Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 18, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat78c. jOt 38c.
Mrs. C C. Chniman will leave
iri a phoit time for an extended visit
with frieuds ii Iowa.
A few cords of wood wanted on
subscriptions at this office.
" Chintimini donned her white cap
Saturday night and will probably
wear it ?11 winter.
BeUfountain. " . . C j , - . -
i ...... 4 -. ' 4
H Mrt. Thoe. Worlev" and , children
left Saturday for Uarnaburg wnere
tkey will reside.
H. E. Loun6bury, freight agent
of the E. P. R. R., was a business
Yisitor to Corvallis Saturday.
W. E. Conaan, general freight
and passenger agent of the S. P.
R. R., was in town Saturday, to
complete arrangement for' the
new schedule on the .Portland trait s
bv wav ft the East Side, full par
ticulars of which
are civen else
J. K. Berry handles a fine line of wher?.
guns and ammunition
Mr and Mrs. Brunk returned to
Corytliis on Sunday from Portland
They expett to leave for Eastern
Oregon about the middle of the
Send your lace curtains to Cor
rallis Steam Laundry.
J. D. Wells is erecting a nice
residence on the lots he recently
turcbased f V. E. Waiters on
Fourth street in the north end of
the ci'y.
Guns and ammunition at J. K
Woodchoppers who are out of a
iob can e.-t steady woak by apply
ing to P. A. Kline, , who has 50()
cords to cut at once. Hurry up
and get a job.
Cjrvallis Gazette and
Oregouian $2.50 per year
The new C. & E. train" is greatly
appreciated by readers of Portland's
evening papers in Corvallis. Their
papers are now delivered by nail
past eight o'clock on the evening of
publication. The Telegram's list
of subscribers, as a consequence,
has beeu raised to one hundred.
The ladies of the Missionary
Society i f the Presbyteri. a church
will give a Missionary 1 -'a, at the
home of Mrs. J. II. Han is in this
city at 2 o clock p. m. Wednesday,
October IV). A vry interesting
program will be preseiitid, and a
large attendance is anticipated.
Lamp?, bedroom lamps, student's
amps, glass lamps of all kinds, at
Rov. J. S. V. Flint will answer
J. V. Coombs charges aeainet
Weekly Lpiritualism on Sunday, October 23,
at 6 p. m., in 5ar.reU s Lyceum
The Presbyterial officers of the The public is cordially invited, and
'Wiiiamtt.tA PrPsWterv will hold a a special ivituon is exienaea to j.
t.r PrpB. V. Coombs and all who heard the
t. evangelist Fru'ay evening, Octo
ber 14.
Fresh home-mad' candies at
Mrs. Hammersley's, opposite Mrs.
J. Mason's.
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy have just
arrived from Canada. They are
looking for a location and are
pleased with Corvallis, and if a
suitable business opening can be
found they will probably locate
here. They are at preeer.t visit-
m . m r TT 1 it
ing with Mrs. ji.enneay'8 motner,
Mrs. Thurston, of Wells.
Fishing tackle, hunters' supplies
and sporting goola at Hodes' Pio
agent. I neer Gun btore.
Get vour school books and schooe A survey has just been completed
supplies atGraham & Wells. for an electric line from Eugene to
James R. Chambers, of Kings Belknap springs, inese sprirge
Valley, who has been studying are well known w oorvanis people,
with Mordaunt Goodnough at OAU ana wnn an eiecinu une u tuau
has gone to Portland to continue point would become very popular
his studies under the same teacher as a resort. The property has
at the Western Academy of Music, changed hands and roany improve-
A , , , , . menis are expected to oe maue oy
Special rates to hotels and fami- (VinDm
lies at Corvallis Steam Laundry. "
, ,., i,r r lL v uev. and iurs. a. i. rercn saueu
Editor Wm. Mathews, of the . Co Trv;Q , ctamr
ewportNews passed through ithis M olia for Qhangsha, China,
Thurfiday, October 16. Lhev go
"Wednesday morniDg at 9 o'clock.
All kinds of repair work done at
K. Berry's.
A business house in the city re-
or ilio momu ui aeyieuiuu no oa
oeeding by $500 these for the cor
Tesponding month laet year.
Red Cedar Star Shingles at the saw.
mill at $1.60 per M. . E. W, Stbono.
