... - ! If. Kl 2 Vol. ' CORVALLLV '' BEXTOX COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1003. - GOING DOWN RAPIDLY Annual Rise of Willamette and Its Tributaries Ferry Out of Business. Swollen by the steady, heavy rains of the past week the Wil lamette river and its tributaries is on its usual midwinter over flow. The few days of excep tionally warm weather last week has also done its part in bringing the water up, by me' ting the, snow in the mountains. The water has been very riley. and - muddy and lots of drift wood, and large fir trees washed out by the roots, have been going down stream, showing that the over flow is cleaning out the lowlands, and also cutting severely into the river banks in places. , The river began rising grad ually the first of last week, but on Thursday it began to come up almost in leaps and bounds, and on Friday morning was so high that the free ferrv at this place was compelled to tie up until the floods subsided. Only foot pas sengers were enabled t cross the river in row boats. By Satur day noon the water had reached the highest stage, being 17 feet above low water mark, in Cor vallis. At Salem the highest point reached was 14 feet above low water. At Oregon City it only lacked about one foot of be ing too high for the locks to operate. At Eugene the highest point xeached was reported to have been 15 fett, the backwater caus ing all mills - and factories operated by water power to close down temporarily. The South Fork of the San- tiam was on a tear Friday morn ing, washing out the Southern Pacific companys bridge between . Spicer and Ctabtree stations. The train from Natron down the branch to Woodburn, on reach ing the bridge could not cross, aud was compelled to go back down the Lebanon .branch to Albany. ' ' The river is now falling rapid ly, and all real danger is thought to be over for the year, as there usually is not much danger of a rise in the spriug like the Co' The receipts for the year just ended were $6971.67. Those of the. year ending December 31. 1903, were $6294.89, showing the increase in business of 1904 over. 1903 to be $676.78. The above figures show that the business done during the last quarter is the largest ever re corded, the increase over that of the last quarter in 1903 being 15 per cent. The increase for the year 1904 over the year 1903 is ioy per cent. APPLES fOR IKE CENTENNIAL Many Western States Will Dis play this Staple Fruit at Our Big Fair. ; -1" To Protect Pheasants. Left By Request. A number ot the sportsmen of Albany and vicinity have called a meeting for tonight (Tuesday) for the purpose of determining what, stand to, take on pioposed legislation at the coming session of the legislature and to agree on some reasonable bill to propose for the regulation of the hunting game 01 all kind and its protec tion, especially Mongolian pheas ants. .The matter of protecting: pheasants is the most serious question in this section of the Willamette; Valley, and local sportsmen are fully aroused to the necessity of taking some steps that will prevent utter annihila tion of pheasants in the next few years. Sportsmen coming down from trips to British Columbia tell of the very exellent arrangements made in that country for the pro tection of the Mongolian pheas ants, and they are advocating similar enactments here. The British Columbia law provides that a limit of ten birds is'allowed, that only cocks can be killed, and the killing of a female is punishable by a very heavy fine. The authoities and sportsmen of that country say the law works well.- Sportsmen go out and easily secure their limit, and all are enthusiastic in support of the law. Hens are so tame that sportsmen say that they almost have to push? them out of the fields, and there are plenty oi males for the hunter in his sport. Portand Journal. , " "Nettie, the News Girl. lumbia has each year, on account the road that --stv?e. themselves , Western states will show East ern visitors to the Lewis and Clark Centennial that the Ore gon country can produce apples equal to any grown elsewhere. The people of Michigan and New York who come to the Western World's Fair, are likely to be especially surprised when they see the wonderful display of ap ples on. exhibition. ; - ' The Oregon State Commission has for some months been pre paring an apple display, and a large assortment of the fruit has been gathered and placed in cold storage, where it will be kept un til the Exposition opens June 1, next. More recently, California has seen the advantage of adver tising the state at the Fair by an apple display, and the 'State Boara of Trade has sent commu nications to every large" apple growing county in the state, ad dre sing growers and local organi zations that are in a position to help to exploit the resources of California in this way. ' Vhile the season has been bad for ap ples in some sections, the gen eral outlook is good for a splen did showing at Portland in 1905. A' collection of apples Iroui Benton county