tUSSlfltP ADVERMSLMENTS Five liae-. o ls, 25 cents for three insertions, or 50 rents per month. WANTED JdOHAJR AND WOOL WANTED Tin-, verv iisrhet prire paid, ai S. L Kline's. Corvallis. 310HAIR AND WOOL.4- HIGHEST market price pxid. WM. CEEES, Corvallis. .INFORMATION WANTED OF THE whereabouts f Kliza Ann Clinton or heirs. Persona knowing please ad dress Klla Kennsdy, Kenton, Hardin Co.. Ohio. FOR SALE INVALID'S CHAIR, LIGHT BUILT and Light Running Child can handle it. A bargain at $7 SO Call and sf-e it at the Gazette office.. 3ERMAN COACH STALLION, FINE imported stork. Pedigree on applica tion. Call at Vidito's .Stable. C. A. RUBY. FEED HORSE FEED, COW FEED, CHEAT Hay and Sheaf Oate. E. S. KING, i luiles North of College. PAINTERS -Z8AM KERR, PAINTER AND PAPER Hanger. Phone, Main 405. Corvallis, Oregon LIVESTOCK IP. A. KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUC TIONEER, Corvallia. Oregon, Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O. ad dress Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of livestock. Twenty year's experience. Satisfaction guaranteed PHYSICIANS X. G. ALTMAN. M. D.. HOMEOPA tliist. Office corner of Third and Mon roe streets Residence Corner Third and Harrison streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays 9 to 10 a. ni. Phone residence 315. :b. a. oathey. m. d., physician and Surgeon. Kooms 14, Bask Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p.m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad ams Stb. Telephone at office and res idence. Uorvaflis. Oregon, C. H. NEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. HHRS. W. H. & MAUD B. HOLT, Osteopathic Physicians. Over First National Bank, Corvallis. Office hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. ATTORNEYS r. BRYSON attorney at law. Office in Post Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. JOSEPH II. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. LODGE DIRECTORY masonic: CORVALLIS LODGE, No. 14, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication first and third Wednesdays of each month., at .masonic Halt, second st. Jas. A. Harper, W. M. W. P. Lafferty, Secretary. FERGUSON CHAPTER. No. 5, R. A. M. Regular convocation 2nd Wednes day of each month at Masonic Hall. Jesse Irvine, H. P. J. B. Horner, Secretary. OREGON COUNCIL, No. 2.R.& S. M. Stated assembly fourth Wednesdav of each month, at Masonic Hall. S. Chipman, T. I. M E. B. Horning, Recorder. ST MARY'S CHAPTER, No. 9. O. E. S., meets Tuesday preceding the full moon, at Masonic Hall. Lillie Groves, W. M. Bertha Davis. Secretary. ODD FELLOWS BARNUM LODGE. No. 7, 1. O. O. F. meets every Tuesday evening at I. O. 0. F. Hall. Dolph Norton, N. G. W. P. Lallerty, Secretary. QUI VIVE ENCAMPMENT. No. 2B, 1. O. O. F., meets first and third Fri days in I. O. O. F. Hall. E. L. Strange, C. P. W. E. Yates. Scribe, ALPHA, No. 34. REBEKAH LODGE, meets the secomi and fourth Mondavs in L O. O. F. Hall. Mrs. H. S. Pernot, N. G. Miss Sadie Dixon, Secretary. MARYS PEAK CAMP. No. 126. W. O. W.. meets secord and Fourth Fridays, in Woodmen Hull. G. W. Fi-.'ler, C. C. J. L. Uaderwcod, Clerk. Hi! .r - air r.;.. i BLyfiia y Always BOUgffl -AYcffctehte PccpRfallaiirorAs Un itie Stomachs &tdJ3owcls of Promote l)igestion.CiKeetfur- mm Opium.Morphine rtor Mineral. Sot N 43 c otic , - - Mx.Smn Aperfecl Remedy f orConslipa noa, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions ,Feverish ness and Loss OF Sleer facsimile Signature of XEW YORK EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. in WBBBBaawQflaaBMi ai n B THE PRIDE OF THE WEST ..HORBIS 8 NEW BIG TMo Great Tented Amusement Enterprise that. Fulfills Every Premise. CIRCUS MENAGERIE Will exhibit in FRIDAY, 2 RINGS ELEVATED STAGE A Multitude of New Features Never Before Presented in America 5 MARVELOUS BELFORDS 5 The World's Greatest Acrobats MELNOTTE, LA NOLE, MELNOTTE Europe's Premier Comedy High Wire Artists 6 GRACFFUL GROTHS 6 Most Remarkable Contortionists Extant 8 8 8 8 8 88 ROYAL OKA JAPANESE TROUPE 8 88 8 8 8 8 TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION Performing Elephants, Camels, Lions, Tigers, Hyenas, Tapirs, Llamas, Kanga roos, Buffaloes, Ostriches, Elk, Deer, Ponies, Goats, and Monkeys. TWENTY-JOLLY JESTING CLOWNS-TWENTY