Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 15, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    I HE GORVALUS gazette
Tuesdays axi Fridays,
Good Work At Corvallis.
The people of Oregon take
pleasure in reading the compli
ments paid by a high Govern
ment officiol to the character of
the work done at the Oregon
Agricultural Experiment Station
at Corvallis. The officers of the
staiiou have in recent years
shown themselves to be interest
ed in the agricultural develop
ment of this state, and they have
lx?en diligent in trying to lead
Oregon farmers to adopt better
methods. Tbey have not only
worked zealously but have ac
cepted good-naturedly the criti
cisms which a few tillers of the
oil have made concerning the
Theories of "book farmers."
Though many farmers refuse or
neglect to try the methods rec
njn mended by the Agricultural
Sta'.ioyi, others have possessed a
vno- ? vr- -i'- ive soirit and have
beer. vji:i;v
new. s
land below "I
lentn something
on is located on
verge in quality
of j-oil, :-o the experiment
woiiv is cvLc.uctea unaer con
ditions which fairly represent
what Oregon farmers can do.
The experiments conducted have
been of a practical nature, and
the statioii uuki lit. have not hesi
tated io g;ve the results of their
investigations in bulletins and in
address at fanners' meetings.
Ur-for tun tely the farmers who
need the information most are
Itast likely to read the bulletins
cr attend the meetings. Never
theless, the work of the Station
has had a marked influence di
rectly and indirectly, upon agri
culture in Oregon, and that in
fluence has been always bene
ficial. Oreonian.
About Carnivals.
Several Valley papers have
commented upon the carnival
.proposition after the carnival has
passed. In no instance that has
come to notice here has reference
bearing the marks -of sincerity,
been favorable. It is not to be
desired, that any more of this class
-of amusement come to Albany
this year, if at all. The ' recent
. affair here was under direction, to
a certain extent, of local people
and a fraternal order which lent
to the show a measure of dignity
and a semblance of respectability
Unless local support of this sort
can be gained, the carnival plan
does not work. The gain here,
as elsewhere is small to the aux
iliary. The snake eaters carry
off most of the receipts. The
people composing this sort of a
thing are ordinarily tough. One
experience :s ordinarily enough
for any place or order interested.
Itscems reasonable now that those
who favored the carnival have
had their way, and those who
did not iavor it withdrew their
objections, that for a season fur
ther arrangements ot the sort do
not be made. The performance
is and will be cheap, vulgar and
nnprofitable. Albany Herald.
The Father Acquitted.
Sheriff J. H. Ross, of Toledo,
ypassed through town Wednes
day, having in custody Irving De
- jRoise and Tareld Tellefson. who
were convicted of robbing seaside
his father were both in the Ben
ion county jail for about six
week' owing to the insecurity of
the Lincoln county structure, and
were taken back for trial last
Saturday. The father was ac--quited
for lack of evidence, but
the iov. asu young Tellefson
plcscLd gvu.ty uu'l went, to the
pu.ieutiairy cr oa cav each.
Sheriff Ross that the eld
er DeBoise had his entire family
in court during the trial, and one
nf his Hft1 rhildrpn xcn flbnnt
! his neck through nearly the en
v tire term of the court. This
' eems to have made an impres
sion on the jury, for the verdict
was for acquittal. It is stated
that when the jury first retired
lbty stood eight for conviction
Mid four for acquittal, and later
- t hanged to ten for conviction,
but finally a verdict of acquittal
was reached, probably owing to
the helpless condition of the fam-
i T r
ii , HUJ9C iiictiu auui L lUt xx-
v ther is.
Real Estate Transfers.
M. E. Church, Corvallis, to J.
B. Goodman, 2 lots block 23,
W. E. Yates and wife to Vir
ginia Espy, qcd 3 lots, block 14,
Co Add; $1.
Frankie Price to W P Miner,
lot io,blk6, Dixon's Add; $150.
Coast I, and L C to J Mcl
Woods, agent, land in Benton,
Polk and Lincoln counties; $1.
Henrietta Randall to David
Ash, lot 1, blk 2. Dixon's Add;
Amos Vance and wife to Nan
nie E Emery, 8 lots Summit;
McBee to Cato Gibbs,
bond 28 acres 7 miles south of
Corvallis; $Soo.
Beginning with last Tuesday
Benton county's expenses are
being paid in warrants. The
county fund is exhausted and
warrants will be issued until the
fall taxis paid in. This is owing
to the fact that money is being
saved to pay the state tax. Ben
ton county is in better financial
condition than the majority of
other counties.
Notice to Property Owners.
Notice is herebv given that the under
signed have been appointed viewers by
the common council of the city of Cor
vallis to estimate the proportionate
share ot the cost of a sewer to be as
sessed to the owners of property in block
14, County Addition to Corvallis, and
that said viewers will meet on the 5th
day of August, 1934, at 7 o'clock p. m.
for that purpose, and all persons inter
ested may appear before said viewers to
be heard in the matter of making said
estimate. Caleb Davis,
W. S. Ltnville,
J. W. Orawfohd,
Dated this July 12, 1904. Viewers.
