Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 03, 1905, Image 3

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i J
Bell phone No 341
Henry Ambler
business Saturday.
was in town on
C. 8. Thrasher
Friday on business
was in Albany j
Don't forget to ring up the Ga
zette office when you have a news
iteto. Both phoues.
Miss Iva Burton, of Independence
was the gueet of Corvallis friends
1 ast week. '
L. Damon, a prominent hop
'grOwer of Independence, was in the
city on business Friday.
Interesting New Year's services
wore held in all the churches Sun
day. Geo. E. Brey, of Independence.
vt&B registered at the Hotel Corvallis
William M. Fraker, of Pendleton
w'iS a guest at the Hotel Corvallis,
Saturday. '
President T. H Gatcb, of OAC,
and son, daucf, of Salem, spent
l8t week at the seashore.
; Byron Hawkes. a student at OAC
spent the holidays in Philomath,
as the guest of J. E. Henkle.
j Mrs. C. C. Chipman arrived
home Saturday from an extern ed
visit in Iowa and other points in
he East.
; Frank Gliss, of the Bend coun
try, is spending the holidays with
his eister and brother, at the old
Jiome just south of Corvallis.
i There will be maekers from Mon
roe. Wells, Airiie, Philomath, and
l,other towns at the masquerade ball
ftoaiorrow night.
Spectators can make up their
programs at 10 o'clock tomorrow
night and dance until 12:30. Grand
march for maskers at 9 o'clock.
Good music and a gocd time as
sured for those attending the big
masquerade tomorrow night at the
Opera House.
B- G. Leedy, of Tigardville, Ore
gon, a prominent farmer and noted
granger of the state, arrived in this
ity Saturday on a business trip.
Ralph Cady has returned home'
from j visit at the homes of Messrs
Blake and Harris, out north of Cor-
' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rozelle, who
have been visiting in this city, re
turned to their home in Albany
Leslie Evnns, who is living with
his uncle in the south part of town
sod attending public school, return
ed S iturday from his borne at New
port, where he spent the holidays .
L. . Price, ot Irving, tor many
years a resident of Philomath and
one of the founders of the city is
visiting at the home of J. E.
Henkle 'in Philomath.
Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Deck are
visitinff with relatives ,m Portland
Rev. Vincent occupied the pulpit of
tbe United Evangelical church on
Sands. v - in the absence of the
R. V. Hollenberg, son of L.
Hollenberg, has purchased stock
. in tbe extensive furniture establish
ment of Hollenberg & Cady, and is
r.ow one of the active proprietors of
, the store;
The Forest Grove Times issued a
special edition last week, devoted to
Forest Grove and surrounding
county, that is a credit to the paper
and the town in which it is pub
lished. . .
Mrs. Stone, of Corvallis, has been
a guest for the past week at the
home of C. N. Tharp. She re
turned home Wednesday, accompan
ied by Miss Maud Tharp.- Inde-,
pendence Enterprise.
HollenDerg & Cady report that
they intend to enlarge t ieir stock
of furniture, etc, during the year
1905 to proportions never before
attempted by a similar . business
house in this city. They already
have a larger stock of goods than is
usually carried : in a town of this
'" size. ' ; -
- The Gazette office has been add
ed to tbe Independent phone com
pany's long , list of subscribers;.
Our number is 433, and whenever
you know anything of local import
ance, such as public meetings,
socials, entertainments, friends
visiting you - or your ' neighbors, or
id fact : anything that would in
terest' another,' we -'will deem it a
favor if "you wilt call up -this Office
rer either phone as we;; have both,
tke Bell phorienumber being ,341 .
The . .way., a . newspaper jfindsout
about local' happenings is 4to be
told about them by those who know
the particulars, and ;. if: all will do
this you will be sure to' read many
newsy'items turned In'by others, in
exchange, tor "the ne you gave
Try it, we will , appreciate, your
efforts. ,r ' '
Independent phone No. 433.
H. M. PutfLes was a visitor in
Corvallis, Friday from Dallas.
Miss Una Stuart returned from
a visit to Eugene, Friday evening.
W. E. Starr was in the me-
tropolis last Thursday.
I H. H. Cronise- returned Friday
from a brief trip to Portland.
Merrill Hammel returned Fri
day from Portland, where he has
been visiting.
Henry Ambler and wife, of Philo
math, were Newport visitors last
Mrs. Marshall Miller is home
from a visit in Elk City, having
returned last Thursday. :. '
Prof. Talliandier and wife return
ed Friday from Newport, where
they spent a week rusticating.
The W. 0. W. gave a basket
social in their hall last Saturday
evening which was well attended.
College opens for the second term
today. A number of new students
have arrived and taken up studies
at OAC.
City Council meets in regular
session tonight, when a petition is
to be presented agair st the propos
ed extension of the city limits.
Tre btate Angora Uuat chow -is
to be held at Dallas, Jan. 1U-2Q,
under the auspices of the Poik
County Mohair Association.
Marian F. Wilkes, whose home
is in Hiilsboro, has returned from
a two-years' absence in Colorado,
and entered OAC.
M. S. Woodcock, president of
the First National Bank, was a
visitor in Portland the latter part
of last week. .
Prof, and Mrs. J. B. Horper
returned Saturday from Newport
where they spent the holidays in
their cottaga by the sea.
Miss Delphena Heanel left yes
terday tor r arfc Place to resume
her echool at that place, afti r spend
ing the holidays iu this city.
Miss Lillilh McKenney Itft for
Hoskius, Saturday to resume her
school, after spending the holidays
at her home in this city. - f
Mrs. A. M. Laughlin, who has
been visiting relatives in this city,
returned, to .North Yamhill last
Miss Claudia Lynn, who has
been yisiting for past couple of
weeks at the home of Mrs. F. P.