Herbert Rumley's School of Educated Seals Herr Geisler School of Comedy Elephants Quartette of Cake-Walking Horses Enchanting Pony Ballet One Hundred Startling Acts. Royal Roman Hippodrome Million Dollar Menagerie Olympian Standium Mammoth Aerial Enclave A Mighty Universal Natural History GRAND - GOLD - GLITTERING - STREET - PARADE Will Leave the Show Grounds Every Morning at 10130. Adults, 50c. ChilPren, 25c. M Tiekel Admit Yon to EmUiing Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed n effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the loHowing Monday. R vte to or Fkom Corvallis, $3.00 Ca'l na Southern Pacific Co's Acen's for particulars. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have 4 s In Use For Over Thirty Years SHOWS MUSEUM HIPPODROME Cdrvalli on MAY 20. NEW CIRCUS THROUGHOUT 4 FLYING LA VANS 4 The Most Sensational Aerial. Gymnasts 6 GARDNER FAMILY 6 Heroes of the High Horizontal Bars s McDonald brothers 3 The ForemoBt Trick Cyclist 53,053 FAfj 34 473 Imported Elack Percheron Stallion, will make the season of 1904 as follows : Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Farmer's Barn, Corvallis; Thursdays, at McFadden's Farm. Brace ; Friday and Saturdays at Monroe, Oregon. Terms : $15.00 the season ; $20.00 to insure. N T. K. Fawcett, Owner, Corvallis, Oregon Ladies don't buy your spring dress goods and trimmings uitil vou first examine Nolan & Ca'.la h m's select stock. ' I Bears the jt. Signature inn mm mm c O. A. C. Notes. Thos. - With vcnmh ami wif-, of Portland, ar.r visiting th- forim-ra inroiner, ur. n HnyC"UiiM. i r.ey j weW- out to Cauihun. Hill one evening to visit with the Clark boys, who wer acquainted with (Mrs. Withyconibe before her mar . riage. : .1 1 aT T t ! . m - Mr. Hees, who i work'ng up the special county edition of thn Tele gram, visited O. A. C. lat week and made arrangements to phi in one or two columns' of printed mat' ler and a half page of pictures of the buildings and carnpu.--. This college is becoming better known ovr the state and people like to hear and see all they can about it. The class- banner was displayed in chapel one morning last week and' eieh class thinks it is to be their prize. But it will not be known, however, till next Satur- day, for the field meet 'Kas been postponed one week because of the inclement weather It is not 3et known what will happen if next Saturday happens to be inclement, ; too. j The good weather is still pulling ' the,boys out of echool to go home! and work. . Ihere are almost as i many girls in school as there were last tall, but the bovs' side of the chapel which was alwav s crowded last fall now has several vacant seats. The boys living on the third floor in Oauthorn Hall challenged the boys on the second floor to a vame of baseball, which was accepted. The game was pull ed off Saturday afternoon, resulting n favor ei the second noor noys oy a score of 10 to 5. Prof. Johnson has been sick for a week. Miss Carrie Byerlee has been hearing his classes in algebra. Messrs. Barnett and Liugaas were not discouraged over their first trial at climb ing Mary's Peak, so last Friday made an other attempt and were successful in reaching the top. They report about two feet of snow in the open and in the can yons it has piled np until only the tops of the trees are visible. The boys re turned Sunday morning. ( The annual inspection drill will take place next Thursday, an officer from San Francisco, will be the inspecting officer. If the boys do their best toward making a neat appearance, there is no reason why OAO should not be one of the six colleges to receive an appointment in the regular army. V. C. Staats drove down to his home near Airlie Sunday. Saturday evening in the third story of the Administration building, the Utop ians entertained the Amicitians. Follow ing was the program rendered : Instru mental duett. Prof. Tarney. and Mias Kirker; recitation, Miss Pratt; duett, Misses Fuller and Graves; recitation. Miss Wickluod; instrumental solo, Miss Post After numerous guessing games refreshments were served and the merry-, makers reluctantly dispersed. The boys says . the Utopians proved themselves royal entertainers. , Another Pioneer Gone. Alonzo J. Locke, a son of Abram S. Locke, one of the oldest pioneers of Ben ton county, and lately a farmer living on the Joseph Yates place, in Linn county, just across the river, died yesterday after noon, of typhoid fever. Mr. Locke was born'in Benton co;inty, on the old homestead-just north of town. His wife, daugh ter and baby are all ill with the same dis ease. Mr. Locke was at one time county surveyor of Benton county. He was a memberof Corvallis Lodge A. F. & A. M. and the funeral will probably be under the auspices-of that body. He will prob ably be buried in the Locke cemetry on the old homestead, near Mountain View school house. Additional Locals. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor returned Saturday from a three months stay in Davisville California. Mr. Taylor who went in search of health looks much improved and reports the trip as having proved very beneficial. Mr. W. A. Wells who has been absent about four months in Tucson Ariz., re turned yesterday morning. He reports the climate as being very fine for invalids bat it is necessary to stay at least six months to be acclimated. Only three showers fell during his stay, just enough to lay the dust. Otto Merse is moving irom the resi dence on Ninth street to a house just northwest of the Mechanical Hall. There is two acres of ground at that place and Mr. Herse will have abundant room for his fancy poultry. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby gives that the annual election for the- city of Corvallis will be held Monday, the 16th day of May, 1904. for the election of a chief of police, police judge, treasurer, one councilman from the first ward, two councilmen from the second ward, and two conn eil men from the- third ward. Said election will be gin at 9 o'clock, a. m.. and will continue until 6 o'clock p. m. without closing the polls. Tle following has been designated as the polling place: Council Chamber. Citv Hall, situated on the southeast corner of Fourth and Madisen streets, and the fol lowing persons have been appointed to conduct said election: Judges, Caleb 1'avis,' Joseph Yates, . R, H. Colbert; clerks, Robt Johnson and W. Dilly. Given- under my' hand and seal this 28th day of April, 1904. E. P. Greffoz, Police Jndze GENERAL BLACKSffiiTHS, WAGON and HACiiMAiiERS. One doon North Farmers Hotel. - DressEGcods Millinery Shirt Waists Hosiery J- E. HENKLE, Philomath O. J. BLACKLEDGE, Hew liimimre 4 music Store. t cordially invite you to inspect my new stock of goods, m m . Consisting Of m m m Various Musical Instruments Bed Lounges and Couches Bedroom Suites, Iron Bedsteads Maple and Ash Bedsteads Woven Wire Springs Good Line of Mattresses Extension Tables, Center Tables Go-Carts ' Also Sewing Machines, new and second-hand. Second-hand Pianos for sals and for rent. A few stoves and a few pieces of Granitewa-e left. O. J. BLACKLEDGE. SHOE REPAIRING I sm doing first class work cheaper than elsewhere in the Willam ette Va'ley. I use none but the best leather. Ladies half-soles, 60c; Men's half -soles, 75c; Men's half-soles, old Kentucky tan,, heavy Jumbo White Oak, 75c. All repairs in proportion. Your pa tronage solicite U' Mm GLEASON. With Jm W. Ingle- .ft COMMERCIAL UrENEU Saturday; . . . AT THE SAME OLD STAND . . . C. C. Chipman, Proprietor C. A. HYLAND, FREE BUS OCCIDENTAL HOTEL H. M. BRUNK, Prop. Leading hotel in Corvallis. Newly, furnished with modern convenien ces. Rates $1, $1.25 and $2 per day. Q 3 Q 0 Q ADAMS BROS., acLcDffi W ill furnish estimates on anything in the building line. All tinmnf nirfcPt nnd woven fence HATHAWAY BROS., OPPOSITE R. M. WADE'S. SOUTH MAIN ST., CORVALLIS. Carriage Building Hacks for sale Horseshoeing General Blacksmithing - - - - i Benton County Cumber Company MANUFACTURERS OF XAU kinds of Fur Lumber Dealers in Shingles, Mouldings, Doors and Windows. Special at tention given bills in car-load lots. Pftilomatft t t ' V Oregon.. Sideboards. Kitchen Safes Kitchen 1 re snres Dining Chairs, High Chairs Children's Rockers and Many Styles of Rockers Fine Lot Bamboo Furniture just in Window Shades, Curtain Poles New Line of Wall Paper RESTAURANT April 9th PAINTER & PAPERHANGER. Grainirg, Alabaetins work and fine Carriage Painting a specialty. Satisfaction guaran teed. Call or drep him a card lor estimates. FREE 'SAMPLE ROOM to order. South Main St.. Corvallis.