Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 06, 1905, Image 4

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s and Fridays,
The i in rial conditions of
the Unite ites at the present
time are jsults of the energy
and courr f her people, and
thorough!. lemonstrates what
grand ret i can be accomplish
ed in " a publican form of j
governmc administered under:
the splenc and beneficent prin
ciples of i. Republican party.
Compare t; ; conditions of this
country t ay with its affairs
when the I: publican party came
into power. During the last forty
years her people have learned to
produce and manufacture every
thing necessary for man, have
regained the home market from
the hands of Europe, and sent
their products to all parts of the
nation instead of borrowers from
foreign countries, have paid back
j i i T J 1 J
tne two Dili ion one nuiiuieu anu
forty million balance of trade
against them, in 1876, the net
balance of trade in favor of the
United States now being over
three billion, five hundred and
eighty-four million, and increas
ing at the rate of four hundred
millions per annum, resulting in
an increase of the wealth of the
country five fold, and so that
labor commands much larger
wages and a greater share of the
profits of industry than prevails
in any other part of the world.
During the progress of this great
evolution, in the industrial and
commercial affairs of our common
country and necessarily as a
means leading to these grand re
sults, individual effort has given
away to combined effort, the
burden of such enormously large
undertakings "was too great for
and held void a combination
between the Northern Securities
Company, the Great Northern
Railway Company and the North
ern Pacific Railway Company,
a combination to control the
operations of several railroad
companies under one manager
ment. There will be no trouble
in restraining and properly regu
lating the great corporations and
gigantic trusts as long as the
Republican party guides the
affairs of the nation. In the last
named case involving the rail
road trust, the several democratic
judges of the Supreme Court
sustained the- trust while the
Republican members of the
court being in majority made up
the decision which held the trust
void, thereby protecting the
people's interest. It is along
Republican lines that we must
look for relief upon all great
questions in favor of the people.
Oak Grove Chips.
Interred Tuesday.
Farmers' Short Course.
Following is the topics that
are to be studied and discussed at
at the Farmers' Short Course,
which begins at the OAC next
Monday. It is hoped that a large
number of farmers will attend
ihis course, as it is free for' all.
A small deposit for breakage of
glassware, etc., in the laboratory
will be required, butthis will be
refunded if there is no breakage.
It is expected that a number from
a distance will be in attendance:
The Soil, Dr. Withycombe.,
Plants: Their Importance on
the Farm, Prof. Lake.
Insects and Fungi; What are
they? Prof. Cordley.
Bacterial Diseases of Domestic
Amimals, Prof. Pernot.
History of Milk Tests, Prof.
Chemical Elements, Prof. A.
L. Knisely.
Forage Plants,. Dr.. Withycombe.
The Relation of Insects to our
The basket social held at Palestine
chiir.h, Friday evening was well at
tended. Kmmett Williamson has been, laid up
with la grippe for a few days.
John Reese is circulating a petition
asking the county court -to cut off a por
tion of road district No. 5, and create a
new road district. . ,'';
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cougill, of Albany,
were guests of Mr. arid Mrs. T. B Wil
liamson, Tuesday, returning home on
Wednesday. :
Major Dodson was visiting . friends
here during the week, lie left for Al
bany Saturday where he will visit until
time to return to his work at the OAC.
David Morris and family, of Turner,
Marion county, were visitors at the
I home of her mother, Mrs Lewis W'entz,
this week. "
A party consisting of E. Grlen, Dillard
Price and Thomas Jones started tor a
few days' outing in the Coast Range.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tarpley died Tuesday evening with
pneumonia and was interred in the Al
bany cemetery Wednesday.
Charles Boundy returned home from
Pullman, Wash., where he spent the
holidays visiting relatives.
Prof. Leatherman returned from Gil
Ham county the latter part of the week
where he had been looking ; after bin
farm. ' .
' There was a very enthusiastic road
meeting held at trie Oak Grove school
bouse Saturday at 1 p. m. The object
of the meeting was to vote a 3-mill tax
to be applied On road work in this dis
trict. The subject was .discussed pro and
con and some very good argument was
produced, on both sides ot the question.
Finally the vote was taken and resulted
in 19 against and 10 in favor of the tax,
: Clyd e Williams has returned to Cor
vallis to take up his studies at OAC.
At the I. O. O. F. cemetery
Tuesday at 2 p. m.' was interred
the. body of Harley A. Belknap,
which was brought from San Jose,
Cafif., for burial at Salem.
