fflt CtliiMUS GAZETTE "TCSSDAYS AND FRIDAYS, For President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York. For Vice Preident CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. 'S?fs?-i Vntial EUctore for Oregon j. kt Ti.ATfT ..f Polk. A i IT" --'Umatilla. -.itl;i - i.j-iiCK, of ClackamaB. C. J:vt- f Josephine. .MiSE VOICE. t The New Voice is a paper pub Sslied in Chicago, and edited by .rhe erstwhile Prohibition candi--2ae for presidency, John G. "Woolley. It is held to be the a3i1ef exponent of Prohibition in -??j whole country. Because of tSbese things we find no fault with ..at. When, however, it resorts to -insiduous uiisrcpretation, whole sale Jyitig, in fact, we are im pelled to give the facts, and all the yiinore so since many of our good rfcieuds are readers of the paper, .and feels that somehow it mis Toepresents President Roosevelt. The New Voice ot October 6 jts before .us. Its title page shows .silialf tone picture of the presi 2tait with four indexed hands pointing to it and four interroga aCives printed in bold-faced type, sax, "Who refuses to close the 102 aspeak-casies between the White 33b use and postoffi.ee at Washing ufba? Who operated, a speak-easy va the Rough Riders' camp at "Xampa, Fla.?" The obvious and intended answer is 'Roose- vsreit ' On the next page it gives rjLlist of "Roosevelt's 77 speak easies," and says: "A single . sentence from Mr. Roosevelt in llse way of an order to the police 43acimnssioners would close every ase of these places within twenty bar hours, but Mr; Roosevelt nrrmits them to continue." Of! r course he does. Why? Simply because, although he is president of the United States, and occu pies the White House he has no ja-.-.ie to do with the government of the District of Columbia than has the governor of Oregon. As fairly and truthfully might he be Jteld responsible for the existence of these speak-easies. Every American school boy Sfctiows that the District of Colum bia is governed by congress throv.gh a commission appointed for that purpose. In no sense is tiiis commission the president's. Att'i the people of that district Izavc even loss voice in its gov ernment than the Filipinos have hi y- uiiij: the island of Luzon. lu: iie operated a speak-easy lis. the Rough Riders' camp at Tampa. This speak-easy was the regimental canteen, operated by tlio men, controlled by their offi sgers, chief of whom is the colonel -or tue regiment. K.ooseveic was not then in command of the LELov-gk Riders. As a matter of &rt he was with that part of the ;.es:iineat in the field in Cuba. a 1: " iL A. c iviisrepreseniauon is uie icsun jf weak unscrupulous men. ' A .righteous cause has no need to resort to it and is always hurt by floiugso. MR. IXGLFS LETJER. i n the last issue of the GAZETTE -3se published a -letter from Mr. W. Ingle, of this city, in which -avails '4he motives which aD- . riCorvalliB citizen8and of tbe pro- ar to inspire the actions of q Wlla?riette v,fleT .-same religious bodies today." iKiprtric railroad, a mass mettine Whatever personal grievances JMr.v Ingle may have against cer Cain church members at Eugene icst elsewhere is matter of no pub lic interest. It is f little more oencera, that he misstates facts public concern if, in a vindicme' mood, he would write down the mass of church members as cis hnest and hypocritical, or ih t the malfeasance of a few can in jure the Cause of truth. All men and women are n.n dishonest, and hypocritical. By far the greater number, whether in the church or not, are honest, sincere, upright. Because one steals my purse and . another defames my character is no rea son why I should regard all men as thieves and liars. Becaue r ra f r 11 ; , some few are not following in the paths of truth and righteous- ness is no sort of argument against truth and right living and should never swerve a man from true paths. " The truth is eternal, and like its great Author, eternally true, j way?" v It is of no moment if Sccrates. , "If"3", f1? reproachful ly, "it was that bread you made mo Buddha, Mohammed or Jtsus ; eat at lunch time." present it to men, the dutv of j "Indeed? Where have you been all - , afternoon?" - each one for himself is to lay j 0ver ln old Man Peter's apple hold of it and incorporate it in orchard." Philadelphia Press, his life. A Little Too Eegular. So-called religious truths ap- Peter-I hardly know whether to & . . c let you in or not. peal to the moral, spiritual na-j Mrs. Veragood You don't? I never ture of men, and it is the duty missed a church service, no matter what of each individual to make such j st peter Yes; and your husband truths part of his inner conscious- worked himself to death paying doc , , . tor's bills. Wait; and I'll 6e if he wants ness, and see that they