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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1904)
- i. ' . v Til', I. . . a i.i. -.WW W , I ST f S, Tl i ;V . III-. Five lines, or lees, 25 cento for three meertions, or 50 cento per month. WANTED HI tHE: CASH PRICE PAID FOR , i kinds of Poultry also dressed Pork. fc.Hitb A Boulden, Corvallis, Oregon, tie t to r.ETTB office. a YOUNG MAN WISHING TO LEARN botineas along educational hne who Ft. aH". indostrious, tempersteKeo i: polite, discreet in talk and actions -1 who spends his spare time at home si.d in proper company, may address, P. O. Box 1045, Corvalhs, Or. A YOUNG LADY WISHING TO learn business along educational lines, who is eteadv, industrious, genial, polite, discreet in talk and actions and wbo spends her spare time at home and in otherwise proper company may address, P. O. Box 1045. Oorvalba. Or. FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR v SALE Call at 1123 north Fourth strfMast north of court house and opposite I. V. Chipman,; TWO REGISTERED OXFORD DOWN Rams and four half-breeds. Peter Wbitaker- EEGISTFRED POLAND CHTN A PIGS for sale. Grade Poland China Pigs . I t u ,h.MM nr for sale. M. S. Wo3ek. or enquire of T. J. Thorp on the farm, Corvallis, uregon. ORYPOWDER FIRE t-v-TTwr:TTTST7V.RS. at the GAZETTE OFFICE FOR SALE or RENT STOCK. RANCH OF 170 ACRES-90 acres clear, sown to grass, good house, . 'u.A Tarm tn milt aDDll- cant. Call at Gazette office for par ticulars. LOST. LOST IN CORVALLIS, THURSDAY Sept. 29, a ladies' green jacket, also a brown shawl. Kindly return to the Hotel Corvallis. SUCCESSFUL COMBINATION. It Consists of Batbcd, Cold mme and Winter Storage Fit, Always Jfceedy for Use. A.m e-eere aero I built my list com bined, hotbed, coldframe and winter storage pit. It to the only successful combination I know for such uses. Whan converted into a storase pit. the sash to replaced by a door in the end, makes ac cess possible without disturbing any Dart of covering. It may be from three to fire feet nign at outside, or eaves. Excavation to mno to brina- the too of outer post about IS inrhM mhorm around level. Make bot tom two or three inches lower in center for drain, wj lBlnch tile. QN bear -niroovKra xxiVTica PTPR TONGS OR other tools borrowed from Hustons hardware store are requested to re turn them at once. ..... LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN ABOUT three months ago, a Llewellyn setter, black and white, abont three years old, barbed wire wound on Ihiud leg. Ten dpllara rewgrd tor return to Sheriff M. p. Burnett. STAGE LINE, PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE rtl11' . . L k i... a tft a. m.t arrives v.i :i k 19 mi leaves Philo- math 1 p.m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 m. All persons wishing to go or p". ai. ani noints west can return : A lotri at. anv time. Fare to Alsea $1.00 Bound trip sameday $2.00. LIVESTOCK P A. KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUC TIONEER, Corvallis. Oregon, Office ; rt i K.rln-oiaatnrA. P. O. ad- ?r Box 1 Pa7. hibt price, tor all kinds of livestock, xweniy year tzperience. wummiwu PHYSICIANS . mtrrrtrv Ut Ti. . PHYSICIAN a a-r, itnnmal4. Bank Build- Ing. Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 8 to 4 n . Residence: cor. ou anu a 1. olj o.ianknna At office and res Manoa: Oorvalli. Oregen. o tt VT-WTIT M. D.. PHYSICIAN and Sureeon, Office and Residence, on juain Bfreew ruuuiwu, w5"-' DENTISTS ZLAM Or HOTBED. hardwood posts, notices than 5x6 inches. Ions enough to be set below bed level 2 or three feet. It is to be permanent, and onlv nound. lone lasting timber should be used for walls, and even these should be heavily painted or covered with pltcn. Use boards or nlank outside as well as in- aide of line of Dosts. providing dead air r& and nrotectine inside wall. All. except side walls, is of portable construc tion to allow taking down for anying or backing team in while filling or re moving dirt, manure or stored crops. Use a 4x4-lnch ridgepole, as shown at A, tA Minnort 3x4-inch rafters, held gether by heavy bent wire at B. Plae 2x4-inch center