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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
1, Bkntox County, Oregon, Fbipat. December 1004. ;0 Vol. XLI. CHICKENS GALORE. First Annual Poultry Show of the Corvallis Poultry Association Opened Yesterday Morning Cock-a-rock-a-roo! cluck, clack cluck. These are the sounds that greet the ears ot all passersby at the Opera House now. The first annual show of the Corvallis Poultry Association opened in grand style yesterday morning;, with many prize winning fowls from all over the Northwest entered. There one cau see about every variety of chickens, geese, and turkeys raised in the country and the very finest in the la id at that. Active preparations have been going on at the Opera House all the week, and when the show opened everything was in first-class order. Yesterday morning there were on exhibition very close to 400 fowls, from the wee bantam to the mammoth bronze turkey and more were ex pected on yesterday's trains. Among them are quite a number of noted birds from California and Washington, and Mr. Fen wick, of Portland, has a trio of fowls entered, which took first prize at the St. Louis Fair this year. C. G. Hinds, an expert grad er and authority on all kinds of chickens, from Alameda, Calif., arrived Wednesday and is acting as iudse for the association, in grading the different breeds of chickens. The larcest entry of any one variety of chickens in the show is Buff Leehorns, of which thare are 7 cocks. 10 cockerels, 11 hens and 26 pullets, total 63; the next largest class Barred Flymoutn Rocks, of which there are 5 cocks H cockerels, 8 hens, and 24 millets, total so. This is the first show ever held in the United Slites in which the Buff Leg horn class head the list in point of numbers. Exhibits in this varietv are as follows: Two ex- Corvallis, Albany I, Port Ar.geles, Washington 1 ' Seattle 1. and . . 0 , Milton, Oregon 1, the total be incr nine exhibitors. Mr. Finch of Polk county, has an entry that ought to take the prize as freak chickens. . They are very small fluffy ' chickens called 'Creepers" on account of their legs being so short that they really have to creep around. Besides the finest of chickens of many different breeds there are a number ot fine geese, ducks md turkeys on exhibition. Among them is a pair of peculiar looking ducks called Muscovy ducks, which look more like a cross between a duck and a chick en than anvthiner else. They are owned by A. A. Hulburt of Albany. This afternoou and evemug will be devoted especially to the entertainment of all lady visitors A committee of ladies will be in charee and will serve light re freshraents and do all possible to make it an enjoyable visit. TRIZES FOR VISITORS. There will be four prizes given each dav of the show to some lnrkv visitors. With each ad- j mission ticket bought you wil receive a chance on the follow ing prizes: 2nd Prize Pair Buff Leg horns, value $7.50, donated by Gene Simpson. ?rd Prize Pair Buff Rock pul lets, value $5, donated by Mrs. J. A. Buchanan. 4th Prize Setting Butt Ur. Dington eggs, value $5, donated by F. U Miller. SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. IO. 1st Prize Trio Buff Orping. tons, value $10, donated by F h. Miller. 2nd Prize Tiio Batted Ply mouth Rocks, value '$7.50, do nated by W. E. Yates and W. G Emery. 3rd Prize Japanese game cock, value $5, donated by J. N. Porter. 4th Prize One setting each of Buff Leghorn and White Leghorn eggs, value, donated by Gene Simpson. hibitors from Portland MORE MOUNTAIN WATER. Corvallis Water Company Makes Another Offer to Furnish Mountain Water LIST OF EXHIBITORS. Dick Kiger, Corva.lis; White Plymouth Rocks. Prof. A. L. Knisely, Oorv.; Buff Leg horns. - Grant Thompson, Shed, Ore , Buff Plymouth Rocks. W. E. Yatee, city, B P Rocks. Johnnie Fierstein, city, Buff Cochin Bantams. R O Kiger, city, Light Brahmas. Ernest D Fischer, city, B P Rocks. Mrs Levi Oreo. citv. Rose Comb Buff Leghorns. Dr Bowen Letter, city, White Wyan dot tea. Thomas Eonlden, city, Black Spanish Stephen Land, Port Angers, .Wash., Buff Leghorns. J Murrow & Son, Oregon City, Ore , B P Rocks. FFenwick, 210 Mohawk Bldg., Port land, Ore., Black Lanashans. W G Emery, city, B P Rocks. J L Haskins, McMinnville, Or., Single Comb Black ftlinorcas. John S Moore, Independence, Ore., Buff Orpingtons. S I Pratt, Newport, Ore., Buff Wyan dottes. W A Bates, city, S O Rhode Island Reds, and White Plymouth Rocks. Gene M Simpson, city, Buff Leghorns. S E Beal, city, S O Brown Leghorns. B F Leeney, Eugene, Ore.. B P Rocks. E J Ladd & G T HuBt, Portland, Ore.. Black Plymouth Bocks. W C Finch. Independence, Oregon, Scotch Creepers. C VV Vivir, Albany. Ore Island Reds. At the last meeting of the City council last Monday night, Dr. Farra, president of the Corvallis Water company, offered a new proposition to furnish water from Rock CreeK. near Marys' .Feak, in lieu of the former offer