Mr. Belkap was an Oregon
pioneer of 1848, settling in Ben
ton county, in the old Belknap
settlement, near Monroe. He
resided in Salem from 1864-7 fr
the purpose of sending his child
ren to the Willamette University,
and of working at his trade. He
erected several of the "early im
portant residences and assisted in
the building ol the present uni
versity building, while his chil
dren attended the old Oregon In
stitute. He was superintendent
of the First Methodist Sundav
School, under the pastorate of
Dr. J. O. Bythe, when the old
wooden building stood where the
brick structure now stands. He
was born in Big Lick county,
Ohio, October 5, 1832,. and died
in San Jose, Calir., December 29,
1904. He lived a long, honor
able and useful life, and was
held in high esteem by all who
knew him.
His wife, Mrs. Thirsa Bel
knap still survives him. His
living children are Dr. H. P.
Belkuap, of Pnneville, Or.. H
T. Beiknap, L,os Gaios,' Calif.,
Sylvester I. Belknap. Dr. V. C.
Belknap, and Eibert A. Belknap,
all of Prairie City, Or. , and Grace
Belknap, of San Jose, Calif.
Among those who came to be
present at the burial were Web
ster C. Belknap, Edward H. Bel
knap, Mrs. Addie Kyle, and
Clark Belknap, all ot Monroe,
Or. The body was accompanied
to Salem by H. T. Belknap,
wh was the guest of Prof. W.
C. Hawley, his cousin, while in
that city. '
individuals to undertake and in-. Welfare, Prof. Cordley
stead great corporations, trade
unions and all kinds of combina
tions of capital and labor were
formed, resulting in a net work
of railroads running all over the
country and plentifully supplied
with the largest factories in the
world, all owned by so many
corporations. At first these
various corporations vied with
each other in healthy competition
to excel in gaming the most
; , trade. Later came a disposition
among them to form combinations
so as to limit their product, com
bine to control prices and pre
vent competition in restraint of
trade. In 1890 a1 Republican
Congress passed the Anti-Trust
Law, "to protect trade and com
merce against unlawful restraints
and monopolies." Soon after
wards, however, the country
placed President Cleveland in
. charge of the nation's affairs,
and his At orney-General, Mr.
Olney, gave it his opinion that
the Anti-Trust Law was uncon-
stitutional and' therefore could
not be enforced. Later, how
ever, Republican presidents were
elected and several suits were
brought in the United States
Courts which sustained the Anti
Trust Law. In 1898 the Supreme
Court held illegal and void the
Joint Traffic Agreement entered
into by 31 railroads fixing rates
and fares between Chicago and
the Atlantic Coast. In 1899 the
United States Supreme Court
also held void an agreement made
by six corporations on the price
and sale of cast iron pipes and
agreeing not to bid against each
other in 36 states and territories.
The court also held void in 1899
a' combination of 14 coal com
panies wherein they agreed not
to sell coal for less than the
specified price. In 1902 the
court held void the "Beef Trust"
composed of the principal buyers
of live stock and shippers of
dressed meats wherein they
agreed not to bid against each
other and in 1902 the court dis
solved the . Federal Salt Trust
which for a long time had
doubled and trebled the price of
Propagation ; of S ocks
Grafting, Prof. Coote.
. Bacterial Diseases of Domestic
Animals, Prof. Pernot.
Operation of Babcock Test,
Prof. Kent.
Properties of Chemical Ele
ments, Prof. Knisely. .;
Rotation of Crops, Dr. With j
combe. ;
The Codlin Moth. Prof. Cord
ley. .. . .
Propagatioa by Grafting, Prof.
Bacterial Diseases of Domestic
Animals, Prof. Pernot.
Dairy Herd Records, Prof.
, Properties of Chemical Ele
ments, Prof Knisely. ;
Cereal Crops, Dr. Withycombe.
Apple Scab and Apple Tree
Anthracnose, Prof. Cordley.
' Propagation by Budding, Prof.
Bacteria in its Relation to
Dairying, Prof. Pernot.
Hand Separator Problems,
Prof. Kent.
- Elements of Plant Food, ProL
Knisely. ,
Agricultural Economics,
Plants: Their Structure
Work, Prof. Lake. .
Plant.Lice, Prof. Cordley.
Bacteria in its Relation to
Dairying, Prof. Pernot.
Butter-making Problems, Prof.
Fsrm Manures, Prof. Knisely.
Coyotes are making nightly raids
among the flocks of sheep that have not
ben shipped away. - Great effort is be
ing made to run them down but as yet
they hav been too wary.
Justin Gallagtier, of Walla Walla,
Wash., lias bien visiting his people here
for a few days. He is a grandson of J
E.Edwards, and it is 25 years since lie
left here .