has been prepared that will come up to anything at the Fair, it is thought. . Washington apple growers are likewise taking a keen interest in the Fair, and Governor McBride has been approached with a proposition to have the state pay for the collection and storage of an apple exhibit. If the state funds should not provide for meeting this expense, the? is no question that individual "gro wers and local organizations will take up the task. : In Idaho, also, apple growers, incited by repoit of activity in other states, have begun to agi tate the subjecc -of a state dis piay of- this Iruit, and prospects are bright tor an exhibit that will rival those of -states better known for their resources rlong this line. T -1. j n i i r jacK a.nu ivju, a coupie 01 ai!- reputab e characters, who have i been trying to carry on a clean-1 ing and dying establishment in-: this city for some months, left i town rather hurriedly last Sat urday night for parts unknown, at the invitation of, the Chief -of Police. For some time they have been carrying on proceedings in their shop that has not been of the most respectful nature, and enough evidence jkr standing against them to send them' over the road too quick if they ever again show up in Cofvallis. Their real names are lack Stieet and Bob Vance,, aud any information as to their'1 where abouts will be thankfully received by their many creditors iu' this citv. It is known that thev came from Portland, which place, it is understood. . they left between suns, iney seemed, to thinlc it would be more appropriate to vanish with the old year than to stay and face the charges the new year would bring. . jj ti OBbMM9 MBBBBUaivv. J Cii-.. irf -tax W- of not'enough snow falling in the mountains at the , Willamette's source. ; . By some it was feared the flood of two years ago would be re peated. At that time the back water from the Willamette and the I ovetflow from . Marys river completely submerged the low ground in South Corvallis, ris ing about two leet in the base ments ot the houses along Ceme tery avenue. Increase in Postal Receipts. . that the business done by Corvallis and surrounding coun try druing the year 1904 has con siderably increased over that of any former year, is shown by the receipts ot the .; Corvallis post office, which is perhaps the . best guide to go by. : , v. Postmaster B. W. Johnson ' fays that the registered letter business has increased more in proportion than any other de- V partment of the' office ' The money order department has also : done a larger business than was ever recorded by this office, and the sale of postage stamps for the . past year has been unusually large. . -'Y During the Christmas holi days the employes of the post . office were literally snowed under with resistered mail, but by working all kinds of overtime, Y were enabled to ; handle all the ; large business of the office. . The postal receipts for the - quarter ' ending December 31, 1904 were $2125.51. -; lne re- ceipts for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1903, were $1850.21. This shows an increase in the receipts of the last . quarter over that ot 1903 ot $275.30, dramas that it is really refresh ing when one of exceptional - merit presents itself. In "Nettie, the News Girl" is promised a play that stands in the latter class It is full of pathos, comedy and sensation artistically interwoven. For heart throbs and smiles there has never been a play more clev erly written. June lines are bright, the comedy sparkling and the situations exciting and novel Messrs. Gould. & Freed have spared no expense in the presen tation of this play," and have sur rounded themselves with a cast of exceptional " strength and mounted the play with special scenery and accessions. At the Opera House, Friday," January 6, Q. A. R. Encampment. Arrangements are soon to be made by the Department of Ore gon, urand Army or tbe,Repub lie, to hold the state encampment in Oregon City on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 20, 21 and 22, 1905. At the state encampment at Hood River last June, Oregon City was selec ted as the place to hold this years' encampment. The council of administration is soon to meet. and it is understood it is their ia tention to appoint the above dates for the time of meeting. It is proposed to have the Oregon en campment on the same date as the Wasbington encampment which is to be held in Vancouver n the above dates, and an effort will be made to have a Grand Army ' Day on Friday, June 23 at the Lewis and Clark Fair. mi. ii . ims win .give tne u. A. K.