Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 10, 1905, Image 4

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Five lines, or lees, 25 cents for three
'Kertions, or 50 cents per month. ,
for gpiitletnan, at private near
bubii't-frs section. Address, ABC.
ll ki' ls Poultry also dressed Pork,
miti Bouldeo". Corvallie, Oregon,
i-ext to Gazette office.
Gazette and Week'y Oregonian at
$2 50 per year.
wood on subscription at the Gazette
outh Rork Crr-kcels for sale cheap at
2.00. J I Taylor, at C. & E. cross
most npw combination rarriae and go- j
fart, with silk parasol and rubber tires
far sale at a bargain. Enquire at thi?
nuts ontvielJ all oher varieties. V
vou desire trees write for prices and
partiVnlarP n TWt Brooks, McMinn
ville, Or., RFD No 2.
. sey bull. snbjct to register , from firpt-
,rlas milk stock. Address, M. S
Woodcock, Corvallis, Or.
Rams and four half-breeds. Peter
Whitaker. 1
tials "P. R C." Please leave at the
Gazette Office.
any prade of advancement.. Alo
pianos tnne'i and repaired in fist-r;lass
manner. Ind phone No. 405. F. A.
ger. Known him 22 years Still car
ries Uncle Sam and baggage. John is
an accom.nodsting man nd always
can be found at his poBt Allen's Drug
Store, or phone 251
eer, Corvallis, Or Office at Huston's
hardware store. P. O. address Box 11.
Pays highest prices for all binds of
live stock. Twenty years' experience.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Stage leaves Alsea 6 :30 a. m. ; arrives
t Philemnth at. 12 m; leaves Philo
math 1 V- m., arrives at Alsea 6:30
p. m. All persons wishing to go or
return from Alsea and points west can
be accomodated at any time. Fare to
Alsea $1.0) Round trip sameday $2.00.
M. S. Rickabd.
Both Phones. CORVALLIS, OR.
Office in Post Office Building, Corval
lis, Oregon. :
Notary, Titles, Conveyanc
ing. Practice in all State and Federal
Courts. Office in Bnrnett Building. :
less extraction. In Zierolf bnilding
Opp. Post Office, Corvallis, Oregon.
and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build
ins. Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. m 2 to
1 p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad
ams Sta. Telephone at office and res
idence, uorvams, uregen
and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on
main street, jr miomata, Oregon.
Corn smut will not injure cattle un
less they eat too much of it.
Hogs will fatten on alfalfa, hut
should be finished off with some grain.
Horses are very fond of artichokes,
and do well on them as a partial food.
Infuse some new blood into the
swine herd and you will find that it
At night in hot weather animals
should be kept out of doors as much as
Is the animal panting and no shade
or water to partially relieve the dis
tress? Bad, very bad.
Flies do not like kerosene oil, and
just touching the hair of the animal
with sponge .saturated with the oil
will help keep the flies off.
j The country butcher is an advantage
j to the farmer because he will buy an
animal occasionally and furnish fresh
meat for the farmer's table.
' Oxen are not much used in the west,
but you will sometimes see them in the
far west. They are not profitable for
team service, but the bull could be
I worked with profit.
i An alarming 'report from swine
breeders is that there is not much buy
ing of pure bred swine, is a detri
ment to the farm breeders, we fear.
Keep the standard high, and that can
only be done by an occasional intro
duction of new blood. Western Plow
man. "
Exercise for Brood Mares.
Mares with suckling foals should be
exercised plentifully with slow and
light work. After the foal is a month
old it may be left in a box stall or feed
lot out of sight and hearing of its dam
from morning till noon, when it should
be allowed to suckle. If the mare's
udder, is very full of milk it should be
partly emptied. when the. animal comes
home at night and before the colt is
allowed to get its everiing drink.
Farmers' Review.
Germs of the Disease Do Not Develop
Without Assistance of Filth,
i and Dampness.