' Born, to the wife of Ernest Buchanan,
at home other father, T. Bradley, ou New
Years' Day, a daughter. , . j.-
Johnnie Minton left Tuesday for Philo
mathwhere he will attend school. .
.... i '
- -There is complaint of colds, especially
among children, but no cases of severe
sickness has been reported. -- .
.Miss Inez Williams, who has been at
tending OAC, is at home and will not
return tor the present.
- Miss Bertha. Edwards returned last
Monday to the Summit where she is
teaching school. '.
The school at this, place will not re
open until the 9th inst, as two weeks'
vacation was agreed upon by the teach
ers and board. '
A protracted meeting is being cow
ducted this week by Eev. Beery, of the
Christian church. ' '
Notwithstanding the heavy rains of
last wetk the waters have not been very
hrgh. Stock of all kinds looks well, and
grass and crops are making a fine growth.
Plows are already at work for apring
Our Great Annual Reduction Sale will begin THURSDAY,
DECEMBER 29th. Every article in stock will be sold at Sweep
ing Reductions, except W. L,. Douglas shoes. Sale will last 30
days. Remember, our reductions are boni fide.
A Double Wedding.
A very pretty double wedding
was solemnized at Woodlawn on
Wednesday evening, December
28, when Mr. Lloyd Millhollen,
of lone, Or., and Miss Eliza Mc
Gillivray, and Mr. A. E. McGil
livray and Miss Ora G. Melton,
were married in the presence of
immediate relatives and a few
intimate friends. 'Rev. Albyn
Esson performed the ceremony.
Both Mr. Millhollen and Mr.
McGillivray are graduates in
pharmacy from the State Agri
cultural College at Corvallis,
graduating ip the same class.
Miss McGillivray was also a
student at Corvallis. - Miss Mel
ton is the only daughter of J. A.
Melton, and has been the faith
ful organist of the Rodney-Ave
nue Cnnstian cnurcn lor some
time. She has also held posi
tions of trust in the Sunday
school and in the Young People's
society and during the past year
has , served as treasurer of the
State Endeavor Association of
the Christian church.
Mr. and Mrs. Millhollen left
for their new home at lone on
Friday. Mr. and Mrs; NcGilliv
rayare at home to their friends at
Woodlawn. Sunday Oregonian.
New Freight Rates.
Following are the new freight
rates which were put into effect
January i, on the C. Sc. E. R. R.
They show an appreciable reduc
tion from the rates of last year.
The following are the rates per
hundred weight, according to the
class of freight. ...v. -
"O a a
W 03 qt 10
Philomath.... 10 9 8 8 818
Wren .;. 15 13 U 10 9 9
Harris 18 16 14 12 11 10
Blodgett..... 18 16 14 12 11 10
Charles , Shenefield has been
appointed manager of the Bell
telephone company in this city. We
congratulate Charley aa well as the
In 1904 the court dissolved company.
If you are looking for some real good
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or cime and see us. We will tax
pleasure in giving you reliaDle informa
tion; also showing you over the county
Hathaway Bros.
J. C. HAMMEL, Prop.
Leading hotei in Corvallis,
furnished with, modern
ences.IS Rates
. modern eonveni-
$1 1S1.25- $2 -er
Notice. !
Notice is hereby given that a meeting
of the members of the Woman s' Chris
tian" Temperance Union, of Corvallis,
Oregon, will be held in the parlor of the
Union, in its building on lot 8, block 3,
Original Town CorvalliB, Benton county,
Oregon, on Thursday, January 19, 1905,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m, for the pur
pose of authorizing the sale of the build
ing of said Woman's Christian Temper
ance Uhiod, and for the transaction of
such other business as may come be
fore the. meeting.
All member of the Womans' Chris
tian Union, will please take notice of
said meeting. Ab laige attendaace as
possible is desired. ,
By order of Executive Committee.
P. O. Wilson," President.
Greatly in Demand.
Nothing is more in demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for a blood and syBtem cleanser,
such as Dr. King's New Life Pills.
They are just what you need to cure
stomach and liver troubles. Try them.
At Allen & Woodward's drug store, 25c,
A . H. Limbocher arrived yester
aav irorn ot. liouis lor an in
definite visit with his brother, A
T- T 1 1 -w-w
j . JuimDocuerin mis city. H6 is
very much surprised at the ex
cellent country and climate of
Oregon and may remain.
New Year's Reception.
A New Year's . reception was
given in tne congregational
church, Wednesday evening by
Rev. and Mrs. Green; to the
older members of the congrega
turn and mends. 1 ne evening
was spent very : pleasantly by the
laree number 61 guests. A short
program was introduced by Prof.