control i you N Y. weekly. his thought, his actions, his life, though all other -.men fail to do these things. Mr. Ingle, no doubt, under- stands all this as well as any man but the careless reader of man, due trie careless reaoer 01 his reiier migni iqidk hc only the 'wolves hip. .sheep's clothing." ELECTRICAL CIRCS. The Almost Dead are Speedily Rescued From tbe Hand of Death and Restored to , Life and Health. . t. -r-. . , . . r, n; mind) Uncle Tim, I saw the word in Dr. Damn's visit in Corvallis newspaperwhat is the -curricu-at the Hotel Corvallis has been ium" of a college.. marked with good results. Not Uncle Timrod (prompUy)-Curricu-, . tit. j ji lum, eh. Why, that's what them 'ere only has he 1 been crowded with mopheaded 'college 8tudent3 comb patients, but the marvelous re- their hair with. Puck. suits achieved in the new treat ment of electricity are almost beyond belief, Two cures in particular are those of Mr. Gal- latly's brother and daughter. Mr. Gallatly is well and favor- j able known in Philomath and! Corvallis. His below. The art ease by electricity with the otherdiscoveries of the day, and who knows but all the diseases and ills of the flesh will be conquered by this subtle force. It is a theme for study and re flection. To The ' Public .-While very much averse to parading my self in print, I f can not let the opportunity pass without giving my experience with Dr. Darrin for the benefit of others afflicted as well as tolthe public general ly. For years tbefore under- going treatment .Wltn ur. Jjarrm my brother was ,r seriously afflict- ed with . alcomplicated case 0f kidney complaint, liver and stomach trouble. All j. hopes of saving his life were gone, until hearing of Dr. Darrin, then locat ed in Portland. He visited him and took the electrical and medi cal treatment and was cured, so j that he lived many years in com Fvr mrkl Vioo If-Vi T.ocf voar , & . . ., j , when -Dr. Darrin visited Cor- Vallis I took my daughter tO him for the Cure of deafness and catarrh. His treatment was successful. I cannot say to much for Dr. Darrin, who has con ferred upon my family the great and inestimable boon of health. Refer to me at Philomath, Ore. Peter Gallatly. Mass Meeting At the request of a number Ot . j. Electric railroad, a mass meeting of the citizens of Corvallis and vicinitv is hereby called, to take placa at the court house, Thursday 5: rKai. 90 ' Soma maftora rcard we publish gSiSil of curing dfc- pertaining t the proposed, electric road are to be j resented by persons in the company, who will be pres ent at the meeting. B. F. Ibvke, Mayor. In Plain Language. ... Colonel (inspecting the hospital) "What's wrong with this man!,; Surgeon Phthisis, sir. ' "What in the world's that? ; "Consumption, sir." "Why can't you say so without any of your confounded medical terms? By the way, surgeon, I'm not feeling very fit myself this morning. ' Can you tell me what's the matter?" ' . , Surgeon (After a brief investigation) Brandy, sir." "What?" ;.. , "What?" "Well, you see, sir, you want it in plain language, don't you?" Tit-Bits. Bather Liked It. Bouttown This women's emanclpa- tion movement isn't such a bad thing, after alL I've been keeping company with Miss strongsoul lately, And t rather li&e it , ' Upton-m what .way, parUcularly? Bouttown Well, for one thing, she insist on paying her own expenses. N. Y. Weekly. It Wasn't the Bread. "Sick at your stomach, eh?" said the bov's mother. "What made you that No Outward Indications. "You told me he was a multimillion aire." "That's wrtitr T'va , aliMn lindfvr- Btooa. I "Well, he isn't.: I've seen him eat. He has "tomach of an ostrich, and . he doltar tlpB...Chlcag0 th. bune. The Ear of Faith. During a severe thunder shower, lit tle Frederick was very much fright ened, and began : to cry. His three-year-old sister .Edith, woman-like, at tempted to console him. "Don't cry, brother," she said. "That's only God nailing up the rain bow." Little Chronicle. . : . His Interpretation. Little Amzl (who has an inquiring j A Deficient Education. A brilliant young' woman named Mudge, The child of a talented judge, On a desert isle cast i Had plainly to fast, j For she could make nothing but fudgti. Cleveland Plain Dealer. A FIGURE OF SPEECH. j Mr. Monk (who has lost his balance) Do you kn,ow, I begin to feel awfully aown m the mouth.