LASSIFltD ADVtRTISEMEHTS' Five lines, or lAss, 25 cents for three ertioD8, or 50 cents per month. WANTED il'iHESl CASH IRICE PAID FOR bII kinds o Poultry also dreesed Pork, niith & Boulden. Corvallis, Oregon, next to (iazette office. WAITED 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO TBE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at 12 50 per year. WANTED, SEVERAL CORDS 03 wood on eubBcription at tLe Oazett office. FOR SALE BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE AL tnoot new combination carriage and (roc-art with silk parasol and rubber tires for sale at a bargain. Enquire at this office. SOFTSHELLED ENGLISH WAL nuts ontyiei't all other varieties. If you derire trew write for prices and particulars R"rt Brooks, McMinn ville, Or., RFD No 2. FOR SALE ONE FULL-BLOOD J ER sey bull, snhy cl to register from first class milk t-tntrk. Address, M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Or. ,vo REGISTERED OXFORD DOWN Rams and four half-breeds. Peter W hi taker. I'O BUFF ORPINGTON COCKERELS tor sale, some very cheao. Why not eet some new blood in your pen of mixed chickens and double vour egj supply- F. L Miller, Corvallis, Or. LOST. jOST FUR SCARF ON THE STREET in the neighborhood of the Opera House. Finder please return to the Gazette office. GOLD EARRING, WITH WHITE SET ting. Liberal reward for returning same to this office. YZ. MUSIC. PIANO INSTRUCTION IVEN IN :ny erade of advancement. Also pianos tuned and repnired in first-class Tianner. Ind phone "No. 405. F. A. White. EXPRESSMEN. WELL! WELL! HERE'S JOHN LEN der. Known him 22 years Still car ries Unc'e Sam and baggage. John is an accommodating man nd always can be found at his post Allen's Drug '-' Store, or phone 251- AUCTIONEER P A KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUCTION eer, Corvallis, Or Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O. address Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of live stock. Twenty years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. STAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND LREA STAGE Stape leaves Alsea 6 :30 a. m. ; arrives it Pbilemath at 12 m ; leaves Philo math 1 p.m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1.00 Eonnd trip same day $2.00. M. S. Bickabd. ATTORNEYS W. E. YATES, . THE LAWYER, , Hoth Phones. CORVALLIS, OR. ). R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval iie, Oregon. insEPH H. WILSON. ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Bornett Building. DENTISTS K. H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. PAIN leas extraction. - In Zierolf building Opp. Post Office, Corvallis, Oregon. . PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surceon. Kooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 1 p. m. Residence: c0r. 6th and Ad ams Sta. Telephone at oflBce and res idence. Uorvaliia, Uregeh. C. H. KEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon,xOffice and Residence, on . Alain street, Philomath, Oregoa. HOT WATER FOR LICE. 4Ln Inaeet Destroyer Which Does Its .Work Tboronehly and Can B Had for Nothing. The Messenger very sensibly says that boiling hot water is a lice killer about which we read very little in the poultry papers; but it does the work very thoroughly, and is very cheap. ' In a poultry house where' the pests have .obtained a foothold hot water will frreatlv assist in their extermination. The waste water on wash day can bef used for this purpose, being- returned ; to the stove after it has served its end ,' at the washtub and reheated. If the ; i walls, roosts and nesting boxes are'; i Ava-nrV,aA wHri this i h f l.-i ro-pr Tirnnnr- ! i tion of the lice will be destroyed in-. ; stantly, and those which escape will ! meet their fate in the coat of white wash which, should follow within a day or two. If the nursery coops are turned upside down and hot water sprinkled over the inner surface until it flows into and through every crevice, "not a single louse will survive the treatment. This should be done in the forenoon of a bright day in order that, all dampness. may be dissipated before the brood returns to it at night. We have nothing laid "up against the lice killer makers, and have no desire to injure their business, but everybody cannot buy these