Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 06, 1905, Image 7

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The only way to get rid
of pimples and other erup
tions is to cleanse the blood,
improve the digestion, stim
ulate the kidneys, liver and
skin. The medicine to take is
Which has cured thousands.
Fatuous Boole Sold at Auction to u
American for S1.050.
At Sotheby's recently there was of
fered for sale an imperfect copy of
the Bible printed by It. Barker in 1613
the New Testament dated 1611
valueless except for some MS. inscrip
tions of more or less interest. The
Bible bajonged to W. Sharp Ogden, of
Rusholme, Manchester, whose grand
father, a well-known collector of
books and prints, bought it for a sov
ereign or two in 1850, and later re
fused $75 for it.
On the reverse of the title of the
New Testament is "William Shake
speare, 1614," and on the end cover,
"Willm. Shakspere, off S. O. A. (Strat-ford-on-Avon),
his Bible, 1613." There
are several other inscriptions, one -of
these showing that seventeen years
after Shakespeare's death it belonged ;
to John Fox, of Warwick. The catal
ogue also suggests some connection
between Thomas Hall and James
Hall, to whom, early in the eighteenth
century, the Bible belonged, and John
Hall, who married Shakespeare's
slaughter. But no evidence on the
point is forthcoming.
The pedigree of the book was re
garded by dealers as satisfactory. ' As
to the Shakespeare signatures, opinion
, -varies within wide limits. The folio
was started at about ?250, and
Messrs.- Pearson Dought it "on behalf
of an American client for $1,000
quite as much as was anticipated.
Several other classics of the sale
room were also bought by private col
lectors for considerable sums. "Robin
son Crusoe," with th "Further Ad
ventures" and "Serious Recollections,"
three volumes, original calf, made
$1,250 not very far short of the au
thor's record established in 10G3; the
1685 folio Shakespeare, full, $505 $710
Is the highest sum ever obtained for
It under the hammer and "The Vicar
of Wakefield," 1776, published at 12s.,
f 475. London News.
flTQ Permanently Cored. No fits or nervousness
I 1 10 afterfirstday'suseofBr.Kline'sGreatNerve
- Restorer. Send for Fre. 88 trial bottle and treatise.
Br. H. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
' A Wrecked Life.
Winks Old Grimes appears to be all
" broke up
Jinks No wonder. His only son plays
the races, and his only daughter plays
tha banjo.-
Why Should He.
- : Casey Did ye take a vacation this
year, Mike?
Corrigan Oi did not Oi was out on
strike from May to October. -Puck.
Of the thirty-eight Sultans who hava
ruled the Ottoman empire since the con
quest of Constantinople by tha Turks,
thirty-four have died violent deaths.
The city of Sheffield charges $10.50 for
cremating in the city crematory tha
bodies of residents and $21 for the bodies
of non-residents.
In a recent case in a Paris court it
was stated that the defendant, a young
officer of cavalry, had spent $400,000
in five months. .
Tha increase of Canada's export trade
In 1903 with Great Britain over the
United States was $42,000,000; in 1903,
Have been suffering from Impure Blood
for many years, having Boils and other
Eruptions. Having heard of S. S. S. I de
cided to try it, and am glad to say that it
has done me a great deal of good. I intend
to continue to use it, as I believe it to be
the best Blood Medicine on the market.
Cleveland, Tenn. W. K. DETERS.
For over fifteen years I have suffered
more or less from Impure Blood. About a
year ago I had a boil appear on my leg
below the knee, which, was followed by
three more on my neck. I saw S. S. S.
advertised and decided to try it. After
taking three bottles all Boils disappeared
and i have not been troubled any since.
, UBO. li. fERXZO.
114 W. Jefferson St, Louisville, Ky.
Newark. Ohio. May 2. loot.
From childhood I ibid been bothered
with bad blood, skin eruptions and boils.
I had boils rancring from five to twenty in
number each season. The burning ac
companying the eruption was terrible.
8. S. S. seemed to be just the medicine
needed in my case. It drove out all impu
rities and bad blood, giving me perma
nent relief from the skin eruption and
boils. This has been ten years ago, and I
Ldvc usvet iutu a iciumui uic disease
Mas. J. D. Athbmou.
write for out
book on blood and
akin diseases.
Medical advice
or any special in
formation about
your case will cost
job nothing.
Tb Swift Speclfla Company, Atlanta, Ga
CS1U H1 ALL tUt 'AILS. ,
Conch ayruu. Taste. Good. Us
la time. Bold by droratsu.
en .
