Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 14, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    r u i
fit GUi I
Tuesdays an. Fridays,
fif S - York.
01 IriM-riil.
Pr--i lential F;-t- i r Oregon
7 K HART, - f Polk,
v . - - ..i U nati'la.
. K. of Clackamas.
yf Josepfune.
The Democratic party attacks
the policy of our government in
the Philiirraines. It charges that
th- Republicans have refused to
say when the Filipinos shall have
Eelf-goveinment, and that sucu
refusal means that they have no
intention of fronting any such
privilege to that people
We wish the Democracy would
be more specific in setting out
just vbvl policy it would follow
in ll,c ihirippines. Really it
do :. ; r.t -w-.-Ti t have any vvell
ccr '-.ivd p'rnto clTer. Judge
Parker undertakes to explain his
par,5 'o platform, and his own
opinions at the same time and, as
usual, only befogs the subject.
He says he is in hearty accord
with that plank of his party
pktfcrm which favors doing for
them what we have done for the
Cubans. He has already said
that by self-government, he
mec.ns independence. He now
qualifies this independence to be
such as the Cubans enjoy. He
would give them such independ
ence now, or, if this cannot be
prudently granted at this time,
he would give them the promise
new that it shall come the mo
ment they are capable of receiv-
ing it.
The Cubans do not Possess -
independence. Their Constitution
u ; V .1,
could not become their organic !
, . -, lU
law until it was modified to suit
us, They cannot without our
consent alienate any portion of
their territory; they cannot make j
a treaty of any kind to which we J
object. This is not independence j
nor even self-government, but it
is the hind ho would give the;
Filipinos. But if this is im-j
prudent just now, he would give
them a prudent promise of it just
now, and redeem that promise as
soon as they are capable of re
ceiving it.
Next to its attachment to
Jeffersonian principles and its
profound reverence for the con
stitutionbarring the fifteenth
amendment-Judge Farker's party
is alvvavs strong on promises.
at v,.j - - X'
when independence may e;
, t, 4. i fv,? if I
pnu en ly granted to them: It
en. .
iv c
fit f ov
Vio and his followers, it is
ive them independ
ent well informed
mrts of the United
ltr.o-.v tne hihpinos are not . : . , J r ,
1 . wv.iCial condition October i, as fol
seli -government. When .
they L.hal! be can be guessed
qu.te as accurately oy ivepuuuc-1
, 4. V AmAa
ans as by Democrats. It depends .
upon the Filipinos themselves. ;
The Filipino people are not and j
never were a nation. They have j
v less of nationality than had the j
ndian tribes, whlC hthe Colonists j
found in New England. They
are not so well qualified for self
government, for independence,
as the Southern negro is. Nine
tenths of the people are grossly
ignorant, having no sort of
understanding what self-government
comprehends. They must
be taught, educated on every
line: uwivic tiiwii uijuv..-
OCxx fcv v . .
Ne are engaged in teacmngi
them. We have expended many I
thousands of dollars establish- J
ing and conducting schools for
them. We are putting forth our
best efforts to qualify these
people for self-government. As
rapidly as it can be done safely
they are permitted to participate
in their own local government.
We cannot and we dare not
leave them to themselves. The'
task set us there, is Heaven im-j
posed and the American people;
will not abandon it. Judge Par-!
ker and his nartv could do no !
more than has been done, nor do
it differently and efficiently.
The people know this and" re
gard Democratic criticism as
merely the expression of negative
and obstructive purposes devel-.
oped in that party by long prac
tice. Filipino independence . must
"bide a wee."
The New York World alleges
that George B. Cortelyou, chair
man of the Republican National
committee was soliciting cam
paign funds for the great trusts
and mergers under promise that
they should escape the pains
and penalties of prosecution
under the anti-trust law.
No thoughtful person can fail
to see that this is only mere
partisan "mud-slinging." Not
for one minute would President
Roosevelt permit any thing of
the sort, and no one knows this
better than Mr. Cortelyou. Such
a promise would be worthless
without the assent of the Presi
dent. The is little doubt that the
mass of men having capital in
vested in legitimate business,
desire the success of the Re
publican party and are con
tributing liberally to that party's
campaign fund; neither is there
any doubt that those trusts
which fear the courage and
earnest purpose of the President
for themselves, are contributing
to the cause of the opposition
and working for the election of
Judge Parker, They know where
their interests are safest.
