Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, January 03, 1905, Image 2

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Tuesdays ANr Fridays,
It has been nronerlv said that
the Republican party is entitled
to great credit in the matter of
raising the prestige and influ
ence of the United States abroad
to a position in harmony with
its greatness and ' strength at
home. Eight years ago Ameri
can ministers and consuls, Amer
ican merchants, missionaries and
travelers in all parts of the earth
did not receive the recognition
accorded to those of other great
nations. There was no apprccia
tion of the real standing of the
United States. Our flag was lit
tle known. Our diplomatic
officers failed to receive the rec
ognition given to those of Eng-
land, Geimany and France, or
even Holland and Belgium. Our
merchants who encountered diffi
culties for which they, wer not
responsible received scant satis
faction from foreign officials be
. fore whom- they protested, al
though they saw the merchants
of European countries every
where having their rights pro
tected. Our missionaries, al
though, supported - by united
churches at home suffered indig
nities abroad, while the mission
aries of European churches had
their lives and property safe
guarded on "every hand. Our
travelers, wishing to study, for
, reign parts, never gained any
facilities from saying that they
were citizens of the United
States, while 'the travelers of
European nations were treated
of their respective governments,
'As a result of the policies fol
lowed abroad by President Mc
Kinley and continued by Presi
dent Roosevelt, together with
the prestige gained from the
. Spanish-American war and the ;
conservative in this matter, as: h. W. Kaupiech wer.t down to
other surrounding cities have ' Albany, Saturday Ijr a short visit-
started similar agitation, closed
the contract and have been re
ceiving the benefits of mountain
water several months, and all
while Corvallis has just 'been
talking about it. ; But it is said
where there is so much smoke
there must be fire underneath,
so if we are patient and hold our
breath long enough, perhaps ,a
contract for, drinkable water will
be made during the next generation.
Mask Ball at Monroe.
The mask ball given here Fri
day night was without doubt the
best dance ever given in Monroe.
The hall .was nicely decorated
Public school reopened this morD
ing, af er the two weeks boli'lays.
Mina Orlio Wood, of this city,
is visiting with Miss Kat McClain,
at Albany. - ; '
B. B- and H. P. Ellsworth were!
humnessi visitors, iu Albany, Satur
day. :y:- , - ;
Mrs. Ed. . Cuinmingp, who hap
hen visiting with her mother, Mr
T. U. WeUsher, returned to hur
home in Portland, Sunday. .
Mrs. Effie Eglin and i?onDarrell,
lft Saturday for their homo in
Seattle. They have been visiting
friends in this city. '
Corvallis is a dry twii now; all
the saloons having closed their, doors
at midnight Saturday. The near-
and bunting. The electric lights
were a grand improvement over
the oil lamps formerly used, but
was not in as good working or
der as expected, the water being
too high to furnish the required
power. A large number were
masked and a general good time
was reported by all. It was given
by J,, D. - Ward. February 14.
he will give another dance.
Everybody is invited to attend.
The best of music and a good
time will be assured to all.
Tickets 5c cents for each dance.
E. W. 3. Prilt r turned ' yester
day from a trip to BLtdgett.
- Miss Carrie" Dan neman left yes
terday for Independence, where she
wilt visit friend?.
. Mrs. Berchtold and son, Ches-J
terleft for an indefinite: stay in
Portland, yesterday.
Mips Isabel ' Whitby, a member
of the claps ' of '04 of OAC, left
yestrdav for Porilnnd, . where she
wi:l enter business collrge. '.
Col. J. K. Phillips went down
to New berg last Thursday, and
;s visiting at the home -of his
"Pal" Cecil, a former OAC etuJ
dent, now attending Armstrong's
Business College in Portland, ar
rived in Corvallis, Sunday for a
Our Great Annual Reduction Sale will begin THURSDAY,
DECEMBER 29th. ' Every article in stock will be sold at Sweep
ing Reductions, except W. L. Douglas shoes. Sale will last 30
days!. Remember, our reductions are boni fide.
with fir boughs, paper trimmingsi a. fellow can get a glass of beer
The Eugene Register issued a
very creditable New Year's
edition, Sunday.
Charley Shennofield returned
Saturday from a week's visit in
Portland. -' '-- . -
Victor Moses returned yester
day from the bay where he spent
Miss Mattie Strong returned to
Portland Saturday to resume her
studies at St. Mary's Academy.
