THE C ALUS GAZETtt Tubs -i and Fridays, THE TU No one the Repul its adhei teen con Neither 1 that each opponents all propos lican part does claim, . publican j by .the par. sound, com into practic results for claims thai posing opi.-i wrong, ana ily it has b IT PARTIES. ciers admit that the national bank QQ 3P0 N DENTS' system is wie uesi system Known or ever devised by man. For its - CORNER existence the people are indebted ; " ' Oak Grove Chips. to the Democratic party forj three votes in both houses of i Congress on the bffl When it ! Mr- Geor R-amis made a trio to the . f j passed. .We Submit to the intel- co-inty seat Tuesday. 1 '"'! f1"! f 'lient Judgment of Our read-1 Mr., John Mayberry made a business warty that all Oil which was the best' the 'trip to Independence Tliursav. f have primarily : every position. i a right to claim! i'. il of its political j . t; been wrong on But the Repub- 1.5 aright to and Vt the mature Re n;ent as acted upon ihs been reasonably . ont, and when put worked out the best he people. It also ie concensus of op- n has usually been not wrong primar- j -a wrong after ma ture deliberation, that it has sel dom been c insistent with itself for any grc t number of consecu tive years. Space at i'u present time will only perr . referring to the record of r. two old parties on the subject !' banks and banking. There is no question so essential to the pro -verity and commer cial advancement of a people as sound financial policies. Great Britain, France, Germany and most commercial countries of Europe, have great central gov ernment banks, such as the "Bank of England," the "Im perial Bank of Germany," the "Bank of France." These in stitutions, under proper legisla tive restrictions, issue currency .(not coin) for. the use of the peo ple, and in aid of commerce. Under the Act of Congress of 1791 drawn by Hamilton and signed by Washington, "the father of our country," the ""Bank of the United States" was organized, but when the charter was about to expire in 1811 a bill to renew it was defeated. In 1816 another United States bank was chartered and in 1832 a bill to renew its charter passed both houses of congress, but was vetoed by President Jackson, i Having killed what was designed to be a bank on similar lines to the Bank of -England and the Bank of France, it would have seemed regular for him to' rec ommend some financial plan in stead, but he recommended noth ing whatever. It would seem that the then Democratic con gress should have framed and passed a law establishing some better financial plan for the country, but it did not, and sub sequently the history of the country details the establishing of state banks and then issuing . paper and wildcat currency which in a short time brought on financial wreckage all over the country. This was done un der state laws, and in pursuance of the democratic idea of state rights and the greatest liberality to the individual regardless of the rights and welfare of the public. The Republican party believes that the plan of a cen tral bank like the . old United States Bank, Bank of England, and Bank of France, is not the Ibest plan, yet it was better than no financial plan. When the Republican party came into power it evolved a plan, instead of creating a cen tral government bank as stated and adopted by the governments tof Europe, it authorized a large pumberof national banks, placed them under the supervision and control of the United States Treasury Department, and gave ithem authority to issue redeem able paper, currency under proper safeguards and restrictions. The result has been that in over forty years, the currency issued bv the national banks not a dol lar has been lost to the people and it circulates on a par with gold in every part of the world. The Republican party does not -claim that the national bank system is absolutely perfect, but they do claim and all able finan- opinion and judgment of the Re publican or the Democratic par ty on the great financial plans which have, been' before th country. , , - .. -- - ' - Corvallis Expands. Last Monday night the ques tion of extension of the city hmi's again c-une up" for" discussion at the meeting of the city council. When if was first proposed to ex tend, several weeks ago, an emphatic remonstrance was sign ed by. almost every property hold er who w if d be effected bv the move", and at the meeting ol the council last week, this petition was presented to the city dads, and created quite a stir. The quet-tiou' was quite thoroughly gone over and discussed, pro and con, and at last was referred to a committee who were instructed to more thoroughly look into and consider the proposed extension. Lrist Monday night, the com mittee reported; and the question was again freely discussed, and for a time it seemed as though no action would be taken in time for the proposition to go before this legislature. But altera long and heated argument, in which a number of different motions were made, some for dropping the whole matter and others for taking in every foot of the pro posed additions, the matter was at last put to a final vote, about one o'clock in the morning, which decided to annex the pro posed northern and western sub urbs, and leave the addition just south of Marys river out. This decision was highly pleasing to' property holders in south Corval lis, but rather disappointing to the western and northern lest dents, who did. not want the ad ditional city taxes without a pro portionate increase in benefits, As the extension of the city limits was - nothing but a cold blooded business proposition, ac cording to several councilmen's views ot the matter,: it was '. their