Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 17, 1905, Image 3

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W. U. Gartner, of MoMinnville,
was Sunday vieitor in Corvallis.
J. A. Archibald and M. G.
Fh nn, of Philomath, were visitors
in Corvallis, Friday.
J. Cole, of Summit. wa9 in this
city last Friday, attending to some
business. . I
Attorney McFadden returned
Saturday from aTlegal visit at In
dependence. Mrs. Mary 'Barclay 1 ft Thurs
day last for Everett, Wash., to
visit her son a short time.
The Occidental Hotel opens un
der new management with a dinner
on Saturday noon of this week.
Jake 'Blumberg . returned on the
Friday evening train from a two
day' visit to Albany and Portland
M. G Flinn. ft Philomath, was
a business visitor in Albany last
Friday. -
Erank A White, the piano tuner
was, in his line at
Buena Vista last week.
C. D. Benner. one cf Monroe's
influential citizens, was a business
visitor in this city the latter part of
last week. .
R. H. Kennedy was a business
visitor in Albany, last week, doing
work for the Mutual Life Insurance
Mies Margaret Fowells, teacher
of the fomth grade in public school
entertained her pupils at her homeJ
last Friday evening.
Senator Avery left yesterday for
the legislature at Salem, ftei
spending a few days at home dur
ing the brief adjournment of that
The city council meets at ad
iourned term next Friday evening,
in order to give the . special water
committee a chance to report on
the two mountain water propositions
now in tbeir hands.
Little Hazel Drake was taken to
the sanatorium at Cottage Grove
last Thursday, for treatment. She
i but nine years old, but has had
heart trouble all her life and is not
expected to live. Her parents ac
coujpanied her. .
Independence is agitating the
establishment of a free ferry across
the Willamette at that place. Jor-
vallis has had a free ferry for sever
al years, and has not had occasion
as yet to regret the establishment
' of it on the contray it has been a
good thing or the city.
If you call a girl a chick she will
smile, but call a women a hen and
she howls. Call a girl a witch and
she is pleased, but ' call an old
woman a witch and she will go for
you. Call a girl a kitten and she
likes it,' call a woman a cat, and
she'll hate you. Queer sex, isn't
it? ;
S; Y. Evans brought down from
Corvallis, yesterday, a three year
old English Shire stallion that is
now on exhibition at Dickinson s
livery stable. The animal is a dark
brown and weighs 1800 pounds. It
is the property of I. C. Ruby, of
Pendleton, the man of the North
west who is importing this class of!
horses from the eastern continent.
Independence Enterprise.
Prof. Taillandier, of the depart
ment of OAC, announces another
Piano-Lecture Recital to be given
in the college chapel on Friday
evening, Jan. 20, at 8 c 'clock
promptly. Subjects, Schumann
. and Mendelssohn, the romanticists.
The public is cordially invited.
No admission will be charged but
children will not be admitted un
less accompanied by adults. -
On account of the dryness of Cor
vallis and vicinity a new society is
said to be under course of organiza
tion and from all surface indication
the membership will be quite large.
. The society is to be known by the
, unique name of "Infernal Order of
lap a Mew Keg." I he promoters
Bay that about SflUUU will be need
ed to establish the society in good
running order but if the subscrip
tions reach the sum of $2,000 the
word "barrel" will be substituted
for "keg" in the name. We'' are re
quested not to mention names until
after the election of omcerB.
F. 0. Gray, of Furnace county.
Nebraska, arrived in Corvallis.
. Friday. Mr. GrayMa an old-time
friend of Mr. Cady and had heard
' so much about this fine country
that he has come with the intention
of locating. His family will follow
him in June, by which time he
expects to have a home ready for
them. Mr Gray is a railroad man
and also owns farm property . in
Nebraska, and is a very desirable
, citizen. He says a number of
families from his community intend
to start for Benton county aa soon
as they receive a favorable report
from nioi and he seems very well
pleased wit i this country.
C. Wiel, of Philomath,-was an
Albany visitor last week.
C. D. Senner, of Monroe, went
to Albary, Saturday, nn business.
R. E. Gedney was an Albany
visitor Saturday.
William Albrecht, of this city,
went to' Albany last Friday for a
day or two, on business ;
Atty. J. F. Yates transacted
legal, business m Albany, Enday,
returning home Saturday morning.
Fred Duncan returned to bis
home at Summit last Friday, from
a trip to Poitland.
J. C. Hammel, of the Hotel Cor
valli8. was a business visitor in
Albany yesterday.