Comiflg Again.
Dr. A. T. Roberts, the eye specialist,
who has through the perfection of his
work, won a name second to none on
this Coast, will be in Corvallis next
Tuesday. Dr. Roberts is better pre
pared than ever before to do the most in
tricate work in refraction and is able to
produce on short order corrections for all
but the most extreme cases. Examina
tions free. Occidental Hotel.
Dealer in
Hf I V i
dL J 1 '
wr H c i
A J . L
Farming Tools,
Paints and Oils,
Stoves and Tinware,
Buggies and Hacks,
Farm Wagons,
Hay Rakes,
Plows and Harrows,
Wire Fencing,
Wire Netting,
Guns and Ammunition,
Carpenters' Tools,
Lubricating Oils,
Bicycles, Etc.
Agricultural Implemenst, etc., etc.,
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there is
money in the city treasury to pay all
warrants drawn on the general fond and
numbered as follows: 3391, 3392,3393,
3394,3395, 3396, 3397, 3398. Interest
will stop on the same from this date.
Dated at Corvallis, Or., July 12, 1904.
Wjc. McLagaw,
City Treasurer,
!k e$t
of service always proves the ab
solute supremacy of
10 cents a Button;
$1.00 a Kip.
Sold hv
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad'
No. 2 For Yaquina:
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. m.
Leaves Corvallis i ;45 p. m.
Arrives Yaquina 5-40 p. m.
No. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 7:15a. m.
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m.
Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m.
No. 3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 1 :00 p. m.
Arrives Detroit 6:00 p.m.
No. 4 From Detroit :
Leaves Detroit 6:30 a. m.
Arrives Albany 11:15 a.m.
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in
time to connect with the S. P. south
bound train, as well as giving two or
three hours in- Albany before departure
of S. P. north bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P.
trains at Corvallis and Albany giving
direct service to Newport and adjacent
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
1:00 p. m., reaching Detroit at 6 p. m.
For further information applv to
Edwin Stone,
H. H. Ckonise, Manager.
Agent, Corvallis.
Thos. Cockkei-l, Agent Albany.
Sunday Excursion to Ya
quina and Newport.
The 0. & E. R. R. Co. will run regular
excursion trains to Newport and Yaquina,
leaving Corvallis at 7:30 sharp. Boat
leaves Newport at 5 :30, train leaves Ya
quina at 6:10. Fare for round trip from
Corvallis or Philomath, $1.50.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low round trip rates have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Rate to ob Feom Corvallis, $3.00.
Call ob Southern Pacific Co's Agents
for particulars.
Faculty of Summer Normal.
The faculty for the Summer Nor
mal to be held in Eugene from June
27 to Aug. 6 is as follows:
F. S. Haroun, Supt.,
W. W. Dixon,
Methods, Psychology, Geography.
Grammar, Rud. of Drawing and
Music; '
W. B. Dillard,
AJerebra, Physics, Physical Geog.,
r t 00. Law.
D. S isVilemn,
Riding, Orthography, Physiol -
oav and Hygiene;
W. G. Beattie,
History, Civics, Composition, and
Rhetoric, Arithmetic;
J. W. Lobdell,
Vertical Writing.
Notice of Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that J. D.
Mann & Co. have disposed of their stork
t Hollenberg & Cady. All persons in
debt to the old firm will please call and
settle at once. Accounts will be lonnd
at the old stand, J. D. Mann & Co.
The lm-est v T;h5-? nduTes and
robes in th W tie -a;ley is loundat
J. M. Oame'Od'
Rein jibr ti "t v-th 3V3ry 25 cents
worth nt la jnd. y v oi done at the ,annHr ri .i o- t a votA nn tha
beautiful U S Bilk nag, ia Nolan & Cal
lahan's window.
Are you looking for a home, or
good investment?
If eo we will take pleasure in showing
yon over the country. ;
And are confident we can give you the
right price on something that will suit
We have tracts of from 5 acres to 1,5(0
We have Fruit Lands, Hop Lands,
Farm Lands, Poultry Ranches Stork
Ranches and Timber Lands, ranging in
price from $7 per acre to $1.25 per acre
all owing to location and improvements.
We also have a nice list of City Prop
erty. Lots from $75 each To 500 each.
Residences from $350 to 3000 each ac
cording to location and improvements;
we also have some good business loca
tions. '
Office first door south of Readicgl
room. '"
Corvallis, Oregon.
From S P aad C & E Points to Seaside anA
Mountain Resorts for the Summer.
On and after June 1, 1904, the South
ern Pacific in connection with the Corval
lis & Eastern railroad, will have on pale
round trip tickets from points along their
line to Newport, Yaquina arid Detroit at
grsatlv reduced rates, good for return un
til October 10, 3904.'
Three-day tickets to Newport and Ya
quina, good going Saturday and return
ing Mondays are ..also on sale from all
East Side points, Portland to Eugene in
clusive, and from all West Side points,
enabling people to visit their families and
spend Sunday at the Seaside.