Berchtold, consisting of two read
ings, verv excellently given oy
Miss Helen Crawford of OAC,
and a duet by Messrs Knapp and
Refreshments were served and
were followed by toasts, Prof.
Cordley acting as toast master.
Toasts were given by Prof. J.
B. Horner, Prof. Ackerman,
State Supt. of Public Instruction
and Rev. Bush of the Presby
terian church. The evening was
enjoyed by everyone. Mr. and
Mrs. Green were .assisted by
Mesdames Martha Burnett, Thos,
Bell, Fred Clark, Thos. White-
horn, Charles Colbert, A. B
Cordley, Frank Wood, Misses
Margaret Fowells, Edna Allen,
Messrs Frank Wood and Donald
w. o. w.
W., meets Bticond and Fourth Fridays,
in woodmen nail.
G. W. Fuller, C. O.
j. Lu unaeiwood, uierK.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Offloe,
Oregon City, Or., December 12, 1904. .
Notice is hereby riven that the following-named
settler has filed notice ol his intention to make
final proof ill support of his claim, ard that said
proof will be made before the County Clerk of Ben
ton county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on January 23,
1906, viz:
H. E. No 12585, for the SJ$W, NE SWJf SEJ
NWJ, Sec 24, Tp 10 S, B 7 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his contiuuons residence upon and cultivation
of said land, 'viz: Howard L. Bush, By FraHtz,
John Bottger, Wallace Frantz, all of Hoskins, Or.
Notice o1 Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that 'the undersigned
has filed her final account as executrix of the
Last Will and Testament of Gustay Hodes, de
ceased, in the county court of Benton county,
Oregon, and Hon. Virgil E. Watters, judge, has
set the 7th day of January, 1905, at the hour of
2 o'clock p. m. as the time, and the County
Court Room, Court House, Corvallis, as the
place for hearng objec tions, if any there be, to
said report. MINNIE L. UENMAN,
Executrix Last WiU and Testament Gustav
Hodes, Deceased.
Dated December 7, 1904.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Bids for Wood for O. A, C.
For specifications for bids to furnish -
the Oregon Agricultural College with
wood for the 'College year beginning
Julyl, 1905, apply to I. E. Crawford,
Clerk and Purchasing Agent.
. Corvallis, Oregon, Dec 12, 1904.
Imported Black Percheron wil
be in Corvallis, for service, after
January 1., For further informa
tion address, T. K Fawcett,
Bellfountain, Or.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby elven that the undersigned
has been duly apvbinted by the county court
of the state of Oregon, for the countv of Ben
ton, administrator of the estate of B. B. Barnes,
deceased, and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby requirea to
present the same properly verified, as by law
required, at the office of J. F. 1'ates within
six months from the rate hereof-
Dated, December 24. 1904.
A dm 'r of the Estate of B. B. Barnes, Cec'd.
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
No. 2 For Yaquina:
Leaves Albany.......... 12:45 p. m.
Leaves Corvallis 1 :48 p. m.
Arrives Yaquina .........6:20 p. m.
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 6 :45 a. m.
Leaves Corvallis.. 11:30a.m.
Arrives Albany .12 :15 p. m.
No. 3 For Albany-Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis 6 :00 a. m.
Arrives at Albany. 6:40 a. m.
Leaves Albany for Detroit 7 :30 a. m.
Arrives Detroit 12 ;02 p. m.
No. 4 From Detroit:
Leav es Detroit. 12 :35 p. m
Arrives Albany...... .. ...5:15 p. m
Lv Albany ior Corvallis. .7 :15 p. m.
Arrives Corvallis . . .7 :55 p. m.
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in
time to connect with the S. P. south
bound train, as well as giving two or
three hours in Albany before departure
of 8. P. north bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P.
trains at Corvallis and Albany giving
Direct service to Newport and adjacent
- Train 3 for Detroit via Albany leaves
Ooryallis at 6 a. m. and connects with
the S. P. Albany-Portland local train
leaving Albany . at 7 a. m. Train No. 3
leaves Albany for Detroit at 7 :30 a. m.
arriving there at noon, giving ample
time to' reach the Breitenbueh hot
springs the same day.
Traim No 4 connects at Albany with
the Portland Albany local, which arrives
here at 7:10, and runs to Corvallis leav
ing Albany at 7 :15 and arriving in Cor
vallis at 7:55 p. m. -
For further information apply to
' Edwin Stonx, '
H. H. Cbomisb, Manager.
Agent, Corvallis.
Thos. Cockkkll, Agent Albany.