It is curious, however, to see
how every little obscure Demo
cratic sheet fairly rushes to the
assault on the World's man of
straw. The unanimity and
, , disnlav eives
her01? al they display, gives
occasion to think, after is
. . , j
but the device of the pursued
. .. . 5"
and fleeing pick-pocket who cries
stop thief."
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer
one of the oldest Democratic
newspapers in Eastern Oregon,
has turned up its toes to the
daisies. This paper is almost
the only paper of Democratic
faith in between Portland and
Pendleton, and has always been
ably edited and well managed.
Yet it dies for want of support.
Truly the Democrats must have
lost all hope that they refuse to
contribute further to the worn
out cause.
You are right. Democracy is
disease, usually inherited, but
it isn't catching,
Benton County's Finances.
The statement ot the county
County warrants, outstanding. 8,661 97
Esti Jted iatere8t thereon. . . 175 oo
Bh1 state tax unpai d 4,740 00
Total $13,576 97
Cash in hands ot treasurer for
payment of warrants $
Cash in hands cf sheriff, esti
mated 2,000 00
Total resources, less delin
quent tax, and due on tax
sales 2,509 03
Net liability of county. 11,067 97
$13,576 97
... ti
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will give a hot tamale sup-
next Friday evening from 5
f, till 9 in the dinine room of
Hodes' bakery. Supper 25 cents.
If you desire information regard
ing employment of any kind, for
either ladies or gentlemen, or board
ing places for students, I will be at
your service. Phone me at resi
dence 251 Independent or 306 Bell,
or at office 303 Independent.
J. W Lengeb.
, f
On Deafness A Partial Last of
Patients Cured By the
Celebrated Specialist
"It is from the throat that
eitn'M of the bearing is taken.
- The macus membrane lining of
the thrOat lines aieo the paeeages to
thenars the Eustachian tubes.
When disease sets up in the throat
it is likely to extend into the Eus-
t ichian tubes.
Tt- same conditions that cause
swelling or inflammation,, or the
secretion of thick and heavy mucus
in the throat cause the same pffeet
in the ear tubes.
Pheryngitis, Laryngitis, Rhinitis,
Tvnsilitis, Bronchitis and all the
many diseases affecting the mem
brane of the throat may reeult in
deafness or discharging ear?.
Scarlet fevtr, Diphtheria, Ty
phoid fever, produce inflammation
of the throat which often extends to
thear tubes and cau3e3 deafness.
li is necessary to use an entire
ly different treatment, one .that
will reach the seat of inflammation
in the ear tube3 themselves and
that can be done by electricity.
Head noises indicate a condition
of impaired healing or that the
hearing is going to fail.
Whenever the treatment has
gained an influerce overhead noises
it is a certain sign that restoration
of hearing will soon take place.
Nearly every case of deafness
caused by disease in the Eustach
ian tubes can be cured by the prop
er use of electricity and medicines
if skillfully applied .
The following list of people cured
and benefitted in this vicinity 1
should be convincing proof of the
superiority of electricity over the
ills of the flesh. '
Judge J. J. Whitney, Albany,
deafness and ringing noises in the
L.' W. Moench, corner 4th and
Main streets, Albany, rheumatism,
stomach and liver trouble.
Mrs. Nettie Dempsey, Waterloo,
Or., catarrh and ulcers of the nose.
W. W. Parrish, Sedaville, Ore.,
deafness cured .
J. L. Oxfored, Brownsville, Ore.
deafness cured in ten minutes.
Mrs. Pet Crabtree, residing at
Crabtree, Or., rheumatism aid
Mrs. N. E. Olin, 503 1st street,
Albany, deafneses, kidney and
bladder troubles.
P. A. Racey, Jefferson, Oregon,
deafness cured 10 years ago.' No
return cf it
D. P. West, Plainview, "Oregon,
chronic catarrh, stomach and kid
ney troubles of 15 years standing.
Henry Bruer. Turner. Oregon,
deafness and ditcharging ears cur
Miss t. G. Reddick, Lebanon,
Or., discharging ears restored.
Mrs. Dora Hapley, Sodaville, Or.
discharging ears, constipation and
G W. Benight, 105 Pine street,
Alba ny, deaf cess.
. Mayor Tomlinson, of Woodburn,
heuniatism and generally
rdown, cured 11 years ago.
Miss Irene Ashford, of Salem,
discharging ears cured.
Hundreds of others might be
mentioned but who do not want
their names published.