- and W. R. C. members from both I ing the Fair together. BIGGER AND BETT THAN EVER Philomath College. The winter term . of Philo math College opens today with a briet program to be held in the college chapel at 10 o'clock a. m.1 The principal feature of the pro gram will be an address by Bishop N. Castle. y Short addresses will probably be made by' prominent citizens and the, president, J. E. Caldwell, Other -features bt the program will be vocal and instru mental music. The prospects for a successful term are verv good. All or nearly all the - old students have returned, and quite a number of new faces are seen. The term closes March x. New Depot For Philomath. "Nettie, tne News Girl." Orie if the most important en gagemento of the year, not from the standpoint orthtatrjcal effect. but from popular interest, will be the coming of dainty Wanda Lud ow, and herv excellent company next Friday night at the Ooera House. She will produce "Net tie, the News Girl," a story of lite m New York. The charac ter is claimed to be a reproduc tion of what is to be seen on the East Side1 of New, York city every day in the year, the ex tremes being carefully avoided and only that which is best and noblest in the delineation allowed to creep within the lines of the situation. v " The play affords Miss Ludlow every opportunity to do excellent work and she takes full advan iagc ui luese opportunities. 1 ne company assisting her is claimed to be one. of the best on the road. and.the scenic accessories are all that are required ; to make the production complete in every de tail. . - ;. ;. r-y; Actual work has begun on the new depot at Philomath. Work men have been engaged for several days past leveling a site. The weather being very iuoement, the work has -gone very slowly. The new building will I e about fifty yards west of the present building and will be much larger and commodious. The actual dimensions and plans however ate not revealed but both the new depot and chaage ot site arc ap preciated by the citizen of Pui o- inath. -. - . This week we start the ball rolling with the most sensational offer of the season in merchandise. We i x pf ct the citizens of Conallis and Ticinity 1- make mom y whHejjuere making this sale, as they have nev r done betorein the bnyinpof good go.ds for little money. The time to bny is whenr'the other fellow wants to sell- Now be careful do not ear we stole them Ladies Jackets " $10, ' $13 to $25 cut to the m.gdeet sum of only 50 "JSL.tS 00 $2. We are glad to make 3011 a Ladits Skirts at 20 cent discount. prrceon per Red Tags on dress goods represtnt a reduction of SO per cent. F. L. CORVALLIS' GREATEST SALE OF GENTS TKOrjSEIvS . $2.5 a 3.00 3.50 4.CO 5.QO to to to to to 1.35 2.25 2.75 3.10 3.85. When you see it in our Ad, it's ca For Good Vorkcnd QV4est Ratei i Eyeing, Steam Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing i ... go to . . . ye Works One Door South of Berry's Bicycle Shop ... Independent Phone .. . At" the last meetinji of Cor. vallis Grange Nu. . 242, the fol lowing officers w-re e'ectcrd for the 'ensuing ear: Master, Geo. Coote; ovcrsirer, F. L Kent; lecturer, Mrs. Wiitiycourbc-; stew ard, W. J. Kent; assistant s;ew ard, Mrs. C. Hill; chaplain, Miss Snell; treasurer, R. L. White head; secretar ; H. L. Frenc -' ; gate i keeper, Jglvvrrth Erwin: Pomona,- Airs. R. Kent; Ccies, Mrs. I. Huhnes: F.ora, Miss Helen Crawford ; lady asst. stew- aid," Mrs.- Callahan. " Firemen Win Flag. The handsome silk flag put up by a number of Corvallis mer chants to be given the most pop- - T mar organization in town was -won by the Fire Department baturdav evening when the fina count was made at Nolan & Cal lauau siuie. i.owara tne end of the contest the lodges and other organizations dropped out, leaving only tnree contestants in the ring, the fiual vote resulting as follows: - nremen 23305 O. A. C I7TO7 Public School......... 8145 Em Um WEH's .. Musio Hqsmgq of Albany, Or., removed to 350 Alder : st., Portland, Or. Write for prices, save! , - money. Special attention to Mail Orders CeciSisn, tho Perfect Piano Player Dr. A. C. Steckle and brother, A. S'eckle, left 'on yesterday's C. & E. train for Albanv, where hev took the overland for Cali fornia enroute to their home in Michigan. Dr. Steckle has many friends in this city who regret to lose him. v But he says he will visit , Corvallis again when he ' returns to this coast to locate. c '". Agents Wanted 1 Sin ; Wouldn't vou be glad if you could get a responsible Fire Insurance Com panr to insure your buildings for $3 00 per year? Tbat is jnst wtmtyou do when , you buy one of thope handy fire fighters, adopted by the U. S. Government and J. D. Farmer, agent for the S. P. Co.. went down to Portland last Thursday to attend a meet ing called bv W. A. Coman, gen eral passenger! agent, to talk over railroad matters, principally in regard to rates to be made dur ing the comu g fair. The C. & E. and S. P. trains were he v . 1 loaded yesterday with stu 1 - itturning from their hoh rations. Harp r t , klin was a passea- senger on tl ' morning train for Portland for a week's outing. Drypovder Fire Extinuisher o).?U It is a tin tube containing Zyi lbs.- of a dry powder, like sand. -Throw a small nandful on aflre, and it puis it out in wo ec6nds.' . -'. . : . It is the cheapest thing in the way of Fire Insurance ever invented. Call and see one at the Corvallis Gazette , office.: Agents Wanted ! ;