Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 27, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    tit Uife ua bAltllt
d Fridays,
. lesident
far Oregon
' Umatilla.
'""K, of Clackamas,
f Josephine. '
Ff r
fre Uential VI'
A. G. iiO!,-.
VParties, p t. organization,
jsartv nieasu" and purposes are,
sjuider our fuiin of government,
accessary anu we may believe
Jaighly indispensable. But it is
not by blind, unquestioning par
tisanship that right measures are
formulated and righteous objects
iacconiplishtd. The always thick-and-thin
paitistn. whatever par
ty he may follow, is scarcely an
ideal Amerio. citizen.
The ideal citizen holds him
self superior t-- mere party. So
long as one j -rty adheres to
light principle.- ,nd pursues those
policies which he is convinced
is just r.rd rk'ht beyond all j
others, he will i entifiy himselt
with that party and be for the
time an earnest partisan. When
ever, however, his party pursues
Jiurtful, mischievous policies and
vicious measures he fetuses to
Follow it, and selects, forms if
need be another p irty whose ban
tiers he may conscientiously fol
low. It is an auspicious thing for a
party when the mass of its ad
herents are not blinded partisans
oat earliest, nucMum utu u,
vo hold nKnt principles and the above party and
rarty triumph. The Republican
3 . , f . 1 r I
jsarty uas been extremely iortu-
Lte i n this resect These were j
the men who organized it, who
H . i. , -,--1 r f V rii rr Ft
SiUYf u-. x-mua
iiil the yeai'S, and WIIO EOClay Dear;Kists refund the money if it fails to cure
tS banners and fill ilS ranks. E W. Grove's signature is on each box.
They are Republicans because ;
they believe republican pnnci-j
plesand policies. iney Deneye ;
tti these because they are right j
and have been productive ot the
A. ft. 4 ,. .,71 nnn k !
grcicbL gwu :Ui "f j
These aie things wrought out
through the ?ency of party, yet
above party, aud mere partisan-
It is fortunate for the untry
that the Democratic - party
wholly unable to find an issue
upon which it might go before
the people and hope to win in
tAe present campaign. It is also
fortunate tor the Republican
party that this is so; yet this is
a. minor consideration. Parties,
as such, may come and go, but
so long as the government is
rightly administered, conducted
on lines which confirm the peace,
prosperity and happiness of the
people the fate of mere party or
ganizations counts for nothing
aud the liiouthiugs of noisy, self
seeking men Jail upon indifferent
It is fortunate for the Republi
can party that its principles and
policiesand administration of pub
lic affairs have been vindicated be
fore the world. Herein is found
the great good fortune ofUhe
country. A party has been able
to justify the policies of the peo
ple, to satisfy them that they
are using the right party instru
mentality for their own greatest
For so long a time and with
such unbounded success and
beneficent results have the people
d this instrument that they
1 no sort of reason why they
uld cast it aside and substi
".r, whether altogether a
or one already tried and
- an inefficient and dan
ument. try is to be congratu
a the instrument used,
. is to be heartily com
because of its tested and
t efficiency,
Atatneetin? of the Citizens
Zreague held Thursday this ques
tion incidentally came Hp for dis
cission. It appeared to be the
conceivSus of opinion that the
measure is likely to prevail in
Benton county.
It strikes us (thai the thing to be
made sure in this connection is
the public sentiment back of it
which would enforce no license.
It is not difficult to enact a meas
ure of this kind in such a com
munity as ours. The difficulty
is in solidifying public sentiment
for the strict enforcement of such
a measure. Without this no
law will be more than a dead let
ter, for all laws, and especially
sumptuary law, mast depend on
active public sentiment for their
enforcement Better by far is a
license law enforced by such sen
timent than no license without
this sentiment strictly enforcing
it. Better a law which, enforced,
carries us half way to our pur-
. , i i
Dose, ttian a Detter law wmcu
trom lack ot this, exercises
The achievements of the Re
publican party are greater than
those of any other organization
in the annals of history having
in charge the civil administra
tion of the affairs of a people.
The historv ot the United States
for fifty years is the history of
the success, progress and devel
opment of the Republican party.
It was born of the necessity of
the times, and under conditions
when it taxed men's souls to the
extreme limit to express and
maintain their convictions.
