1 urn i riniJT it nirrl WILL 11UUI 11 UU1L When Peace Is wanted, Roosevelt Will Be Mediator. ALL HAVE CONFIDENCE IN HIM EuroDe Aerrees Our President Will Be , 0 Chosen to Bring About Peace When Time Comes. Washington, Jan. 9. Japan has not : made overtures for peace to Russia, di rectly or indirectly, through the Unit- ed States or any other power, and con templated no such action, and now that Port Arthur has fallen, purposes to Dress -the war in the North all the more vigorously by reinforcing the Jap anese armies at Xiao Yang with the ereater part of the troops which have been besieging Port Arthur. This, in brief, represents the views of Mr. Ta- kahira, the Japaese minister. "The fall of Port Arthur," said the minister, "is but a step in the war which Japan is waging for a principle. Certainly it is an important step, but nothing could be further from the truth than the assumption that, be- cause japan lias captureu a sLiuuguuiu, T 1 i . . . J .i 1 1 -1 the fall of which has long been expect ed, the Japanese government will now make overtures for peace. Japan is too busy fighting. .We are as much in ear nest today as we were at the outset of the war. We have made no overtures for peace, either directly or indirectly, nor have the powers approached us with an idea of intervention." The Russian embassy reiterated that Ttussia would fight all the harder in view of the temporary loss of Port Ar thur. fc Europe, it is learned, iaJLirnlj cl the vuuTitbivu tuait uuHrvci uai& hue I iook ior peace at tms moment, wnen the prospect brightens, it is to Presi- dent .Koosevelt that the neutrals as well as the belligerents, will look as the intermediary through whom peace negotiations will be initiated. As a European ambassador said today, the American government is practically the only government to which both belligerents will be willing to look for assistance in reaching a settlement when that time comes, and, aside from this fact, the high personal regard in which the president is held, both at St. Petersburg and at Tokio, makes ' it all the more probable that through him, when Russia and Japan have fought their fight, the powers hope for peace. SUBMARINES FOR JAPAN. She Has Had Thirty Shipped From Seattle in Sections. Victoria, Jan. 9. The steamer Kan agawa Maru, which arrived today from Japan, took a cargo of submarine boats oh her last trip from Seattle. These were shipped in sections. It is under stood that the Japanese government now has about 30 submarine vessels, many of which are now ready for ser- Others are being put together at Kure. Some foreigners will assist to man them. Captain Orlan Cullen, inventor of the Cullen ball-bearing gun, arrived on the Kanagawa Maru, from Tokio, after taking a cargo of submarines and heavy ordnance to Japan. He left Trieste in rnovemDer on an Austrian steamer via Constantinople, having the guns mani fested as agricultural implements. TO FORTIFY AGAIN. Japan Already Has Men and Material for Port Arthur. Chefoo, Jan. 9. General Nogi is pre pared, through agents who have been recruiting for months, to put a horde of Chinese coolies at work in the reforti- fying of Port Arthur immediately that the Russians are disposed of. Vast quantities of cement and timber are ready on the Yalu river for this pur pose, while steel plates and other man ufactured necessaries are ready in Japan for transportation to the fortress. . The Japanese are confident that the refortifying of Port Arthur will place it in a better condition than ever. For Sale of Reclaimed Land. Washington, Jan. 9. Senator Bard has introduced a bill in the senate pro viding for. the disposal of lands ac quired under the provisions of the re clamation act. Under the bill, all lands susceptible of irrigation by means of works constructed under the reclam ation act of June 17, 1902, which are unsurveyed, are to be subdivided in the same manner as other public lands. The secretary of the interior is author ized to lease any lands proposed to be utilized for irrigation works until they are needed. To Resume Smoot Case. Salt Lake City, Jan. 9. About 30 witnesses for the defense in the Smoot investigation, which will he resumed in Washington tomorrow, have been subpoenaed in Utah and Idaho. Most of these are men prominent in the bus iness and political states. Two women life of the two have been sum- moned. . Senator Smoot, Congressman Howell, Attorneys Worthington and Van Cott and a large number of wit nesses departed f or the East today,. ': Conference on Reclamation. wasmngton, Jan. The