D .USSTHED ADVERTISIMENTS Five lines, or less, 2ij cents for three 'laertions, or 50 cents per month. WANTED WASTEDBOARD AKD LODGISVi 1 for gentleman, at pnvaie hoi ee lira buehiesa Bei-.tion. Address, ABC. iIwHKS'r OASH PRICE PAID FO! nil -kinds o! Poultry alfo drepeed I'orV mith A Boulden. Corvallis, Oregta, iext to Wazktte office. WAITED 5G0 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at $2.50 per year. " WANTED, SEVERAL CORDS O) wood on subscription at the Ijazettb office. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED BARRED FLYM" outh Rook Cockerels for sale Aheap at 2.00. J. r Taylor, at C-& E. cross ing. RBY CARRIAGE FOR SALE AL most new combination carriaere and go "art with silk parasol and rubber tires for sale at a bargain. Enquire at thif office. " . . . ; "'OFT-SHELLED ENGLISH WAL nuts oiitvielrl all other varieties. If von desire trepp write for prices and particular!" to Bert Brooks, McMinn ville, Or., RFD No 2. "OR SALE ONE FULL-BLOOD J Sli ppy bull, subject to register from first class milk Btook. Address, M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Or. WO REGISTERED OXFORD DOWN Rams and four half-breeds. Peter W hi taker. LOST. ENAMELED GOLD PIN, WITH Ini tials "P. R C." Please leave at the Gazette Office. MUSIC. PIANO INSTRUCTION MVENIS ny prade of- advancement. Also tiianos tunvl and repaired in fust-class Tianner. Ind. phone No. 405. F. A. White. - EXPRESSMEN. "ELL! WELL! HERE'S JOHN LEN ger. Known him 22 years Still car ries Uncle Sam and baggage. John is an acom jnodating man ?nd always can be found at his post Allen's Drug Store, or phone 251. , ' AUCTIONEER P A KLINE. LIVE STOCK ATJCTION eer, Corvallis, Or Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O. address Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of live stock. Twenty years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. :" ' ' 1 STAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6 :30 a. m. ; arrives t Philemath at 12 m ; leaves Philo math 1. p. m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All persons wishing tovgo. or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time; Fare to Alsea $1.0J Bound trip same day $2.00. M. S. Eickabd. ATTORNEYS AV. E. YATES, "' v - THE LAWYER, Both Phones. . COKVALLIS, OR. . R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. - JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary, .Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. ' DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, . . DENTIST. i PAIN less extraction. In Zierolf bnilding Opp. Post Office, Corvallis, Oregon. PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and surgeon. .Booms 14, 5anr iuua ing. Office Honrs: 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to ' 1 p. m Residence : cor. 6th ana Ad ams Sta. Telephone at office and res idence. . Corvallis, Oregon. C ffi- KEWTH, 'Mi UVPHYSICSIAN and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on - Main street, Philomath, Oregon. . LIVE STOCK POINTERS. Corn smut will not injure cattle un less they eat too much of it. " . Hogs will fatten on alfalfa, but should be finished off with some grains Horses are- Tery fond of artichokes and do well on them as a partial food. Infuse some new blood into the swine herd and you will find that it pays. At night in hot weather animals should be kept out of doors as much as possible.. t Is 'the animal panting and no Shade or water to partially relieve the dis tress? Bad, very bad. Flies do not like kerosene oil, and just touching the hair of the animal with sponge .saturated with the oil will help keep the flies off.. The country butcher is an advantage to the farmer because he will buy-an animal occasionally and furnish fresh, meat for the farmer's table. Oxen are not much used in the west, t but you will sometimes see them in the ! far west. They are not profitable for team service, but the bull could be i worked with profit.. j An alarming report from swine , breeders is that there is not much buy ing of pure bred swine. This is a detri ment to the farm breeders, we fear. Keep the standard high, and that can ! only be done by an occasional intro j duction of new blood. Western