She Do you believe that ignoranc
is bliss? He (naively) Why? She
Tou seem so happy. Yale Record.
Nell How do you like my new pho
tograph? Bell Lovely! I never should
have known that it was you. Somer- j
ville Journal.
Book Agent Now, sir, can I sell :
you an encyclopedia. Old John Noa,
I don't think so. I'm tew old to ride
now. Punch. ,
He After all, you know, . there's
nothing to beat a good musical com
edy! She (hesitating) No; except,
perhaps, Shakspeare. Exchange.
Goodwin I hear you gave twenty
five dollars to help repair the church?
3raspit You have been misinformed.
I merely subscribed that amount
Chicago News.
Friend- Why do you allow your
daughter to bang the piano so hard?
Papa I'm hoping she'll either sprain
her wrist or bust the instrument
Chicago News. .
So you were at Mre. Marrable's
dinner yesterday, Flossie. ' What was
the menu like?" "I really can't tell
yon, for I didn't take any. It's a thing
I very seldom toch."
Teacher I suppose you know, Hais
17, that In keeping you after school I
punish myself as well as you? Harry
Tea, m'm; that's why 1 don't mind
It Boston Transcript
No, I won't give yort a piece of my
apple,'" snapped his sister. "Tou mean
thing!!' said the boy. "Wasn't it me
that spoiled the piano, so that you
didtft have to practice for a week?"
. Ernie Gussie Sapp says If I refuse
him he will go away and join either
the Japanese or Russian army.' Belle
Then accept him. Those nations
have enough trouble already. Chi
cago News.
Harold Did your charity ball real
ize anything for charity? Dolly Well,
rather. Old Jabez Gotrox sat in a
draught, got pneumonia, died next day.
and left ten thousand dollars to an or
phan asylum. Puck.
Miss Peppery She says you appear
to have a habit of telling all you know.
Cholly Fawncy! ! Why I nevah met
her till lawst evening, and then only
for five minutes. Miss Peppery
Well? Philadelphia Ledger.
"Tea, he began here as an office
boy." "And, I suppose, mastered ev
ery detail of the business, so that be
could take charge of the great estab
lishment" "No, he married the senior
partner's daughter." Exchange.
Simpson Williams has always a
good supply of nice fresh eggs. How
does he get them? Thompson His
neighbors all keep fowls and never
lock their fowlhouse doors. Simpson
Ah, I see! Poached eggs, eh?
Shall I get off this end of the car?"
said a lady to the conductor on a
Santa Fe train the other day, as it
pulled into Topeka. "Just suit your
self, madam," said the conductor.
both ends stop." Topeka Capital.
The Parson I Intend to pray that
you may forgive Casey ' for having
thrown that brick at you. The Patient
Mebbe yer riv-rence 'ud be saving
toime If ye'd Just wait till Oi git well
an then pray for Casey. Brooklyn
He poses as a reformer, doesn't
he?" "Oh, he's worse than a reform
er. ' 1 His ideas would upset the whole
social and business world. He says' if
he had his way he'd put in jail every
body who ought to be there.'" Phila
delphia Press.
"You can't keep a good man down,"
said the boarder .who has a mania for
quotations. "Unless," observed the
fluffy-haired girl who typewrites be
cause she needs the money, "he has a
seat In a crowded car. Then you can't
get him up." Chicago News.
Mrs. Jones I think It's the most
ridiculous thing to call that man in
the bank a "teller." Mrs. Johnson-
Why? Mrs. Jones Because, he simply
won't, tell at all. I asked one to-day
how much my husband had on deposit
there, and he just laughed. Tit-Bits.
Young Jjady You are a wonderful
master of the piano, I hear. Professor
von Spieler (hired for the occasion)-
blav aggompaniments sometimes.
Young Lady Accompaniments to sing
ing? Professor von Spieler Aggom
naniments to ' conversations. New
York Weekly.
Mrs. Albee Of course, you married
Mr. Bebee for love? Mrs. Bebee Well,
yes, I suppose you would call it that
I married him to protect him from no
less than three widows In our street
If I hadn't snapped him up, one of
them would have been sure to get him.
Boston Transcript
Senior Partner What title shall we
give our new beauty book? Junior
Partner How would "How to Become
Beautiful" doT Senior Partner Don't
believe that would make a hit with
most women. Junior Partner Then
we'll call It "How to Continue Beau
tiful." Senior Partner Ah, that's th
stuff ! Pittsburg Post
That was a splendid back fall you
made In your death scene last night?
remarked a young member of the
company to the eminent tragedian.