engineers who are employed in the government reclamation service began their second annual conference here today. ' Repre sentatives were present from all parts oftheJWeet. WILL BE SMALL. iver and Harbor Appropriation Bill Will Be Cut. Washington, Jan. 10. The river and harbor committee has adopted the pol icy of appropriating only for waterways which are being partially improved at state or municipal expense. Representative Williamson today laid before Chairman Burton a long state- ment showing that the city of Portland has expended up to December a total of $1,698,000 in channel improvements from Portland to the sea, and that the state of Oregon has appropriated $165, 000 for building a portage road from The Dalles to Celilo and $100,000 ad ditional for the purchase of right of way for a government canal between these points. In view of these large expenditures Mr. Williamson urged the committee to deal - liberally with all Columbia river projects. The conference of Republican leaders at the White House today, taken in conjunction with the' announcement of Mr. Burton, is taken to mean that there will be little or no appropriation for rivers and harbors at this session. Before his conference with the Re publican leaders the president talked over the situation with Mr. Burton and expressed in very forceful terms his conviction that it would be wise, in view of the depleted- condition of the treasury, to postpone the river and harbor bill, and to expend any availa ble surplus in carrying out a' liberal naval program. Mr. Burton has - not yet abandoned the idea of passing a river and harbor bill this session, and his committee will go ahead with its work, hoping to complete a bill by the end of next week. The bill, , however, will be small, and will provide only for the more important projects, cutting out all small waterways which have no real commerce, and which are not sup- ported in any way by 8tate appropria. tionS If such a bill is brought in, it will provide for the mouth of the Columbia river the river from Portland to the sea and for the: Dalles-Celilo canal, and may possibly make some provision for the acquisition of the canal and locks at Oregon City, provided the state is willing to bear part of the expense. Aside from these items, however, there seems at this tmie to be little prospect that congress will do anything this ses sion for the waterways of the North Pacific. ' BEGIN THIS YEAR. Oregon Irrigation Projects to Receive New Impetus. Washington, Jan. 10. If plans form ulated at a conference today between Senator Fulton and F. H. Newell, chief of the reclamation service, and his assistants, J. B Lippencott and Henry N. Savage, shall be consummated ac cording to expectation, the government will be able during the coming summer to begin construction of two enormous irrigation projects in Oregon, the Klamath Basin, costing $5,000,000 or more, the other on Malheurnver, costing $2,000,000. Senator Fulton, met the engineers to talk' over the situ ation and ascertain just what is stand- ing in the way of construction of these great worksl It was agreed that three material ob? stacles must he removed before the Klamath project can be formally adopt ed, notwithstanding it has - already- been adjudged entirely feasible and de clared to possess many attractive feat ures. This project proposes not only to drain Lower Klamath and Tule lakes, but to lower the level of Upper Klamath lake and to diminish the flow of Link and Lost rivers by diverting their waters into irrigating canals. All these waters are navigable and there tore cannot De used tor irrigation save by special act of congress. To remove this obstacle, Senator Fulton will co operate with Senator Bard, of Cali fornia, and endeavor to get the latter's bill passed through both houses this session. He anticipates that no objec tion will be raised. Bishop Spalding Half Paralyzed Peoria, 111., Jan. 10. The condition oi uisnop jonn L,. spaulding was un changed today. Since his paralytic at tack yesterday afternoon he has prac tically recovered the use of his vocal organs. , His left arm and the entire left side of his body are paralyzed. At St. Mary's cathedral tomorrow morning prayers will be offered in connection with high mass. All of today, the Episcopal residence was deluged with telegrams of sympathy from all over the United States, President Roosevelt being among the first. Elevator Ruined at Kansas City. Kansas City, Jan. 10. The Maple Leaf gram- elevator in . Kansas City, Kan., owned by the Chicago, Great