Roup Is a disease that is not feared by.
those that have never had- it in their
j flocks. A person will sometimes raise
: poultry for many years and never have
. a case. It is our belief that it is possible
to keep the disease out of the flock alto
. gether by using ti,ue precautions. Bad
i weather conditions seem frequently to
be the cause of the disease, but it is oer-
tainly due to a germ, and however bad
( the weather the disease coula not come
': without the germs being present. But
even if the germs are present they may
not find a toevelop without the
assistance of ith, dampness and crafty
roosting places. The way to keep roup
but of a flock is to keep the henhouse
clean, supply it with an abundance of
. : light, have it so tight that the fowls will
; be exposed to no crafts-, and then be
careful about introducing' new birds.
New fowls must be purchased now and
then, but such ones should be kept by i
themselves and away from the rest of
the flock for a month after purchase to
make sure that they are healthy. When
the disease is once introduced it is like
ly to prove a very stubborn visitor to
j eject Prevention is far easier than
Roup is, frequently very destructive,
but at other times the disease seems to
be mild in form, carrying off no birds at
all. This has led to the suspicion that
therevare several diseases that we ig
norantly named roup. TVe ars certain
that fhere are at least two, one being
common in winter and the other most
fatal in summer. The bacteriologists
are working on the diseases at the pres
ent time and may ultimately bring light
out of the darkness. But with our pres
ent knowledge we must treat all of these
diseases as one and call them simply
roup. This word is an old one and means
"to cry out." It was probably given to
this disease because birds affected- with
it cry out. -A synonym is the "pip."
When this disease gets into a flock the
losses from dead birds may be great;
but the incapacitation of the live birds
may be even greater. One man claimed
to us that he had a recipe that had cured
his flock of roup. It was quite an ex
tensive combination of drugs that were
made up Into- pellets. Each bird had to
be caught in turn and have the pellets
crammed down the throat. It took sev
'eral months In the winter to cure the
flock, and this work had to be done juct
at the time when the fowls should have
been laying eggs. "But," said the man,
"1 cured them anyway, and without los
ing a. single fowl, but I didn't get any
eggs till the middle of the next sum
mer." It may well b doubted if the
cure was worth the trouble. Doubtless
it would have paid better to have
chopped oft the heads of he well fowls
as soon as u was apparent tnai me ais
ease was likely to take them. :
Roup is indicated by the birds having
swelled heads, watery eyes, nostrils
clogged with matter, by diarrhea, and'
by a high fever. Sometimes all symp
toms except fever and diarrhea are
wanting. It Is better to kill cheap birds
that are sick than to doctor them. But
if it is desired to doctor them, their
head and throats should be washed in
antiseptics and the well and sick birds
should be separated. Farmers' Review.
His Omm Act el Wliaom.
"That young Jollikings aeemm to be
about the biggest fool I ever aw. .'All
he does is . go gallivanting around,
spending money like water and letting
the girls who want to have a good time
making a monkey of him. What good
does such aiellowdotheworld?'
"You've got me guessing there. And
yet, in apite of his general foolishness,
he did none thing once that was much
wiser than anything you or I ever did.
"What was that?" '
"Picked out a millionaire to be hi
lather." Chicago Record-Herald.
Try for Bcalthl
222 South Peoria St.. ' ll
Chicago, III., Oct. 7, 1902.
Eight months ago I was so ill
that I was compelled to lie or sit
down nearly all the time. My
: stomach was so weak and upset
.that I could keep nothing on it
and I vomited frequently, vl
could not urinate without great
pain and I coughed so much that
my throat and. lungs were raw
and sore. The doctors pro
nounced it Bright's disease and
others said it was consumption.
It mattered little to me what
they called it and I had no de
sire to live. A. sister visited me
from St. Louis and asked me if
I had ever tried Wine of Cardui.
I told her I had not and she'
bought a bottle. I believe that
it saved my life. I believe many
women could save much suffer
ing if they but knew of its value.
Don't you want freedom from
pain? Take Wine of Cardui
and make onr- vtiq effort to
be well. Yoi ; need to be
a weak, helpi(i. J.'erer. , You
can have a woman's health and
do a woman's work in life. Why
not secure a bottle of Wine of
Cardui from your druggist to
day? Notice.