things; and while thpv are a convenience, it is iust as well to admit the fact that they are not a necessity. The lice can be conquered more cheaply, but to do this involves the expenditure of more time and la bor. DOUGLASS MIXTURE. Although Recommended aa a Tonic tor Fowls, It la Really a Very . Strong Poison. Douglass mixture is composed of one ounce of copperas, one ounce of sul phuric ,acid and half a gallon of water. It is recommended as a tonic for fowls, but is really a poison, and while its nse once a week may do no harm, the prae tice of using it as a regular tonic will result in the destruction of the 'flock. The free sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) attacks all organic substances, and the fowl is no exception. In experiments made, in which a teaspoonful of the mixture was added to a gallon of drink ing water, the fowls .were apparently improved in appetite for a few days, but gradually declined and finally be came weak and debilitated. Examina tion of the fowls that were killed showed the liver to be very large and soft, while small tumors were noticed. The intestines contained red sores, as though the lining membranes had been rubbed ofE. The throats were affected j with small tumors, and' every por i tion of the bodies seemed affected kin some way. If a bird is healthy it j needs no such tonic, and so far as Doug- lass mixture is concerned it should be . ,jj v j :J i HANDY DUCK HOUSE. How to Build Quarters "Which Are Inexpensive, Bnt Answer . Every Purpose. Irack3 are easily the most profitable of all poultry, if the flesh product simply is considered, white as layers of eggs the Pekin duck is exceedingly j profitable There can be no doubt that it would be wise for more farmers "x HANDY DUCK HOUSE. to keep a flock of breeding and lavine ducks, and for this purposerthere is no better breed than the large white Pekin. , As- ducks roost on the floor, only low quarters are needed. A low shed rocfed affair can be put onto the side of the barn or other farm building in the manner shown in the cut, three feet of height being sufficient. Let the pen open into the large building, the partition between being hinged at the top, so that by raising it one can clean out the pen and put in dry bedding. One can thus build duck quarters very inexpensively. Orange Judd Farmer. Many Varieties of Pigeon. The following varieties of pigeons appear in the last premium list of the Boston pig-eon show: Carriers, pout ers, pigmy pouters, barbs, tumblers, shorWace tumblers, inside tumblers, long-face clean-leg.- tumblers, long face bald or beard tumblers, sadle tumblers, muffled beard tumblers, muf fled barred tumblers, jacobines, owls, African owls, Chinese owls, trumpeters, fantails, oriental, frills, blondinettes, satinettes, bluettes, silverettes, turbi teens, turbits, magpies, swallows, fairy swallows, dragoons, nuns, arch angels, tipplers and homers. Each of these varieties is divided into severai classes, chiefly on the score of coloring. Gslnea Fowla on Farms. . Every farmer ought to have a few guinea fowls to add to the variety of feathered life on the farm. They are also a good protection against such depredators as hawks and other ene mies of young 'chickens, their loud cries on the approach of any such in truders giving signal to the weaker fowl to make its escape. Guineas are a rather wild fowl and will not bear confinement well. It is not best to keep them unless there is good range. The hens are great layers, but will mostly steal their nests, and will bring oft very large broods. The - young guinea fowl are very hardy, and not so subject' tq disease as are other fowl. . MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Entre Noras Club. 176 Warren Avenue, , Chicago, I'll., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc Is insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. 1, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate dace at 4 best. A friendly druggist advised mm to get a bottle or Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few davs and my recovery was very rapid. "With in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick ness and brings health and happi ness again. Do not go on suffer ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Canlni. . IS XS4 mmmw rrffl-YiTtti ayaaaiaio itim mil m Notice. , Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the members of the Woraane' Chris tian Temperance Union, of Corvallis, Oregon, will be held;in the parlor of the Union, in its building on lot 8, block 3 Original Town Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, on Tburfdav, '.January 19, 1905, at the hourof 2 o'clock p. m. for the pur pose of authorizing the sale of tbe build iug of said Woman's Christian Temper ance i Union, and for the transaction of such other buaine&s as' may come be fore the meeting. t AH member of the Womans' Chris tian Unioa, will please take notice of said meeting. As large attendance as possible is desired. By order of -tSxecntive Committee. P.O. Wilson, President. WINTFR EXCURSION RATES unniu Div . TO YAOUINA BAY. A New Departure on the Southern Pacific and the Corvallis & Eastern Railroads. Recognizing a long felt want, and de- Biring to give the public Jcheap rates to the coast in the winter as well as the 8Ulnnlel., for pereons who desire to see the teuDdin!,Fbniow8 in their wilde6t moods and imbibe Ihs pure ozone ot the winter air at the coast; the Southern Pacific Company in connection with the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad have plac ed on sale, taking effect Nov. 2, 1904, and continuing uutil March 31, 1905, fit m all poiHts on their line. ronnd trip tickets to Yaqnina at the same rare as during the summer. These tickets will be sold on Wednesdays and Saturdays only and will be good for return sixty days from date of sale. Dr. Minthorn's sariitary baths will be ill operation and anyone who desires a genuine health resort during the ' winter cannot do better than spend a month or so at Yaqnina. Similar tickets jll be sold from Al bany, Corvallis, Philomath and all points west on the Corvallis & Eastern R R. Full information as to -rates, baegage, etc., can be obtained by applying to the nearest S. P. agent or direct from W. E. Coman, G. P. A.. S. P. Portland,; or Edwin . Stone, manager, C. & E. R. R. Co., Albany. .. P. S. Through tickets to Portland are sold by the C. & E. at Corvallis and by the S. P.," Po.tland to Corvallis via Albany and the O. & E. at the some ate as via the west side, viz : $2 60 . C. '& E. trains connect at Albanv with the Albany-Portland local both ways. t A Orim Tragedy ' is daily enacted, in thousands of homes, aa Death claims, in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are proper ly treated the tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntley, ot Oaklandon, Ind., writes: "My wife had the consumption, and three doctors pave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, which cured her, and she is well , and strong." It kills the germs of all dis- eases. One dose relieves. Guaranteed at 50c and $1 by Allen & Woodward druggist - Trial bottle tree. CORVALLIS MARKET REPORT. Wheat 80c per bushel. Oats 40c. Chickens, live 8c " . ; Turkeys 14c live weight. Butter Creamery', 70c per roll ; dairy 50 per roll. 1WU Too I.ate to Mend. Her sewing machine wouldn't run, so she sent to the office for some one to come and repair it. .The machinist looked at it, tried to run it, and finally said: "Why, madam, it needs oiling; that's all." " , "Oiling?" snapped . the woman. "Why, I haven't put a drop of oil on it the whole ten years I've had it, and I guess I'm not going to begin now.." N. Y. Times. 1 Impartial. Tess I never see Miss Spinner out wheeling that Mr. Wheeler and . Mr. Sprpckett are not with her. . Jess Yes, she's got them both on her string. The girls are calling her "Miss Tandem." . Tess But she rides an individual wheel. i Jess. Yes, but she has a "bicycle maid for two." Philadelphia Press. How Customs Vary. She In some parts of Australia when a man marries each of the bride's relatives strikes him with a stick by way of welcome into the family. He Yes, and in many parts of Amer ica when a man marries, each of the bride's relatives strikes him with a loan by way of welcoming him into the family. Nr Y. Times. A Great Artist, Miss Shoddie .Why, maw, just come to this side of the room and look at that portrait, of paw that Dauber painted.