The latter looked at the flatterer with
a suspicious glare. "Yes," he said.
"and I'd like to lay my hands on the
blithering idiot who soaped the stage
floor." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Losing your hair? Coming
out by the combful? And
doing nothing? No sense in
thatl Why don't you use
Ayer's Hair Vigor1 and
Hair Vigor
promptly stop the falling?
Your hair will begin to grow,
too, and all dandruff will dis
appear. Could you reason
ably expect anything better?
Aver's Hair Vlfcor Is a great snceess with
ma. My hair was falling out very badly, but
the Hair Vigor stopped It and now my lialr is
all right." W.. I.oasrOK, unauaj, iu
01.00 a bottle.
All druggUU.
Lowe. l. Maws.
Thin Hair
Nothing Too Good.
In the remote fastnesses of the
Southern mountains there are many
cabins in which sugar, even of- the un
refined variety, is -unknown. . Most
things go unsweetened, 'but for espe
cial'occasions there is reserved a jug
of molasses or -corn syrup, known fa
miliarly as "long sweetening."
. It was in such a cabin that an itin
erant preacher was called upon to pass
the night. The mountaineers were de
lighted at the honor of entertaining
such distinguished company. When
supper time came, the usual repast of
biscuits and frizzled pork was increas
ed by the addition of boiled potatoes.
But when it came to pouring the cof
fee, the hostess was in her glory. She
produced a demijohn of "long sweeten
ing," and filled the minister's cup more
than half full of it
The minister viewed this proceeding
with alarm.
"There, there, my good woman," he
protested, vehemently, "that will do,
that will do! No more, I beg of you!"
But ""my good woman" mistook the
cause of his protest. .
"Lawsy me!" she exclaimed. "Don't
be worrited, parson. Why, all larses
aint too good for the minister."
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlng
Syrup the best remedy to use for their children
during the teething period.
Airs Fair in Ixrve.
Miss Million So yon know Miss Tip
top, the belle -of the season?
Mr. Sharpwit (after Miss MiilioiKa
heart, hand and bank account) Oh, yes;
she and I move in in ah much the
same set.
Miss Million By the way, here comes
Miss Tiptop now. . We will meet her
face to face. Why, she did not
recognize you.
Mr. Sharpwit She always acts that
way when I'm with , a prettier girl than
she is.
He Would Like to Know.
A Japanese, of an inquiring turn of
mind has recently addressed a note to
the Village ; Improvement Society of
South Orange, N. J. The subject of
his investigation is one that is fa
miliar to most parts of the world, but
no doubt the community of which the
inquiry is made will feel flattered by
this evidence of its popularity.
The honorable of the South Oranges
are asked in what way they rid them
selves of him the much troublesome
mosquito? How do they approach him
in his house among the reeds, and
marshes, so as to remove him effec
tually from the dangers that he does
to people of good minds whose skins
he must puncture? All this I would
like so much to know.
Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
Your druggist will refund money 11 PAZO OINT
MENT fails to cure you in li to 14 days. 50c
Struck Through.
Herr Argelander was one of Ger
many's most distinguished astrono
mers. He . was greatly loved and ad
mired "by the younger" generation of
students, both German and foreign
many of whom were proud of having
had him asthelr preceptor.
Among them, says Dr. Newcomb in
his "Reminiscences," was Dr. B; A,
Gould, who loved to tell this story of
the professor's, wit: -
. When Dr. Gould was In Germany as
a student, he had abundant hair but
no, beard. ' On his return there from
America, jrears later, he had grown a
beard, and had become completely bald.
He entered Argelander s study unan
nounced, and the . professor looked
blankly up. , .. ' -v
' "Don't you know me,-Herr Profes
sor?" asked the visitor.
' The professor looked more closely.
"It's Gould!" he cried, at last "It
is Gould mit his hair struck through!"
For the Study of
. OR
is important. . We
can show results,
for every one of
our graduates are
. , r , employed.
Write for our Catalogue -
TW.CA. Bldf. . FORTtAIia.ORE.
The Remarkable Lead of the United
States in the List.
In the savings banks of the world
82,640,000 depositors have over $10,
500,000,000 to their credit, says the De
partment of Commerce and Labor
through its bureau of statistics.
This is the detailed record:
Depositors. Deposits.