The Alsea school board held a
meeting last week and voted a
levy of five, mills for school pur
poses m that district.
Cant. Apperson, of Oregon
City, a member of the Board of
'Regents of-OAC, arrived in Cor
val.l is yesterda y on busi ness, .
The Chief of Police arrested
now, is Albany T
Zophwr Thorp came up fr tin
Portland Sunday ori a short v sit
with friends and relatives. Helleft
yepterdav for Monmouth, where he
is to coach the basket ball tearrs of
the state normal school
Misses Mary Nolan and Edna
Irvine returned Saturday from
Jeflerpon, where they , werexamong
the number of students who attend
ed a bouse party , given by Mias
Helen Steiwer, a former OAC
Student. ,
A very pleasant and enjoyable
receDticn was held at Barret Lyceum,
on Third street, on Sunday after
noon last. A goodly number of
friends of Mr. and Mrs. : Flint as
sembled, to pass the time tin song
and New Year greetings.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B." Ryder gave a
New Years dinner to their children.
who represented four generations of!Dand.
that tamuy. lhe dinner was cooked
by the great grandmother, who is
in her eighty-second year, and would
nut many a cook of today in the
shade. . . ' ;" ' '
; Pearl Thomas arrived home Wed
nesday from Portland, where he
has been the past three months
studying violin at the Western
Academy of Music, under the
efficient tutorship of Ruthyn Tur-
-knev. Me win continue his studies
with Mc. Turney in this city.
The Alsea Grange will hold a
public installation on Jan. 14
Supt. George Denman and Recorder
T. T. Vincent will deliver addressess
All grangers and friends ia the
couuty are cordially invited.
The new cable at the free ferry
broke loose yesterday morning,
letting the ferry boat drift down
stream quite a way before it was
Will Flemming; who formerly
lived in this city, but now word
ing at the jewelers trade in
Salem, has . been - visiting his
pareuts for several days, return
ing to business today.
Haroid W lkins returned last
Thursday from a week's visit in
Portland. He reports that John
Gault, an alumni of OAC, has or
ganized a Marine band of which he
is president. Elmer Wills, former
ly ot OAC, and Mr. Nichol,.of
this city, are also ineuib rrs.r the
later attitude of our government ! five or sixl. boys last Saturday
in the Philippines, the United
night for defacing property and
States is regarded in the remot-jshow windows by marking large
est portions of the world as , characters ana ngures wun soap
among . the great nations of the
earth. Our ministers and con
suls stand in the front rank of
me poys tnougnt ttiey were
properly celebrating the entry of
the new year, and were proceed
ing to mark 1905 on everything
foreign representatives, and mer-j jn reach. They were bound over
chants, missionaries, and travel- i 10 appear Monday morning, when
ers find themselves, whether in
the heart of Asia, Africa or South
America, accorded every protec
tion, interest and facility that is
given to the most favored nation
they were turned' loose with a
' good lecture. t . ;
A new rural telephone com-,
pany has been' organized - over in
the Alsea country, and is known
A tidal wave of American pres- as the Fall Creek company,
tige has swept over -the seas, They already have about twenty
and back into the interior of subscribers and connection is to
strange lands wherever our flag ; be maQe with the .Alsea rural
stands for that which is best1 hne which has about 50 phones
among the people.
It is understood that an effort
be made to
connect with
J compaay of
Corvallis is just as far now . this city, at an early date.
from being supplied with mpun-1 ;
tain water as when the question j s I GNS OF FAILING VISION.
was nrsr, Drougnr, up. rne spe
cial committee recently appointed
When your eyes tire in reading, when
you frown or partly close the eyes when
looking at an bbject; when things
Dr. arra, of the local company, ooked at for eorae time; when the eyes
to. investigate the last offer of
lave recommended
ache, smart, or water; or when you have
: : .u 1 11 v. : . i
proposition be turned down, and 1 f0rehead. .
if Upheld by the City Council, All the conditions are curable by prop
, . , , , ' classes, such as we will furnish you
Which meets tonight, Will leave after a scientific examination.-
the field open for bidders once; : MATTHEWS, The Optician,
more. Corvallis seems unusually
Boom 12, over First National Bank,
Saves Health
The use of Royal Baking 'Powdeiv is
essential to the healthfulness of the
family food.
. 1?;: r ,-.. ' ,i,ai;;;--:
! , Yeast ferments the food. .
Alum baking powders are injurious.
