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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
Necessity Knows No Law. Our stock of Ladies' Cloaks, Jackets, Tourist Coats, Furs, Separate Skirts, Men's and Boy's Overcoats, must be closed out immediately. Winter is flying and our time is short. We have made reductions for December that will make a hot time in our Clothing and Cloak Departments. Come early before sizes are broken. Nolan & Gall ah ail CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Five lines, or less, 25 cents for three ertions, or 50 cents per month. WANTED W NTED ALL KINDS OF POULTRY iressed pork, veal of mutton etc. E. Clark, Philomath, Oregon. U tHEST CAH PRICE PAID FOR ill kiuds of l'i" itry also dressed Pork. mith A Couldn. Corvallia, Oregon, est to ' zettk ollke. FOR SALE r IR PALE OVE FULL-BLOOD JER y bull, snivel to register from first- lass milk btoik. Address, M. S. Woodcock, Corvaliis. Or. U REGISTERED OXFORD DOWN Hams and four half-breeds. Peter V hi taker. 0 BUFF ORPINGTON COCKERELS or sale, some very chcan. Why not et some new blood in your pen of mixed chickens Hrxl double vour egg -upply. F. L Miller, Corvaliis, Or. IMUSIC. PINO INSTRUCTION OlVEN IN .ny trrade of advancement. Also pianos tuned and repaired in fiist-class manner. Ind. phone No. 405. F. A. White. EXPRESSMEN. iiLL! WELL! HERE'S JOHN .LEX tft'r. Known him 22 eiws Still car ies Unc'e S.1111 ni.d tmegntie- John is in accom.nodiJiing man :jnd slwaj's n be found at hiw post Alien's Drug Store, or phone 251 AUCTIONEER I- A KLINE. LIVE STOCK AUCTION eer, Corvaliis. Or OfhYe at Huston's - t aril ware store P. O. address Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of live stock. Twenty years' experience, satisfaction guaranteed. STAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6 :30 a. m. ; arrives t Philemath at 12 m ; leaves Philo math 1 p.m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 1. m. All persons wishing to go or etum from Alsea and points, west can e accomodated at any time. Fare to Ahea$1.0J Round trip same day $2.00. M. S. Rickabd. PHYSICIANS H. A. OAT HEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to t p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad mits Ste. Telephone at office and res idence. Corvaliis. Oregon. ' H. NEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN md Surgeon, Office and Residence, on Main Btreet, Philomath, Oregon. DENTISTS H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. PAIN ess extraction. Zierolf buildinS. Opp. Post Office, Corvaliis, Oregon. ATTORNEYS R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. ffice in Post Office Building, Corval is, Oregon. 'SEPH II. WILSON. ATTORNEY-t-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ng. Practice in all State and Federal Oourta. Office in Burnett Building. w. o. w. v ARYS PEAK CAMP. No. 126, W. O. A., meets 6econd and Fourth Fridays, n Woodmen Hall. G. W. Fuller, C. O. L. Underwood. Clerk. Reduction in Fare. Commencing Nov. 7, rates between Corvaliis and Portland, via C. & E., Aloany, and S. P. will be reduced to $2 60, same as West Side 'rate. Tickets on sale by C. & E. aent and all offices in Portland. Doctor Cou'd Not Help Her. "I had kidney trouble for years,'' writes Mrs, Raymond Conner of Sbelton, Wash., "and the doctors could not help me. I tried Foley's Kidney Cure, and the very first dose gave roe relief and I am now cured. I cannot say too much for Koley's Kidney Cure." It makes the diseased kidneys sound so they will elim inate the poisons from the blood. Unless they do this, good health is impossib le Sold by Graham & Wortham. What Shall I Get for Xmas? Well, we can solve the problem for you if you will come in and examine our line of holiday goods, for we certainly have a liHe that will satisfy the most fastideous. Our stock consists of Toilet Sets, Autograph and Photo Albums, La dies Shopping Bags and Purses, Music Rolls, Picture Books, ABC Blocks and Games, Combination Game Boards, etc. We also have a very fine line of Sta tianery, all the late books of fiction at 15 cents up, an elegant line of Bible and Burnt Leather Books at prices that are riget. We baue also added a very fine line of Violins, Mandolins, Banjos, Gui tars, BccotdeoLS, Harmonicas, etc. Courteous treatment to all, Graham & Wells. Of Interest to Mothers. Thousands of