Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 14, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Wheat 78c. 0t 38c.
Miese? Hammel. of Halsey, are
visiting frienda in thiB city.
S. K. Hartbock, f Albany, made
Corvaliis a brief bu?inees visit on
A few cords of wood wanted on
' tutEcripticne at this office.
' After a visit with relatives in this
city, Mrs. W. H. Morgan return
ed Monday to her home in Albany
Ralph Terrell, a graduate of OAC
isjuow engaged in the life insurance
work in R-jBebuJg.
If you don't buy boys' clothes of
S. L. Kline this season you wont
buy clothes rignt.
Workmen have resumed work on
the Henderson brick and it will
Boon bacou-pleted and ready for
J. K. Berry handles a fine line of
guns ai.d ammunition.
George Leo Spaulding, who has
beeu confined to his bed for a week
with inaiatial fever, is slowly re
Best meals in the city to be
f.uiid at City Restaurant.
James Booth, wife and daughter,
returned the first of the week from
Newport, where they have been
t'uring the winter.
Send your lace -curtains to Cor
valiis Steam Laundry.
Rev. F. L. Moore requests us to
state that if any person has a bill
against him which Jbe has over
looked to kindly notify him at Cot
tage Grove, Oregon.
Guns and ammunition at J. K.
(James Zurcher, of Enterprise,
made Corvaliis a business visit on
Tuesday returning to his home
Wednesday. Jim is an old OAC
Corvaliis Gazette and ' Weekly
Oregonian $2.50 per year.
Miss L. on 38, a sister of Dr.
Cathty of this city, was prevented
from visiting ' her brother, at the
present by .an accident to one of
her children.
All kinds of repair work done at
J. K. Berry's.
The Corvaliis Band of Mercy will
meet iu the Free Reading Room,
Saturday, October 15, at 3 p. in.
Mrs. Sarah Cauthorn, president,
Mrs. Flint, secretary.
Red Cedar Star Shingles at the saw
mill at $1.00 per M. fcJ. W. Stbonq.
F. J. Walsn, master mechanic of
the C. & E. road passed through
thisjcity Monday, enroute to the
Bay wher he will combine busi
ness with fishing for a few days.
Get your school books and echoo
supplies at Graham & Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Hart
ley returned to Bohemia mining
district, after a two-weeks' visit
with relatives. They expect to be
there until about Christmas.
Special rates toiiotels and fami
lies at Corvaliis Steam Laundry.
Born, October 3, 1904, to Mr. and
Mrs. L. Burnougb, of Enterprise,
a sou, weight 9 pounds. Mr.
Burnough will immediately begin
training the youngj man in football
Silk and woolen goods a specialty
at Corvaliis Steam Laundry.
Prof. L. W. Karlin holds the
Penmanship class on Tuesday and
Friday evtniogs in the Business
College. Students are given one
trial lesson free. Open Irom 7 to
Full line of high grade groceries,
crockery, etc., at P. M. Zieiolfs'.
Capt. J. W. Crawford has gone
to Woodburn, Ore., to attend the
meeting of the Presbytery. He is
the only representative from the
church here to that body, Mr. Den
man being unable to attend.
Patronize home industry Cor
valiis Steam Laundry.
W. II. Burkhardt, a former resi
dent of Oregon, but for the last sev
eral years of Salem, is in Corvaliis
on business and pleasure bent. He
is looking for investments for busi
ness and the "old boys of '61" for
Fishing tackle, hunters' supplies
and sporting goods at Hodes' Pio
neer Gun Store.
"Mimic war in California is strik
ingly described in October Sunset
Magazine. Articles by Gen. Mc
Arthur and others. . Beautiful
colored drawings. Many industrial
articles, sketches, stoiies, etc. 10c
from all newsdealers."
O. V. Hurt informs us that while
there is no material change in the
condition of his daughter, Maud,
who is sick in Salem, the physi
cians regard her condition as some
what more favorable" for her ulti
mata recovery.
' D. H. Hill, of Philomath, was a
business visitor here Tuesday.
. You can get the birds down with
the ammunition that J. K. Berry
handles. '
Real Estate Transfers.