W. H. Malone, of Alsea, was in
the city Sunday and Monday on
business. v , "
Mrs. Adams whose beautiful em
broidery patterns "are attracting at
tention here, will return to her
home in Albany next week.
Representitive H. von der Hel
len, of Medford, is visiting his son
and daughter who are students at
the OAC. : ... '
The enterprising firm of Graham
& Welis last Friday received two
large up to-date show cases for
their drug store.
Mr. and Mrs, George Campbell,
who have been visiting in this city,
returned to Lebanon last Thurs
day.. :
Advertisements are steady pullers
but to bring results you need to ad
vertise regularly-the larger the ad
vertisement the harder it pulls..
Mrs. Calkins, of Eugene, -Miss
Flora Mason and Mrs. Stewart, of
Albany, are visiting at the home of
Mrs. John Smith this week.
President Gatch of OAC, return-
ed yesterday from Portland.
Miss Ida Locke left yesterday for
Eugene, where she will visit friends.
Mrs. Anna Beach vand Mrs.
Stratton returned Saturday from
a visit in Portland .
' Mrs. G. S. O. Humbert. oP .Eu
gene, filled the pulpit of the Chris
tian church in this city Sunday.
N. W. Cuff bert, of Carsoh City
Nevada, arrived" Sunday, and' is
visiting at the home of W. -Lead-better;
-'William " Henderson and wife
from near Wren station returned
from the state of Washington, Sun
day where they spent three months
visiting their sons. Uncln William
says Mrs. Henderson wants to go
back and if she does he will go
with her. Belter stay with us.
It is reported that the following
gentlemen have been named in
the proposed amendment to the
city charter as the committee to
have charge of building the city
water works, ' providing the city
shall decide to install its own
plant. B. F. Irvine, Senator
Avery, W. S. McFadden. F. "L.
Miller, Mr. Leese, S. L. Kline, M.
S. Woodcock, R. H. Huston and
E. Woodward.
W. P. Morris, who has been two
years employed by the S. P. R. R.
companv, on the steel structural
work, and who was for two years
with the regular army in the
Philippines as horse sheer, and who
is acknowledged to be a first-class
blacksmith and horse sboer, has
opened a shop in Philomath, where
he will carry on his trade, and
server customers at , reasonable
rates. People in that part of the
county will do well to give him a
trial order.
Sometimes it takes more - than
one horse to pull a wagon up a hill
often it requires more than one
advertisement to puil a business
out of a rut.
Last reports yesterdav afternoon
were that Mies tirace xiun, wno
has been so low with 'appendicitis,
is rapidly improving and it is now
thought that her recoverv is as
sured. ' :
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will give a cnicKen pie
dinner at the Marshal Miller hall
in the rear of Berman's grocery
store. The dinner"will be served
at 5 o'clock p. m. Jan.. 12. All
cordially invited. Price 25 cents.
Mrs. Grace E, Hall, of . this city,
won first premium in the bargain
day contest held Dy the Portland
Daily Journal, since Deo. 24. Ten
prizes were offered, the first prize
won by Mrs. Mall, being a etude
baker rural mail wagon or any
vehicle of the same make or value
The amount of subscriptions sent
in by her was $142.18.
It is reported that Newberg is ex
periencing a 'light touch of holy
rouerism just now. A preacher by
the name of Pettijohn is the ring
leader, and has been holding "high
jinks" in his church, that is of no
very great credit to himself and the
ones who attended. If the citi
z ns want to know how to apply tar
and feathers, they can find out in
Items of Interest In and Around
the O. A. C.
-The joint meeting of the
Feronian and Philadelphian soci
ties was postponed until , next
Saturday night, . .
: The Y. M. C. A. gave a ban
quet to the vboys Friday night
which was a grat success and
$3200 was1 raised for the new
student building. - . "
President Gatch made a trip to
Portland, Saturday.
The executive committee s of
the State Oratorical Association
met at Newberg last Friday.
The meeting opened at 3 p. m.
and adjourned at 12 :3o. Glen
Goodman, who is secretary of the
association, was our delegate.
The bowling alleys have been
opened up under the manage
ment of Dow V. Walker. Many
improvements have been made
since last yar.
; Mr. Rufus Cate. a former OAC
student was. married last week to
Miss Lena Alexander of this
city. Their many college friends
wish them much happiuess. '
;, The basket ball girls are
trying to arrange for a game Sat
urday night.
Green Peak.