United States 7,306,443 $3,060,178,611
Germany 15,432,211 2,273,406,226
United Kingdom ..11,093,469 966,854,253
Austria 4,946,307 . 876,941,938
Franc 11,298,474 847,224,910
Italy 6,740,138 482,263,472
Russia 4,950,607 '445,014,951
Hungary 1,717,515 432,810,515
Denmark -.. 1,203,120 236,170,067
Switzerland 1,800,000 193,000,000
Australia 1,086,018 164,161,981
Sweden 1,892,586 151,480,442
Belgium 2,088,448 141,861,419
Norway 718,823 89,633,481
Holland 1,880,275 72,738,817
Canada 213.638 60.771,128
Japan 7,467,452 40,887,186
New Zealand 261,948 88,332,823
British India ...... 866,693 84,656,371
Small Brit, colonies 354.275 82.986.217
Finland 226,894 21,144,278
Roumania 145,507 7.426,031
Grand totals ...82,639,841 $10,669,885,102
The average deposits range from
$418.89 for the United States to $5.48
for Japan, Canada is second with
$289.14. :
The deposits per capita of popula
tion vary from $96.41 for Denmark to
15 cents for Italy. The American per
capita is $37.38. The Japanese per
capita is 90 cents, the Russian $3.16
and the Canadian is $10.99. Switzer
land is second with $62.26.
The position of the United States
in savings banks toward all the other
countries named and combined is as
Depositors. Deposits.
United States .... 7,305,443 $3,060,178,61.1
All the others 75,334,398 7,(309,706,491
' ' ' . ' '; deposit.
Per capita
- 11.00
United States $418.89
All the others ....... 101.01
United States lead. . $317.88 $26.38
That Is, in the United States more
than four times as much for each de
posit and nearly three and one-half
times as much per capita of popula
tion. -
As the countries named, have one-
half the population of the worlds or
over 770,000,000, it appears that the
United States, with less than 9 per
cent of the total population consid
ered, contributes over 29 per cent of
the total savings bank deposits record
ed. This is .practically three times Its
natural quota.
'Vacation schools" for the children
of crowded districts have become pop
ular In the big cities perhaps as much
on account of the free excursions . to
the country which some of them offer
as because of the educational advan
tages. When one was opened last
summer In the Chicago "Ghetto," the
first day brought to the schoolhouse
many times the number of children
that could be cared for. The teachers
were In a quandary, as they were way
laid by mothers and. ' fathers and by
the children themselves, pleading for
'chance in the school." At last the
superintendent hit upon an easy meth
od of classification which would admit
the very poor and exclude all others.
The children had erowded Into, a
great assembly-room, and there be ad
dressed them. "Now, children," he
said, "first of all I want those of you
whose fathers peddle from wagons to
raise your hands." i
There , was a rustle, and up shot
nearly a fourth of the hands In the
room. Their owners waved them
"That Is fine," said the superintend
ent "You will all march out Into the
hall and stand In Hue there.
"Now all those whose fathers ped
dle, from push-carts raise their hands,"
he said, when the first lot had gone
out :
Again there was a good number, and
these, too, were sent to the halL
"NdSr," said he, "how many of you
have fathers who carry a basket on
tr-tir shoulders or a tray In front of
them and peddle?" '
Nearly every remaining hand was
raised, and the superintendent smiled.
I thought that would fix It" he said,
"You are the children this school is
meant for. You will all be assigned
to seats by the teachers."
Those he had sent Into the hall were
the "aristocracy" of the neighborhood,
and they must yield to the poorest
For a Remote Future.
Mr. Green looked with a calm but
not unkindly gaze! at the simple mind
ed young man from Vermont "who as
pired to be his son-in-law.
"What preparations have you made
for the future?" he asked, gravely,
"You know how my daughter has been
brought up." . :
"Yes, sir," said the young man, with
equal gravity,! "but up in our little
town there's not bo much difference
between the Orthodox and the Meth
odists as there is in some places, and
I'd be willing to go to the Orthodox
Church If 'twould make any difference,
I'm not what you'd call narrow, sir."
. Tlbetaaa ana Jewelry.
Tibetans, like all people- of a low
dvilltsation, delight in showy and
maaaiva Jewels. A man Is only poor
ly adorned with a heavy silver ear
ring, coral mounted. The women wear
regular Jewelers' hop on. their heads.
