H CORVALLiS GAZETTE Tuesdays and Fkjdays, Fer President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York. For Vice President CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. evidential Electors for Oregon X N. HART, of Polk. JAS. A. FEE, of Umatilla. GRANT DIMMICK, of Clackamas. 4i. C. HOUGH, of Josephiue. Editorial Comment. 2t must be remembered that J'adge Parker approved the New IZark Democratic platform which d not mention the gold stand- Democratic .managers express OTeatest confidence in the result rf the coming elections. Demo xatic hopes always blossom until iZSEie first light frost of November. There has developed some op jposition to the action of the coun tty court in granting the right-of-nvay along the county roads of feis countv for a company to Sinatld an electric railway irom iE-ugene to Corvallis. A few per i&zus can always be found whose raaake-up is such that it is im .passible for them to absorb or l&iscome in touch with the prog iasss and development ot the feTiresent age. In the East elec ;sac lines are constructed along yjablic highways of all kinds, which enables men doing busi xaess in large cities to jump on Ejaard an electric car at the close off their day's city business and ride out one hundred miles to jdkeir homes in the country or to atjsinaller town. These objectors nt. the present instance are to be oangratulated for omitting to gcasp the progress of the this dlay and age. It is fortunate Cfaat the ounty court is in touch xardth the progressive ideas of the time in this line. The people of 2ae coanty will stand by our oounty court in this worthy taction, and the objectors of to ay in a few years will heaitily iajpprove of the action of the court and will wonder why they f.id not see the point correctly at firet. For several years past IHarion, Multnomah and othei of tide most populous counties of the sicate have iollowed in line with It ke action of our county court sead as nearly all of the older states ia the Union have done. Some people cannot realize the wonderful progress : that has s-ilteady been realized by the use of -electrical appliancns and it is probable that the progress in the isaziie line in the next ten or twcn .years will develop one hundred ttnes as great as the present. & 1? ose of our readers who have Tsread the two speeches of ac cept&nce by the presidential can didates, cannot fail to mark the -difference in their tone, and the -different effects produced on the country by the two efforts. The .-great papers of the East are treat ring one as a huge joke' and the tJtber as eminently wise and pa triotic. The New York Press :says of Parker's: 'The American people will isnicker at Judge Parker's putting away his second term before he ."lias had his first. They will re call that Mr. Grover Cleveland Ttad the same view BEFORE he xvas elected the first time, and "Iftat lie broke all records in this country not only by running tliree times and being elected t.wice, but by trying to run four times and to be elected thrice. " The speech of accept .Tscuce begins with self-laudation for his telegram and resignation, is filled with a quantity ot plati tudes, and again ends with self Savtdition for his refusal to con sider a second term when he is as "fetr from a first term as any man w;hc ever ran for President of the United States." Note the effect of Roosevelt's speech on the press: 'No jnan who is competent to pixmounce an opinion can honest IyIeay that President Roosevelt's speech in acceptance of his nomi nation is eminently wise and pa triotic. It will be recognized everywhere by members of all parties as a speech fit for a Presi dent of the United States to make. Its dignity and courtesy will especially appeal to the Ameri can peop'e." What could be neater than the following sentence: "Our oppo nents, either openly or secretly, according to their several tem peraments, now ask the people to trust their present promises in consideration of the fact that they intend to treat their past promises as null and void." Bearing in mind Judge Par ker's famous telegram Roosevelt said: "So long as the Republi can party is in power the gold standard is settled, not as a mat ter oi political expediency, not because of shifting conditions in the production of gold in certain mining centers, but in accord ance with what we regard as the fundamental principles of na tional morality and wisdom." - Probably in all their history the Democratic managers never tackled a harder proposition than the present campaign. It is creditable to their intelligence that they have already aban doned all hope of success. Move The Pest House. Renewed agitation is being brought to bear upon the authori ties to remove the city .pest house from its present location to a more desirable site. Its position right by the side of the public road is a menace to the health of community and if better pre cautions are not taken the city will be compelled to tear the old 2x4 shack down and build one of larger dimensions for every other man will be 4 'a-having of it." Smallpox is peculiarly a wet weather disease and this coming winter will very likely be a long remembered one, unless the strictest precautionary measures are not at once put intcjoperation. The house is not more than 25 feet from the public highway and on public property at that. This hot weather ' the doors and windows are standing wide open and millions of germs are carried out and scattered broad cast with every gust of wind that rushes through the house. When farm ers see that yellow flag they put whip to their horse and sail past there like Pegasus on the wings of the wind. Some put cotton in their ears and nostrils, ' others tie up their heads, shawls any thing to escape the dread dis ease. Pat the pest house some where else, over by the cemetery up on-Marys' river, over in Xinn county, on a shanty-boat or any old place just so it isn't' where it is. The Drypowder Fire Extinguish er beats anything I ever saw. W W Bosher, Regent State Uni versity, Nevada. Books, Books Books. Books galore. 