Plow- Exercise for Brood Mares. Mares with suckling foals should be exercised plentifully with slow and : light work. After the foal is a month ! old it may be left in a box stall or feed lot out of sight "and hearing of its dam from morning till naon, when it should be allowed to suckle. If the mare's udder is very full of milk it should be partly emptied when the animal comes home at night and before the colt is allowed to get its evening drink. Farmers' Review. . PREVENTION OF ROUP. Germs of the Disease Do Not Develop -' Without Assistance oJ Filth and Dampness. Roup Is a disease that is not feared D j those that have never had it in their nocks. Ar person will sometimes rais : poultry for many years and never haw. a case. It is our belief that it is possible to keep the disease cut of the flock alto gether by using due precautions. ., BaJ weather conditiocs seem frequently tj be the cause of the disease, but it is cer tainly due to a germ, and however bad the weather the disease cculd not come without the germs being present. But even if the germs are present they may not find a chance to cevelep without the assistance of filth,1 dampness and crafty roosting- places. The way to keep roup out of a flock is to keep the Henhouse clean, supply it with an abundance of light, have it so tight that the fowls will be exposed to no drafts, and then be careful about introducing new birds. New fowls must be purchased now and then, but such ones should be kept by themselves and away from the rest of the flock for a month after purchase to make sure that they are healthy. When the disease is once introduced it is like ly :: to prove a very stubborn visitor to eject Prevention is far easier than cure. . Roup is frequently very destructive, but at other times the disease seems to be mild in form, carrying oft no birds at afll. This has led to the suspicion that there are several diseases that we ig norantly named roup. Y"o ars certain , that there are at least' two, one being common in winter and the other most fatal in summer. The bacteriologists are working on the diseases at the pres ent time and may ultimately bring light out of the darkness. But with our pres ent knowledge we must treat all of these diseases as one and call them simply roup. This word is an old one and nia.E3 "to cry out" It was probably given to this flisease because birds affected with it cry out. A synonym is the "pip." - When this disease gets into a flock the losses from dead birds may be great; but the incapacitation of the live birds may be even greater. One man, claimed to us that he had a recipe that had cured hie,- flock of roup. It was quite an ex tensive combination of drugs that were made up into pellets. Each bird had to be caught in turn and have the pellets crammed down the throat. It took sev eral months in the "winter to cure the flock, and this work had to be done just atthe time when the fowls should have been laying eggs. - "But," said the man, "I cured them any way, and without los ing a single fowl, but . I didn't get any eggs till the middle of the next sum mer." It may well be doubted if the cure was worth the- trouble. Doubtless it. would have paid ; better to have chopped off the heads of the well- fowls as soon as It was apparent that the dis ease was likely to take them.' ' - Roup is indicated by the birds having swelled heads, , watery eyes, . nostrils clogged with matter, by diarrhea, and by a high fever. Sometimes all symp toms except fever and ' diarrhea are wanting,- - It is better to kill cheap birds that are sick than to doctor them. But if if is , desired to doctor them, , their heads and throats should be washed in antiseptics and the well and sick birds should be separated. Farmers' Review. ...i.i.a-p.-: ...-.j in ...u-.u 'u i jit , 1 -I'L.-j'a'rf.atfC Hla Oum Aot of Wlattom. "That young Jolrikings seems to be about the biggest fool I ever maw. ' All lie does is go gallivanting , around, spending mopey like water nd letting the girls who want to have a good time making; a. monkey af,hiob- iWJiatgooji 'does such1 a felibW-dotneWor'ld? . . "You've got me guessing there.