desire to only take - in as much additional property as could be tixed without the city having too much additional expense, in protecting and lighting the new territory. On account of there being several bridges . . in the southern suburbs that would fa 1 to the city to keep in repair, afcd also because it would be such a hard matter to give fire and police Dtotection, without a great addi tional expense, the council decid ed to leave that costly part of town out in the cold, which was perfectly satisfactory to those res idents. - The bill for enclosing the; pro posed additions inside the city limits will have to be passed by the state legislature before the additions can come under the city tax and laws. It is thought the bill will be passed during this term of the legislature. Supervisor Wentz attended the session of the county court Wt W ednesday. Mr. Ct'arlts Banndy fold one span of his bor es recently receiving $350 for the same. ' , Willard Cauthorn, of Oak creek, Linn county, was calling on relatives here Sunday . : ' D. N. and Wilpy Williamson, o'f Al bany, were visiting relatives here Mon day. Rev. T. W. Lawner filled the Oak Grrove pulpit Suuday, he aims to begin a series of meetings Tuesday evening. ' The pat ty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Altermatt last Wednesday evening wab a very enjoyable affair. The guests were eutertained rovallv, and all present expressed themselves as havii.g a good time. Drury Hodges, of Wells is reported as being quite poorly, he has been confined to the bouse for some time with rheuma tism. The Oak Grove debating society or gauized last Saturday evening by elect ing Homer Moor president, Henry Kar etens vice president, and Palline Karstens secretary. A netition was circulated and signed by over forty pe itioners, asking the i county court to appoint Dillard Pric supervisor of road district No 5 this county. , Cate-Alexander. A quiet home wedding occur red in this city, Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock, when Mr. Rufus Cate and Miss Lela Alexander were united in marriage by Rev. T. T. Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Cate lett on the afternoon train yesterday for Portland, where they will reside. Mr. Cate has conducted a tailor shop in Corvallis for some time, but sold out this week, and will go into business in Portland. His estimable wife was brought up in, and is the young est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alexander. The happy couple have many friends who wish them much happiness. Bellfountain. . j A cyclone has struck our . CLOAK SUIT DEPARTMENT. A email hlazn started in R. C. Kitter a residence yesteiday morn ing, hut quick acti-m with a bucket- tul of water Pave the fire depait- ment a run. No damage was done. $10 50 13 50 16 50 20 00 25 00 Tailor-made Suits $5 25 " 6 75 V" 8 25 " " 10 00 " ' ...... 12 50 All Cloaks, Jackets, Tourist Cloaks and Furs at HALF PRICE during our January Salem . m a close at cost for want of room. Mrs. E. H. Belknap and Mrs. J. H Edwards went to Halsey to assist in a protracted meeting which is being held by Eev. Skidmor Under the auspices of Rev. Beery, the Evangelist, a ..Christian class of a dozen or more members has been organized. The school here began Monday with a few new pupils and lively interest. A Free Delivery mail route has been staked off in this community, which covers a distance of twenty-five miles and will accommodate full as manv homes. Notice. Notice is hereby given that aimeeting I of the members of the Womane' Chris- Wo hevo nn Ticmrl a fow kwa win-a .i.;t . . n . u,v v.i uu u, xvn . iu.6v, iu8o oiiu oyuoica WXliCIl We Will Oregon, will be held in the parlor of the Union, in its building on lot 8. block 3, Original Town Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, on Thuri-dav, January 19, 1905, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for the pur pose of authorizing the sale of the build ing of said Woman's Christian Temper ance UnioD, and for the transaction of I such other business as may ccn.e be fore the meeting. All membere of the Womans' Ghris- t'an Union, will please take notice ol said meeting. As large attendance as ! possible is desired. By order of (executive Committee. P. O. Wilson, President. Treed by a Billy Goat. HOW IS THIS? An offer to make you come up stairs and see us. New Mainspring (none better), i.oo. . Cleaning (ordinary watch), r.oo. Cannot be done better at any price. Matthews, The Jeweler. .Room 12, over First National Bank. Appreciate the Flag. The Corvallis , Fire Department hereby desires to. express its ap preciation of the interest shown by its many friends in support ing the Department in the flag contest. The flag will : be given a prominent position in the City Hall, so draped as to be an orna ment to the Firemen's Hall, and will remain a testimonial of good will of the citizens and serve as a stimulus to future efficient ser vice. Committee. The above refers to the hand some, big silk United States flag which was offered by a club of Corvallis merchants to the most popular organization in this city, a vote being given by the mer chants with a certain amount cash purchase. The Firemen won the flag January i, by about i 5000 majorsty,; the OAC being a close competitor. , . Jiru Berry is out on Muddy Creek, about 15 miles south of Cor vallis, this week slaughtering ducks The reports are that there are great numbers of ducks on the flats in that viciniiy and sport men are kill ing hundreds of tha birds. A good story on some wood choppers has just reached town Out on the Rader place there is a gang or men chopping wood There is also a billy goat of