500 Volumes direct from Chicago which we are offering at prices which cannot be beat. Come early belore the lines are oroken. Graham &, Wells Drnzcists and Booksellers. ROYAL Baking PowcSes Saves Health The use of Royal Baking Powder is essential to the healthfulness of the family food. Yeast ferments the food. Alum baling powders are injurious. Royal Baking Powder saves health. ROYAL BAKMQ POWDER CO NEW YORK. ' When "Dutchess isn't there, the quality isn't there JSC X X X X Look on the buttons for the name, and don't acx cept any substitute for 10 CENTS A BUTTON 51.00 a rip a; a; a; The new styles are now on our counters, A A NOLAN AND CALLAHAN'S Business Locals. The best ice cream soda at Smalls. Try Small's for cool drinks daring the hot weather. For low prices on saddles and harness see J. M. Cameron. . - J. M. Cameron manufacturer and deal er ia harness and saddles. Red Cedar Star Shingles at the saw mill at 1.60 oer M. E. W. Stkong. Smokers s applies, largest stock in the citv at Small & Son's. For harness and saddles see J. M. Cameron. Wall paper at Blackledge-9 new fur niture store. The largest stocK of whips, saddles and robes in the Willanette valley is lound at J. M. Cameron'?. Finest line of hammocks in the city at J. M. Cameron's call quick and see him Look at the price! $1.25 per gallonfor ice cream. Parties supplied, small s Son. 44 th ANNUAL State Fair Good Attractions, Splendid Racing, Best of Band Music, $10,000 in Premiums, Mag nificent Stock Show. A fine Camp Ground with room for all, fresh water piped into the ground, plenty of shade, good street car service and lots of entertainment and education for everybody. Sept. 12 to 17, 1904 FOR THE SEASIDE. Sunday Excursion to Ya quina and Newport. The O. & E. R. R. Oo. will run Tegular excursion trains to Newport and Yaquina, leaving Corvallis at 7:30 sharp. Boat leaves Newport at 5 :30 , train leaves Ya quioa at 6:li. Fare for round trip from Corvallis or Philomath, $1.50. Election Notice. i At the next regular meeting of the I Corvallis Fire Department will occur 1 the ejection of officers for the ensuing j year. All members requested to be ' present. Per order. R. E. PUGH, Dealer ia Farming Tools, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware, I Buggies and Hacks, Farm Wagons, Hay Rakes, Plows and Harrows, Wire Fencing, t Wire Netting, Guns and Ammunition, Carpenters' Tools, Lubricating Oils, Bicycles, Etc. 'Agricultural Implemcnst, etc., etc., PHILOMATH, ORE. - Removal Notice. Owing to the fact that the bnilding now occupied by the Turner grocery is to be torn down and replaced by a new building, the Turner grocery has been removed to the 1st door north f J. D. Mann's second hand store or opposite the Farmers' Hotel. A large and com plete stock ot groceries have been or dered and are now on the way. Old customers and friends are requested to call at the new stand. Turner's store will be open from 5 o'clock a. m. until 9 o, clock p. m. to ac commodate customers. Special to Ringler Bros. Great Circus in Albany, Sept 1st. C. & E will run a special train from Yaquina to Albany passing through Cor vallis about 8:56 a. m. Tickets from Philomath and Corvallis 50 cents for the round trip, good 011 special or regular trains, September 1, 1904, only. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula ia plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui nine put in tasteless form. Mo Cure, No Pay. 50 Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed n effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND -SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate to ok From Corvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents for particulars. Rem jaber tkat vith jv?ry 25 cents worth of la and. y woik done at the Steam Laundry yr-J p a vote on the beautiful U S silk , dag, ia olan & Cal lahan's window. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All drug gists refund the money if it fails to cure E W. Grove's surnature is oo each box. : A'j E Hi h : . A I : L JR E (EjL fsj Grove's Tasteless ChiU Tonic hes stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half Million bottles. .Does thh record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c FALL, Our New Fall Stock is now arriving. The residue of our Summer Goods at still greater reductions. Remnants and Job Lots at any old price to close THE WASHI'MG-TON IDF THE GREAT POLICY - YEARS IN. BUSINESS, WITH FORTY-TWO PAID POLICY H. IV. MM AZ.SEA CHESSES is known everywhere arid richness. A trial J. H. DORSEY- Benton County Lumber Company, CAll kinds of Fir Lumber J Dealers in Shingles, Mouldings, Doors and Windows. Special at tention given bills in car-load lots. Philomath : : : Oregon. Philomath Meat Market All kinds of Fresh Meats, Ham, Lard, etc., always on hand. S. W. Gibbon, Philomath. Mi Drypowder Fire Extinguisher It is a tin tube containing Z lbs. of a dry powder, like sand. Throw a small handful on a fire, and it puts it out in wo seconds. It is the cheapest thing in the way of Fire Insurance ever invented. Call and see one at the Corvallis Gazette office, 1904. HOLDERS COMPANY. YEARS A RECORD OF OVER MILLIONS HOLDERS. LOCKE, Agent. for purity, flavor will convince vou Alsea Dairy Co. MANUFACTURERS OF NJ Wouldn't you be glad if you could get a responsible Fire Insurance Company to insure your buildings for $3.00 per year? That is just what you do when j'ou buy one of those handy fire fighte: adopted by the U. S. Government am Standard Oil Co., and known as