uprights every six feet; Mwtln on flat stone or Dlank. - Nail lxl-Inch strip in the eentor ot aeh rafter for a sash guide. To prevent wind penetraUng or lifting sash use rM ho.rd on too. and hook and eye at bottom of each sash. Reg. Stubbs, la Farm and Home. PROVIDE SOME COMFORT. Brery Item Iheuld Sara an Attrac tive Tard, a Vagetabto 99om MM a Barrf nfan, t !nk veTT tew farmers AppreelaU ,m -mtnrtm they misrht enjoy from nf- if they would only maxe weir apare time count and try to make their farms and homes neat and attractive. vr raw have their lawns graded or use a lawnmower. Why not grade up the yard, cut the burdock ana sprows .ot.iti the cherrr trees. tlbSI up those loose clapboards on the fousip and paint it Clean up arouna ine oara and remove those oto DroaeB rneea and cut them up for wood, ii these thine do not reauire mucn rtnr I CAn see UO SXCUSS fOT SOOM farmers having disreputable looking dooryards. for if they used their spare time to advantage, a year or two will make a great improvement Fence off a place for a garden, re hati all atones and rubbish and make th around rich. Plant small vegeta bles, such as onions, radish and lettuce in straight rows one foot apart and mitivata with wheel hoe. Larger veg etables plant farther apart and culti vate with horse. Better nave a smau garden well worked than a large on half worked. Do not forcet the strawberries. Have them on the table from the first of June until August How many go to town to bur berries for shortcake tor Sun dmv? Perhaps one quart, sometimes two or three, and this for a large fami ly. Sometimes they buy once In the sometimes every Sunday. These people do not know what they miss. Orang Judd Farmer. '8Lt "' ' . ' laBia .and eon- awatian of the vrocrib.with severe pains through the groins. I suf fered terribly at the time of men struation, had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try I knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all and failed, hot I had never tried Wine of Cardoi, that Messed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and Soon knew that I had the right medicine. New blood seemed to eourse through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health because she took Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains and blinding hWK. when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health. For advice in cases requiring rpecisl directions, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga -cre UUbsJU GQEHBwJO V VaJwl T mmlar that f nr timTiitu UsArBatw4irtMacar th rri's n n tWng Wlrs ; - Kate-i-Why, - rhat aahnst yoo nay ihat? Ifabel CT1L -ran rejected--Mr. BlMaih heBt weeks fo? Kaie-Teav Mabel WU be said he should cer tainly pine away and die. and I ahould ,be hia murdereaa. WelL I just met Sum in the &tree& wJlanjwxta .'-another girl, .and actually I believe the gellow has gained .20r grounds 4a weigJit. Hla mm Preasssty. "What we want to Aa" mmi& the worried man," ia to take money out of politics." "Well," answered Senator Sorghum, "I have done my best in that direc tion. I have taken $400,000 or $500,- 00O out of it up to the present time." vrasnington &tar. That Little. "V Man wants but little here below As has been said before; No matter what the fates have brought Or high or low his earthly lot. He wants a "little" more. Chicago Times-Herald. it KITTKirUH H1HT, DOCTOR SANBIRN The White Medicine Chief The tang of Cures. L 7ijiiLit Liiwrirri " a iiniwmn ' t ' I am now in voar town introducing m'v wonderful arts of healing now before the public. Don't fail to come and have your dis eases told, and oe coredktf you wish. .Remember. I tell your diseases without asking a question or a toucn oi we nanu. T have two arts of healinfc. I heal, with Magnetic Power and with Boots, Herbs, Barks1 and Berries, ccme one ana an I will tell everybody their diseases. Please bear in mind that I am the only man who manafactares these remedies this side of Paris, as there is! where I learned these Arts of Healing, and snail, in the fntnre nut certain kinds ot mem- cine in your drug stores for the benefit of the public. Mv office and laboratory