Notire is he'eby given that a meeting
p'the members of the Won"; ar.s' Chris
tian Temperanie Union, of Corvallis,
Oregon, will he. held in the parlor of the
Union, in its bni'ding on lot, 8. block 3,
Original Ton Corvallis. Benton county,
Otegon, ou Tliort-dav, Januaiy 19, 19l!5, I
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m for the pur
posse of authorizing the ea!e of the build
ing of faid Won an's Christian Temper
ance Union, and for the transaction "of
such other business- as may ccrj.e be
fore the mepting.
All membere of the Woinans', Chris
t an Union, will, pit sse take notic o
faid n.eetii'g. As lage attendance as
possible is desired.
. By otder of t..xecntive Con mitt ee.
P O. Wilson, Presiiltnt.
, - j..
When ymir eyes tire in reading. Iw
you frown or partly i-Iohb the ees w lie :
UoKiiij at an object; when thiug'
"swini" or become- dim ' after briny
looked at for come time: hen the ve
ache, .'Mr-art, or water;
pain in the eyeball.
or when you bavi-
orbit, temples or
AH the conditions are curable- by prop-
er, such as we will furnish
after a scientific examination
MATTHEWS, The Optician,
Room 12, over First National Bank
' 14 Designs
rFFTT - Copyrights &c.
' Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest asency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice without charge, in the
saernmc Jftnencatt
A handsomely Illustrated weekly.
Largest cir
' cnlat
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, S3 a
year ; four months, SI. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN &Co.36,Bro-New York
urancn umce. so x be wasnuiEion, u. u.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette .
Valley Points
Low round trip rates have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
- - ' ' ' ' ! '
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday. . " ' ' ,
Rate to ob Feom Corvallis, $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents
tor particulars. .; : . .
Pneumonia follows La Grippe
r, , but never follows tho us of
It stops the Obngh and heals the lungs,
Prevent Pneumonia tad Consumption. -'
. Ha. Ok TAcram, of 151 Osgood St., Chlescs,
vriUsi MMy wife had la arippa and it toft he
with a vary bad sona-h on har lnncs whisk
four's Hom akd Tab onxsd compUUly."
' Notice.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to .me are requested to call and
settle their accounts at once. I Accounts
may be seen at my old stand, now Wine
gar's harness shop. J, M. Camebon,
. a -
An laiwer with ' Stlnr. '
"No," said the rich old bachelor, "I
never could find time to marry."
"Well," replied xthe young woman
with the sharp tongiie. "I am not sur
prised to hear you say so. It certain
ly "would have taken a good while to
persuade any girl to have you." Tit-Bits.
Eadly: Arranged.
, "I hope you will not say anything
you will be sorry for."
"I can assure you that I will not."
"You will' endeavor to express your
self in moderate language?"
"Not at all. I shail simply refuse to
. be sorry." Washington Star.
TIte Disgruntled Father. i
"My tastes," said the extravagant
son, "are inherited."
"Yes." retorted the angry father,
"everything you have is inherited.
You haven't gumption enough to ac
quire even a taste by individual ef-fort."-r-Chicago
So Seek.
Six slkhs asked the steward to fix
Them a nice little stew at 6:06.
But the wind blew a gale.
And they rushed to the rail.
For six sikhs were seasick at 6:06,
Chicago Tribune.
The Gay Deceivers.
Little grains of powder,
Little drops of paint.
Make the ladies' freckles
. Look as though they ain't.
N. Y. Times.
Tommy's Success.
Mrs. Cawker I am so glad that my
little boy went to the head of the
jlass this morning. How did you
;ome to doit, Tommy?'
Tommy The rest of the fellows had
?uesp-d all the other ways of spelling
the word. Leslie's Weekly.
As Usual.
Has Spicer heard from his daugh
ter since she eloped?"
I "Oh, yes. The young couple tele
graphed the next day that they were
willing to come home and be fiorgiven."
Chicago Record-Herald.
Too Liberal.
Wife Here is an advertisement in '
the paper that you'd better look in
to. ' It. says a man is wanted, p.nd ho
won't be worked to death, and he'll
get paid enough to live on.