Upon the first administration
of the Republican party under
ex-President Abraham Lincoln,
our government was tound in
debt beyond its ability to pay or
to borrow money to defray its ex
penses for a less rate than 12 per
per cent, interest per annum
Through the successful adminis
' --1 fjti fVia fifioni!il affaire rf
rnment bv the Republi-
. f QUf
1.. 0 r r(mr61n
, , s - W'" a
terest per annum sell ior consid
erable premium.
:TaUe Laxative Eromo Quinine Tablets. Alldrug-
How Young Mr. Meyers Reeov-
ered Hig Hearing.
(Salem Joiirnal( June 22, 1902.)
Mr. A. J. Bevers. of Indeoendence. ac-
companied by his son, A. G. Beyera,
called at the Jonrnai office thi3 afternoon
aI1d made a statement relative to the
condition of the young man. He had
been deaf from his infancy, and later
the difficulty gradually increased to such
an extent that he was almost totally
deaf. Two months ago the young man
came to Dr. Darrin for treatment and to
day catled at the Journal office to state
that he could hear as well as anybody
The reporter talked to him in a low tone
of voice and was couvinced that his bear
ing was of the best. This remarkable
cure of necessity makes the youne man
feel happy, and his father io more than
pleased. Their purpose in coming to the
Journal office was to make a statement
to the public concerning the wonderful
I. A. G. Byers, being duly sworn, de
pose and say that the above statement
written by the Journal reporter relative
to my being healed of deafness by Dr.
Darrin is absolutely true.
A. G. Byers.
Subscribed and sworn to before me,
D. Hofer, a notary public, in Salem,
Oregon, this 10th day of June, 1902.
(Seal) E. Hofer,
Notary Public for Oregon.
"Dr. Darrin: My hearing is all right
yet, and has been ever since being
cured bv vou last year. There is no
" m 9
sign of deafness now, and I can be re
referred to by anyone at Independence,
Oregon."- A. G. Byers
Dr. Darrin can be condulted free from
10 to 5 o'clock daily; evening 7 to 8;
Sunday, 10 to 3. at the new Hotel Cor
vallis, Sept. 25 to Oct. 30.
Dr. Darrin has just completed his sec
ond trip around the world and has been
prevailed upon to return to Corvallis for
a month, as his last visit was too limited
to treat all who applied.
The doctor makes a specialty of all dis
eases of the eye, ear, nose and throat
catarrh deainess, bronchitis, la grippe,
neart, liver," bladder and kidney diseases,
or those who suffer from apathv and in
difference ; also genito-urinary and skin
diseases in either sex, such as blood
taints, seminal weakness and lost vigor.
1 varicoceles and stricture.
! All curable chronic diseases treated at
(5 a week, or in that proportion of time
a the case may require. No case pub
lished except by permission of the pa
tient All business relations with Dr.
Darrin strictly confidential. Electrical
appliances furnished. One visit is .de
sirable, though many eases can be
treated by 'hosae trettmeot by -writing
If "Dutchess' is stamped
on the buttons, that's all
you need know about
No other mike is so reliable as
10 Cents a Button.
Warrantyi sl00aEir.
X 5& X Sold by X X X
All persons who are-indebted toG. R,
Farra by note or account and desire to
settle will call on Thos. A. Jones who
will receive and receipt for same.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bougbt
Bears the
Signature of
Millinery Opening.
Ladies are invited to call and see the
display of Fall and Winter Pattern Hats,
Wednesday and Thursday, September
28 and 29.
Mrs. C. A. GOULD.
Needham Agency.
Having turned the Needham agency
over to O. A. Gerhard, of this city, I can
assure all prospective piano and organ
customers that low prices and fair treat
ment will prevail in the future, the same
as it ha3 in the past.
M. A. Goodsough. .
How About your Summer Va
cation. Newport, on Yaquina Bay, is the ideal
summer resort ofthe Nortb Pacific Coast.
Round trip tickets at- greatly reduced
rates on sale from all Southern Pacific '
points in Oregon, on and after June 1st.
Ask Aeents for further information and a
handsomely illustrated Bouvenir booklet,
or write to Edwin Stone, Manager. O. &
E. R. R.,. Albany, Ore., or W. E. Co
man, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland
The White Medicine ChiefThe
King of Cures.