Bush Davis, wao has been spend
ing a few days witb bit parents!
here returned to Yaquina. Tuesday, j Add, Philomath; $25
J W Foster and wife to W A
Wells, block v Avery & Wells
Add; $5.
.MA Worth in 3 to a and- wife to
Millard Longv lot iu Brown's
Show your colors. . Call on S. L.
Kline for campaign buttons.. Free
for the asking.
Mrs. F. P. Ciark and daughter.
of Pliilomatb, were business visit
ors here Tuesday.
Lampp, bedroom lamps Etudent's
lamps, glass lamps of all kinds, at
T). C. Rose returned today from
a two-days business trip -to ftlc-
Minnvjlle. '
Mrs. Caroline Hayes expect to
frt irt M jnday or Tuesday ; j Grants
rasd fir a visit wth her daughter,
living there.
Roy Woodcock and wife were pas
sengers on iuesday s westbound
local for Toledo. They expect to
return today.
Freeh homemade candies at
Mrs. Hammersiey's, opposite Mrs.
J . Mason's.
Sheriff Burnett and A. Fruit left
yesterday for Cal ipooia mountains
on a hunting exped tion. ihty ex
pect to be absent f r tin days.
Grant Elgin has boughi the
Hoaes bakery. The purchase was
competed the early part of this
week and Grant look immediate
possession. (Jarl tioiies svili remain
for several days to collect outstand
ing accounts.
Fishing tackle, hunters' supplies
and sporting eoois at Hodes' Pio
neer Gun Store.
Rev. J. V. Cooms, or Indianapo
lis, arrived Tuesday and is assist
ing Key. 1. o. rianusaker in a
series of revival services. 1 he gen
tleman is an earnest forcible speak
er and hopes to accomplish much
good. The meetings are well at-
See those elegant parlor sets and
ibrary tables at Holleuberg &
All old soldiers, and their friends,
whether members ot the G. A. R.
or not, are bidden to the reception
to be given this evening by the
ocal W. R. C. to their state presi
dent, Mrs. Bertha Smith, of Port-
arid. Music and something good
to eat are promised.
Freeh cider in any quantit' de
sired for sale at the Corvaliis cider
mill, south end of Main street . Ap-.
pies ground lor one-half.
Services and Sunday School at
the regular hours at tue Congrega
tional church Sunday. Christian
Endeavor at 6.0O. Sermon in the
morning, lne Ureal (Question
Answered;" iu the evening, 'The
Greatest Question That Can Come
to Any Man." Strangers welcomed
to the services.
Hot tamale supper Friday night
from 5 o'clock till, 9 in the dining
room ot Hodes' bakery. Supper
25 cents by Preebyterian ladies.
D. S. Camero brother to J.
M. Cameron of this city, accom
panied by his daughter, Mrs. Zola
E. Broworigg, and by his sister,
Mrs. Mary Goodie and her daugh
ter Miss Cary Goodie, all of Port
land, are having a very pleasant
reunion and visit with their brother
and his family.
Crockery! Crockery! Crockery!
Balls' Mason fruit jars, stone jars,
all kinds of jars from 1 to 20 gal
lons, at Zieroifs'.
Farmers visiting the city Wednes
day ware quite jubilant over the
good done by the heavy rain of
Monday. They say it will' give
the wheat already sown quick and
vigorous growth, and enable them
to do additional seeding. It will
help the grass as well, all of which
gladdens the hearts of our farmer
Fresh home-made candies at
Mrs. Hammersiey's, opposite Mrs.
J. Mason's
The business of the three Rural
Free Delivery routes out .of Cor
valiis show a satisfactory increase
over the last tally. For the last
three months the number of pieces
handled by the three carriers was
as follows: Nol Delivered, 12,078;
collected, 2,007; total, 14,0S5. Xo.
2 Delivered, 10,216; collected,
1.5S6; total, 11,802. Xo. 3 De
livered, 12,40; collected, 9,426;
total, 21,846. Total for ' three
months, 47,733.
A Runaway Bicycle.
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of J. B. Oraer, Franklin Grove, IIL
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding
to doctors and remedies for four years
Then Bncklen's Arnica Salve cared. It's
just as good for Burns, " Scalds, Skin
Eruptions and Piles. 25c, at Allen &
Woodward Drng Store.