-Aiiy sioper. - Undecided. - Ter marry Dinah now or Chloe. Ah ain't decided quite. Ah doan' t'lnk Chloe would eTah blow; Me up, but Dinah might. Philadelphia Ledger. His Forte. Doctor You owe me a bill of $50. Slowpay Well, if I had a job I might pay you. can t you give me a jod r Doctor What kind of a job could . X gie you? Slowpay Well, you might give me the j0b ofcoiiecUng the bin. Puck. j The Way It Happened. She Archibald was always trying to ' avoid the girls. Where did he meet the one he afterward married? He He didin't meet her. She overtook him. Smart Set. -" Shell Game. Clarence I am very sorry, old boy, that I can't bet on the boat race, but my governor forbids me taking chances on, a shell game. Cornell Widow. Coming and Going. "Here's a man who got $10,000 from a i i j i ! . t mm . i n mui wuu uieiiaieu uia wuesuuecuuDV 'Gee! that was a case of double-bar- relied luck, wasn't it?" Houston Post . ' A. Good Substitute. ' ..v-- Husband My dear, there's a 'burglar in the room, and I have no revolver. WifeThen look i. daggers at him. ! Tit-BitS. . . t The Contrary View. "Still" Bald the wife of the ossified man, i there is such a thing as having a husband with too much backbone." can be classed wtmmmmmMmMb " i. ?a r.1 ft Let us show too the new patterns that haye just reached our counters from the factory. Thgy are neat, new and stylish. Yon know the warranty: - 10 Cents a Button; $1 a Rip ", FOB SALE BY Summons. Id the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton county. Mary J. II. Whitby, Plaintiff, TS. Ro3coe E Edwards, Alice Edwards. Augusta Strake, . John Strake, M. P. Totten, and Leah J. Totten, Defendants. To Roscoe E. Edwards, Alice Edwards. Augusta Strake, John Strake, M. P Totten. and Leah J. Totten. the above-named defendants: In the name of the State of Oreiron: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com., plaint of the above-named plaintiff in the above entitled court, now on file with the clerk of said, court, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. : And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer safti complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for in said complaint to wit: The foreclosure of a certain mortgage made and executed by Robert K. Ed wards, Augusta Strake and Jonn Strake to plaintiff on the Sth day of January, 1900, to secure the payment-' of a certain promissory note of Robert K. EdwarJs, Augusta Edwards, and John Strake, for 400.00 payable five years after date, with interest thereof at the rate of seven per cent per annum, interest payable annually; and which said mortgage conveyed unto plaintiff the following described real property, situated in Benton county, Oregon, to wlt: The 8 W 1 of the N E 4; the KE of the 8WJ;the8Eiof thNWj; and the NW i of the S E J of Sec 8, Tp 14 S, R 8 W of the Will Mer. And for a further decree barring and foreclosing said (delenoants,- Koscoe K. Eawaras, Alice ta wards, Augusta Strake, John Strake, M P Totten, and Leah J. Totten, of and from all right title or interest in and to said real property and every part thereof. This summons is published bv order of tne Hon. Virgil E. Waiters. Judge of the County Court of the State of Orecron. made at chambers in Corvallis, Oregon, October 17, 1904, and the date of the first publication of this summons is October 18, 1904.- - Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is herebv eiven that the undersigned administrator of the 'estate of Joseph Park, deceased, has filed in the county court of Ben ton county, state of Oregon, his final account as such administrator ot saia estate, ana mat Saturday, the 12th day of November, 1904, at tne hour ot 10 o clock a. m ot saia aay nas Deen fixed by the court, as the time for hearing ob jections to said report, and the settlement thereof. JOSEPH A, PARK, Administrator of the Estate of josepn iarK, Deceased. Elegant Picture of President 0 Roosevelt FREE! j : - - . " , " . " , . " -v 45. " I Particulars in local columns. FREE FREE FREE 111 . : .. - WS&EM&aBBm J 1 ikygjMgjjjjupagjTtMnsMiaiM mini ill iii i ii mum sin luminal i iTWiTfwanwnnsssMWs If von liaDDen to bo a critical clothes-turn-of-mind,. compare our work with that You will iret some new clothes, and And out why it dressed young men wear the Summons. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the County of Benton. Paul Truitt, Plaintiff, vs. Charles A. McCullough, Defendant To Charles A. McCullough, the Above-named de fendant: ' i In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above-named plaintiff, in the above-entitled cause now on file with the clerk of said court, with in six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons; and you are hereby notified that if von fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintfff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his said complaint towit: A decree of the above-entitled court ad judging and decreeing the. plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple of the following described premises to wit: The S W K of the N E yA the N W of the S E J; tbe E 14 of the S W J of Sec. SG, T 11 S., R 7 west of the Will Mer in