little ones di every year of croup. Most oi them could have been saved by a few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar, sin i eveiy familv with children should kee it iw the house. It contains no o;ii:ite md i-s fale and sure. Mrs. George H IVkf, San Ft an idi;o, Calif., writes: "My wd a dangerou at tack of croup r.d v.e -houghi she would choke to ttt'i, but urn !oe. oi Foley's Hn:iei and Tar relieved her at ouce afier Other remedies had failed. We are nev-. era minute without it in the house." Sold hv Graham & Wortham WINTFR EXCURSION RATES TO YAQUINA BAY. A New Departure on the Southern Pacific and the Corvaliis & Eastern Railroads. Recognizing a long felt want, and de siring to gie the public 'cheap rates to the coast in the inter as well as the summer, for persons who desire to see the bounding billows in their wildest moods and imbibe ths pure ozone ot the winter air at. the coast, the Southern Pacific Company in connection with the Corvaliis & Eastern Railroad have plac ed on sale, taking effect Nov. 2, 1904, and continuing uutil March 31, 1905, fri m all points on their lines, round trip tiekets to Yaquina at the same rate as during the summer. These tickets will be sold on Wednesdays and Saturdays only and jjwill be good for return sixty days from date of sale. Dr. Minthorn's sanitary Cbaths will be in operation and anyone who desires a genuine health resort during the winter cannot do better than spend a month or so at Yaquina. Similar tickets will be sold from Al bany, Corvaliis, Philomath and all points west on the Corvaliis & Eastern R. R. Full information as to rates, baggage, etc., can be obtained by applying to the n S. Pnt or direct from W. E. Coman, G. P. A., S. P. Portland, or Edwin Stone, manager, C. & E. R. R. Co., Albany. P. S. Through tickets to Portland are Bold by the C. & E. at Corvaliis and by the S. P., Po.tland to Corvaliis via Albany and the C. & E. at the some rate as via the west side, viz: $2,60. C. & E. trains connect at Albany with the Albany-Portland local both ways. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed n effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rats to or From Corvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents for particulars. CORRESPONDENTS1 CORNER. Oak Grove. Miss Alwina Voss was visiting her parents in Albany Saturday. -Miss Minnie McOourt is arranging the program for an Xmas tree at Oak Grove Prof. Davis is getting along nicely with his singing class at Palestine. Hugo Anthony is laid ' low with a severe attack of rheumatism Supervisor Wentz bad several teams hauling gravel on the road Friday and Saturday. B. B. Barnes was buried Sunday in the North Palestine cemetery. A large concourse of people followed the remains to its last resting place. The remains of J. JScrafford were laid to rest Monday by the tide of his wife who has been dead more than 20 years. ' The interment was in the North Palestine cemetery. G. W. Goff left Thursday evening for Brownsyille where be was to help in itiate a class into the Maccabees. ' Barney Hectrer, who is keeping quite a lot of sheep on the Vance place, had 17 killed one night this week by dogs. A moving picture and illustrated song concert was given at the Oak Grove school house December 3. A very en thusiastic crowd was present. The Grangers at Fairmount will give a ball at their hall tear the Clover Dae school house December 16. All w ho like to trip the fantastic are invited o be preseut. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gibson enter tained about 20 of their friends Tuesday evening. Games and music were in dulged in and a literary program was rendered by the little folks. Refresh ments were served at a later nour and was muoh appreciated by the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson proved themselves royal entertainers and those who were present will long remember the evening srent at the Giuson home. PHILOMATH NEWS. Personal and Otherwise o": Our Sister City. The city election last Monday tuitiedout to be a very quiet one. Many anticipatad a lively fight of some sort as a reform ticket had been put in the field, but it did not come of as tbe best of feeling prevailed on both sides, although a great deal of soliciting was done in a quiet way. The vote was not as large as expect ed but was fairly representative. Neither side