Husband Says he won't be worked
to death, eh?
"Yes; and they promise pay enough,
to live on."
"Huh! Some catch, about that!"
N. Y. Weekly.
The Weary Guest.
"You are the hardest man to wake
Tever met," said the kind-hearted cit
izen who had allowed the tramp to
sleep in his kitchen. "Here I've been
poking you ij the ribs for an lnour."
"Xever paid no attention to it," ad
mitted the logger. ' "Yer see, I am
used to sleephi' in a cattle car, an' I
thought yer hand was a cow's horn."
Chicago Daily News.
' Why Not f
Mr. Crimsonbeak When a man ap
plies for a license to run a boat he has
to prove that he can manage her,
doesn't he?
Mrs. Crimsonbeak Certainly.
"Well, why the mischief doesn't he
have to do the same thing when he ap
plies for a license to marry a woman?"
Yonkers Statesman.
Objectionable In Either Case.
"Why did she break the engage
ment?" "He to'ld her that she was the only
girl he had ever kissed."
, "What of it?"
"Why, she. naturally reasoned that
he was either untruthful or absurdly
foolish, and he was hardly worth hav
ing in either case.'V-Chioago Post,
' The Outlook.
"Will you still love me, Clara, if,
after we are married, you discover me
to be full ,of faults?"
"Of course, Clarence, I'm terribly
proud; and I never oould bring myself
to admit even to you that I had
made the mistake of my life." Chi
cago Record-Herald. "
Little Tommy Knew.
Minister'-If anyone present can
show cause why this couple should not
become joined together as man and
wife, let him speak or forever hold his
peace. '-. , ...
Little Tommy I kin, mister. He
thinks auntie's only 35, and she's 401
-Tit-Bits.- . ' - ; - -
Ho Wats Hasdiespped.
"He never amounted -to much, did
he?" . . -'. r
"No; but then -the poor fellow never
had half a chance."
"How was that?"
"He . was considered a prodigy when
he was young, and was treated accord
ingly." Chicago Post. .
A Real 'Benefacto. .
" "My dear doctor, I cannot thank you
' enough for performing that operation
on my uncle.
"I did the best I could."
. ."I know, I know it. By his death two
whole families are now living in com
parative ease." Judge.
Couldn't Make Comparison.
Parson Jackson In de mattah ob
watahmelon, I s'pose yb' b'liebe stolen
fruits am always sweetest. ; i
: Sam Johnsonr-r-I dunmo. Iain'tnebah
sat any but de one kind. PhiladelpWia
Press. - ; . .. ; .
Ho Increase. '' ;,
Winks The Daily Boomer claims
to ha-ve doubled its circulation this
year. i '-'S
Jinks Don't be-Kave it. The Boomer
hasn't .been a bit wickeder this year
than it waa lest. K.Y; Weekly. ; i n
Promliei, Bat No ralflllment.
He promised he'd return the look of hair
She d given him la thoee sweet days
before her .
Xxye cooled. 'Twaj but a promise end-
--- Ing there, -
Like that of any other hair-restorer.
wCathoiic Standard and frmea.
Tiie Kind Ton Have AJ w-avs
in use for ovei 0 years,
and lias
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but
Experiments that 1-riflo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiments
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor. OU, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcoti
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
jna iou nave Always wwa,
in Use For Over SO Years.
i . " r
rypowaer r.ire fxtinuisns'
It. is a tin tu he containing Z lbs, of
a diy powcier, like sand. Tl-row a small
handful on afire, and it puts, it out in
wo seconds. . - '
It is the cheapest thing in the way of
Fire Insurance ever invented. Call and
s 3e one at tl.e Corvallis Gazeitb office.
Leave Corvallis, Mordny, Tuetday,
.Thursday and Siturday at G r. iv.
For rates, etc., call up Main 21.
and ,
Heating !
Cornire, Eoofing, Guttering,
and all kinds of bhett Metal
F. A. Hencye
In connection with J. H.
Reduction in Fare.