are at 1982 Hurst Street, University Park, Portland, Oregon. Office in Corvallis, at Mrs. Clark's. southwest corner of Third and Adams St. one block wee, of K. M. vyaae Co.'s hardware store. J Wai remain in Corvallis till October 10, and return every other month in the future. C onsttltatlonl Free nt Any Time m w ?. ip-vT.fYR TYRNTTST. PATN- Um ATtraotion. ZJerolf buildinS. f Opp. Post Office, Corvallis. Oregen. ATTORNEYS E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Poet Office Buuoing, vxwvai Us, Oregon. vrtcvrTT TT wnRfW. ATTORNEY- at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State end Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. w. o. w. Mitva vrir rin W.O. W.. meets second and Fourth Fridays, in Woodmen uau. O. W. Fuller, C. O. J. I underwood, Clerk. "Dry Dust" for Spraying. Mr. L. A. Ooodman stated- recently h enravlne- was to-day a necessity i with the nrogresslve apple grower. He had been testing the merits of "dust enrav." and while he did not feel anal ifled to state that it waa altogether aa Imnrovement over the old liquid form: ret he had seen lit to use it exclusively on an orchard of over 400 trees. Thor oughness seemed to be the keynote to ueceaa. As to the "dust" he D re nounced it safe, cheap, easily applied and no water hauling necessary. JUS formula is as follows: Lime. 30 pounds: tteria sreen. one DouaoM dry Bordeaux. one nound: sulnhur. one nound: con centrated lye. pulverized, one pound. The dry dust spray to without doubt rapidly gaining friends, and we will all know more about It lew saontns hence. aOdtond (Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for A. C. Freeman, Plaintiff, vs. Jennie Freeman, Defendant. .i. To Jennie rnemu, aeiwutMui iwn-.-- In the name oi ine awe ox ureguu. vn km heicbv leaniTed to appear and answer the complaint of the above-named t.w .i.. .u.v A mmtA M.n.t within six weeks from the 30th day of September, 1904. the date of the first publication of this sum- - .Mt mm KamKv nntl(ld that if von fail to assear and answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to tbe court for tae reuei prayea ror w mo I r n1ft.tiir tnflde- fendaut be disaoived and snch other and further rellel aa to me coun bdcuui il- ThU nmmons is pabliahed by the order of k. un viwil K Wattera. 1adee of the county I . - ' .y- - A A? Hjw,tnn conn I court m um oww w. " ; . tv. made a chambers In Conrallia, Bentou county, Oregon, on the Wh day of 8Pember' ' Young1 Woman (to her ndmirer)- T-ii m tr. Oeorffa, do Iriasea really exist only in novels! Msa-gendorfer Blaetter. - -"" ' Teae. Into each breast some rain must fall Into each heart some sorrow; ' But comfort will cense, dear friends, Co us all, For after to-day to to-morrow, i&ite Detroit Free Press. TSafar. How He Cared Htaa. "I suffer dreadfully from Insom nia, doctor," said the patient, "Indeed!" replied the physician; -'we'll noon- correct that. And he did, for this particular phy sician waa able to procure ror nia pa tient a situation as nignt watenman, Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. The Modeat Meld. tt enthusiastically! I love every thing- that is grand, beautiful, poetie and lovely. 1 love tne peericas, vne urrnn And the nerfect in life. She How you must love me, dar ling; why did you not propose before? Tit-Bits. TMa Wiln ot Proarreee. 'Some of those mind; reader must be wonderful.' "Thev are. They claim that they can sea a woman changing her mind. -Brooklyn Life. The Viewpoint. 'In some thinirs." observed the etu dent of human nature, how airiking ly men resemble hogs!M "In most tnmcre, respoiiaea evnic. "how strikingly hogs resemble men!" Chicago Tribune. Hope. First Microbe It's too bad the women have stopped wearing these trailing: dresses. Second Microbe Tea; but never mind. We'll come into f awhioa again. Brooklyn June. Diarexeat JUtoarethe. Kitty, I can't stand yon extrav agance at achoolj f 15 a month fox candy. "Rut. ma. I don't oay for Hi I have the bills sent to you." Indianapolis Journal. &MlsiiSEk Meaa Thlasr. Maud Some impudent fellow kissed me by mistake. Mabel When? Maud After dark last night. Mabel I