Morgan, returned to her home at
Sell wood last Saturday morning
Mrs. F. L. Miller and son, Max
accompanied by her mother, Mrs.
Seymour Chipman; returned last
Friday from Portland, where they
have been visiting.
Misses Fraccia and Agnes Houck
who have been visiting at the home
of Mis. D. Houck in this city, re
turned to their home in Eugene
Saturday. v
A mask ball is to be given at
the Opera House tomorrow night.
Music will be furnished by Arion
orchestra, and a jolly time is as
sured all who attend.;
The state legislature will . con
vene next Monday in regular
biennial session, and will make
laws for forty days and forty nights.
There will oe 30 members in the
Senate and 60 in the House. ..
Keith Brown, who for a long
time has - been lineman with the
Bell telephone company, resigned
last Wednesday and accepted a
similar position with the Inde
pendent company in this city.
v The Eugene Register says a force
of men are to begin work imme
diately on a canal . On McKenzie
river which is to supply power for
the electric railway to be built from
liugene to Corvallis.
Last Saturday evening a highly
entertaining program was rendered
in the church parlors by the ladies
of the- M . E . church. - Refresh
ments were served and everyone
present enjoyed themselves.
Residents of Coryallis desiring to
furnish board and room, will -do
well to communicate with C. L.
Sheppard, secretary Y. M. C. A.
at college, as he has. numerous
requests for such accommodations
from students. ' C- r;
Start the new year off by sub
scribing tor the Gazette, or paying
up your delinquency lhe price is
the same as always, $1.50, if paid
in advance: $2.00 if not in, advance
Subscribe now and get all the
county news worthpnhtiiig. ,
The music for the. masquerade
ball to be given in the Corvallis Op
era House tomorrow ( Wednesday)
night,' will be furnished by .eight
pieces, the latest " addition ' being
stringed bass; 7 ThisTig instrument
will bJ manipulated by Ruthyn
Tuiney. If you don't care to dance
come and hear some good 'music
land watch the maskers. -
Olives in bulk at P. M. Zierolf's.
Patronize home industry Cor
vallis Steam Laundry.
Da not fail to see P.
M. Zierolf's
line of holiday china
Get your school books and school
supplied at Graham & Welis.
G B. Whitney
sells the Edison
Lewis and Clark souvenir plates
at P. M. Zierolf's. v
Si"k and woolen goods a specialty
at lorvauis Steam .Laundry.
You can! make your own records
with the Edison Phonograph .
OAC souvenir
dishes at P. M
Send your lace curtains to Cor
Aallis Steam Laundry.
No changing needles with the
Edison Phonograph. .
Hav for sa'le at Bodii.e's Ware
house, old carriage factory. nd.
phone 290.
Sweet music
without the buzz
saw effect, with
the Edison Phono-
- Call at Whitney's and bear the
best reproduction of sound ever
made. It is from the Edison Phon
ograph. .
A new phone has been put in by
the Bell company for Jack and Bob
the up-tc-iate cleaners and dyers
lhe number is 531.
The Edison goid-mculded record
costs only 35c. Phonographs $10.
$20, $30 and $50 and are the best
on earth, at Whitney's, South Main
Buy ChriEtmas Goods at E W.
S. Pratt, the jeweler and optician,
and get a ticket with each dollar's
worth . The lucky person gets a
$50 diamond ring.
-Mr. and Mrs. Creese returned
last Wednesday from Portland. 1
The story of a wild duck killed
near Salem is now going the rounds
again. . -
John Meacb, a student in phar
macy at OAC, has returned from
Cottage Grove and Albany, where
he spent the holidays. ;
miss Anna- wngnt, a teacher in
the public echool at Philomath,
has been spending? the holidays at
the home of Mrp Woodward.
Miss Beulah Harding, of Stay ton
arrived in Corvallis, Friday and is
visiting at -the home of C. C.
Chipman. : 'v';
It's easy enough to stop a clock
if you don't wind it apd it is also
easy enough to stop a business' if
you don't advertise. Ruety Mike 8
Diary. -
'It is just as sensible to think of
building a house cf tooth-picks as
it is of working up a business with
out advertising in your home paper
Mikes Diary.
Miss Margaret Snell entertained
the members of the Village Improve
ment Society last Friday afternoon
from 4 to 6, at the college. Tea was
served and a most enjoyable, time
passed by all present. . - ', "
Mr. Ingle, who conducts a har
ness shop on north Second street,
has . purchased the building and
lot occupied by the free library,
arid intends to move his shop i into
that building early in the spring". 1C
Matthew- Scott,, of Albany, a
prominent stock buyer and former
ly sheriff of Linn county, died there
Friday morning jafter an illness of
three' months, aged 60 years.) De
ceased was well ' known " in v Cor
vallis.. ";r "
The city tax on dogs is now due.
Tbe tax on male canines is $1, for
the year 1905, and $2 on females,
and : the 'ordinance X covering ' the
tax provides that' if "the tax is' Dot
paid it is the duty of police 'to kill
the dog.. Better pay up and save
your pet.- - -- "
- Mtt, and Mrs. S. L. Kline arrived
home ; from San Francisco, Friday
evening.; , They have been on an
extended tour through, -the' East
since leavingorvallis, "and came
home via the bay city '"in order; to
look after Mr, Kline's extensive
business interests there. ! --i " --x
. J
Announcement will appear in
full in this space next issue.
1, '.I.
Sale now going on.
Watch for it !
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