Royal Baking Powder saves health.
Dr. B. A.' Cathev returned home
yesterday from " Riddle, Oregon,
where he W8nt last week to assist
at a delicat9 surgical oneration up
on his brother, D. M. Cathey ; He
says the operation was entirely
success ml aud that bis;' brother is
recovering rapidly. ' i "
E H. Belknap and Mrs. Addie
Kylo left on yesterday morning's
early tram to attend the- funeral of
their uncle, Harleigh Belknap, who
died m Eastern Oregon, where he
has residedduring the past year. De
ceased was born and raised in this
city, and was the only one left of
his family. He has many rfl ttives
and fcieuds who mourn his loss.
.- . ., , r
At the drawing for the Mexican
drawn work at Nolan & Callahan's
store, which was put up by the
Rev. Father Springer, Mrs. Oaples,
j of Portland, was the lucky woman,
Uortnv fernot drawing tor her with
ticket No 63. The -proceeds'" of the
drawing are to go towards purchas
ing a bell far the Catholic church. .
A. Wilhelm & Sons have built an
independent telephcne line from
Monroe to Junction City, and . have
run a loop from the line to their
mill at Harris burg. We under
stand that thev also have a line to
Corvallis, and there also are a nun
ber of farmers on the line, several
on the west side of the river from
Harrisberg having connected; with
it this week Harrisburg Bulletin .
F. L. Miller leaves today for
Seattle, Washington, to attend the
annual exhibit ot the Seattle Poul
try Association, which meets . there
January 5-9. He will carry along
some of his prize winning Buff Or
pingtons, also other fine chickens
from Corvallis- j oultry yards, as
follows: Silver . Pencilled Wyan-
dottes from- yards of J. M . Poiter;
White YVyanuottes for Dr. Bowen
Lester; Brown Leghorns for S. E.
Beal; Buff L?ghorns for Gene M.
Simpson and entry of White Leg
horns far EflL Sohoel of Linn county.
The junior actors of 'Corvallie,
who have been advertising a home-
talent play to be given in the attic
of a woodshed at - the home of one
of the principal "Edwin Booths, '
gave their performances as per
schedule. ' Friday trierht was their
best night and the 'attic was filled
with people, some 25 or 30 grown
toiEs and youngsters comprising
the audience, 1 nd they report that
the boy actors did quite well with
their dialogues ' and - other spacial-
ties. ' The admission was ID cents,
and the boyB say the proceeds were
turned oyer as INew Year a presents
to certain needy ones in the city .
The boys deserve commendation for
their efforts along this worthy line.
School commenced here Monday
a weeks vacation .
Hoy Dunn aa up from Kings Valley
where he -has been going to school tbia
James Dunn returned recently from
Oscar Dodge is home on a visit. He
has been living at Lincoln operating
theit flouring mill there.
. Wm. Brabham, of Eugene, has been
visiting with relatives in this vicinity.
' Henry: Dixon and wife, of Eugene,
have been visiting relatives the past few
days. :
Mies Horton, of Corvallis, stopped in
town Saturday night. - She is . going to
teach the Mountain Home school, where
she has taught a term or two before.
' '" ' X
Of Interest to Mothers...
Ii you are looking for some real good
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or come and see us. We will take
pleasure In giving you reliaole inXorma-
m.hkmhmmmm uoqi also snowing you over uie cuuiiior
WAITERS, Corvallis.
J. C. HAMMEL, Prop.
Leading hotei in Corvallis. Newl-Z
. furnished with - modern conveni
ences.BRatesX$1 $1.25. $2 er
day. .
- Thousands of little ones die every year
of croup. Most 01 them could have been
saved by a few doses of Fohy's Honey
and Tar, and every family with children
should keep it iu the house. It contains
no opiates and is sate and sure. Mrs.
George H. Picket, San Francisco, Calif.,
writes: "My baby had a dangerous at
tack of croup and we thought she would
choke to death,, but one dose of Foley's
Honey and Tar relieved her at once after
other remedies had failed. We are nev
er a minute without it in the house."
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Or., December 12, i904.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be maae before the County Clerk of Ben
ton county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on January 23,
1905, viz: ;
JAMES E. WFST, - - -H.
E. No 12585, for the SJ SW, If E SW SEi
IVJ, BeO 24, Tp IV o, tfc 4 VV. i
He names the following witnesses to prove
his contiuuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Howard L,. Bush, Bv rrantz.