thought so. Cleveland Plain Dealer. ra.f eaaed. Mrs. Housely Say, milkman, when I want condensed milk 111 let you know. Milkman Condensed? Mrs. Housely Yea. This pint and half for a quart has got to stop. Syra cuse Herald. hAs3sSssAssanw The Kind You Have Always Ikragfet, smd which has been in use for over 30 years, has horse the signature of - ana Has DeMmae imuer sus- jw; . sonal srrnTiion since its infancy 7!cccU&' anr.nAAdAiveToainthis all riAnnf AfAUa TrntiAMAIlB land tf.TtnrUstrood' are bat ISxperiments that trifle with and endanirerthd'health of" Infants and CdTOii--Bspeaienee " asJnst JEbqserimenav What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleaesntr contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xftuteotfo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. vhc ecurrautt coanurr. tt Mveaav eraear. acw veaaetw. Hancock Disc Plows Osborne's Disc Harrows and Superior Drills ARE GOOD ASSISTANTS FOR YOUR FALL CROPS. OHLING Q HULBURT, AGENTS -405 West 1st street, S ALBANY, OEEGON. BLAGKLEDGE Springs Mattresses Chairs Musical instruments Wall Paper Shades South Main Street , Corvallis Sewing Machines Go-Carts Bamboo Furniture ' Bedroom Suites Sideboards iRockers Tables FURNITURE Philomath Meat Market Ml kinds of Fresh Meats, Ham, Lartf, ate, always on hand. S. W. Gibbon, Philomath. Sa Vakil Critic Although my reriew ia se rere, I trust you do not attribute it to malice. - Author Not at alL I ascribe iU tone to tout isnoranea ot ' the subject handled. Town Topics. GRAND ARMY rTirwniJTU TVKT W 19. 6. A. R. mta first Ratnrdsy of ec month, at I. O. O. F. Hall. West Newton, C. W. G. Lane, Adjutant. Mtntrnxm rYYRTfl Ka. 9. WO- men's Belief Corps, meets firsthand third rnoaT at znxi p. - " vr. O. F. Hall. Mrs. D. a Eose, Pros. Chareoal far Bona Plaatsw rhera la nothlns so aood for house niaata of all Unas aa charcoal, aars aa cschaac. It wlU heneftt Inch roliace and flowerlBS planta. whether they are stows la the parlor, usa aftua room wtaAow er oonserratorT. Us tt ia lumps for the drainage ia the bottom of the pota. Pulrerixe it ana mix wifft the soil as yon would a fertiliser one part of charcoal to 1C parts of soiL It will keep the sou aweet ana para, im- tamc atresfta ano Tisor to tae wth. death and beauty to the eoior- tac of both foliage and flower. . BL Bopklns. in Cincinnati Tnh" - MwKtoe for Pwbllcatioa. UaitaS atatas Iaad OOtee, Onn. CHt. Or.. July 30. 1804. ttM im lunti. wiwmm tksl La eeaoDUaac with the pfOTUteasettaeaaetOuatTesiel Juna , 1878, eo- !uiiii.ib.ik.aU - -- land in ta. I States ol Caiilarmia. Onroe. Xmda. "dW""': I tea laiiwyr as w w u Sjeies ey acs ef aagoat 4, ISSt. QaOBOS W. BIOHaM, et OragaeCttTacetTof 0rritii,, etatseiowta. all wl ll a, v. t Wra. 1 W. sUhd eaa csa sej aw ewe av. - - ; . , wBLeatr efeet ahew that tae land woaghtim aw- He umbar -or- aow waa nr oaav andteestabuaa nu ciainr 10 jae "Bagfaaer sad BeeriTer ot thia Ufegoa, oa nvajiioiuw Kara Talaahla' aTkl ba4hs flm W Cramor. ot . w r " n.iin. R. Jannarr. of Ororon CMr.oV..'Wtamarr. Peek P.O., Or, At Aaraad aU Mawcatabf adTendy the abore- I. - j. rtna in Sia tactr ctauna ia tbJaoOoaoaar batoro akl ill day ot Oct, 1904. " AUWBHOS 8. DBE8SER, Berister. Ontiall Americana lack the power of rc- Xh. that la too aweepina;. a olentr of Americana who hareo't any- thinf dae," Detroit freo Preea. ' r ! aasaarstiaa, -Hick BiHeon telle saa Uiat h is century rider. ' Wicks Tea! It would tain him a cen tury to ride a hundred mile. Louta- rille yonrnaL ' " Steeaem male OMeetieav. She And why do you object to wnor TOtinf.? '-' Ha Because I beZieTe in a aeerat oaT Vt. Yonkero Statesman, Willi deliver ice every day from 7 to tt o'clock. Smalt order must lie in by 8 o'clpclt Benton County tumber Company, MANOTACTUSKS OF All kinds of Fir Lumber Dealers in Shingles, Mouldiajs, Do, amd Windows. Special at tenfion givea bfflf in cat-load lots. Pbiloaatb $ CMei. aa OelS Kaa-aseaaeaC m Wel2. Ie caught that Boston girl Then youra caught a cold." Town Tome . is known everywhere for parity, flavor and riehneas. A trial will 3onviBce yen j. H. DORSEY Alsea Dairy Co. Mrs. Lee Hentle. Secretary. i