Ella McElroy and husband to
A J Blaesing. block 37, Brown's
Add to Philomath; $1,100.
R M Abraham et a! to M Bur
nap, 2 lots, block 17, Co Add;
F M Sutford and wife' to J E
Andrews, 1 lots, block 4, Co
Add; $900.
David Perm and wife to C H
Perin, 16 acres near Dasty; $300.
HA Cleek and wife to E E
Wilson, 2 lots, block 6, Averv &
Wells Add; $100.
GWMcCiure et al to J W
Smith, 40 acres near Monroe;
W H' Bowman arid wife to
Lizzie E Reese qcd land near
Albany; $40.
State of Oregon to S R Strow,
40 acres Alsea; $50.
United States toj W Carev
patent 160 acres in Aisea. '
A G Knapp and wite to D C
Missall et al, 62 acres near Al
bany; $3000.
Emma A Maltoon to C A
Skaggs, 2 acres, Summit; $50.
Beutou County Flouring Mills
Co to A W Fischer, trustee. 6
lots, block 1 and Flouring Mills;
Alma M Dow to Willis Vidito,
lot in Corvaliis; $410.
T P Connor to Susan Conner,
land near Philomath; $1.
S.L Kline and wife to" John
Tickard, 100 acres -north of Coi
vallis; $3,000.
T-'P Conner and wife to G W
Parker, i acre near Philomath;
Josephine Maxfield to C E
Robsinson, 5- acres adjoining
Corvaliis on the north ; $1650.
J C Ingram and wile to A D
Sheldon, 24 acres near Monroe ;
F G Blumhart and wife to
Corvaliis Electric L and P Co,
lot 3, block 1, DixonsAdd; $160.
J E Wineger to W W Winegar,
2 lots, block 9, Corvaliis; $2,obo.
E Liebi and wife to C Stimp
son, 1 acre north of OAC; $500.
United States to Amos Cad
walder, patent 80 acres, Blod
gett .
Philomath College to M M
Long, lot 150, block 38, Brown's
Add Philomath; $85.
Wm Mil bourn and wife toj S
Hart and wife, land near Philo
math; $4,500.
L H Hawley and wife to R E
Brabham et al, 76 acres near
Dusty; $1,400.
SH McEImary et al to ND
Cauthorn, 214 acres near Albany;
W J Piper and wife to J H
Hall, 4 acres Philomath; $1.
Jauet Smith to Mt Union Cem
etery Association, 2 acres ad
joining cemetery; $197.50.
Rosa Seabrook and husband to
A Torgison, 18 acres near Wells;
State of Oregon to H Schuett,
80 acres Alsea ; $100.
John Long and wife to R Iong
et al, 153 acres, Summit; $1.
' D. P. Trenholm is erecting a
house in Philomath and 'expects
to reside here.
The showers have not stopped
mers. On last Tuesdav wnrV.
men labored in the raiu most all
day to complete the roof on the
addition to Prof. White's house.
Moses Bros, are improving the
walk in front of their store. A
like.improvement in front ot the
postomce would be much aDDre-
ciated by the public.
The little child of S. W. Gib
bon which has been quite ill, is
now improving.
J. Tevebauffh has bought the
Thornton place west of town.
The ladies of Philomath are
rejoicing: to see the new rnillinerv
and dressmaking establishment
opened and ready for" customers.
Mrs. O. M. Frink is at Soda-
ville for a few weeks.
Mrs. G. W. Fisher has return
ed from her visit to California
and is now visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sheak.
That -will
Are you
14 or 20?
It Is ma'e from ftlUwool materials in a pat
tern that does not show dirt easiiv. The si vie
in which h is made wi'nit theavcrnge young
ster, whether he's C or 15.
The price is oa!y $3.50.
j- If you'd rather have something else m.ybe
you'd look at souie of these:
From 54. OO to $7 CO.
We have a nice lot
suits tit young fel- '
lows between those .
two ajres. They are
not the usual kind
not the kind hacked
out with altatchet or'"
cut by guess.