January Suggestions,
Gazette Bell phone No 341.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Manly Bii"kingi-am Knti family,
haying, visits ' relatives here, ieft ie
centlv for California, ii t(i lious of
benefitting Mrs. Bii'-kin-rliam's healiD.
Si-liooloperirii in Dist Ns. 18 thv first
week of tfip ymr. wild M. E Uracil aa
teacher., ; AD auirecia'e Hit nev school
brnldiu;?. . '
Mr. Giiniari is fmsy faruiiiijr. Hi- eon,
Robert, ha been spending rart. of his
time trapping, but j new attenrhnt;
' Rav Starr, ol IVllfnuntain. spent a few
days"lti this vicinity last week.
Geo. Starr hail the nuef rtune '. cut
hia thumb quite severely recently.
W. O. Reaves lias secured a bbrooirh,'
which greets the passereby with rui-lo-dioti8
soun is
ieo. Starr has sold &om of his young
cattle, v - Anon.
A Wrong Impression.
' Editor of - Gazette Dar Sir.
Au niprt-ssum hat gfiMf foiwitid
that we are not retailers- of grocer
ies. In order to corrrt;! iruri, I'wisii
to state that, we hav a .... y f,)l
line cf groceries and sill -.t reia; :.
Should it. . not be con v Siiient for
your rea-dfrp :ticl! in p-s v, -ih-v
can . cali - lis tr,ns we have IotHi
phones. - Youis tmly
S. L. tvLiXE.'
COrvaliiK, J.Ui. i 6, 1905.
The Original.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey
and Tar as a throat and liiDg remedy,
and oh account of the great merit of
Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations
are offered for the genuine. Adk for
Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any
substitute offered as no other prepara
tion will give the same satisfaction. It
is mildly laxative. It contains no opiates
' and is safest for children and delicate
persons. Graham & Wortbam have it
I for sale.
HowtoAvo'd Pneumonia.
, We have 'never heard of a single in
stance ot a cola resulting .in pneumonia
or other lung trouble when Honey and
lar Has been taken, it no- only stops
the cold 'but heals and strengthens the
lungs. Ask for Folev's Honey and Tar
and refuse any substitute offered. Dr.
KJ J. isisnop, ot agnew, Mich., writes:
"I have used Foley's Honev and Tar in
; tnree very severe cases ot pneumonia
1 with good resnlts in every case," For
' sale by Gia'iam & Wortham. '
Unjbrf llu work t-t J. K. Berr) V
Oiives in hulk at P.- M." ZierolfV
Gazette Independent phone J
AH work gu;trai.t-tid at J. K
umonlias recovered ai.d rep 11;
ed at J. K. Berry 'e.
Get your
ribs fixed at J. K
- Do not fail ti see P.
line of holiday china.
AL. ZierolfV
Get your school books and schoc
supplies at Graham & Wells.
Lewis and Clark souvenir plates
at P. M. Zierolfs. -
, Si!k and woolen goods a specialty
at Corvallis Steam Laundry.
OA.0 souvenir
dishes at P. M
Send your lace curtains to Cor
Aallis Steam Laundry. .
Patronize hime industry Cor
vallis Steam Laundry.
Mrs. Adams, known to the ladN
who frequent Newport, as a teach-r
of embroidery, wili be pleased
have Corvallis ladies call at h- r
rooms, next dpor north of Prrf.
Lake's, where she has an assoi -ment
of linens, canvas and desijr -not,
found in any store in ii
valley. Wednesdays, Thursday
ai d Saturdays.
5f h-0reat January
ce Sale-35'
Has commenced, and like its thirty-four predecessors, it will continue
; until February 1st, and be conducted on the same broad plans that
have made teem the greotest bargain opportunities of the year.
Say Cold is a Benefit.
In talking with a nnmber of
Benton farmers, it is learned that
the, cold spell of the past few
days is not thought to have
damaged the growing grain in
the least. Grass in the pastures,
however, it thought to have been
checked to some extent, although
nearly all stock is yet doing well
without feed, only during the
short time that snow covered the
Fruitmen say that the cold is
an actual benefit, as it retards
the early development- of the
fruit buds, causing them not to
come out until all danger of late
frosts are over.
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St.,
at one time had her beauty spoiled with
skin trouble. She writes: "I had Salt
Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing
would cure it until I used Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve.1' A quick and sure healer for
cuts, burns and sores. At 25c at Allen &
Woodwards drag store- "
Practical Horse Shoer
. and Blacksmith . .