- And yet, in spite of hie general foolishness, . he .did none thing' .once that was much wisen-than anything you,cr I ever did." What was ttre'U' ; m r . t'JPieked ota millionaire i.ta jH ti lth,"--ChicagxiRecbrd-lHeraid, v ..' ..' JSa? LACK STOCK and POULTRY I . Stock and p-.ultry have few troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities. Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional doBe of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine m their food. Any stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight- can of this medicine from his dealer and keep- his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Draueht.Stock and Poultry Medicine, it yours does not. send 2o cents tor a sample ra mp ft can to the manufacturers, Chattanoosa Medicine Co., Chat- I oqga tanooga, Tenn RoOHKLiiB, Ga., Jan. 80, 1903. B lack-1 .-aught Stock and Poultry Medicine is the best I ever tried. Oar stock was looking bad when yon sent me the medicine and now they are getting so fine. They are looking 20 per cent, better. - . S.P.BBOOKINGTON. Reduction in Fare. Commencing 'Nov. 7, rates between Corvallis and Portland, via C. & E , Albany, and S P. will be reduced to $2 60, ame as West Side rate. " Tickets on sale by C & E. aent atul all offices 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description ma? - quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpectaLnotice, without charge, in the Scientific fltnericatie A handsomely illustrated weekly. Iiareest cir cuiat year culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a - 1V1UNN & C0.361Broadwa,,fjeW YOfll xour monina, duiu. ojaxi uewuuea.it! re. jsroncn umce. ts e bu. wasnuiKton. it. u. Notice. , All persons knowing themselves in debted to me are. requested to call and settle their arcounts at once. " Accounts may be seen at my old stand, now Wine- gar's harness shop. j. M. Cambkon. ' ; Pneumonia follows La Grippe . but never fpllowa the use of Ffll Honey ULC I; Q and Tar 'It stops the Cohgh and heals the lnngf. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. Ma. Q. Vaohto, of 157 Osgood St., Chicago, write.: "Mj wife had la grippe and It left hei with a very bad eongh on Jhar Inim whioh Four's Homer asi Txb oorad completely." The Corvallis Gazette A twice-a-week newspaper .containing 72 columns each week of the current news of Benton County. . ' Semi Weekly t. 'All 'the local neve all of the time, withi large amount of miscellaueoua martet Splendid Serials An interesting serial story running every week jn the Gasette. 1 5r - '- Second Wet k of "Short Course. Fo lowing are tlie ' subjects of the Farmers' Short Course, which will be studied '"during this werk: Tuesday Rose CuitUTe, Prof. ; Coote; Shtep on thtr Farm, 'Dr. .With)Combe; SomePiune Pests, j Prof Cord ey; Bacterial Diseases of Pouitty,' Prof. Pernct; The 'i Fight Against Weeis. Prof. L,ake, Commercial Ftrtiliztis, Prof. 'Knisely, , - : '' ;. " Wednesday Small Fruits, by I Prof. Coote; Hr;gs for Profit, Dr. iWithvcombe; San Jose Scale, nor. voraity, rreserving lrui'.s and Vegetables, Prof. Permit; Piaut Economics, Prof. Lake; S jil Problems, Prof. Knisely. Thursday Pruning, by , Piof. Coote ; . The Dairy Cow, " by Dr. With combe; Some Inset ts of the Garden,' Prof. Cordley; P.e f.erving Fruits and Vegetables, Prof. . Pcrnot; Plant ' Breeding, Prui. Lke; Leguminous Crops; Prof. Knisely. ; ; ;"' "" Friday Vegetable Gardening, Prof. Coote; The Farm Home, Dr. Withycombe; Instcts in Re lation to; Public Health, Prof. Cordley; Vinegar Making, Prof. Pernot; Setds and Seedage, Prof. Lake; Composition of Foods, Prof. Knisely. Choral Union to Open Fair. The Willamette Valley Choral union which conducts a large mtssicsl festival eveiy Vear in May ;u one of the valley towns, will meet -in fortlaud this year, and unusually elaborate-prepara tions are beiii? made tor it tn ac; eount Of the Fair. The reprt sen fa live chorouses from tach I city" will probably be much larger man heretoiore. - it is hoped to have each town included .in the union, send about 75 "or .100 local singers.. Mr. Otto F. L. Htrpe, leader of the Corvallis local' union, s'-iys he thinks this city will easily furnish her quota, t hough at this date no definite arrangement has bten