Western railway company, was burned tonight with 300,000 bushels of wheat entailing a loss of $300,000 on building and contents, fully insured. The fire was caused by sparks due to iriction of a belt. Thirteen railroad cars loaded with grain and a number of negro cabins were burned. - All the grain was owned by Kansas City dealers. Decrease in Anthracite Output, Philadelphia, Jan. 10. The total anthracite production in Pennsylvania for the year 1904 was almost two mil lion tons below the output of 1903 The total production for 1904 was -67 492,522, as compared with 59,362,831 during the previous year. BUZZARD IN EAST New York in Grasp of Storm of Ice and Snow.' CLAIMS TOLL OF SEVEN LIVES Many Persons, Benumbed With Cold, Fall and Break Bones Street Cars Blockaded. New York, Jan. 6. Not in several years has New York been visited by a storm of such proportions as that which commenced yesterday and continued until early today. Nine inches of snow fell, paralysing . traffic, and brought untold suffering to the city s poor. Seven deaths in New York and vicinity were reported, while many persons, overcome by cold, dropped ' to the street, some of them fracturing bones. Five of the seven men who met death from the results of the storm died from exposure and another slipped on the icy platform of an elevated station, fell in front of an approaching train and was ground to pieces. The seventh, a conductor on the Pennsylvania rail road, blinded by the driving snow, tepped in front of the "Congressional Limited" train at South Amboy and was instantly killed. It is estimated that the storm will costjthe New York city railway com' pany over $100,000. Incoming ocean liners report a bliz zard at sea. Today 5,000 men were put to work clearing the streets of New York and tomorrow the number will be doubled The effects of the blizzard were felt at most points along the New England and Middle Atlantic coasts. So far no marine fatalities have been reported. In New York city traffic of all kinds was impeded, trolley lines were, tied up and the streets, swept by a gale driv ing before it fine snow that cut like sand and piled in great drifts, were practically impassable. Railroad trains from all points were delayed from a few minutes to three hours, and the elevated lines were operated with the greatest difficulty, without regard to schedule. At sea the conditions must have been severe, but so far no disaster has been reported. AWFUL COST OF VICTORY. Facts About Siege Gleaned From Rec ords of Stoessel. Chefoo, Jan. 6. Some interesting statistics concerning the defense of Port Arthur were brought here by the flo tilla of Russian torpedo boat destroyers which carried numerous chests contain ing complete records of General Stoes sel' s army. Originally the army , numbered,' 35,, 000. Eleven thousand have been killed, 16,000 are wounded or sick, while 8,000 remained in the forts, of whom, however, 2,000 were unable to fight. It is learned that, when General Stoesstl wrote to General Nogi regard ing the surrender of the fortress he said: "I have 8,000 men in the forts, and 6,000 of these are able to fight. If you do not accept my proposal these men will die fighting, but it will cost you three times their number to kill them." During the siege 265 per cent of the garrison were put out of action. This remarkable fact was due to-wounded men returning to the front. Cases have been recorded where men have gone to the hospital seven' , times, re turning convalescent to' the forts. The number of officers killed was proportionately greater' than in any battle known to history. This was due to the frequent lethargic condition of the men, who, without food and with out sleep, moved only when led by their officers. The Russians estimate that the taking of the fortress has cost Japan $100,000,000. Crowds Cry for News. St. Petersburg, Jan. 6. The scenes at the admiralty and war office today were a repetition of those of yesterday, crowds of weeping women and children vainly asking for lists of the survivors of the Port Arthur garrison, which could not be furnished. While " the Russian military law is imperative in the requirement " that the commander of a fortress who surrenders shall be tried by court martial, the emperor will undoubtedly order that this form ality be dispensed with in the case of General Stoessel . No Time for Mediation.. . Paris, "Jan.. 6. The official view here continues to regard, mediation between Russia and Japan as impracticable. The Temps, semi-official, in a leading article, says: "Russia will not consid er mediation atf a moment when her self-esteem is suffering f rom the .deepest wound and before playing her strongest card, namely, the concentration of an overwhelming force under General Ku ropatkin." The same opinion .is held at the foreign office. , International Salmon Commission. Victoria, B. C, Jan. 6. Local can ners have been advised of the intention of the Dominion government to; seek the appointment of an international commission to investigate the fisheries on the Pacific coast with a view to pro- I viding joint regulations for the preserv- ing of the fisheries, particularly of the salmon fisheries. SUMMARY OF THETERMS. Russian Officers Go Home on Parole, Privates Remain Prisoners. London, Jan; 5. The Japanese lega tion yesterday published the terms of the agreement which served as the basis of the capitulation . of Port Ar thur. The agreement was signed by the Russian and Japanese commission- , representing Generals Stoessel and Nogi respectively, and later by the commanders in chief themselves, the final consummation of it taking place in the evening of January 2. The agreement consists of 11 arti cles. Several of them are of a purely technical nature. . The essential points of the others are as follows : The en tire fortress, with its surrounding forti fications, the ships still afloat in the harbor and the wrecks of those' sunk and partly sunk, all arms "and ammu nition, the military buildings in the fortress and forts as well as in the old and new towns, together with all other government property, are to he surren dered to the Japanese . The latter agree to respect and duly investigate all pri vate rights and claims. The Japanese reserve the right of free action relative to their claims for restitution and indemnity in the event of it becoming established that any forts, ships or other property were de stroyed after the signatures had been affixed to the agreement. Impartial investigation of the reports alleging such violation of the proprieties of the surrender is promised, and . the Rus sians agree to co-operate. The plans of the forts' still standing, destroyed or in the course of construc tion, the stock of torpedoes and mines, the lists containing information in ref erence to the placing of mines on land or sea within the confines of Port Ar thur, as well as the lists with the names of all military and naval officers engaged in the late defense are to be delivered without deductions and eras ures to the Japanese. The soldiers, sailors and volunteers, as well as the officials under Russian jurisdiction, will become prisoners of the Japanese. The officers and officials will retain their arms and private prop erty, however, in accordance with the expressed wish of the mikado, as a rec- ogintion of their gallantry in defending the fortress. These officers and officials are to be sent on parole to Russia. As a guarantee of good faith, the forts at Itseshah and Antushan, togeth er with other fortifications still stand ing, are to be surrendered to the Jap anese not later than noon of January 3 DOES MUCH DAMAGE. Disastrous Fire in Plant of Union Meat Company at Portland. Portland, Jan. 4. Fire raged in the plant of. the Union Meat company. Fourth aand -tilisan streets, from 11 last night to 3 this morning, complete ly gutting the building. Loss on the structure,- which "'was a -, three-story brick, is estimated at $100,000, and on the contents $150,000. This is partly covered by insurance. Heated lard is believed to have start ed tne nre. xne names Durst out on the third floor, directly over the engine room. When the fire was first discov ered by Night Engineer John Sleight, the flames were leaping in every direc tion a Dove and streams ot ammonia from the cold storage plant were drip ping to the floors below. Close to the Fourth street Bide of the building, on a track of the Southern Pacific, stood several freight and refrig erator cars. There was also a car of fuel oil. It stood where the flames were the hottest and for more than ah hour it was the fear of the police and firemen that would explode aand deal death in every direction. The flames leaped and burned furi ously overhand around the oil tank, hut after an hour of heroic work the fire men succeeded in averting the danger and saving the car of oil. Those who had to fight close to the danger ground breathed a sigh of relief when they drove back the flames and were able turn their attention to the building proper. Ready to Mediate. Washington, Jan. 5. President Roosevelt has decided that he will offer his good offices to bring about peace between. Russia and Japan whenever either party to the conflict shall request him to do so. He has heretofore in sisted that both parties must request his good Offices before taking any action This view has been modified so that eitther can secure his interposition by asking it. The president does not think any step in the direction of peace will be taken in the immediate future. probably two or three months. To Relieve Sufferers. Wei Hai Wei, Jan, 5. The British steamer Andromeda sailed for Port Ar thur this morning carrying a largi quantity of medical supplies, appliances and comforts for the. Russiaan sick and wounded. The Andomeda had board two Burgeons and eight tons of stores, including 350 beds and 100,000 pounds of provisions. Her cargo " was shipped on board last night, following the receipt of official permission to sail on the errand of mercy. . " Japanese Occupy Forts, Tokio, Jan. 5. The Japanese took possession of a number of the forts of Port Arthur today. The Russian offi cers an officials will be permitted to re- , turn to Russia upon parole, the officers i retaining their side arms. 1 EVENTS OF THE PAST YEAR . January. . 2 All Chlcant-theaters dosed. In conse quence of Iroquois Theater holocaust of Dec. SO. .... Death ot Gem. James Long- street. 4 Con ere sa reassembles and hears spe cial message from President on Panama question Fire destroys north wing of Iowa State capital. Thirty killed In Bock Island wreck near Topeka, Kans. .... Boiler explosion on British cruiser Wallaroo kills 43 persons. B Death of Gen. John B. Gordon Steamer Clallam sinks In Straits of Juan de Fuca; S2 lives lost. .... Chinese Emperor ratifies treaty making Mukden and Antung pen ports. .... Death of Hon. Chas. Foster i unio. 13 Death of Col. Chas. Denby of Indi ana. 14 Death af ax-Governor Asa 8. Bushnell f Ohio. IS New government takes hold In Pan ama. IB Death of George Francis Train. 22-.Tornado In Moundvllle. Ala., kills 37 persons and Injures over 100. .... Floods long inaiana ana Ohio rivers. Aalesund, Norway, destroyed ny are. 25 One hundred snd ninety," miners en tombed in mine near Pittsburg Ver dict in Iroquois Theater fire case returned in Chicago. . . . . Mrs. Florence Maybrick re leased from English prison. 26 Fifteen lives lost -In mine accident in Victor, Colo Conviction and suicide of Wlii taker Wright, English promoter. February. 2i-Death of ex-Secretarr of Navy WllUam C. Whitney. e rtussia ana japan break diplomatic re lations. 7 Great conflagration In Baltimore. 8 Japan lands troops In Korea. 9 Japan wins naval victory over Bussia. at Port Arthur. 10 Japanese destroy two Busslan ships at Chemulpo, and capture 2,000 Russian troops near that city Russia and Japan de clare war. 15 Six hundred Russian soldiers frozen to death on Lake Baikal Death of Senator M. A. Hanna. 22 Japanese take four Russian torpedo Honrs on fort Arthur. 23 Panama Canal treaty ratified by U E. Senate. 26 Great fire In Rochester. N. T. 27 Burnlna- of Wisconsin Statehouse in uauison. March. ' 2 CollaDse of steel frame for 11-storr hotel in New York; 14 people killed. o japs oomnara fort Artnur. 11 New York and Hudson River Tunnel Co.'s tunnel under North River completed. Five-hour naval battle on Port Arthur; Russians abandon the town. 14 Tjnited States Suoreme Court hands down decision adverse to great isortnern securities company mercer. 16 Russian torpedo boat destroyer blown op in Port Arthur harbor. 18 Daniel J. Scully, cotton king, sus pends payment: panic on New York Cotton Exchange. . . i . Leonard Wood confirmed as Malor-General by Senate. 21 Earthquake shocks felt In New Eng land states xornaao damages juggins- ville. Mo. 23-30 Destructive nooods in states of Middle West. 24 Death of Sir Edwin Arnold. .... Five negroes lynched by mob at St. Charles, Ark. 26 Two more neeroes lynched at St. Charles, Ark., making 13 lynched la one week Tornado kills six persons near Carutnersvllle, Mo. 81 Big struct or lows miners Begins. April. 4 Russians driven from Korea by Japa nese advance. 6 President of Mormon Church issues or der prohibiting polygamy. 12 Russian battleship Petropavlovsk sunk off Port Arthur; Admiral Makaroff and 700 owners killed, famous painter, verestcbagln, amone- them. 13 Explosion on battleship Missouri kills 29 men. 19 Great fire In wholesale district of To ronto. Canada: loss. $10,000,000. .... House passes Oklahoma and Arizona statehood 20 Death of Grace Greenwood, once pop ular writer. 