A. R. Woodcock returned Fri
day from visiting Newport, Wald-
port and To'edo, in the interest of
the Washington Life Insurance
company, for which he is a special
v Mrs. A. E. Wilkin s arrived , yes
terday iom Fuit. Dodge, Iowa.
For tne present ebe will 'make ' ter
hoaje at the residence wi S. N.
The suggestion is made in the
Oregouian iharfoer limbering up
ou the U. of W. team.' the Cal
ifornia team would do wtll to stop
at Corvallis and have a good game
of football with the OAU team.
A party of . ten cf C. C. Chip
uiau's frieuds eutered his rettiurant
Sunday evening about 8 o'clock and
ordered up the bebt spread his
establishment could supply. When
the viands were set up he was
shown to the extra sent and remind
ed that it was his 47th anniversary
cf his birthday. He was- surprised
that he had growu that oli and
was 'very grateful t his friend for
reminding him of it.
Dr. Withycombe, of the OAC
and Experiment Station, has given
considerable attention to the sub
ject of irrigation. He is very en
thusiastic over the possibilities of
Oregon's development by means of
irrigation. This may be said, how
ever, of eveiy one wno has luteili
geiit y investigate the practicabil
ltv and beneficial results which
follow irrigation of Oregon's arid
lands. t- . -
G. M. Frost, superintendent rt
schools tf Sherman county, was in
the i'itv on Saturday. He reports
a s&d lack of schoolteachers in that
county. 'Any person wishing an
engagement in that line will re
ceive information by writing to Mr.
B'rofct, at Moro, Oregon. . The
schools are mostly small in num
beis, while the salaries range from
$40 up. Here is a chance for some
of our graduates to make a begin
ning in their profession.
Vergil Tvinningliam "7wfi6"wras
married about two weeks, ago to
Miss Fawcett, of Portland, was
serenaded Saturday nights by a
crowd of neighborhood boys. The
boys were most royally treated.
The invoicing at the store was
completed last week and the new
proprietors Woodcock and Tay
lor have taken possession.
Mrs. Blakely r and son, of St.
Joseph, Missouri, who have been
visiting here during the past year
expect ro return to the East soon.
The Farmers' Iudipendent Tel
ephone Company was completed
last Saturday and is now ready
Tor " patrons. The line reaches
from Corvallis to Walter's 'Mill
a distance of 30" miles and has a
limited capacity of 20 phones.
The people are greatly elated over
the completion of the line.
t Monroe.
The new Wiihelm water tank
and tower were completed last
week. Henry Shuette and two
sons, of Glenbrook were he con
tractors. The tank has a capacity
ot 100,000 gallons and is 'the
highest structure of the kind in
Benton county.
Mr. Leightner, the new miller
at the Wiihelm mill, arrived last
week from Los Angeles.
J. T. Carpenter , is repairing
the old store on the corner and
will move his store there in the
near future.
A Just Sentence.
The Portland press is unanim
ous in commending Judge M. C.
George's action in sentencing
Sullivan, who pleaded guilty to
a charge of highway robberv, to
the penitentiary fofa term of
twenty years. ' . - -
A few such doses as this will
utterly destroy the industry of
this species of criminals, not
only in Portland where it has so
ereatlv flourished ot late, but
throughtout the whole state.
School Meeting in Beaver Creek,
city Thursday enroute to Hood
River, to be present at the annual I
session of the btite l'ress asso
ciation which was held 'there Sat
Patronize home industry Cor
vallis Steam Laundry.
to work in the mission field at that
place under the direction of the
United Evangelical church. -Mrs.
Ferch has many frienct3 in this
city where, as Miss Elsie Canfielu,
she spent four years, graduating at
the OAC in 1003.
Capt. M. M. Davie, of Isewport,
well-known captain of the stesmer Sheriff Burnett and A. Fruit re-
T. M. Richardson, after a brief turned Sundav evening from their
visit with his family in this city, deer hunt on tne Calapooia, bring
left for Eueene. where he exnects to insr in two fine deer all in fact
. 1 . . ....
be detained until the latter ,part of they had a fair opportunity to kill
1 1 1 -11 I mi. " I J. 7 i. 4 l . -n,
weeK Dy Dusiness matters, iney ineu 10 giye out me iiupico-
If you don't buy boys' clothes of fion that the deer had earned or
O. IJ. JViluo lino oraouu Iu "" .. c.n l 1J J II,,.,,
buy clothes right. "UU1 "I) ir
I Ant o K-vn f fan Horn trn CQfln TAT
the L.adiea ouild 01 tne Ji.pisco-hrood success.
al churchiet Thursday and have
fiomn.enced makinsr DreDarations for See those eleeant parlor sets and
01 1 - ...
t.h return of their rector. Rev. library tables at Hollenberg iv:
Conev from England, who is ex- Cady's.