Makes a specialty of draft horses and
track shoeing. Two years with reg
ular army in . Philippines as Gov
ernment Shoer.
Interfering corrected and work gnar-
. anteed.
Philomath - Oreo
Shoe Department
Everything in Shoes and Slippers for
ladies, men and children at persuading
' Wool and Silk, in the new colors and
Eedncedfrom $5.00 to .$4.00
4 50 to.. 3 63-
" " 4!00 to..... 3.17
" " 3.50 tol. 2.92
" " 3 00 to 2.31,,
" 2.50 to. 1.88
" ' 2.00 to.... 138
J. 50 to.. 1.19
, " " 2.25 to 98
. Black, white and colored dress fabrics,
black and fancy silks, velvets and
., velveteens, at a great sacrifice.
' .50 values reduced to .......$ .41
.75 values reduced to 59 .
1.00 values reduced to... 83
1.25 values reduced to.. 1.04 .
1.50 values reduced to. ...... . .1.21 '
32c Viquna Cloth reduced to 10c per
yard. , .
12c Napped Shirting reduced to 10c per
yard. .
at greatly reduced prices.
Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases at Clearance ,
Sale Prices. '
Toys, Dolls, -Games, Etc., at greatly re
v duced prices, v
Clearance Sale Prices Prevail on Blan
kets, Comforts, White Quilts, Sheets
; and fillow Cases. ;
Our entire stock of Lace Curtains and
.: Carpets and Bugs at Clearance Sale
Prices." -
Mens and
Boys Clothing
Every Suit and Overcoat reduced, in
cluding the staples Blue Serges and
Black Unfinished Worsteds. These
garments were not bought up for this
sale but are of the famous Hart.
Schaffner & Marx and Banner
Brand make.
15.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats at $3.94
7.50 - " " - , 5.98
8.50 " " '"' ' "6 80
9.00 " " " 7 20
10.00 " . 8.00
12.50 " " " 9.98
1350 " " " " " 10.60
15.00 " . " " " " 12.15
16.50 " " " " 1325
18.00 " " " " 14.40
20.00 ' " " ' 15.95
$2.50 Boys' and Young Men's Suits re
duced to .'.. $1.99
$3rO0 Boys' and Young Men's Suits re-
: ducedto ;...s. rrt. $2.40
$4.00 Boys' and Young Men's Suits re
duced to . ..;..-. ..$3.21
$5 00 Boys' and Young Men's Suits re
duced to .$3.95
$6.00 Boys' and Young Men's Suits re
duced to ......... ."..$4.83
Broken lines of Boys' and Men' Suits at
Half Price.
1 will sell all the odd sizesand styles of
- Ladies' and Misses' Jackets I have at
.. " $2.00 each.
1904-5 Tourist Coats and Jackets, and
Misses' Coats and Jackets at Big Re
ductions. ' ., .
Ladies' Furs
All of the latest styles. Here is your
$1.50 Furs $1.05
250 1.75
3 50 " 2 45
5.00 " 3 60
7.50 . " 5.35 '
How's This?
$1.50 Men's Dress Shirts 75c
At a general reduction of 10 per cent.
A few styles that I will discontinue at
- half price. '
Clearance Sale Prices prevail in this de .
partment. The Black Cat Brand
W ool gloves in plain and fancy colors. '
Regular 25, 35, 50o, reduced to 20, 30,
and 42c.
Kid Gloves: $1.25 gloves at $1; $1
gloves at 90c-
, ' - . ' .. .
25c Armour's Washing Powder, 3 lbs 15c
15c Bex 100 per cent Lye, 3 cans for 25c
Good Sardines,. 6 cans for 25c
Arm & Hammer Soda 4 pegs for 25c
Schilling 's Soda. ......... .4 pkgs for 25c
Naptha Soap. ; . 4 bars for 25c .
Western Yeast. ... jjer pkg 3c t
IXL Macaroni and Cheese, 3 cans for 25c "
IXL Chicken Tamales 3 cans for 25c
Snider's Catsup. large bottle 19c
Red Ribbon Cond. Cream. ., .per can 10c
During this great sale Shawls and Fasci
natoas will be closed out Regardless of
. Cost. - , 'V ' '
Our Annual Clearance Sale insludes eyery department of this great stock, of good merchandise, and the radical
reductions apply to eyery article excepting only a. few lines the prices of which the manufacturers control;
All mail orders receiyed during sale will be filled at Clearance Sale prices. ,
Regulator of
Low Prices
The White House