wide reputation in the neighborhood, and like all billy goats he likes fun and tomato cans above all things else. Now this billy, from some cause or other, seems to have taken a great dislike to these woodsmen, and seriously objects to having his peace and quiet disturbed by the sound of axes, or else he thinks to secure a good meal from the full dinner pails of the workmen. About noon every day Mr. Billy makes a sudden appearance, with the speed of a locomotive, directly in the rear and within close proximity of the south side of one of the . stooping sawyer's overalls. Usually, though, billy is not quite quick enough, as practice has made the men so active that they are on top of the woodpile or half way up a tree in the twinkling of an eye, and billy knocks the bark off the saw log instead of the soft side of a pair of denims. Then billy is in his glory. He sits around and grins, or chews up a few coats, while the . workmen almost de stroy their own fort bv throwing all the wood at their enemy. If any one dare venture from his stronghold billy shows the whites of his ey es and with a whiff or two is all ready for business, and from his looks is quite willing to juggle a whole crew of wood choppers on his horns, which they say are at least six Teet long, But after about a hour's fun, by which the treed men have sought out and sat upon the soft side of every hrab on the tree, Mr, Billy quietly and ' contentedly trots off with an expression of victory on his lace as though he had conquered the whole Japan ese army. . Four Hundred Babies. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Oregon Citv. Or.. December 12. i904. Notice is hereby riven that the foliowinir-iiamed I settler has filed notice of his intention to make I final proof in suppert of his claim, and that said I prooi wm oe made Deiore tne uounty Clerk ot Ben ton county; at uorvallis, Oregon, on January : 199S, viz: j . ' 1 JAMES K. WEST, H. E. No 12585. for the Si SW. NEK SWtf SEl NWJ, Sec 84. Tp 10 S, R 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove ins continuous ' residence upon and cultivation I of said land, viz: Howard h. Bush. By Fralitz. 1 Mann tsottger, Wallace rrantz, all el uoskins, or. Receiver. Job Printing. When you pay out good money for printing, be sure and get good print ing for the money! Do not send out printed mat ter to your customers that is : a disgrace to your business a disgrace to your town and a disgrace to the printer who puts it out. ' Notice to Creditors. , Notise Is hereby riven that the nndersiened I has been duly aDnointed by the county court 1 of the state of Oregon, for the county of Ben ton, administrator of the estate of B. B. Barnes, deceased,- and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby reqnirea to present the same properly verified, as by law required, at the office of J. F. Yates within six months from the fate hereof. Sated, December 24. 1904. FOREST R. BARNES. Adm'r of the Estate of B. B. Barnes, Deo'd. f I Good Work costs you no more than the bad. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned was appointed executrix of the last will and I testament of C. E. Moor, deceased, and all per- I sons haying claims against said estate are re-1 quire a to present same, witn proper voucheis, I to me at my home or to W. E. Yates at his office in Corvallis, within six months from this I date. FEKSIS J. LI KDE KM AN, DatedjJanaary 10, 1905. Executrix. Good printing is correct in spelling correct in gram marcorrect in punctuation on good stock printed with good ink and some thing that it is a pleasure to look at. SIGNS OF FAILING VISION. When your eyes tire in reading, when you frown or partly close the eves when looking at an object; when things "swim'? or become dim after being looked at for some , time; when the eyes ache, smart, or water ; or when yon have pain in me eyeball, orbit, . temples or I loreneaa. - AH the conditions are cnranle hv ro ti er (classes, sncu. as we will furnish you I nicer a ocienmic examination. MATTHEWS, The Optician, Boom 12, over First National Bank That is the kind the Gazette turns out. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points St. Vincent's Infant Asylum, Chicago, shelters homeless waifs awaiting adop tion, and there are nearly 400 babies there. Sister Julia writia: "I cannot say too much in praise of Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough." Contains no opiates and is safe and sure. Ask: for Foley's Honey and Tar and insist upon having it, as it is a safe remedy and certain in results. Refuse substitutes. Go to Gra ham & Wortham's drug store to get it. Low round trip rates have been placed n effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in' either direction. Tickets will be sola SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on Nor before the I loiiowmg Monday. Rats to ok Feom Corvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents I lor particulars. Prices for good printing are based on the cost of good . material, and the labor and taste employed in doing the work. To this every printer adds a percentage for profit. The cheap printer charges the same profit as the good printer the difference in cost to you comes out of the value of the material used in fact you pay for all you get. 53,053 FAtllOf 34,4731 Skill, taste and ex perience are ne cessary factors in r .. . producing GOOD printing. Imported Black Percheron wil be in Corvallis, for service, after January 1. For further informa tion address, T. K Fawcett, Bellfountain, Or. Examine your work, and don't pay for it until you know it is all right. It is your own fault if you pay good money f or rotten eggs.