I1HIM..II !.( I IH 1 IMI M III I 111 M Lll IIU1U I - . . . -t
r- . a j v- I ine time lot niiiiujij ,c h ia
services the first Sunday in govern- x"r J . T. . reLatliIl(i10.
I giun iufi cw.v. y
. 1.1 i :n j. . ii
I me laciorv vvm not run iuvjio man
Fishing tackle, hunters supplies Uw0 weeks lonser. If you have
and sporting goods at Hodes' I'io- apples to sell or apples to grind,
brine them in at once. Don t wait
until the factory is rushed with
Notices have been posted in
our district calling a meeting on
Saturday, Oct. 22, at.3o'cloc
p. m. , to vote a tax to purchase
new seats for the' school house.
This action shows the energy of
the patrons of District No. 22
up-to-date is their watchword.
The officers, say "Better equip'
ments; better teachers and better
wages." A $25 teacher does not
fill the bill for them. I for one
am willing to be put under just
such ' a ban. For what is one
worth if he is not qualified for
his position ! It is just as absurd
for one to pose as teecher
and not to be able to teach as it
is tor a carpenter to advertise as
a special mechanic and not know
how to lay his square upon a
plank; so as to indicate the
desired angle to cut a rafter. I
desire to see the salaries of Ben-
neer Gun Store.
The hot tamalp
Are you
14 or 20?
It is male from all-wool materials lu a pat
tern that does not show dirt easily. The style
in which it is made will suit the average young
ster, whether he's 6 or 15.
. The price is only $3.50.
If you'd ntther have something else msybe
you'd look at some of these:
From $4.00 to $7.00.
That lfc
ost '
exacting.'. W
We have a nice lot
suits f r young fel
lows between those
two ages. They are
not the usual bind
not the kiud hacked
out with a hatchet or
cut by guess.
Let us show you
wlmt good fabrics,
splendid workman
ship and eift-ellcnt
fitting arp combined
iu these . . ;
Long Pants Suits
At $6, $7 and $8.
THE PRICES? Here are two or three, st,
for example, but they do notbegiu to represent
our spleudul stock. v
.Letter List.
For the week ending Oct. 15, 1904
Persons calling for these letters will
please state date on Which they were ad
vertised. They will be charged at the
rate of one cent each : : -
Miss Hattie Anderson, (2) Miss Etta
Rosebrook, Albe.t M. Bracy, H. Eyster,
M. V. Elam. Miss Luela Fendle, Peder
JJ Hillestagl, L. L. Lowe, A. D, Mnr
phy, Mrs. Wm. Macnab, H. 0. Stone,
Mies Eva Staats, F. Tortar, Harland
Wheeler, Elmer F. Yonng.
B. W. Johnson, P M.
A Life of Sickness from Inflam
mation .'.of the Bladder Re
stored to Heatlth by
Dr. Darrin.
" J. C. HAR1MEL, Prop.
Leading hotel in Corvallis. Newly
furnished with modern? conveni
ences. Rates $1, $1.25, $2 per
day. . .
ton county's
teachers raised
equal to and even above. a,ny
other counties in the state,
supper given
Fridav evenine by the ladies of
the Presbyterian church was very
well patronized. The proceeds
netted about .f4U. ine wonder is
bow the ladies can give such a
good spread for 25 cents and make
money too. ihe secret is tneir s.
orders. Good cider, such as thf-y
are turning out at the Corvallis
factory, is a nice thing to have in
the house during the winter..
There may be prohibition days in
our county soon, and then you'll
wish you'd made provision against
the drought.
You can get the birds down with
the ammunition that J. K. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Jones
came up from Gresham, on F riday,
and are visiting- with Dr. Cathey.
Mr. Jones was so unfortunate as to ding of Mr,
crush a finger of his right hand, a I Miss Sibvl
Fresh home-made candies at
Mrs. Hammersley's, opposite Mrs.
J. Mason's
At the home cf the brides' parents
in Shaw, Oregon, occurred the wed-
C. W. Laughlin and
Alice Cnnimings, and
Mr. J. S. Wells and Miss Floy
Cummings, Wednesday, October
12, at 11 o clock. About ,o guests
were present, a number cf them be-
insr from Portland. The rooms were
tastily decorated with autumn
leaves and ivy, the bridal couples
One of ITenkle's trucks, heavilv standing beneatb a large wedding
laH.n ft mifillanpmis Rcsnrtmpni nf bell. Laura cummings, iiiue SIS
.la frr lAlUvrir hrntfi hA fvvihl- ter ot tne Driae, piayea me wea-
P . .1 rlinn mawV After tVi vrpl(1iricr
mcr mn on ine norimn? crossin? oi i v""6 w '-r- o
""-or o t. .. i ta.. .
.. .. .ham
Adams and eeconti street, as a
(few days a;
his enforced
friends .
o and can now pass
lav off visiting his
Sh&w your colors. Call on S. L.
Kline for campaign ' buttons. Free
for the asking.
consequence the" horses walked on
with the front cf the truck and
left the load and driver snugly de
posited on the walk. . Fortunately
it was not raining and the. goods
were loaded on another " truck and
the crossing cl eared.
After the
breakfast; 'Mr. and Mrs. Laughliu
left on 'the train for Portland where
they will make their-home. Mr.
and Mrs. Wells will reside in Snaw.
Miss J)ora Lindgren, Mrs. Ells
worth Ervih and Carroll v Cum
mings, of this city, were among the
wedding guests.'
Dangerous Wrecks.
Carelessness is responsible for many a
railway wreck and the same causes aie
making human wrecks of sufferers from
Throat and Lung, troubles. But since
tne advent of Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Cold?,
even the worst cases can be cured, and
hopeless resignation is no longer necessa
ry. Mrs. Lois Cargg, f Dorchester,
Mass.. is one of many whose life was
saved by Dr. King's New Discovery
This great remedy is guaranteed for all
Throat and Lunz diseases by Allen &
Woodward, Druggit, Price 50c and $1.00
Trial bottles free.
Wheat 7Sc per bushel.
: Oats SSe.
Batter 25c per pound.
Creamery butter 70 cents per roll.
rEgs 25c per dozen. - .
Chickens 10 cents per pound.
Lard 15 per pound in pails .
All persons who are indebted to G. B.
Farra by note or' account and desire' to
settle will call on' Thos. AT Jones who
will receive and receipt for same.
DR. DARRIN: Your treat
ment for the past eight months
has cured me of kidney trouble,
inflammation at n3ck of the
bladder, and diabetes. For years
I have been obliged to relieve my
bladder many times a day snd
night, rendering sleep almost
impossible. I now feel like a
new man. I shall never fail to
consult you whenever I need
medical aid. The treatment yo u
gave me for my debilitated con
dition from the effects. of the
grippe was entirely successful.
T can be referred to any time at
Pendleton, Oregofi.
Ernest Rhodes.
Dr. Darrin can be consulted
free at the new Hotel Corvallis,
Corvallis, Or,, from 10 to 5
o'clock daily, evening 7 to 6,
Sunday 10 to 2.
The doctor makes a specialty
of all diseases of the eye, sar,
nose ond throat, catarrh deaf
ness, bronchitis, la grippe, heart,
liver and bladder and kidney
diseases, or those who suffer
from apathy and indifference;
also crenito-urinary a ndskindis-
eases in either sex, such as blood
taints, seminal weakness and
lost vigor, varicoceles and
All curable chronic diseases
treated at $5 a week, or in that
proportion. , of .time as. the case
may require. The poor ) treated
free, .except medicines, from 10
to 11 a. m. , daily. No case pub
lished "except by" permission "-of
the patients- .All s business -relations
with vDr..- Darrin strictly
confidential. Electrical appli
ances furnished. One visit is
desirable. . though many cases
can be treated at Tiome by writ
ing symptons. Eyes4 tested and
glasses fitted. This is the second
visit of Dr. Damn,' the head of
the Portland firm, to this city,
C too
p, ac
oq c
3 QJ
o a,
- r
" in
? u
3 ;
Hathaway B
If you are looking for some real goal
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit aii
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or come and see us. We will tine
pleasure in giving you reliaole informa
tion: also snowing you over the county
This spBGe reserved for
The CorwaSSm Saw MHE SSom
t -
Wafch for an important st-nouhcemehtm
For sale at the Coivallis ' GAZETTE
Office.' Price only $3. CO
t s