made some time ago. The new oflei is now under consideration by a special committee of the council. This offer is almost identical to the one made by -H. V. Gtes to the city of Dallas, which was ac cepted, and is now in successful operation. The former offer by ! the local company was in effect for the city to issue bonds fot $25,000 and loan this sum to the com pany for the period of 30 years. But a provision ot tne state constitution prohibits counties, cities or towns Irom "raising money for, or loaning its credit to any company, corporation or association." As the former offer would have been m viola tion of thts provision, the pres ent proposition was substituted, which is entirely leeal : It is as follows: "I purpose to construct system of water works in Cor vallis, Oreeon, which shall re ceive its supply of water from Rock Creek near the base of Marv's Peak. - '-'This svstem to be modern in all its appointments and con strncted under a contract with the ritv of Corvallis bv which the citv becomes the owner o the plant as soon as completed and assumes control of the same at the end of thirty years. 'One half ot the cost to be paid by the city at the time o construction . and the balance at the end ot thirty years. For the remaining one half' of the cost price the city shall authorize the issuance of "Water Plant Bonds" whose payment shall be ; secured by a mortgage on the ! ulaut. but contain 110 further -.. .Jibluation ot oavtnent on the itnoue ------ - x v part 01 tne city tainment promises to be ex ceptionolly good and since the cause is worthy one it deserves the hearty patrcnage of all friends of the city schools. The following is the program. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Drill V '"The School Colors" Son. . . , "A Little Girl's -roubles" Song "A Boy's Response" Recitation .......... "As the Boys Bee it" Recitation .. . . ."My Country" Recitation ....... "What Boys are For'l Recitation Tommy's First Smoke'' FIRST AND SECOND INTKRMED I ATE Recitation "Ycuth and Age" Recitation 'Goodmorning and Goodnight'' . " ' Drill . . . '. "Mother Alphabet" Recitation ' Sunday at the Farm" Recitation "Will and Won't" Recitation ' When the Teacher Gets Cross" Recitation "Lives of Great Men" Drill "Some Famous People" Recitation ."Speaking Pieces" Concert Recitation "By Four Girls" Dialogue "Bridget's Investment Recitation "The Girl who Smiles" Recitation "Perseverence" Recitation .'..."Little Black eyed Rebel" Dialogue "The Art Critic Red tation 'Mother' ' ADVANCED DEPARTMENT Dialogue "Way Down Eait" Dialogue '-Going to the Poor House" Chorus "Sweet Oregon' Recitation The Whistling Regiment" Recitation ' 'Aunt Eleanor's Hero" Song "The Levee Song" Song ."Cottage by the Sea" John S.epheiiF, 401 Elise St.. Sta. B, ". "Luring me imriy years wmic Portland, Silver Pencilled Wyaiulotea, ; 1 remain m comrui ui miu f THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 8. ist Prize Trio White Leg horns, value $10, donated by Gene Simpson. 2nd Prize Pair Buff Orping- tous, value $7. 50, donated by F. L. Miller. 3rd Prize Pair Silver Laced Wvandottes, value $5, donated bv Mrs. Geo. Linderman. 4th Prize Setting Barred Ply mouth eggs, value $s donated by W. G. Emery. FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 9. ist Prize Trio White Wyan dottes, value $10, donated by Dr. mill a C Brown Levtliornn. F A Ball, 186 Front. St., Portland, Sil ver Laced Wyandortee. W C Snook, 164 E 32nd St.. .Portland, Bnff Pekiu Bantams. Filbert Poultry Yards, Gresham, Or., S C Rhode Island Reds and Ulue An dalusians. Nichols & Dannals, Albany, Oregon, Buff Plymouth Rocks. E H Bauer. 1247 Williams Ave., Wood- lawn Sta.. Portland, White P Rocks. Mn. Geo H Lindeman. city, Silver Laced Wvandottes. J M Porter, city, Silver Pencilled Wy- andottes and Silver Spangled Hamburgs. Fred H. Schmalz, 81 Second Street, Portland, Golden ; Sebright Bantams, Buff Cochin Bantams and BuffLeghorns Mrs J A Buchanan, city, Buff Plym outh Rocks, Buff Wyandottes and Emb den Geese. W J Fisher, Albany, Ore., White Wy andottes and Buff Leghorns. E l Schoel, Albany, Or., White Plym outh Rocks, White Leghorns, BuffLeg horns, Mammoth Bronze Turkeys, White Embden Geese and Pekin Ducks. Al W Nemby, Amity, Ore., Silver Gray Dorkings. Earl Withycombe. city, White Plym outh Rocks. D M Calbreath, Monmouth, Ore., Blue Andalusians. F L Miller & So j, -city. Buff OrpUg- tons. River View Poultry Yards, city, Barr ed Plymouth Rocks. Black Bros, Coupeville, Wash., Rose Comb Rticde Inland Rt'de. L B Zell, Milton. Oi-., Br ff Leghorns. against I am to provide a sinking fund winch shail be increased at the rate of $2,000 aumially; one half of said staking fund 10 pay on the "Water Plant Bonds,"- and the reinaiuiugjhalt ot said sinkin fund to secure the city loss on its orignal payment At the end ot thirty years when the remaining halt of said purchase price becomes due, the city shall receive credit on said balance of purchase price ot tne amount of depreciation which said plant shall have suffered, this rfe nreciation to be determined 1 - . . , . by a commission appointed in some manner hereafter to be ao-reed noon. Should the said depreciation exceed the remain- inp- half ot said purcnase price, then such excess shall be paid to the city out of the sinking fund provided for security as above "During, tne 30-year penca above the shall have, free o charge, all water for municipa purposes, except sprinkling. G. R. Farra, Pres. C. W. C." Entertainment at Philomath. J L Rexford. ciiv, Harred P Rocks. A A Hulburt, A.luo , 0;e., S C White, funds to finish Letthbftlsana 1 Lite -! Dtnks. I uCw Kimball W II f Hulb-n-t. .H: y, Ur., Rose, Comb Brown Ltthrmf i.i.d Giuv Coliar Ducks. Uhark-s lucAlister, Seattle. AVash.,1 Buff Leghorns. Fred E Reese, Albany, Ore,, Buff Plymouth Rocks Wallace Hulburt, Albany, Ore., White Plymouth Recks. Lee G Davis, Albany, 6 C Rhode Ifl 1 and Reds and Buff Leghorns. An entertainment will be given in the I. O. O. F. hal , Satur dav evening. Dec. 10, under the aus-pices of the Philomath public school for the purpose of raising paying lor tne X 1 i.ew Jjimoaii organ iclci. uy pt-rcrssed. The tnterlainmeiu will !:tt in at 8 o'clock and an tc- - -115 ctrus will be charg ed. The Philomath band has been engaged for the occasion and will render service during the evening. An elaborate pro gram has been prepared by Prof Fulkerson and his corps of able assistant teachers. The enter- NEW Holiday Goods Ima&1904 Holiday Handkerchiefs 1 Holiday Linens and Laces Holiday Gloves Holiday Bags Holiday Novelties Ladies Holiday Belts New Holiday Pillowtops Ladies' Holiday Neckwear iorth Star Woolen Mill Blankets MAKE A USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT MILLER. Kan -Do -ri-'' W"tes from Panama. Following is a letter written to his mother. Mrs. F. P. Morgan, of this city, by her son Charles, under date of November 10. le is an able seaman on board the T7. S. S. Marblehead, and had just arrived from points in old Mexico where the squadron naa been doing target practice. As all eyes are now turned toward the isthmns, we are allowed 10 publish the following portion 01 the letter. It was written from Panama City: "We arrived in Panama today from Accapulco, Mexico, and were two days in Taboga, a tmall town on an island about 18 miles from Panama. The entire fleet of seven or eight cruisers, batrie- shios. torpedo boats, etc., is here, except the collier which seldom travels with the fleet. Every thing is quiet here at present, and the sauadron is expected to continue on its way s.uth in a "ew days. We have had no rough weather , at all, but lots of rain, which comes in unexpected showers called 'squalls.' "The City of Panama is bpan- ish, like all of them, and nestles nst above the beach on the west side of the isthmus, and appar ently has about 6,000 inhabi tants. There are a dozen small islands iust off the coast, and ex tending to a distance of about 20 miles out. "About half a mile from u.v and towards the s'oore, lies a Co- lonibian cruiser submerged up to her topmasts, which are the only parts visible. She was suu here during the late revolution when Panama gained her inde pendence from Colombia. ' "Sir Henry Morgan, tne duc caneer, ravaged this place once and burnt it. The ruins are still visible in many places, chief of which is the old capital and palace, built of adobe and red brick. They are still standing much as when the flames died away. "There is some talk of our going to the Galapagos Islands, which ure at .-id cu the iSquator, tkcuh we. i n; stives, may have to top m Panama as treie is a prospect ot ui.e ship haitig toj lemaiu here, and I suppose it will have to be the Marbichead, o course. Y u ui dtrstand that mail 'iciVicc i vciy slow here, sometimes having to lay a week in one phce waiting for a steam er, and ti en it is usually a slow one at tha. This is not a very important run and no good ships are sent this way." Special attention paid to Ladies Garments, and special rates to Students. JACK & BOB UP-TO-DATE CLEANING, REPAIRING AND DYEING. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF BERRY'S BICYCLE SHOP. hWs Music House of Albany, Or., removed to 350 Alder St., Portland, Or. Write for prices, save money. Special attention to Mail Orders CecSiisn, the Perfect Piano Player Wanted Wouldn't you be glad if you could get a responsible Fire Insurance Company to insure your buildings tor $3 00 per year? That is just what you do when you buy one of those handy fire fighters, adopted by the U. S. Government and- Dry powder Fire Extingyisher It ia a tin tube containing 3 lbs. of a dry powder, like sand. Throw a small handful on afire, and it puts it out in wo seconds. - It is the cheapest thing in the way of Fire Insurance ever invented. Call and see one at the CtrvallisGAZETTE office, "Wanted Bowen Lester.