John Bottger, Wallace Frantz, all of Hoskins, Or.
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St.,
at one time bad her beauty spoiled with,
skin trouble. She writes : ' I had Salt
Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing
would cure it until I used Bucklen'g Ar
nica Salve."1 A quick and snre healer for
cuts, burns and sores. At 25c at Allen &
Woodwards drug store.
An offer to make you come up
stairs and see us.
New Mainspring (none better),
i.oo. , "
Cleaning (ordinary watch).
Si.oo. Cannot be done better at
any price. ;
': MATTHEWS, TilO Jeweler.
Room 12, over First National
Bank. ' '
Call for Warrants.
JNotice is hereby given that there is
money in the city treasury to nay all
warrants drawn on the general fund and
endorsed prior to August 13, 1902; also
all street fund city warrants endorsed
prior! to July 28, 1904. Interest will
stop on the same from this date.
Dated at Corvallis, Or., Dec. 23 , 1904.
" Wm. McLAgax, ,
- City Treasurer;
Notice ol Final Settlement.
' Notice is hereby given that 'the undersigned
has filed her final account as executrix of the
Last Will and Testament of Gustav Hodes, de
ceased, in the conntv court of Benton county.
Oregon, and Hon. Virgil E. Watters, judge, has
set the 7th day ol January, 1905, at t'ne hour of
2 o'clock p. m. as the time, and the County
Court Room, Court House, Corvallis, as the
place for hearog obiec tio us. if any there be, to
Siid report. MINNIE L. DENMAN,
Executrix Last Will and 'Testament Gustav
Bodes, Deceased.
. Dated December 7, 1904. :
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court
of the state of Oregon, for the county of Ben
ton, administrator of the estate of B. B. Barnes,
deceased, and all persons haying claims
against said estate are hereby requirea to
present the same properly verified, as by law
required, at the office of J. F. Yates within
six months from the r ate hereof.
Dated, December 24. 1904.
A dm'r of the Estate of B. B. Barnes, Dec'd.
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
For Infants and Children. , -
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Bids for Wood for O. A, C.
For specifications for bids te furnish.
the Oregon Agricultural College with
wood- for the College vear beginning
July 1, 1905, apply to Y. H. CrawforJ,
Clerk and Purchasing Agent. - i -Corvallis,
Oregon, Dec J2, 1904. .
Imported Black Percheron wil
be in ; Corvallis, for service, after
January 1. For 'further lnforma
tiori address, T. K Fawcett,
r it k Bellfountain, Or
...12 :45 p. m.
. . . . 1 :48 p. m.
....6:20 p. m.
. .... 6 :45 a. m
....11:30 a. m.
....12:15 p.m.
No. 2 For Yaquina: -Leaves
- Leaves Corvallis..
" Arrives Yaquina .
No. 1 Returning:
. Leaves Yaquina. .
Leaves Corvallis
Arrives Albany . . .
No. 3 For Albany-Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis ......... 6 :00 a. m.
Arrives at Albany 6:40 a. m.
Leaves Albanv for Detroit 7 :30 a. m.
Arrives Detroit.'. . . . . . . . 12 :02 p. m.
No. 4 From Detroit:
. Leaves Detroitf. ........ 12 :35 p. m
Arrives Albany 5:15 p. m
, Lv Albany for Corvallis. .7 :15 p. m.
' Arrives Corvallis. ........ 7 :55 p. m...r
rT : xt i : illu,n ;
time to connect with the 8. "P. somth ;.
bound train, as well as giving two or
three hours in - Albany before departure
of o. nortn bouna train. :
i Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. '
trains at Corvallis and Albany giving
direct service to Newport and. adjacent
' Train 3 for Detroit via Albany leaves
uoryauis aio a. m. ana connects wuu
the S. P. Albany-Portland local train
leaving Albany at 7 a.m. Train No. 3
leavea Albany for Detroit at 7 :30 a. m.
arriving there at noon, giving ample
time to reach the , Breitenbush hot
springs the same day.
Train No 4 connects at Albany with
the Portland Albany local, which arrives
here at 7:10, and runs to Corvallis leav
ing Albany at 7:15 and arriving in Cor
vallis at 7;55 p.m.- ,
For further information apply to .'
' . . Enwur Stone,
BL H. Cbosibb, Manageri
Agent, Corvallis. -Taos.
CecKKKij Agent Albanv.