22 Cam-barn bandits. Neldermeyer. Marx and Van Dine, executed In Chicago. 23 Japanese routed at mouth oi xara River. s . . f - 27 Ownership of Panama anal nronerty transferred to United States: SO Opening of Louisiana Purchase Expo sition in at. Louis. May. 1 Japanese rout Russians at end of five- days' fight on the Yalu Death of An- tonin Dvorak, Bohemian musician. .... 100 lives lost by hurricane in Cochin, China. 2 Death of Edgar Fawcett. .... Japa nese capture Kiewcnwang. 5 Death of Marcus Jokal. Hungarian oa trlot and novelist. .... Death of Frans van Lenbach, Bavarian Artist. 6 Japanese capture Dalny. 7 Death of Andrew McNally. Chicago publisher. 10 Death oi uenry at. Stanley. African cxDlorer. 12 Illinois Republican convention meets ana deadlock aeveiopes. 15 Japanese Dattieship Hatsrjse strikes Russian mine off Port Arthur and Binka with 441 men; cruiser xoshino rammed by fe.asaga ana zxu oi crew tost. 18 Japanese army driven back to Feng wangeneng wm neavy iosb. 20 Illinois ttepuDiican convention ad journs until May 81 with deadlock un broken. 22 Explosion of fireworks factory In Find- lay, O., kills several employes. .... Japa nese lose 15,000 men In land attack on Port Arthur; Russian loss 3.UOO. 25 Ten miners suffocated in tunnel at Willlamstown. Pa.. In coal mine. Tatnn City, Miss., destroyed by fire with S2.000.000 loss. 26 Boilers of towboat Fred Wilson blow Bp near Louisville, ivy., Killing 13 persons. , . uussians aeieaiea oj Japanese In Ta tting pass. .... Japanese capture Klncbou and drive Russians irom Nansban Hill heavv loss of life dn both sides. .... Rus sians burn, loot and abandon Port Dalny. 28 Death of Senator M. S. Quay of Penn sylvania. 2u $o,uuu,wu on ia piero sua snipping In jersey uity, . w. . June. ft Tlllnnfa Rnnhliran convention ilmiHi. Slier ll-uaj bcoojwu. Til . destroys 14 lives 'and Sl.000.000 worth ox property. . 5 Mob wrecks amphitheater In St. Louis, WueU UU11UKUI SB BWpycu. 6 Flrteen non-union miners aiuea oy ay- i ninDlnn at Inripnndnrp rnl a nnth of L. Z. Letter. Chicago multi millionaire. Mi J'J ueatn OI uunuvc nuuuu, iiirvray man. Short Personals. James W. A. MacDonald, New York's aged sculptor, has been an artist more than sixty years. Stovan Zikitsch,117 years old, living at Nish, Servia, was well acquainted with Lord Byron. ' - .Although 85 years old, Mrs. Sarah Mc Laughlin of Lynn, Mass., does a good day's work binding shoes. . Charles Taylor of Waterbury, Vt., is 99 years old and yet he drove a horse in a trotting race recently. He did not win. Dr. Rudolf Amandus Philippi, who died recently at Santiago, aged 96, was called "the patriarch of tha Germans of Chili." Egypt claims the oldest man in the world Ahmed Selim, who has turned six score. : He remembers Napoleon in Egypt r. v .- The oldest orator in Germany, Deputy Schneider in Eberswalde, is aged 103, and is still in. possession of his mental Dowel's. 14 End of strike of lake captains. V 15 Burnlna of steamer General Slocua in East River, New York; 1,000 persons per ish Vladivostok sanadron sinks two Japanese transports, destroying 1,000 lives. ia American ueroy in Chicago won uy Highball. 20 Five thousand Russians killed and wounded at Halcheng. 21 ReDublican national mnnntioii orjena in Chicago. z Koosevelt and Fairbanks nominated la Chicago. 26-27 Japanese defeat Rnaalana In two- days' fight at Dalin Hill. zs Death of "Dan" Emett, composer or Dixie." .... Nine million icrM of land ' thrown open to settlement In Nebraska. 29 Steamer Norge lost In North Atlantis uceaa; ovar iw persona perish. Jnly. S Twenty neniona kniJ In Wabash wreck at Litchfield, 111. 6People's party national convention nominates Watson and Tibbies. democratic national convention meeta In St. .Louis. .... Heavy rains causa great floods In Kansas. Pl'nocratie convention nominates Al t0?.B v?rker President. enry Q. D,Tls named for Vice Pres ident by Democmtlf mnvAntlnn Mar- blehead, Ohio, wrecked by explosion IT "' injured in train wreck at aim- vale, N. J. 11 Thirty thonsanA .Tananeae killed Or wounded in attack on Port Arthur. 12 Strike of 50,000 packing house em ployes begins in Western cities Death of Mayor S. M. Ifiniiini RnUi Jnnea in To ledo, 0 200 Uvea lost In 'cloudburst and flood near Manila. 13 C. & E. I. excursion train wrecked at Glenwood, 111.; 24 killed and 72 injured. "7"i oi rani &ruger. 22-24 Rltous times at Bonesteel, S. D. 24 RnssianR evnrnata K.vi-hwnne after two-days' battle Russians sink British steamship Knight Commander off Izu. 27 England protests' to Russia regarding sinking of steamship Knight Commander. o urewing ror Kosebua reservation iana begun la Chamberlain, S. D. Auarast. 1 Death of ex-Gavernnr Rnht. H. Pattl- son of Pennsylvania. 4 iiunois central train robbed near Har- vey. 111. .... Death of Mrs. Nelson A. Miles. d British expedition enters Lhassa, tha "forbidden city." -o Japanese attack Port Arthur. 7 Wreck on Rln Grande railway near Plnon, Col., causes 100 deaths. 9 Death 4f ex-Senator Geo. G. Vest of Missouri. 10 Former Premier Waldeck-Ronsseau of France dies. .... Naval battle off Port Ar thur. 13 Turkey yields fa demands of United . States In regard to American schools. 14 Russian Vladivostok sanadron defeat ed by Japanese in Straits of Corea. in mod burns two negroes at stake in statesboro. Ga Death of Hon. Perry Hannah at Traverse City, Mich. 19 Tornado in North St. Louis. .... Gen eral attack on Port Arthur. 20 Tornado In St. Paul. Minneapolis and vicinity kills 18 persons and causes $3,000, 000 loss. 21 Russian cruiser Novlk beached after - two days' fight. .... Russians win battle at fort Arthur. 28 Cable line to Alaska la completed. ; September. I Japanese take Laio-Yang. 3 Big fire In Memphis, Tenn. 4 Tenement house fire in New York ends 14 lives. 8 Stockyards strike in Chicago is ended; .... Death of Rev. Geo. C. Lo rimer. II Russian cruiser Lena arrives In port at San Francisco. 18 Death of Prince Herbert Bismarck. 19-rTwo million dollar wharf fire in Hal ifax, N. S. 21 Peter Karageorgevltch crowned King of Servia. 24 Sixty-two persons killed In train wreck near Knoxville. Tens. .... Mt. Vesu vius in eruption. 26 Death of Lafcadlo Hearn, author. 28 Japanese capture Ta Pass. 30 Death of Senator George Friable Hoar of Massachusetts. October. 1 Death of Sir William Vernon Har court. 4 Death of Frederic A. Bartholdl, fa mous French sculptor. .... Postmaster-General Henry C. Payne dies. -10 Robert J. Wynne appointed Postmas ter General. . .. . Missouri Pacific wreck -near Warrensburg, Mo., kills 29 people. " ' 11 Steamer Call Blnks off Prince Ed ward's Island; 19 lives lost. 14 King George of Saxony dies. .... Famine In Swedish province of Goteburg Bonus. .... Russians lose great battle near YentaL 13-17 Great battle south of Mukden. 22 Russian Baltic fleet fires upon English fishing boats and sinks two of them. 24 England demands reparation for sink ing of fishing boats by Russian fleet. 26 Russia sends note of apology to Eng land. 27 Mrs. Rae Krauss confesses murder of stepdaughter in Hartford City, Ind. 28 Ex-Governor Geo. K. Nash of Ohio drops dead. .... England and Russia agree to refer North Sea affair to arbitration court. .... Twenty-one miners killed by mine explosion in Teroio, Col. November, 3 French steamer Gironde sunk in col lision off Herbllloh, Algiers, and 100 lives lost. 8 Roosevelt and Fairbanks elected by unprecedented majorities. 13 Gale sweeps Atlantic Coast States. 16 Russian torpedo boat destroyer Ras toropny blown up in harbor of Che-Foo. 18 Explosion In mine at Morrissey, Man., kills 14 miners Gas explosion In Chi cago" kills four men. 19 Burning of Missouri building at the World's Fair; one fireman killed. W. C. P. Breckinridge dies. 20 Twelve persons lose lives In burning of Brooklyn, N. Y., tenements $700,000 fire in business section of Cincinnati. 23 Steamer Elpis lost In Black Sea, with 77 persons aboard. 29 Death of Madame Janauschek, famous actress. December. 1 Louisiana Purchase Exposition In St. Louis closes Seventh inauguration of President Dlas of Mexico. Haley Gipe found guilty of manslaughter at Newcastle, Ind. .... Peter Nlssen, inventor of a roller boat, dies in contrivance on Lake Michigan. 2 Death of Mis. G. H. Gilbert, veteran actress. 5 Death of ex-Postmaster Oeneral James N. Tyner. .... Opening of last session of 58th Congress. 8 Japanese wipe out Busslan fleet at Port Arthur. 13 Big fire in Minneapolis. 21 Death of ex-Senator George L. Shoup- of Idaho Congress adjourns for holiday recess. Odds and Ends. A plucky man refuses to stand and. let others pluck him. A society woman's idea of a foolish, girl is one who wants to marry for love. Don't blame the postman for fallin to deliver a letter that was never writ ten. Some husbands are mean enough to keep . half . a dozen mothers-in-law-busy. There ia no such word as failure In connection with the forbidden-fruit crop. One difference between a hog and a. man is that a hog knows when he nas. enough. One trouble with many a self-made-man is that the part he talks, with' i out. of proportion to the part he thinks with. '