Commencing Nov. 7, ratee between
Corvallis and Portland, via C. & E ,
Albany, and S. P. will be reduced to
$2.60, same as West Side rate. Tickets
on sale by C. & E. agent and all offices
in Portland, " ' '
i p: ! A Grim Tragedy .
is daily enacted, in thousands of, homes,
as Death claims, in each one, another
victim of Consumption or Pnenmonia.
But when Coughs and Colds are proper
ly treated the tragedy is averted. F. G.
Huntley, ot Oaklandon, Ind., writes :
"My - wife had the. consumption, 'and
three doctors ' pave her op.' Finally she
took Dr King's New Discovery for Con
sumption,. Coughs and ' Colds, 'which
cured her,4 and today she is well; and
strong." It kills the germs of all dis
eases. One dose relieves. '.Guaranteed
at 50c and $1 by Allen & Woodward
drugniet. Trial bottle tree.
TougM, and -which has been
nas borne the signature of
been made under his per-
supervision since its infancy.
Signature of
v w .
Wouldn't you be glad if you Could get
a responsible Fire Insurance Company
to insure your buildings lor $3.00 per
year? That is just what you do when
you buy one of those handy fire fighters,
adopted by the U. S. Government and
W anted
Id tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton county.
Mary J. H. Whitby, Plaintiff,
Tjoscoe E Edwards, Alice Edwards, Augusta Stroke,
Alonzo Edwards, Melissa Farmer, Defendants.
To Koscoe . Edwards, Alice Edwards. Alonzo
: Edwards, Aiellssa Farmer, the above-named de
fendants: j In the name of the State of Oregon: You ar
hereby required to appear and answer the com
1 plaint of tLe above named plaintiff in tbe above
entitled court, now on file with the clerk of said
I court, within six weeks from the date of the first
j publication of this summons. And you are hereby
j notified that if you fail to appear and answer said
complaint as Herein required, tne piainun win ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed for in said
complaint towit: The foreclosure of a certain
mortgage made and execute a by Robert K. Ed
wards, Augusta Strake and Jonn St rake to plaintiff
on tbe 5th day of January, 1900, to secure the pay
ment of a certain promissory note of Robert K. '
EdwarJs, Augusta Strake. and John Strake, for
$400.00 payable five years after date, with interest
thereon at tbe rate of seven pen cent per annum,
interest parable annually; and which said mortgage
conveyed unto plaintiff the following described real
property, situated in Benton county, Oregon, to
wit: The S W i of the N E i; the KK J of the
S W J; the S E J of the N W J; and the N W 1 of
the S E i of Sec 8, Tp 14 S, R 8 W of the Will Mer.
And for a further decree barring and foreclosing
said defendants, Roscoe H. Edwards, Alice Ed
wards, Augusta strake, Jotm strake, ax tr iotten,
and Leah J. Totten, - Alonzo Edwards, Melissa.
Farmer, of Mid from all right title or interest
: in and to said real property and erery part thereof..
This summons is published by order of the Hon.
Virgil E. Walters, Judge of the Co. Court of Bentoix
i Co.. State of Oreiron. made at chambeis in Corvallis.
Oregon, December 29, 1904, and the date of the first.
publication of this summons is December 3u, 1W4.
. . 1A16S & x xts,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs :"
if i II, pi
. Notice for Publication.
' ' United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, November 25, 1904.
- Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the.
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the .
States -if California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act ot August 4, 1892, '
of Corvallis. county of Benton, state of Oregon, has..
this day filed in this office her sworn statement No
6527. for. the purchase of the. S cf 84 of 8ec
26, in Township 10, B 6 W,' and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable fcr its .
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to entablish her claim to said land before, the Rptir-
ikter and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore
gon, on Thursday, the 16th day nt February, 1905.
8he nam -a as witnesses: .Willard. L. Pjice of
Kings Valley, Or; Taylor Miller of Suver, Or., Bruce
Miller,' of Kings Valley, Or., John Chambers, of ;
Kings Valley, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to filetbeir claims ltt
this office on or before said 16th day of Feb, 1906.
i -1
h: ;
-j i
. :. .... , . , Begister.
,(J HOD: