Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 17, 1905, Image 2

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    HE Cr M GUitiTt
sd Fridays,
trol of f et
chises as e
business i
ports of J:
man of
Bureau of
other - thi
''The gra
chise or h
terstate cc
porate org
ment as a
such repoi
be desired
' uiing to the con
licenses or fran
.s of controlling
oing interstate
lined in the re
it. Garfield, chair
' -ramission in the
.rations. Amp ng
',V3 recommends,,
u of federal fran-
; i to engage in in
i . :rce. Imposing all
.iiirementsas to cor-
ation and manage
xviition precedent to
Statistics snjv chat in 1830 the .
value of tha agricultural products j
of the United States, in round!
numbers, was at the rate of
Articles of general interest will be pub
lished in tbis department as the personal
opinion of the writers. It is understood
$3,000,000,00!) a year, and OUT I forauy opinion lu-re expressed.
mineral and manufactured prod
ucts $10,000,000,000, or a total
of 13,000,000,000. Our farms
are now yielding over .$5,000,
000,000, and our mines and fac
tories about $15,000,000,000, a
total of $20,000,000,000 a year.
The output of our farms, mines
anrl milla is nrmnijilv OYPPPrlinov
u rr aaa aaa aaa - i recognises no law, human or
put fourteen years ago. An in-
v Venality. ,
The spirit of venality mani
fested by transportation corpora
tions is as rapacious and insatia
ble as the grave. "All that the
traffic 'will bear," is their first
commandment. Their avarice
creased volume of general busi
ness, railroad traffic and other
business activities in like propor
portion are ' seen everywhere
hch franchise ori i- j ut
req n 25 per cent every decade, but the
and returns as may j volumeof rf
a condition for the
such franchise or
increases more rapidly than pop
ulation. ,
e prohibition of all
and their agencies
from enga ring in interstate and
foreign commerce without such
federal franchise or license. The !
protection of the grantees of such
franchise ur license who obey
right to refuse or withdraw such'uPn fbly this !sla:
A bill is now before the legis
lature for appropriating $20,000
to be used in dredging the chan
nel of the Willamette up as far
as this city. This is certainly
a measure that should be acted
franchise or license in case of
ture. - It has been ascertained
violation of law, with appropn- , , . . .i i
, . j. i , made by the state, the general
ate right of appeal to the courts i J ... '
r - o-AVPvnmpnr. will nllAW r.hf cnv.
to prevent abuse of power by the , , . ,. .
administration." It is claimed
jernment dredge for this work,
jit will not take such an enormous
amount of work to deepen the
j shallow places in the river, but
I what work is required at all is
needed badly, and should be
started as soon as possible. By
making a deeper channel in a
few places this side of Salem,
the light draught, steamers could
reach Albany and Corvallis the
year round, which would be of
inestimable value to both cities
and the surrounding country. ;
that no fundamental legal diffi
culty can be discovered in this
plan. Congress would grant
license to corporations to en
gage in interstate commerce that
meet the proper requirements;
would fix the conditions under
-which. their business should be
done as to remedy the defects
in the state corporation law, and
would require all corporations
and their agencies engaged in
interstate' commerce to make re
turns to a federal bureau, show
ing the amount and the nature! In the meeting of the city coun-
of the business done; and such jcil last Friday, evening, Council
other facts as desired, to enable 'man Emery asked who was to be
plans and systems to be formed : named as the nine men to be
for proper regulation and re- placed in charge of the task of
strainine: the coroorations so that building the municipal water
their efforts will result good to
the people, taking away all ele
ments of harm. The corpora
tions should be required to pub
works, as mentioned in the pro
posed amendment of the city
charter. He was told that
this was to be decided later.
lish statements in detail of all in- Now when the proper time comes
formation so that the people can
know by proper examination of
such statements the effects of the
corporate doings.
Don't forget the chicken
to be given -by the ladies
Pre8lyterinn ebuich Jan.
5 o'clock p. m.
ft the
20, at
is the
to fix this proposition up, -: it
seems that the most satisfactory
way to decide on who are to
be named as this committee of
nine, would be to hold a mass
meeting of . the citizens, so that
all can have a say in the matter.
This is an important question
and should be decided by the
people. '
Healthiest Point on Coast.
S. N. Wilkins, deputy county
health officer of Benton county,
has just made up his annual re
port for the year 1904, and sent
divine. Combinations are made I
every day with bewildering
rapidity. Universal idolatry to
the mammon ot unrighteousness
has" become the predominant
commercial character of transpor
tation corporations. We are
neither s mazed nor startled by
any new exposures. The crimes
of rorporations are as logical as
the elements of power incorpora
ted within them. Their charters
give them fecundity without a
moral concept. A corporation
is a soulless thing," and under
the guardian development- of
railway officials it has become a
moral mo strocity turned loose,
like a vampire to prey upon the
people. It has no sense of self-
reproach. Still the shameful
tact remains that corporations
elect their . representatives to
state and federal otnces, which
are prostituted by the abuse of
official trust for corporate gain.
It is a notorious fact ,also that
corporations make combinations
to defeat the law, that may de
fraud every citizen in the com
monwealth. It is-equally true
that corporations have regular
agencies established in every
state in the Union, as well as at
the "capitol of the Nation for
bribing legislative bodies in the
interests of ; corporations. This
monstrous corruption is both
sporadic and endemic, It is a
disease rot only of, the surface
but of the heart. It has left its
virus working havoc with the
morals of the whole body politic.
The abuse of official trust for
corporate gain is the most diffi
cult to deal with. It is often
j concealed and protected by party :
machinery. . The success of
transportation corporation has
tempted all. other corporations
composed in ' part by railroad
officials to use party politics as
a screen for the most powerful
combinations in defiance of the
law and of the rights of all the
people. -
Our statutes, written and en
acted by the ablest legal talent
iu the Nation have totally failed I
to reach -the chief conspirators !
and criminals in the whole cate
gory of V corporation offenders.
The reason for this is as obvious as
it is humiliating. Such trans
cendent legal talent is in the ser
vice of corporations and makes
up the most potent factor of leg
islative, judicial and administra
tive paraphernalia of transporta
tion corporations in the United
States. They tell us that they
are the government and that
we must accept such terms as
the conquerors may be pleased to
give us. ,
That corporations have en
trenched their forces in' nearly
every official fortress in the Unl-
- Notice is hereby given that a meeting
of the members of the Womans' Chris
tian Temperance Union, of Gorvallis,
Oregon, will be held in the parlor of the
Union, in its building on lot 5, flo:k 3,
Original Town Corvallis, Benton county,
Oregon, on Thnrfdav, January 19, 19o5,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for the pur
pose of authorizing the sale of the build
ing of said Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union, and for the transaction of
such ether bueinees as n?ay ccn.e be
fore the meeting.
All membere of the Womans' Chris
t'an Union, ill phase take Doticc o
paid meeting. As large attendance ;as
possible is desired. " '
By order of executive Committee.
P. O. Wilson, President.
An offer to make you come
stairs and see us.
New Mainspring (none better),
Cleaning . (oidinary watch),
$r.oo. Cannot be done better at
any price.,
MATTHEWS, The Jeweler.
Room 12, over First National
Notice for Publication. .
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, or., December 12, i904
Notice is hereby eiveu that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention bp make
final proof m supi-ert of his claim, aid that said
proof wiU be o,ade before the County Clerk of Ben
ton county, at CorvtllU, Oregon, on- January 23,
iauof viz: ,
H. E No 1585. for the SJ SW, NE SWK SE1
NWi-Sec 24, Tp 10 S, tt 7 W.
He names the following -witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Howard L. Bush, Bv FraHtz,
jonn uottger, Wallace f rautz, all el lloikms, or.
Our Great Sale.
Th afeodance for the first two weeks of our '-"Great Sale" demon
irtrAteg beyond anv question the m surpassed interest that has been
- awakened by this great sle. and we can assure our customers that we '
shall do our part to furnish gratifying bargains to a',1 who visit our store
to take advactageof this sale during the balance of tbe month.
Every Article in Stock Reduced,
Here are a few hints of the vast number ot bargains in this sale:
. Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at Clearance Prices.
Men's Furnishings, Shoes and Hats at Clearance Prices, v
All Dres9 Goods, Silks and Velvets at Clearance Prices.
Cloaks, Wrapsi Jackets and Furs Half Price.
Laces, Embroideries and Ribbons at Clearance Prices.
Shirt Waists and S; arate Skirts at Clearance Prices.
Muslin Underwear and Corsets at Clearance Prices. , , .
Lace Curtains, Rugs and Portieres at Clearance Prices.
Table Linens. Towels and Sheetings at Clearance Prices.
Men', Boys' and Women's Shoes at Clearance Prices . ,
' Blankets, Comforters and Table Covers at Clearance Prices.
Eiderdown Sacques and Rores at Clearance
Sheets, Pillows and Pillow Cases at Reduced Prices.
Fascinators and Circular Shawls at Clearance Prices.
Every Article in Stock Reduced.
Our new Spring Stork will arrive early in February. We must have
room to receive it. Our show windows are our silent salesmen.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court
ot tne state oi Oregon, lor tne county ot lien
ton, administrator of the estate of B. B. Barnes,
deceased, and nil persons having claims
against said estate are hereby required to
rresent the same properly verified, as by law
requited, at the olnce of J. F. Yutes within
six months from the ' ate hereof.
Daied, December M, 1904,
Adm'r of the Estate of B. B. Barnes, Dec'd.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby Biven that the undersigned
was appointed executrix of the last will and
testament of C, E. Moor, deceased, and all per-
miuD iiaviujs umiiuB ttgniusi. hhiu esiute are re
quired to present same. with, proper voucheis.
to me at my home or to V. E. Yates at his
office in Corvallis, within six moyiths from this
ante. msksjls j. jjnD-EKMAN,
DatedJanuary 10, 1905. Executrix.
When your eyes tire in reading,- when
you frown or partly close the eves when
looking at an object; when things
"swim" or become - dim after being
looked at for some time ; when the eves
ache, smart, or water; or when you have
pain in the eyeball, orbit, temples or
All tbe conditions are ctirahle fcv rn.
er classes, such as we will furnish yon
aiier a Kieaiuic enninatioa
1 MATTHEWS, The Optician,
Ecom 12, over First National Bank
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
. Valley Points.
The manufacturers pr Royal
Baking Powder have had 40
"years of scientific experience.
Every method of bread-and-cake
raising has been exhaus
tively studied in this country and
The result is a perfect prod
uct in Royal Baking Powder.
There is no substitute for it.
The purity and efficiency of!
Jttoyal caking Powder have
been commended by the highest
authorities of the world.
These facts mean two impor
tant things' to all housekeepers:
First : that Royal Baking
Powder Is healthful and
makes wholesome food.
Second : that RoyalBak
Ing Powder makes food
' good to taste.
it to the Health Department at
Washington, D. C. The report
makes an excellent showing for
this vicinity from a health stand
point, and it would be most
difficult to find a section of coun- lied States save one, is undoubtedly
Low round trip rates have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam-
1 ette Valley points, in either direction.
xickcui w in oe soiu
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Rate to ob From Corvallis, $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents
for particulars.
try more healthful than this
A report is required from each
county health officer at the end
of every year, and goes to make
up the general health statistics of
the United Stales-and - also to
show the healthfulness of each
county and state in the Union.
According to the census of 1900
the" official population of Cor
vallis was 1,819. Taking that
as a basis the estimated population
of Corvallis at present is 2,500..
Mr. Wilkins' report shows that
the total number, of deaths, from
all 'causes, accidents infectious
diseases,' etc., for infants and
adults together, is onlv 18 dur
ing the year 1904 This makes
the death rate for Corvallis 7.3
per thousand population: There
was no death caused by tuber
culosis, and none from aay con
tagious disease..-
This js an exceptional show
ing for a town of this size and is
one that is very seldom equaled.
It proves' that Corvallis is just
about as healthy, a location. as
one can find anywhere, which is
a very important point vrith
prospective home seekers.
true. So wa that other despot
ism sheltered behind the strong
est military works in the world;
but the : instrumentalities ot a
Russian despotism . have been
crushed as though the wrath of
God had closed his hand upon
them, j
Transportation corporation will
please take notice that our people
occupy one citadel which will
never be surrendered to all the
cotpbined corporations in the
world. .The ballot box hereafter
wjll be" more perilous for corpor
ation candidates to assail or scale
than the heights of Port Arthur.
Our people are awakened to the
consciousness of a peril by the
message of warning from the
President of the .United States.
We shall heed that warning.
We shall break the yoke of trans
portation 1 despotism as surely as
the founders of this republic
broke the yoke of British despot
ism. ; F. M. Hopkins.
" Business Is like a dog-it will come
if you whistle the right way and
whistle loud enough. A small ad
will bring you results unobtainable
by any other method-try it. -
Imported Biack Percheron wil
be in Corvallis, for service, after
January 1.. For further informa
tion address, . T. K Fawcett,
Bellfountain, Or.
Heating !
Cornice, Roofing, Guttering,
, and all kinds of Sheet Metal
-X - Work.
F. A. Hencye
In connection with J. H.
RTrVRTi". '
Leave Corvallis, Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. id.
For rates,. etc., call np Main 21.
Job Printing
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money I
Do not send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a disgrace to your business
a disgrace to your town and.
a disgrace to the printer who
puts it out.
Good Work costs
you no more than
the bad.
Good printing is correct in
spelling correct in gram
marcorrect in punctuation
on good stock printed
with good ink and some
thing that it is a pleasure to
look at.
That is the kind
the Gazette- turns
Prices for good printing are
based on the cost of good
material, and the labor and
taste employed in doing the
work. To this every printer
adds a percentage for profit.
The cheap printer charges
the same profit as the good
printer the difference in
cost to you comes put of the
value of the material used
in fact "you pay for all you
Skill, taste and ex
perience are ne
cessary factors in
producing GOOD
Examine your Uwork, and
don't pay for it until you
Eg" know- it is all right. It is
U't: yourj own faultif yoir pay
good money for)Jrotten eggs. '