Among ine nomaan tneir ; hair, .- ar
ranged tn Innumerable small tresses
that involve more than a whole day'i
work, to decorated with three great
band of . woolen atuff or red silk
strews with rubles, shells, artificial
pearls, corals, turquoises, amber beads,
red agate, gold, silver or copper reli
Uses Pe-ru-na for Coughs, Colds, Grip and Ca-
tarh A Congressman's Letter. ;
In' every . country of the civilized
world Sisters of Charity ate known.
Not only do they minister to the spir
itual and intellecutal needs . of the
charges committed to their care, but
they, also minister to their bodily
needs. .
With so many children to take care
of and to protect from climate and dis
ease, these wise and prudent Sisters
have found Peruna a never failing safe
guard. Dr. Hartman receives many letters
from Catholic Sisters from all over the
United States. A recommend recently
received from a Catholic institution in
Detroit, Mich., reads as follows:
Dr. S. B. Hartman. Columbus, Ohio:
Dear Sir: "The younz srirl who used
the Peruna was suffering from laryn
gitis and loss of voice. The result or
the treatment was most satisfactory.
She found great relief,, and after
further use of the medicine we hope
to be able to say she is entirely cured."
Sisters of Charity.
The young girl was under the care of
the Sisters of Charity and used Peruna
for catarrh of the throat with good re
sults as the above letter testifies.
Send to The Peruna Medicine Co.,
Columbus, Ohio, for a free book writ-
Difficulties of Authorship.
Struggling Author Eldora, can't you
keep that baby quiet for about two min
utes? His yells' are enough to drive one
wild. '
Wife No, I can't . I've got to finish
the dishes, and knead the bread, and
mend Tommy's clothes.
Struggling Author Well, anyhow, you
can make Jonnny and sis stop tneir
racket and close the windows so there
won't be so many smells coming in from
the neighbors, and lock the doors so those
heartless bill collectors can't get in to
annoy me. I'm . writing an article on
How to Be Happy, Though Poor."
For bronchial trouraes trv Piso's Cure
for Consumption. It is a good cough
medicine. At druggists, price 25 cents.
A Small Favor.
Young Wife (time, midnight) Quick!
Quick! ' Wake up! I hear some one
down stairs.
Husband (sleepily) What do they
seem to be doing?
Wife Hark! Hear that! They're
in the pantry. I heard my cake box
Husband (wearily) Tell them to
please not die in the house.
Take X-axaUve Bromo Qninine Tablets. All drug
gies refund the money if it tails to cure. E. W.
Grove's signature is on each box. 25c.
As Abbreviated.
Said a young physician named Proctor,
"I thought 1 was my grocers Dr.
But according to his statement by letter,
It seems that I am only his Dr."
CLASS corps of teachers, location, buUrl-
- Ing equipment the best. Send for cat
alogue. .
Tei-rrt Opens September IS, 190-4
kjx .most careful farmers
fand gardenerseveryw here
I na, Dlace confidence in Ferry's
J Seeds the kind that never falL
have been the standard for 49 yean. a"
They are not an eipenmeui. t
tioia Dy ail aeaiers. iwiu mm .
era. ie05Seed ,
for the asking. jgkV
Usui free lot inea&King.
ten by Dr. Hartman. ,
The following letter is from Congress
man Meekison, of Napoleon,' Ohio:
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus,
0.: Genltemen: "I have used several
bottles of Peruna
and feel greatly ben
efited thereby from
my catarrh of the
head, and feel en
couraged to believe
that its continued
use will fnllv eradi
cate a disease of
thirty years' stand
David Meekison
ing." David Meekison.
Dr. Kartman, one of the best known
physicians and surgeons in the United
States, was the first man to formulate
Peruna. It was through his genius
and perseverance that it was introduced
to the medical profession of this coun
try.' If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Peru
na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv
ing a full statement of your case and
he will be pleased to give you his val
uable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
PIPES wanted 1 wiU pay cash
for all goodreiics of stone. Send
outlines of what you have and get
my prices. Address
P. HAMILTON, Two Rive.-s. Wisconsin,
"I have used your FISH BRAND
Slickerforfive years and can truth
fully say that I never have had
anything give me soj much com
fort and satisfaction. Enclosed
find my order for another one."
You can dsfy the hardest storm with
Tower's Waterproof Oiled
' Clothing and Hats
VU4lvna v. u. na
Write today for free Illustrated booties.
10th and Johnson Streets, Portland, Ore:
No. 11905
HEN writing- to advertisers pleas
m High Grade
slHs Machinery
The A. H. Averiil Machinery Co,
Writ for Catalogue ana Price.
it ; '1
am n ' i
t !-- in ..