Benton county, Oregon, save and except strip of land 60 feet wide being 30 feet on each side of the center of the main line of the W V & C R K Co now occupied by the C & E R R Co as a riffht of way through said above described premises, and further decreeing tbat said defendant Charles A. McCullough has no estate, right, title or interest whatever in or to said real property, and that defendant be forever barred and enjoined from asserting any claim whatever in or to the said premises or any part thereof adverse to the plaintiff therein, and for such other relief as to the court may seem n: eet and equitable. , This summons is published in the Corvallis Ga zettb once a week for six consecutive weeks, by order of Hon. Virgil E. Watters, county judge of Benton. county, Oregon, made at chambers in the Citv of Corvaflis, in said county on the 17th day of October. l'.WA, and the date of the first publication thereof is the lsth day of October, 1904. YATES & YATES, ' Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreson for Benton County. A. C. Freeman, Plaintiff, vs. Jennie Freeman, Defendant. To Jennie Freeman, defendant atove-nameu: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above-named plaintiff in the above-entitled court,, now on file with the clerk of said court, within six weeks from the 30th day of September, 1904, the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as herebv required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the com plaint herein, to-wit, that the bonds of matri mony now existing between plaiutitt' and de fendant be dissolved aud such other and further relief as to the court seems proper. This summons is rmblislied bv the order of the Hon. Virgil E. Watters. judge o the county ocurt of the Stete of Oregon, for Benton coun- tv, made n, cfianmors in corvauis, jseuiuu couiitv, Oruffon, ou the 2!)th flav of' September, " YATES ec YATES, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oresron Citv. Or.. July 30. 1904. Xotice is hereby given that in compliance with the - . 1 I .... . . , 1Q-Q Hl . provisions ui uie arufc ui vuugicao yt uuuw aw titled"An act for the sale of timber lands in the stnt.es of California. Oresron. Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, GEORGE W. BIGHAM, of Oregon City.county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, has this dav filed in this office his swom statement No 6468, for the purchase of the SJ SWJ and Si SE1 of Sec. No. 10. in Tp. No. 12 S., K. No. 7 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on t rioay, tne itisi dav of October. 1904. He names as witnesses: George W Cramer, of Peek P. O., Oregon, George B. January, of Oregon City, Or. , Lester A. January, ree tr.yj., ur,,ii- t,rt. Knurm. of Orecron Citv. Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- described lands are requested to nie ineir claims in this office on or before said 21st day oi uct, lao. ALGERNON S. I-RESSER, Repister. Sewer Assessment. Xotice is hereby given that the council of the City of Corvallis have assessed the follow ing fles'cribed property the following men tioned amounts to pav for constructing a sewer through block 14, County Addition, Corvallis, to-wit:- Lots. 1, 2 and 3, owner lrginia Espey ; " Lots 4, 5 -and 6, owner J. L.- Spangler; Lots". Sand 9, owner Eliza Chrisinger; Lot 10 and the N half of lot 11, owner S. P. Lot 12 and south half of lot li; owner She- AnlsaVd block 14, for each lot t22.88 and for each half lot $11.46 and that if the said assess thA tianrpr nf Cor- uivuis uc uvir I vallis on or before the 31st day of October, 1904y rim- interest at 8 Der cent from that r date E. P. GEEFFOZ; r Police Judge. Dated this October 11, 1904. younir man of a particularly we ask you to consider, and of the merchant tailor. ideas about ready-for-service is that so many of the best clothes Deanng our label. R. E. PUGH, Dealer in Farming Tools, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware, Buggies and Hacks, Farm Wagons,! Hay Rakes, Plows and Harrows, Wire Fencing, Wire Netting, Guns and 'Ammunition, Carpenters' Tools, Lubricating Oils, Bicycles, Etc. Agricultural Implemenst, etc., etc., PHILOMATH, ORE. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low ronnd trip rates,, have been placed n effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate to ob From Corvallis, $3.60. Call on Southern Pacific Co'a Agents for particulars. A Runaway Bicycle. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B.- Oraer, Franklin; Grove, 111. It developed a stubborn iilcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for Burns, -Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c, at Allen & Woodward Drug Store. the Abram case; but it is of Chicago Tribune.1 ", f r ;