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free
at the Hotel Corvallis, ' Corvallis,
Oregon, from 10 o'clock to 5 daily,
evening 7 to 8, feunday iu to a
The doctor makes a specialty
of all diseases cf the eye. ear, nose
and threat, catarrh, deafness,
bronchitis, la grippe, heart, liver,
bladder and kidney diseases, or
those who suffer frcm apathy and
indifference; also genito-urinary
and skin diseases in either sex,
such as blood taints, seminal weak
ness and lost vigor, varicoceles and
strciture. .
All curable chronic diseases treat
ed at 15 a week, or in that pro
portion of time as the case may re
quire.- .The poor treated free, ex
cept medicines, from 10 to 11 daily.
No case published except by per
mission of the patient. All Busi
ness relations with Dr.. Darrin
strictly confidential. Electrical
appliances furnished. One visit is
desirable, tnougn many oases can
ba treated at home by writing
symptoms . Eyes tested and glass
es fitted.
This is the second -visit of Dr:
Darrin, the head of the Portland
firm, to this city.
As strong as the strongest lining
As rich as the richest silk fabtic
It is a silk ot the purest silk, endowed
with all the stability of a dress fabric.
By a peculiar twist in the looming and
a rare quality of silK strands, the manu
facturers of Radium Silk, have achieved
a silk fabric that guarantees a safe guar
antee. ;
Radiam is a eilk for- every purpose
for everybody and for every purse.
Your silk waist can be soft aud dura
ble rich and economical your drop-
skirt of pure silk and worn without fear
of wear injury, or that silk petticoat can
beoftheunest lustrous grade, without
costing you more than the cheapest silk
material. Guaranteed as no other silk
was ever guaranteed.
Care Necessary.
Contractors, workmen and
those who, should look after such
things need to be very careful
or the city may become involved
in litigation for damages. Not
long since a buggy was bdly
wrecked in a hole in the street
which was marked only by the
insertion of a fence post, which
made the danger, after night,
more perilous.
A wheelman got a very severe
fall by collision with a trestle
which a thoughtless workman
left on a street-crossing that was
being repaired.
A red light should mark all
places on street or walk which
are dangerous.
Pearl Rose, OAC's crack right
end football-player, who was hurt
in Saturday's game - and com
pelled to leave the field, has been
in a serious condition ever since
He was accidentaly kicked in the
The attending physician states
that he will be able to be about
in a 'few days, but forbids any
further participation in football
this season. The loss of Rose
will not weaken the lineup, as
there are several men of equal
ability in the football squad. Mc
Kinnon, a new man from East
ern Oregon, who has been a can
didate for the position ot end,
has been showing a form in prac
tice that marks him as a' coming
player. He weighs 175 pounds,
is a trained athlete and is one of
the fiercest tacklers in the squad,
and witu the exception of Wil
liams would be the speediest man
on the eleven. . Steiwer, who
made such an excellent showing
in last Saturday's game is now a
fixture - at left end. His weight
is 170 pounds.
The city council, Monday
night freely discussed the sub
ject of the city's water supply.
All the members understand the
absolute necessity Of an abun
dant supply of pure water, and
that action toward securing it
must be no longer delayed . They
are willing to aid in every possi
ble manner any properly-made
effort to eive the city pure water,
and admit they must do so, for
the people demand better water
and more of it. It is not un
reasonable to hope that the coun
cil, aided by the Citizens' League,
will find a practical solution for
this grave questu ru
An ordinance v 83 -pnssed by
the city council at its' meeting
Monday night, grantug the Wil
lamette Valley Railway Co. right
to construct and operate an -electric
road through Third street.
Acceptance of the franchise must
be filed within ninety days, and
the road must be in operation
within twe years. The interests
of the city appear to be carefully
guarded by the conditions of the
All is activity just at present,
in Corvallis. Much of this comes
from the desire to push work to
completion before the winter
rains set in. The Corvallis Man
ufacturing company is rushed
with work necessary to the com
pletion of the Horning house and
several others which are lander
way. The Franklin Foundry
and Machine shop is busy at
ruslwork, both new and repair
work. Carpenters and painters
are pushing their work, ami say
l-spiH : "ww Vs pas I
'lll-i'f j
lift illij5 -1
season now drawing to a clo.e
has been unusually prosperous.
Summons .
In tie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County.
A. C. Freeman, Plaintiff,
Jennie Freeman, Defendant.