electing their full ticket but everybody seems very much pleased. with the result and ail concedethat ttie people have elected a strong body of men to transact its official business. There are. several changes, how ever, W. H. Boles being the only one of the principal officers to hold his position and he had a very narrow escape as he tied with W. G. Wright for city re corder, the tie being broken by the drawing of lots in the city council meeting the same even ing. The newly elected officers are as follows: Mayor. W. T. Bryan; treasurer, J. E. Henkle; recorder, W. H. Boles; council men for first ward, R. E. Pugh, and Guy Frink; second ward, George Scott and O. V. White; third ward, W. A. Jolly and George Bennett, The city council meet in regu lar session Monday evening and as it was the closing session of the year considerable business was transacted. Recorder Boles submitted his report which show ed that $ 445, 09 had 'been issued in warrants during the year and two warrants, one for Homer Wyatt and one for A. J Sawyer were uncalled for. Mr. Boles cast lots with. W. G. Wright for city recorder and received tbe electionr Orders were issued to repair the- crossings between the resi dence of Mrs. Keezel and Mr. Gant also the crossing between the residence of Dr. Loggan and Mr. McBride. City treasurer, R. J. Moses, having moved to Corvaliis was cot present bur sent in his re port for the past six months. The report for the first six months could not be found and it was decided to let the matter drop. A communication from county clerk Moses was read giving the assessed valuation of all taxable property in the city of Philo math. The valuation is $87,545 a little higher than usual. The levy was not made owing to the fact that the budget ot indebted ness and expenses could not be estimated from the incomplete reports turned in. An adjourned session was decided upon for next Monday night to settle this matter if possible and transact any other necessary unfinished business. The levy will probably be about as usual. Arch Homing appeared be fore the council asking for a franchise to build, operate aud maintain an electric light plant in the city of Philomath. The city has aheady given Mr. Hon i:5 the privilege or go:ng ahead and puttit.g in his plane hut he desired official action on 'he f."!t t the city fa liter-4 aud asked ihnl a franchise be granted and an passtd covrriug the whole proposition. The franchise was nut gruud, how ever, for the reason that the instrument drawn up and pre sented was thought to be in complete. Mr. Horning was assured that the franchise would be graded and the ordinance passed as soon as the matter was drawn up up in such , a way as ta safeguard the - interests of all parties concerned. It is known by those interested that the Cor valiis Electric Light company is contemplating the extension of its system to Philomath and this step was taken by the company, represented by Mr. Horning, to rush the thing through as quick ly as possible. 10 Cents a Button, $1,00 a Rip, The Most Simple and yet the Strongest Warranty ever placed on any make of Trousers WE DELIVER THE GOODS. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Morgan Savage, deceased, by the county court of Benton county, Oregon, and all per sons having claims against said estate are re quired to present the same duly verified, ac companied! v proper vouchers, to him at Sum mit, Oreg"r , or to W. E. Yates at his office, Corvaliis, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated, November 24, 1904. C. A. SAVAGE, Adm'r Estate Morgan Savage, Dec'd. 1 fgSffliaHro lEjg l 1 1 For Infants and Children. iThe Kind You Have iuiiii.miHmmmlmimmiitu.Q: AVfegetable Preparationfor As similating tiicFoodandBegula ting the Stomachs aMBowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness andRest.Contaias neither Opium,Morphine norllinexal. Hot Hah.c otic . Jlxtpc afOZd.J3rS?JWSLtfTCOSit Icmpkui Sea stlx. Senna Jiockelle Sails - fhaptrminb - Hi CarbonakSaui CanfM Sita?' h&iteixrvsn- rtavan Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Ron, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature cF NEW YORK. I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expensive. Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but you'll never be wrona: if you take Dr. King's New Life Pilla for Dys pepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c. at Allen & Woodward's Drug Store. Plumbing aud Heating! Cornice, Hoofing, Guttering, and all kinds of bheet Metal Work. F. A. Hencye In connection with J. H. SIMPSONS HARDWARE STORE. Troubled with a growth of hair on the : : face can find : : Sure, Painless and a$y Cure .... Send One Dollar and address . LOCK BOX 47, Portland, Or. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dis member the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the attending aches vanish under its search ing and thorough -effectiveness. Elec tric Bitters is only 50c, and that is re turned if it don't give perfect satisfac tion. Guaranteed by Allen & Wood ward druggists. ;! Bears the ' l ' J BigaatrijJ J - For Over 1 Thirty Years mam ' 1 SaiWS fin met P9k E? E9 thz CEHxaun sosaian?. niw vork errr. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fwr ' Benton county. Alary J. H. Whitby, Plaintiff, . vs. Roscoe E Ktlwards. Alice Edwards, AuurIs Siraka, John Strake, M. Y. Totten, aqd Lih J. Totteix, Defendants. ' To Koscoe K. Edwards, Alice Edwards. Augtistat. Slrake, John Strake, M. P Totten. and Leah A. Tobten the ab&ve-named defendants: In the name of the State of regon: You are? hereby require.! to appear and answer the com plaint of tl,e above named plaintiff in the above- I entitled court, now on file with the clerk of aaict court, within six weeks from the date of the first:. publication of this summons. And you are hereby InotiSed that if you fail to appear and answer said!, complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will apt ply to th court for the relief prayed for irsaJ& . J complaint towit: The foreclosure of a certain : I mortgage made and executed by Robert K. Ed -I wards, August Strake aud Jonn Strake to plaintiff. .' . on tne otn uay oi January, iuuv, to secure tneywy ment of a certain promissory oote of Kobert tk. Edwards, Augusta Edwards, and John Strake, tor 8400.0 payable Ave years after date, with inteiest . thereof at the rate of seven per cent per annum,: interest payable annually; and which said mortgager conveyed uuto plaintiff the following: described reafi property, situated in Benton county, Oregon, to wit: ThaSWJof theN E j; the N E i ot tbe Sff ; the S It I of tbe N W ; and the NW Jot the S E J of Sec 8. Tp 14 S, R 8 W of the Witt Her And for a further decree barring and foreclosing said defendants! Roscoe E. bdwards, Alice Etf- wards, Augusta Strake, John Strake, M P Totten. St and Leah J. Tetten, of and from all right title or- interest in and to said real property ana every parr This summons is published by order of the Hotj Virgil E. Watters, Judge of tbe County Court ofiy the State of Oregon, made at chambeis in Corvaliis.. 1 Oregon, October 17, 1904, and the date f tbenrtt publication of this summons is October 18, 1904c. YATES I vrts, a Attorneys for Plaintifiia. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, November 25, WO Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tbe: provisions of the art of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the. States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Lanai States by act of August 4, 1892, IVAH SHERWOOD PATTY, of Corvaliis. county of Benton, state of Oreg"n ban this day filed in this office her sworn statement No 6527, for the purchase, of the of 8 of See 26, in Township 105, R 8 W, and will offer- proof to show that the land sought is more valuable fer itei timber or stone than for agricultural pu'poses, ami to establish her claim to said land before the Reg ie tr and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore gon, on Thursday, the 16ih day of Februwy, 190&. She nams as witnesses: Willard L. Price ef Kings Valley, Or; Taylor Miller of Suver, Or., Bract Miller, of Kings Valley, Or., John Chambers, cC Kings Valley, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the bove described lands are renuested to file their claims irj this office on or before said 16th day of Feb( 1905. ALGERNON S., DRESSER, Pneumonia follows La Grippe -- ,. but never follows the use off . : - mirs'ass ItBtopa the Cough and heals the longv Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. ' Mb. Q. Vaohkb, of 157 Osgood St., Chicago, writes t "My wifo had la grippe and it left her With m Ti7 bad eoogh on her lnnc trhlek. Voun'aHorax ajto Tab eared completelx.