Let ns 9how yott
vht good fabrics,
splendid workman- ;
ship and excellent
tilting are combined
in these
Our genial friend A. S. York,
general solicitor for the Evening
Telegram of Portland, is in the city
looking after the interests of that
Rev. Carrick was at Presbytery
meeting, and i3 reported to be in
much improved health. He likes
his new loca'tion, (Brownsville very
Capt. J. W. Crawford returned
last evening from attending the
meeting of Presbytery v at ' Wood
burn. He reports that Presbytery
formally dissolved the pastoral re
lation of Rev. A. Carrick with the
Presbyterian church in Corvaliis.
The Barred Plymouth Rock cock
erel that received first prizs at the
State Fair this year has been pur
chased by Sam Moore and will be
added to his fine flock of thorough
breds The bird arrived Tuesday
and is one of the finest ever seen
in Corvaliis.
A box of Philomath iruit and
vegetables is on displav in the
O. R. N. depot in Portland. The
articles are very fine specimens
and were sent by Ambler last
week. ' ...
Charles Logan has gone to
Portland with the expectation of
pursuing work in connection with
either a newspaper or engraving
company as an artist.
The house and two lots belongs
ing to Pres. Emerick were sold
by Henry Ambler to Mrs. A. A.
Truitt recently from Nebraska.
The price paid was $800.
The college Y. M. C. A. will
give a reception to the new ladv
students Saturday evening.
Many raspberry patches are
now beginning to bear their
second crop of the season. The
berries are mostly upon this year's
scions. The crop is just about
as large as the first one and the
fruit large and well formed.
H. E. Vanclieve is contemplat
ing moving to Colorado in the
near future.
A pea vine was brought into
town the other day that measur
ed 8 feet and was fnll of blos
soms and green peas. It was
grown on the Mittlestadt place
west of here.
At a special meeting of the
city council a few days ago, the
resignation of M. Burnap as may
or was accepted and Henry Am
bler was chosen to take his place.
At the election last spring Mr.
Ambler was elected mayor by
popular vote but because of a
technicality in regard to his term
of residence after having secured
his naturalization papers, he was
prevented from serving. That
objection is now removed and he
was duly chosen to fill Mr. Bur
nap's unexpired term. Mr. Bur
nap has removed to Corvaliis,
Rev. John "JBunyan and wife
from Hopewell are visiting here.
Long Pants Suits
At $5, $7 and $S. i
T11J3 PRICES ? Here are two or three, just .
ioi- example, but thevjdo not begin to represent
our splendid stock.
1? o
171 TlkTT
a a
J. G. HA&ZMEL, Prop.
Leading hotei in Corvaliis. " Newly
furnished with modern? conveni
enses. Rates $1, $1.25, $2 per
dSy ' mm
Beaver Creek.
Owen Thomson has rented a
farm in Eastern Oregon and will
move there in the near future.
His brother, Ezra who has been
living, on the Wilkinson place
is moving back to his own farm
and will take charge of Owen's
place also.
Messrs Keeley and jHarkens
whose house and contents were
destroyed by fire last June, are
hauling lumber and intend o
erect a fine residence in the near
Mr.k Keeley is attending the
sale of E. A. Miller today.
Earl Brown is visiting the
patrons of his school Jat Beaver
" A post office of 13 government
mail boxes stands just across the
the road in front of our school
house. It is , the terminal of
R. F. D. No. 2. .
His ' ''M "A
cT t,
2 m
- !
It 3
s z
1 0
? u
O "
li you are looking for some real good 9
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our SBeeial 1
list, or come and see us. We will time
pleasure in giving you relianle informa
tion; also snowing you over tue county
This sp&G reserved fas
Watch for an impart&mt
The revivul t ta- Carii-tin
church coDtinur'F t row in interest.
Evaneeli6t Coouib- will ppeak to
night" (Friday) on "Delusions."
Besides the regular Sunday services
there will be a sunrise revival ner
vice at 7 a. m.; lecture t women at
20 In the church and a lecture to
men in thn Onera House at 3:30.
Theevening service will also be
held in the Upera riouse.
Mr. aud Mrs. T. S. Bradburn
and family of five children arrived
in this city Tuesday. They left
Nebraska some time ago, and so
journed in Washington. Not be
ing sat'efiH thre they have come to '
Corvaiitb, aud expect to make a
permanent location in or near this
city. For the present they ara
stopping with their friend, Mrs
Montgomery, on First street.