Iam now in your town introducing my
wonderful arts of healing no w before the
Don't fail to come and have your dis
eases told, and be cored if you wish.
Remember, I tell your diseases without
asking a question or a touch of the hand.
I have two arts of healing. I heal with
Magnetic Power and with Roots, Herbs,
Barks and Berries. Come one and all
I will tell everybody their diseases.
Please bear in mind that I am the only
man who manufactures these remedies
this side of Paris, as there is where I
harned these Arts of Healing, and shall,
in the future put certain kinds of medi
cine in your drug stores for the benefit of
the public.
My office and laboratory are at 1982
Hurst Street, University Park, Portland,
Oregon. - ,
Office in Corvallis,. at Mrs. Clark's,
southwest corner of Third and Adams
St., one block west of R. M. Wade &
Co. 's hardware store.
Will remain in CorralKu -tfll October
10, and return every ether month in the
future. ' -; ;
Consultation Free Any Time.
' ' . . y
Dealer u
--.vv .1 h .
Farming Tools,
Paints and Oils,
Stoves and Tinware,
Buggies, and Hacks,
Farm Wagons,!
Hay Rakes,
Plows and Harrows,
Wire Fencing,
Wire Netting,
Guns and Ammunition,
Carpenters' Tools,
Lubricating Oils,
Bicycles, Etc.
Agricultural Implemenst, etc., etc.,
Oct 7th
We shall commence
the publication 01 a
new serial Oregon
story full of strong
local interest, entitled
The story is from the
facile pen of
Generous installments
will be given in every
Friday issue of the
Gazette till' com
pleted. Published
only in the
De Laney is a writer
of stories that appeal
to the human heart,
and "Toilers of the
Columbia" is his best
Be sure and
Read it
Not the
The Suits and Overcoats we are showing
for Men and Young
nary kind. They represent the finest ready-to-wear
Clothing in the land. But seeing
is believing; when you see them you will
think as we do about them. Don't buy
your Fall and Winter Clothsng until you
have seen our line.
It is a tin tube containing 3 lbs. of
a dry powder, like sand. Throw a small
handful on a fire, and it puts it out in
wo seconds.
It is the cheapest thing ia the way of
Fire Insurance ever invented. Call and
see one at the Corvallis Gazette office,
Particulars in lecal columns.
Men, are not the ordi
"Wouldn't you be glad if you could get
a responsible Fire Insurance Company
to insure j'our buildings for $3.00 per
year? That is just what you do when
you buy one of those handy fire fighters,
adopted by the U. S. Government-and
Standard Oil Co., and known as
r Fire Extinguisher
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City. Or., July 30, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions ot the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled" An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Oregon City .county of Clackamas, state of Oregen,
has this dav filed in Ihis office his sworn statement
No 6168, for the purchase of the 6J SWJ and Si SE1
of Sec. No. 10. inTp. No. 12 8., K. No. 7 W. and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 21st
day of October, 1904.
He names as witnesses: George W Cramer, of
Peek P. O., Oregon, George B. January, of Oregon
City, Or.. Lester A. January, Peek P.O., Or., Al
bert Knapp, of Oregon City, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 21st day of Oct, 1904.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low round trip rataa have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold -
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Bvtb to ob From Corvallis, ?s.uu.
nn nn Southern Pacific Co's Agents -
for particulars.
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
No. 2 For Yaquina:
Leaves Albany 12 ;45 p. m.
Leaves Corvallis i: p. m.
Arrives Yaquina :40 p. m.
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 7:15 a. m.
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m.
Arrives Albany 12 :15 p. m.
No. 3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 1 :00 p. m.
Arrives Detroit 6;00p. m.
No. 4 From Detroit :
Leaves Detroit 6:30 a.m.
Arrives Albany 11 :15 a. m.
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in
time to connect with the 8. P. south
bound train, as well as giving two or
three hours in Albany before departnra
of S. P. north bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with the 8. P.
trains at Corvallis and Albany giving
direct service to Newport and adjacent
Train S for Detroit, BreUenbush nV
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
1 ;00 p. m., reaching Detroit at 8 p.m.
For further information apply to
Eowur Sroirs,
H.H.Ooairap MaAsjse.
Agent, Corvallis.
Titos. Cmxxsu Afsnt Albany.