To Jennie Freeman, defendant above-named:
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of the above-named
pliiiutiir in the above-entitled court, now on
tile with the clerk of said court, within six
weeks from the 30th day of September, 1904,
the date of the first publication of this sum
mons, and you are hereby notified that if you
fail to appear and answer said complaint as
hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for in the com
plaint herein, to-wit, that the bonds of matri
mony now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant be dissolved and such other and
further relief as to the court seems proper.
This summons'is published by the order of
the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, judge of the county
court of the Stete of Oregon, for Benton coun
ty, made a chambers in Corvallis, Benton
county, Oregon, on the 29th day of September,
1904. YATES & YATES,
Attorneys for Pj am tiff.
Notice for PubHcatloti.
United States Land Office,
Oresron Citv. Or.. July 30. 1904.
Notice is herebv riven that ill compliance with the
provisions of tha act of CongTesa of June 3, 1S78, en
titled" A'l act for the sale of timber lands in. the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public i.and
States by act of August 4, 1S92,
of Oregon City .county of Clackamas, state of Oreguii,
has this day filed in this oliice his sworn statement
No C4C.S, for the purchase of the Si SWJ and SJ SEJ
of Sec. So. 10. in Tp. No. 12 S., K. No. 7 W, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
ranre valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said laud before the Register and Receiver of this
oiSce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 21st
day of October, 1004.
He names as witnesses: George W Cramer, of
Peek P. O., Oregon, George B. January, of Oregon
City, Or.. Lester A. January, Peek P.O., Or., Al
bert Knapp, of Oregon City, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requestea to file their claims in
this office on or before said 21st day of 'Oct, 1904.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of the estate of Joseph Park,
deceased, has filed in the county court of Ben
ton countv. state of Oregon, his final account
as such administrator of said estate, and (that
Saturday, the 12th day of November, 1904, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. m of said day has been
fixed by the court, as the time for hearing ob
ieclions to said report, and the settlement
thereof. JOSEPH A, PARK,
Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Park,
For Infants and Children.
K Th3 Kind You Have Aiwsys Bought
Bears Mie
Signatur e of
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low round trip rates have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Rate to ob From Corvallis, $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents
for particulars.
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
because the formula is plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui
nine put in tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. SO
N Notice.
All persons who are indebted tolG. B,
Farra by note or account and desire to
settle will call on Thos. A. Jones who
will receive and receipt for same.
. ai- , G. R. FARRA.
bke Laxativ Bromo Quinine Tablet. All irug
gista . icfund this maaej if it fails to cure
E W. Grove's signature is on each box.
Dealer in
Farming Tools,
Paints and Oils,
Stoves and Tinware,
Buggies and Hacks,
Farm Wagons,!
Hay Rakes,
Plows and Harrows,
Wire Fencing,
Wire Netting,
Guns and Ammunition,
Carpenters' Tools,
Lubricating Oils,
Bicycles, Etc.
Agricultural Implemenst, letc, etc.,
Sewer Assessment.
Notice is hereby given that the council of
the Citv of Corvallis have assessed the follow
ing described property the following men
tioned amounts to pay for constructing a Bewer
through block 14, County Addition, Corvallis,
to-wit; ... . .
Lots 1, 2 aud 3, owner Virginia Espey;
Lots 4, 5 and 6, owner J. L. Spangler;
Lots 7. 8 and 9, owner Eliza Chrisinger;
Lot 10 and the N half of lot 11, owner S. P.
HLot'l2 and south half of lot 11, owner Sher
man Wade; .
All in said block 14, for each lot S22.8S and for
each half lot $11.46 and that if the said assess
ments are not paid to the treasurer of Cor
vallis on or before the 31st day of October, 19J4,
they will draw interest at 8 per cent from that
date. E- P- GREFFOZ.
Police Judge.
Dated this October 11, 1904.
Dangerous Wrecks.
Carelessness is responsible for many a
railway wreck and the same causes ate
making human wrecks of sufferers from
Throat and Lung troubles. But since
tne advent of Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
even the worst cases can be cured, and
hopeless resignation is no longer necessa
ry. Mrs. Lois Cargg, f Dorchester,
Mass., is one of many whose life wa
saved by Dr. Sing's New Discovery.
This great remedy is guaranteed for all
Throat and Lung diseases, by Allen &
Woodward, Druggit, Price 60c and $1.00
Trial bottles free. . ' ;