- Mrs. Choddie I see the face looks sort o'. greasy. That shows what a great artist Mr. Dauber As. Your paw sot for that picture in Augusts N. Y. Weekly. Entirely with the Lord. . The pastor of a negro churoh in a rural, district put up this petition re cently: "Lawd, ef -you thinks we hez had rain enough, please tell de rain ter quit rainin', but ef you don't think we's had enough, please fergive us fer lookin' grum, en growlin'l" Atlanta Constitution Equal to t lit Occasion. Miss Jones Professor, do you dare to look me in the face, and then say that I originally sprang from a monkey? " . . Professor (a little taken, back, but equal to the occasion) Well, really, it must nave been a monkey. Tit-Bits. very charming - Worse and Worie. Minks My wife no sooner reaches Florida than the doctor there orders her north, and as quick as she gets home our doctor here orders her back to Florida.' - Jinks Hum! I see how it i.s. The railroad combine has consolidated with the doctors' trust. jST. Y. Weekly.. - Looking Forwnrd. "I hope to see the time when there is no money in politics," said the ardent youth. "Well," answered Senator Sorghum, gravely, "when that time comes we'll simply have to go into some other business."--Washington Star. All Making the Best of It. 1 "Young Smiggins was Bo troubled about his debts that he joined a don't worry club." "Yes?" "And he found its membership made up chiefly of the men he owed." Brooklyn Life. The Fatal Thirteen. A Barnstormers Are you supersti tious? . ' - Manager Footlights No, but I know its bad luck when , there are but-13 persons in the theater. N. Y. Times. ' v ' Bur. The man who thinks that he la wis Of all this earthly clan . He is the most beloved by The wily unco man. Washington Star. YOUTH VERSUS AGE. Mr. Boerum (dyspeptically) My dear, I can. taste that lemon pie yet that we had at dinner yesterday. - Willie Boerum (longingly) Gee, I wish I could! Brooklyn Eagle. The Hatchet Attain. The high-priced automobile Now occupies the track; But GK Washington was satisfied f ' . . With a modest little hack, t , -Chicago Dally News. The War ot It. Mrs. Smith Katie Katie, this wa termelon isn't cold at all. : Katje Well, 'taint no fault o' mine, mum; Mr; Smith he got sich a big one that when I put it in- tV ice chist I had ter take th'.ice out. Chicago Becord-Herald. , . . ',; Means of Identification. -" "Are these your clothes or mine?" asked the athletic man of his wife. . "Look in the hip pocket," was the reply. "If it's smelling Baits they're mine; if it's brandy they're yours." Leslie's Weekly. I Her Position. ' "Henrietta," said Mr. Meekton, sen timentally, "do you ever regret hav ing married me?" "Begretit? Of course not. I never. notice it." Wflshiwrton star. ., r ' -.v., i l ; . . . . The Kind You llavo AJwava TRought, and Trliick Las been. . in use for ovei JO years, nas borne tli RiornaTiT- and lias Yfcfcjfijy soial All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bufe r :-f Experiments that tcifle with, and endanger the health of j Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. j What is CASTORS A ; Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is. Pleasant. It'"- contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Windt Colic. It relieves "Seething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the. ? Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Hae Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. CCS T. STEALERS Leave Corvallis, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 . u . For rates, etc., call ud Main 21. O. I. BUCKINGHAM, Agent. Pltimbim ami Heating ! Cornirp. Roofing, Gutterinjr. and all kinds of t-heet Metal Work. F. A. Hencye In connection with J. H. SIMPSON:S HARDWARE STORE Notice. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me are requested to call and j settle their accounts at once. Accounts may be seen at my old stand, no w Wine- gar's harness shp.- J. M. Cameron. Reduction in Fare. Commencing Nov. 7, rates between Corvallis . and Portland, via C. & E , Albany, and S. P. will be reduced to $2.60, same as West Side rate. Tickets on sale by C & E. agent and all offices in Portland. .' . Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed n effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Bate to ob From Corvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co'a Auents for particulars. 