has been tried now for sev
eral years and apparently with satis
factory results to those who have In
vested in them. The lands have been
lumbered, the pine cnt out and then
left to grow up into brush. Upon
these lands the Angora has proved a
very efficient aid In clearing them of
brush and putting them in shape for
cultivation or to grow into grass.
Neither sheep nor cattle would do this
work as well as the Angora,
. Covering: the Silo.
Various way s have been tried of
covering the silage after the silo was
filled to prevent the spoiling of the
silage on top, but It has been- found
that nothing Is better or less expen
sive than to put on. water enough to
thoroughly wet the top of the silage
and have enough so that it runs down
between the silage and the sides of
the silo. Many avoid all loss from
damage on top by beginning to feed
Immediately after filling, thus giving
it no time to damage. The feeding
should always be done from the top,
taking about two Inches from the en
tire top each day. if the feeding is
done too slowly, and part of the' sur-
iace is lert exposed to the air for two
or three or more days, then the stock
will have partially damaged silage all
the time. 0. P. Goodrich before Wis
consin Farmers' Institute.
Food for the Stock.
Those who have tested the use of
cooked and uncooked foods for stock,
more particularly for swine, agree that
the uncooked foods are by far the most
digestible. This opinion would delight
the vegetarians who urge uncooked
fruits and vegetables as 'being more
wholesome. Yet there are two sides to
the story as usual. There eems to be
no denying the value of the uncooked
food, with animals at any rate, but we
all know that a quantity of raw fruits
and vegetables eaten by humane during
the summer is apt to create a disturb
ance of the digestive organs. Not al
ways does it canse a looseness of the
bowels, but acidity of the stomach.
which is very painful. Is it not fair to
assume that if uncooked food has this
effect on the human stomach that it
must have some bad effect on the stom
ach of the farm animal.
This may be a little far-fetched, but
experience has taught the writer that
without exception, one warm meal a
day during the winter is beneficial to
the animals. Even our horses have a
warm bran mash, and It has been well
cooked, too. The poultry have the
warm cooked mash and the hot com
at night every other day, and thrive
on it This being our experience, our
argument is that animals should have
cooked food occasionally, but that
most of their meals should consist of
food not cooked.
Helps Handling; Hogs.
For a catching yard or pen, Instead
of having regular rectangular shape,
have at one corner a sharp triangular
extension, as shown in the cut Into
this extension the hogs will rush, when
they may be easily caught
For loading hogs, back the wagon,
with cage on, up to the pen fence, dig"
under the hind wheels a few Inches to
bring the rear end and upper side of
the wagon bed even with some plank
or rail of the pen fence. Cut out this
plank or rail, leaving a space large
enough for your largest hog to pass
through. Place an inclined floor of
plank from thw grouna of the pen to
tne lower siae oi me wagon opening-,
as shown by the cut, up which to drive
the hogs. Then scatter a little corn
on the floor of the incline and also on
the floor of the wagon, start the hogs
and they will go up and In. No fuss,
no torn or soiled clothes and a lot of
quiet hogs. H. T. Yose, In Farm and
Home. .
Agriculture in Japan.
A report prepared by the American
Consul-General at Yokohama gives
some particulars as to agriculture in
Japan. He states that only 14,995,272
acres, or 15.7 per cent, of the total area
of the country, exclusive of Formosa,
are In arable cultivation.- About 55
per cent of the agricultural families
cultivate less than two acres each; 30
per cent, two acres to less than three
and three-fourth acres, and 15 per cent
three and three-fourths acres to more.
It is not clear whether the small hold
ers have grass land in addition to their
arable land. As to how families can
be supported on such minute, farms, it
is pointed out that the Japanese stand
ard of living is comparatively low;
that the small farmer usually earns
wages apart from his land, or engages
in some such industry as silk-producing
or spinning; that he cultivates and
manures his land very thoroughly; and
that he often raises two or more crops
in a season on the same land. In the
warmer parts of Japan, it is 'stated,
barley, Indigo, .beans and rape are
grown in succession on one piece of
land in twelve months.
How Much Pork to Acre?
It may be unusual tc estimate the
amount of pork that can be produced
from an acre of certain crops, but it is
Claimed that an acre of land in clover
will produce 800 pounds of pork; peas,
375 pounds; corn, 650 pounds; oats,
820 pounds; barley, 420 pounds, and
wheat 225 pounds. -
The value of each crop on one acre,
when converted into pork, is as fol
lows: Clover, $32; corn, $22.40; peas,
$15; barley, $16.80; oats, $13.20, and
wheat 9, estimating tne pork at 4 cents
per pound.
Of course something 'depends on the
prices - ruling for the crops. The
amount of produce per acre required
to give the pork mentioned on an acre
is 900 pounds of wheat, 1,680 pounds
of barley, 1,320 pounds of oats, 2,240
pounds of corn, 1,500 ponnds of peas.,
and 12,000 pounds of green clover.
In FIT Time.
Among the various anti-switch de
vices, one of the latest is that of a
Maine farmer's boy, who places an old
bicycle tire over the cow's back so
that it holds the tail closely enough to
prevent any vigorous activity. A tem
porary blanket of old bagging is an
other good tail restrainer which keeps,
away the flies besides, and these en
courage quiet behavior on the part of
the cow; -