Season tibkets from all East Side points,
Portland to.Eugene inclusive, and from
all West Side points, are also on sale to
Detroit at very low rates, with stop-over
privileges at Mill City or any point East,
enabling tourists to visit the Santiam
and Braitenbush hot springs in the Cas
cade mountains which can be reached in
one day.
" Season tickets will be "good for return
from all points until October 10. Three
day tickets will be good going on Satur
days and returning Mondays only. Tickets
from Portland and vicinity will be good
for return via the East or West Side at
option of passenger. Tickets from Eu
gene and vicinity will bejgood going via
the Lebanon-Springfield branch if desir
ed. Baggage on Newport tickets checked
through to Newport; on Yaquina tickets
to Yaquina only.
Southern Pacific trains connect with
the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for
Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the C.
& E. for Detroit will leave Albany at 7
a. m., enabling tourists to the hot springs
to reach there the same day.
Full information as to rates with beau
tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina bay
and vicinity, timetables, etc., can be ob
tained on application to Edwin Stone,
nanagerO. & E. railroad, Albany; W.
E. Coman, G. P. A., Southern Pacific
company, Portland, or any S. P. or C. &
E. agent.
Rate from Corvallis to Newport $3.75.
Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina $3 25.
Rate from Corvallis to Detroit $3.25.
Three-day rate from Corvallis to New
port $2.50.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Or., May 7, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en
titled" An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
of Salem, county of Marion, state of Oregon, has this
day filed in (his office his sworn statement No.
6422, for the purchase of the SW and S SEJ
of Sec No. 26. inTp. No. 10 S., K No. dW. and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber and stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register or Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 29th
day of July, 1904.
He names as witnesses: Taylor Miller, of Suver,
Oregon, W. L. Price, Marse Allen, and Frank Miller
all of Kings Valley, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
described lands are requested to hie tnetr claims in
this office on or before said 29th day of Julv, 1904.
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
lwcause the formula is plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui
urne put in tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50
For Infants and Children.
pie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drug
gists refund the money if it fails to cure
W. Grove's signature is on each box.
Take Laxa' ive Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Seven miinon VCa ow mim
A Few
Here are a lew Plums during our Mid-summer Clearance Sale.
15c and 20c Lawns, Dimities, and Batistes at 9c.
25c Japanese Crepes, 16c.
25c Linen Suitings, 16c.
20c Etammes, 12c.
50c Wash Silks, 38c.
20c Madras Suitings, 12 l-2c.
36-inch Queen Percales, 11c, 15c quality.
20 pigces Jouvian Ginghams, 7 l-2c.
25 pieces good bleached Muslin, 6c.
20 pieces fancy Challies, 5c.
Boys' 50c and 60c Wash Suits, 39e.
Boys 25c Wash Waists, 19c.
y i!2.50-and $3.00 Ladies' Tan Oxfords, $1.90.
Men's $1.25 Crash Trousers, 69c. ' ' .
A few Men's $7.'50 Summer Suits, $4.90.
Deep cut on Shirt Waists, Wash Skirts,
Under Musli
All kinds of Rough Lumber constantly on hand. Lumber sold nt yard or de
livered. Orders promptly filled. Location two miles west of Buelah church.
K. F. D. No. 2,
is known everywhere for purity, flavor
and richness. A trial will convince vou
Carriage Building Hacks for sale
Horseshoeing General Blacksmi thing
Benton County Cumber Company,
A) All kinds of Fir Lumber J?C
Dealers in Shingles, Mouldings, Doors and Windows. Special at
tention given bills in car-load lots.
PbilOttiatl) : : : OfCgOtt.
Rhh iM SM
U -ir m m h m tm v m mm
Catarrh, Constipation Kidney Trouble.
Ninety per cent. 01 all cases CURED at
For terms, Rooms, etc., address
Manager and Proprietor
Boswell P. O., Douglas Co.
How About your Summer Va
cation. Newport, on Yaquina Bay, is the ideal
summer resort of the North Pacific Coast.
Round trip tickets at greatly reduced
rates on sale from all Southern Pacific
points in Oregon, on and after June 1st.
Ask Agents for further information and a
handsomely illustrated souvenir booklet,
or write to Edwin Stone, Manager C. &
E. R. R. Albany, Ore., or W.- E. Co
man, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland
To Cure a Cold in One Day
m - T
Hats and Parasols.
Oregon State Normcl School,
Orf gon State Normal School, Mon
mouth hepins its 23rd year September 20,
1904. There are 4 terms in each school
year affording equal opportunities for be
jrinninir a rourse in September, Novem
ber, February and April. The best train
ing for teachers is the Normal course with
its assurance of good positions at good
WHgpp. Write for a new catalogue con
taining full information concerning
courses of study, trainiug in actual teach
ing afforded under real conditions in town
and country schools, and full details
about the advanced course of study with
the additional advantages attached.
Address Sec. J. B. V. Butler or
Pres. E. D. Ressler, Monmouth, Oregon.
Alsea Dairy Co,
CloUimg !
Cures Grip
in Two Days.
- oia every