10 Cents a Button $100 a Rip. The Most Simplt and yet the Strongest Warranty ever placed on any make of Trousers. WE DEL JR THE GOODS. pages? 77L been made under his nor , supervision since its infancy : Signature of Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for nenwm county. Mary J. H. Whitby, Plaintiff, vs. Roscoe E Kd wards, Alice Edwards, Aucrusta Stroke Juhti Strake, M. P. Totten, and Leah J. Totten, Alonzo Edwards, Melissa Farmer, Defendant To Roscoe E. Edwards, Alice Edwards, Aqbk Edwards, Melissa Farmer, the above-named de fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You r& hereby required to appear and answer he coax plaint of tLe above named plaintiff in the above entitled court, tow on tile with the clerk of said court, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. And you are hereby --notified that if you fail to appear and. answer said complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for in saldt complaint towit: The foreclosure of. a -cerWiA mortgage made and execute a by Robert K. Ed wards, August Stiake .)mt Wtiabe to plaintiff: on Uic nth day vf January, 1000. to secure toe pay ment of a certain promissory i ota of Hobert K Edwards, Augusta Strake. and Joha Strake Jor S40O.O0 paj able nvet years after date, wita uvteiest. thereon .a tiie rate ol tsveu percent per annaia,. in ter eirt jwjittle a:iuuUy; and wu'ch -i:u mortgages convey d unto plaintiff the followimr described reai pruneiti, (iitUiUfctt in Benton county, i(regon to wit: TheSWuf tbeN ci i; the'S K i of the SW; t -e 8 E of tbe N W i; and the N W Jot the S i: nt Sec S Tp 14 S, R 8 W uf the. Will Her. And for a furtuer decree barring and frecioeHig said defendants,' Roscoe K. Edwards, Alice Ed wards, Augusta Strake, Jnhn Strake, MP TottoV and Leah J, Totten, Alonzo El wards. Melissa Farmer, of and from all right title or interest in and to said real property and every .part thereof. Tbis summons is published ly order uf the Hon. Virgil E. Waiters, Ju3ge of the Co Court of Bentoo, Co,, State of Oregon, made at chambeis in Corvallis, Oregon, December 29, 1904, imd the date of the firs, publication of this summons is December 30, 1904. YATES & Y TES, Attorneys for Plaialiffei Notice for Publication United States Land Office. Orea-on City, pregon, Kurember 25. 1904; Notice is hereby (riven that in compliance with tta( provisions of the act of Congress of June S. 1S78, en titled "an net for the sate of timber lands in the Statc8-f (.California, Oregon, Nevada, ana WaHhiag--ton Territory," as extended to all the Pablie Lano States by act of August 4, 1892, 1VAU SHERWOOD PATTY, of Corvallis. county of Benton, state of Oregon, has. this dav filed in this office her t-worn Rtatement No. 6527, for the purchase of tbe SJ of of Sect 26, in Township 10, ROW, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable frr h& timber nr stone than for agricultural punmses, ar4 to establish her cUim to said land before the Keg istrr and Receiver of this office at Oregon Ccy, Ore gon, on Thursday, tbe 16th day ft F? brasry, l&O&w She nam as witnesses:- Willard L. Piice oaT Kines Valley. Or; Taylor Miller of Suver. Or., Brace Miller, of Kings Valley, Or., John Cbaotbers, off Kings Valley, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abo v described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 16th day of Feb, 180a ALGKRNON S. DKESSER, Register. Pneumonia follows La Grippe but never follows the use ef Honey and Tar It stops the Cough and heals the lungs. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. Kb. Q. VAcmc, of 1ST Osgood' St, Chirago wrttMt "My wife had la gripp ud it left k with very bad eoagh on her longs whiait kToun'l Horn in Tab our ad eoatpUtoly. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks ' - Designs Copyrights Sac ItifmnaMndlnff tnkflteh Mid deMliDtiOlll ouicklr ascertain our opinion free whether aa. TnTentlon is probably Pmfom!S!z tlonsHtrictlyeonfldenttal. HANDBOOK on Patents Commaniat- - mmr, ma AIiImI Mtrmcr for Beciuiziff Parana tpeeial notice, without ehurge, ut Ui Sclenttfic fltnericasu A handsomelr ninstrated woemjr. wmrnar.. dilation of any cientlflc Journal. Terra, a, .... . (nnr mnnllu. U. Sold DTall MWadealara. tiW & Co '"'.New Ycrt nuea Offio. St. WadUagMB. 1 FOLEY'S ,W1 L I I A