made. Ii- is intended to have about i,i oo voices to assist in the open 'U5z certnun it-s of 'he Fir, be sides several days' work, presen i"g"souie of the.'grekto-t oratorios. Conductor Cressey Killed. While attempting to board a moving- train at Monmou'h Sat urday afternoon, Warren Cressey, a conductor on the motor line between ..Monmouth and Inde pendence, fell beneath the cars and received fatal injuries. ' He died" wliile being taken to Port land; that night for surgical treat ment. ' "' ' 7 j "'Mr. Crrssey was for a number of vears conductor on the C & E and also on the Si P. He was about 70 years old, and had bun railroading for 50 vears, but was on the retired list. At the time of the accident he was only tak ing the regular conductor's place temporarily. The Good Work Started. Friday evening a banquet was given by the Y. M. C. A. in the College Armory. A number of prominent speakers were present, and at this time $3,200 was sub scribed toward the erection of the Y: M.- C. A. student building. Ralph Shepard, secretary of the local association started the ball going: by subscribing $150 He has a scholarship at Harvard, but has postponed taking his course there for a' year in order to assist in getting the proposed hall started. - - . ;'.'. rvv f.'. .''; ' The "speakers of 'the' evening 'wete'''LWithycbrJlbe,' Lake and Shepard, of OAC, and II. O.' Hill, ol Chicago; Leslie McLain, ot New York: H. T." McCoy. - bf San Francispo; ;'W.: Stonef of Portland, was toast master. ' ' Ail "of the "imbney; ' was sub scribed by college students . ... The money is ,, to be. payable in four installments, covering' about four years; - ' " Four Hundred Babies. St. Vincent's Infant Asylum, Chicago, shelters homeless -waife ' awaiting adop tion, and there are nearly , 400 babies Sthere.1 Sister Julia writis: "I cannot eay-too much in praise of Foley'-Honey and Tar for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough." Contains no opiates and is safe and. sure. Asa. forFoley'e Honey and Tar - and insist npon having itj as it is a safevremedy and certain In results. Refuse substitutes. Go to Grei ham A Wortham's drug store to get it. 5. mti.ut:inimHnAh'iii!t)i'Hi.i,.,yi-..mi::iL;i nii-ii':i, my Agefesb!e Freparaltoii&r As-j simiiating HieFoodandScgda ting the Sloinachs artdBoweis ef Promotes Digestion,CheerruI- ness and Kest.contains neither Opnim,Morphine norllineraL NoxHahcotic. , JZxtfKafCHjlArSAMl!EI.P!TCHZIl dbcSemut, bQermim - Warm-Seed. -Cfartfftd Sugar ' Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Ron, SourStomach,Diarr:lioea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW" YORK :-'i" m I it- m 10 1 It is a tin tiife 'onlaininsi 3s Ibp. of a diy powdt-r, like shiii1. T: row a Kmall handfnl on a'Sre, and il puts it out in wo seconds. It is the cheapest thing in ihe way of Fire Insurance evt r inverited. Call and see one at the Co rvallis Oazktte cflir.e. Agents 1 mm wm mm mmmm m ' imW. HEADQUARTERS FOR .0. Jr ... : .' co! HOWE SEEKERS AMBEiEK toFafaenroA'NfilNSURA:NCE'J''' V 3 I VIHQIt E.TWTTCRS. CO,iLia.V I B ri rig your Job Work to the '"WW. v m For Infants and CMldreg.' he Kind You Have ought; THS CENTAUR OIFHT. MEW TOUR OUT. : Wouldn't you be glad if you could gfefc a responsible Fire Insurance Company to insure your buildings for $3.00 per year? That is just what you do when you buy one of tliose handy fire fighters, , adopted by the U. S. Government and I '"Bears 'the:- :Jfo. lii.Si'pnatnra S MiT' -In UUi For Over I Thirty Years mmw.i W" ' ntf mm. mm oa. 1 r r -rire-bxmiiii! mit. :w jiiv a i;.. ) ' . :- . - Wanted SDV! 3 3 ft o 3 n lH : -S3 sgM T 2 S-1 J f ii ft f.fH w, 1-.. r'V:.t ' .t H .' ' A i. x. , 1 jBm. mpm&m tW mk M m a art. " 1 Jm Gm H&SVHfflEL, Prop.,, X Leading hotel in Corvallis. Newl-I 'furnished with modern conveni ences. Rates $1 $1.25. $2 ner COMMERCIAL MEN. Ii yon are locking for some real good' Bargains In Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our ipeclal fist, or cmie and see us; We wiH take pleasure in giving you reliaole iaforma- . .hi1nff vnn MTS th. MWD.I ?T"5-.. .') . - ..v-uf-i IWATTERS; mTI OiltAiJ-HCRVi AMSLKRi V PHUONMH. --'-1 1 " ' ' i ' - .' in A ' 1 --. Office. t- 'V u r si"